#emc | Logs for 2011-02-22

[00:02:18] <mikegg> anybody using the Tormach TTS?
[00:03:26] -!- theorb [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:03:30] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:03:36] theorb is now known as theorbtwo
[00:05:59] <JT-Shop> mikegg: a guy on the forum does
[00:11:07] -!- paul11 has quit [Quit: Visitor from www.linuxcnc.org]
[00:18:02] -!- zxc [zxc!601681a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #emc
[00:19:47] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]]
[00:21:44] <skunkworks> my laptop (after fooling it into showing that it has a firepro v7750) runs solid works quite nice :)
[00:23:34] -!- zxc has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[00:26:10] -!- tom3p [[email protected]] has parted #emc
[00:26:25] <robh__> a quick little video i did today on new lathe fittedwith EMC - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7V57_7H9zw
[00:34:18] <skunkworks> robh__: cool - what is the 3 axisness of it?
[00:34:24] <skunkworks> the lathe
[00:34:42] <robh__> there is a 2nd turret under the 1st one u can see in video
[00:34:59] <robh__> same as the 1st superslant i did here, http://www.linuxcnc.org/component/option,com_kunena/Itemid,20/func,view/catid,30/id,1025/lang,english/
[00:38:06] <robh__> Now to finish the CHNC retrofit... soon will have an all EMC shop :)
[00:38:49] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #emc
[00:39:29] <skunkworks> heh - very neat
[00:48:04] -!- JPM [JPM!~Jean-Paul@CPE001310e6c94f-CM001bd71cb794.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #emc
[00:48:04] -!- Emcrules_Laptop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:52:46] -!- tlab has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:52:52] <danimal_garage> good question
[00:53:15] -!- JPM has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:53:41] <danimal_garage> opps
[00:54:41] -!- robh__ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:57:57] -!- danimal_garage has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:58:52] -!- danimal_garage [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[01:03:06] <danimal_garage> motion.spindle-speed-out-rps does not show up on my version of emc, but it's shown as a pin on http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config_emc2hal.html
[01:03:37] <danimal_garage> i have version 2.3.5 on the lathe now, was it added after, or was it removed?
[01:04:52] -!- emcrules_mill [emcrules_mill!~jp1@CPE001310e6c94f-CM001bd71cb794.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #emc
[01:14:20] <Tom_L> ok. D525 on the way
[01:14:54] <danimal_garage> cool
[01:17:00] <danimal_garage> ah, it's a new pin
[01:17:12] <danimal_garage> ok i have to upgrade to 2.4
[01:18:17] <Tom_L> that and a pile from mouser and digikey
[01:18:37] <danimal_garage> do you have a machine yet?
[01:18:54] <Tom_L> i have a little sherline i play with
[01:19:00] <danimal_garage> cool
[01:19:08] <Tom_L> used to program the big ones
[01:19:23] <Tom_L> mostly fadal, tree and okuma
[01:19:56] <Tom_L> it's a hobby now
[01:20:07] <Tom_L> got a ssd to try
[01:21:18] <danimal_garage> cool
[01:21:35] <danimal_garage> i would have gotten one too but i went cheap
[01:21:53] <Tom_L> the 'boss' only approves stuff occasionally
[01:22:00] <Tom_L> i gotta get it when i can
[01:23:43] <danimal_garage> lol
[01:24:11] <Tom_L> the mouser/digikey stuff will cover the newegg stuff
[01:24:11] <Tom_L> :D
[01:25:46] <danimal_garage> lol
[01:26:09] <danimal_garage> i'm installing emc 2.4 on the lathe now :)
[01:26:19] <Tom_L> is that on the live cd?
[01:26:47] <Tom_L> i went ahead and got a dvd for installs
[01:26:54] -!- SWPLinux [SWPLinux!~cncman@emc/developer/SWPadnos] has joined #emc
[01:27:04] <Tom_L> i'd still like to know how to make a mem stick bootable
[01:27:47] <danimal_garage> pretty easy, just google it
[01:28:05] <danimal_garage> i wish i could tell you what program i used but my computer died
[01:28:08] <Tom_L> well, i mean the live cd
[01:28:21] <danimal_garage> i know
[01:28:23] <Tom_L> i won't need to know for at least a week
[01:28:35] <SWPLinux> Tom_L: if you're on Ubuntu, just use the startup disk creator (System -> Administration -> Startup Disk Creator
[01:28:38] <danimal_garage> you need a program to write the iso image to the usb stick
[01:28:44] <danimal_garage> that too
[01:29:22] <SWPLinux> there are other, more difficult, ways also
[01:29:24] <danimal_garage> if you're using the live cd, i think you can do it like SWPLinux said
[01:29:34] <Tom_L> ok
[01:29:35] <danimal_garage> it was easy though
[01:29:51] <danimal_garage> this coming from me
[01:30:01] <danimal_garage> so you know it must be REALLY easy :)
[01:30:03] <Tom_L> how does the mem stick show up in ubuntu?
[01:30:11] <Tom_L> as another drive?
[01:30:16] <danimal_garage> as a drive i would assume
[01:30:22] <SWPLinux> more or less
[01:30:43] <SWPLinux> it's not the same as Windows, so it's not another "drive letter" (since there aren't any on Linux)
[01:30:50] <Tom_L> right
[01:32:37] <danimal_garage> ok, i think i got this figured out in theory
[01:32:58] <danimal_garage> to use feed per rev, you need to have smotion.spindle-at-speed true
[01:33:02] <danimal_garage> -s
[01:33:28] <SWPLinux> spindle-at-speed should be true whenever the spindle is at the commanded speed (within some tolerance you like)
[01:33:46] <SWPLinux> with the possible exception that it shouldn't be true when the spindle is (correctly) stopped
[01:33:56] <danimal_garage> and then you have to have motion.spindle-speed-in connected to motion.spindle-out-revs
[01:34:14] <danimal_garage> SWPLinux, i have no encoder so it's gunna have to guess
[01:34:38] <SWPLinux> certain moves, such as FPR, CSS, and threading (ie, spindle-syncfhornized moves) will wait until spindle-at-speed goes true before switching into synchronized mode
[01:35:14] <SWPLinux> you could use a limit3 block with some parameters that mimic your actual spindle, as a "simulator"
[01:35:20] <danimal_garage> i connected motion.spindle-at-speed to motion.spindle-on
[01:35:37] <SWPLinux> that simulated speed would then go to a window comparator just like the real feedback would if you had an encoder
[01:35:47] <SWPLinux> that's another way to do it ;)
[01:35:52] <danimal_garage> i cheated :)
[01:36:07] <danimal_garage> it worked
[01:36:31] <danimal_garage> however i had to upgrade to 2.4.x to get the motion.spindle-speed-out-rps pin
[01:36:32] <SWPLinux> just be careful with it - if you start too close to the workpiece, the spindle may not be at speed yet
[01:36:41] <SWPLinux> before the tool hits
[01:36:59] <danimal_garage> SWPLinux, i have the same problem with fpm
[01:37:18] <SWPLinux> fpr?
