#emc-devel | Logs for 2011-10-06

[00:04:28] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[00:59:07] -!- micges [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
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[03:54:38] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
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[03:59:44] -!- vladimirek [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[04:25:05] -!- Eartaker has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[04:41:49] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
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[04:49:59] -!- psha[work] [psha[work][email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[04:54:31] -!- Eartaker has quit [Quit: OOOOOO Whats that....]
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[05:00:10] -!- theos has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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[05:12:10] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.4_branch * re6fe7859446c 10/lib/python/linux_event.py: teach linux_event.py about new input events
[05:35:06] -!- seb_kuzminsky [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[05:35:41] <seb_kuzminsky> i was hoping matt shaver would be here, i want to ask him about his recent commits on 2.4
[05:35:51] <seb_kuzminsky> anyone know ngcgui differences between 2.4 and 2.5?
[05:37:42] <seb_kuzminsky> there's a commit in 2.4 that seems to be for 2.4 only, and shouldnt go in 2.5
[05:38:18] <seb_kuzminsky> http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=emc2.git;a=commitdiff;h=c93e9d2e37320aff60166799158b9e3dc5dbc7cd
[05:40:42] <seb_kuzminsky> hm, also all the smithy config paths seem wrong :-(
[05:43:30] -!- ewidance has quit [Quit: ewidance]
[05:44:32] <seb_kuzminsky> matt made commit ac1d6da8628663c9e791fa485497874e87dcaac9 in the 2.4 branch, but it contained stuff that belonged just in the 2.5 branch
[05:44:54] <seb_kuzminsky> then he made another commit right after that, also in the 2.4 branch, that removed the 2.5-specific stuff
[05:45:00] <seb_kuzminsky> this makes it a pain to merge
[05:45:05] <seb_kuzminsky> not impossible, just awkward
[05:45:37] <seb_kuzminsky> i'm following araqnid's advice here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727994/git-skipping-specific-commits-when-merging
[05:53:39] <seb_kuzminsky> huh, the "git log -p" output says it did the wrong thing, but "cat" and "git show" of the files shows the right thing...
[05:55:29] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r5b6bf7bfeaf3 10/src/hal/components/thc.comp: try and clear up the description and license.
[05:55:30] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * reddee5cc9498 10/src/emc/kinematics/gantrykins.c: remove a stray eXecute bit
[05:55:31] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r51a8a53d2aab 10/src/emc/usr_intf/emcrsh.cc: emcrsh: avoid segv if client omits passwd with "set enable"
[05:55:32] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r3d5b73ebde4d 10/configs/sim/sim-xyyz.hal: sample configs: remove a stray unused hal file
[05:55:33] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r0bcf519c2023 10/docs/man/man9/gantrykins.9: docs: fix a typo in gantrykins manpage
[05:55:34] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r6a2808ddaa9b 10/docs/man/man9/gantrykins.9: docs: add a note about homing & jogging gantrykins
[05:55:34] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r8553587fc78e 10/configs/sim/ (README gantry.ini gantrysim.hal simulated-gantry-home.hal): configs: add a sim gantry config
[05:55:35] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r86481c8847b9 10/docs/src/hal/pyvcp.lyx: add missing inival to spinbox
[05:55:36] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r28a0e9a34ae2 10/configs/smithy/1034gecko.ini: Add support for old style 1034 mill.
[05:55:37] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * rac1d6da86286 10/configs/smithy/ (16 files): Add ngcgui support to all ini files.
[05:55:42] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r10c304966f58 10/ (24 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'v2.4_branch' (early part) into v2.5_branch
[05:55:42] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * re6fe7859446c 10/lib/python/linux_event.py: teach linux_event.py about new input events
[05:55:42] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * rc93e9d2e3732 10/configs/smithy/ (16 files): Remove unneeded key/value pairs specific to ngcgui in v2.5 from all ini files.
[05:55:42] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r425eb84ea743 10/lib/python/linux_event.py: Merge branch 'v2.4_branch' into v2.5_branch
[05:56:51] <seb_kuzminsky> i hope i didn't just totally break 2.5
[05:57:03] <seb_kuzminsky> gack, the merge is even worse in master
[05:57:03] <psha[work]> seb_kuzminsky: maybe you'll pickup latexmath fixes too?
[05:57:48] <seb_kuzminsky> psha[work], do you think they're ready? if so i'd love to!
[05:58:13] <seb_kuzminsky> did you talk to cradek about it?
