#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2012-02-13

[00:04:07] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[00:51:34] <jepler> andypugh: if you're about to go poof, make sure the details are written down somewhere, like in a -developers list message or an sf tracker item
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[08:17:10] -!- psha[work] [psha[work][email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[08:17:32] <psha[work]> mhaberler: http://psha.org.ru/irc/%23linuxcnc/today.html#04:52:09
[08:17:46] <psha[work]> probably we should have something for chaning params from gladevcp?
[08:18:36] <mhaberler> I told you so long time ahead;)
[08:18:54] <mhaberler> MDI command - '#1 = expr'
[08:19:17] <psha[work]> i'm too shortminded :)
[08:19:33] <mhaberler> I dont understand the question though
[08:19:52] <mhaberler> hal param to signal?
[08:20:05] <mhaberler> param of a component?
[08:20:43] <psha[work]> signal to param
[08:21:19] <mhaberler> param are a component *startup* property, not a runtime property
[08:21:34] <mhaberler> pin - no problem
[08:22:25] <mhaberler> param to pin - rewrite comp to use pin instead of param
[08:22:38] <mhaberler> at least that's the way how I understand it
[08:22:57] <mhaberler> surely you can fudge it in a HAL_Param widget
[08:23:58] <psha[work]> i've suspected that :)
[08:24:11] <psha[work]> that something is not that simple
[08:24:58] <mhaberler> need to check though
[08:27:11] <mhaberler> psha: here's one minor gladevcp addendum for review - SIGTERM/SIGINT handler: http://git.mah.priv.at/gitweb/emc2-dev.git/shortlog/refs/heads/gladevcp-touchups
[08:27:33] <mhaberler> makes sure persisten state is saved even on Ctrl-C etc
[08:30:32] <psha[work]> looks reasonable
[08:38:58] -!- rob_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[10:44:23] <mhaberler> psha: they used an interesting gui idiom: buttons with builtin led feedback: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/uploads/Glade-Panel.png
[10:44:57] <mhaberler> a lot better than separate led in terms of screen estate
[10:45:22] <mhaberler> hm, maybe that can be made into a canned widget
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[12:12:12] -!- erasmo [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[12:26:37] -!- cncbasher [cncbasher!~quassel@cpc15-hart9-2-0-cust101.11-3.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[13:01:44] -!- psha[work] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[13:24:03] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[13:35:19] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * raf2032ad741f 10/docs/src/gcode/ (16 files): Docs: spellos
[13:35:23] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * r5c6114706baa 10/docs/src/gcode/ (gcode.txt gcode_de.txt gcode_es.txt gcode_pl.txt): Docs: typo
[14:08:22] <JT-Shop> in Axis has it always been only the lowercase keys that work for keyboard shortcuts or is the help screen is wrong?
[14:11:53] <jepler> it's always been the lowercase keys
[14:12:17] <jepler> uppercase letters are shown because (A) they're usually easier to discriminate in a given font and (B) the uppercase letter is actually what's shown on the keycap
[14:12:33] <jepler> when shift is requried to activate a function, it is denoted (e.g., Shift-I, Shift-Home)
[14:18:05] H264 is now known as WalterN
[14:19:32] <JT-Shop> thanks I was just wondering about that
[14:21:03] <erasmo> Hi
[14:21:53] <cradek> JT-Shop: you've said 'ifelse' where it should be 'elseif'
[14:22:23] <jepler> in principle I could make each shifted letter work like the unshifted letter, but that means that the shifted letter couldn't be used for another purpose later.
[14:22:40] <cradek> i/I are already different
[14:22:44] <jepler> if the uppercase letters are causing problems, then it's fine with me to change the quick reference page
[14:23:09] <jepler> cradek: yep
[14:23:26] <erasmo> I am trying to write hal module to communicate with outside world using TCP client/server so hal pins will be seen by others emc2/HAL machine like master/slave communication
[14:24:03] <erasmo> I cant do that by writing realtime HAL module using comp
[14:24:06] <jepler> a hal userspace component can freely use socket APIs but it cannot provide any realtime guarantees.
