#linuxcnc | Logs for 2012-06-29

[00:00:02] <r00t-Shed> for text
[00:03:47] -!- toastydeath has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
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[00:04:49] -!- toastydeath [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:28:24] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: area those aquarium lights in your wooden fxture?
[00:28:27] <Jymmm> are
[00:33:11] <Tom_itx> UV lights yes
[00:33:22] <Tom_itx> not for above the aquarium
[00:33:50] <Jymmm> what bulbs did you use?
[00:34:00] <Tom_itx> i think anyway, i got them from a friend and i don't know where he had them
[00:34:16] <Tom_itx> iirc they were 15 or 20w
[00:34:16] <Jymmm> so you havent had to replace them yet?
[00:34:19] <Tom_itx> no
[00:34:23] <Jymmm> k
[00:34:29] <Tom_itx> i don't use them enough
[00:34:44] <Jymmm> heh
[00:34:47] <Tom_itx> i can get a number if you need one
[00:35:01] -!- taiden [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:35:18] <Tom_itx> you need something stronger if you need a 3 sec bake
[00:35:26] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Not yet, I need to find out what wattage I'll need. I know where to get 600W/inch bulbs =)
[00:35:36] -!- r00t-Shed has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[00:36:00] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:36:15] <taiden> hello brain trust :)
[00:36:17] <Jymmm> they melt alumnum reflectors if the 5HP blower isn't running too =)
[00:37:12] <taiden> so I've got these cylindrical parts I'm doing
[00:37:18] <taiden> and I need to cut one side, flip, and cut the other
[00:37:45] <taiden> i have the first side down pat but I'm trying to figure out how to locate them accurately for the opposite side
[00:37:47] <Tom_itx> can you say 'rotary axis'?
[00:37:55] <taiden> haha too easy!
[00:38:39] <Tom_itx> we used softjaws on alot of 2nd operation parts and machined the part into the jaw with a little gap between them so that when closed it would clamp the part for the 2nd operation
[00:39:17] <taiden> was that on a rotary axis or a fixture?
[00:39:27] <Tom_itx> 8" kurt vise
[00:39:32] <Tom_itx> err 6 whatever...
[00:39:38] <taiden> I see I see
[00:39:49] <Tom_itx> just machine some soft jaws to fit them
[00:39:57] <Tom_itx> then cut your part into the jaws
[00:40:03] <Tom_itx> op 1
[00:40:13] <Tom_itx> then place it in the finished jaws for op 2
[00:40:23] <taiden> how do you mean 'cut into the jaws'
[00:40:44] <taiden> this is hardwood by the way, should have mentioned that before
[00:40:47] <Tom_itx> cut the profile from operation 1 into the jaws so when you flip the part, it fits the jaws perfectly
[00:41:34] <taiden> so i could cut soft jaws that when closed made a circle shape essentially
[00:41:47] <taiden> and use that to clamp and locate the part
[00:41:52] <taiden> here
[00:41:55] <Tom_itx> well you would need some feature of the part that could locate it
[00:42:17] <Tom_itx> so when located it would be 180 degrees upside down
[00:42:20] <taiden> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlPJPaHbfDg
[00:42:34] <taiden> you can see the first operation finished at 5:15 ish
[00:42:43] -!- elmo40 [elmo40!~leo@CPE0017ee09ce6d-CM001bd7a89c28.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:42:57] <Tom_itx> so i gotta watch a video to see a photo?
[00:43:10] <Tom_itx> what's up with ppl and youtube these days :)
[00:43:17] <taiden> i made it for my father
[00:43:28] <taiden> never bothered to snap pictures of the part
[00:43:30] -!- r00t-Shed [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:43:33] <taiden> :)
[00:44:01] <taiden> that part used to take so long on my little atlas
[00:45:21] <taiden> also you can just jog to 5:15
[00:45:45] <Tom_itx> so what does the 2nd operation need to do? just mill off the bottom with a flycutter or such?
[00:46:18] <taiden> nah it needs to do a pretty complex profile
[00:46:22] <taiden> for aesthetics
[00:46:36] <taiden> so it should be pretty much concentric
[00:46:44] <toastydeath> soft jaws are the second or third most accurate way of holding work in a lathe - far, far more accurate than most people need. it should blend diameters almost seamlessly if you cut the jaws properly
[00:46:45] <Tom_itx> ok, make an insert that fits the inside so when you clamp it, it doesn't break in half
[00:46:50] <taiden> i'd say within 5 thou
[00:46:53] <Tom_itx> then clamp it in the vise like i said
[00:47:04] <toastydeath> soft jaws will be concentric in tenths, not thousanths
[00:47:31] <taiden> but i am such a perfectionist that probably more would go unnoticed
[00:47:33] <toastydeath> put shims between the faces of the jaws and clamp down, then cut the outermost profile into the jaws
[00:47:44] <toastydeath> the shims allow you to preload the jaws
[00:47:50] <Tom_itx> yes
[00:47:55] <Tom_itx> that's the gap i talked about
[00:48:05] <Tom_itx> you don't need alot
[00:48:07] <taiden> oh I see
[00:48:12] <taiden> so it holds them apart
[00:48:13] <toastydeath> ah, i didn't understand what you were referring to, sorry Tom_itx
[00:48:14] <Tom_itx> maybe 1/8" or so
[00:48:25] <toastydeath> taiden, yes - without those shims, two bad things happen
[00:48:28] <taiden> and then when you cut it will close slightly more than the OD
[00:48:36] <Tom_itx> then we 'touched off' on the solid jaw
[00:48:37] <toastydeath> one, the jaw isn't closed and thus isn't accurate as they can flop around
[00:48:43] <Tom_itx> for the x y zero
[00:48:46] <toastydeath> two, you don't have any play in clamping diameter
[00:49:06] <Tom_itx> you do need the insert for the part though or it will crack in half
[00:49:15] <taiden> i could just make jaws out of MDF wouldn't you say?
