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[00:58:27] <zultron> cradek, you happen to have access to Seb's buildbots? I've got a test that's hung, but still producing output so it won't be automatically killed. Looks like it needs manual intervention.
[00:58:49] * zultron just had to pick the day after seb_kuzminsky goes on vacation....
[01:08:36] shocky is now known as Guest87008
[01:22:43] -!- c-bob| has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:29:51] <zultron> linuxcnc-build: help stop
[01:29:51] <linuxcnc-build> Usage: stop build <which> <reason> - Stop a running build
[01:30:09] <zultron> linuxcnc-build: stop 461
[01:30:09] <linuxcnc-build> try 'stop build WHICH <REASON>'
[01:30:38] <zultron> linuxcnc-build: stop build 461 Stuck runtest
[01:30:38] <linuxcnc-build> no such builder '461'
[01:31:11] <zultron> plinuxcnc-build: stop build recise-i386-realtime-rip Stuck runtest
[01:31:19] <zultron> Grr
[01:31:25] <zultron> linuxcnc-build: stop build recise-i386-realtime-rip Stuck runtest
[01:31:25] <linuxcnc-build> no such builder 'recise-i386-realtime-rip'
[01:31:44] <zultron> linuxcnc-build: stop build precise-i386-realtime-rip Stuck runtest
[01:31:44] <linuxcnc-build> build 461 interrupted
[01:31:45] <linuxcnc-build> build #1257 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:32:39] <zultron> Ah ha!
[01:34:56] <skunkworks> yay :)
[01:35:04] <skunkworks> Hi zultron
[01:35:11] <skunkworks> (john)
[01:36:44] <skunkworks>
[01:37:10] <skunkworks> zultron: did you look at the sim link issue with the xenomi install?
[01:37:41] <zultron> Hi skunkworks! I'll have to look in 45 mins or so, my boy's going to bed. :)
[01:38:03] <skunkworks> I have not gotten back to testing the 7i80...
[01:39:03] <skunkworks> I wanted to try some other motherboards. others seem to be having good luck with the rtnet setup
[01:39:06] <linuxcnc-build> build #1260 of hardy-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:39:20] <linuxcnc-build> build #1264 of hardy-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:40:15] <linuxcnc-build> build #1262 of hardy-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
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[01:43:50] -!- tjb1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:46:20] <linuxcnc-build> build #1261 of precise-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:46:36] <linuxcnc-build> build #360 of precise-x86-rtpreempt-rip is complete: Failure [4failed apt-get-update compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:46:51] <linuxcnc-build> build #1263 of precise-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:47:09] <linuxcnc-build> build #344 of precise-amd64-rtpreempt-rip is complete: Failure [4failed apt-get-update compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:47:53] <linuxcnc-build> build #1260 of lucid-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:48:49] <linuxcnc-build> build #1263 of lucid-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:49:12] <linuxcnc-build> build #462 of precise-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:49:50] <linuxcnc-build> build #344 of precise-amd64-xenomai-rip is complete: Failure [4failed apt-get-update compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:50:03] <linuxcnc-build> build #1263 of lucid-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:51:43] <linuxcnc-build> build #370 of precise-x86-xenomai-rip is complete: Failure [4failed apt-get-update compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[01:51:43] <linuxcnc-build> build #1258 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
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[02:18:03] <zultron> Hi skunkworks, that link to the mach yahoo discussion is terrible.
[02:18:23] <zultron> And so is my embarrassing mistake with these builds. :(
[02:18:58] <zultron> I found that the link *is* in the main kernel package.
[02:21:43] <zultron> Nope, wrong:
[02:21:44] <zultron> john@mah2:~$ dpkg -S /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/build
[02:21:45] <zultron> linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64: /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/build
[02:22:39] <zultron> I'll have to boot my Ubuntu install to check for sure.
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[02:45:46] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug 7fb937b 06linuxcnc 10scripts/ * exit anywait() after 10 seconds and kill msgd if still running
[02:45:46] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug f46de7a 06linuxcnc 10scripts/ * FIXME temporary debug hacks for a one-time builbot debug run
[02:53:28] <linuxcnc-build> build #1265 of hardy-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[02:53:55] <linuxcnc-build> build #1261 of hardy-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[02:54:05] <linuxcnc-build> build #1263 of hardy-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[02:55:44] <zultron> Dang, when buildbot calls me a dummy, I know I've hit a new low. :(
[03:07:23] <skunkworks> heh
[03:10:50] <linuxcnc-build> build #463 of precise-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed compile runtests] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[03:14:19] <linuxcnc-build> build #1259 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[03:14:45] <zultron> linuxcnc-build, help commands
[03:14:45] <linuxcnc-build> Usage: commands - List available commands
[03:14:56] <zultron> linuxcnc-build, commands
[03:14:56] <linuxcnc-build> buildbot commands: commands, dance, destroy, force, hello, help, last, list, mute, notify, source, status, stop, unmute, version, watch
[03:15:05] <zultron> linuxcnc-build, help force
[03:15:05] <linuxcnc-build> Usage: force build [--branch=branch] [--revision=revision] [--props=prop1=val1,prop2=val2...] <which> <reason> - Force a build
[03:15:58] <zultron> linuxcnc-build, force build --branch=ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug precise-i386-realtime-rip Retry after old msgd is cleaned up
[03:15:59] <linuxcnc-build> build #464 forced
[03:15:59] <linuxcnc-build> I'll give a shout when the build finishes
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[03:33:10] <linuxcnc-build> Hey! build precise-i386-realtime-rip #464 is complete: Warnings [8warnings compile]
[03:33:10] <linuxcnc-build> Build details are at
