[00:06:41] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:09:48] <andypugh> Yeah, Chris was the guy I was hoping to badger into a reponse :-) Him-Chris, not You-Chris, that is.
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[00:15:54] <cmorley> lol well this way you did get a response :) I'm not sure if Chris noticed the added code.
[00:16:45] <cmorley> Sorry not implying Chris woulda ignored you...
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[00:41:43] <cradek> eh
[00:43:27] <cradek> touchy needs some controls as part of itself. it's not meant to be general-purpose configurability. you already have pre-gui (normal) and post-gui ([HAL]POSTGUI_HALFILE)
[00:44:12] <cradek> I suppose touchy.hal is redundant anyway since adding the postgui
[00:44:42] <andypugh> It makes Touchy a special case for the confog-conversion script.
[00:44:59] <cradek> aha, wondered what the actual problem was
[00:45:13] <andypugh> Because there is a HAL file to be checked that doesn't appear in the INI file.
[00:45:27] <cradek> are you sure you would have to change touchy.hal?
[00:45:51] <andypugh> No, but neither would I want to assume that I didn't need to at least look.
[00:46:15] <cradek> (I'm trying to remember what one might look like)
[00:46:44] <andypugh> There is nothing to prevent someone referencing a value in [AXIS_0] in their touchy.hal, even if there is no obvious reason to want to.
[00:47:22] <cradek> yes, that's true
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[00:49:13] <cradek> ... but I'd hesitate to break all existing configs in order to save one pretty clear special case in the conversion program that the user will run once
[00:50:36] <andypugh> Yes, it is too late to fix your egregious lack of foresight now :-)
[00:50:58] -!- jeremy79 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:51:31] <cradek>
[00:51:41] <cradek> ^ example from a real machine
[00:52:25] <andypugh> There is a similar example on my real machine :-)
[00:53:06] <cradek> self.dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'linuxcnc', 'nc_files')
[00:53:16] <cradek> another difference: it doesn't read the ncfiles directory from the ini
[00:53:49] <cradek> each gui uses ini stuff a little differently, and that's pretty obnoxious :-/
[00:53:55] <andypugh> I actually only have one minor gripe with Touchy, I really miss the MDI history that Axis has.
[00:54:56] <cradek> yeah, that would be nice, and somewhat possible to do
[00:55:36] <andypugh> I think that there is an existing GladeVCP MDI history widget. I don't know if that is any help.
[00:56:45] <cradek> the problem is making the gui make coherent sense, and also have it made of big silly buttons that actually work well on touchscreens
[00:58:00] <cradek> you could put a fourth button after Macro and have it called History, and poking it would cycle backward in submitted commands, once per poke
[00:58:03] <andypugh> Aye, I can see that being a puzzle.
[00:58:39] <andypugh> It seems to switch the jogwheel to the MV button quite often. (for example, after a probe).
[00:58:58] <cradek> a mdi probe?
[00:59:06] <andypugh> Yes
[00:59:15] <andypugh> (need to get the probe macros sorted out)
[00:59:17] <cradek> when it was where previously?
[00:59:28] <andypugh> Jog, normally.
[00:59:36] <cradek> yeah if it's on Jogging, it HAS to move somewhere else to make any sense
[00:59:56] <cradek> and MV is by far the most useful of the three choices
[01:00:30] <andypugh> It's by far the least harmful, as I have never deliberately used it :-)
[01:01:12] <andypugh> What is the problem with staying in jog?
[01:01:38] <cradek> really?? I use it constantly, at least the first time entry after a newly-set tool or a changed program
[01:02:03] <cradek> the jogs don't work when you switch to mdi, so the screen would be inconsistent with the actual state
[01:02:32] <cradek> and besides, turning the wheel can very usefully slow down or speed up your mdi command
[01:02:55] <andypugh> Ah, OK. Like the Axis "jogging in MDI and nothing happens" issue, but somwhat less annoying.