[05:58:58] <psha[work]> no, last time i was talking several days ago with you too
[05:59:14] <seb_kuzminsky> i think i was spacing out that time
[05:59:19] <seb_kuzminsky> is your logger working? ;-)
[05:59:20] <psha[work]> i thing they are ready - diff is very simple
[05:59:22] <psha[work]> yes
[05:59:29] <psha[work]> if not mine - mah's is here :)
[05:59:49] <seb_kuzminsky> how do you cause it to disgorge the url to the log?
[06:00:00] <psha[work]> write anything to it
[06:00:06] <psha[work]> logger[mah]: .
[06:00:06] <logger[mah]> psha[work]: Log stored at http://emc.mah.priv.at/irc/%23emc-devel/2011-10-06.html
[06:00:09] <psha[work]> logger[psha]: .
[06:00:10] <seb_kuzminsky> logger[psha], url pls
[06:00:15] <seb_kuzminsky> yay
[06:00:28] <psha[work]> http://psha.org.ru/cgit/psha/emc2.git/commit/?h=asciidoc-latexmath&id=a79bc3d2ca47f895eab9139462ebba50d927a38b
[06:00:29] <seb_kuzminsky> ooh, colors
[06:01:03] <psha[work]> ah, you've got too bright one ;)
[06:01:28] <psha[work]> i've added some fading when most of active people in other channel were nearly white :)
[06:02:33] <psha[work]> that patch add html-latex-images script and some rules
[06:02:38] <psha[work]> that's all what needed
[06:06:37] <seb_kuzminsky> looks like chris wants the html equation fix in v2.5: http://psha.org.ru/irc/%23emc-devel/2011-10-03.html#19:02:43
[06:07:23] <psha[work]> sure he wants :)
[06:08:12] <seb_kuzminsky> what's the git:// url to your repo?
[06:09:36] <psha[work]> git://psha.org.ru/psha/emc2.git
[06:09:45] <seb_kuzminsky> oh i just saw it
[06:09:46] <seb_kuzminsky> thanks
[06:09:50] <psha[work]> http://psha.org.ru/[c]git/ -> git://psha.org.ru/
[06:12:47] * seb_kuzminsky is building...
[06:20:57] <seb_kuzminsky> i think our docs take longer to build than our software
[06:23:26] <seb_kuzminsky> it didnt build
[06:23:46] <seb_kuzminsky> psha[work], what do you think of this:
[06:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> mkdir -p objects/image-cache
[06:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> HTML_LATEX_CACHE=objects/image-cache ../docs/src/html-latex-images ../docs/html/code/Code_Notes.html || \
[06:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> (X=$?; rm ../docs/html/code/Code_Notes.html; exit $X)
[06:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> Traceback (most recent call last):
[06:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> File "../docs/src/html-latex-images", line 6, in <module>
[06:23:49] <seb_kuzminsky> import lxml.etree as ET
[06:23:51] <seb_kuzminsky> ImportError: No module named lxml.etree
[06:23:53] <seb_kuzminsky> make: *** [../docs/html/code/Code_Notes.html] Error 1
[06:23:55] <seb_kuzminsky> make: Leaving directory `/home/seb/emc2.git/src'
[06:25:28] <seb_kuzminsky> dpkg-checkbuilddeps says nothing's missing
[06:26:02] <psha[work]> ah
[06:26:04] <psha[work]> dumb me
[06:26:10] <psha[work]> i thought that lxml is in deps :(
[06:27:42] <seb_kuzminsky> python-lxml?
[06:28:03] <psha[work]> yes
[06:28:20] <psha[work]> doc build is really very long
[06:28:29] <psha[work]> we need something like --enable-docs-lang=...
[06:28:35] <psha[work]> to build only needed languages
[06:28:36] -!- e-ndy [e-ndy!jkastner@nat/redhat/x-vzigoincsjbpkspi] has joined #emc-devel
[06:28:39] <psha[work]> or 'all' to build all
[06:35:38] <seb_kuzminsky> do you build the equation images once and use them for all languages?
[06:36:11] <psha[work]> yes
[06:36:34] <psha[work]> they are stored in cache dir and copied from it when needed
[06:36:54] <psha[work]> even if you have same formula in differend docs it will be reused
[06:37:04] <seb_kuzminsky> cool
[06:37:08] <psha[work]> since file name is md5(equation)
[06:39:06] <seb_kuzminsky> this time the build finished
[06:39:57] <psha[work]> nice
[06:40:17] <psha[work]> i was expecting problems with UCS package for latex but it's installed by dbaltex
[06:40:21] <psha[work]> dblatex
[06:41:57] <seb_kuzminsky> http://highlab.com/~seb/emc2/docs/
[06:42:21] <seb_kuzminsky> http://highlab.com/~seb/emc2/docs/common/Getting_EMC.html section 1 has a bunch of ++++ signs at the bottom
[06:42:59] <psha[work]> http://highlab.com/~seb/emc2/docs/config/ini_config.html#c5079a3c9c992afce004df13b0838784
[06:43:02] <psha[work]> fine
[06:43:39] <seb_kuzminsky> neat!
