#emc | Logs for 2008-02-10

[00:26:03] <alex_joni> good night all
[00:40:20] <BigJohnT> good night alex
[00:49:06] <eric_U> new monitor, yea!
[01:43:36] <gezar> howdy
[03:43:04] <Jymmmm> eric_42" wide screen!!!
[04:12:09] <tomp> not free but is linux, http://www.graphiteone-cad.com/demo/quickstart.htm , interesting, like MDT from ACad, i hadnt seen the 'subtract the path cut by this dia tool' before though.
[04:12:49] <tomp> 'free' demo version may be difficult to get running on ubu ( made for suse )
[04:12:58] <Jymmmm> heh
[04:13:30] <tomp> well its swiss ,so it gotta be suse (Q)
[04:27:40] <GNieport1> hi guys
[04:29:45] <GNieport1> has anyone heard of or used a config that included motion.adaptive-feed? Is it the same type of function that commercial machines have, where feed rate is reduced when spindle current increases?
[04:30:27] <jmkasunich> adaptive feed was originally added for the EDM guys, who adjust feed based on spark voltage
[04:30:35] <GNieport1> I suspect so, and its awesome that EMC includes it. The commercial guys charge $$$$ for it
[04:30:40] <jmkasunich> it could also be used to adjust feed based on spindle load
[04:30:42] <GNieport1> ah
[04:31:06] <GNieport1> so it orig was a "torch height" for EDM :)
[04:33:23] <GNieport1> jmkasunich, did you work on the HAL config for "demo mazak"
[04:33:28] <jmkasunich> yes
[04:35:24] <GNieport1> in this line, "setp scale.0.gain [SPINDLE]HIGH_GEAR_RATIO", is a new INI entry shown? Is the proper syntax to add [header] and then VARIABLE_NAME?
[04:35:38] <GNieport1> (to the INI)
[04:35:57] <jmkasunich> you can put anything you want in the ini file, and then reference it in a hal file
[04:36:10] <jmkasunich> the part in the [] is the section name, you can use an existing section or make one up
[04:36:29] <jmkasunich> the part after the ] is the variable name - you can use a variable that already exists in that section, or make one up
[04:37:03] <GNieport1> sweet, I am going to set up a 0-10V spindle command, but I am not sure what step on the pulley I want to keep long term. I will use an INI multiplier to set the ratio
[04:38:43] <GNieport1> windy tonight ;-)
[04:40:09] <jmkasunich> anybody know how much you can heat aluminum without ruining the temper?
[04:50:09] <jmkasunich> planning to press or shrink a 1/8" thick aluminum wheel onto a 0.312" steel shaft, trying to figure out how much interefence I should have
[04:50:22] <jmkasunich> I'm at 0.309 on the hole at the moment
[04:51:18] <DanielFalck> try .002 interference
[04:51:41] <DanielFalck> what is the wheel driving?
[04:51:49] <DanielFalck> or doing?
[04:51:55] <jmkasunich> winding up a string
[04:52:15] <jmkasunich> probably a 10 in-lbs of torque
[04:52:52] <jmkasunich> the wheel is 3" dia and only 1/8" thick, so I want a tight fit
[04:53:31] <DanielFalck> if you can press it on go with .003 to .006 then
[04:53:56] <DanielFalck> freeze the shaft
[04:54:05] <jmkasunich> I guess 0.003 will have to do (for 0.006 I'd have to make the hole smaller)
[04:55:16] <jmkasunich> thanks
[04:58:08] <GNieport> jmkasunich, did you get an answer about temper? I cannot fidn anything in Machinery's
[04:58:48] <jmkasunich> I found something online that says to be safe don't go over 212F
[04:59:06] <jmkasunich> I might throw the wheel in boiling water to expand it before I press the shaft in
[04:59:19] <jmkasunich> and freeze the shaft
[04:59:39] <jmkasunich> heating the wheel will be more effective though, aluminum expands much more than steel per degree
[05:00:39] <GNieport> indeed
[05:01:25] <DanielFalck> tomp: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-528221.html
[05:02:30] <tomp> DanielFalck: thanks, just looked at that, but just dog-eared it :)
[05:03:30] <tomp> i thought it looked alot like Mechanical Desktop from AutoCad
[05:04:02] <DanielFalck> there's also python under the hood
[05:09:15] <tomp> got it installed on ubuntu 6.06?
[05:09:51] <DanielFalck> no I haven't attempted yet. But I looked at the tar source file
[05:10:14] <DanielFalck> it has opencascade in there too
[05:10:45] <DanielFalck> it looks like they are now licensing some Unigraphics source
[05:11:00] <DanielFalck> which wasn't in the source file...
[05:12:55] <jmkasunich> well crap....
[05:13:02] <jmkasunich> I could have sworn I had a 5-40 tap
[05:13:12] <jmkasunich> but it appears I don't
[05:13:55] <tomp> DanielFalck: hmm, nice stuff tho. i put it away thinkin i hadnt given Weber system's freebie a chance ( they gave it away at a EMC fest years ago) and i hadnt used APT enuf ( it worked sweet )
[05:16:18] <tomp> yesterday i couldnt find a 5-40, but figgered I'd get by in alum by gashing the screw and screwing it in a slightly large hole... i succeeded in twisting the head off the screw without much effort :(
[05:16:51] <tomp> channelocks to the rescue
[06:06:08] <tomp> nice paper on linux used in control theory http://mocha-java.uccs.edu/CSL/ece4530.pdf (a pid loop controlling a magnet suspended above an electromagnet with laser/opto distance feedback )
[07:10:28] <toastydeath> fff
[07:10:34] <toastydeath> i need to get some channel locks
[08:56:14] <fenn> this is neat, it assembles the parts while still on the machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0crJUFEIc&NR=1
[09:29:23] <robin_z> morning ....
[11:21:37] <alex_joni> 'lo dude
[11:30:34] <alex_joni> bbl.. lunch
[11:57:59] <archivist> hmm fenn what about swarf left in the whistle
[12:24:15] <fenn> i think it's run with flood coolant normally
[12:24:30] <fenn> wouldn't that blast away any swarf? or is it not reliable enough?
[12:25:52] <archivist> dunno but the video had some stuck to the engraving, most companies barrel polish before assembly
[12:26:11] <archivist> I can see the advantages
[12:58:58] <robin_z> so, whats up guys?
[13:08:51] <quiteBIGeye> * quiteBIGeye arguing over pick and place problems with Vq^
[13:09:31] <robin_z> well, its a hobby I guess
[13:09:43] <quiteBIGeye> as good as any :)
[13:32:54] <alex_joni> hi robin_z
[13:47:32] <robin_z> yo alex dood
[13:47:35] <robin_z> you well?
[13:48:07] <robin_z> how is married life treating you?
[13:55:20] <alex_joni> robin_z: pretty good actually :)
[14:00:20] <robin_z> excellent :)
[14:00:33] <robin_z> and the robots behaving themselves?