[01:03:28] <andypugh> If it's delibrate, then I am happy :-)
[01:03:38] <cradek> also if you have the light by your jog buttons, it turns off -- you want poking Jogging to turn it back on
[01:04:06] <cradek> yes it definitely is, and I'm happy you're happy (that's rare when you tell a user IT'S A FEATURE, haha)
[01:04:14] <andypugh> It also explains why my tab of MDI commands turns off jogging, though it leaves the on-screen button selected.
[01:04:49] <cradek> you use extra buttons in place of the Macro feature?
[01:04:55] <andypugh> (Tab of MDI widgets, actually)
[01:05:03] <cradek> I use Macro for all my probing routines
[01:05:15] <andypugh> I have a tool-change screen.
[01:05:37] <cradek> oh right, I remember criticising that
[01:05:42] <andypugh> Indeed.
[01:05:45] <cradek> :-)
[01:06:07] <andypugh> The UI might change, but the function won't.
[01:06:23] <cradek> **I** use M6, as all righteous people should
[01:06:57] <cradek> huh, what happened to the wheel-scrolls-the-program feature jepler had working?
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[01:07:15] <andypugh> I don't know.
[01:07:34] <andypugh> I gave up on run-from-line as it needs line numbers and I naver have any.
[01:07:37] <cradek> I thought he was satisfied with it, but I might remember wrong
[01:07:54] <andypugh> I think it might work, ig you have line numbers.
[01:07:56] <cradek> I put them at tool changes and maybe a few other strategic points...
[01:09:30] <andypugh> I haven't yet used a program with a tool-change in it.
[01:10:11] <cradek> have you ever made two of the same object?
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[01:11:25] <andypugh> Yes. Yesterday. For the first time. I made some hold-down clamps for my milling vice. However they were one bit of metal until the last step (which was done with a slitting saw in the horizontal spindle :-)
[01:11:45] <cradek> I do an awful lot with mdi (especially drill cycles) and wheelyjog cutting
[01:12:07] <andypugh> I have been doing a lot of jogwheel drilling.
[01:12:23] <andypugh> But I am working on another tab for things like circle of holes.
[01:12:35] <cradek> eh, you can do that with one mdi command
[01:12:59] <Tom_itx> jt's utility simplifies alot of the mundane things
[01:13:12] <cradek> dgarr's?
[01:13:13] <andypugh> (I am interested in the idea of doing canned cycles completely by linuxcnc.command() statements in Python, so there is no actual G-code file at any point)
[01:13:27] <cradek> I keep meaning to try it, jt speaks highly of it
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[01:13:52] <Tom_itx>
[01:13:53] <andypugh> JT uses ngcgui, but also he just wrote his own utlity thingy.
[01:13:57] <cradek> ah ok
[01:14:41] <andypugh> Does [KINS] belong below [TRAJ] or somewhere else?
[01:15:19] <andypugh> I realise it doesn't actually matter.
[01:17:47] <cradek>
[01:18:06] <cradek> either I don't know or I don't have a preference
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[01:18:41] <andypugh> So, you just keep poking the "run" button until the holes are done?
[01:18:53] <cradek> no, with the L it does 12 holes
[01:19:11] <andypugh> Ah, yes. I have never tried that.
[01:19:29] <andypugh> Then change to G84 to tap the holes :-)
[01:19:30] <cradek> I lied though - it takes two mdi commands (in touchy) because you have to switch to G91 first
[01:19:57] <cradek> if you have a full keyboard it can go on one line...
[01:20:07] <andypugh> (Has anyone been brave enough to try G84? )
[01:20:19] <cradek> sadly G84 doesn't call our rigid tap cycle
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[01:20:27] <cradek> it might work with a T/C
[01:20:30] <andypugh> What does it do?
[01:20:38] <cradek> I don't know
[01:20:50] <andypugh> It _looks_ like a rigid tap cycle.
[01:21:28] <cradek> it's nasty because it uses the F/S ratio to determine pitch.
