#emc | Logs for 2011-12-14

[00:00:17] <andypugh> Sounds like a fun daydream.
[00:00:21] -!- tom3p [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:00:29] <andypugh> I saw a live-tooling spindle on eBay yesterday
[00:01:42] <elmo40> how much?
[00:02:27] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[00:03:00] <Tom_itx> ok this just aint workin out
[00:03:21] <Tom_itx> added a sata card to the atom but it won't let me boot from the pata port on it
[00:03:55] -!- theorbtwo [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:04:49] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:07:17] <tom3p> andypugh, did you build a quorn cutter grinder?
[00:07:49] <andypugh> tom3p: No, not me.
[00:08:25] <tom3p> oops sorry
[00:08:37] -!- Loetmichel [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:10:51] -!- Calyp has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:10:54] <andypugh> elmo40: Ah, sorry. A not-s-small fortune. I hadn't noticed the price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Miyano-Live-Tooling-/280789103837
[00:12:31] <elmo40> umm... OUCH!
[00:23:20] -!- Calyp [Calyp!~Caly@unaffiliated/calyptratus-tzm] has joined #emc
[00:28:12] -!- acemi has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2]
[00:35:31] <andypugh> elmo40: Yeah, sorry if I got your hopes up.
[00:36:25] <elmo40> lol. dont worry
[00:36:29] <elmo40> ill make my own ;)
[00:42:49] -!- The_Ball [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[00:46:47] -!- jepler has quit [Quit: .]
[00:47:18] -!- jepler [jepler!~jepler@emc/developer/pdpc.professional.jepler] has joined #emc
[00:59:02] -!- Eartaker has quit [Quit: By the time you read this I'll already be gone....]
[01:09:10] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:13:10] -!- Calyp has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[01:35:44] -!- Calyp [Calyp!~Caly@unaffiliated/calyptratus-tzm] has joined #emc
[01:46:32] <tom3p> who asked about tubal cain teaching metalworking? i just stumbled on videos! ( i thought he was from 1800's!) http://www.neme-s.org/Tubalcain/machine_shop_tips.htm
[01:47:09] -!- ries has quit [Quit: ries]
[01:48:00] -!- tom3p [[email protected]] has parted #emc
[01:49:48] <mozmck> Tubalcain was more like 4000 BC
[01:50:44] <mozmck> :-)
[01:58:52] -!- stormlight [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[01:59:09] <elmo40> nice vids! Casting is fun :)
[02:02:05] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:21:56] -!- Turtl3boi [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[02:23:32] <archivist> not the real tubalcain
[02:30:45] -!- Turtl3boi has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[02:37:36] -!- A2Sheds has quit [Quit: puff of smoke]
[02:40:40] -!- A2Sheds [A2Sheds!~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper] has joined #emc
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[03:28:51] -!- Eartaker [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[04:09:47] -!- danimal_laptop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[05:02:58] -!- WalterN [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[05:37:41] <alex4nder-> re..
[05:38:21] <Turtl3boi> hi
[05:38:24] <Turtl3boi> alex
[05:38:37] <Turtl3boi> i saw your o-scope new for $2279
[05:38:43] -!- stormlight [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[05:38:52] <Turtl3boi> damn that's a beastly oscope
[06:01:44] -!- jstenback has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[06:04:47] -!- factor has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[06:19:07] -!- factor [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[07:11:01] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[07:11:46] <mrsun> seems i got kinda a bargain at 5000sek for my lathe, the blomqvist lathes goes for about 10000sek everywhere i can find =)
[07:12:03] <mrsun> tho its not complete, stuff missing etc but nothing i cant make myself :P
[07:12:07] <Turtl3boi> nice swede
[07:13:30] -!- toastyde1th [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[07:15:18] -!- glen_ [glen_!~quassel@2001:250:3000:4be6:e095:fbc0:d1e9:9fb1] has joined #emc
[07:19:03] -!- toastydeath has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[07:20:44] -!- glen_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:23:25] <mrsun> hmm, but this is strange, its a blomqvist and i found some pdf on it and it says the leadscrew is 20mm .. but its 19.05 (3/4") on mine ...