[14:04:03] <robin_z> okie, im off to the gym
[14:04:07] <robin_z> see ya later
[14:05:58] <BigJohnT> what does motion.in-position do?
[14:12:03] <archivist> this one has nice angular thread milling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2UtfHRdi68&feature=related
[14:15:19] <BigJohnT> is motion.motion-inpos true after a move or during a move?
[14:24:40] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: only when the machine is exactly at the commanded position
[14:26:18] <BigJohnT> ok
[14:27:32] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: usually that happens only while "resting" :)
[14:28:41] <BigJohnT> that's what I kinda figured
[14:29:24] <BigJohnT> is there a "at commanded speed" pin or signal?
[14:29:36] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: not that I know
[14:29:42] <BigJohnT> ok
[14:29:49] <alex_joni> but that's because emc doesn't command speed
[14:29:55] <alex_joni> it outputs positions..
[14:30:12] <alex_joni> maybe at commanded speed = pid-error close to 0
[14:31:12] <BigJohnT> can you tell if your ramping up or down from the F speed?
[14:31:46] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: I think there are some TP pins for that..
[14:32:18] <alex_joni> mostly for debugging
[14:32:29] <alex_joni> what do you need it for?
[14:32:44] <BigJohnT> LOL I knew you would ask that
[14:33:24] <BigJohnT> I still think that torch height would be better controlled by EMC as a THC has to guess as to what is going on...
[14:33:52] <alex_joni> go on..
[14:34:11] <BigJohnT> If EMC knows that it is ramping up and ramping down then no Z adjustment should happen
[14:34:44] <alex_joni> ramping up?
[14:35:14] <BigJohnT> to the F speed
[14:35:24] <BigJohnT> on the X and Y axis
[14:35:32] <alex_joni> why shouldn't it adjust height?
[14:36:19] <BigJohnT> as the torch slows down for a corner the arc voltage will change
[14:37:06] <anonimasu> hm..
[14:37:11] <anonimasu> that should affect your kerf too..
[14:37:24] <anonimasu> wouldnt it?
[14:37:34] <BigJohnT> it does
[14:37:38] <anonimasu> the more constant speed the better the cut..
[14:37:38] <anonimasu> :P
[14:37:44] <BigJohnT> yes
[14:37:58] <BigJohnT> but you have to slow down for a corner to change directions
[14:38:13] <alex_joni> BigJohnT: depends how you CAM it..
[14:38:36] <BigJohnT> you mean if I radius the corners?
[14:38:41] <anonimasu> yeah
[14:38:47] <alex_joni> outside radius
[14:38:55] <alex_joni> say you want to cut a 90 degree turn right
[14:39:02] <BigJohnT> ok a loop de loop
[14:39:04] <anonimasu> you can do a loop :)
[14:39:09] <alex_joni> yeah, that
[14:40:01] <anonimasu> I
[14:40:06] <anonimasu> I've seen some hsm mills do that..
[14:40:11] <anonimasu> to avoid making sudden direction changes..
[14:40:17] <alex_joni> but I still can't imagine height changes much with minor speed adjustments :)
[14:40:48] <BigJohnT> so if I have an ADC to convert the arc voltage to a BCD on say 4 input pins how could I use that in hal to set my Z?
[14:40:49] <anonimasu> :)
[14:41:02] <anonimasu> BigJohnT: did you work out all
[14:41:05] <anonimasu> EMF stuff?
[14:41:21] <BigJohnT> that seems to be a big problem with "corner dive"
[14:41:43] <BigJohnT> I might be going 450IPM on thin material...
[14:42:03] <BigJohnT> anonimasu not yet
[14:42:07] <anonimasu> ok
[14:42:36] <BigJohnT> EMF from the arc voltage signal?
[14:43:02] <anonimasu> yeah
[14:43:34] <BigJohnT> it should be clean it comes from a pair of pins on the controller board not from the torch itself
[14:43:55] <anonimasu> yeah
[14:44:21] <BigJohnT> I would do the voltage divide in the plasma torch and output 0-10 VDC
[14:45:21] <anonimasu> I'm playing with a cute ultrasonic sensor
[14:45:22] <anonimasu> :)
[14:45:36] <anonimasu> 4-20ma output analog
[14:45:51] <BigJohnT> for distance measuring?
[14:45:53] <anonimasu> yeah
[14:46:46] <BigJohnT> are you inputing that to EMC?
[14:46:50] <anonimasu> no
[14:46:53] <anonimasu> other workstuff..
[14:46:54] <alex_joni> anonimasu: that has problems with what you're cutting
[14:46:55] <anonimasu> :)
[14:47:12] <anonimasu> heat affects ultrasonic sensors though
[14:47:29] <alex_joni> if the workpiece is cut in two, and one part falls away..
[14:47:38] <anonimasu> they have a fairly wide cone
[14:47:53] <BigJohnT> laser might be better...
[14:47:55] <anonimasu> 5cm sensing area...
[14:48:08] <anonimasu> laser is sensitive to dust and stuff..
[14:48:11] <anonimasu> ultrasonic is not
[14:48:20] <anonimasu> (not nearly as sensitive)
[14:49:22] <BigJohnT> hmmm
[14:49:35] <BigJohnT> back to arc voltage... I guess
[14:49:57] <anonimasu> oh yeah.. these sensors are probably not hobby stuff either .. :)
[14:50:03] <anonimasu> not cheap
[14:50:54] <BigJohnT> my work will pay for it (I own the business)
[14:51:54] <BigJohnT> If this can be worked out it will make EMC very attractive to plasma users
[14:54:30] <BigJohnT> I can't seem to find any TP pins...
[15:27:40] <BigJohnT> it looks like Dallur has the EMC side worked out well from his chart. He is using an up or down signal from the THC
[15:28:40] <BigJohnT> so it seems like I could use a BCD input and compare it to a set point via the pyVCP and move up or down...
[15:32:37] <BigJohnT> weighted sum looks like it kinda does what I need...
[15:34:31] <SWPadnos> the output will be an integer, you may need a simple component to convert that to a float (or maybe not - dunno)
[15:34:47] <SWPadnos> or I could add a float output to the wsum. hmmm
[15:34:51] <BigJohnT> I think an interger would work
[15:35:24] <BigJohnT> but a binary to integer would be better...
[15:35:38] <SWPadnos> the wsum output will be an integer - an s32 I think
[15:36:01] <SWPadnos> what you put into it is up to you, just set the weights correctly
[15:36:38] <BigJohnT> how do you figure out the weights?
[15:37:20] <BigJohnT> is there an example of weighted sum somewhere?
