Back [01:00:30]<giacus> storms :( [01:15:25]<giacus> looks better: [01:15:45]<giacus> added some nice feature, removed some crap option [01:15:51]<giacus> G night [04:01:36]<CIA-4> 03jmkasunich 07HEAD * 10documents/lyx/Hal_Introduction.lyx: minor edits [06:02:55]<Jymmm> Jymmm is now known as Jymm [08:27:32]<Bo^Dick> you know what? i've accidently improved the L297 with my design. [08:28:31]<Bo^Dick> it may sound stupid at this point but there is a reasonable explanation [08:29:06]<Bo^Dick> so for you stepper motor enthusiasts please listen up [08:37:39]<fenn> * fenn snores [08:38:44]<fenn> qcad is so buggy [08:39:10]<Bo^Dick> "qcad" huh [08:39:21]<Bo^Dick> better than eagle? [08:39:35]<fenn> it is a 2d drafting program, no good for circuit design [08:40:35]<fenn> its hard to know what to label and what not to label [08:40:41]<fenn> i mean which dimensions to label [08:56:15]<giacus> morning