[07:24:18] <Turtl3boi> haha
[07:24:23] <Turtl3boi> you got a modded lathe
[07:25:48] <mrsun> doesnt look modified :P
[07:31:20] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[07:50:06] -!- Eartaker has quit [Quit: By the time you read this I'll already be gone....]
[07:51:16] -!- The_Ball has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[07:58:04] -!- The_Ball [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[08:20:51] -!- The_Ball [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[08:27:35] <archivist> mrsun, inch rather than metric version?
[08:36:10] -!- factor has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:42:27] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[08:54:43] -!- factor [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[09:04:11] -!- Farthen has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[09:05:20] -!- acemi [acemi!~acemi@unaffiliated/acemi] has joined #emc
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[10:18:04] -!- Calyp [Calyp!~Caly@unaffiliated/calyptratus-tzm] has joined #emc
[10:22:27] -!- Turtl3boi has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[11:01:59] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:04:36] -!- e-ndy has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
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[11:32:55] <Jymmm> Mornin?
[11:35:12] -!- zarnick [zarnick!~minterci@unaffiliated/zarnick] has joined #emc
[11:35:33] -!- ries [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:35:49] <zarnick> guys, I have a strange problem with a EMC Storage (CX3), wonder if this is the right place to ask for help...
[11:37:27] <alex_joni> /topic
[11:37:36] <Jymmm> This channel is about EMC2 the CNC Controller http://linuxcnc.org, not the data storage company
[11:38:06] <alex_joni> Jymmm: it's emc2 not EMC2
[11:38:30] <Jymmm> alex_joni: blah blah blah
[11:38:58] <zarnick> so sorry
[11:39:09] <alex_joni> zarnick: don't be ;)
[11:39:10] <Jymmm> no problem, happens often
[11:39:29] <zarnick> hehehe I can imagine, specially since there's no emc2 channel :(
[11:39:34] <Jymmm> zarnick: Oh, and NetApp rules =)
[11:39:47] -!- ries has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:40:53] <elmo40> why dont they switch it over to emc2? would make sense
[11:41:01] <elmo40> unless emc3 is in the works ;)
[11:41:02] -!- ries [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:44:18] -!- GoSebGo [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[11:54:04] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[11:55:41] <alex_joni> elmo40: which they?
[11:55:45] <zarnick> Jymmm: yeah...but that's not what we have here :(
[11:56:04] <Jymmm> zarnick: NetApp takes trade ins =)
[11:57:31] <zarnick> hehehee...not easy to make my managers head...
[11:57:41] <Jymmm> zarnick: And nothing a paperclip in the power supply wouldn't resolve =)
[11:57:48] <zarnick> hehehehe
[11:57:55] <zarnick> sounds a good ideia...
[11:57:55] <zarnick> hehe
[12:01:07] -!- WalterN has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:31:23] -!- zarnick has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[12:40:08] -!- pingufan [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[12:45:47] <pingufan> hello, I need your kindly help, please. How can I display a message on the AXIS screen while the program continues working? I want to display what will happen now.
[12:47:26] <pingufan> At the monent, I insert only comments in my code (hand-written), but I would also like to see messages during execution, i.e. "Milling window 1"...
