#emc-devel | Logs for 2009-05-23

[01:32:01] <skunkworkskan> hmmm'
[01:36:11] <skunkworkskan> logger_dev: bookmark
[01:36:11] <skunkworkskan> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emcdevel/2009-05-23.txt
[03:35:07] <Guest305> Guest305 is now known as skunkworks_
[04:37:09] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/ (TODO hostmot2.h stepgen.c): fix the hm2 stepgen fix
[04:40:02] <cradek> yay!
[04:40:31] <garage_seb> woot!
[05:00:22] <cradek> it's a weekend
[09:28:11] <micges> logger_dev: bookmark
[09:28:11] <micges> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emcdevel/2009-05-23.txt
[12:02:46] <jepler> hi micges
[12:02:55] <jepler> I am sure you saw that seb has made various fixes to hostmot2
[12:03:05] <jepler> we would appreciate your feedback, if you are able to run it and see how it is working for you now.
[12:07:16] <micges> sure but there is small problem
[12:08:04] <micges> I haven't reproduced error without electronic and machine connected
[12:08:25] <micges> I've asked seb twice how can I reproduce it
[12:08:48] <micges> machine will be working after fest is over :|
[12:10:23] <micges> only test that I've done was connect step signal from mesa to encoder signal from mesa and then count steps generated, there was 3 steps lost after 2 days :|
[12:12:05] <micges> the most strange is THAT machine works 4 days before error shown up on mesa, and its working 7 days correctly after switching to SW stegens
[12:21:14] <micges> oh and test was performed before the most importand info arrives: that after swapping dir normal motion can't be done, stepper motor "slips"
[12:23:15] <jepler> hm
[12:25:41] <micges> wfm I'll call for info that I've promise for you
[12:27:21] <micges> ok additional info:
[12:27:35] <micges> 1. after swapping dir normal motion can't be done, stepper motor "slips"
[12:28:16] <micges> 2. during jog or program run motors works normal but machine is loosing mm
[12:29:44] <jepler> can you show on an oscilloscope or in some other way that the waveform is different when you "swap dir"?
[12:29:47] <micges> 3. swapping dir occurs on both axes
[12:31:01] <jepler> when you say "swapping dir", do you mean whenever you use the inifile "invert", or do you mean after the bug occurs that changes the direction?
[12:31:06] <jepler> (which we still haven't seen, fwiw)
[12:31:25] <micges> bug
[12:31:45] <BigJohnT> micges: is this similar to anything your doing? http://www.linuxcnc.org/component/option,com_kunena/Itemid,20/func,view/catid,10/id,286/lang,en/
[12:34:32] <jepler> and what you think you're seeing is that when you use the "invert_output" param to invert the direction line, eventually the invert is "forgotten", so that for the remainder of that session the direction line behaves as univerted?
[12:35:52] <jepler> if you measured the voltage on the direction line at startup with the machine not moving, it would be +5v or +3.3v (+ve direction); later after the bug if you measure the voltage on the direction line with the machine not moving it would be 0V (-ve direction)?
[12:36:43] <micges> yes that was measured on mesa output
[12:38:39] <jepler> if you just start emc and go to "machine on", will the problem eventually occur? when the problem occurs during use, does it take a long time? have you reproduced it on two PCs or on two different mesa cards?
[12:40:09] <micges> problem occur after 3-4 minutes of jogging or program
[12:41:21] <micges> that eventually ERRORED mesa card was connected to the same another pc and above test was performed
[12:41:49] <jepler> so 2 different PCs, but the same mesa card?
[12:43:27] <micges> mesa from that machine was removed and was put another one then behaviour was the same then config was changed to SW stegens
[12:44:16] <jepler> do you use invert_output for any other output pins on the mesa?