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[01:22:31] <cradek> it'd make sense to have a cycle that works well with a tapping head - G84 is a fine candidate I think - but it has to know the reversing ratio somehow
[01:23:01] <cradek> when I had the misfortune of having to use one of those, I always wrote it out manually
[01:23:12] <andypugh> Interesting, it is commented out with an #if 0 at the moment, but I don't think it was last time I looked.
[01:25:00] <cradek> it does some bizarre things when I try it in 2.5.3
[01:25:00] <Tom_itx> the only ones i've ever used were on manual machines and when they tripped they would double speed so it would unscrew the tap
[01:25:22] <cradek> Tom_itx: not necessarily double, but faster yes -- different heads have different ratios
[01:25:30] <Tom_itx> yeah
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[01:27:14] <andypugh> Anyway, time to sleep here. I will probbaly have a working JA4 conversion script by tomorrow night. (I would have had it done today, but I got distracted by some guys on IRC)
[01:27:52] <cradek> awesome
[01:28:00] <cradek> (except those troublemakers that interrupted you)
[01:28:47] <andypugh> Then I need to decide if it should be automatically offered, and if we should run the configs directory through it.
[01:28:57] <andypugh> Anyway, more on that anon.
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[01:53:00] <cradek> latency on this machine is about the same with and without HT enabled
[01:54:34] <cradek> ~ 2000ns with isolcpus and ~ 27000ns without isolcpus, with or without HT
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[02:03:45] <cradek> ***** WARNING: GLOBAL HEAP NEITHER SHARABLE NOR USABLE FROM USER SPACE (use the vmalloc option for RTAI malloc) *****
[02:04:01] <cradek> I can tell this is *****important***** but I have no idea what it's telling me
[02:06:15] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Jeff Epler 05master 527789c 06linuxcnc 10src/Makefile Revert "It is necessary to have the true kernel headers ..." * 14;a=commitdiff;h=527789c
[02:06:49] <KGB-linuxcnc> 05jepler/try-no-kernel-headers e5ad357 06linuxcnc 04. branch deleted * 14;a=commitdiff;h=e5ad357
[02:06:50] <seb_kuzminsky> thanks jepler !
[02:07:00] <cradek> ha, reverting a 6 year old commit
[02:07:11] <cradek> pre-git even, I bet
[02:07:42] <cradek> seb_kuzminsky: thanks for fixing the swap.
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[02:56:00] <skunkworks> I could not live without MV
[02:59:20] <skunkworks> I very rarely use FO anymore.. Only for gross feed calculation errors..
[03:00:47] <skunkworks> cradek: did you see..
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[03:19:12] <seb_kuzminsky> cradek: sure thing, thanks for noticing!
[03:31:49] <Tom_itx> ot question here but you guys know linux inside and out.. i need a command line to batch edit a bunch of files adding a line to them
[03:31:51] <Tom_itx> any ideas?
[03:32:03] <Tom_itx> i'm just not very good with linux
[03:34:22] <seb_kuzminsky> append a line to a bunch of files?
[03:34:49] <seb_kuzminsky> for FILE in my-files.*; do cat my-new-line >> $FILE; done
[03:34:54] <Tom_itx> yeah i wanna edit a bunch of log files
[03:35:17] <Tom_itx> and add a line to them
[03:35:32] <Tom_itx> it needs to be in the middle though sry
[03:35:41] <seb_kuzminsky> in the middle is tricker
[03:35:45] <Tom_itx> :)
[03:35:48] <Tom_itx> i know
[03:36:31] <seb_kuzminsky> is it at the same offset in each file? ie, "add this line as line 100"
[03:36:41] <Tom_itx> yes
[03:36:45] <Tom_itx> it's after line 5
[03:36:51] <Tom_itx> in the meta data
[03:37:05] <Tom_itx> i could write a program in c but....
[03:37:32] <seb_kuzminsky> for F in my-files.*; do (head -5l $F; echo "my new line"; tail -k +5 $F) > $; done
[03:37:35] <seb_kuzminsky> untested!
