#emc | Logs for 2011-01-01
[00:03:56] -!- theorb [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:04:09] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[00:04:33] <alex_joni> JT-Shop: 2h passed
[00:04:56] <skunkworks> alex_joni: happy new year!
[00:04:59] <skunkworks> :)
[00:18:01] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:24:25] <alex_joni> ty sam
[00:46:28] -!- [n0b0dy] has quit []
[00:47:21] <Farthen> is there a program for linux that monitors my parport and lets me see pin changes on the fly?
[00:51:36] <alex_joni> halmeter, halscope, ...
[00:56:15] -!- skunkworks has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[01:00:52] MarkPictor-away is now known as MarkPictor
[01:02:00] <Farthen> nvm i wrote myself a small c program to do it ;)
[01:05:01] <MarkPictor> I think there's a pyvcp panel with a bunch of indicators... I remember wiring something up to the parport with HAL
[01:08:49] <robh__> monkeywrench i have done ballnose work at high speeds in EMC u will have no problem if ur cam is correct and you set smart cam right also, 50" should be easy if your machine can keepup
[01:20:25] <KimK> Farthen: Unless you mean without using EMC2 at all, command line only, like statserial for serial ports?
[01:21:58] <Farthen> i would have no problem running emc programs like halmeter, but they crash for me with "RTAPI: ERROR: could not open shared memory (errno=2)"
[01:22:21] <Farthen> i already looked for the possible problems and tried all fixes but it does not work
[01:22:48] <Farthen> i have my limits.conf set up correctly and it still complains about wrong limits
[01:25:29] <Farthen> (emc works though)
[01:25:43] <Farthen> and by emc i mean axis in particular
[01:26:24] <MarkPictor> Farthen: there's a script you need to run to set stuff up before trying to run hal components when emc isn't already running
[01:26:41] <Farthen> oh, thanks
[01:27:05] <MarkPictor> try '. emc-environment'
[01:27:11] <MarkPictor> then do your hal stuff
[01:27:33] <MarkPictor> there's also a script called halrun, maybe try it instead
[01:27:38] <MarkPictor> I don't rmember what it does
[01:27:47] <Farthen> cool, i didn't know that i must run before using these
[01:28:21] <MarkPictor> those scripts make things waaaaaay easier
[01:33:35] <alex_joni> Farthen: you can also run halmeter, halscope and co from AXIS
[01:33:45] <alex_joni> under the Machine menu iirc
[01:33:54] <cradek> alex_joni: how does 2011 look?
[01:34:03] <alex_joni> cradek: ssdy
[01:34:15] <cradek> ?
[01:34:22] <alex_joni> ssd(d/m/y)
[01:34:31] <cradek> same same?
[01:34:39] <alex_joni> same sh*t different year :D
[01:34:43] <cradek> aha
[01:34:46] <cradek> good to know, I guess
[01:35:19] <alex_joni> you'll see soon :P
[01:35:30] <alex_joni> it there's anything to see
[01:35:32] <cradek> yes, soon enoug
[01:35:33] <cradek> h
[01:36:03] <alex_joni> off to bed for me, guess I'll stay up late the entire year
[01:36:29] <cradek> goodnight then
[01:36:31] <alex_joni> night all, have a better 2011
[01:36:31] <cradek> happy year
[01:36:55] <KimK> Yes, Happy New Year to all
[01:39:30] <alex_joni> according to the chinese zodiac it'll be the year of the rabbit
[01:39:44] <alex_joni> rabbit's motto: "I retreat"
[01:40:59] -!- KimK [[email protected]] has parted #emc
[01:40:59] <alex_joni> http://www.onlinechineseastrology.com/horoscopes/horoscope-2011-Year-Of-The-Rabbit.aspx
[01:59:54] -!- robh__ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[02:30:54] -!- Connor has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:32:49] -!- Connor [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:36:06] -!- MarkPictor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:12:35] -!- Vq_ [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[03:15:59] -!- Vq has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[03:17:16] -!- SWPadnos has quit [Changing host]
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[03:38:06] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:43:21] <Connor> I made my dust shoe a few days ago..I had a question about using down draft deflectors...
[04:44:00] <Connor> http://www.cnc.media-conversions.net/extras.html <-- this guy isn't using a skirt or brushes.. (which, I am) He has a downdraft deflector.. would i get better results doing that?
[04:46:12] -!- nullie [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[04:51:46] -!- qq- has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[04:55:19] -!- nullie has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[05:12:22] -!- LawrenceG has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[05:52:40] -!- toastyde1th [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[06:19:16] -!- rob_melb [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[07:06:00] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[07:29:04] <Connor> anyone awake?