[01:37:26] <danimal_garage> feed per minute
[01:37:29] <SWPLinux> ah
[01:37:33] <SWPLinux> ?
[01:37:43] <SWPLinux> you mean the F word (G-code I mean ;) )
[01:37:48] <danimal_garage> the only reason i'm using the spinde-at-speed pin is because it has to be connected for fpr to work
[01:38:03] <danimal_garage> it wasnt connected at all before
[01:38:05] <SWPLinux> ok
[01:38:18] <SWPLinux> that doesn't have anything to do with feedrate though
[01:38:22] <danimal_garage> so i dont see it being any worse than not using it
[01:38:27] <SWPLinux> (the only application of fpm that I know)
[01:38:57] <danimal_garage> fpr will not work without spinde-at-speed being true
[01:39:02] <SWPLinux> well, you're asking for something that the machine can't really do, but you think it is doing it
[01:39:05] <danimal_garage> which is the only reason i added the pin
[01:39:32] <SWPLinux> ie, you ask for a certain surface rate, but the spindle could be going at any speed - you don't know
[01:39:42] <danimal_garage> all i'm looking for is an approximate
[01:39:50] <SWPLinux> but it looks like it's working, because emc doesn't have any feedback to tell you the truth with
[01:39:54] <danimal_garage> i know it's not spot on, but it's better than not using it
[01:39:57] <SWPLinux> right. that's the only "danger"
[01:40:07] <SWPLinux> AFAIK. YMMV. ETC.
[01:40:57] <danimal_garage> right, i'm aware of that, but when cutting titanium, css is kinda needed, and i cant use it without fpr. if it's ballpark, it's still better than not using it
[01:42:04] <danimal_garage> i'm facing off 4" diameter disks in my lathe, it's a bit hard on tools using rpm and fpm
[01:42:20] <danimal_garage> 6al4v is tough stuff
[01:43:34] <SWPLinux> I'm sure
[01:45:58] -!- KimK [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[01:53:10] -!- SWPLinux [SWPLinux!~cncman@emc/developer/SWPadnos] has parted #emc
[02:06:59] -!- tlab [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:44:17] -!- emcrules_mill has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:51:03] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:51:29] -!- OoBIGeye has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[02:51:36] -!- OoBIGeye [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:58:12] <danimal_garage> yay, fpr works now
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[02:58:53] -!- danimal_garage [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:59:34] -!- emcrules_mill [emcrules_mill!~jp1@CPE001310e6c94f-CM001bd71cb794.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #emc
[02:59:57] <danimal_garage> so i had to make motion.spindle-at-speed true, and i had to connect motion.spindle-speed-out-rps to motion.spindle-speed-in
[03:00:09] <danimal_garage> works fine
[03:00:17] <Tom_L> does the spindle increase as the tool reaches center?
[03:00:40] <danimal_garage> i had to upgrade to 2.4.x to get the motion.spindle-speed-out-rps pin
[03:00:47] <danimal_garage> Tom_l, yes
[03:00:50] <Tom_L> you gotta be careful doing that with a barfeed attached :D
[03:01:03] <danimal_garage> no bar feed here
[03:03:17] <cradek> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7V57_7H9zw
[03:03:30] <pcw_home> is FPR what is being used in robh
[03:03:48] <pcw_home> s video
[03:03:57] <pcw_home> ?
[03:04:17] <danimal_garage> crap
[03:04:23] <cradek> oh maybe you guys already saw it, sorry
[03:04:26] <cradek> a nice video.
[03:05:01] <danimal_garage> cradek, you may have some input on this.... what do you do when using css and fpr, but the rpm goes out of range for that gear?
[03:05:20] <danimal_garage> my max rpm for low gear is 600
[03:05:21] <cradek> it just doesn't go any faster
[03:05:33] <danimal_garage> i dont have an encoder though
[03:05:40] <cradek> then be sure to set D600 when you turn on css
[03:05:46] <danimal_garage> ahhhh
[03:05:52] <danimal_garage> thanks
[03:06:10] <cradek> otherwise your fpr will be wrong if you don't have the real velocity feedback
[03:07:22] <danimal_garage> exactly
[03:07:28] <danimal_garage> just found that out :/
[03:07:40] <danimal_garage> luckly it didnt chip an insert
[03:07:43] <cradek> did it cost you exactly one insert?
[03:07:44] <cradek> oh good
[03:08:23] <danimal_garage> yay that worked
[03:08:33] <cradek> don't sound too surprised!
[03:08:35] <danimal_garage> i officially have css and fpr
[03:08:44] <Tom_L> do any of you have a 2 spindle lathe working with emc?
[03:09:03] <Tom_L> pick the part off and finish the other end on the 2nd spindle
[03:09:04] <danimal_garage> cradek, i learned not to get too excited until it works for sure
[03:10:48] <danimal_garage> cradek, it was the smotion.spindle-speed-out-rps connected to motion.spindle-speed-in
[03:10:57] <danimal_garage> -s
[03:11:27] <danimal_garage> i had to install 2.4.x to get the motion.spindle-speed-out-rps pin though
[03:12:18] <cradek> yeah, you would have needed to use a scale component otherwise
[03:12:32] <danimal_garage> right
[03:13:57] <danimal_garage> i figured it made sense to upgrade so i can touch off my work offsets correctly in diameter mode
[03:15:12] <cradek> and it works right, now?