[03:37:52] <seb_kuzminsky> you have backups, right? ;-)
[03:37:57] <Tom_itx> of course
[03:38:27] <Tom_itx> do you mind explaining what it does?
[03:38:30] <seb_kuzminsky> err, that should be "tail -n +5 $F", not -k
[03:38:33] <seb_kuzminsky> sure
[03:38:47] <seb_kuzminsky> the outside part is a for loop that iterates over all the files matching my-file.*
[03:38:54] <seb_kuzminsky> you can test that by running something like:
[03:39:04] <seb_kuzminsky> for F in my-files.*; do echo processing $F; done
[03:39:07] <Tom_itx> they're all dated .html files
[03:39:21] <seb_kuzminsky> the inside of the loop runs a sub-shell, that's the stuff inside ( )
[03:39:29] <Tom_itx> ie 2011-12-16.html
[03:39:38] <seb_kuzminsky> the sub-shell first prints the first 5 lines of the file $F
[03:39:42] <seb_kuzminsky> then prints the line you want to add
[03:40:02] <seb_kuzminsky> then prints everything in $F starting at line 5, so everything that wasnt printed by the "head"
[03:40:25] <seb_kuzminsky> then all the output of that subshell is redirected with ">" to
[03:40:51] <seb_kuzminsky> ok so then you want your glob to be *.html instead of my-files.*, maybe
[03:41:02] <seb_kuzminsky> or something more restrictive, like 2???-??-??.html, i dont know
[03:41:13] <Tom_itx> ok, i'll mess with it a bit
[03:41:38] <Tom_itx> thanks
[03:41:52] <seb_kuzminsky> sure, good luck!
[03:44:01] <Tom_itx> what if the replace contains quotes?
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[03:53:56] <seb_kuzminsky> echo can emit quotes
[03:54:05] <seb_kuzminsky> echo 'hello "friend"'
[03:54:14] <seb_kuzminsky> or echo \"boo!\"
[03:54:48] <seb_kuzminsky> err.. echo \"boo\!\"
[03:54:49] <Tom_itx> ok just use single quotes around it instead of double
[03:54:56] <seb_kuzminsky> or escape the quotes with \
[03:55:11] <Tom_itx> ok
[03:55:42] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05stepgen-warning-fix 5a62fbd 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/components/stepgen.c fix a kernel-mode compile warning * 14;a=commitdiff;h=5a62fbd
[03:56:43] <seb_kuzminsky> good luck Tom_itx, i'm out
[03:57:35] <Tom_itx> ok thanks
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[08:32:57] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05master ece8c30 06linuxcnc 10share/gscreen/skins/gaxis/ 10share/gscreen/skins/gaxis/ gaxis -add some gremlin plot controls * 14;a=commitdiff;h=ece8c30
[08:32:57] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05master ce61d11 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/ gladevcp -hal_actions home, unhome, MDI should be sensitive to states * 14;a=commitdiff;h=ce61d11
[08:32:57] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05master 30e1a9d 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/ gladevcp -have hal_actions (eg MDI) check for is_all_homed state * 14;a=commitdiff;h=30e1a9d
[08:33:00] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05master dc54291 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/gladevcp/ gladevcp -have hal_mdihistory widget check for machine states * 14;a=commitdiff;h=dc54291
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[12:17:51] <skunkworks> logger[psha],
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[13:29:17] <jepler> two other ways to insert some text after a given line number of a file (here, I insert "..." after the 2nd line of output produced by the "seq" command)
[13:29:20] <jepler> seq 4 | awk '{print; if(FNR == 2) print "...";}'
[13:29:23] <jepler> seq 4 | sed '3i...'