[00:49:30] <Tom_itx> i don't care what you make them out of
[00:49:31] <toastydeath> most soft jaws will be concentric within .0005
[00:49:46] <Tom_itx> we used aluminum because most of what we cut was aluminum
[00:49:53] <taiden> alright I had another thought that i wanted to run by you two
[00:50:10] <taiden> what if i drilled a 1/4 hole and held the part down with a threaded rod
[00:50:17] <toastydeath> that is, if you keep them clean and undercut the back locating face
[00:50:19] <taiden> orthogonal to the fixture face
[00:50:20] <Tom_itx> that's up to you
[00:50:29] <taiden> and then flipped the part on there
[00:50:37] <Tom_itx> if you have a place on the part you can clamp that doesn't get cut
[00:50:44] <taiden> yes I do
[00:50:55] <taiden> for the jaw method, not so much for the threaded rod idea
[00:50:55] <Tom_itx> you need a couple points to clamp on
[00:51:18] <taiden> that whole outside radius is "finished" in the youtube video
[00:51:19] <Tom_itx> at least
[00:51:32] <taiden> it's slightly elliptical but not by much
[00:51:46] <taiden> maybe 3 thou radius difference
[00:51:57] <taiden> "not by much" for wood haha
[00:52:19] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:54:27] <toastydeath> yes, oversized jaws are preferable to undersized, the jaws will distort to clamp all around the part if the difference is small.
[00:54:27] <toastydeath> also, if it is very oversized, 6 points of contact (on a 3 jaw chuck) is preferable to 3 points of contact
[00:54:27] <toastydeath> (which happens from undersized
[00:54:27] <toastydeath> also, the clamping pressure is relatively continuous for small deviations, so that rings and other thin wall parts suffer virtually no distortion
[00:55:02] <Tom_itx> we had spare lathe jaws too that we would cut to size
[00:55:50] <taiden> lots to think about
[00:56:08] <taiden> any merit in a reverse collet style clamp to fit the inside bore?
[00:57:22] <toastydeath> I always touched off on the part itself by making a facing cut, taking the part out, and measuring it
[00:58:23] <toastydeath> then moving the offset the required amount
[00:58:23] <toastydeath> that way Z0 is always the face of the part and reduces risk of crashing
[00:59:05] -!- taiden has quit [Quit: taiden]
[00:59:21] <toastydeath> i am a big fan of lathe touchoff via cutting and measurment rather than other methods, it's easier to wind up with the first part known good
[00:59:21] <toastydeath> sorry, i'm not sure how emc does xyz on lathes - on most controls it's XZ rather than XY
[00:59:21] <toastydeath> Z being spindle axis
[00:59:21] <toastydeath> X being diameter
[01:02:21] <toastydeath> anything fairly soft
[01:02:21] <toastydeath> that can hold the clamping force
[01:03:20] <toastydeath> http://www.scriblink.com/index.jsp?act=phome&roomid=195&KEY=7A8DB32215CF60DBEBA619928D9372E0
[01:03:20] <toastydeath> that is how i set my coordinate system on lathes
[01:04:21] <Tom_itx> java isn't up to date to view that
[01:04:37] <Tom_itx> but i think we went off the end of the material most of the time
[01:05:20] <toastydeath> also taiden, this is what the ideal soft jaws look like
[01:05:20] <toastydeath> http://www.rockford-industrial.com/Metalworking-Machining-and-CNC-/Rockford-/Airport-Area-/Yelok-8-cnc-lathe-chuck-jaws-aluminum-soft-pie-jaw-provided_image.jpg
[01:06:20] <toastydeath> a set of three, roughly 120 degree wedges
[01:06:20] <toastydeath> doesn't have to be exact, just as long as the part is mostly clamped on
[01:06:27] -!- taiden [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:06:40] <taiden> what i do now is i touch off the fixture as -1.500
[01:06:43] <Tom_itx> i think he missed most of what you said
[01:06:48] <Tom_itx> zlog
[01:06:49] <zlog> Tom_itx: Log stored at http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23linuxcnc/2012-06-28.html
[01:06:51] <taiden> yeah sorry about that battery dropped
[01:06:58] -!- draig [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:10] <taiden> and then do a quick face at z=0
[01:07:19] <toastydeath> alu is used for pretty much everything, steel, ti, magnesium
[01:07:19] <toastydeath> it's soft but rigid enough to hold the part accurately
[01:08:26] <taiden> also
[01:08:37] <taiden> i am cutting on a 3 axis router
[01:08:53] <taiden> so i have to come up with a fixture solution
[01:09:13] <Tom_itx> do you have a vise for it?
[01:09:19] <taiden> nothing at the moment
[01:09:22] <taiden> starting from scratch
[01:09:28] <Tom_itx> i see one in your near future
[01:09:32] <taiden> haha
[01:09:46] <taiden> the problem is i can't afford much so i have to get creative to start
[01:10:04] <taiden> right now I have a fixture that holds two blocks of wood, each containing two parts
[01:10:13] <Tom_itx> ok, do the same thing but make a wedge to clamp the 'moving' side of the 'vise'
[01:10:17] <taiden> but now I need to figure out how to do the opposite side
[01:10:19] <toastydeath> taiden, not as accurate as soft jaws
[01:10:20] <Tom_itx> and make a rigid side on your table
[01:10:24] <taiden> lots of good options so far
[01:10:38] <toastydeath> we used that method all the time on milling machines to hold parts, and the tolerances for the fixturing had to be balls accurate to get any sort of repeatability worth mentioning
[01:10:54] <Tom_itx> yup
[01:11:15] <taiden> so it's a right angle fixed piece
[01:11:19] <toastydeath> steel fixtures, reamed pinholes, centerless ground pins
[01:12:00] <taiden> and an angled face on the 'moving' side of the vice
[01:12:10] <taiden> so it sort of pushes it into that right angle?
[01:12:14] <Tom_itx> we used alot of aluminum fixtures since the runs we did weren't gonna be huge
[01:12:19] -!- toastydeath has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:12:28] -!- toastydeath [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:18:03] <taiden> here's my bad picture
[01:18:38] <taiden> hmm looks like firefox wanted to crash right as i went to copy the link
[01:22:13] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[01:22:30] <toastydeath> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/free-cad/index.php?title=Main_Page
[01:22:33] <toastydeath> you may be interested in that
[01:23:15] <toastydeath> also there is a fork of Qcad, http://librecad.org/cms/home.html
[01:24:57] <taiden> i checked out freecad
[01:24:58] <Tom_itx> do you use either?
[01:25:09] <taiden> i got really frustrated to be honest after using solidworks
[01:25:35] <toastydeath> i have used qcad/librecad, i am checking out freecad
[01:25:46] <toastydeath> i am used to proe/solidworks as well so that doesn't bode well
[01:25:58] <toastydeath> brb
[01:27:31] <Tom_itx> does either have a cam interface?
