[00:30:32] <jmkasunich> quiet in here tonight
[00:31:29] <fenn> in IRC, no-one can hear you scream
[00:34:09] <jmkasunich> I can't scream
[00:34:17] <jmkasunich> too much yelling at the baseball games
[00:52:37] <jmkasunich> ;-)
[02:07:18] <JymmmEMC> lol @ jmkasunich
[02:20:54] <toast> i am hoooome
[02:21:02] <toast> american society of precision engineers, ty for having me
[02:24:13] <fenn> now you get to wear a scratchy iron ring?
[02:24:49] <toast> iron ring?
[02:25:08] <jmkasunich> I think that's a civil or mech eng thing
[02:25:36] <jmkasunich>
[02:25:41] <jmkasunich> canadian thing it seems
[02:25:49] <toast> i finally met people crazier than i am!
[02:31:12] <fenn> what was the name of the machine that does surface profiles again?
[02:34:34] <toast> which one
[02:34:39] <toast> talysurf?
[02:34:46] <fenn> the one that's "not a CMM"
[02:34:53] <toast> oh, universal measuring machine
[02:34:59] <toast> moore made them
[02:35:12] <toast> now they've got different tools they use
[02:35:24] <toast> like talysurf and white light surface interferometers
[02:35:35] <toast> i still wish we had one of them
[02:40:43] <toast> fenn: why
[02:40:59] <fenn> it came up the other day and i couldnt remember what it was called
[02:41:12] <toast> oh
[03:01:47] <toast> vwippa vwippa slim shady
[03:01:52] <toast> i am so glad the 90s are over
[03:02:35] <fenn> the 2000's are almost over
[03:02:48] <toast> yeah but the 2000s have been okay
[03:02:56] <toast> mostly because i completely zoned out of pop culture
[03:03:45] <fenn> yeah my idea of what happened this decade is wikipedia and google
[03:03:56] <fenn> and terrists
[03:04:08] <toast> yes
[03:13:04] <fenn> this just sounds too unlikely to be real
[03:13:08] <fenn> "HoloVID is a tool originally developed for the holographic dimensional measurement of the internal isogrid webbing of the Delta Series of (launch vehicle) Space Craft skins by Dr. Jon Dark in 1981."
[03:13:34] <toast> holographic measurement is michelson interferometry with a holographic standard rather than a reference mirror
[03:14:03] <toast> or that's usually what it refers to
[03:14:10] <toast> unless they are trying to actually TAKE a holograph
[03:14:12] <toast> of the surface
[03:14:17] <toast> and doing the metrology elsewhere
[03:14:20] <fenn> yes that makes sense, its just it sounds rather sci-fi
[03:14:34] <toast> haha
[03:14:53] <fenn> dont they have to take a hologram of a 'good' part in the first place?
[03:14:58] <toast> yes
[03:15:21] <toast> the places that sell holographic references have all the crap to make a high quality master
[03:15:24] <toast> and verify it
[03:15:46] <toast> you get a little certification, just like a calibrated gage block
[03:18:08] <fenn> hm. reading about this makes my head hurt, so i think i'll stop
[03:19:53] <toast> hahah
[03:19:57] <toast> it's bizzare stuff
[03:19:58] <toast> also brb
[03:20:05] <SkinnyPuppy34> Anyone need a good youtube laugh?
[03:20:16] <SkinnyPuppy34>
[03:20:22] <SkinnyPuppy34> 1:30 into vid
[03:25:18] <fenn> the berlin fuck parade :D
[03:54:47] <toast> fff
[03:59:52] <ds2> was that a slight on the SAE?
[04:04:24] <toast> ?
[04:14:27] <LawrenceG> playing with lathe axis/pyVCP
[04:38:33] <tfmacz> playing with axis/pyVCP
[04:38:42] <ds2> Precision Engineers so the SAE mus tbe imprecise engineers?