[06:43:52] <seb_kuzminsky> it got word-wrapped funny, but other than that it looks pretty good
[06:44:12] <psha[work]> heh, there are + signs in source :)
[06:44:35] <psha[work]> don't know where they come from :)
[06:44:37] <seb_kuzminsky> heh
[06:44:45] <seb_kuzminsky> the table at the bottom looks good: http://highlab.com/~seb/emc2/docs/motion/pid_theory.html
[06:45:07] <seb_kuzminsky> the kins equations look good: http://highlab.com/~seb/emc2/docs/motion/kinematics.html
[06:46:30] <seb_kuzminsky> the + gremlins checked them in when we weren't looking
[06:48:37] <psha[work]> then we should wipe them as soon as possible! or we'll get all docs spiced with +'s
[07:11:01] <seb_kuzminsky> wow psha, that's a huge improvement, thank you
[07:11:57] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * ra79bc3d2ca47 10/docs/src/ (4 files): docs: Build .png images for latex equations
[07:11:58] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r08113fdd972e 10/docs/src/ (4 files): Merge remote branch 'psha/asciidoc-latexmath' into v2.5_branch
[07:11:59] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r3936d2a37e72 10/debian/control.in: packaging: add build-dependency on python-lxml
[07:12:13] <seb_kuzminsky> we'll see how it builds in pbuilder
[07:12:16] <seb_kuzminsky> i'll check it in the morning
[07:12:19] <seb_kuzminsky> good night
[07:13:17] <psha[work]> thx
[07:36:22] -!- WalterN has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[07:37:57] <seb_kuzminsky> psha[work], it doesnt build on hardy:
[07:38:22] <seb_kuzminsky> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/hardy-i386-realtime-rip/builds/68/steps/compile/logs/stdio
[07:39:24] <seb_kuzminsky> i'll be back in the morning...
[07:39:28] <psha[work]> seb_kuzminsky: chacking
[07:39:29] <psha[work]> checking
[07:39:30] <psha[work]> ok
[07:44:00] <psha[work]> seb_kuzminsky: catch me when you're up please
[08:17:53] -!- fatpandas has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[15:38:27] <sarariman_seb> psha, did you see that doc build failure on hardy? Hardy's using lxml 1.3, lucid has 2.2 i think, and the tostring() method keyword isn't in 1.3�.
[15:39:04] <psha> aha, i've found it
[15:39:19] <psha> that's why i've asked you to catch me
[15:39:40] <sarariman_seb> great!
[15:39:53] <sarariman_seb> i hadnt read the log yet when i typed that
[15:39:59] <sarariman_seb> thanks for running a logger btw
[15:40:14] <sarariman_seb> very handy for folks like me who are sometimes not around
[15:41:10] -!- A2Sheds has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[15:41:12] <psha> really it's not important what xml framework to use...
[15:41:51] <psha> without that keyword i've got broken <script> tags
[15:42:03] <sarariman_seb> as long as it works on both our supported platforms i guess i don't have an opinion
[15:43:18] <psha> do you have hardy install somewhere around?
[15:43:35] <sarariman_seb> on the buildbot
[15:44:28] <sarariman_seb> do you have a hardy machine you can test on?
[15:51:56] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[16:09:37] -!- GoSebGo [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[16:30:06] <psha> sarariman_seb: i've still not found way to work with HTML in old elementtree
[16:30:09] <psha> investigating..
[16:33:46] <psha> sarariman_seb: found...
[16:37:52] <psha> sarariman_seb: check asciidoc-latexmath branch for fix
[16:42:12] <sarariman_seb> do you have commit access to git.linuxcnc.org?
