#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2014-12-08

[00:03:25] -!- ejb has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz…]
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[00:14:01] amnesic_away is now known as amnesic
[00:25:04] -!- rob_h has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:33:27] -!- Valen has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[00:52:55] <Tom_itx> i should wait for advice i think
[00:57:02] -!- Nick001-shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243]]
[01:06:07] <Tom_itx> pcw_home what would be a good menu title for those pages?
[01:06:30] <Tom_itx> apparently you can't edit that once created
[01:12:22] <kwallace2> It's pretty easy, or rather limited in what can be done. There is a sandbox that you can play in, which is a fake page that you can't hurt. http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SandBox
[01:12:42] <Tom_itx> i have .jpgs i want to include
[01:12:45] <Tom_itx> how do you do that?
[01:13:02] <Tom_itx> does everything you upload go to the same folder?
[01:13:21] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/emc/xilinx/xilinx14_install_index.php
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> i want to move that to the wiki
[01:13:58] <Tom_itx> and add it to the table of contents
[01:14:52] <kwallace2> As far as I know, you can add text and pictures but not the same text format and colors and such.
[01:15:14] <Tom_itx> that was generated with asciidoc
[01:15:26] <Tom_itx> same as the regular docs i think
[01:16:22] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:16:48] <Tom_itx> if i create a menu item on the table of contents will it create a blank page for it?
[01:17:06] <Tom_itx> then i can upload the text to that
[01:17:18] <kwallace2> There are header formats so you can make some text bold or larger but that's about it. A header might go like -> == My Header ==
[01:17:50] <atom1> similar to asciidoc
[01:18:01] <atom1> <-tomitx
[01:18:45] <kwallace2> If you create a link on an existing page, it will create the empty page for you and you can start editing it.
[01:19:25] <kwallace2> Sorry, I gotta go to dinner.
[01:19:30] <atom1> i added an external link for now on the links page
[01:19:36] -!- kwallace2 [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc-devel
[01:26:05] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, under tutorials: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Tutorials
[01:26:19] <Tom_itx> just links
[01:26:30] <Tom_itx> i'll try to add a page later
[01:36:30] -!- swingley has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[01:50:30] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
[01:57:21] -!- Tecan has quit [Changing host]
[02:02:58] -!- jduhls has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:05:49] <pcw_home> Thats great!
[02:09:09] <Tom_itx> been looking over some of the format.. i may try it
[02:09:23] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, where should i add it on the table of contents?
[02:11:12] <pcw_home> You mean the link to the tutorials links?
[02:11:26] <atom1> the main wiki table of contents
[02:11:44] <atom1> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl
[02:12:02] <atom1> i'm gonna try to upload the page
[02:13:37] <atom1> there's 'configuring linuxcnc -> advanced configuration
[02:13:40] <atom1> maybe?
[02:16:11] <atom1> i'm not moving the link i just made... was gonna add the page as part of the wiki
[02:18:15] <pcw_home> hmm big improvement in hm2_eth latency by setting Ethernet IRQ priority higher than any other IRQ
[02:18:16] <pcw_home> Not surprising I guess but maybe masked on CPUs that have too small a cache
[02:23:07] <kwallace1> pcw_home, do you know offhand how fast a 5i25 encoder counter is? I have a 10k spindle that I'd like to mount an encoder disk on to and I'm trying to decide the ppr of the disk. Although, I should be able to throw out the high end if I only need rigid tapping.
[02:23:22] <atom1> i think i'll make a bullet 'MESA Bitfile Configuration' if that's ok with you?
[02:23:56] <atom1> and insert pages under that
[02:25:42] <pcw_home> non muxed encoders on a 5i25 can count up to about 16 MHz
[02:26:16] <pcw_home> (filter off)
[02:26:17] <pcw_home> about 3 MHz filter on
[02:26:59] <kwallace1> Even with the filter on I could do 100 ppr at 10k RPM, no problem.
[02:27:51] <pcw_home> Yeah usually for high res encoders the encoder itself is the limitation
[02:28:21] <pcw_home> (many have a a 300 KHz or so max output frequency)
[02:31:04] <kwallace1> I was planning on using Allegro tooth sensors. AT667 (?) I'll have to look up the datasheet.
[02:32:41] <kwallace1> Hmm, 20kHz
[02:33:20] <kwallace1> Oops, wrong number.
[02:53:43] -!- ejb has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:06:59] -!- swingley has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[03:17:40] -!- Valen has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:25:03] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:26:39] <atom1> pcw_home, http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Editing_MESA_Bitfiles
[03:30:47] <atom1> from the table of contents-> Advanced Configuration -> MESA Bitfile Configuration
[03:31:31] <atom1> working on the older spartan2 ver
[03:31:57] -!- swingley has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[04:02:52] -!- swingley has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[04:14:47] <KimK> pcw_home: Hi Peter, is there more info available on "...The sserial_port_0=0XXX configuration string..." mentioned here: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/drivers/hostmot2.html#_sserial_configuration I've checked the 5i22, 7i44, and 7i69 manuals, and if it's there, I'm not seeing it. There's only a brief mention near the end of the 7i69 manual, on p.44.
[04:15:43] -!- jduhls has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[04:17:19] <pcw_home> Its in the hostmot2 manual
[04:17:57] <KimK> Ah, OK, I'll look there, thanks.
[04:23:15] <atom1> pcw_home, they're both on the wiki page now
[04:24:19] -!- atom1 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:24:47] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, if you notice any errors lemme know.