[15:37:24] <BigJohnT> off to google
[15:37:25] <SWPadnos> mazazk
[15:37:28] <SWPadnos> -z
[15:37:40] <BigJohnT> ok
[15:37:46] <SWPadnos> the weights are whatever the binary inputs represent
[15:38:07] <SWPadnos> they default to powers of two, so it converts binary input bits into an integer output
[15:38:52] <SWPadnos> the mazak toolchanger had 5 prox switches but the last one represented 13 instead of 16, so the weights were 1,2,4,8,13
[15:39:20] <BigJohnT> ok, so you can set the weights to different values
[15:39:25] <SWPadnos> yes
[15:40:03] <BigJohnT> and by powers of two it is just like a binary 1,2,4,8,16,32...
[15:40:40] <SWPadnos> yes
[15:41:18] <SWPadnos> it seemed that the most common use would be to change a bunch of input bits into a single integer
[15:41:31] <BigJohnT> that's what I want to do...
[15:42:04] <SWPadnos> should be pretty easy then :)
[15:42:20] <BigJohnT> so is wsum.0.bit.0.in the first number in the list [,size,...]?
[15:42:52] <SWPadnos> yes ...bit.x.in corresponds to the weight.n parameter
[15:43:14] <SWPadnos> the output is the total of input 1 * weight 1 + input 2 * weight 2 ...
[15:43:15] <BigJohnT> ok, thanks that makes sense to me now.
[15:45:04] <BigJohnT> * BigJohnT is going to play with wsum for a while
[15:45:04] <BigJohnT> bbl
[15:45:24] <SWPadnos> have fun
[15:45:29] <BigJohnT> thanks
[16:31:25] <BigJohnT> I did a loadrt weighted_sum wsum_sizes=8 and that works
[16:31:42] <BigJohnT> when I add addf wsum.0 servo-thread I get an error
[16:32:46] <BigJohnT> function 'wsum.0' not found
[16:37:38] <cradek> either use halcmd to see what the actual function name is, or check the manpage section FUNCTIONS
[16:39:10] <BigJohnT> I used the hal configuration
[16:39:35] <BigJohnT> and...
[16:40:08] <BigJohnT> it shows wsum.0.bit.0.in etc
[16:42:31] <tzak> Is there anyone who can give me a hand trying configure a 5i20 card
[16:45:16] <micges> hi all
[16:45:25] <micges> logger_emc: bookmark\
[16:45:25] <micges> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emc/2008-02-10.txt
[16:45:55] <BigJohnT> ok I got it, it should have been addf process_wsums servo-thread
[16:50:31] <SWPadnos> BigJohnT, the tab key is very useful in an interactive halcmd session (halcmd -kf)
[16:51:14] <tzak> does anyone know how to change m5i20.0.enc-01-index pin to true?? I can't seem to find it in the HAL
[16:51:38] <SWPadnos> tzak, I believe that's an output (in HAL), you don't set it to anything
[16:52:23] <SWPadnos> the index pin tells you if the encoder is on the index (I believe), if you're trying to set up home-to-index or soemthing like threading, you probably want index-enable instead
[16:53:11] <tzak> its funny because I have the same setup for X and Z and they work fine .. just the Yaxis is different
[16:53:20] <SWPadnos> hmmm
[16:53:32] <SWPadnos> what is the problem you're having?
[16:54:07] <tzak> I cant get the encoder to count .. again X and z count no problem
[16:54:16] <BigJohnT> SWPadnos: Thanks, I understand how wsum works now
[16:54:44] <SWPadnos> cool
[16:54:58] <SWPadnos> tzak, does the encoder count then reset, or not count at all?
[16:55:06] <SWPadnos> or toggle between two counts?
[16:55:42] <tzak> It seems as though the only difference between the XZ and the Y is the pin m5i20.0.enc-01-index is set to false the other two are true
[16:56:20] <SWPadnos> if you spin the X or Z motor a little, index should go false
[16:56:44] <tzak> which it does.. and they both count on screen
[16:57:11] <SWPadnos> the index pin is just the state of the index output from the encoder
[16:57:42] <SWPadnos> I'm betting that there's a hardware or wiring problem
[16:57:50] <SWPadnos> maybe a broken power wire to the Y encoder
[16:59:20] <tzak> ive switched the y axis cable and re-wired it to the Z channel and it works no problem
[16:59:40] <SWPadnos> hmmm. ok
[17:01:05] <tzak> i do check the pins with a meter and sometime there is +5 and then sometime it changes??
[17:01:58] <SWPadnos> I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm pretty sure that the problem is hardware
[17:02:17] <tzak> i am however taking the 5v from the mesa card to run the encoders is that a problem ?
[17:02:29] <SWPadnos> you can check this by not running EMC, just use halrun -I to load realtime and get a halcmd shell, then load the mesa driver
[17:03:02] <SWPadnos> I don't know - I guess it depends on the current draw and operating voltage of the encoder :)
[17:03:34] <SWPadnos> what kind of servo drivers are you using?
[17:04:34] <tzak> H-bridge
[17:04:56] <SWPadnos> oh. so the encoders only connect to the mesa
[17:05:06] <tzak> yeah
[17:05:10] <SWPadnos> you could try connecting the Y encoder to enc-03 instead
[17:05:20] <SWPadnos> you don't have to use 01
[17:05:34] <tzak> yeah that was my next option
[17:05:55] <SWPadnos> it does sound like there's a hardware problem.
[17:06:29] <tzak> i hope its not the mesa
[17:06:38] <SWPadnos> it's either the connection to encoder-01, the input channel (which could be configured wrong on the 7i33), the wiring between the 7i33 and the 5i20, or the FPGA on the 5i20 itself
[17:07:41] <tzak> is there a way to change the FPGA???
[17:07:51] <SWPadnos> yes, replace the board ;)
[17:08:27] <tzak> thats not good
[17:09:00] <Jymmmm> mornin
[17:09:39] <tzak> well i guess i can change it to 03 and try my luck that way
[17:11:00] <tzak> thanks for all the help SWPadnos i'll give everything you suggested a try
[17:11:09] <SWPadnos> ok. good luck
[17:14:08] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: I got me one of these, and it works pretty good as a start/estop http://w2s.sti.com/stisf/ds/SFRBT/SFRBT2e.lasso?pcode=2583
[17:15:10] <SWPadnos> did you get one or two? :)
[17:15:23] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: only had one, unfortunantly
[17:15:27] <SWPadnos> bummer
[17:15:37] <SWPadnos> at least your machine will be nice and safe :)
[17:16:03] <Jymmmm> and it'll save a lot on wiring up the logic too
[17:16:20] <SWPadnos> yep
[17:17:30] <Jymmmm> The only thing different is it has two inputs (so to speak), so if one is the BRB, you have to reset it, and the other one before resettting the whole thing.
[17:17:58] <SWPadnos> do both inputs have to open and close to reset the relay?
[17:18:33] <Jymmmm> yes
[17:18:53] <SWPadnos> well, if you want only one button, you should be able to just connect the inputs in parallel
[17:18:59] <SWPadnos> to the single set of BRB contacts
[17:19:17] <Jymmmm> But figure I can use a "reset" button, or make one an on/off switch.