[12:48:02] <jthornton> http://linuxcnc.org/docview/html/gcode_main.html#sub:Debugging-messages
[12:48:27] <jthornton> http://linuxcnc.org/docview/html/gcode_main.html#sub:Messages
[12:49:28] <pingufan> Ah, So this is a hello world then? (MSG, Hello World )
[12:50:43] <pingufan> ... if I understand right what the second link explains in 4.5 Messages
[12:53:48] -!- skunkworks_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[12:54:27] -!- adb has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:57:02] -!- Mjolinor [Mjolinor!~Mjolinor@cpc1-burn3-0-0-cust572.10-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #emc
[12:57:56] <Mjolinor> stuck
[12:57:57] <Mjolinor> again
[12:58:06] <cpresser> in order to track machine usage, i want to add a custom M-Code (eg overwrite M2) with a code, that reads a halpin (i aready have a seconds time) and puts the timing information with the current filename into a text-file
[12:58:06] <Mjolinor> http://linuxcnc.org/docs/2.4/html/man/man1/hal_input.1.html
[12:58:17] <cpresser> question1: where can i extract the filename
[12:58:30] <Mjolinor> under permissions and udev I have done what it say, I am a member of plugdev
[12:58:36] <cpresser> question2: i cant find the info side about the custom G/M codes
[12:58:41] <Mjolinor> but I dont have permission to open the input device
[12:58:47] <Mjolinor> works fine as root
[12:59:03] <Mjolinor> suggestions on a postacard not later than 1 pm to -----
[12:59:49] <cpresser> Mjolinor: did you re-login the user? does hexdump <input-device-filename> work as user?
[13:00:45] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[13:03:37] <Mjolinor> permission denied
[13:03:51] <Mjolinor> I hate udev, I have always hated udev long before I messed with EMC
[13:05:38] <jthornton> cpresser: I think you can do that in master
[13:06:22] <cpresser> jthornton: someone posted a link to documentation concerning 'overloading G/M-Codes' a few days ago. i am seraching for that link
[13:07:06] <cpresser> Mjolinor: SUBSYSTEM=="input", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev", OWNER="cv"
[13:07:10] <cpresser> this works for me
[13:07:11] <jthornton> I think I know where that is
[13:07:59] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[13:08:00] <jthornton> http://linuxcnc.org/docview/devel/html/remap/structure.html
[13:08:10] <Mjolinor> SUBSYSTEM=="input", MODE="0666", OWNER="jd" <<< I tried that (me being jd)
[13:08:33] <cpresser> nice. ty jthornton
[13:11:56] <cpresser> damm.. M2 cant be remapped
[13:12:29] <Tom_itx> add a custom one after it
[13:12:38] <Tom_itx> edit your cam template
[13:13:15] <cpresser> Tom_itx: problem is, i would need to change a lot of existing programs. to much hassle
[13:13:35] <Tom_itx> you can't edit as you use them?
[13:13:40] <Tom_itx> simple search and replace
[13:13:44] <cpresser> i am more thinking into writing a custom hal-user-component which writes to a file;
[13:13:57] <Tom_itx> probably more work
[13:13:59] <cpresser> I have a few users running the mill which dont want to learn gcode
[13:14:14] <Tom_itx> fire them if they don't
[13:14:21] <cpresser> they reject the idea of understanding what is actually happening; they just want to use the machine
[13:14:29] <cpresser> nah, they are friends :)
[13:14:42] <Tom_itx> so you hired a bunch of monkeys instead of machinists
[13:15:06] <Tom_itx> (friendly monkeys)
[13:16:36] <cpresser> we are running the company together, i didnt exactly hire those people :)
[13:16:58] <cpresser> they are both 'designers', not engineers :/
[13:18:06] -!- The_Ball has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[13:19:57] <Mjolinor> cpresser: your's worked with both group and user in
[13:20:12] <Mjolinor> go figure, soemone shoudl change the doc to include that
[13:20:38] <cpresser> any idea how to access the filename via hal? i cant find it in halui
[13:26:48] <jthornton> it does seem to be in the EMC status window as file
[13:30:05] <cpresser> EMC status window? what is that?
[13:31:39] <jthornton> in Axis from the menu
[13:34:30] <cpresser> is that somehow accessible from the command-line?
[13:35:46] -!- The_Ball [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[13:36:41] -!- psha[work] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[13:39:14] <jthornton> that I don't know but it might be
[13:40:06] <jthornton> I know this line tells if axis is running IN_AXIS = os.environ.has_key("AXIS_PROGRESS_BAR")
[13:40:26] <jthornton> don't know if there are other keys floating about
[13:43:42] <cpresser> emctop is a python programm using Tkinter.. i could drop all that stuff and make it a pure console app
[13:44:11] <cpresser> most likely it would be easier to access NML directly and extract the filename. but i need to read more code first :)
[13:45:02] <SWPadnos> cpresser, are the files loaded with AXIS?
