#linuxcnc | Logs for 2012-08-01

[00:00:10] <JT-Shop> looks ok to me but what the heck do I know
[00:00:17] <Tom_L> all
[00:00:29] <skunkworks__> so - latency test doesn't work?
[00:00:32] <Tom_L> no
[00:00:39] <Tom_L> not from the menu anyway
[00:00:45] <skunkworks__> what does it do when you run latency-test from terminal?
[00:00:59] <Tom_L> how do i do that?
[00:01:21] <Tom_L> oh crap, i didn't plug the parport cable back in it
[00:01:27] <skunkworks__> applications -> accessories -> terminal
[00:01:37] <skunkworks__> then just type latency-test
[00:01:38] <Tom_L> it won't start without it but i can run the latency
[00:01:47] <skunkworks__> right
[00:01:48] <PCW> control-alt-T
[00:01:51] * JT-Shop puts his chef hat on and goes inside
[00:02:07] <skunkworks__> oh poo - I can never remember that key combo
[00:02:47] <Tom_itx> insmod: error inserting '/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/rtai_hal.ko': -1 Operation not permitted
[00:02:51] <ReadError> skunkworks__
[00:03:00] <tjb1> Is Java programming of any use to the diy cnc person?
[00:03:14] <ReadError> Here I show my first two cuts using CNC with EMC2. I generated the first gcode using PyCam, but decided I could modify it to make a better part. The part I am making is for a project a friend I had for the summer.
[00:03:23] <Tom_L> returned from entering latency-test
[00:03:39] <skunkworks__> ReadError: ah - that is not my video :)
[00:04:12] <Tom_L> i wonder if 8.04 would work any better
[00:05:05] <skunkworks__> Tom_L: I think you need to pastebin your dmesg (from termina)
[00:05:16] <Tom_L> i did
[00:05:19] <Tom_L> me thinks
[00:05:43] <Tom_L> err that was dpkg
[00:05:58] -!- tjb1 has quit [Quit: tjb1]
[00:07:33] <skunkworks__> Tom_L: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TroubleShooting#emc2_doesn_t_run_missing_lapic
[00:08:59] <Tom_L> still wanna see the file?
[00:09:03] <Tom_L> i'll try that
[00:10:09] <andypugh> What's the lowest-grief way to share files on my Ubuntu machine to the network?
[00:10:37] <Tom_L> i mapped a drive back to my windows machine
[00:10:45] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:10:51] <Tom_L> then connect ubuntu back to it
[00:10:59] <Tom_L> the map is to my cnc files
[00:11:23] <andypugh> You installed SMB on the Ubu machine then?
[00:11:31] <Tom_L> probably
[00:11:42] <Tom_L> whatever it needed to make it work :)
[00:11:56] <Tom_L> i did it all from the gui with little effort
[00:12:16] <andypugh> I wasn't having much lucj with smb, so I set up afp (netatalk / avahi) and it was working nicely until a couple of days ago
[00:13:15] <r00t4rd3d> usb drive connect to router
[00:13:23] <skunkworks__> I have only used smb
[00:13:24] <Tom_L> skunkworks__, http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/dmesg_list.txt
[00:14:03] <Tom_L> skunkworks__ i need root access to change the grub line right?
[00:14:36] <andypugh> I would expect so
[00:14:40] <skunkworks__> 96.108974] RTAI[hal]: ERROR, LOCAL APIC CONFIGURED BUT NOT AVAILABLE/ENABLED
[00:14:48] <jdh> I have a drive hooked up to my router. I map it as a windows drive, and I cifs mount it under my ~/linuxcnc/nc_files/net
[00:15:06] <skunkworks__> Tom_l sudo...
[00:15:12] <Tom_L> yes
[00:15:30] <Tom_L> andypugh it was easier for me to do it that way so i didn't have to make an external login for ubuntu
[00:15:55] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:15:58] -!- wsjr|2 [wsjr|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:16:01] <r00t4rd3d> personally i would make sure sshd was installed then use winscp
[00:16:15] <jdh> way too painful
[00:16:17] <Tom_L> i use winscp as well
[00:16:22] <Tom_L> but not on this
[00:16:25] <andypugh> There is some strange stuff going on in a local network where you can screen-share a computer in the other corner of the room, but can't ping it.