[03:15:37] <danimal_garage> yes
[03:15:41] <cradek> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Released
[03:15:42] <danimal_garage> oh i dont know
[03:15:51] <cradek> and look at the other features and bugfixes you got along with it!
[03:15:51] <danimal_garage> sorry thought u ment the fpr
[03:16:05] <danimal_garage> cool!
[03:16:57] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[03:17:04] <danimal_garage> when i touch off my offset again i'll let you know
[03:17:09] <cradek> deal
[03:17:20] <danimal_garage> i'm really stoked on the css/fpr though
[03:17:24] <cradek> if it still doesn't work, I'll probably try blaming the user
[03:17:28] <Tom_itx> heh
[03:17:29] <danimal_garage> i've been wanting to do that for some time
[03:17:35] <cradek> cool :-)
[03:17:46] <danimal_garage> haha i always blamed the user, thats why i didnt know it was a bug
[03:17:48] <cradek> makes a huge difference when parting
[03:17:54] <Tom_itx> i forgot what css was
[03:18:04] <danimal_garage> constant surface speed
[03:18:12] <Tom_itx> ok
[03:18:14] -!- tlab has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:18:22] <cradek> spindle speed stays proportional to radius
[03:18:26] <Tom_itx> right
[03:18:33] <cradek> you can use it in manual mode too, which is awfully cool
[03:18:42] <Tom_itx> unrelated to fpr?
[03:18:43] <cradek> manual lathes need css just as much as cnc lathes do
[03:19:08] <danimal_garage> kinda related to fpr as it doesnt make sense to use css without fpr
[03:19:11] <cradek> they are separate concepts, but if using css you probably also want fpr
[03:19:16] <Tom_itx> yeah
[03:19:51] <Tom_itx> that would be like ipt on a mill
[03:20:04] <cradek> yes similar idea
[03:20:15] <danimal_garage> cradek, i machine 4" diameter 6al4v titanium and 17-4ph stainless quite a bit, so i really needed the fpr and css
[03:20:30] <danimal_garage> for facing
[03:20:30] <cradek> what sfm for the Ti?
[03:20:45] <Tom_itx> basically, how much material a cutter will continuously cut
[03:20:46] <danimal_garage> approx 200sfm
[03:20:47] <cradek> hoo yeah, facing 4" sucks otherwise
[03:20:59] <cradek> oh, that's faster than I thought, but still darn slow at 4"
[03:21:07] <danimal_garage> i'm running 180 now
[03:21:19] <Tom_itx> iirc we ran those links around 140
[03:21:26] <danimal_garage> only because i didnt change it after adding css
[03:21:45] <Tom_itx> but we were using ~3" drills too
[03:21:45] <cradek> you can play with spindle override to fudge it
[03:21:54] <danimal_garage> .013/rev
[03:22:12] <Tom_itx> the feed/speed should be pretty constant on ti
[03:22:13] <danimal_garage> .04 DOC, facing
[03:22:30] <danimal_garage> not too bad for a little lathe, huh
[03:22:38] <cradek> yep
[03:22:54] <Tom_itx> ss can be just as bad
[03:22:56] <cradek> hnc is actually a beast - that turret is sturdy
[03:23:17] <cradek> does Ti give you stringers?
[03:23:22] <danimal_garage> cradek, i usually cut the air to it if i dont need to change tools, and it still doesnt budge
[03:23:39] <danimal_garage> cradek, slightly because i cant take that heavy of a cut
[03:24:05] <Tom_itx> that's a bitch on a lathe
[03:24:09] <cradek> danimal_garage: it'd be neat if you'd make a video of that big dia with css
[03:24:16] <danimal_garage> sure
[03:24:24] <danimal_garage> i'll do it today or tomorrow
[03:24:28] <cradek> awesome
[03:24:30] <danimal_garage> i'm running those parts now
[03:24:58] <danimal_garage> Tom_itx, the ti is way harder than the stainless
[03:25:05] <danimal_garage> harder to cut i mean
[03:25:20] <Tom_itx> i know but stainless can work harden on a dime if you're not careful
[03:25:37] <danimal_garage> 17-4ph cuts pretty nice as far as stainless goes
[03:25:43] <Tom_itx> ti can be a bugger to machine if you've never done it
[03:25:56] <danimal_garage> not so much of the work hardening issue like 300 serries
[03:26:09] <Tom_itx> we ran some blocks of carbide
[03:26:16] <Tom_itx> cut it with carbide cutters
[03:26:30] <Tom_itx> tungsten i should say
[03:26:49] <Tom_itx> those'll shatter if you drop em
[03:27:03] <danimal_garage> yea
[03:27:09] <Tom_itx> talk about heavy
[03:27:21] <danimal_garage> cradek, i'm gunna film it now, i'll post it on youtube in a few
[03:27:37] <cradek> neat
[03:28:38] <elmo40> danimal_garage: Ti isn't necessarily harder to cut then stainless, unless you have the wrong tools.
[03:28:57] <elmo40> Ti needs a high angle
[03:30:09] <danimal_garage> elmo40, i know. it's definitely harder on the tools on a smaller machine that can't take a proper DOC though
[03:31:57] <danimal_garage> hmmm i dont know if my slr does movies
[03:33:42] <danimal_garage> nope
[03:33:50] <danimal_garage> i'll do it on my phone
[03:34:07] <cradek> I didn't think it would be hard - don't go to too much trouble.
[03:35:52] <danimal_garage> its not
[03:35:58] <Tom_itx> if you're on irc, you need a way to video. period.
[03:36:02] <Tom_itx> :D
[03:36:07] <danimal_garage> lol
[03:36:26] <danimal_garage> my little cammera does it, but the battery is dead
[03:36:33] <danimal_garage> my phone does a good video anyways
[03:36:48] <Connor> I'm looking at the homing setup for EMC, what is needed to set it up for homing when using 2 optos for X and 2 for Y as end stops, (each pair wired in series, each on it's on pin) and using end stops for homing as well..??
[03:36:48] <Tom_itx> i'm not even sure i have a good way to
[03:37:35] <cradek> sounds like you will have limit switches - you can also home to a limit if you want.
