#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2013-11-16

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[01:04:04] -!- Felix29 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[11:05:04] <norbert> Halo, I have written some new custom glade widgets, I would like to share. Now as I have tested them and find them usefull, I would like to implement also the documentation to linuxcnc-dev(docs/src/gui/gladevcp.txt. I just copied one section and modified it to my needs. Now my two questions: Is it possible to "compile just the one file to see how it looks later in HTML? and as I do not understand very good the formating code used in tha
[11:05:04] <norbert> t file, where can I find documentation to that? I hope that my questions are not to stupid, I so, please just ignore me. Regards Norbert
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[11:20:21] <rob_h> hi norbert might want to ask later on when some of the Devs are about they can help you then.
[11:22:35] <norbert> Hope they do read than my message, or I will post it later again. Thanks
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[13:19:24] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[13:30:53] <mhaberler> hallo borbert
[13:30:58] <mhaberler> norbert, sorry
[13:31:12] <mhaberler> gehts nur ums document formatieren?
[13:32:38] <mhaberler> mache folgendes: ./confgure --enable-build-documentation=html ; lass das einmal laufen (braucht länger); beim nächsten make wird nur das veränderte dokument formatiert und die links gechecked
[13:36:20] <norbert> Hallo Michael, das habe ich schon gemacht, aber dann funktionieren interne Links nicht mehr, ich denke, da mache ich was in der Formatierung falsch.
[13:36:52] <mhaberler> ja, das kann nur passieren wenn Deine Links falsche syntax haben oder ins Nichts zeigen
[13:37:10] <mhaberler> schau Dir in anderen Dokumenten an wie das mit den links geht
[13:37:33] <norbert> Genau und dazu suche ich eine DOKU, um nachzuschlagen was ich falsch mache, z.B. wie f�gt man einen Zeilenumbruch ein ?
[13:37:38] <mhaberler> veränderst du das gladevcp dokument oder machst einen neuen abschnitt?
[13:37:48] <mhaberler> asciidoc manual
[13:37:51] <norbert> Ich ver�ndere das Dokument
[13:37:57] <mhaberler> ah ok
[13:38:09] <norbert> AHA ich schaue mal in die Man rein, danke
[13:38:53] <mhaberler> minimalguide: http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=blob;f=docs/asciidoc-markup.txt;h=8eda65cc733fddf4018460520af83d4ce605b3f7;hb=739df958aca9d246daad36f439c82bfbeac681b9
[13:39:52] <mhaberler> achtung - asciidoc hat siche rasch verändert und linuxcnc verwendet eine ältere versions; insbes bei captions etc musst aufpassen
[13:40:15] <norbert> Werde mir M�he geben ;-)
[13:41:28] <mhaberler> das ist ein bissl steil am anfang aber das wird schon
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[17:01:51] <ju-emb> I know, I asked that before here but I forgot:
[17:01:54] <ju-emb> how do I know from inside a python script where the actual used config files reside
[17:01:56] <ju-emb> I like to loadusr a python script and access files that I put in the same directory as the config files are
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[17:31:49] <kwallace2> This may be off base but maybe try "import os" and "lcnc_base_dir = os.environ['EMC2_HOME']"
[17:34:36] <kwallace2> There may be other EMC2_XXX keywords. "print os.environ" might find them.
[17:35:39] <kwallace2> ju-emb: ^^
[17:52:34] <ju-emb> yes, I'm playing around with that right now,
[17:52:36] <ju-emb> I'm absolute python noob and right now still fighting with it
[17:54:40] <ju-emb> who's a python geek here?
[17:57:56] <kwallace2> There should be plenty except it's Saturday.
[17:59:04] <kwallace2> Did you try putting a 'print os.environ' in your script?
[18:00:08] <ju-emb> > it's Saturday that's right, sadly not for me
[18:00:10] <ju-emb> so, I don't let google have it's Saturday too
[18:02:20] <ju-emb> Yes I tried print os.environ, but it seems that are specific variables coming out of the .ini
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[18:03:07] <ju-emb> there is an example also to parse the ini with import linuxcnc,
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[18:04:21] <ju-emb> so I try to go the way using cmd-line parameters
[18:05:12] <kwallace2> I would think EMC2_HOME plus '/configs' should put you in the config directory.
[18:06:02] <ju-emb> but python is tough or I'm to stupid to make python accept the same parameter several times
[18:06:31] <ju-emb> yes, EMC2_HOME plus '/configs works
[18:06:36] <kwallace2> Oops, that's right you want the particular file active .ini name.
[18:06:57] <ju-emb> that's the point
[18:09:17] <ju-emb> OK, for my tests right now I give the dir as parameter,
[18:09:20] <ju-emb> till Monday it will work that way
[18:10:15] <ju-emb> in C you can give a parameter several times like
[18:10:17] <ju-emb> programname -d -d -d
[18:10:49] <kwallace2> http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_command_line_arguments.htm
[18:10:56] <kwallace2> Maybe.
[18:11:25] <ju-emb> python seems to not accept that
[18:11:37] <ju-emb> this page I visited
[18:12:42] <ju-emb> kwallace2: you also doesnt have Saturday?
[18:14:03] <kwallace2> I'm a freelancer so I work all the time or whenever I can.
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[18:21:04] <ju-emb> that's the package and the good for freelancers,
[18:21:06] <ju-emb> I share that with you
[18:26:45] <kwallace2> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/python-interface.html#_reading_ini_file_values_a_id_sec_python_reading_ini_values_a
[18:30:02] <ju-emb> that page I had before, it leads me to the idea using program args
[18:30:52] <kwallace2> Does it work?