[04:28:03] <pcw_home> OK I'll take a look
[04:38:49] -!- SpeedEvil has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
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[12:22:57] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Dewey Garrett 05dgarr/moveoff e1bce10 06linuxcnc 10configs/sim/axis/moveoff/hookup_moveoff.tcl hookup_moveoff: support 9 axes (personality=) * 14http://git.linuxcnc.org/?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commitdiff;h=e1bce10
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[13:16:11] -!- skunkworks [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[15:15:09] <pcw_home> peak hm2-eth read times (above minimum) reduced from 114 usec to 27 usec by setting Ethernet IRQ priority!
[15:16:00] <cradek> ooh
[15:16:51] <skunkworks> How doe one set irq priority?
[15:16:56] <pcw_home> after ~24 hours of youtube videos (which normally trigger the occasional peaks)
[15:17:04] <pcw_home> chrt
[15:17:22] -!- kwallace [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[15:40:28] -!- mk0 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:40:56] <skunkworks> wow gene
[15:41:51] <cradek> sigh
[15:42:57] <skunkworks> I have not been following much - but is he trying to do cutter comp in gcode?
[15:43:25] <cradek> I don't know
[15:43:33] <cradek> I never seem to understand his troubles
[15:44:04] <cradek> I think lately it comes down to how he just doesn't get how to write an IJ arc
[15:44:14] <skunkworks> cradek, did you see http://www.electronicsam.com/images/Mazak/comu.JPG
[15:44:16] <Connor> skunkworks: reminder: db 25 + db 9 pc back plate :)
[15:44:17] <cradek> a lot of people don't get it
[15:44:23] <skunkworks> reason for broken brushes...
[15:44:30] <cradek> a therefore a lot of people think IJ arcs are buggy or something
[15:44:35] <skunkworks> Connor, let me look
[15:45:18] <Connor> skunkworks: Wow.. that's pretty gnarly.
[15:45:19] <cradek> why is it bulgey? is one of them loose?
[15:46:13] <skunkworks> yes - a section delaminated
[15:47:40] <pcw_home> really looks like oil or coolant contamination
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[15:53:58] <skunkworks> Connor, how many do you need? (I have only found 1 so far...)
[15:54:13] -!- karavanjo has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[15:56:40] <pcw_home> skunkworks: sudo chrt -p 99 (your RT Ethernet IRQ PID)
[15:59:37] -!- f1oat [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[16:10:17] <Connor> skunkworks: Just 1 with both 25 and 9.
[16:15:08] <skunkworks> Connor, http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/testing/1208141011.jpg
[16:15:17] <Connor> Yup.
[16:15:59] <Connor> I had access to 100's of those things back when I worked in a local PC Store and repair shop.
[16:16:03] <Connor> they're long gone now. :(
[16:17:18] <skunkworks> I could throw it in a usps envelope
[16:21:12] <Connor> If you wouldn't mind. I'll cover postage.
[16:21:20] <Connor> I.E. paypal you
[16:23:28] <skunkworks> eh - don't worry about it.
[16:25:35] <CaptHindsight> they are still on ebay
[16:26:01] <Connor> CaptHindsight: Yea. But, they charge a arm and a leg for shipping..
[16:26:23] <CaptHindsight> I can't belive I had to buy new ones after the 100's I had tossed into boxes years ago
[16:26:35] <Connor> I know? Right?
[16:28:08] <cradek> be aware those are both serial connectors
[16:37:02] -!- Roguish [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
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[16:38:00] <pcw_home> also be aware that there are 2 different serial port pinouts used on motherboards
[16:38:52] <pcw_home> one is IDC connector --> flat cable compatible the other is not
[16:38:54] <Connor> pcw_home: Don't need the serial connectors. just the bracket.
[16:39:04] <archivist> does anyone keep to proper serial port specs!
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[16:39:48] <Connor> the db 25 is going to be replaced with full 25 pin db 25, the db 9 is being replaced with hd db 15 (vga)
[16:40:30] <pcw_home> Ahh no serial
[16:41:45] <pcw_home> archivist: this is the 10 pin motherboard header pinout I was talking about some are 1-1 other are IDC compatible
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[17:01:47] -!- quiqua has quit [Quit: quiqua]
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[17:16:41] <archivist> I am used to the "fun" getting serial working with sensible handshake
[17:28:09] -!- pcw_home has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[17:29:06] <seb_kuzminsky> did you guys see dgarr's latest moveoff video? It now does waypoint backtracking (optionally).
[17:29:23] <seb_kuzminsky> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY6hx7WBkO8
[17:34:24] <skunkworks> it isn't good enough
[17:34:28] <skunkworks> ;)
[17:34:38] <skunkworks> Pretty darn neat
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[18:09:50] <Connor> how is moveoff different than jog while pause ?
[18:10:50] <Connor> or is that what we're calling it for now ?
[18:11:56] <skunkworks> different implimtation
[18:12:16] <Connor> I can't keep it all straight anymore.
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[18:40:41] -!- skunkworks_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc-devel
[18:50:43] <seb_kuzminsky> Connor: moveoff is a hal-only trick to let you move the tool while you have a program paused
[18:51:17] <seb_kuzminsky> it provides the same functionality as the jog-while-paused patch that was floating around, but without polluting our core code with interim solutions
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[23:54:29] <mozmck> Are userspace hal components run as separate processes?
[23:54:58] <cradek> yes
[23:56:52] <mozmck> Ok, so the main HAL process calls functions to update pins every thread period, but the component can have separate loops and timers doing whatever.
[23:57:24] <cradek> yes userspace components are free-running and there is no telling when they'll read and write their pins
[23:59:05] <mozmck> ok, I think I understand.