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[13:29:41] <jepler> Tom_itx: ^^^ dunno if you were interested in these other suggestions
[13:30:56] <jepler> and of course I shouldn't neglect perl: seq 4 | perl -pe 'print "...\n" if $. == 3;'
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[14:34:20] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Sebastian Kuzminsky 05master 6cb84b7 06linuxcnc 10src/hal/components/stepgen.c fix a kernel-mode compile warning * 14;a=commitdiff;h=6cb84b7
[14:34:33] <KGB-linuxcnc> 05stepgen-warning-fix 5a62fbd 06linuxcnc 04. branch deleted * 14;a=commitdiff;h=5a62fbd
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[16:33:26] <skunkworks> is there another name for average? Is there an averaging componant in hal?
[16:34:45] <archivist> filter to some extent
[16:35:29] <pcw_home> lowpass
[16:36:22] <pcw_home> (digital R/C filter)
[16:36:51] <pcw_home> running average
[16:39:16] <skunkworks> pcw_home, with your encoders read step/dir?
[16:39:23] <pcw_home> Yes
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[16:39:39] <pcw_home> count mode 1
[16:39:56] <skunkworks> really... Hmmm - that might be a cool experiment..
[16:40:21] <pcw_home> Ive used them that way for debugging the stepgen
[16:40:24] <skunkworks> I would really like to read what is coming out of mach - and look at the peak acceleration...
[16:41:13] <skunkworks> I think I could use this setup.. And it would backplot also..
[16:41:13] <skunkworks>
[16:41:39] <pcw_home> yeah that one way to check whats really going on (you _will_ have to low pass filter the accel)
[16:42:07] <skunkworks> It would be an experiment with rt-preempt..
[16:42:10] <skunkworks> also
[16:42:11] <skunkworks> :)
[16:42:24] -!- Demiurge has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:42:56] <skunkworks> pcw_home, there isn't any right now and it seems to be working correctly.. (bunch of ddt's)
[16:43:39] <skunkworks> because it is sampling over the servo period?
[16:43:59] <skunkworks> it would be the same with if I was counting I woud think...
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[16:45:36] <pcw_home> Just that software stepgens have very high noise at small accel measurement intervals due to the base thread quantitization
[16:46:45] <pcw_home> but at say 1KHz and dv/dt from encoder velocity it might be ok
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[16:47:36] <pcw_home> (better to use encoder velocity since it will remove the measuring systems servo thread jitter)
[16:48:01] <skunkworks> I will look
[16:49:17] <skunkworks> I was trying to figure out how I would count step/dir in hal and it would require updown + some logic to work.. The 7i80 solves that problem :)
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[16:53:05] <skunkworks> this way I can scale it and everything
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[17:07:40] <cradek> mhaberler: on my mini mill I'm using REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 ngc=manual_change for tool length probing.
[17:07:44] <cradek> It's simple to do and works well.
[17:07:53] <mhaberler> oh, good to hear
[17:08:21] <mhaberler> so you switched to master?
[17:08:41] <cradek> yeah I'm running buildbot master debs on it now
[17:08:55] <cradek> my VMC is still 2.5 (uh or maybe it's 2.4?)
[17:09:03] <cradek> surely it's 2.5
[17:09:05] <cradek> ha
[17:09:27] <mhaberler> I'll do a pass over the remap docs later 'this year', let me know if you have any suggestions or examples
[17:10:08] <mhaberler> I think everything is in place to do custom cycles by now, too
[17:10:17] <cradek> assuming my use case is the most commonly-wanted one [of course programmers always assume this and they're usually wrong] my setup might be a good example
[17:10:26] <mhaberler> including sticky support
[17:10:39] <mhaberler> well just go ahead and insert it
[17:10:57] <cradek> a very good and useful exercise would be to try to replace G84 with G33.1-type moves
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[17:11:13] <cradek> it would be great to have step/repeat with the rigid tap cycle
[17:11:51] <cradek> OR make g84 work with a particular reversing tapping head (they can have different reversing ratios)
[17:12:34] <mhaberler> I gave that a stab a long time ago; the only hard change I needed was to suppress wait-for-atspeed on reversal, that needed a canon+downstream change
[17:12:44] <cradek> I didn't intend to give you work, I only meant to say it was working and it's good
[17:13:42] <skunkworks> cradek, I think I have found more overages in master...
