#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2013-11-23

[00:01:53] <andypugh> I am trying to cover all the bases. Multiple tools in the same pocket (with their own offsets). Multiple pockets with the same tool...
[00:02:37] <Tom_itx> multi pockets with the same tool would be dynamic
[00:02:43] <Tom_itx> the offsets would follow the tool
[00:02:47] <andypugh> Yes.
[00:03:13] <Tom_itx> i'm not sure about multi tool pockets
[00:03:21] <Tom_itx> where would you use that?
[00:04:49] <andypugh> The multi-pocket tool use-case is not caring _which_ 6mm end-mill you get, as long as a) Your spindle can access it, and b) It's not marked as broken.
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[00:06:25] <Tom_itx> would that better fall into a place where you touch off the new tool ( a feature many have asked for ) then resume cutting
[00:06:26] <andypugh> The multi-tool pocket is actually more common. Gang tooling on a lathe, or a mill woodruff cutter defined by top, bottom or middle as the offset basis
[00:07:12] <andypugh> Yes, a big part of this work is to make the tool data more "live" than it is now.
[00:07:47] <andypugh> (Which is horribly complicated when you consider preview and readahead...)
[00:07:52] <Tom_itx> i just haven't run across 'multi-tool pocket' yet
[00:09:29] <Tom_itx> back up a line before the currently executed line and resume, restarting any readahead?
[00:10:07] <Tom_itx> i'm sure code wise it _is_ a mess
[00:11:11] <andypugh> Yes. For example the Axis preview runs through the code. It needs to accurately preview the tool offfsets, but not _change_ the tool offsets. So can it write to the database or not?
[00:11:39] <Tom_itx> i wish i was a better programmer, this sounds fun in a demented way
[00:12:00] <andypugh> If there is a G10 in the code, then how do we "unwrap" that from preview to run-time?
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[00:12:25] <Tom_itx> mind you, i haven't looked at any of the code
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[00:12:52] <andypugh> I have, and I can't follow it, at the moment.
[00:13:58] <andypugh> Anyway, Danimal (not seen for too long) Used to machine his sprockets using two sides of the same insert, represented as two tools, but in the same physical holder.
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[00:14:14] <Tom_itx> hmm
[00:14:47] <andypugh> Once you start looking at it, nearly anything mad can make sense in some situations.
[00:14:48] <Tom_itx> i think we (on the okuma) rotated the insert and reset the offset
[00:15:10] <Tom_itx> then resumed
[00:15:45] <andypugh> You can handle it in the toolchanger code by simply choosing to interpret T2 and T22 as meaning the same thing.
[00:16:28] <Tom_itx> what would flag the change?
[00:16:55] <andypugh> That's the point. There is no chabge
[00:17:03] <andypugh> Or even, no change
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[00:18:19] <andypugh> So, if you have T2 loaded and issue a T22 the changer returns immediately and says "you got it" then on M6 G43 the offets chance to match the other cutting edge.
[00:19:17] <Tom_itx> i know that we never pre'measured all edges of an insert
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[00:19:32] <Tom_itx> we would reset the offset after we changed it
[00:19:46] <Tom_itx> what if the operator rotated the insert the wrong way?
[00:19:57] <Tom_itx> for example
[00:20:18] <Tom_itx> or dropped it in the shavings and had to get another one
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[00:20:32] <andypugh> Different situation
[00:23:31] <andypugh> Imagine you are in the sprocket making trade, and you use a holder with a triangular tip, with one tip pointing straight back at the operator. You machine one flang of your sprocket with one tip, then the other side with a different tip (and ignore the third one)
[00:24:20] <andypugh> So, at any one time you have two different offsets for the same toolholder.
[00:24:32] <Tom_itx> i was under the assumption the tip would be symetrical
[00:25:00] <andypugh> It is. But the tips are in different positions in space
[00:25:00] <Tom_itx> you're suggesting a modified tool?
[00:25:21] <Tom_itx> i see what you mean
[00:25:34] <Tom_itx> we never did that but i suppose it could be done
[00:25:40] <Tom_itx> we'd just call up another tool
[00:26:11] <Tom_itx> did danimal suggest such a thing?
