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[15:49:30] <mhaberler> JT-Shop: mail me the file. for some reason fails with 500 Internal server error when you do this: wget
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[16:00:28] <JT-Shop> ok
[16:24:48] <mhaberler> JT-Shop: you mean the label texts should change depending on gs2-status1?
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[16:49:58] <jthornton> mhaberler: yes, and they do that just fine but the background changed to green for status page next to last one
[16:50:54] <mhaberler> you mean the background of the whole tab, not just the label?
[16:51:53] <jthornton> just the one label, second tab, second from bottom
[16:52:51] <mhaberler> Drive Status =...?
[16:53:01] <jthornton> yes
[16:53:24] <jthornton> it turns the same color as the fwd rev label on tab one
[16:54:12] <mhaberler> why use a gtklabel - use HAL_Label and you get the hal pin for free?
[16:54:29] <jthornton> cause I don't know any better
[16:54:35] <mhaberler> oh, ok
[16:55:01] <mhaberler> so you want a label which can have its bg color changed?
[16:55:21] <mhaberler> in that place, thats why theres and eventbox,right?
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[16:56:29] <jthornton> the bg color is fine for the label on tab 1 but for some reason I've caused the label on the second tab to also turn colors which I don't really want
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[16:57:05] <jthornton> I assumed I needed an event box for it too
[17:05:24] <mhaberler> the label on the second tab changes colors when which event happens?
[17:06:16] <mhaberler> you need this eventbox-parent thing only when you want to change colors of windowless children
[17:06:30] <jthornton> ok, that must be the problem
[17:06:35] <jthornton> thanks for looking at it
[17:08:04] <mhaberler> ok, this is the issue: you set self.eventbox from the eventbox2 in tab2 which contains the faulty lable
[17:09:48] <mhaberler> then in _on_status_change, which refers to the label on tab1, you set self.eventbox.modify_bg(..
[17:10:40] <mhaberler> nb: the leading underscore in an event handler (_on_status_change) just causes it to be 'internal', that is, you cant link it to a widget signal
[17:10:52] <mhaberler> maybe thats the cause of the confusion
[17:11:43] <mhaberler> you could do all this without the hal_glib.GPin() and …connec(…value-change thing) - you accidentially hit the advanced example:)
[17:12:06] <mhaberler> I'll clean it up and mail it
[17:12:34] <jthornton> thanks
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[18:14:21] <mhaberler> jthornton: since you bugged me, I found much simple method of doing colored labels - it was way too complicated
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[18:59:40] <JT-Shop> mhaberler: I'm back in the shop now
[19:01:10] <mhaberler> ok, I'm still working on it - I'm learning about glade and gtk.. will get back later
[19:01:34] <mhaberler> this will mean a manual update..
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[19:02:44] <JT-Shop> ok, thanks
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[19:15:11] <mhaberler> actually a code change. This whole thing can be colored at will through a 'gtkrc' file, which I'm exploring
[19:15:17] <mhaberler> prelight and all
[19:15:41] <mhaberler> gladevcp needs to read that rc file, and set widget styles, thats all
[19:15:42] <JT-Shop> cool
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[20:48:22] <GoSebGo> Matt's crazy
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[20:55:11] <cradek> well it doesn't matter, since it doesn't work that way
[20:55:38] <cradek> "oh wait, my friend says you should sue him instead"?
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