[07:30:03] <Valen> nope
[07:30:32] <Connor> okay, what's the deal with EMC.var file? My Z axis is a 2.655" or so...
[07:30:35] <Connor> when homed..
[07:31:05] <Valen> yeah?
[07:31:27] <Connor> Well.. I found the same vaule in emc.var file.. trying to figure out where it got that number from.. and what it does.
[07:31:27] <Valen> homing doesn't cancel out any offsets or anything
[07:31:40] <Valen> it stores the position over power cycles
[07:31:43] <Connor> I didn't do any offsets.
[07:31:50] <Valen> theres always an offset
[07:31:59] <Valen> your in G54 by default
[07:32:18] <Valen> when you touch off you set your cordinate system zero, thats different to machine zero
[07:32:38] <Connor> right. okay. So how did it figure out what the offset was? I don't recall setting it..
[07:32:45] <Valen> homeing resets the machine zero
[07:32:54] <Valen> you touched off at some point in time
[07:33:16] <Connor> Okay. Homed the Z while it's all the way up.. and touched off while all the way up.
[07:33:45] <Valen> that should set everything to zero
[07:34:53] -!- Connor2 [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[07:35:05] Connor2 is now known as Connor_CNC
[07:35:09] <Connor_CNC> okay. On my CNC now.
[07:35:59] <Connor_CNC> okay, so, I guess my question is, why does G54 have a Z offset of 69.153mm or whatever.
[07:36:23] <Valen> you touched off at some point with that offset
[07:36:49] <Connor_CNC> but, then I retouched off with it to 0. does that not overwrite it ?
[07:38:02] <Valen> should do
[07:41:42] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[07:42:55] <Connor_CNC> okay, for what ever reason, it was never setting it to 0 in the emc.var file.. set everything back to 0 and it's now good.
[07:42:56] <Connor_CNC> strange
[07:45:58] -!- dgarr has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[07:46:11] <Valen> that gets changed when you exit EMC
[07:46:19] <Valen> it saves the position of your mill
[08:52:11] -!- psha [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[10:11:08] Vq_ is now known as Vq
[11:04:35] -!- wagnerf [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:13:33] -!- robh__ [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:27:48] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[12:30:37] -!- qq- [qq-!~Moldovean@unaffiliated/qq-] has joined #emc
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[13:02:33] -!- qq- [qq-!~Moldovean@unaffiliated/qq-] has joined #emc
[13:07:00] <Farthen> i have 4 inputs on my stepper driver board. one is connected to emergency stop and the other 3 are free. what is the best way to connect limit and home switches to these 3 pins?
[13:08:13] <Farthen> or is it possible to connect peripheral boards for rs232 for additional inputs in emc?
[13:12:39] <psha> Farthen: rs232 may be used for modbus, it's not capable for realtime things like home switches
[13:13:02] <psha> but i'm not confident in that area
[13:13:54] <Farthen> ok so what would be the best way to connect home and limit switches?
[13:15:15] <JT-Shop> Farthen: you can use one input for home switches and one for limit swiches
[13:15:41] <Farthen> and then i have one free input? ideas? xD
[13:16:16] <JT-Shop> ahhh winblows wants to reboot
[13:16:21] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:17:32] <archivist> Farthen, do you have free pins on your parallel port
[13:17:44] <Farthen> i have 3 free pins
[13:19:14] -!- JT-Shop [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[13:19:30] -!- awallin has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[13:19:55] -!- awallin [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[13:21:54] <archivist> the docs/wiki have a number of schemes, if running out you can add a second parallel port, some connect limit switches in series
[13:24:55] <dimas_> Farthen, you can leave free pins for future enhancement and configure only those connected
[13:26:16] <Farthen> ok
[13:36:29] <Farthen> can't i also set them like this: pin1: end x + home x; pin2: end y + home y; pin3: end z + home z ?
[13:38:06] <JT-Shop> yes
[13:38:37] <Farthen> and what do you think is better? i can't really imagine having all three homes on one input
[13:39:05] <JT-Shop> if you home each axis in turn it doesn't matter
[13:39:44] <JT-Shop> my plasma uses one input for each axis that is both home and limit
[13:46:40] -!- psha has quit [Quit: leaving]
[13:57:06] <Farthen> how much of an overtravel distance do i need to safely make my machines home and limit switches work if i have it running at a max speed of 1000mm/s ?
[13:57:33] <SWPadnos> what's the acceleration?
[13:57:34] <JT-Shop> how far will it travel when you shut down the drives?
[13:58:59] <Farthen> you mean emergency off? or with deceleration?
[13:59:42] <JT-Shop> when you hit a limit switch what will YOU make it do?