[01:29:23] <taiden> i tried heekscad/heekscnc and i couldn't get the cam interface to give me anything good
[01:30:15] <taiden> could be beginners luck though
[01:30:20] <Tom_itx> well mine works but i'm always looking for stuff
[01:30:32] <taiden> i tried to get it to pocket out a circle
[01:30:35] <taiden> and it wanted to cut
[01:30:39] <taiden> 1/32 of the circle
[01:30:40] <taiden> lift
[01:30:44] <taiden> go to the opposite side
[01:30:47] <taiden> cut another portion
[01:30:48] <taiden> lift
[01:30:50] <taiden> etc etc
[01:31:09] <taiden> was about 20 minutes to pocket a 1" OD 0.5" depth circle
[01:35:12] -!- factor has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[01:39:20] <r00t4rd3d> in what?
[01:40:02] <r00t4rd3d> material...
[01:40:51] <taiden> mdf
[01:41:54] <taiden> was totally unacceptable
[01:43:43] <pfred1> slowly I turn, step by step, closer and closer ...
[01:44:22] <pfred1> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pQii1L8fGk
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[04:34:49] <tjb1> Evening all
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[10:24:18] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tweakie-cnc/6225476471/in/photostream/
[10:24:23] <r00t4rd3d> laser cut 3d puzzle
[10:28:04] <r00t4rd3d> what kinda bit would be used for the "Rose" lettering in this:
[10:28:04] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tweakie-cnc/6214080286/in/photostream/
[10:30:10] <r00t4rd3d> nvm
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[13:30:34] <tjb1> Jymmm: Allied Electric showed me :)
[13:31:06] <Jymmm> your transgressions?
[13:31:27] <tjb1> $44 shipping
[13:31:52] <Jymmm> of?
[13:32:06] <tjb1> That wire ducting that was $3.81
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[13:32:38] <Jymmm> yes, it's oversized due to the length
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[13:32:51] <tjb1> I hope it really is 5 pieces
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[13:45:16] <mrsun> gah freakin one course left so that i can work as en electritian ... the other stuff i could just figure out how it was and make good grades, this one is like a freakin flag pole up my ass
[13:45:46] <mrsun> and it doesnt have anything with thechnical knowledge to do .. "blah start a fake company and calculate blablabla" .....
[13:46:32] <tjb1> engineering economics?
[13:46:51] <tjb1> I would have failed that if the teacher wasnt trying to keep his job :)
[13:46:55] <mrsun> dont know what its called in english
[13:47:18] <mrsun> budgets and reports and shit...
[13:47:42] <mrsun> give me an electronics project i will figure it out, give me an engineering project ill build it ... give me an assignment like this and im totaly blank ...
[13:47:42] <tjb1> Sounds like it...
[13:47:55] <tjb1> Calculus formulas for all the garbage?
[13:48:05] <mrsun> dont know
[13:48:08] <mrsun> very little info
[13:48:21] <mrsun> and they seem to just expect you to know what to do
[13:48:31] <tjb1> I like when the teachers make their own book to make it "cheaper"
[13:48:34] <mrsun> if the "teacher" was here i would kick him in the balls to kingdom comes :/
[13:49:03] <mrsun> i did not make this course in highschool or anything cause my mind just cant process this shit
[13:49:27] <tjb1> Yeah I about failed it but the final paper kept me in
[13:49:51] <mrsun> and dont know anyone that can help me :/
[13:49:56] <tjb1> No one at the school could help, the tutoring center didnt know what the hell it was and the online tutoring was trying to walk me through the whole damn thing without telling me anything
[13:50:45] <tjb1> And I certainly wasnt learning anything from the teacher
[13:51:25] perl_ is now known as perl
[13:51:39] <JT-Shop> you seem to have a mental block setup before you started the course
[13:51:54] <tjb1> And these stupid ass writing enriched classes...blah
[13:52:08] -!- mk0 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:52:32] <mrsun> JT-Shop, not my fault its all like greek to me :/
[13:52:49] <JT-Shop> you need to be able to fill out the bill after your done :)
[13:53:24] <tjb1> Does it look like this mrsun http://www2.latech.edu/~sajones/Senior%20Design%20Web%20Pages/Homework%207%20on%20Engineering%20Economics.htm
[13:53:27] <JT-Shop> I can relate electronics is very tough for me
[13:53:50] <mrsun> tjb1, dont know if thats how its supposed to look
[13:53:56] <mrsun> electronics is easy
[13:54:04] <tjb1> Bs it is
[13:54:14] <mrsun> havent read a single page int eh books and wrote almost max score on all tests in those parts
[13:54:23] <mrsun> but when it comes to budgets and shit im totaly lost
[13:55:16] <tjb1> I only have 2 semesters left...
[13:55:22] <tjb1> And a butt load of writing enriched classes
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[13:55:45] <mrsun> i will never in my life again set foot in a school
[13:55:50] <mrsun> i suck at it
[13:56:07] <tjb1> I roomed with a kid, been there going on 6 years now for a bachelors in IT
[13:56:22] <tjb1> He only takes 12 credits a semester
[13:56:23] <mrsun> even worse is in "real" schools where they try and force you against your will to talk infront of alot of people
[13:56:51] <mrsun> "if you dont you do not pass" ... right
[13:56:53] <mrsun> assholes
[13:56:59] <tjb1> Ive put off a speech class for 4 semesters now
[13:57:10] <mrsun> if you dont jump of a cliff i will kill you is about what they are saying
[13:57:22] <tjb1> Its not that bad lol
[13:57:26] <mrsun> it is
[13:57:27] <Jymmm> mrsun: quit your bitching before we put you in front of 40,000 people!
[13:57:28] <mrsun> when you panic
[13:57:30] <mrsun> from it
[13:57:44] <tjb1> I used to hate public speaking but I have slowly done enough of it that it isnt too bad
[13:57:52] <tjb1> I still dont like it but I dont freak out anymore
[13:59:45] <tjb1> The worse part is making up a speech on something you dont want to do
[13:59:48] <tjb1> *worst
[14:00:03] <Jymmm> tjb1: If you dont freak out anymore, then where are your pants?
[14:00:34] <tjb1> Probably waiting for me to pay some ridiculous shipping charge ;)
[14:00:35] -!- BenceKovi10 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:01:21] <Jymmm> tjb1: Well... GIT ER DONE. We're tired of seeing those ghostly white legs of yours already!
[14:01:38] <tjb1> I havent worn pants in months
[14:01:39] <tjb1> Too hot
[14:01:47] <mrsun> dont know how people before made it in jobs etc if this shit is required today ...
[14:02:01] <tjb1> Apprenticeship
[14:02:03] <mrsun> world must have been total chaos with no one knowing anything what to do when it comes to billing ....