[05:17:54] <toast_> ds2: yes
[05:18:24] <toast_> precision engineers deal only with subsystems of larger designs
[05:18:37] <toast_> they don't actually design products, just very specific components and they also do the process design
[05:18:42] <toast_> for those components
[05:18:54] <toast_> some people fall more to one side than another
[05:22:57] <toast_> it's not really a dig against the sae/asme
[05:23:06] <toast_> just a very specialized group
[05:34:05] <toast_> automotive industries have like, zero use for precision engineering
[05:34:05] <toast_> it's more for like, lithography and optics
[05:34:05] <toast_> bizzare litho and optics
[05:34:05] <toast_> *bizarre
[05:34:05] <toast_> some biomedical crap
[05:34:05] <ds2> oh so measurement instruments would fall under it?
[05:34:05] <toast_> not really
[05:34:05] <toast_> cmms and stuff, no
[05:34:05] <ds2> hmmm
[05:34:05] <toast_> like, for instance
[05:34:05] <toast_> a freeform turning machine to make aspheric molds for cellphone camera lenses
[05:34:05] <toast_> and the measurement equipment to measure the mold and the finished optic
[05:34:05] <ds2> so interferometers would fall under?
[05:34:05] <toast_> optical engineering
[05:34:05] <toast_> but PE guys use them
[05:34:07] <ds2> hmmm
[05:34:24] <toast_> microscoping molding applications
[05:34:36] <toast_> like, molding conductors onto a thin film to make a piezoactuator
[05:34:54] <toast_> any time you need to have a machine moving in nanometers, millionths, angstroms, etc
[05:34:55] <ds2> sounds like the nanotech/semiconductor stuff
[05:35:02] <toast_> yeah
[05:35:06] <toast_> they are big customers
[05:35:30] <toast_> because they understand their process and how to manipulate it
[05:35:46] <toast_> but they don't know how to go from something microscale and manipulate it from macroscale machinery
[05:35:55] <toast_> so PE dudes bridge that gap
[05:36:13] <ds2> Oh so the implanting and photo lith people would be just that?
[05:36:18] <toast_> yes
[05:36:34] <toast_> not ALL lith
[05:36:40] <toast_> but like, lithographic heads
[05:36:42] <toast_> ion milling, etc
[05:37:01] <ds2> neat stuff
[05:37:06] <toast_> it is pretty cool
[05:37:36] <ds2> stuff that I've seen in schools
[05:38:07] <toast_> yeah, exactly
[05:38:25] <toast_> a lot of universities were there
[05:38:35] <toast_> some of them had machines they needed built and were asking around for quotes and components
[05:38:47] <ds2> were the guys who write IBM with atoms there?
[05:38:51] <toast_> someone was trying to put a C axis on a lithographic head
[05:39:14] <toast_> not that I saw?
[05:39:28] <toast_> someone was there measuring spindle error below the atomic level
[05:39:48] <toast_> they were using a crystal as a scale, and watching the atoms with a tunneling electron microscope
[05:39:55] <toast_> for sub-atom movement
[05:39:59] <toast_> picometers
[05:40:01] <toast_> NEW BUZZWORD
[05:40:34] <ds2> 'pm'
[05:40:36] <toast_> that was about the only atomic manipulation i saw
[05:40:42] <toast_> and it wasn't really manipulation
[05:41:01] <toast_> i just want to meet the poor bastard who had to align the microscope head to the spindle axis
[05:42:27] <toast_> you can write IBM with just about any SEM though
[05:42:30] <toast_> or so I thought
[05:42:54] <toast_> it's got some function to pick atoms out of a crystal lattice and put them down somewhere else
[05:42:58] <ds2> they either worked for IBM or were funded by IBM
[05:43:01] <toast_> for electron traps
[05:43:02] <toast_> and crap
[05:43:42] <toast_> if you can find who it was i'd be interested in looking it up
[05:43:50] <toast_> the particulars, that is
[05:43:50] <ds2> let me see if I can find the page
[05:44:40] <ds2> this stuff:
[05:44:41] <ds2>
[05:45:16] <toast_> that is such a cool microscope technology
[05:45:24] <ds2> yep
[05:45:40] <toast_> i don't know anything about them though
[05:46:38] <ds2> all that makes lathes and mills look like work done with an axe
[05:47:29] <toast_> hahah
[05:51:29] <toast_> the coolest is the diamond freeform lathes
[05:51:36] <toast_> they can do molds and cavaties
[05:51:56] <toast_> they're like really high order multiaxis machines that don't clearly turn or mill
[05:52:01] <toast_> just move the tool over the profile