[12:44:17] <micges> mesa from there was bring to lab inserted into the SAME pc (have 10 excactly the same pc's)
[12:47:33] <jepler> later today I will put an invert_output on the step pin of my mill and do at least 10 minutes of running a gcode program
[12:47:40] <jepler> we'll see what happens
[12:47:44] <jepler> bbl
[12:50:03] <micges> BigJohnT: the same is that mesa changes steps paremeters
[12:51:16] <micges> jepler: deep test will be performed on monday, results will show to you all
[12:51:18] <micges> bbl
[12:51:27] <BigJohnT> ok
[13:22:06] <lerman> SWPLinux: Thanks, I may do that. Ken
[14:03:06] <rob__> rob__ is now known as robh
[15:19:22] <jepler> I ran hm2_pci on my 5i20 card for most of an hour and never saw the "axis direction is reversed" problem
[15:20:01] <jepler> svst8_4 using stepgen.02 and invert_output on the direction pin
[15:20:47] <SWPLinux> did seb ever post the config that he used to reproduce the problem?
[15:21:28] <jepler> as far as I know, seb didn't reproduce this problem
[15:22:12] <SWPLinux> hmmm. I thought he said he had
[15:22:31] <garage_seb> i reproduced part of the problem
[15:22:32] <jepler> if I may speak for him, he found a different problem while trying to reproduce the problem reported by micges
[15:22:39] <SWPLinux> ah, ok
[15:22:41] <jepler> oh, darn, he's speaking for himself
[15:22:41] <garage_seb> maybe that's more right
[15:22:45] <SWPLinux> heh
[15:23:16] <SWPLinux> I was thinking about ways to check the PCI clock, but the CPU clock should be off by the same amount
[15:23:19] <SWPLinux> (I think)
[15:46:06] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/stepgen.c:
[15:46:06] <CIA-48> EMC: Fix hm2 stepgen even more. This gets rid of the position overshoot at the
[15:46:06] <CIA-48> EMC: end of a move, and the velocity overshoot at the end of the accel phase.
[16:25:17] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/configs/hm2-stepper/hm2-stepper.hal:
[16:25:17] <CIA-48> EMC: With the outputs in open-drain mode, they reach all the way up to +5V.
[16:25:17] <CIA-48> EMC: Without open-drain mode, they only reach +3.3V, which causes problems
[16:25:17] <CIA-48> EMC: for some kinds of inputs.
[17:12:41] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/docs/man/man9/hostmot2.9: Support hm2 stepgen.maxvel=0 properly
[17:12:52] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/stepgen.c: Support hm2 stepgen.maxvel=0 properly
[17:31:37] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/configs/hm2-stepper/ (9 files):
[17:31:37] <CIA-48> EMC: This removes the explicit stepgen accel headroom and instead uses
[17:31:37] <CIA-48> EMC: maxaccel=0.
[17:31:37] <CIA-48> EMC: Also, comment the gpio.is_opendrain stuff...
[17:45:06] <garage_seb> alex_joni, are you around?
[18:38:26] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/ (TODO hostmot2.h stepgen.c): This adds velocity-mode control (for stepper machines with position feedback).
[19:12:50] <Lerman______> Lerman______ is now known as Lerman
[19:59:32] <CIA-48> EMC: 03cradek 07TRUNK * 10emc2/src/emc/usr_intf/axis/scripts/emctop.py: a consequence of default nml file name
[20:23:25] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07TRUNK * 10emc2/docs/man/man9/hostmot2.9: Describe stepgen velocity control mode better, and note maxaccel default value.
[20:36:58] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07v2_3_branch * 10emc2/configs/hm2-stepper/ (9 files): Merge hm2 stepgen fixes from Trunk
[20:36:58] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07v2_3_branch * 10emc2/docs/man/man9/hostmot2.9: Merge hm2 stepgen fixes from Trunk
[20:37:00] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07v2_3_branch * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/ (TODO hostmot2.h stepgen.c): Merge hm2 stepgen fixes from Trunk
[20:51:03] <CIA-48> EMC: 03seb 07v2_3_branch * 10emc2/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/firmware/5i20/ (SVST2_4_7I47.BIT SVST2_4_7I47.PIN): here are Matt Shaver's firmware files
[20:51:12] <mookie> was i just ddos'd?
[20:52:18] <mookie> i shall ask agin in case that was not rcvd, ............ how can i setup multiple parallel pins for same emc drive output in stepconf wizard?
[20:55:45] <alex_joni> garage_seb: now
[20:56:06] <mookie> ?
[20:58:04] <mookie> oops, only now i realise this is devel