[17:20:12] <Jymmmm> Basically, it be a two step process to reset once estop has been hit. twist BRB, and hit reset button. Not a bad thing in itself.
[17:21:24] <SWPadnos> well, there are other things that need to cause e-stop, like limit switches or charge pump output
[17:21:36] <SWPadnos> those can be harder to release then re-contact
[17:21:36] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: At first, I couldn't figure out what the AUTO/MANUAL reset switch was for inside the relay. But I found if in AUTO mode and power is restored, it starts up the machine.
[17:21:59] <SWPadnos> but only if both inputs are closed, right?
[17:22:21] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos Not if it's in AUTO mode =)
[17:22:35] <SWPadnos> uh - then I think it's defective
[17:22:41] <Jymmmm> wait, I can't remember - took apart the test wiring already.
[17:22:53] <SWPadnos> at no time should the output be on if both inputs aren't contacted
[17:23:07] <SWPadnos> err - closed
[17:23:43] <SWPadnos> (I'm saying that from a safety standpoint, not because I know anything about safety relays, because I don't)
[17:23:53] <Jymmmm> if closed and power is restored, it'll start machine in set to AUTO RESET mode.
[17:24:03] <Jymmmm> s/in/if/
[17:24:15] <SWPadnos> ok, that's expected
[17:24:30] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: Basically it works as it should, I tested various scenarios
[17:25:43] <SWPadnos> ok, that's good :)
[17:25:55] <BigJohnT> I've looked through the realtime components and kernel modules list but nothing I look at seems to convert an integer to a float. Clues?
[17:26:24] <GNieport_> GNieport_ is now known as GNieport
[17:26:41] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: The ONLY thing I found is that if you hit BRB really fast, it doesn't break the circuit. Thus latching BRB ftw!
[17:26:48] <SWPadnos> BigJohnT, well, it's like this... :)
[17:27:03] <Jymmmm> SWPadnos: I was using momentary buttons to test at the time.
[17:27:11] <Roguish> excuse me guys, but does anyone have any 'online' reference material on this current 'c' programming. i have a couple of ancient books, but they don't really seem to help.
[17:28:42] <Roguish> something like 'modern c for dumbasses'?
[17:28:51] <BigJohnT> so is the wsum output a s32?
[17:29:10] <Jymmmm> Roguish: I've been looking for that serious of books, haven;t found it yet =)
[17:29:14] <Jymmmm> series
[17:29:18] <BigJohnT> darn it there it is in my show window
[17:29:25] <BigJohnT> it's an s32
[17:29:41] <Roguish> glad i'm not alone.....
[17:30:12] <BigJohnT> so a conv_s32_float should do the trick
[17:30:18] <BigJohnT> hmmm, lets go see
[17:31:00] <Jymmmm> Roguish: Might try ##c or http://www.iso-9899.info/wiki/Main_Page
[17:34:03] <Roguish> thanks, i'll try those. i also found a few links in wikipedia that look ok.
[17:34:47] <Roguish> cradek is the '5axis' guy, right?
[17:35:15] <BigJohnT> it's confusing enough for a non-electrical engineer but when you change syntax in mid stream it makes you want to drink!
[17:35:50] <BigJohnT> loadrt conv_s32_float uses an underscore
[17:36:13] <BigJohnT> but the name is changed to conv-s32-float
[17:36:29] <BigJohnT> so you have to use addf conv-s32-float.0 servo-thread
[17:37:07] <BigJohnT> <ranting off>
[17:40:24] <jepler> Roguish: The K&R C book is still the best one I know of, even though it's old. However, it only covers "the C standard", not POSIX, no GUI, no network, and so on.
[17:45:04] <jepler> once you've learned the "original" ISO C, you will feel comfortable reading the various online descriptions of new features in "C99"
[17:45:07] <jepler> * jepler wanders off
[17:45:24] <jepler> (the full "C99" standard can be read online, it's linke from the wikipedia article on ISO C)
[17:49:39] <BigJohnT> net conv-s32-float.0.in wsum.0.sum gives me an error signal name must not be the same as a pin...
[17:49:56] <BigJohnT> hmmm
[17:53:21] <jmkasunich> BigJohnT: the first argument to "net" is the name of the signal you want to connect between the two pins
[17:53:41] <BigJohnT> dammit I forgot, thanks
[17:53:51] <jmkasunich> something like "net mysignal conv-s32-float.0.in wsum.0.sum"
[17:54:21] <jmkasunich> the guy who invents a computer that will do what we want instead of what we typed will make a fortune
[17:54:26] <jmkasunich> I'll be the first to buy one
[17:54:37] <BigJohnT> I hear that
[17:54:55] <Vq^> hello mr Kasunich
[17:54:58] <BigJohnT> works now
[17:55:25] <jmkasunich> hi Vq^
[17:55:30] <Vq^> is there some common way to automate toolbreak checking when using emc2?
[17:56:21] <BigJohnT> Yea! it works thanks
[17:56:43] <jmkasunich> if you have some kind of tool length checking device (a switch that the tool tip would activate) you could probably do it
[17:57:08] <jmkasunich> stop spindle, move to switch location, poke at switch with tool, see if it activates
[17:57:17] <jmkasunich> maybe do all that in a g-code subroutine
[17:57:51] <Vq^> i was thinking about something like that
[17:58:04] <Vq^> is it easy to have a O-code subroutine from a different file?
[17:58:26] <jmkasunich> I don't know - I'm just learning g-code myself
[17:58:38] <jmkasunich> my focus up to now has been inside the motion controller and HAL
[17:59:06] <jmkasunich> having my machine actually running is forcing me to learn g-code ;-)
[17:59:15] <Vq^> :)
[17:59:29] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: You have no inclination to use a CAM program do you?
[17:59:40] <jmkasunich> none whatsoever
[17:59:58] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: I've noticed that, may I ask why?
[18:00:04] <jmkasunich> I don't run windows, except for easycad, and I don't buy expensive software
[18:00:10] <Vq^> i'm planning to do a higher order control to wrap around the emc2 backend so i can always generate partial programs to execute
[18:00:23] <Vq^> something similar to MDI commands
[18:01:48] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: But if there was a gpl CAM pkg you might consider it?
[18:01:55] <dmes1> hi all im back... locked up solid
[18:02:01] <jmkasunich> Jymmmm: depends
[18:02:19] <jmkasunich> I've been actually writing g-code and machining parts for about one month
[18:02:28] <jmkasunich> so far I haven't attempted anything that needs real CAM
[18:02:29] <Vq^> welcome back mr Messier
[18:02:40] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: Ah, gotcha.
[18:02:45] <Jymmmm> http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.474
[18:04:03] <archivist> I write a program to write my gcode for me, who needs cam
[18:04:57] <BigJohnT> If I want to compare two floats and see if the first is higher or lower than the second what would I use? I see comp but it only tells me if there is a match...