[03:37:50] <cradek> if using stepconf, you just select the pinout on the menus.
[03:38:18] <Connor> to far along to use stepconf.. it'll blow my config away..
[03:38:48] <cradek> then wire your switches up in hal to the correct limit and home inputs
[03:39:02] <cradek> (the switch on one end of an axis goes to that axis's limit AND home inputs)
[03:39:16] <cradek> then set your homing parameters in the ini file after reading the documentation for homing
[03:39:36] <Connor> that's just it.. each pair is in series.. so X only has 1 pin, Y only has 1 pin..
[03:39:50] <danimal_garage> video is uploading to youtube
[03:40:11] <cradek> then the input goes to both limit inputs and the home input - all three
[03:45:10] <danimal_garage> cradek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckHk9o3SH2w
[03:45:14] <danimal_garage> sorry, a little dark
[03:46:02] <danimal_garage> i'll try and remember to charge my camera and set up a light
[03:46:28] <cradek> wow!
[03:46:47] <danimal_garage> a lil smokey!
[03:46:55] <cradek> yep sure is
[03:47:09] <Tom_itx> are you using carbide inserts?
[03:47:16] <danimal_garage> yes
[03:47:26] <Tom_itx> don't you wanna use carbide dry?
[03:47:31] <danimal_garage> no
[03:47:56] <danimal_garage> i'd have a fire in 15 minutes
[03:47:57] <Tom_itx> i watched a mori seki flycut a plate ~1/4" cut dry
[03:48:04] <Tom_itx> chips were flying off white hot
[03:48:23] <danimal_garage> ti is extremely flamable
[03:48:29] <Tom_itx> oh, that's ti
[03:48:33] <danimal_garage> yes
[03:48:33] <Tom_itx> i thought that was your ss
[03:48:37] <danimal_garage> nope
[03:48:48] <Tom_itx> yeah you don't need a fire there
[03:49:19] <danimal_garage> had a couple already lol
[03:49:32] <danimal_garage> cradek what was the wow for, the smoke?
[03:49:43] <cradek> yeah
[03:49:50] <danimal_garage> yea i hate it
[03:49:52] <Tom_itx> you don't use soluable coolant
[03:49:54] <Tom_itx> ?
[03:50:00] <danimal_garage> no
[03:50:09] <danimal_garage> i might switch though
[03:50:22] <danimal_garage> even though it'd not be too good for the lathe
[03:50:25] <Tom_itx> get one of those spy glass's to get the mix right
[03:50:40] <danimal_garage> a refractometer?
[03:50:43] <Tom_itx> yeah
[03:51:05] <danimal_garage> i got the mixture down pretty good, been mixing it for 13 years or so
[03:51:12] <Tom_itx> oh
[03:51:23] <danimal_garage> when it looks like you brutally murdered a smurf, you're good :)
[03:52:03] <Tom_itx> i'm gettin sleepy
[03:52:18] <danimal_garage> me too and its only 8
[03:52:26] <Tom_itx> 10
[03:52:39] <Tom_itx> long first day back
[03:52:55] <danimal_garage> my shop is smoked out
[03:53:27] <danimal_garage> its not too bad when the gable fan is on, but it's too cold for the thermostat to kick it on
[03:53:33] <danimal_garage> i need a manual override on it
[03:53:47] <Tom_itx> wire it to emc
[03:54:10] <danimal_garage> lol
[03:54:16] <danimal_garage> CSS on my fan?
[03:54:20] <danimal_garage> :)
[03:54:20] <Tom_itx> heh
[03:54:42] <Tom_itx> i'll be cookin boards next week prolly. maybe mill some more cases
[03:54:53] <danimal_garage> cool
[03:54:59] <danimal_garage> good luck with it
[03:55:15] <danimal_garage> i think you'll like emc
[03:55:31] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Boxes/milling2.jpg
[03:55:56] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Boxes/box_batch.jpg
[03:56:11] <Connor> what is that for ?
[03:56:32] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/USBTiny_Mkii_index.php
[03:56:48] <Tom_itx> avr programmer
[03:57:17] <Connor> Cool, I use the older Pololu one..
[03:57:28] <Tom_itx> this does all 3 protocols
[03:57:39] <Tom_itx> isp, pdi and tpi
[03:57:53] <Tom_itx> fast
[03:57:54] <Connor> Doing AVR's only need ISP
[03:58:05] <Tom_itx> the pdi is for the new xmegas
[03:58:16] <Tom_itx> and the tpi is for the 6pin tiny10
[03:58:41] <Connor> You did a reflow oven ?
[03:58:48] <Tom_itx> yup
[03:58:51] <danimal_garage> time to go to the dog park, adios
[03:59:15] <Connor> I have one with a SSR in it.. I need to build to PID controller and get a termocoupler or themosister for it..
[03:59:16] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/tiny/tinyTPI1.jpg
[03:59:19] <Tom_itx> there's the t10
[03:59:31] <Tom_itx> i used a PT100
[03:59:47] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/toaster_oven/toaster_oven_index.php
[03:59:52] <Tom_itx> there's the page for it
[04:00:03] <Connor> looking at it now..
[04:00:06] <Tom_itx> all homebrewed boards
[04:00:26] <Connor> Why 2 Triac's ?
[04:00:33] <Tom_itx> i screwed up
[04:00:44] <Tom_itx> me and an aussie buddy made em at the same time
[04:00:48] <Tom_itx> they're on 220v
[04:00:54] <Tom_itx> those were 6A
[04:01:11] <Tom_itx> so i just split the elements into two io
[04:01:13] <Connor> Ah. I just using a SSR, So, I just need a PID controller to toggle it on and off.
[04:01:16] <Tom_itx> rather than reorder triacs
[04:01:30] <Tom_itx> i used a zero crossing opto
[04:02:01] <Tom_itx> i think the schematic is there
[04:02:03] <Connor> Fotek SSR-25 DA's
[04:02:10] <Connor> Yea, I was looking at it.
[04:02:46] <Connor> Need to build my zero crossing detection circuit for my speed controller too.. trying to make sure I have the right values for the resistors for the opto for the Zero Crossing detection circuit (120v)
[04:02:49] <Tom_itx> i could have gotten 20A triacs or something and just used one
[04:04:12] <Tom_itx> http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=160-1723-1-ND
[04:05:36] <Connor> Don't see a Zero-Crossing detection, you don't really need it because your not using it with a motor...