[14:02:31] <tjb1> Thats why the US Govt pays $8 for a hammer that is $2 at walmart or lowes
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[14:03:01] <Jymmm> tjb1: BULLSHIT
[14:03:04] <jdh> $2 hammers are made in china
[14:03:15] <tjb1> :P
[14:03:17] <Jymmm> tjb1: It's $780 for a guberment hammer
[14:03:32] <Jymmm> $350 for a guberment toilet seat
[14:03:56] <tjb1> Well you see where this is going
[14:06:04] <Jymmm> nowhere fast?
[14:06:15] <tjb1> Downhill
[14:06:35] <Jymmm> better than up shit creek
[14:06:58] <tjb1> Were goin downhill towards the shit lake
[14:07:45] <Jymmm> Maybe you are, but I got off the bus 10 stops back =)
[14:07:59] <tjb1> You know if fedex would stop fucking around with my package...I might be able to get something done
[14:08:33] <tjb1> Im just gonna start flying to places, picking stuff up and flying it back home with me
[14:09:01] <tjb1> Jymmm: make a shipping company that doesnt suck
[14:09:24] <Jymmm> tjb1: Already have it, but you can't afford it!
[14:09:46] <JT-Shop> fedex used to get lost trying to find my house
[14:09:58] <tjb1> Cmon now...I just paid $44 to ship 3 pounds of plastic...
[14:10:58] <Jymmm> What do you guys expect? You do live in the middle of nowhere.
[14:11:16] <tjb1> I picked USPS because I thought it would be cheaper
[14:11:26] <tjb1> But Im not sure how the mail woman is going to deliver something 6ft long
[14:11:27] <tjb1> lol
[14:11:52] <Jymmm> strapped to the hood
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[14:12:18] <tjb1> Isnt under 6ft qualify for flat rate or something?
[14:12:40] <Jymmm> nope, only if it fits in the USPS Flat Rate boxes
[14:13:01] <tjb1> All the boxes are a stupid size though
[14:13:07] <Jymmm> then up to 70lbs for $11
[14:13:13] <tjb1> like 20x30x.5
[14:13:26] <Jymmm> lol, of course
[14:14:02] <tjb1> I hope USPS dies
[14:14:15] <tjb1> It needs a makeover
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[14:15:35] <pcw_home> Better hope it doesn't unless you want your FDX/UPS rates to double overnight
[14:16:07] <tjb1> They wont let it die...
[14:16:44] <tjb1> I love it when a truck comes into work like 4-5 hours late and then the guy bitches because we dont have him done in 5 minutes
[14:17:03] <pcw_home> Its 1/2 to 1/3 UPS/FDX rates for international
[14:17:50] <tjb1> Wednesday, UPS Freight came in 5 hours late and then bitches because it wasnt at the dock waiting to be put on the truck and then called his supervisor saying this was suppose to be ready at 9am and it wasnt being loaded
[14:18:26] <tjb1> Was about to tell the overpaid prick to piss off
[14:19:23] <pcw_home> just last month we though UPS lost a packages because they could not find it ($21,000)
[14:19:25] <pcw_home> Luckily they just forgot? to scan it
[14:19:52] <Jymmm> pcw_home: insured?
[14:20:06] <tjb1> I sent a package back to a guy on ebay, had "Delivery Confirmation" because USPS doesnt offer tracking
[14:20:27] <pcw_home> Yes but all that means is a lengthy fight
[14:20:30] <tjb1> Never showed up on the "delivery confirmation" number, guy never got it, never got the acceptance scan...
[14:20:57] <tjb1> I think someone at the post office pocketed my package :P
[14:21:03] <Jymmm> tjb1: They do, just not for priotity mail
[14:21:34] <tjb1> They are very inconsistent with "Delivery Confirmation" scanning
[14:21:59] <Jymmm> Not here
[14:22:00] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[14:22:35] <pcw_home> When we though we lost our package I looked at what percentage of packages UPS and FEDEX lose its pretty high maybe 1 in 500 packages
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[14:24:03] <tjb1> I would never ship anything Conway after working there
[14:24:57] <tjb1> They use forklifts only...
[14:25:45] <pcw_home> We found a Fedex packages on our street a year or so ago, obviously fell out of a truck
[14:25:47] <pcw_home> (looked to be prescription drugs for someone a mile away or so, so we just delivered it ourselves)
[14:27:04] <tjb1> The UPS driver for my house is pretty decent
[14:27:19] <tjb1> Fedex never comes here and if they do its always a different vehicle/person
[14:28:37] <pcw_home> Yeah we've had really good UPS and FEDEX drivers at work and they are the same for years
[14:28:45] <Jymmm> Hell, if I was delivering to you, I'd run the package over a few times first!
[14:29:18] <tjb1> You know Jymmm, most people that live out here own a few guns :P
[14:29:31] <pcw_home> We do get those "tenderized" packages sometimes
[14:29:36] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Sure, nobody else is willing to drive that area =)
[14:29:53] <Jymmm> tjb1: so do delivery drivers =)
[14:30:16] <tjb1> We got a returned package at work, they returned a 8"x8"x4" box on Conway!
[14:30:32] <Jymmm> pcw_home: At least you're not in oakland =)
[14:31:00] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[14:31:38] <pcw_home> A favorite would be the long boxes with IC tubes
[14:31:40] <pcw_home> sometime so battered that an end opened and the
[14:31:42] <pcw_home> IC tubes were long gone
[14:32:01] <tjb1> Someone probably found it and was like what the hell are these?
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[14:32:05] <pcw_home> but they dutifully delivered the empty box
[14:32:34] <JT-Shop> if UPS delivers a damaged box I just refuse it and it goes back for replacement
[14:32:56] <tjb1> What if they just drop it off and leave JT-Shop
[14:33:03] <pcw_home> Yeah that the best (feedback!)
[14:33:15] <JT-Shop> the USPS guy won't even get out of his car to deliver a package, he just honks the horn
[14:33:31] <Jymmm> lol
[14:33:32] <JT-Shop> I call them up and say come and get it the package is damaged
[14:33:37] <jdh> mine just sticks notes in teh mailbox saying "you weren't here"
[14:35:46] <pcw_home> Our mail person is good but the annoying thing about USPS is that you cant
[14:35:48] <pcw_home> send to some countries without bringing the package to the post office
[14:35:50] <pcw_home> (Russia for instance, dont they know the cold war is over?)
[14:36:47] <Jymmm> pcw_home: You can, if you have an online account.