[16:42:30] -!- emc2-buildmaster [[email protected]] has joined #emc-devel
[16:43:28] <sarariman_seb> psha, try pushing the asciidoc-latexmath branch to the central repo, the buildbot should try to build it and we'll see if it works right
[16:43:39] <psha> i've no push access ;)
[16:43:49] <sarariman_seb> ok i'll do it
[16:43:54] <psha> that's why i'm asking
[16:44:02] <sarariman_seb> sure, makes sense :-)
[16:49:29] <sarariman_seb> ok i pushed the branch to the linuxcnc.org repo
[16:49:44] <psha> nice, let's see how it's going on
[16:49:50] <psha> at leat on new lxml it working fine
[16:49:59] <sarariman_seb> it's building now: http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/waterfall?branch=asciidoc-latexmath
[16:56:05] <psha> cool
[16:59:18] -!- bootnecklad has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[17:13:22] <sarariman_seb> seems to be working
[17:14:04] <psha> nice
[17:14:35] <sarariman_seb> if it makes it all the way through packaging I'll merge it into 2.5
[17:17:09] <sarariman_seb> the rip build worked, and the buildbot failed to do the packaging build because it doesnt understand the branch name, my bad
[17:17:14] <sarariman_seb> ok let's just try it i guess
[17:18:26] -!- nullie has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[17:18:43] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r7eec33fbe442 10/docs/src/html-latex-images: docs: Fix latex math image generator script
[17:18:44] <CIA-83> EMC: 03seb 07v2.5_branch * r242cd8787335 10/docs/src/html-latex-images: Merge remote branch 'psha/asciidoc-latexmath' into v2.5_branch
[17:19:07] <sarariman_seb> emc2-buildmaster, watch checkin
[17:19:08] <emc2-buildmaster> watching build checkin #44 until it finishes [26m55s]..
[17:21:07] -!- andypugh [andypugh!~andy2@cpc2-basl1-0-0-cust1037.basl.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #emc-devel
[17:24:37] <psha> cool
[17:25:03] <sarariman_seb> yeah thanks again for fixing that
[17:29:05] <psha> heh
[17:29:15] <psha> i've forced lyx-asciidoc format switch :)
[17:29:23] <psha> so it's my debt to fix such issues :)
[17:29:33] <sarariman_seb> sure is! :-)
[17:31:41] <sarariman_seb> asciidoc is so much nicer than lyx, it's a huge improvement
[17:31:46] <sarariman_seb> well worth some transitional pain
[17:31:53] <sarariman_seb> especially if it's your pain ;-)
[17:38:29] <psha> :)
[17:41:55] <andypugh> I am a bit woolly on malloc-ing sub-elements of a struct (and even more so on freeing them). Is it OK to malloc an array in a shared level of a struct? Then do I free it by name later? (and, if that struct is a sub element of an array of structs, which is in turn an element of an array of structs, do I need to iterate through all instances and free individually?)
[17:42:29] <sarariman_seb> andypugh: yes, yes, and yes
[17:42:43] <andypugh> I am clearly doing something wrong at the moment, as the PC dumps out to the command line during emc2 cleanup...
[17:43:15] <andypugh> No "inheritence" of freeing?
[17:43:26] <sarariman_seb> each call to malloc needs one call to free
[17:43:36] <sarariman_seb> otherwise you leak memory
[17:43:50] <archivist> valgrind is a tool for memory checking
[17:43:58] <andypugh> I think I am doing worse than that. I suspect I am freeing something that has been moved.
[17:44:27] <sarariman_seb> you are very naughty
[17:44:42] <andypugh> No, I am slightly careless and very confused.
[17:45:16] <andypugh> (I am actually struggling for sensible names for the struct typedefs, which isn't helping the confusion)
[17:45:31] <sarariman_seb> good names are important
[17:46:01] <andypugh> The new Mesa cards have a null-terminated list of lists of pins with null-terminated HAL pin names...
[17:46:17] <sarariman_seb> that seems sensible
[17:46:26] <emc2-buildmaster> Hey! build checkin #44 is complete: Success [build successful]
[17:46:26] <emc2-buildmaster> Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/checkin/builds/44
[17:46:53] <sarariman_seb> great, that means it made it through rip build & test, and source packaging
[17:46:58] <sarariman_seb> it's doing binary packaging now
[17:47:10] <sarariman_seb> so the docs are building again, thanks to psha
[17:47:17] <andypugh> Oh, it's sensible, but does mean that I am messing about with an array of null pointers which will be cast to hal pin types.