[18:32:04] <kwallace2> print "--> Active INI =", linuxcnc.ini(sys.argv[1])
[18:34:27] <ju-emb> in general yes,
[18:34:29] <ju-emb> I try to figure out, how I can use program parameters in python and how can I parse arguments like
[18:34:31] <ju-emb> programname -d<dir> 1=file1 2=file2 5=file5
[18:35:53] <mhaberler> see configparser
[18:36:00] <mhaberler> example in gladevcp.py
[18:37:33] <ju-emb> ahh OK, that's a good idea
[18:37:35] <ju-emb> not using program parameter but config file entries
[18:38:09] <mhaberler> you just talked about program parameters?
[18:38:20] <mhaberler> which I understand are command line args
[18:39:33] <ju-emb> that's rigth, I tried to use command line args
[18:40:07] <ju-emb> problem is: same arg several times
[18:40:43] <ju-emb> the c way:
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[18:41:37] <ju-emb> programname -d<dir> -cfile1 -cfile2 -cfile5
[18:41:55] <ju-emb> or
[18:42:35] <ju-emb> programname -d<dir> --c1=file1 --c2=file2 --c5=file5
[18:42:47] <mhaberler> that is unusal
[18:43:04] <mhaberler> usual one distinguishes between args and options
[18:43:32] <mhaberler> like prog -opt1 -opt2=optval arg1 arg2 arg3
[18:44:13] <ju-emb> yes, that way it is ok
[18:44:47] <mhaberler> that is the standard way options and args are handled in unixland, and configparser is just fine for that
[18:45:07] <ju-emb> and
[18:45:09] <ju-emb> arg1 can be
[18:45:11] <ju-emb> 1=file1
[18:45:13] <ju-emb> arg2 2=file2 etc
[18:46:20] <ju-emb> Ok I'll have a look at configparser
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[18:47:06] <mhaberler> ah sorry configparser is for inis. I mixed that up with optionparser, hold on
[18:47:18] <ju-emb> hal_parport has also a intersting construct: cfg="ffff fff f "
[18:47:50] <ju-emb> or hostmot2
[18:48:27] <ju-emb> I try to figure out how those guys have done that
[18:48:43] <mhaberler> just look at src/hal/user_comps/gladevcp.py and look at the OptionParser usage there
[18:49:05] <ju-emb> ok, I'll do that
[18:49:13] <ju-emb> thanks
[18:49:29] <mhaberler> re hal_parport: you dont want to know.. this is dictated by a several restricted environment, kernel modules, and not a great guide for general command line handling
[18:51:20] <ju-emb> thanks, for mentioning that
[18:52:23] <ju-emb> but first I have to lift the glucose level in my blood a bit
[18:53:12] <mhaberler> oh, just read optparse is deprecated, use argparse
[18:53:14] <mhaberler> http://docs.python.org/2/library/argparse.html#module-argparse
[18:53:43] <ju-emb> yes, argparse sounds interesting
[18:54:47] <mhaberler> this is a step-by-step tutorial on argparse: http://docs.python.org/2/howto/argparse.html
[18:56:41] <ju-emb> bbl
[18:56:44] <ju-emb> -> on the way -> kitchen
[18:57:53] <kwallace2> It seems to me since G38 can put successive probe locations in the PROBEOPEN file, there should be an option to add a tag to the file line on each G38 call.
[18:59:23] -!- adb [adb!~IonMoldom@2a02:1205:501a:69c0:baac:6fff:fe67:305f] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[18:59:35] <skunkworks> kwallace2, you don't ask for much ;)
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[19:02:49] <kwallace2> Just "G38.3 X 2.222 p west_face", then have the the file write add "west_face" to the beginning or end of the line.
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[19:03:44] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[19:04:22] <kwallace2> That way I can pull west_face data from the file and display it in the GUI.
[19:06:33] <kwallace2> It looks like I need to molest emccanon.cc to do it.
[19:11:29] <mhaberler> please.. if you are dying to do this, do it without patching around in C
[19:11:41] <mhaberler> you can use Python / linuxcnc module
[19:12:00] <mhaberler> or a new G-code in Python which will jump any hoop
[19:12:29] <mhaberler> this is the kind of thing which embedded Python via a remapped code does perfectly
[19:13:37] <mhaberler> the remapping manual has lots of examples for inspiration, for instance the spiral example
[19:14:54] <kwallace2> Okay, I'll look at that.
[19:15:23] <mhaberler> 3.3.4. Advanced example: Remapped codes in pure Python
[19:15:38] <mhaberler> somewhere here: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/remap/structure.html#_the_em_argspec_em_parameter_a_id_remap_argspec_parameter_a
[19:16:58] <mhaberler> when doing probes, you will need to use the 'yield' construct (dealing with queuebusters), see 9.4.5. Dealing with queuebuster: Probe, Toolchange and waiting for a HAL pin
[19:19:00] <mhaberler> the rest is normal Python file I/O
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[21:25:41] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05v2.5_branch 2ba400b 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/code/Contributing-to-LinuxCNC.txt docs: give some examples of public git servers * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=2ba400b
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[22:58:17] <cradek> http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=2ba400b
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[23:27:56] <seb_kuzminsky> it's good to see that cradek's copy and paste are working, even if his focus is off
[23:28:05] <cradek> :-P
[23:28:20] <seb_kuzminsky> also, TIL: cradek uses a terminal emulator that doesn't support click-to-open-url :-P
[23:28:34] <cradek> my terminal was (for some reason) showing that URL in black on black
[23:28:44] <seb_kuzminsky> hmm
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[23:28:55] <cradek> that caused me to have even more trouble than usual using this computer thing
[23:29:00] <seb_kuzminsky> hah
[23:29:14] <seb_kuzminsky> i have a white background, and the url shows up as a kind of bold black
[23:29:35] <cradek> yeah I fiddled with it long enough to get dark grey on black
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