[04:06:03] <Tom_itx> the triac won't shut off if you don't iirc
[04:06:43] <Connor> You have the Zero Cross in the triac board, but, doing a motor controller, you need to have one to tell the PID when the phases are so it can turn it off at the right time.
[04:07:02] <Tom_itx> yeah
[04:07:47] <Connor> which is where I'm at.. Going to use a SSR for the Triac, Opto, Snubber combo.. and a simple opto for the phase detection to feed back into the micro..
[04:07:51] <Tom_itx> the pwm wouldn't work right otherwise
[04:08:16] <Connor> after I get the correct voltage and current limited on the AC to go into the opto.
[04:08:48] <Connor> I don't do much AC/High current stuff.. so, this is pretty new to me..
[04:09:07] <Tom_itx> that was my first ac thing
[04:09:59] <Tom_itx> i was thinking about one for an inverter for a windmill app to mains
[04:10:12] <Tom_itx> hasn't made it off the ground yet
[04:11:04] <Connor> what do you use to ink the traces with?
[04:11:08] <Connor> before you etch ?
[04:11:18] <Tom_itx> laser toner transfer
[04:11:29] <Tom_itx> iron on using photo paper etc
[04:11:50] <Connor> I'm milling mine.
[04:12:16] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/temp/tiny/tinyboard1.jpg
[04:12:29] <Tom_itx> that's a SOT32-6 with 3 traces under it
[04:12:34] <Tom_itx> 23*
[04:13:09] <Connor> That's nice. Not sure if I can mill that small or not.
[04:13:27] -!- rooks has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[04:13:35] <Tom_itx> anymore i generally use a board house. i'm gettin lazy
[04:13:44] <Tom_itx> unless i just wanna test something quick
[04:14:15] <Tom_itx> i've got plenty of copper
[04:14:46] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/etching/etch_index.php
[04:14:51] <Tom_itx> there's my etch tank setup
[04:15:19] <Connor> I don't like the idea of having to dispose of the etching solution..
[04:15:40] <Tom_itx> i have a haz mat place nearby. it's free
[04:16:46] <Tom_itx> well, i'm headin to sleep
[04:16:48] <Tom_itx> gnite all
[04:16:54] <Connor> later
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[05:00:50] <Valen> ey danimal_garage how did it go?
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[05:29:49] <Jymmm> SWPadnos: you at the CES show, aint ya!
[05:29:57] <SWPLinux> I was
[05:30:02] <SWPLinux> in January
[05:30:06] <Jymmm> oh
[05:30:24] <SWPLinux> I'm at the Las Vegas Hilton again though :)
[05:30:42] <Jymmm> Yeah, I saw that. just being nosey at what ya there for
[05:30:50] <SWPLinux> WPPI
[05:31:01] <SWPLinux> a Wedding Photographers show or something
[05:31:11] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:31:23] <Jymmm> WPPI == Whores Prostitutes and Pimps International
[05:31:26] <SWPLinux> and it's bedtime for me. night
[05:31:29] <SWPLinux> oh, that's better
[05:31:39] <Jymmm> g'night
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[09:32:23] <UncleG> I need some help telling my machine to wait for a switch to be tripped before it goes to the next command. So far I have it physically installed and hal configurator shows it responding on din-09 when tripped
[09:33:38] <UncleG> The switch is connect to hal via mesa5i20
[09:35:34] <archivist> see http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/emcinfo.pl?ClassicLadderExamples for inspiration
[09:35:34] <UncleG> SWPadnos are you around for this question?
[09:35:56] <UncleG> well, I thought I could do it with M66
[09:36:09] <UncleG> but it just skips right by the switch
[09:38:07] <archivist> have you done similar to bottom of this thread http://www.linuxcnc.org/component/option,com_kunena/Itemid,20/func,view/catid,20/id,5257/lang,english/
[09:38:18] <archivist> and connected to digital in
[09:40:36] <UncleG> net din-08 motion.digital-in.08
[09:40:39] <UncleG> I think
[09:44:28] <archivist> rest of that message mentions up to 4 unless you do something http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/axis.9.html
[09:44:54] <UncleG> I already adde gpio)num
[09:45:33] <UncleG> I have 7 air cylinders setup on my outputs ran from relays
[09:49:21] <UncleG> M66 P08L3Q5 is the command Iam attmepting to use
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[09:57:53] <UncleG> ,
[09:58:04] <UncleG> I lost connection
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[09:58:57] <UncleG> I lost connection, did I miss any links?
[09:59:12] <psha> no
[09:59:17] <UncleG> thx
[10:04:36] -!- Athlocatle [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[10:12:06] <UncleG> If you don't use the Oword if block to take an action on success or failure the next line of code will be executed.
[10:12:20] <UncleG> I got it noe thanks archivist
[10:12:32] <UncleG> now*
[10:13:54] <awallin_> nice superslant video by someone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7V57_7H9zw
[10:19:21] <alex_jon1> awallin_: cool one
[10:20:10] <alex_jon1> the other videos are nice too
[10:27:43] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[10:27:48] <IchGuckLive> hi all out there
[10:27:57] <IchGuckLive> Heekscad the Basics -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAVkVawm6pM
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[11:07:12] <jthornton> what does gantrykins do that connecting the two Y stepper drives on the gantry to the same output pins doesn't?
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[11:12:12] <jthornton> awallin_: that is robh's superslant
[11:13:46] <awallin_> looks nice. if I only had the space for some machines like that...
[11:15:06] <jthornton> it is a nice machine
[11:15:38] <jthornton> I don't run my CHNC enough to even think about looking for another lathe
[11:16:47] <awallin_> how does the chuck work on that machine? is there a collet that you change for each stock-size? hydraulic chuck?
[11:17:27] <jthornton> mine uses 16C collets and has an air collet closer
[11:18:46] <jthornton> http://www.linuxcnc.org/component/option,com_kunena/Itemid,20/func,view/catid,30/id,2432/lang,english/
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[11:38:28] <jthornton> awallin_: here is some new space I'm adding on for my machine shop http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/Shop%20Addition/P2190008.jpg
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[14:13:41] <skunkworks> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYovDvyheZ4
[14:15:42] <archivist> magic!