[14:37:12] <pcw_home> Nope
[14:37:30] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Not a stamps.com account, but a Usps.com account
[14:37:41] <pcw_home> we do still no
[14:38:29] <pcw_home> most countries are OK
[14:38:35] <Jymmm> ah
[14:39:43] <pcw_home> So someone gets to stand in line at the Post Office
[14:40:42] <Jymmm> oh joy
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[15:19:12] <Gast165> In case anybody is still interested in the ISO SVG font, see http://bayfiles.com/file/f0Wb/3luOEh/ISO3098.zip (fonts [remove second display="none" to see glyph table], and font emulation in JavaScript; both public domain).
[15:25:51] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!aee74349@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:31:04] <tjb1> Off topic...any way to get drywall mud to dry faster?
[15:31:15] <Jymmm> heat
[15:31:35] <Jymmm> too much heat and risk it cracking.
[15:31:44] <tjb1> Well in about 3 hours the house will be about 85 inside :)
[15:31:47] <jdh> it drys faster if you watch it.
[15:31:59] <tjb1> I am so tired of doing drywall
[15:32:25] <jdh> would you rather be laying block?
[15:32:33] <tjb1> Probablu
[15:32:37] <tjb1> Probably...
[15:32:38] <Gevallen_Engel> or sod busting haha
[15:32:44] <Gevallen_Engel> thats the worst
[15:32:54] <tjb1> Id rather be putting my plasma table together
[15:33:52] <Gevallen_Engel> same really :\
[15:34:20] <tjb1> I think tomorrow we are going to a flea market, then putting the hardibacker down on the floor
[15:34:33] <tjb1> Sunday or next week will start the cabinets
[15:34:42] <Gevallen_Engel> as for drywall, http://www.bigjacktools.com/images/dws2300f.JPG a crew had a couple of these at a big job I was visiting, took just the two of them a couple of days to do the whole place
[15:35:11] <tjb1> I wish I had one of them
[15:35:31] <tjb1> They were probably using mud that drive in an hour too
[15:35:35] <Gevallen_Engel> They seem affordable now, if I ever have at the walls in this place I'd grab one for sure
[15:35:36] <tjb1> dried...
[15:35:52] <tjb1> This crap takes like 24 hours to dry
[15:36:29] <jdh> what's the rush
[15:36:53] <tjb1> Been working on the drywall like a month now
[15:37:16] <tjb1> Only really work on it Fri-Sat-Sun
[15:39:22] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[15:40:00] <Gevallen_Engel> I'd be stoked if I could get one of these damn IMS drivers to do...anything
[15:42:21] <jdh> what's an IMS driver?
[15:42:59] <Gevallen_Engel> http://servosystems.com/ims_micro_im483i_ie.pdf
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[15:43:33] <Gevallen_Engel> its doesnt help theres 3 or 4 versions of that manual floating around with conflicting info :D
[15:43:51] <Gevallen_Engel> and Im about as green as it gets when it comes to these things
[15:44:42] <jdh> looks overly complicated for emc
[15:46:12] <jdh> can you do step/dir with the user inputs?
[15:46:18] <Gevallen_Engel> oh yeah.. the motion card Im using is mach3 based but I figured I'd have a better chance on the hardware size in here since theres way more people.
[15:46:29] <Gevallen_Engel> d*
[15:48:32] <Gevallen_Engel> havent even gotten it to spit anything out to the terminal yet, I have a bunch of little unknowns though to deal with.
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[15:59:19] <tjb1> Do items from the solidworks toolbox have a mating property?
[16:01:48] <jdh> most computer objects and many computers users are not subject to mating.
[16:02:19] <tjb1> :/
[16:02:36] <syyl> Jymmm?
[16:02:44] <syyl> you asked me yesterday something?
[16:02:50] <jdh> a prime example
[16:02:52] <syyl> but i wasnt here
[16:03:27] <tjb1> jdh: do you know what I mean?
[16:03:48] <jdh> no, but I do amuse myself.
[16:07:59] <tjb1> I guess you havent used Solidworks then
[16:08:08] <jthornton> tjb1, in an assembly you can mate
[16:08:09] <jdh> can't afford it.
[16:08:28] <tjb1> Do the fasteners have mating properties or just looks?
[16:09:43] <jthornton> any solidworks part can be mated in an assembly, you just have to define the mates you want in the assembly
[16:10:11] <jthornton> click on the part surface or feature and the paperclip symbol is mate
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[16:10:38] <jthornton> then click on the second surface or feature and pick the type of mate you want
[16:11:29] <tjb1> nonono....do the fasteners actually mate parts? I know how to mate just not sure if the fastener does mating also
[16:12:01] <jthornton> I'm sure I don't understand your question now
[16:12:40] <tjb1> Will a fastener in solidworks lock 2 pieces together like a coincident(for example) mate would?
[16:13:15] <jthornton> afaik only if you define the mate in the assembly
[16:13:46] <jthornton> I've never used sw fasteners, I always use mcmaster carr's 3-d models
[16:13:51] <tjb1> So a fastener will lock to the piece you put it on but it doesnt lock the piece its on to the piece it extends into unless you mate it manually
[16:14:23] <jthornton> where are you getting the fastener?
[16:14:35] <jthornton> I have SW open on the next computer
[16:14:39] <tjb1> The toolbox
[16:14:51] <jthornton> with an assembly file open?
[16:14:59] <tjb1> Yes
[16:15:04] <tjb1> http://www.solidworkstutorials.com/solidworks-toolbox/
[16:15:44] <jthornton> I don't seem to have tool box installed on that computer
[16:16:01] <tjb1> Tools > Add-ins
[16:16:06] <tjb1> See if it is there
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[16:17:11] <IchGuckLive> Hi all
[16:17:16] <jthornton> just reading the tutorial and I assume the tool box just creates a part and you have to define the mates like any other part unless you have smart mates on
[16:17:29] <IchGuckLive> Jymmm: -> http://ww3.cad.de/foren/ubb/uploads/Magic33_de/trafalgar_st.jpg Finish
[16:18:00] <tjb1> Well the smart fastener gave me a bunch of mating errors but pulling from the toolbox manually doesnt
[16:18:32] -!- BenceKovi10 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:18:33] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: witch Cam
[16:18:37] <jthornton> I prefer to define my mates that way I know what I have
[16:19:10] <jdh> good for gender preferences.
[16:19:23] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: you can preset standard cam systems
[16:19:36] <Tom_itx> jthornton what ver solidworks are you using?
[16:19:37] <tjb1> ??