[14:00:52] <Farthen> well if it is a limit switch i would make it do an emergency stop. i just don't know how homing works with emc
[14:01:43] <JT-Shop> you mean when you share a limit and a home switch?
[14:01:47] <Farthen> yep
[14:02:26] <JT-Shop> EMC will ignore the limit when homing but you will have to make your Axis 0 off the limit switch
[14:03:14] <JT-Shop> you configure your machine to seek the home switch at a sane speed for your machine
[14:03:43] <Farthen> this can be different from the max speed, right?
[14:03:49] <SWPadnos> if you're trying to not break the switch while homing, you can (a) home slower or (b) make sure there's enough overtravel so that EMC can stop before breaking the switch
[14:04:20] <JT-Shop> you can set the seek, home and move to home speed to be what ever you like
[14:04:22] <SWPadnos> you do (b) by calculating how far the axis will move if it decelerates using the accel setting for that axis
[14:04:53] <Farthen> ok, thanks all
[14:14:29] -!- fatpandas [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[14:32:17] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[15:08:45] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:31:41] -!- wagnerf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:36:34] * JT-Shop starts dragging out saws and hammers and stuff
[15:37:24] * archivist waits for the pics of a completed building
[15:38:28] -!- psha [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[15:40:56] <JT-Shop> but I haven't completed one yet...
[15:47:29] * JT-Shop attempts to move enough stuff so the door to the new shop can open :/
[15:53:23] -!- logger[psha] [logger[psha][email protected]] has joined #emc
[16:02:34] <awallin> only 206mb of updates to do on a fresh 10.04.1lts....
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[16:29:34] * JT-Shop did that yesterday
[16:37:46] <celeron55> not really much for linux generally
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[17:36:21] <elmo40> Happy Gnu Year Everyone :)
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[17:45:14] -!- motioncontrol [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[17:48:49] * JT-Shop worked up a sweat nailing that wall together
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[17:58:34] -!- vezza [vezza!~andrea__@host201-46-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #emc
[17:58:41] -!- acemi [acemi!~acemi@unaffiliated/acemi] has joined #emc
[18:12:22] * JT-Shop wanders inside to take a nap
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[18:50:21] -!- isssy [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[19:15:32] -!- Guest998 [Guest998!~emcrules@CPE001310e6c94f-CM001bd71cb794.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #emc
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[19:16:59] <emcrules_laptop> happy new years all
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[19:37:21] <JT-Shop> this sucks! I used 10' 2x6's on the old shop and purchased pre-cut and they are too short... nothing will progress this weekend :/
[19:37:57] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: take em back
[19:38:09] <JT-Shop> I will Monday!
[19:38:27] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: toss thru their window, that'll show em!
[19:38:51] <JT-Shop> that would be my window then I asked for pre-cuts'
[19:38:58] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Besides, don tyou have someikng to grill/bbq/smoke/cook ?
[19:39:19] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: did you measure once and had them cut twice?
[19:39:44] <JT-Shop> seems like I didn't measure at all
[19:39:51] <Jymmm> oh
[19:40:19] <Jymmm> That's ok, at least you have a solution. I sold the WRONG laptop
[19:40:53] <Jymmm> I sold the working one for $40, instead of the defective (parts) one for $40.
[19:41:06] <JT-Shop> Ouch
[19:41:52] <Jymmm> Lesson learned. Guess everything happens for a reason. Not *that* big of a loss, but still.
[19:42:17] <Jymmm> Hopefully it'll go in the hands of someone that needs it.
[19:42:18] <JT-Shop> I could send you some of Dad's red markers
[19:42:55] <Jymmm> LOL, it's all good. I have other laptops around here.
[19:45:33] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: I even have a roll of stickers on my desk I could use. I'm just glad that I have a habbit of ALWAYS checking/pulling hard drives. NO HDD leaves my control without a) 96 hour secure wipe, or b) 2x 1/4" holes drilled right through the case, platters, and pcb.
[19:45:45] <JT-Shop> I could go to Homer Depew and pick up a few 10 footers if they have any straight ones or just start drinking
[19:46:16] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[19:46:30] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: depends on the wx
[19:46:59] <JT-Shop> sun, 40F, light wind
[19:47:27] -!- pjm__ [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[19:47:43] <Jymmm> Eh, nap, get started on the project, then nap, then drink, then nap
[19:48:32] <JT-Shop> oh it says 33F feels like 25F
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[19:59:18] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Ah, suntan weather!
[20:02:32] -!- SteveStallings [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[20:14:07] <archivist> suntans for brass monkeys r us
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[23:58:20] <ries> Hey guys, EMC2 indirectly in the news with a Mechmate very cool video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q74dRDH3PPU