[18:05:16] <jmkasunich> comp does higher/lower
[18:05:20] <Vq^> archivist: thats the spirit :)
[18:05:45] <BigJohnT> hmmm
[18:05:49] <dmes1> water level
[18:06:03] <dmes1> between the 2 floats
[18:06:07] <archivist> Vq^, gear cutting so its easier that way
[18:06:20] <Vq^> i've been thinking of putting together my small code-generating functions into a cam-library
[18:06:30] <BigJohnT> by using the hysteresis?
[18:07:18] <BigJohnT> would I need one for higher and one for lower?
[18:07:23] <jmkasunich> no
[18:07:27] <BigJohnT> hmmm
[18:07:28] <jmkasunich> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docview/html//man/man9/comp.9.html
[18:07:41] <BigJohnT> that's the page I'm reading
[18:07:48] <BigJohnT> or trying to LOL
[18:07:56] <jmkasunich> "With zero hysteresis, the output is true when in1 > in0"
[18:08:10] <fenn> archivist: is your program to write g-code not a sort of CAM?
[18:08:17] <Vq^> archivist: what language do you use for generation?
[18:08:18] <archivist> shhh
[18:08:25] <archivist> php
[18:08:35] <Vq^> ew :(
[18:08:35] <BigJohnT> ok
[18:08:43] <jmkasunich> that man page could be better
[18:08:49] <jmkasunich> * jmkasunich fixes it up
[18:08:51] <archivist> and I know Jymmmm knows php so no excuse
[18:09:23] <BigJohnT> jmkasunich: thanks for fixing it up
[18:09:43] <Jymmmm> archivist: PHP == Pretty Horny People ???
[18:11:36] <Vq^> i used to generate code from python but i found that Haskell was a very good fit
[18:12:30] <archivist> Ive started a gerber to gcode
[18:12:39] <Vq^> 20 lines or so and i had my own DSL for generating gcodes :)
[18:12:47] <fenn> DSL?
[18:12:53] <Vq^> Domain Specific Language
[18:13:26] <Vq^> i pasted my heidenhein to g-code converter here a while ago, it used my small g-code library
[18:14:36] <Vq^> http://arda.no-ip.org/h2iso/
[18:14:56] <Vq^> http://arda.no-ip.org/h2iso/NCode.hs <- g-code representation
[18:15:08] <jmkasunich> BigJohnT: is this better (pin descriptions):
[18:15:09] <jmkasunich> comp.N.out bit out
[18:15:09] <jmkasunich> Normal output. True when in1 > in0 (see parameter ’hyst’ for
[18:15:10] <jmkasunich> details)
[18:15:12] <jmkasunich> comp.N.equal bit out
[18:15:14] <jmkasunich> Match output. True when difference between in1 and in0 is less
[18:15:16] <jmkasunich> than ’hyst’.
[18:15:46] <BigJohnT> yes thank you
[18:15:55] <jmkasunich> will be in version 2.2.4
[18:17:51] <BigJohnT> that is much easier understand for me, thanks
[18:33:44] <DanielFalck> BigJohnT: did you check out the wiki page yet? could you look at it and maybe do some edits to it?
[18:38:14] <BigJohnT> looked good to me, what did you want to edit?
[18:40:31] <DanielFalck> if you saw anything that needed some tlc
[18:40:48] <DanielFalck> thanks
[18:42:00] <BigJohnT> no, it looked good to me, heck even I understood it LOL
[18:42:25] <BigJohnT> heck, I even understand comp now!
[18:42:36] <dmes1> LOL
[18:44:00] <BigJohnT> now if I can make a green light come on in my pyvcp when the arc voltage is equal to the setpoint I'm going to take a nap... wish me luck
[18:44:40] <jmkasunich> equal is a trick concept with something as noisy as arc voltage
[18:44:53] <jmkasunich> equal to within one millionth of a volt?
[18:46:27] <BigJohnT> equal to within my hyst
[18:46:34] <jmkasunich> ah
[18:46:45] <BigJohnT> I suppose, I'm just simulating at the moment
[18:46:53] <Jymmmm> Maybe someone has some ideas.... If you're to have emergency battery power, why go with a series of gel-cells as opposed to a marine battery?
[18:47:15] <BigJohnT> it would be in whole volts anyway after it goes through wsum
[18:47:15] <jmkasunich> "series"?
[18:47:18] <micges> cradek: my import program will be heavy modified
[18:47:23] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: s/series/set/
[18:47:40] <Jymmmm> assume somewhat portable
[18:47:42] <jmkasunich> Jymmmm: its not wise to connect gel cells in parallel
[18:47:50] <micges> to allow 5 axis gcode generation
[18:48:43] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: That's how most big UPS's work.... parallel 12v@7AH gel cells.
[18:48:54] <jmkasunich> are you sure they parallel them?
[18:49:08] <jmkasunich> I thought they put them in series
[18:49:35] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: I'd have to open up a couple to confirm
[18:49:49] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: Why did you say parallel was bad idea?
[18:50:05] <jmkasunich> sharing of load, and sharing of charging, can be tricky
[18:50:20] <jmkasunich> when in series, all cells or batteries see exactly the same amp-hours
[18:50:25] <gezar> Jymmmm: i think the reason is that marine batteries go to hell, if your not charge/discharge cycling them, they dont like to have small limited draws on them
[18:50:42] <jmkasunich> in parallel, the one with the lowest voltage can actually take charge from the one with the highest voltage
[18:50:52] <Jymmmm> gezar: Ah, so you need a smart charger to use them properly
[18:50:55] <jmkasunich> there is nothing to ensure they discharge or charge evenly
[18:51:01] <gezar> right
[18:51:16] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: ok, that makes sense. assumeing one is snafu'ed
[18:51:21] <gezar> after probably 10 5 minute power outages, when the 11th comes for 6 minutes your out of juice
[18:51:25] <DanielFalck> micges: what does your program do?
[18:51:27] <Jymmmm> murphy's law says it will be
[18:51:43] <jmkasunich> Jymmmm: I think the way to pick batteries is as some questions:
[18:51:52] <jmkasunich> 1) what voltage do I need? do I have a choice or not?
[18:52:07] <jmkasunich> if you have a choice, run as high a voltage as practical, that will reduce wire size and resistive losses
[18:52:16] <jmkasunich> if you have no choice, then that decision is easy
[18:52:34] <jmkasunich> once you know how many batteries in series (voltage), then you pick the size of the battery based on amp hours
[18:53:12] <Jymmmm> Well, I have two cases (24 units) of 12V@7AH new batteries already, plus what I've already had in the past. 12VDC is what I need mostly, then an invertor for 110VAC occasionaly
[18:53:56] <BigJohnT> Weee I got a green light, thanks for the help
[18:54:00] <Jymmmm> I also have a solar panel I'd like to use as well as 12/110 to recharge the battery bank
[18:54:04] <jmkasunich> BigJohnT: cool
[18:54:24] <BigJohnT> jmkasunich: it's way cool, thanks
[18:54:34] <jmkasunich> Jymmmm: then I guess you have no choice but to run them in parallel
[18:54:53] <jmkasunich> what are you powering?