[00:26:16] <andypugh> That's the point, it _is_ a different tool. But the toolchanger has nothing to do
[00:26:57] <andypugh> The tool changes, the "pocket" stays the same
[00:27:19] <Tom_itx> so instead of calling T1 M6 H1 to T1 M6 H11 you would just call the offset?
[00:27:44] <Tom_itx> or whatever offset you're using
[00:28:00] <andypugh> That way works too.
[00:28:26] <Tom_itx> i was just trying to see if you were overcomplicating it
[00:28:34] <Tom_itx> i can see what you mean now
[00:28:42] <Tom_itx> nothing i've ever done though
[00:28:48] <andypugh> (Hmm, actually, it's G43 that takes the H-word isn't it?)
[00:29:01] <Tom_itx> i'd have to look
[00:29:08] <Tom_itx> sounds right
[00:29:18] <cradek> yes you'd just load your new G43 with a different H (I've done exactly that)
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[00:29:46] <Tom_itx> that was my wonder about changing the T2 to T22
[00:29:48] <Tom_itx> was all
[00:29:58] <Tom_itx> just change the offset
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[00:30:28] <andypugh> I think Tn then G43 (some other number) works too, though you have to define tools that don't actually exist, and they have to have imagibnary pockets too)
[00:30:34] <Tom_itx> and it wouldn't work on some, we had one with 99 and another with 119 tools
[00:30:44] <Tom_itx> so it would actually go to T22
[00:31:41] <Tom_itx> if you're dealing with offsets and not tools it makes sense to me to change the offset
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[00:31:57] <Tom_itx> s/tools/tool positions
[00:32:46] <Tom_itx> the multi pocket tool makes perfect sense to me
[00:33:01] <Tom_itx> that's common especially on prefetch changers
[00:33:51] <andypugh> Currently LinuxCNC is confused by an offset which doesnt belong to a tool.
[00:34:26] <Tom_itx> so you can't have defined offsets without an associated tool?
[00:34:31] <andypugh> One tool, one offset, one pocket.
[00:35:06] <Tom_itx> One tool, multi offsets, multi pockets makes sense to me
[00:35:09] <andypugh> And woe betide you if you accientally try to load a tool that is only a placeholder for an offset :-)
[00:35:42] <Tom_itx> define the offset multiple in the ini
[00:35:50] <Tom_itx> so it's well out of the tool range
[00:35:52] <andypugh> The plan is that ToolID is unique, but that the T-number could call up any number of equivalent toools.
[00:36:42] <cradek> andypugh: I'm glad you're back to thinking about this.
[00:37:25] <Tom_itx> i'm just feeding input here... no intention to discredit what you're doing
[00:39:00] <Tom_itx> it would take an advanced user to access this anyway
[00:39:58] <andypugh> I will probably push a branch this weekend that shows that it can work. Though I would hesitate to guarantee that obsure parts of the code are not still accessing the actual tool file.
[00:41:25] <andypugh> One obvious test I need to do is a sequence of moves with a G43 between them. The "what offset is current when" stuff is the real issue I need to sort out.
[00:42:23] <Tom_itx> you would in effect have offsets changing in 2 places
[00:43:01] <Tom_itx> that's why i suggested changing the offset instead of the tool
[00:43:22] <andypugh> Then if you want the operator to be able to tweak the offsets of a live tool to keep inside his tolerances...
[00:43:35] <Tom_itx> it would work the same
[00:43:52] <Tom_itx> H1 H11 would not interfere with each other
[00:44:04] <andypugh> But if readhead is already at the end of the program?
[00:44:05] <Tom_itx> you change the value of H1 for wear, H11 remains
[00:44:17] <Tom_itx> then you're screwed
[00:44:46] <Tom_itx> or you stop at what the _actual_ last executed line was
[00:45:01] <andypugh> "You're scewed" isn't normally acceptable on a commit description
[00:45:13] <Tom_itx> i dunno if the code keeps track of that information
[00:45:21] <Tom_itx> heh probably not
[00:46:08] <Tom_itx> it works similar to a keyboard buffer
[00:46:27] <Tom_itx> but you want to be able to stop at the last letter typed and resume from there
[00:46:27] <andypugh> No, it doesn't/
[00:47:14] <andypugh> GUI preview is a big issue, and readahead is another.