[17:13:57] <cradek> sorry which exercise are you talking about where you wanted to suppress wait-for-atspeed?
[17:13:58] <mhaberler> oh, I happily comply.. gluing together other stuff these days
[17:14:26] <mhaberler> let me find that branch and re-understand it; it was based on a discussion with robh
[17:15:21] <mhaberler> that was the rationale:;a=commitdiff;h=7923b8525b6963bafb2088c696c7aeacc0901bf2
[17:15:59] <mhaberler> I stopped working on this branch (g84-dev) and turned to implementing cycle support in embedded python instead
[17:16:11] <cradek> ah T/C, a third case other than the two I suggested
[17:17:11] <cradek> robh was working on the case where he had no spindle feedback and wanted to use a T/C tapping head? (because you could use the rigid tap cycle with a T/C just great)
[17:17:30] <mhaberler> I think that was the issue, yes
[17:18:59] <mhaberler> hm, the recent config reorg.. wonder where remap went
[17:19:40] <mhaberler> ah, sim/axis/remap
[17:21:08] <cradek> remap/manual-toolchange-with-tool-length-switch is MUCH more complicated than what I ended up with
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[17:22:17] <mhaberler> this example uses the remap cycle support:;a=tree;f=configs/sim/axis/remap/cycle;h=e161c25192bfbc86ca9ff27e5a5499087048e1a0;hb=6cb84b76e6b8832b380bb52ee46d5e789c274ffb
[17:22:31] <mhaberler> well if you come up with something simpler that'd be great
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[17:25:10] <cradek> it would take a lot of doc-reading for me to understand that more advanced remap
[17:25:38] <cradek> just curious - can you override the existing G84 instead of making new ones?
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[17:29:32] <mhaberler> let me see
[17:32:27] <mhaberler> not currently; what it would need is a test like in 3367 to override the call in 3370:;a=blob;f=src/emc/rs274ngc/;h=f8c0f871951f51851d335556d133b532cc1c2da6;hb=6cb84b76e6b8832b380bb52ee46d5e789c274ffb#l3367
[17:32:54] <skunkworks> cradek,
[17:33:15] <skunkworks> I will isolate it.. This program causes it quite often for some reason
[17:33:17] <mhaberler> overriding existing codes is a per-code test; using new, unallocated ones works without touching the code
[17:33:23] <cradek> skunkworks: yargh
[17:33:32] <skunkworks> heh - sorry
[17:33:41] <cradek> mhaberler: got it (m6 you already handled apparently)
[17:33:55] <mhaberler> yes, and quite a few others
[17:34:06] <mhaberler> sort of as a use case appeared
[17:35:22] <mhaberler> m6 is around 2293 same file
[17:35:56] <mhaberler> that has the 'recursion' feature - you can use an m6 in a remap, in which case it will use the builtin sequence
[17:37:44] <cradek> yes I use that
[17:38:38] <cradek> and M73
[17:39:03] <mhaberler> ah, it's you - I thought somebody might ;)
[17:39:52] <cradek> the tool change does motion and probing, so it darn well better set the units first, and you'd sure not want to change units on the caller
[17:40:05] <cradek> and I should test all of that :-)
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[17:59:21] <skunkworks> cradek,
[17:59:34] <skunkworks> the LHchips3error.ngc
[17:59:42] <skunkworks> is one example
[18:00:35] -!- kwallace2 [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc-devel
[18:01:10] <cradek> thanks, I'll try to look at it later today
[18:01:16] <cradek> ha F9991200.0
[18:01:59] <skunkworks> Find replace F > F999
[18:03:27] <andypugh> What's going on there?
[18:03:47] <pcw_home> thats a fairly high feedrate
[18:03:56] <skunkworks> I am just running programs as fast as they will go...
[18:03:59] <andypugh> I guess the K&T isn't _quite_ that fast?