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[16:21:03] <jthornton> 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
[16:21:24] <Tom_itx> :)
[16:22:08] -!- syyl has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[16:22:16] <Tom_itx> i should take the time to learn it
[16:22:24] <Tom_itx> although i'm not sure what i'd use it for
[16:22:27] <tjb1> I like it
[16:22:46] <tjb1> Hopefully I will learn some more advanced mates and testing at school this semester
[16:22:50] <jdh> what's the cheapest SW cost?
[16:22:58] -!- RussianKid [RussianKid!~sasha@cpc7-nott15-2-0-cust136.12-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:22:59] <Tom_itx> i've already got cad cam
[16:23:03] <tjb1> Im on an SDK
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[16:23:26] <Tom_itx> jdh a bazillion dollars
[16:24:07] <Tom_itx> no 'good' cad cam package will be cheap
[16:24:50] <IchGuckLive> Tom_itx: it's up what you need
[16:25:18] <IchGuckLive> awalli here has a very good strategie to be milling
[16:25:36] <Tom_itx> i don't 'need' any really i have a cad cam package, it's just showing it's age
[16:26:59] <tjb1> Get Mastercam X6 :)
[16:27:07] <Tom_itx> i own smartcam already
[16:27:18] <IchGuckLive> prise for X6 is at 6k EUR
[16:27:28] <Tom_itx> yes
[16:27:29] <IchGuckLive> http://mechmo.de/bilder_css/trafalgar_st.jpg todays work
[16:27:55] <Tom_itx> i gave around 6k or more for mine a few years ago
[16:28:22] <tjb1> Next summer will be X7
[16:28:55] <IchGuckLive> im on Proe its packed at 4.900 including 2 post for NC
[16:28:57] <Tom_itx> this is the product today: http://www.smartcamcnc.com/
[16:29:18] <Tom_itx> IchGuckLive you have to buy the individual posts?
[16:29:34] <Tom_itx> that's the nice thing about smartcam, you can make your own or mod any that are supplied
[16:29:36] <tjb1> Only as smart as the user
[16:29:48] <tjb1> Ive modded a Mastercam post for a wire edm...never again
[16:30:18] <Tom_itx> smartcam was easier in that regard to mastercam
[16:30:23] <IchGuckLive> Tom_itx: you can do that 2 at NC but with all the complex operations available to the post trancmitter its a good way to do that
[16:32:20] <Tom_itx> i modded my current sherline one for linuxcnc recently. there were only minor changes to make
[16:32:22] <jdh> I see no pricing for smartcamcnc
[16:32:29] <tjb1> I resorted to commenting out large sections and posting code to see what changed
[16:32:39] <Tom_itx> jdh, it's in the 6-8k range
[16:32:49] <Tom_itx> depending on what you buy or need
[16:32:50] <tjb1> Then narrowing down each piece of code in the post script to figure it out
[16:33:01] <Tom_itx> you can get 2 or 3 different mill packages
[16:33:04] <Tom_itx> lathe is separate
[16:33:34] <IchGuckLive> Tom_itx: what is the price for this full smartcam version
[16:33:49] <Tom_itx> there's production milling, advanced milling and freeform milling
[16:33:51] <Tom_itx> i have freeform
[16:34:02] <Tom_itx> IchGuckLive, i'm not sure nowdays
[16:34:23] <Tom_itx> same goes with the lathe packages i believe
[16:34:40] <Tom_itx> their iges translator was pretty good at the time
[16:34:41] <IchGuckLive> cant find any pricing
[16:34:49] <jdh> http://www.webersys.com/ anyone tried this?
[16:34:54] <Tom_itx> you won't, you'll have to contact them probably
[16:35:05] <tjb1> jthornton: You know when doing a width mate how you have to select two different areas
[16:35:17] <tjb1> Is there a key to switch between the two sections?
[16:35:22] <IchGuckLive> Rhino is for small companys a good looking thing
[16:35:47] <tjb1> To switch between "Width Selections" and "Tab Selections"
[16:36:06] -!- syyl_ws [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:36:36] <Tom_itx> [email protected] 1-541-344-4563
[16:37:55] <Tom_itx> http://www.smartcamcnc.com/about_smartcamcnc.php
[16:38:02] <Tom_itx> mine was purchased under point control
[16:38:23] <Tom_itx> i think it was sold a couple times
[16:38:55] <IchGuckLive> Tom_itx: not a good sign as ther is no ofical pricing
[16:39:14] <Tom_itx> i don't think you'll find that with mastercam either
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[16:39:44] <Tom_itx> it depends what packages you purchase
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[16:58:35] <Loetmichel> hrhr, the americans... exeeding every limit... my wife just brought a pack of aspirin home from her usa business trip... 1000 tablets 10$... over here in germany a 10 pack 500mg aspirin costs 8 eur... -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=13391
[16:58:40] <IchGuckLive> @ all i need some help for the English on this left part are things around the pilar what is the english word for sutch parts like roses ornamentics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Schema_Saeulenordnungen.jpg
[17:00:30] <tjb1> Any way to find out what broke a lot of mates?
[17:01:23] <tjb1> You have got to be kidding me
[17:02:41] <tjb1> Does this help IchGuckLive v
[17:02:42] <tjb1> http://www.polyclassiccolumns.com/capitals_bases.htm
[17:03:09] <cradek> I don't know of a commonly used and understood english word for those
[17:04:00] <cradek> people who know a lot about historical architecture may have one, but for typical english speakers you will have to explain
[17:05:07] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: im not looking for the column itself only for the decoration
[17:06:27] <jthornton> tjb1, start turning off the broken/over defined mates
[17:06:38] <tjb1> That had some names, dont know if they are used
[17:06:49] <jthornton> turn off = suppress
[17:06:51] <tjb1> I found it jthornton, a bolt I added messed the whole thing up
[17:07:04] <tjb1> Is there a way to convert an assembly into a solid part?
[17:07:36] <jthornton> export might do that depending on what format you export to
[17:08:16] <jthornton> but I've never had the need to do that so the above was a WAG
[17:08:47] <IchGuckLive> plasterer is this people that make things for rooms out of sand
[17:13:36] <tjb1> Copy with mates is pretty slow
[17:20:27] <Tom_itx> IchGuckLive i've seen them made but i don't know what they're called
[17:20:53] <IchGuckLive> i go for pattener things
[17:21:10] <IchGuckLive> Tom_itx: http://stores.ebay.de/HeximShop?_trksid=p4340.l2563
[17:21:27] <Tom_itx> cornise mabye?