[14:17:53] <jthornton> lol
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[14:20:33] <archivist> bugger must have too much spare time
[14:25:45] <skunkworks> heh :)
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[14:56:53] <mrsunshine> http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/812/17586110150102055648648.jpg got my new HUGE VFD today ...
[14:56:58] <mrsunshine> thats a type small match box on it ...
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[15:01:02] <JT-Shop> pretty bad photo :P
[15:01:06] <mrsunshine> aye
[15:01:12] <mrsunshine> mobile camera in bad lighting :P
[15:01:41] <JT-Shop> as we call kitchen matches?
[15:01:41] <mrsunshine> but just look at the little sucker :P
[15:01:51] <mrsunshine> JT-Shop, dont know what you call it =)
[15:01:58] <mrsunshine> its the usal size, not the big packs :P
[15:02:26] <JT-Shop> a kitchen match is a wood stick about 2 1/2" long and the box is about 6" long
[15:02:26] <mrsunshine> what can it be, like 5x2.5cm or something :P
[15:02:52] <JT-Shop> ok, same as a small box of matches then
[15:02:59] <JT-Shop> very small VFD
[15:03:02] <mrsunshine> the vfd is so small i can almost fit it in my hand :P
[15:03:12] <mrsunshine> JT-Shop, still it takes 0.75/0.55kw .. whatever that means
[15:03:20] <mrsunshine> if its 0.75 at normal mode and 0.55 at heavy duty or something
[15:03:31] <mrsunshine> its bigger then the one i ordered in any case ;P
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[15:04:54] <mrsunshine> but i like small, the smaller the better if it can take what its supposed to
[15:05:03] <mrsunshine> will just be a small box by the mill to hold that one and the filter =)
[15:05:27] <JT-Shop> this mornings progress http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/Shop%20Addition/P2220012.jpg
[15:06:44] <skunkworks> 10ft ceilings?
[15:06:46] <skunkworks> nice
[15:08:14] <JT-Shop> 10'5"
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[15:08:28] <JT-Shop> the garage door is 10' x 9,
[15:11:07] <JT-Shop> it's too small though :/
[15:11:27] <JT-Shop> inside http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/Shop%20Addition/P2190008.jpg
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[15:24:28] <alex_jon1> http://juve.ro/blog/projects/01298387572
[15:25:48] <skunkworks> alex_jon1: nice!
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[15:27:25] <alex_joni> thx
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[15:27:47] <alex_joni> the pictures are crappy though
[15:30:31] <JT-Shop> alex_joni: what does it do? Nice Cannon camera!
[15:44:16] <Jymmm> stablizer
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[15:45:00] <willburrrr2003> Good morning all!
[15:45:41] <Jymmm> alex_joni: And you dont need a torch; you CHEMICALLY weld the pieces. Acetone, MEK, toluene, etc
[15:46:41] <Jymmm> alex_joni: test on scrap pieces a couple of time too.
[15:46:54] <willburrrr2003> I have a question about microstepping, In the stepconf wizard, when setting up an axis do I set the micro stepping for 2 if my controller is physically set for half stepping?
[15:47:43] <JT-Shop> yes
[15:48:18] <Jymmm> alex_joni: Krylon spray paint for plastics works good as it bonds with the plastic
[15:49:09] <JT-Shop> you can use any combination of numbers that gives you the correct number of steps per user unit
[15:49:12] <willburrrr2003> great, then my mini lathe z-axis is up and spinning using my homebuilt control panel
[15:49:38] <JT-Shop> photos?
[15:50:47] <willburrrr2003> I will take some and post them to the forum in a bit, I have some on there but they are not very good and are a couple months old now
[15:51:39] <willburrrr2003> Next step is to figure out the stepper wiring for my x axis and get it wired in today
[15:53:16] <JT-Shop> cool
[15:53:51] <Jymmm> alex_joni: Isn't the bottom support going to hit you in the gut/crotch?
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[15:58:45] <Jymmm> alex_joni: And be careful when using the top handle, looks like the weight is offset.
[15:59:14] <willburrrr2003> is there a way to share pics through irc?
[15:59:23] <JT-Shop> a link
[15:59:34] <Jymmm> willburrrr2003: tinypic.com
[15:59:47] <willburrrr2003> cool, will give it a try
[16:00:07] <JT-Shop> like this http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/P1010007.jpg
[16:00:44] <willburrrr2003> nice painting :)
[16:00:56] <JT-Shop> thanks my grandson painted it
[16:01:18] <JT-Shop> from this photo http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/Jan312010.jpg
[16:01:38] <Jymmm> that's pretty good!
[16:01:46] <JT-Shop> yea
[16:02:20] <Jymmm> too bad his grandfather has no talent for putting up a shop in a week
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[16:02:39] <Jymmm> BEFORE the snow falls
[16:02:46] <JT-Shop> he has the talent but not the energy
[16:03:07] <Jymmm> its all thse naps getting in the way
[16:03:12] <Jymmm> those
[16:03:36] <JT-Shop> them be power naps
[16:03:51] <Jymmm> cough*bullshit*cough
[16:13:15] <willburrrr2003> http://flic.kr/p/9kfi8d
[16:13:28] <willburrrr2003> that is a pic of my control panel in proigress
[16:13:39] -!- izua has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[16:14:16] <willburrrr2003> http://flic.kr/p/9kfi7L and that is pic of the lathe and panel
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[16:16:22] <willburrrr2003> hopefully I did that right
[16:16:51] <Jymmm> you did, just that flickr limits resolution now
[16:17:18] <willburrrr2003> that sucks, when did they astart doing htat?