[18:04:13] <skunkworks> not quite.. ;)
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[18:04:14] <cradek> yeah I understand and there's nothing wrong with it; it just looks silly
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[18:04:37] <skunkworks> so the limit is the TP - not the feed
[18:05:38] <cradek> sure
[18:05:47] <cradek> same as changing to all G0 (except there is no such thing as a rapid arc)
[18:05:49] -!- Komzpa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:05:54] <skunkworks> right
[18:06:36] <pcw_home> is it possible that that high a feedrate triggers some corner condition not normally seen?
[18:06:48] <cradek> very doubtful
[18:07:06] <cradek> (in my planner anyway - I don't know much about robert's)
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[18:07:24] <skunkworks> robers runs through without an overage... ;)
[18:07:29] <skunkworks> today anyway
[18:07:36] <cradek> yay that's great :-)
[18:07:53] <cradek> if I understand right though, his depends on mine working right
[18:07:53] <skunkworks> he has fixed a bunch of issues over the last few days
[18:08:18] <skunkworks> sure - but I think he has tweeked yours..
[18:08:23] <cradek> bbl
[18:08:57] <pcw_home> Looks like real progress on the new TP
[18:10:19] -!- Komzpa has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[18:11:16] <skunkworks> old tp
[18:11:17] <skunkworks>
[18:11:33] <skunkworks> new tp
[18:11:34] <skunkworks>
[18:12:13] -!- md-2 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[18:12:18] <pcw_home> almost twice as fast!
[18:12:25] <skunkworks> the more line segments vs arcs the better... (right now the readahead works if there are line segments, tangent line-arc and arc-arcs
[18:13:09] <skunkworks> tangent arc-arcs
[18:13:12] <pcw_home> high speed profiling CAM output will mostly be short line segments
[18:13:17] <skunkworks> right
[18:13:30] <skunkworks> and that was his inital focus
[18:14:03] <skunkworks> and falls back to parabolic blends (current tp) for unhandled cases.. which is pretty cool
[18:14:52] <pcw_home> so if this works with everything else it removes one of the main complaint I hear about LinuXCNC for profiling and high speed routers
[18:14:57] <andypugh> Why are both tool paths incomplete?
[18:14:57] <skunkworks> in the last picture - you can see the yellow vs red - yellow is parabolic blending
[18:15:43] <skunkworks> andypugh, the tool path disapears after so many lines to save memory
[18:15:52] <skunkworks> you onley see it on long programs
[18:16:08] <andypugh> I am rather concerned about the extent of blending on the rapids, I can't help feeling that those might hit the work.
[18:16:10] <skunkworks> pcw_home, that is what I am excited about.
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[18:16:44] <skunkworks> andypugh, that is normal path.. if you don't want that - you do a G64Px.xx
[18:17:11] <skunkworks> (g64 is - go as fast as you can while touching every segmetn)
[18:17:19] <andypugh> Still, it's a bit unnerving to see
[18:17:47] <skunkworks> yes - and that is extreme - high feed and sort of low acceleration (30in/sec^2)
[18:18:15] <skunkworks> 500ipm
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[18:21:11] <andypugh> Ah, OK, so not a realistic set of parameters, really.
[18:21:19] <pcw_home> Ive been testing the stepgen for latency sensitivity (Ethernet) at 300 In/sec^2 1800IPM
[18:21:39] <andypugh> What is the speed-up like with a better accel match?
[18:22:24] <pcw_home> 10x would be about 80 In/sec^2
[18:22:48] <pcw_home> (100 ms to full speed)
[18:25:33] <mozmck> actually, those parameters are not un-realistic for some work I think.
[18:26:27] <mozmck> at least not too far out. We run plasma cutting at 225+ ipm and 35in/s^2 accel
[18:28:40] <skunkworks> mozmck, do you have any programs with short line segments I could play with?
[18:29:00] <skunkworks> or andypugh
[18:29:03] <mozmck> I might, I'd have to look.
[18:29:37] <andypugh> skunkworks: No, I mainly machine with MDI commands :-)
[18:29:43] <skunkworks> it seems to run programs maxed out about twice as fast..