[18:55:31] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: Primarily comms (two-way radio), maybe a laptop on occasion.
[18:55:51] <jmkasunich> radios are 12V input
[18:55:53] <jmkasunich> ?
[18:56:07] <Jymmmm> Yeah, technically 13.8VDC, but close enough.
[18:56:22] <jmkasunich> how much current do they need?
[18:56:28] <jmkasunich> and how long do you need to run them?
[18:58:04] <BigJohnT> * BigJohnT going to take a nap now
[19:03:04] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: let me looking at the current draw, just a sec..
[19:04:41] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: Ok, on radio A, 11.5A draw
[19:05:29] <Jymmmm> On radio B, 2.1A draw
[19:05:51] <jmkasunich> radio A - is that during transmit (maximum), or all the time?
[19:06:08] <Jymmmm> That's TX, max draw
[19:06:28] <Jymmmm> per the specs
[19:06:34] <jmkasunich> how much do you expect to be transmitting?
[19:06:49] <jmkasunich> if average draw is a lot lower, that would be good to know
[19:07:09] <Jymmmm> If on battery, I'd like 2hours potential.
[19:07:36] <Jymmmm> That's basically CYA scenario
[19:08:19] <jmkasunich> so if you transmit continuously, it would be (11.5+2.1)*2 = 27.2 A-hr
[19:08:26] <jmkasunich> = 4 batteries
[19:08:42] <Jymmmm> Yeah, which will never be continous TX for 2hours
[19:08:58] <Jymmmm> (gawd I hope not anyway =)
[19:09:14] <jmkasunich> do you know the rx load for the radios?
[19:10:13] <Jymmmm> On Radio A, Rx drain is < 1A http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/fm_txvrs/4116spec.html
[19:10:33] <Jymmmm> Radio B = http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/ht/4211spec.html
[19:10:53] <jmkasunich> so even if radio B is 2.1A all the time, if A is rx only, you have (2.1+1)*2hrs = 6.2A-hr = 1 battery
[19:11:36] <jmkasunich> looks like radio B is less than 0.1A on rx
[19:11:51] <Jymmmm> Yeah, B is a HT, A is a mobile rig.
[19:12:03] <jmkasunich> thats under 1.1A for both radios in recieve mode
[19:12:17] <jmkasunich> probably 5 hours or more on a single battery if you don't talk
[19:13:44] <jmkasunich> to be honest, unless you absolutely need zero downtime, I'd hook up a single battery, with connections that let you quickly swap it out
[19:13:52] <jmkasunich> run on one at a time, and swap when it gets low
[19:14:20] <jmkasunich> carry as many or as few as you want to, since you are only using one at a time, you aren't constrained
[19:14:24] <Jymmmm> the problem is that when you need it, you better make sure the batterys are charged before hand.
[19:15:32] <Jymmmm> So, having them 100% charged all the time is important, and then add the ability to (solar) recharge them in emergency use.
[19:17:20] <Jymmmm> My solar blanket (at full sunlight) raw outputs 24V@1, I still need to add a smart charger in there for the solar aspects. It PWM the gel cells to prevent crystalization
[19:19:18] <jmkasunich> charging is another issue - as I said before, paralleling does NOT ensure uniform charging
[19:19:30] <jmkasunich> in fact it almost guarantees non-uniform charging
[19:19:51] <jmkasunich> if you have 24V, charge two in series
[19:20:16] <jmkasunich> if the solar cells give you 1A, then 7-8 hours will charge two batteries in series from flat to full
[19:20:44] <Jymmmm> The one charger I have, will let me output 12 or 24, but at only 6A max draw.
[19:21:16] <Jymmmm> That charger/supply is intended for CCTV systems with a 12@12AH single battery.
[19:22:10] <Jymmmm> Maybe I'll have to see if they offer other charge/supply that allow multiple batteries connected to it, so it'll even charge all of them.
[19:24:35] <Jymmmm> jmkasunich: Yeah, I'm not sure the solar charger outputs 24V, that's just the RAW output from the solar panel itself.
[19:24:56] <Jymmmm> The charger prevents reverse flow when there is no Sun
[19:26:34] <Jymmmm> http://www.morningstarcorp.com/support/Why-PWM/why-pwm-1.shtml
[19:28:23] <Jymmmm> This is the smallest unit they have... http://www.morningstarcorp.com/products/SunGuard/index.shtml
[19:30:21] <fenn> the voltage will go down with current too
[19:32:25] <Jymmmm> fenn: Yeah.
[19:33:24] <Jymmmm> It's a bummer, as the chargers never expect any other source of power to recharge... Like on a boat, you would have the alternator, then solar as a backup.
[19:34:18] <Jymmmm> Sure, I could hook up some relays to do what I want, but I'd rather have some intelligence in the device.
[19:35:27] <Jymmmm> Plus I dont like the idea of a relay being constantly pulled in
[19:40:08] <skunkworks> logger_emc: bookmark
[19:40:08] <skunkworks> Just this once .. here's the log: http://www.linuxcnc.org/irc/irc.freenode.net:6667/emc/2008-02-10.txt
[19:55:58] <eric_U> anyone know the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg switches to accept defaults?
[20:18:14] <eric_U> ok, xserver is going to make me grumpy
[20:18:30] <fenn> try --priority=critical
[20:18:50] <eric_U> well, I just went through it twice, and it comes up with a blank screen
[20:19:09] <eric_U> guess I'm going to have to use vi
[20:19:44] <eric_U> monitor doesn't complain any more, but ubuntu doesn't display anything once it turns on X
[20:20:20] <fenn> check /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:23:56] <eric_U> ok, thanks
[20:41:05] <eric_U> hopefully I can log in remotely now
[20:53:14] <eric_U> I guess my mga driver doesn't like my monitor, every resolution is out of range
[21:23:51] <alex_joni> ROFL http://youtube.com/watch?v=0GAUnuuBkW4
[21:23:59] <alex_joni> * alex_joni wants one of those..
[21:28:32] <quiteBIGeye> * quiteBIGeye want's one too!
[21:34:15] <skunkworks> I think the next evolution would be a rubberband clip..
[21:34:23] <jmkasunich> I want one
[21:34:30] <skunkworks> gets stretched automatically
[21:34:46] <archivist> * archivist is in linux and cant watch
[21:34:48] <Jymmmm> Well, shit...now there's a use for all those skate bearings I bought!!!
[21:35:05] <skunkworks> bottom side would somehow pick up the rubberbands and load them
[21:35:06] <jmkasunich> I'm running linux (ubuntu/firefox) and I can watch it just fine
[21:35:56] <jmkasunich> Vulcan 20mm rotary cannon, with rubber bands
[21:35:58] <quiteBIGeye> skunkworks: i wouldn't waste much time on that :) build a real pneumatic gun instead...