[17:22:15] <Tom_itx> capital?
[17:22:35] <IchGuckLive> fond everything i need
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[17:56:29] <tjb1> jthornton: Is there a better way to insert components or can you only throw them in space and then mate them into position?
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[18:05:50] -!- alpha1125 [alpha1125!~textual@nat/cisco/x-imxsdqmncwnlsrnw] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:05:58] <alpha1125> sup people?
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[18:08:30] <IchGuckLive> alpha1125: B)
[18:09:23] <IchGuckLive> SUB -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHWBy7VA9DA alpha1125
[18:14:41] <IchGuckLive> By
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[18:48:41] <mrsun> hmm, anyone know the site for the patterns for making your own way guards for a milling machine ?
[18:51:02] <mrsun> http://www.franksworkshop.com.au/CNC/Bellows/Bellows.htm
[18:51:04] <mrsun> found something =)
[18:51:24] <mrsun> feels like they would break kinda fast tho :/
[18:55:36] <skunkworks> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NZL1ZKfeY0
[18:56:42] <mrsun> small cnc machine :P
[19:07:16] <skunkworks> and the other extreme...
[19:07:17] <skunkworks> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrC-fYZ14xo
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[19:28:05] <jthornton> tjb1, I just toss them in and rotate to a close position then mate
[19:28:08] -!- mrsun_ [mrsun_!~mrsun@c-a93de253.4551536--62697410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:28:55] <tjb1> How do you rotate the piece?
[19:30:21] <jthornton> the rotate button, I added that button to my button bar
[19:30:49] <Jymmm> jthornton: Got Smart Car? http://i46.tinypic.com/v6875u.jpg
[19:31:17] <jthornton> if you see the Move Component with a down arrow press the down arrow
[19:32:05] -!- draig has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:32:34] <jthornton> this is me on my bike... it's a cow-a-socky http://www.urbanredneck.com/viewitem.php?i=hp6
[19:32:54] <Jymmm> lol
[19:33:05] <jthornton> http://www.hi-techredneck.com/cow-a-socky.html
[19:33:16] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:44:46] <mcenter_> I am unable to register on the linuxcnc forum.
[19:47:04] <mrsun_> gmail? :P
[19:48:04] <mcenter_> Yes, I was using a gmail address. I'll try with another.
[19:50:00] <tjb1> Look what I got yesterday - https://www.alliedelec.com/search/productdetail.aspx?SKU=70163119
[19:50:09] <JT-Shop> mcenter_: I can fix that if you like
[19:50:10] -!- xlizard [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:50:34] <tjb1> but at this price - http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/194850_3985015219768_847235162_o.jpg
[19:50:54] <JT-Shop> wow
[19:51:00] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:51:07] <mcenter_> Thanks. I used my university email and it worked. (Funny, that my Uni has switched to gmail)
[19:51:45] <JT-Shop> did you get the conformation email?
[19:52:07] <mcenter_> Yes. I got the conformation email.
[19:53:37] <JT-Shop> there you go, your approved
[19:54:03] <mcenter_> thanks!
[19:54:07] <JT-Shop> btw, your not terribly far from me here in Poplar Bluff
[19:54:58] <mcenter_> Can't get there from here. LOL
[19:55:13] <PCW> ok
[19:55:32] <PCW> oops
[19:55:47] <tjb1> JT-Shop: The shipping was $44 though
[19:57:33] <JT-Shop> ouch
[19:58:36] <xlizard> hi there ;)
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[20:00:39] <xlizard> i'm not sure if it is the right channel, but some time ago i started it build my own maschine - everything is working fine, but i have a strange stepper motor problem ...
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[20:03:21] <xlizard> i did a very small video to explain (dont laugh, everything is cheap as possible ;) )
[20:03:28] <xlizard> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g4ZnH4HtX4
[20:03:56] -!- jepler [jepler!~jepler@emc/developer/pdpc.professional.jepler] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:06:17] <JT-Shop> what do you mean by "start slowly"?
[20:06:45] <xlizard> acceleration of the motor
[20:07:15] <JT-Shop> the max acceleration setting for the axis?
[20:07:15] <xlizard> if you have sound on you will hear it ...
[20:08:01] <xlizard> yes
[20:08:43] <JT-Shop> so if you set the max acceleration for that axis in the ini file lower the motor does not run?
[20:09:54] <skunkworks> sounds like resonence..
[20:10:05] <xlizard> it begins to turn but than it tears off
[20:10:28] <skunkworks> are you runing any microstepping?
[20:11:16] * JT-Shop hands off to Sam :-)
[20:11:34] <skunkworks> heh
[20:11:40] <xlizard> yes, ... microstepping of 2 .... but changing it makes no difference ;(
[20:12:06] <skunkworks> what does 2 mean? 400 steps per rev?
[20:12:44] <Jymmm> half step
[20:13:28] <xlizard> divided by 2 ... so yes, half step ;)
[20:13:53] <xlizard> and, 400/rev is correct
[20:14:13] <skunkworks> Can you go any higher? like 4 or 8?
[20:14:25] <xlizard> first i got a cheap china driver board with tb6560 drivers ... there i tried to change the microsteppings. than i build a simple driver with standard l297/l298 .... but the same
[20:15:36] * JT-Shop still waits for an answer to my question
[20:15:57] <Jymmm> 42
[20:16:07] <xlizard> than i thought ... ok, i have the cable, and i whe the motor, thats a LC ... so i disassembled it and connected the motor directly ... also no difference
[20:17:00] <xlizard> JT-Shop: sorry? did a missed a question?
[20:18:08] <xlizard> btw, i have this problem on all 3 axis ...
[20:20:30] <skunkworks> resonence, Realtime delays, or step timing.. (those are my guesses)
[20:20:54] <xlizard> resonence of that?
[20:20:55] <mrsun_> hmm, time to start building my pcb prototyper soon maybe =)
[20:21:01] <mrsun_> got an urge
[20:23:44] <xlizard> sorry, resonence of what?
[20:24:13] <xlizard> hrrsnn, resonance
[20:25:10] <skunkworks> stepping motors at certain rpm go through a resonence that is worse the lower the steps per rev.
[20:25:29] <skunkworks> they more times then not - stall when they hit the effected rpm
[20:25:53] <JT-Shop> <JT-Shop> so if you set the max acceleration for that axis in the ini file lower the motor does not run?
[20:26:02] <skunkworks> when you slowed down the accelleration - the stepping motors stayed in the resonence area long enough to stall.