[13:45:16] <cpresser> yes, they are loaded with axis
[13:45:19] <SWPadnos> (are you still talking about replacing M2 with some other sequence?)
[13:46:02] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[13:46:07] <cpresser> not really. my approach would be to solve this with a custom hal-component
[13:46:23] <SWPadnos> to do what?
[13:46:31] <cpresser> i already have a timer and a trigger in Hal; i just need a component which takes those infos, adds the filename and writes it to a file
[13:46:38] <SWPadnos> I didn't read back very far, because I'm lazy :)
[13:46:53] <SWPadnos> you can't do that in HAL, there are no strings
[13:46:57] <cpresser> in the end, i want to have a file with one line for each finished program.
[13:47:11] <cpresser> but the userspace-component can do it
[13:47:20] <SWPadnos> ah, ok. so you want a log of the files that have been (loaded, run, ...)?
[13:47:24] <skunkworks> SWPadnos: in the US?
[13:47:30] <SWPadnos> in VT actually
[13:47:43] <cpresser> yes. a logfile of all finished programs.
[13:47:44] <SWPadnos> I'll be in the US for the rest of the year!
[13:47:49] <skunkworks> wow!
[13:47:56] -!- mikegg has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[13:48:21] <SWPadnos> (just in Dallas and Manitowoc for a few days each)
[13:48:53] <SWPadnos> ok, so that was the reason someone suggested using M2 or something like it
[13:49:24] <cpresser> yes. that was my idea in the first place
[13:49:37] <SWPadnos> ah. good suggestion :)
[13:49:58] <SWPadnos> a custom component that looks at the NML status and has a HAL input could work
[13:50:23] <SWPadnos> M2 should cause something to happen in HAL, which can be turned into a strobe on the input bit of your component
[13:50:45] <SWPadnos> which would then echo $filename >> logfile
[13:51:01] <SWPadnos> more or less
[13:51:15] <cpresser> i already have a edge-detect component which monitors halui-program-is-running; that gives me the pulse for 'programm has ended'
[13:51:40] <SWPadnos> does is-running go low if the user aborts or pauses?
[13:52:13] <cpresser> yes; but that is fine with me. because i want to track ever machine usage
[13:52:25] <cpresser> that way i even have aborted runs in my logfile
[13:52:25] <SWPadnos> oh, in that case carry on. see you later :)
[13:57:19] -!- xoac [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[13:59:21] <xoac> Hey guys, what do I have to do if I want to translate the documentation files? Just checkout the source files from Git which ends with "_de" in name? like docs/src/gcode/overview_de.txt
[13:59:53] -!- mikegg [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[14:04:14] <jthornton> hi, xoac did you checkout branch 2.5
[14:05:00] -!- e-ndy [e-ndy!jkastner@nat/redhat/x-ofjuwrqctanhyvrw] has joined #emc
[14:06:45] <xoac> did not checkout anything at all, just wanted to ask what's the best way to contribute to the current documentation (as seen on the website).
[14:07:52] <jthornton> can we join #emc-devel and continue this discussion?
[14:08:04] -!- pingufan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:08:12] <jthornton> this channel is for users
[14:08:38] <xoac> okay
[14:19:58] <Mjolinor> or would be users once their head sorts it out
[14:26:41] <skunkworks> it makes it sound like an addiction...
[14:26:46] <skunkworks> ;)
[14:38:48] -!- adb [[email protected]] has joined #emc
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[15:12:32] <A2Sheds> SWPadnos: the best steak in the US is 1/2 hr drive from Manitowoc
[15:12:47] <SWPadnos> really? what's the restaurant?