[21:36:27] <archivist> I havnt managed to get any sense yet on video playing
[21:36:35] <jmkasunich> several hundred rubber bands ;-)
[21:36:43] <alex_joni> archivist: this is flash, not video playing
[21:37:08] <Jymmmm> 288 rubberbands
[21:37:09] <alex_joni> archivist: anyways.. till then, here are some photos: http://disintegrator.co.uk/photos.htm
[21:38:50] <Jymmmm> Hmmm, I wonder if there's some way to add a proximity sensor for tracking purposes to it
[21:40:31] <Jymmmm> like a phalanx
[21:41:03] <Jymmmm> http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/weaps/mk-15.htm
[21:43:04] <dmes1> anyone ever skied Windham mountain NY??
[21:45:18] <Vq^> NY?
[21:45:34] <dmes1> new york usa...
[21:46:41] <Vq^> never been to usa...
[21:46:41] <dmes1> Vq^:.. your the heidenhein to emc guy ... right>>
[21:46:59] <dmes1> you ski??
[21:47:03] <Vq^> to g-codes, thats correct
[21:47:14] <Vq^> not recently :)
[21:47:30] <dmes1> are you using the heidenhein converter???
[21:47:52] <Vq^> no, not really, why are you asking=
[21:47:57] <Vq^> s/=/?/
[21:47:59] <dmes1> as in a 5XX series controller
[21:48:48] <dmes1> bcz it'd be easy to scab.... and i'd be ok with it.. as the mazak one too
[21:49:35] <Vq^> scab?
[21:49:57] <dmes1> i write some stuff in heidy.. email to a friend and have g-code backe in a few minites somme times..
[21:50:14] <dmes1> scoop/plageurize
[21:51:12] <gezar> I have a fan in one of my computers going out, and its mooing like a cow
[21:51:39] <dmes1> does it give any milk??
[21:52:03] <gezar> im not going to look for an utter
[21:52:06] <archivist> gezar, light oil under the sticky label
[21:52:20] <gezar> oops
[21:52:26] <gezar> shuting the machine down
[21:52:40] <dmes1> sewing machine oil... works well
[21:53:13] <archivist> * archivist uses the nearest whatever it is 3 in 1 or clock oil
[21:53:17] <skunkworks> for about a month..
[21:53:29] <Vq^> dmes1: were you interested to use the converter?
[21:53:44] <archivist> clock oil should last longer as its a non drying oil
[21:54:30] <dmes1> i like all converved perverted converters... pls may I
[21:54:46] <Vq^> dmes1: absolutely
[21:55:22] <Vq^> http://arda.no-ip.org/h2iso/
[21:55:27] <dmes1> [email protected]
[21:55:50] <quiteBIGeye> Vq^: perverted converter, i cudnät have said it better myself, "crap converter"
[21:55:58] <Vq^> quiteBIGeye: :)
[21:56:18] <Vq^> dmes1: be sure to mention limits, i'm very interested in improving it
[21:56:49] <dmes1> have you got cycle 9xx implemented
[21:57:04] <Vq^> no, whats that?
[21:57:24] <dmes1> tilted plane management
[21:58:21] <Vq^> sounds interesting, shouldn't be that hard to implement
[21:59:13] <dmes1> have yo got all the manuals??
[21:59:25] <Vq^> keeping a linear transformation matrix in the machine state should do the trick
[21:59:39] <Vq^> nope, i don't have any manual, which really makes it a bit hard
[21:59:55] <skunkworks> * skunkworks has tried to fix a lot of fans.. It isn't worth it unless you can't get a replacement right away. Just a temp fix
[22:00:34] <Vq^> dmes1: do you know where i could retrieve the language specs?
[22:00:59] <dmes1> yes. in MY cd case
[22:01:40] <Vq^> PDFs?
[22:02:44] <dmes1> checking if it'll mount..
[22:04:30] <dmes1> no all siemens 840D stuff wierd... i wasnt drinkin hard then...
[22:09:09] <dmes1> sorry im not finding the cd right now but i will..
[22:12:48] <alex_joni> good night all
[22:18:45] <tomp> heidenhain manual available on website, by control series, includes programming and operator guides, discludes plc and most parameters, 'secret codes'
[22:22:12] <alpha1125> alpha1125 is now known as a-l-p-h-a
[22:28:02] <Vq^> tomp: i would really prefer pure language specs
[22:36:02] <gezar> all better now
[22:36:28] <gezar> I just hope the pb blaster stuff i used dosnt go bad, ill probably have to buy a small can of 3in1 oil
[22:39:09] <lewin1> lewin1 is now known as lewing
[22:40:41] <fenn> 3 in 1 may get sticky too
[22:44:37] <archivist_emc> yes 3 in 1 is terrible as an oil
[22:45:46] <dmes1> what's pure language specs???
[22:45:48] <archivist_emc> * archivist_emc finishes another axis and plays daisy
[22:47:05] <skunkworks> sweet
[22:47:33] <archivist_emc> sounds better as one adds parts
[22:47:45] <dmes1> who was mentioning that 1.5L engine that could run on bearing grease and sawdust???
[22:48:03] <eric_U> works until you get it off the used car lot anyway
[22:48:09] <dmes1> make 400hp or so??
[22:48:22] <skunkworks> archivist_emc: need a video...
[22:49:05] <skunkworks> how many axiss are you up to?
[22:49:13] <archivist_emc> www.archivist.info/cnc bottom link has some of the first gears cut
[22:49:35] <archivist_emc> skunkworks: 3 fitted and working
[22:49:50] <archivist_emc> XY A
[22:50:02] <archivist_emc> handball Z
[22:50:45] <dmes1> how can i kill a window??
[22:51:13] <dmes1> handball... really... like the HURCO's had??
[22:52:20] <archivist> I pobably should counterbalance the head before adding the last stepper
[22:53:25] <dmes1> needed a knack.. to work it out... was 3 axis trackball... when you held the correct button it worked ok... if you didn't it usuasly crashed a tool..
[22:53:43] <archivist> hehe
[22:54:03] <dmes1> i hated that machine
[22:54:50] <dmes1> and i played QUIX as a kid so if you know the game ...
[22:57:26] <dmes1> just got a new -old jethro tull album on-board.... ; ) things look up///
[23:00:17] <skunkworks> * skunkworks loves jethro tull
[23:00:39] <BigJohnT> locomotive breath is one of my favorite
[23:01:31] <Jymmmm> archivist tha'ts a nice idea I never considered, a webcam
[23:02:34] <archivist> Jymmmm, it will be for machine centering when I get around to it
[23:02:56] <Jymmmm> archivist machine centering?
[23:03:29] <Jymmmm> archivist like zeroing out the tooling to the material and such?