[00:47:50] <Tom_itx> does preview show lookahead or actual?
[00:48:06] <Tom_itx> it should show actual
[00:48:32] <andypugh> In fact, if I knew then what I know now, I woulf probably have kept well away from this issue, and let a proper programmer pick it up, or not. I only own 20 tools, I don't need this.
[00:49:19] <Tom_itx> well, you're braver than I
[00:50:05] <andypugh> My error was in announcing that I was working on it. It makes it harder to back away.
[00:50:37] <andypugh> I might well stil just announce "Sorry, too hard for me"
[00:50:46] <Tom_itx> naw, just hail the next venture louder
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[17:12:46] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03John Thornton 05master eab3c4b 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/config/copy_and_run_es.txt 10docs/src/config/stepconf_es.txt Docs: fix broken links in Spanish Docs * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=eab3c4b
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[17:24:49] <andypugh> Well, I never expected to have to edit keystick.cc !
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[19:11:25] <jthornton> seb_kuzminsky, down to one error tbl:fatal error: can't open `man1/linuxcnc.1': No such file or directory
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[19:45:21] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05master 2119397 06linuxcnc 10docs/src/Submakefile 10src/Makefile docs: make linuxcnc.1 in the docs: target * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=2119397
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[19:45:58] <seb_kuzminsky> jthornton: down to 0
[19:46:01] <seb_kuzminsky> i hope ;-)
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[20:22:25] <seb_kuzminsky> i'd like to put the linux 3.4.55 rtai kernel in the debian archive at www.linuxcnc.org
[20:22:42] <seb_kuzminsky> it's not without wrinkles, but it would benefit from wider testing
[20:22:53] <seb_kuzminsky> i've been running my bridgeport with it and haven't had any problems at all
[20:23:24] <seb_kuzminsky> putting it in a publically visible deb archive would let the buildbot build precise-rtai debs
[20:23:47] <seb_kuzminsky> i'll try to support the new rtai kernel if people start testing it
[20:23:50] <seb_kuzminsky> any objections?
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[20:50:16] <andypugh> None from me
[20:53:05] <seb_kuzminsky> docs in master now builds without any warnings :-)
[20:53:09] <seb_kuzminsky> thanks jthornton
[20:53:20] <seb_kuzminsky> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/docs/builds/1164
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[21:22:07] <enis__> hello
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[21:24:31] <enis__> can you help me about linuxcnc on beaglebone?
[21:25:22] NickParker|2 is now known as NickParker
[21:28:42] <andypugh> Ask your question, it might be something that someone here knows the answer to.
[21:29:17] <andypugh> You might have a larger audience on #linuxcnc
[21:29:21] <enis__> I actually want to know which pins are used by linuxcnc as step-dir signals
[21:29:40] <andypugh> Are you using the PRU code?
[21:30:33] <andypugh> Or are you using software step generation?
[21:31:17] <enis__> I will use machinekit image
[21:32:35] <andypugh> Caped or Capeless?
[21:32:46] <enis__> capeless
[21:33:44] <andypugh> This might help: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.emc.user/47846/focus=47915
[21:37:57] <enis__> thanks
[21:42:03] <andypugh> Is there a way to not be told off for using " if (PyMapping_HasKeyString(ret.ptr(), "Error")) " ? (deprecated conversion of const string to char* )
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[21:44:42] <seb_kuzminsky> linuxcnc-build: force build --branch=master checkin
[21:44:43] <linuxcnc-build> build #1505 forced
[21:44:43] <linuxcnc-build> I'll give a shout when the build finishes
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[22:34:10] <linuxcnc-build> build #0 of package-rt-precise-source is complete: Failure [4failed shell] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/package-rt-precise-source/builds/0
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[22:50:37] <linuxcnc-build> build #1505 of checkin is complete: Failure [4failed] Build details are at http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/buildbot/builders/checkin/builds/1505
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[23:40:51] <seb_kuzminsky> linuxcnc-build: force build --branch=v2.5_branch checkin
[23:40:52] <linuxcnc-build> build #1506 forced
[23:40:52] <linuxcnc-build> I'll give a shout when the build finishes
[23:41:06] <seb_kuzminsky> we'll see how the 2.5 docs do...
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