[15:12:50] <SWPadnos> or store
[15:13:41] -!- i_tarzan [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[15:13:45] <A2Sheds> it's in a real small town .... http://www.schwarzsupperclub.com/
[15:14:24] <A2Sheds> I've taken people there from all over for >30 years
[15:14:52] <A2Sheds> it's a short drive from Road America
[15:15:06] <SWPadnos> Hmm. New Holstein - never heard of it :)
[15:15:44] <A2Sheds> the center of town is a stop sign and 6 buildings
[15:15:46] <SWPadnos> ah, but I have been through or very near it
[15:16:15] <jdhNC> a steak place in a city named after a milch cow?
[15:16:16] <SWPadnos> some of the in-laws are in Ripon, so when we drive from Manitowoc, we go near there
[15:16:20] <SWPadnos> heh
[15:16:23] <A2Sheds> so small it;s actually in St. Anna but they have a New Holstein address
[15:17:32] <SWPadnos> Costco has some amazingly inexpensive prime steak, $6.99/lb for prime sirloin
[15:17:35] <A2Sheds> we used to joke about how your order was just out back grazing when you pulled into the parking lot
[15:18:14] <SWPadnos> thanks, we'll have to take the in-laws there or something
[15:18:20] <SWPadnos> or not!
[15:19:00] <A2Sheds> it's in the middle of nowhere and they are always packed
[15:29:23] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[15:33:41] <Mjolinor> besst steak I had in the US was in Kansas
[15:33:51] <Mjolinor> Kansas city
[15:34:54] <Mjolinor> second best would be at a golf club in Miami owned by soem famous football player I think
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[17:07:56] <Danimal_garage> hi
[17:09:55] -!- Turtl3boi [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[17:22:33] -!- factor has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[17:24:34] <Loetmichel> re at home
[17:34:43] -!- stevecho [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[17:35:20] * stevecho needs some (non-critical) help with a Clariion CX500. Needs to remove/add some DAE's while hot. Pls msg if you can help
[17:35:21] <Turtl3boi> at Mikel
[17:36:08] <archivist> what the hell is a Clariion CX500
[17:37:08] <stevecho> Sorry
[17:37:12] <Danimal_garage> car stereo?
[17:37:16] <stevecho> I can see this chan is for EMC, not EMC. :)
[17:37:27] <stevecho> emc.com
[17:37:34] <stevecho> pardon moi
[17:37:35] -!- stevecho [[email protected]] has parted #emc
[17:37:39] <archivist> hehe
[17:38:23] <archivist> I remember the clarion cheap sh** stereos
[17:40:36] <Danimal_garage> lol
[17:40:50] <Danimal_garage> yea i probably had one at some point
[17:42:11] <Turtl3boi> hi Dan
[17:42:21] <archivist> my first job included fitting car radios as part of being a radio/tv engineer
[17:42:58] <Turtl3boi> is Mesa board better than PCNC?
[17:43:59] <cradek> Parent Community Networking Centers (PCNC Program)
[17:44:05] <cradek> PCNC - Philippine Council for NGO Certification
[17:44:19] <archivist> support is Mesa boards is good
[17:44:19] <cradek> PCNC is Channel 11's news and information station.
[17:45:15] <Turtl3boi> lol
[17:45:26] <Turtl3boi> hey Danimal....did your machine have ballscrews on it?
[17:45:28] <cradek> can you clarify your question please
[17:45:30] <Turtl3boi> or was it just on rails
[17:45:35] <Turtl3boi> yeah hold up cradek
[17:51:15] <Turtl3boi> EMC doesn't use motion control
[17:51:19] <Turtl3boi> hmm
[17:54:45] <mrsun> archivist, mine is inch, aparently later they went over to metric lead screw on the blomqvist
[17:55:39] <archivist> mrsun, wouldnt surprise if the inch continued if they were exporting
[17:55:51] <archivist> mrsun, wouldnt surprise me if the inch continued if they were exporting
[17:56:02] <mrsun> archivist, its a south bend clone so i think they imported rather then exported :P
[17:56:22] <mrsun> http://www.jebergstrom.se/images/Blomqvistsvarven_Sida_4.jpg
[17:57:35] -!- IchGucksLive [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[17:57:46] <IchGucksLive> Hi all
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[18:03:45] * cpresser just finished his log-all-programs-which-have-been-run-component: http://nopaste.info/e9391a8c3c.html
[18:04:16] <cpresser> most of the code was stolen from emctop :)
[18:06:07] <Turtl3boi> oh so PCNC is the software
[18:06:18] <Turtl3boi> analog digital dynamics is the board
[18:06:25] <Turtl3boi> but those are discontinued cuz the guy who made them died
[18:06:37] <IchGucksLive> cpresser: German commands ?