[18:31:32] <skunkworks> I was looking for a nice router program to make a guitar - but have not found any (Gcode already done anyway) :)
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[18:35:56] <mozmck> I presume you are referring to the stick-on-a-board screeching electric noisemaker?
[18:36:08] <skunkworks> yes ;)
[18:36:24] <mozmck> ah, I don't have anything for that :)
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[19:39:26] <skunkworks>
[19:46:07] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Norbert Schechner 05master 462d4e0 06linuxcnc 10(5 files in 2 dirs) gmoccapy_0_9_9_6_3 - plasma design adapted * 14;a=commitdiff;h=462d4e0
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[20:19:46] <jepler> has anyone suggested to norbert that he not put a version number in his commit messages?
[20:21:10] <seb_kuzminsky> jepler: cradek did
[20:21:52] <cradek> twice
[20:21:58] <jepler> OK
[20:22:00] <jepler> well whatever
[20:22:49] <seb_kuzminsky> i should quietly remove the version numbers in the hostmot2 driver before anyone notices
[20:22:56] <cradek> he tried to come up with a different system, where the user could see the git ref easily on the screen, and although I don't think that's an important feature, it was important to him and he couldn't get it to work easily. if you have strong feelings maybe you could help him do that.
[20:24:07] <jepler> I offered a patch to put the git ref in linuxcnc.version so he could display it
[20:24:47] <cradek> thanks, I think that's a good approach
[20:25:05] <seb_kuzminsky> we have scripts/get-version-from-git that the buildbot uses to (ugh) overwrite VERSION, and that goes into Axis and the debian version number and into the docs
[20:26:10] <jepler> also I don't understand what relationship this has to putting version numbers in commit messages
[20:26:45] <jepler> get the string 0_9_9_6_3 from the about dialog and plug it in to google and see where you end up on gitweb?
[20:27:24] <cradek> he wants people on the forum who are building from source to be able to report problems to him easily
[20:27:46] <cradek> I think if they are building from source, they can use git describe, but he prefers something on-screen
[20:28:05] <cradek> I suppose people might send him screenshots or something - I don't know the culture of bugreporting on the forum
[20:28:40] <jepler> the fight I'm fighting at the moment is not about the string 0_9_9_6_3 which I assume he puts in his source file
[20:28:51] <jepler> though that's bad too and it would be next on the list to do something about
[20:29:09] <jepler> well anyway I'm sorry I brought it up
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[20:48:07] <mhaberler> once ubc3 is merged, that is taken care of; the git tags are available in C and Python as needed
[20:48:41] <cradek> but the social part is harder than the technical part :-/
[20:49:17] <mhaberler> still no need to reinvent the tech part; Norbert will get around to it
[20:49:23] <mhaberler> Dec 17 21:40:28 wheezy msgd:0: startup instance=inst0 pid=13729 flavor=rt-preempt rtlevel=5 usrlevel=5 halsize=512000 shm=Posix gcc=4.8.2 git=v2.6.0~pre~remote-hal-ui~f733fb0
[20:50:00] <cradek> very useful
[20:51:02] <mhaberler> it's generated during configure, is in config.h, and as linuxcncconfig.GIT_VERSION
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[20:59:17] <memleak> someone pinged me when i was out of town but my scrollback doesn't go back far enough to see what the comment was...
[21:00:06] <cradek> 14:06 < cradek> good work memleak and seb_kuzminsky and everyone else! it's going to work.
[21:00:09] <cradek> 16:26 < cradek> wow I have 1854ns latency with isolcpus on memleak's kernel
[21:00:20] <cradek> these are the only things containing your name since you talked last
[21:00:30] <memleak> thanks cradek!
[21:00:31] <cradek> for the context you'll have to dig in the logs :-)
[21:01:21] <memleak> glad my RTAI stuff works well for you!
[21:01:23] <memleak> +
[21:01:52] <memleak> i put the keyboard down and accidentally type in a + sign.. sorry about that
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