[16:17:24] <willburrrr2003> that*
[16:17:26] <Jymmm> about a year ago
[16:17:40] <Jymmm> thus why I suggested tinypic.com
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[16:20:06] <willburrrr2003> damnit.... ok, well the control panel contains an Idec PLC, 6 control relays, a nice power supply for my steppers and controller card, and a 24vdc idec power supply for the relays and the PLC. The PLC and relays are for non timing critical operations that will be controlled over the Modbus connection
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[16:22:01] <JT-Shop> cool
[16:22:12] <Jymmm> http://i55.tinypic.com/vpdyt4.jpg
[16:22:54] <willburrrr2003> Very nice :)
[16:24:35] <willburrrr2003> I have lots of reading to do for setting up the Modbus functions in classicladder and hal so that I can operate the relay functions through my emc2 screen
[16:26:18] <willburrrr2003> have you guys tried using Modbus yet?
[16:26:39] <archivist> you can sometimes serve pics from your own pc depending on ISP you are on
[16:27:21] <willburrrr2003> I will try again once I get my camera back from my nice in a bit, the pics I took were with my phone and not very good
[16:27:30] <willburrrr2003> niece*
[16:27:36] <mrsunshine> does stepper drivers/motor wires emit alot of interferance ?
[16:28:08] <willburrrr2003> Mrsunshine, not that I have experienced yet...
[16:28:26] <mrsunshine> im thinking for a mobo for example
[16:28:32] <mrsunshine> they are about 10cm from the motherboard (the drivers)
[16:29:18] <willburrrr2003> are you using shielded wires to your steppers?
[16:29:39] <mrsunshine> not the small part to the outside of the box
[16:31:14] <willburrrr2003> typically I have not noticed dc signals causing interference...only ac circuits in the industrial control panels I have been building for the last 11 years....but I do not know everything so I suppose it is possible
[16:31:21] <Jymmm> http://i51.tinypic.com/2jttp2.jpg
[16:31:47] <mrsunshine> willburrrr2003, but steppers becomes ac? :)
[16:32:00] <mrsunshine> as it turns the poles from positive to negative =)
[16:32:59] <pcw_home> they are usually choppers so you get a 10-50 KHz or so square wave at your step motor power supply voltage
[16:33:37] <mrsunshine> true
[16:33:41] <willburrrr2003> true it does switch poles, but not continually to make an sinewave...just a funky square wave
[16:34:42] <willburrrr2003> are you noticing interference?
[16:35:03] <mrsunshine> havent connected everything up yet
[16:35:09] <mrsunshine> just thinking ahead, like i always do :P
[16:35:46] <mrsunshine> as its a computer so close i just hope it wont lock it up etc
[16:35:51] <mrsunshine> or do damage to it :P
[16:36:20] <willburrrr2003> thinking ahead is always good ;) I would try it and see how it goes. I think you will be fine with it...but if you do notice interference shield the short runs.
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[16:36:49] <mrsunshine> shield the short runs ?
[16:36:54] <mrsunshine> the cables?
[16:37:01] <archivist> long runs mainly
[16:37:02] <mrsunshine> someone said brass mesh also
[16:37:04] <willburrrr2003> if it does interfere it wil not do senough to damage anything IMHO
[16:37:42] <mrsunshine> if i case the drivers in brass mesh it that is connected to the chassi (PE) shouldnt that eat up stuff like that also ? :)
[16:37:49] <pcw_home> Its really not a problem for the PC (consider that the PC has traces as close as 10 mills with different signals)
[16:38:28] <willburrrr2003> The only reason we shield wires in our industrial control panels is to thield the signals in the wires from the ac in the panel...not to shield the panel from the signals in the wires....
[16:38:46] <willburrrr2003> IMHO you are just fine with your setup
[16:39:03] <mrsunshine> only part missing now is a mount for the bob and a sex changer for db25 =)
[16:39:10] <mrsunshine> then i have one case to rule it all :P
[16:39:29] <willburrrr2003> sounds like you are almost there :)
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[16:40:17] <mrsunshine> aye, had it all working but then i figured, lets change spindle motor, got a vfd .. to big and clumsy so ordered some timing pulleys and stuff, now ive got that mounted with a three phase motor, ordered a new vfd, and rebuilt the cnc case =)
[16:40:19] <mrsunshine> yey me :P
[16:40:29] <pcw_home> I think the most likely trouble is if you run high impedance sense lines (limit switches etc) near the step motor wires
[16:40:35] <mrsunshine> expensive like **** but, money is king? :P
[16:41:12] <bill20r3> anyone where I can find docs on best practices for wiring limit switches & routing their wires.
[16:41:19] <mrsunshine> limit switches etc will actualy be connected up in a seperate box, taking a db9 over to the case and into the bob =)
[16:41:45] <pcw_home> (note that the wires for the VFD to the motor are much worse then the wire for the step motor (300-400V square waves))
[16:42:04] <mrsunshine> aye, vfd is seperatley mounted on the wall
[16:42:11] <mrsunshine> a couple of meters from the case =)
[16:42:32] <JT-Shop> bill20r3: use N/C limit switches
[16:43:24] <bill20r3> I'm talking about stuff like what kind of cabling to use, where to run the wires(away from teh motor wires, I assume), and so on.
[16:44:30] <JT-Shop> any wire will do as it is just a switch not a signal
[16:45:11] <bill20r3> I dont need to be concerned about EMF noise from the rest of the machine causing false triggers?
[16:49:40] <willburrrr2003> possibly running them near ac lines for big motors?
[16:50:13] <willburrrr2003> I have not noticed it with digital signals, but I have noticed interference from larger ac motor wiring
[16:50:17] <bill20r3> dunno. I haven't actually finished the wiring, I just don't want to have to do it twice.
[16:50:32] <bill20r3> this is on a FireballV90, so just nema23 motors.
[16:51:41] <willburrrr2003> then you should be fine with running your wiring to the switches IMHO
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[16:51:54] <bill20r3> ok.
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[16:52:58] <bill20r3> I'll stick an o'scope on them when it's running, and see if there's any stray signals.
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[16:55:01] <willburrrr2003> not a bad idea just to see what is going on.... you can use the HALSCOPE to monitor your signals without having to hook up a real scope...
[16:55:47] <bill20r3> but... but.. I never get to use my real scope!
[16:55:50] <bill20r3> :-)
[16:56:29] <willburrrr2003> hehe , feel free to use it ;)
[16:56:45] <bill20r3> whew.