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[18:09:14] <cpresser> IchGucksLive: i tend to mix german comments and variable names with english ones
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[18:09:29] <cpresser> i never said that my code is clean :P but it works fine
[18:09:51] <IchGucksLive> are you german
[18:10:03] <Turtl3boi> i'm german
[18:10:10] <IchGucksLive> i 2
[18:10:10] <Turtl3boi> talk 2 me in deutsch
[18:10:18] <IchGucksLive> RLP
[18:10:19] <Turtl3boi> so i can practice
[18:10:29] <jdhNC> is 2 german or english?
[18:10:57] <IchGucksLive> jdhNC: arabic !
[18:11:54] <Turtl3boi> lol
[18:12:02] <Turtl3boi> have i offended some1
[18:12:13] <archivist> mrsun, my swiss lathe is an inch unit/measurement machine, quite a lot of makers did both one as an option
[18:12:13] * cpresser is german
[18:12:48] <mrsun> the leadscrew is inch on this one, but the thingies for how much you feed etc is metric =)
[18:16:30] <IchGucksLive> mrsun: EMC internal is all inch in the Gui you can deside what you like to see
[18:16:48] <mrsun> IchGucksLive, talking about a south bend lathe clone :P
[18:16:49] <IchGucksLive> mrsun: and the Gcode is analysed on G20/G21
[18:17:13] <mrsun> hell have to bulild an electronic lathe insted
[18:17:22] <mrsun> just turn a knob to whatever i want in threading etc and voila :P
[18:17:53] <IchGucksLive> CAD cam makes it for you
[18:18:02] <mrsun> hehe yeah :P
[18:18:14] <mrsun> but that requires a computer to be added ;P
[18:18:22] <mrsun> (sure the other does also but could be an uc insted)
[18:19:45] <IchGucksLive> ProENc has all US and Metric inside so just choose the tread and the length and voila vthere is your g-code
[18:22:01] <Turtl3boi> what's the difference between ballscrew and acme screw
[18:22:41] <Mjolinor> just for once I owuld like to work soemthign out for myself but I am stuck again. I got the steppers to be controlled in EMC or from encoders on the parallel port or form a PS2 mouse. I now want to do the same for the spindle, in EMC or from an external device
[18:22:56] <Mjolinor> I need the jog equivalent for hte PWM thing
[18:22:57] <awallin> Turtl3boi: you build ok machine with ballscrews, and crap machines with other screws...
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[18:23:31] <Turtl3boi> thanks wallin haha
[18:26:29] <alex4nder-> hey
[18:28:46] <Turtl3boi> hey alexander does your Taig have ballscrews
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[18:43:28] <mrsun> Turtl3boi, lower friction in the ballscrew, i guess better accuracy also
[18:43:39] <mrsun> depending on the acme screw that is
[18:43:56] <mrsun> if its a real tight fit i dont see the diff in accuracy but the friction will be great :P
[18:48:22] <Turtl3boi> hmm ok
[18:48:34] <Turtl3boi> there are also various types of ballscrew, ground and stamped
[18:48:43] <Turtl3boi> or ground and drawn
[18:49:22] <archivist> ground and rolled
[18:51:15] -!- skunkKandT [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[18:52:14] <Turtl3boi> oh ok
[18:52:26] <Turtl3boi> ballscrews are expensive damnit
[18:52:36] <syyl__> rolled ones are not to expensive...
[18:52:50] <syyl__> you can also get handchiseled chinese ballscrews ;)
[18:53:02] <jdhNC> 1/4-20 all-thread is cheap, use that and make some delrin nuts.