[17:48:03] <sarariman_seb> emc2-buildmaster, notify on finished
[17:48:03] <emc2-buildmaster> The following events are being notified: ['finished']
[17:55:37] <sarariman_seb> do not violate the second commandment, young padwan
[17:55:41] <sarariman_seb> http://home.datacomm.ch/t_wolf/tw/c/ten_commandments.html
[17:57:23] -!- dgarr has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[18:23:13] <emc2-buildmaster> build #447 of deb-hardy-sim-binary-amd64 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-hardy-sim-binary-amd64/builds/447
[18:25:03] <emc2-buildmaster> build #896 of deb-hardy-sim-binary-i386 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-hardy-sim-binary-i386/builds/896
[18:25:47] <skunkworks> those links are dead
[18:27:07] <emc2-buildmaster> build #893 of deb-hardy-rt-binary-i386 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-hardy-rt-binary-i386/builds/893
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[18:31:54] <emc2-buildmaster> build #446 of deb-hardy-rt-binary-amd64 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-hardy-rt-binary-amd64/builds/446
[18:32:04] <emc2-buildmaster> build #578 of deb-lucid-sim-binary-i386 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-lucid-sim-binary-i386/builds/578
[18:35:12] <emc2-buildmaster> build #561 of deb-lucid-rt-binary-i386 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-lucid-rt-binary-i386/builds/561
[18:35:54] <emc2-buildmaster> build #575 of deb-lucid-sim-binary-amd64 is complete: Warnings [warnings shell_4 shell_5] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/builders/deb-lucid-sim-binary-amd64/builds/575
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[18:59:07] <sarariman_seb> skunkworks, so they are� oh, they're missing "buildbot/" at the beginning of the path
[18:59:16] <sarariman_seb> emc2-buildmaster, notify off
[18:59:16] <emc2-buildmaster> The following events are being notified: []
[18:59:25] <sarariman_seb> the build worked. yay, html docs in 2.5!
[19:00:19] -!- pjm has quit [Quit: TTFO]
[19:05:17] -!- emc2-buildmaster has quit [Quit: buildmaster reconfigured: bot disconnecting]
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[19:05:56] <sarariman_seb> emc2-buildmaster, notify on finished
[19:05:56] <emc2-buildmaster> The following events are being notified: ['finished']
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[19:09:53] <skunkworks> awesome!
[19:16:55] <andypugh> Rather than have a **void to be malloced to an array of void pointers to HAL pins, would it be better to have 4 uninitialised arrays, one for each hal_pin_t and to only malloc and use the type that I want?
[19:17:03] <emc2-buildmaster> build #283 of lucid-rtai-i386-clang is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbotbuilders/lucid-rtai-i386-clang/builds/283
[19:17:39] <sarariman_seb> oops, now i forgot the trailing slash...
[19:18:05] <emc2-buildmaster> build #325 of lucid-amd64-sim-clang is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbotbuilders/lucid-amd64-sim-clang/builds/325
[19:18:15] <andypugh> Points at question above and looks at seb..
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[19:19:24] <sarariman_seb> depends on the surrounding code, probably, but without knowing anything about what you're doing i'd say have a "hal_pin_t *pins = NULL;", "hal_params_t *params = NULL;", etc, and initialize each one to as many pins/params/etc as you need
[19:21:50] <andypugh> OK. I was getting a bit nervous of keeping track of the types of the void pointers.
[19:22:55] <sarariman_seb> heh
[19:23:17] <andypugh> I have never used them before, and this doesn't seem like the place in the code to learn.
[19:23:38] <andypugh> In VBA it would be trivial, a Collection of Variants would work a treat.
[19:23:45] <sarariman_seb> VBA?
[19:24:15] <sarariman_seb> Visual BAsic? :-P
[19:24:44] <sarariman_seb> emc2-buildmaster, notify off
[19:24:45] <emc2-buildmaster> The following events are being notified: []
[19:25:21] <andypugh> Visual Basic for Applications. Embedded in the Office Apps. (And actually not at all a bad language and IDE, and a great place to learn OOP as you have no choice)
[19:27:42] <sarariman_seb> cool
[19:29:48] <andypugh> You get used to things like Application.Worksheets("Sheet1").ImportXML(filename) which is pretty much archetypical OO, as I understand the term.
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[19:32:44] <andypugh> I realise that praising Microsoft is a wierd thing to be doing, and I will try to avoid doing it again.
[19:34:27] <skunkworks> andypugh: don't feel bad.. MsAccess is my go-to application for quick program dev
[19:35:26] <skunkworks> I also use it for solving riddles.. (cheating) ;)
[19:35:35] <andypugh> I think I have mentioned before my 16,000 line Excelmacro with a 100 page manual. You need to be careful with those "quick programs", sometimes they turn out useful and grow like Topsy.
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[21:29:49] <andypugh> I seem to have broken my record for crash severity. This one even wipes dmesg before locking the PC.
[21:29:50] <andypugh> http://pastebin.com/wQ5sTCwF
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