[16:56:55] <mrsunshine> thing iwth a real scope is that you should be able to see alot more? :P
[16:56:58] <mrsunshine> like ripples etc
[16:57:15] <bill20r3> yeah, the sub-digital waveys.
[16:57:19] <mrsunshine> mm
[16:57:31] <mrsunshine> so might be very close to trigger but doesnt until something happends
[16:57:33] <mrsunshine> and poof
[16:57:36] <mrsunshine> it gives a signal
[16:57:56] <bill20r3> my repstrap had noise on the endstops, when I figured it out I removed them.
[16:58:17] <bill20r3> or disconnected, anyway. I may put them back later, after I get some sheilded cable.
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[17:03:10] <pcw_home> Most of the noise problems will be from impulse noise. For signals with non-critical timing, this can be eliminated with the debounce comp
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[17:03:50] <bill20r3> ?impulse noise" ?
[17:08:05] <cpresser_> fast switching signals produce 'impulse noise'
[17:08:32] <cpresser_> basically: a signal with higher frequency generates more noise
[17:10:01] <bill20r3> so a microstepping stepper driver, yes?
[17:10:53] <archivist> its the method of current control not microstepping
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[17:19:44] <bill20r3> I'm thinking of 'chopper' microstepping, is there another method?
[17:19:47] <JT-Shop> does gantrykins do anything special above and beyond just connecting two Y axis steppers in hal?
[17:20:08] <JT-Shop> I microstep when I'm on the roof :)
[17:27:40] <micges> JT-Shop: gantrykins just maps axis position to one or more joint position
[17:28:49] <JT-Shop> micges: thanks
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[17:36:34] <archivist> bill20r3, the chopper in a driver is for current control not stepping
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[17:37:42] <archivist> bill20r3, the micro stepping on top is only a variation of the current control
[17:40:24] <bill20r3> Ok. I guess I've never heard of drivers that do current control via other methods.
[17:40:28] <bill20r3> not that I've looked.
[17:40:55] <skunkworks> there is a linistep drive that is, well, linear.
[17:44:30] <bill20r3> the fireball has some allegro chip drivers, I think they're choppers.
[17:44:50] * bill20r3 double checks.
[17:46:25] <bill20r3> nope, the 'probostep' I have uses a SLA7078 chip, their other one 'SideStep' uses the Allegro.
[17:46:45] <bill20r3> I find it odd that they use uni-polar drive.
[17:46:46] <skunkworks> right - the linistep is a diy brew
[17:47:00] <bill20r3> yeah, I've seen it, looks decent.
[17:47:16] <archivist> unipolar is the cheaper route often
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[18:30:24] <bill20r3> If I need some extra pins for a non-realtime accessory (think tool changer), is an Arduino reasonable choice, or should I be looking elsewhere?
[18:35:53] <psha> bill20r3: if they are not time-critical - yes, anything you want
[18:37:41] <bill20r3> excellent.
[18:37:41] <bill20r3> I'll be using a mill as a plotter, and need to have a paper-feed.
[18:37:41] <psha> even speach engine with loudspeaker for low paid worker
[18:37:42] <bill20r3> hah/
[18:37:42] <bill20r3> I have a 3yr old daughter, but she's bad at following instructions.
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[18:38:33] <psha> don't know about 3yr, but 2.5 is excelent only in destruction ;)
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[18:46:44] <IchGuckLive> hi all
[18:47:04] <bill20r3> also, if anyone knows how to build a reliable paper feed, I'm listening. :-)
[18:47:32] <IchGuckLive> i just finished working on the me EMC-Gcode post with Cutter radius compensation on heekscad for me it works fine
[18:50:07] <cpresser_> bill20r3: salvage some old printers
[18:50:37] <bill20r3> that's where I'm starting, if only just for research.
[18:51:12] <IchGuckLive> have a look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAVkVawm6pM
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[18:52:04] <danimal_garage> mornin
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[20:14:25] <danimal_garage> yawn
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[20:19:34] <danimal_garage> a small shop vac in my lathe helps with the smoke
[20:19:51] <danimal_garage> i may integrate my old stove hood into the enclosure
[20:22:39] <danimal_garage> hey, then i'd even have a light in there!
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[20:43:52] <alex_joni> Jymmm: I'll try to remember the chemical bonding and the paint for the next project :)
[20:44:12] <alex_joni> the bottom bar isn't that long, maybe 6-7"
[20:44:37] <alex_joni> so it's not an issue when I keep my hands parallel to the ground, elbows beside the body
[20:44:47] <archivist> danimal_garage, I thought the smoke was for breathing in
[20:45:07] <alex_joni> and the top handle works great, I do tend to grab close to the frame, the lens compensates for weight
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[20:49:28] <alex_joni> JT-Shop: already left before I could answer.. the rig I built is meant for shooting video
[20:49:46] <alex_joni> by grabbing it with two arms it's easier to control the movement, and you get less shake
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[20:51:04] <Valen> hey danimal_garage how did 2.5 go?
[20:53:53] <danimal_garage> good
[20:54:02] <danimal_garage> it's all set and running
[20:54:35] <JT-Shop> ok, to help steady the video cam
[20:54:43] <alex_joni> JT-Shop: right
[20:54:52] <JT-Shop> cool
[20:54:59] <alex_joni> and the top handle helps for low angle shots
[20:55:35] <danimal_garage> Valen, thanks for the help on that
[20:57:59] * JT-Shop can see it now alex_joni movie producer and star films "EMCzilla attacks Toyko"
[20:59:06] <archivist> sound track daisy.ngc
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[21:00:13] <Valen> make a difference?
[21:00:13] <danimal_garage> ha
[21:00:13] <danimal_garage> that would be cool
[21:00:13] <danimal_garage> emc powered monster
[21:00:13] <danimal_garage> hi John
[21:01:25] <JT-Shop> hi Dan
[21:01:46] <JT-Shop> 12 more shingles left on side A
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[21:09:19] <mrsunshine> yey works lke a sharm =)
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[21:30:17] <Duckie> hallo
[21:30:21] <Duckie> welkom Jan
[21:30:39] <Tom_itx> it is not Jan
[21:30:42] <Tom_itx> it is Feb
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[21:32:01] <Duckie> not you testing connection fo Seeyah
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