[18:53:45] <archivist> and it is inaccurate
[18:53:59] <jdhNC> sure
[18:55:35] <jdhNC> it's a good contrast to a precision ground ballscrew with a good nut.
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[19:35:58] <skunkKandT> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/general_cnc_mill_lathe_control/142553-controlling_5_axis_milling_machine.html
[19:40:31] <Loetmichel> *HARHAR* THe CNC is running again! new (used) PSU from a Epson lq300+ , new (used) Driver board (3dstep from mechapro.de)... and it is quite a bit faster: old drivers and psy was 25mm/s in x and y and 20mm/s in z, now it is 50mm/s in x and y and 30mm/s in z ! ;-)
[19:41:17] -!- Mjolinor has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:45:53] <Loetmichel> now i will rewire the limit/reference switches, turn the mill around and get going. -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=12557
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[20:19:10] <FinboySlick> A2Sheds: Got a moment to be completely awesome again?
[20:25:46] <jdhNC> I see.
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[21:19:56] <alex4nder-> hey
[21:20:49] <Vq> Hiya
[21:21:00] <alex4nder-> how's it?
[21:23:05] <Vq> It's 22:22 and raining.
[21:24:48] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #emc
[21:29:13] <alex4nder-> gotcha
[21:29:47] <Vq> The full report :o)
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[21:47:39] <memleak> hi i saw your ping FinboySlick on his screen at the corner of my eye, anything i could help with? he's out right now.
[21:48:56] <FinboySlick> memleak: Oh if it was something you can help with, I'd have asked for ultra-awesome ;)
[21:49:40] <memleak> hahaha :) yeah anything to do with hardware, definitely not my field.
[21:50:00] <FinboySlick> I think I have a bad capacitor epidemic on some aopen boards and I was wondering if he'd help me narrow down the problem.
[21:50:42] <memleak> i'm sure he could. he might be back in an hour or two.
[21:51:12] <syyl_ws> hmm
[21:51:23] <syyl_ws> "net mpg-x axis.0.jog-enable"
[21:51:31] <syyl_ws> can i enable that by default?
[21:51:35] <syyl_ws> without a pin?
[21:51:36] <FinboySlick> memleak: I don't think I'd have the tools to fix it myself regardless so it's not a very big deal. Being able to know just which of the little buggers is causing me grief would have been good though.
[21:56:12] <memleak> While I'm here... I've been quite bored lately, and I know that some people wouldn't want to run ubuntu on their machines to use EMC, so I was wondering what you (the EMC users) would like to have as an alternative.
[22:00:14] <memleak> Also, how much work would it be to get EMC working in KDE or Xfce?
[22:00:34] <alex4nder-> you mean instead of the default ubuntu?
[22:00:42] <memleak> yes.
[22:01:54] <alex4nder-> not hard at all, you just run it.
[22:02:18] <alex4nder-> I'm running EMC ontop of Debian using the awesome wm
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[22:03:14] <memleak> EMC doesn't need GNOME??
[22:03:42] <memleak> I was getting gnome.init errors or something in KDE.. I didn't look that much into it but I was going to.
[22:04:38] <alex4nder-> I'm not running GNOME.
[22:04:42] <alex4nder-> and I'm running emc.
[22:04:58] <memleak> Maybe just the gnome libraries are required I guess..
[22:05:12] <memleak> but Gnome session doesn't need to be actively running.
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[22:09:50] <alex4nder-> it needs gnomecanvas, gnomeui, gnomeprintui, gtk, glade, and .. some other bits.
[22:10:12] <memleak> oh
[22:10:13] <alex4nder-> but that's not really "GNOME"
[22:10:31] <memleak> well thats wonderful! i thought it would be much more work, but that's nothing!
[22:10:31] <alex4nder-> I barely have any of that infrastructure installed
[22:10:41] <memleak> thanks alex4nder- !