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[04:02:58] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug 8b655d2 06linuxcnc 10scripts/ * exit anywait() after 10 seconds and kill msgd if still running
[04:02:58] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug 7602e2a 06linuxcnc 10src/ * FIXME temporary debug hacks for a one-time builbot debug run
[04:05:41] -!- jfire has quit [Client Quit]
[04:10:44] <linuxcnc-build> build #1262 of hardy-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:10:52] <linuxcnc-build> build #1266 of hardy-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:11:25] <linuxcnc-build> build #1264 of hardy-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:22:40] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[04:30:39] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05unified-build-candidate-1 c6b87ee 06linuxcnc 10tests/ 10.gitignore 10hm2-idrom/ * hm2-idrom test: dump error logs to stdout on failure
[04:30:40] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03john 05unified-build-candidate-1 8b655d2 06linuxcnc 10scripts/ * exit anywait() after 10 seconds and kill msgd if still running
[04:31:44] <linuxcnc-build> build #1260 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: dummy, John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:34:05] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03TODO: deletor 05ubc1-precise-rtai-bb-hm2-debug 7602e2a 06linuxcnc 04. * branch deleted
[04:39:08] <linuxcnc-build> build #1267 of hardy-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:39:31] <linuxcnc-build> build #1263 of hardy-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: John Morris <
[email protected]>
[04:40:10] <linuxcnc-build> build #1265 of hardy-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: John Morris <
[email protected]>
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[05:31:13] <linuxcnc-build> build #1261 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: John Morris <
[email protected]>
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[08:51:35] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03git 05unified-build-candidate-1 8700564 06linuxcnc 10src/rtapi/shmdrv/mutexwatch.c * examples/rtapi/shmdrv/mutexwatch: fix compilation nit
[08:59:13] <linuxcnc-build> build #1264 of hardy-i386-realtime-rip is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <
[email protected]>
[08:59:22] <linuxcnc-build> build #1266 of hardy-i386-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <
[email protected]>
[08:59:33] <linuxcnc-build> build #1268 of hardy-amd64-sim is complete: Failure [4failed install-missing-build-dependencies] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <
[email protected]>
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[09:53:15] <linuxcnc-build> build #1262 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at blamelist: Michael Haberler <
[email protected]>
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[14:08:35] <cradek> argh, the wiki's been vandalized
[14:08:40] <cradek> trying to clean it up now
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[14:25:15] <cradek> ok, I restored it from a few hours ago and banned his netblock (better than reverting all the pages by hand, especially because his spam links aren't in the history.)
[14:30:37] <skunkworks> yeck
[14:31:26] <cradek> he was still actively spamming pages when I locked him out and restored it. maybe it'll be disheartening enough that he'll go do his shit elsewhere.
[14:31:48] <skunkworks> I think I was very dipomatic..
[14:31:49] <skunkworks>
[14:33:51] <cradek> haha, he spent 3 hours spamming those pages
[14:34:12] <cradek> clicking on things on his mac
[14:34:20] <cradek> he's probably too stupid to script it
[14:47:28] <skunkworks> wow
[14:47:54] <skunkworks> what location was the ip bock?
[14:49:39] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:51:10] <cradek> he was coming from
[14:51:25] <cradek> M1 Net, Singapore
[14:52:43] <cradek> hm, they have an abuse address in their whois
[14:52:49] <cradek> I'll drop 'em a note.
[14:53:21] <archivist> skunkworks++
[14:53:46] <skunkworks> archivist, ?
[14:53:59] <archivist> that post
[14:55:21] <skunkworks> ah - thanks
[14:55:50] <archivist> as it was me egging you on yesterday :)
[14:56:08] <skunkworks> heh - I don't think I needed egging.
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[15:00:56] <cradek> hmm, I would normally cc the emc-board list with this note to the abuse address at that isp about the vandalism. in our brave new world of rule by committee, what is the appropriate action?
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[15:01:37] <cradek> if I send it to emc-developers it'll broadcast his spammy URLs to a bunch of archives
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[15:01:53] <cradek> maybe I should just send it privately
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[15:03:10] <archivist> does anyone need to know the actual url/ip
[15:05:39] <cradek> I'm certainly sending that information to them. I'd want to get it with an abuse report.
[15:06:02] <cradek> they may be able to shut down a lot of his evil stuff if they know the links
[15:06:26] <archivist> or is it better that it goes to one of the blacklisting sites that supply the auto blockers on sites
[15:06:31] -!- mrsun has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[15:06:56] <cradek> I'm only familiar with email-spam systems like that
[15:07:05] <cradek> DNSBLs
[15:08:03] <archivist> I know there is one for wordpress, but I went to no unmoderated stuff rather than an automated thing
[15:08:31] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:09:58] <cradek> usemod lets you block IP addresses by regexp, not netblock notation :-/
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[15:17:37] <cradek> I think he was going through the pages (manually!) in alphabetical order
[15:17:43] <cradek> it would have taken days
[15:18:34] <skunkworks> maybe he gets paid for every link he puts in...
[15:18:39] <cradek> I love having hourly backups/snapshots
[15:18:59] <cradek> I picked the hour before he started and restored the whole wiki with an rsync
[15:19:07] <skunkworks> neat!
[15:19:15] <skunkworks> are you using zfs?
[15:19:20] <cradek> yes
[15:19:23] <skunkworks> neat
[15:22:50] <cradek> we'll see if I get a response from
[15:23:50] <cradek> noticed that his edits are gone :-)
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