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[00:17:17] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03git 05v2.5_branch ffb83ee 06emc2 10src/emc/usr_intf/gremlin/
[00:17:17] <KGB-linuxcnc> gremlin: added error reporting for errors on bad gcode program load. duplicates similar code in, but sends errors to stderr via a subclassable method. psha to add handler in gladevcp gremlin widget to support.
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[01:17:04] <kwallace> I looks like Gremlin insists that min_limit is always less than max_limit, but I need to reverse these limits for a back tool lathe. Any hints?
[01:17:32] <kwallace> It looks...
[01:23:45] <kwallace> hmm... It looks like the green X axis symbol is pointing the wrong way too.
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[03:33:48] <jepler> kwallace: I don't think that the problems resulting from setting a min_limit greater than max_limit will stop at the user interface. In particular, I think that realtime will always report that a joint is beyond its soft limit when you do this
[03:35:06] <jepler> it's also not entirely clear what you think you'd get from doing that
[04:04:00] <kwallace> Yes I get the beyond limit error for some .ini settings. The path works properly and the machine stops at the proper limits. The problem is that the border is mirrored. My North limit is 4.6", the South is -.2, but the North border is at .2 and North at 4.6. My X goes positive on the North side of the spindle.
[04:04:53] <kwallace> Oops South border at -4.6.
[04:06:41] <kwallace> The green X axis arrow is also pointing South, but I think for my setup it should point North.
[04:11:59] <kwallace> I'm testing on my HNC but this is the target lathe:
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[04:34:06] <cradek> for a lathe that has both front and back tools, I suspect you'll currently have to program negative X coordinates for the back tools. Since joint limits are travels in the unoffset coordinate system, they don't change
[04:34:36] <cradek> like jepler says, it's not a gui issue, or at very least not ONLY a gui issue
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[04:41:18] <cradek> if you have ONLY back tools, you want to make moving "back" positive X, and the max_limit is the backmost position
[04:41:57] <cradek> then your preview is going to look mirrored, but that's only a preview issue
[04:45:08] <cradek> AXIS (more or less) lets you flip the display for a back-tool-only lathe:
[04:48:11] <kwallace> I'm looking at the link.
[04:49:12] <kwallace> AXIS is in Tkl and Gremlin is in GDK?
[04:50:04] <cradek> AXIS is an amalgamation of many things, including at least tcl, tk, python, and C++
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[04:56:28] <kwallace> I ran the tool around the border here:
[04:57:10] <kwallace> Or rather, around the limit. You can see the border doesn't match.
[04:58:29] <cradek> I guess I have no idea how you got to where you see that. did you see what I said above?
[04:59:40] <cradek> what are you working on? are you trying to fix this gui, or set up the machine travels, or implement front/back tool switching?
[05:06:37] <kwallace> I changed my HNC to have +X on the far side of the spindle, which is what the target lathe will have. The tool moves and limits properly on the lathe and in Gremlin. The problem is that the limit border is mirrored and the x arrow points the wrong way.
[05:07:30] <cradek> how did you change it?
[05:07:58] <cradek> I'd expect the cone? to move downward when you move in +X (back)
[05:08:12] <cradek> I do not see how you could get mirroring at this level
[05:08:31] <kwallace> I switched the encoder scale.
[05:09:19] <cradek> when you move back, which way does the cone move on the screen?
[05:09:48] <kwallace> No we have +X and the tool cone going to the back of the machine.
[05:10:34] <cradek> +X is down on the screen, unless you changed it. what did you change? it must be more than the encoder scale.
[05:12:34] <kwallace> I played with the output_scale but I'm not sure if it changed from the original setting.
[05:15:22] <kwallace> Oops I know, I'm using a custom Gremlin. I need to talk to the author.
[05:17:32] <kwallace> I guess I got my answer. There are no settings to configure Gremlin, just tweak the code. I can move on now.
[05:18:24] <cradek> you think you'll have only back tools?
[05:19:23] <kwallace> Yes, the tool changer is on the back and they will be running the tools upside down.
[05:19:41] <cradek> oh I thought this was gang only. must have been an old video I saw.
[05:22:43] <kwallace>
[05:23:43] <cradek> ah ok
[05:23:45] <cradek> back-only is easy
[05:24:07] <cradek> will it come with the theme music?
[05:25:32] <kwallace> It's not the fastest lathe in the world the video is still running.
[05:25:46] <cradek> yep still going...
[05:25:59] <cradek> they trimmed the drill cycle
[05:26:07] <cradek> that's a fast reversal on the tap
[05:27:41] <kwallace> Did you see the workpiece puller?
[05:27:52] <cradek> yep, just now
[05:30:28] <kwallace> I haven't seen anything resembling a cover around there. I kind of like my Jetson's HNC cover.
[05:30:37] <cradek> > How's the tapping work? It didn't appear to have any tension/compression in the toolholder. How about threading?
[05:30:46] <cradek> haha
[05:31:14] <cradek> someday I'll be rich for writing that threading and tapping stuff ... oh wait
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[05:34:34] <kwallace> I didn't see the threading or tapping when I was there. We mostly talked about the mill. The push for the lathe came later. I did see a collet closer which will be just like the HNC closer.
[05:35:04] <cradek> (the > was an early comment on the video)
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[05:35:13] <cradek> is it 5c?
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[05:36:47] <cradek> gotta run, goodnight
[05:37:36] <kwallace> Shucks, they had a chuck on it. Good night Thanks for getting me straightened out.
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[07:25:19] <BenJackson> if things aren't laying flat the way I want in slic3r can I flip them?
[07:25:55] <BenJackson> wrong window!
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