[23:03:33] <archivist> the cutter has to be on the rotary table centerline +- bugger all
[23:03:42] <Jymmmm> ah
[23:03:57] <archivist> and each is different
[23:04:38] <Jymmmm> Hey, that gives me an idea... I've been using a flashlight to zero out the tool to the material, Maybe I could add in a camera and automate the process.
[23:06:42] <archivist> my problem is I dont know where 0 is on any tool, without a lot of calcs and measuring
[23:06:56] <archivist> specially diameter
[23:07:04] <Jymmmm> archivist why's that?
[23:07:08] <eric_U> monitor problems are gonna make me grumpy
[23:07:18] <Jymmmm> eric_U: LCD?
[23:07:22] <eric_U> yes
[23:07:29] <archivist> Jymmmm, some are very old cutters not to spec
[23:07:35] <Jymmmm> eric_U: you tried vesa driver yet?
[23:07:38] <eric_U> Acer AL2216W
[23:07:44] <eric_U> that was my next trick
[23:08:05] <Jymmmm> eric_U: try a liveCD and see what it finds
[23:08:16] <Jymmmm> knoppix is a good one for that
[23:08:17] <eric_U> everything ids just fine
[23:08:36] <eric_U> the way I read the log, it starts just fine
[23:08:38] <eric_U> no display
[23:09:05] <Jymmmm> eric_U: DL and burn knoppix, it's worht having one around handy for troubleshooting
[23:16:13] <eric_U> anyone know how to restart X?
[23:23:04] <DanielFalck> startx?
[23:23:17] <eric_U> what if it's running?
[23:23:38] <eric_U> sudo reboot worked:)
[23:24:10] <eric_U> of course, I still have to walk down to the basement to see if there are graphics
[23:25:45] <SWPadnos> how about sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
[23:26:04] <SWPadnos> or just sudo kill X, which gdm will then restart for you
[23:26:34] <eric_U> says there is no mode of the name that I put in my xorg.conf file
[23:28:36] <SWPadnos> is it lying?
[23:28:59] <eric_U> dpkg-reconfigure finds the mode
[23:29:09] <SWPadnos> oh, that's a good sign
[23:29:20] <eric_U> would be if it worked
[23:29:45] <SWPadnos> is the mode line in the correct screen / driver section?
[23:29:51] <eric_U> looks like I'm gonna have to find a vga cable and go back to nvidia
[23:30:05] <SWPadnos> having trouble with an LCD?
[23:30:09] <eric_U> yes
[23:30:22] <SWPadnos> oh. I don't know the incantations for the open source driver
[23:30:26] <eric_U> but I think it's the matrox g550 I have it on
[23:30:43] <SWPadnos> for the nvidia proprietary one it's something like Option "connectedmonitor" "DFP"
[23:30:56] <SWPadnos> or if you have two, it's "DFP,DFP"
[23:31:08] <eric_U> what's the DFP mean
[23:31:15] <SWPadnos> Digital Flat Panel
[23:33:07] <gezar> im not up to following the dynamic machine control email set, any of you able to figure that out?
[23:33:18] <SWPadnos> from Aram?
[23:33:29] <gezar> yep
[23:33:47] <SWPadnos> well, he wants to - um, well, move stuff, and uh, measure stuff
[23:33:49] <SWPadnos> I think
[23:33:50] <SWPadnos> :)
[23:34:12] <DanielFalck> he needs a translator
[23:34:13] <gezar> do you get the impression that he is wanting fully autonamous machining?
[23:34:15] <DanielFalck> seriously
[23:34:23] <dmes1> i have wireless can runs thru vlc with its own web server...
[23:34:30] <SWPadnos> he does need a translator - English isn't his first language
[23:34:37] <SWPadnos> he's actually doing quite well I think
[23:34:42] <gezar> I cant quite figure it out, I dont reply to 99% of the emails but I do read them all
[23:34:59] <dmes1> WHO??
[23:35:02] <gezar> I understand what he is wanting, its just a massive rework I guess
[23:35:12] <SWPadnos> he does want some measure of automatic machining, but I think it's more about measurement and confirmation of the machined part, not so much automatically going from one part to the next
[23:35:35] <SWPadnos> dmes1, a user who has posted to the user list
[23:35:58] <gezar> im not bashing or making fun of here at all, its just starting to seem really complicated to me
[23:36:02] <dmes1> who where what???
[23:36:17] <SWPadnos> it is complicated, and I'm not sure I know quite what he wants
[23:36:26] <SWPadnos> he may also not quite know exactly what he wants
[23:36:29] <gezar> okay, so im not alone
[23:36:36] <SWPadnos> oh no, not in the slightest
[23:37:02] <gezar> and im thinking a simple cad/cam solution up in my head
[23:37:16] <gezar> not a full blown system but a single path generator
[23:37:24] <dmes1> how more could it be simplified other than the EMC2 manuals...
[23:37:53] <SWPadnos> I'm reasonably sure that he wants the machine controller (EMC2) to machine a part, take some measurements (maybe of the stock, aybe of the part), and then feed that back to the CAM app so it can generate ne wtoolpaths for the finish pass(es)
[23:38:04] <dmes1> APT.... if its mathematical... its done.
[23:38:48] <dmes1> too machine tool intensive...
[23:39:34] <gezar> well, to some, machine tools are supposed to be extensions of cad systems,
[23:39:46] <dmes1> and cam and verification... every time you post and chk its different... even a little
[23:40:39] <gezar> I dont know anymore, to me machine tools are just that, and they are all full of limitations
[23:40:51] <dmes1> gezer: i still play the game and what we would have don in 3 hrs now takes 12...; (
[23:41:33] <dmes1> RULED from across the pond
[23:42:25] <gezar> im not putting anything down im just saying, I dont expect a whole lot out of any type of machine
[23:43:14] <gezar> ie, can have a great machine that does perfectly, then someone asks you to machine a part thats biger then the work envelope,
[23:43:18] <dmes1> i can do almost anything on most any machines....or control
[23:43:59] <gezar> same here
[23:44:22] <dmes1> post processor SHOULD handle that
[23:45:03] <dmes1> have you seen the linux apt 360??
[23:45:22] <gezar> no I havent
[23:46:19] <dmes1> i pulled the b-777 upper and lower torque links in to have a visual for the first time...
[23:46:43] <dmes1> chk out #cam channel
[23:48:05] <dmes1> its dedicated to that.... or VAPT visual APT
[23:50:24] <dmes1> BTW good tool path generation routines can track remaining stock... for re-machining purposes
[23:50:43] <gezar> oh yeah thats for sure
[23:51:20] <dmes1> what have you used gezar??
[23:51:44] <gezar> all im thinking about is a single line path, say either ---- or a | type move, where the user inputs specifics to the path, yeah, you have to combine all the lines for a part sure, but
[23:52:08] <gezar> bobcad a little, the rest its been by hand
[23:52:08] <dmes1> and give 1 program to finished part
[23:54:29] <dmes1> text... = APT360 then g-code thru the post processor
[23:58:45] <eric_k> so it works with a vga cable, imagine that