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[22:10:52] <alex4nder-> good luck, I'm sure you'll find other dependencies. ;)
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[22:11:14] <memleak> i know most of them, i wasn't sure about the gnome stuff at all though.
[22:11:26] <alex4nder-> bbl.
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[22:18:34] <andypugh> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEI6TBwydqs&list=UUexvgsGz_QFvOublovDYoTQ&feature=plcp
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[22:21:44] <andypugh> (That's my motor)
[22:22:25] <cradek> cool!
[22:22:35] <syyl> hmm
[22:23:06] <syyl> today i got my pcbs for the optocoupler cards (for mesa 5i20) \o/
[22:23:33] <syyl> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24396704/2011-12-14_19-58-49_984.jpg
[22:23:51] <syyl> one for the electronic handwheel
[22:24:01] <syyl> one for glass scales and spindle encoder
[22:24:14] <andypugh> syyl: You should have put more tracks on, just for fun :-)
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[22:24:22] <syyl> hr
[22:24:32] <syyl> i am a not-so-electronic-guy ;)
[22:25:42] <skunkKandT> andypugh: very cool - what kind of torque are you hoping for?
[22:25:43] <syyl> beeing that, i am pretty satisfied with those...even if the layout is far from proffessional ;)
[22:26:27] <Loetmichel> syyl: a bit large the PCBs ;-)
[22:26:44] <syyl> the mounting bracket calls for 160x100mm
[22:26:57] <andypugh> skunkKandT: Some torque would be nice. At the moment it is rather disappointing, and rather hot. But I am hoping that it will improve when I actually run it like a brushless motor, not a stepper.
[22:27:27] <andypugh> So, I either need to add the Hall sensors, or buy a sensorless drive.
[22:28:04] <Loetmichel> hrrm, the CNC is back and running... now the chinese VFD makes some commotion: the x-motor is behaving erratically as soon as the spindle is started: -> http://www.cyrom.org/pce/spindelaerger.avi
[22:29:00] <Loetmichel> i think i will get the resistance on the LPT lines down. the new Stepper driver board has 47kOhm pullups... a bit much for my taste.
[22:30:41] <andypugh> Loetmichel: That does seem a little high.
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[22:35:40] <Loetmichel> high?
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[22:35:56] <Loetmichel> ah, the pullups, yeah, thougth so, tooo
[22:35:59] <Loetmichel> -o
[22:36:54] <andypugh> I can't see your video, but I found that my problems went away when I fitted an input filter to the VFD, and ran the motor wires through a ferrite ring
[22:40:06] <Loetmichel> i work at a company that makes PCs Tempest-safe... i will take the cable with me and change it to a shielded one. AND get some ferrite clips for it.
[22:40:17] <Loetmichel> ... still work
[22:40:25] <Loetmichel> ... until 31 jan
[22:41:22] <Loetmichel> but: if the boss dont give me the parts, i cant make the parts for the order that is due next week ;-)
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[23:16:55] <skunkKandT> ah - cool
[23:17:37] <skunkKandT> andypugh: I suppose what is spinning is what will be spinning.. (why you have the coils on the inside)
[23:19:59] <andypugh> skunkKandT: I have my reasons :-)
[23:22:32] <skunkKandT> heh
[23:23:54] <andypugh> Having the magnets on the outside gives you more torque.
[23:24:17] <andypugh> (But in this case it also means that the wires don't get tangled up :-)
[23:26:19] <andypugh> I ordered a coaxial dial indicator last night, and it arrived today. So far I like it a lot.
[23:27:08] <andypugh> (I actually ordered one as a present for my dad, it will be great for his HBM, but decided to have one mysel too)
[23:27:25] <skunkKandT> it seems to me it will run much cooler as a bldc vs stepper..
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[23:44:28] <alex_joni> saw a nice thing today
[23:44:37] <alex_joni> 150x20mm neodynium magnet
[23:44:55] <alex_joni> about 850lbs force
[23:45:31] <alex_joni> wonder how you pick it up if you drop it on a steel sheet
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[23:56:29] <Tom_itx> alex_joni, slide it to the edge