[14:24:14] <cradek> if you don't need realtime, that sounds quite possible
[14:24:24] <cradek> yeah what he says
[14:24:56] <erasmo> ill try to do it without realtime
[14:30:06] <erasmo> how can I do it in realtime using comp? when I try to add in comp file line like #include <sys/types.h> I get:
[14:30:10] <erasmo> hal/drivers/atmega8_server.comp:30:24: error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
[14:30:47] <erasmo> is there any way to include those files?
[14:36:57] -!- mk0 has quit [Quit: поздравляю всех с кредитом. халява продолжается.]
[14:43:14] <erasmo> thanks for help :) I'll try to do it in userspace
[14:52:08] -!- x__ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[14:52:37] x__ is now known as micges
[14:56:06] <JT-Shop> cradek: yep got a bit dyslexic I guess
[14:56:33] <JT-Shop> the quick reference page is a bit confusing if you assume the B and b are the same
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[15:24:22] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07v2.5_branch * r3070de2712e9 10/ (docs/man/man1/gladevcp.1 src/hal/user_comps/gladevcp.py): gladevcp/gtkrc: reorder GTK bug workaround handling, make it default
[15:24:23] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07v2.5_branch * r2f39c1750d01 10/src/hal/user_comps/gladevcp.py: gladevcp: add optional callbacks for SIGINT and SIGTERM
[15:24:25] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07v2.5_branch * rfce850ee430c 10/docs/src/gui/gladevcp.txt: docs/gladevcp: document on_unix_signal, saving state on shutdown
[15:24:25] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07v2.5_branch * r3cb977deaff1 10/docs/src/gui/gladevcp.txt: docs/gladevcp: formatting fixes
[15:24:27] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07v2.5_branch * re606f9f8372a 10/configs/gladevcp/complex/ (complex.py complex.ui): gladevcp/examples: show usage of on_unix_signal
[15:25:36] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * r38b06309b816 10/docs/src/gcode/ (o-code.txt o-code_de.txt o-code_es.txt o-code_pl.txt): Docs: typo
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[15:36:48] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07master * rfc3107c4648c 10/ (59 files in 12 dirs): Merge branch 'v2.5_branch'
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[15:44:17] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * r78e0d96ab1ec 10/docs/src/common/Updating_EMC_es.txt: spanish docs
[15:44:18] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * r2c013b71eebf 10/docs/src/index_es.tmpl: Docs: translate title
[15:44:20] <CIA-6> 03jthornton 07v2.5_branch * rdadbe6455016 10/docs/src/common/Updating_EMC_es.txt: Docs: fix whitespace errors
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[15:48:06] <jthornton> YEA! another chapter translated by Oscar to Spanish
[15:58:43] <jepler> yay thanks Oscar, whereever you are
[16:15:10] <JT-Shop> he is in the same time zone as us but well south of us somewhere in South America I think
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[16:42:07] <alex_joni> cool
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[18:36:51] <CIA-6> 03mhaberler 07master * r73dcf03ed130 10/src/emc/rs274ngc/ (interp_internal.hh interp_o_word.cc): Revert "interp: firm up O-word handling"
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[22:24:28] <andypugh> jepler: & (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull >> (64 - conf->DataLength)) strikes me as ugly....
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[22:36:32] <jepler> I thought DataLength only went up to 32 bits
[22:37:40] <andypugh> Conceivably 96 bits, but that was too difficult so I asked PCW to split them.
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[22:39:26] <andypugh> The data is transferred as 3 x 32 bit buffers, but the data is freely split/spanned between them. 96 individual bits is possible, as is 6 bits, then a signed32, then some more bits...
[22:40:40] <andypugh> No floats, fotunately.
[22:43:45] <andypugh> Just checking mail. ~0ull might be neater..
[22:45:11] <andypugh> (It's some very "shifty" programming :-)
[22:49:43] -!- isssy has quit [Quit: Bye Bye]
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