[20:26:08] <skunkworks> (imho)
[20:26:38] <JT-Shop> sounds plausable to me
[20:27:29] <skunkworks> I would try atleast 1000 steps per rev..
[20:27:38] -!- alpha1125 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[20:28:15] <tjb1> http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/473995_3985189344121_308481399_o.jpg
[20:28:44] <tjb1> Tilting water table in action ^
[20:30:20] <xlizard> hmmm ... ok, that means i should run the motor itself at higher speed?
[20:31:02] <xlizard> and slow it down mechanical
[20:31:04] <xlizard> ?
[20:40:21] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[20:41:02] <JT-Shop> xlizard: what is your driver voltage, step time and step space?
[20:42:14] <mrsun> make anti resonance thingies :P
[20:42:47] <mrsun> hell there is even drivers that can feel resonance :P
[20:43:10] <xlizard> JT-Shop: 36V, currenty the deflaults for l297 out of stepconf
[20:43:26] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
[20:44:31] <mrsun> https://www.google.se/search?client=ubuntu&channel=cs&q=stepper+damper&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=sv&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=pBPuT83kGYvP4QSxnN38DQ&biw=1366&bih=658&sei=phPuT6CQBqWl4gSHlsj0DQ
[20:44:35] <JT-Shop> select other and make them all 10000 then test
[20:45:17] <mrsun> are those just adding a flywheel to the stepper to make it resonate less ?
[20:46:24] <mrsun> http://seals.ferrotec.com/products/ferrofluidic/inertiaDampers/
[20:46:25] <mrsun> cool!
[20:46:31] <mrsun> i love ferrofluid =)
[20:46:44] <mrsun> so usefull, as low power pistons ... and bearings =)
[20:47:08] <xlizard> i tried playing with these values if i hat running the toshiba driver, but not with the l297 driver. will try this
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[20:59:36] <xlizard> ok, my battery is dead ... thaks for help, i will try this things and will let you know ;)
[20:59:45] <JT-Shop> ok
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[21:07:40] <tjb1> My computer isnt doing too good with this big assembly
[21:09:25] -!- skunkworks has quit []
[21:10:09] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:13:56] <Tom_itx> intermitten wiring issues are the pits
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[21:24:11] * JT-Shop loves rigid tapping 5/8-11 in 1" thick steel plates :-)
[21:25:52] <Tom_itx> do you back it out a time or two?
[21:26:53] <jthornton> nope
[21:27:39] <jthornton> gotta have good taps...
[21:30:02] -!- syyl_ws has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
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[21:35:37] <tjb1> I tried to rigid tap a 3/4-10
[21:36:41] <tjb1> Keyword is tried...
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[21:38:53] <archivist> was it a proper machine tap, hand taps are useless
[21:39:33] <tjb1> dont remember, it was 2 years ago
[21:39:42] <tjb1> got about halfway through and spindle stalled
[21:40:00] -!- draig has quit [Quit: draig]
[21:40:15] <archivist> http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/tutorial/taps.html
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[21:40:39] <tjb1> http://sif.bu.edu/files/2009/09/270.jpg
[21:41:20] <tjb1> slipped the drive belt on the spindle...that was fun
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[21:48:38] <taiden> evening gents
[21:48:53] <alex4nder> yoh
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[21:50:27] <taiden> i tried fixturing my circular parts using threaded rod
[21:50:44] <taiden> every time i tighten them down they drift, sometimes up to 50 thou
[21:51:01] <taiden> so it looks like its time for some softjaws
[21:51:34] <taiden> well you know what they say about doing it right the firsttime...
[21:51:43] <Tom_itx> i won't say i told you so
[21:51:48] <taiden> i'll say it
[21:51:53] <taiden> you told me so
[21:52:30] <taiden> plus go figure
[21:52:39] <taiden> first part i tested i crashed my end mill right into the rod
[21:52:49] <taiden> that'll wake you up
[21:53:12] <Tom_itx> forgot to raize the z clear to acomodate fixtures ehh?
[21:53:20] <taiden> haha not even
[21:53:32] <taiden> with 0,0 being the center of the part
[21:53:41] <taiden> i went to -1,0
[21:53:47] <taiden> then called a subroutine that starts cutting at 1,0
[21:53:50] <taiden> needless to say
[21:53:51] <taiden> ...
[21:54:04] <taiden> RRRRGRRRrgrggrgrgGRGRGRGG!!!
[21:54:05] <archivist> learning the pitfalls...part of the fun
[21:54:49] <archivist> testing first by cutting air helpw
[21:54:54] <archivist> helps
[21:55:09] <taiden> yeah… i got one step ahead of myself apparently
[21:55:56] <taiden> so now i get to figure out how to make a clamp on the cheap for my softjaws
[21:56:07] <taiden> i was all gung ho about the threaded rod.. could have fit 12 parts on one fixture
[21:57:49] <taiden> getting 2 done right is better than getting 12 done wrong, so ..
[22:00:42] <Gevallen_Engel> sounds like were in the same boat taiden, good luck with yours
[22:00:54] <taiden> whats happening on your end?
[22:04:30] <PCW> that's a little private sir!
[22:05:43] <Gevallen_Engel> Just been trying to get past the learning part haha
[22:05:57] <Gevallen_Engel> and repurposing equipment thats been fighting me
[22:12:37] <taiden> yep...
[22:19:13] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Just curious... did you ever take apart one of those toaster oven heating elements? Do you think one could be made shorter by chance?
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[22:21:22] <Tom_itx> never did
[22:21:39] <Tom_itx> i doubt you could shorten it
[22:21:40] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Does it look like it might be possible?
[22:21:44] <Jymmm> ok, thanks
[22:22:01] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: I didn't think it would be, but had to ask =)
[22:22:05] <Tom_itx> think stove element
[22:22:50] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Yeah, just having a bitch of a time "tensioning" the nichrome strip atm
[22:23:14] <Jymmm> too much residual heat build up and such a small area to work with
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[23:12:01] <Tom_itx> Jymmm what about 500w lamp bulbs
[23:12:09] <Tom_itx> halogen
[23:12:33] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: way too physically large; using to heat seal packaging.
[23:14:00] <Tom_itx> seal a meal replacement parts
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[23:55:09] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Doens't put out enough heat; neither does an industrial impulse sealer
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[23:57:16] <Gevallen_Engel> do they sell replacement elements for larger commercial units?
[23:57:55] <Jymmm> sure
[23:58:39] <Jymmm> the element isn't the issue; it's *tensioning* it that is =)
[23:58:54] <Jymmm> (for this application that is)