[00:16:34] <jdh> then you have two copies everywhere and never know which one is right
[00:16:36] <skunkworks__> I have my nc_files directory shared on the k&t and drop files into it from xp
[00:17:22] <r00t4rd3d> most times i just email myself gcode
[00:17:22] <Tom_L> andypugh the idea for me was to map my cad cam output file right to the ubuntu cnc_files directory but the application didn't like me doing that so i went the other way
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[00:18:35] <skunkworks__> andypugh: firewall?
[00:18:56] <andypugh> Not that I know of
[00:19:21] <skunkworks__> by default you cannot ping xp machines because of the windows firewall
[00:19:47] <PCW> Only windows would worry about a ping
[00:20:37] <andypugh> It's the Ubu machine I can't ping
[00:20:46] <jdh> remember the ping of death?
[00:21:06] <PCW> that's peculiar
[00:21:46] -!- toastydeath [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:21:59] <andypugh> Well, I can now. But earlier I was fiddling with settings in it with VNC, bit couldn't ping it. ssh has always worked no problem.
[00:22:16] <r00t4rd3d> andypugh, do you have a router? What brand?
[00:22:23] <r00t4rd3d> internet router
[00:22:55] -!- atom1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:23:06] <andypugh> Currenty I have a remote desktop (VNC) to it, an ssh session and it show up via bonjour/avahi as a share on my Mac. I just can't access the share
[00:23:06] <r00t4rd3d> some routers block that sort of stuff by default
[00:23:18] <r00t4rd3d> samba?
[00:23:22] <andypugh> r00t4rd3d: But it worked until sunday night.
[00:23:32] <andypugh> afp
[00:23:33] <r00t4rd3d> did you update something?
[00:23:49] <andypugh> No, but both machines crashed :-/
[00:24:48] <andypugh> The Ubu machine is currently crashing several times a night, but that is my fault, and I am homing in on the problem.
[00:24:48] <r00t4rd3d> did they get assigned different network ips?
[00:25:13] <andypugh> Yes, but they are both back to where they were and static
[00:25:14] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:25:14] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:25:28] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:25:33] <andypugh> The router is a WRT54G running Tomato
[00:25:36] -!- JT-Shop [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:25:38] -!- jthornton [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:25:43] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[00:25:51] <Tom_L> i need a new router, any suggestions for a decent one?
[00:26:04] <r00t4rd3d> anything that will run ddwrt
[00:26:07] <andypugh> And I can access the other machines on the network fine.
[00:26:17] <jdh> anything better/different than an atom d525 currently?
[00:26:21] <r00t4rd3d> can you ping them through the router?
[00:26:32] <Tom_L> http://www.caymanwireless.com/2000-2900-mhz/171691-uap.html
[00:26:33] <jdh> that comes from amazon
[00:26:33] <andypugh> jdh: not really.
[00:26:40] <Tom_L> i was gonna get one of those for the wifi end of it
[00:27:00] <r00t4rd3d> tomato has command line options i believe in the setup page
[00:27:11] <r00t4rd3d> see if you can get to it from there
[00:28:16] <r00t4rd3d> or a box to type in remote commands
[00:28:19] <r00t4rd3d> something
[00:28:32] -!- Tom_shop [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:28:34] <skunkworks__> andypugh: I have had samba just quit working - re-installing it fixed it.
[00:28:56] <jdh> I've never seen that happen.
[00:28:56] <r00t4rd3d> samba sucks
[00:29:01] <r00t4rd3d> id rather burn cds
[00:29:16] <Tom_L> skunkworks__ after editing that grub line i get this:
[00:29:18] <Tom_shop> insmod: error inserting '/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/rtai_hal.ko': -1 Operation not permitted
[00:29:21] <andypugh> I just WOL-ed the lathe in the garage, pinged it and opened a share. I think we can conclude that they problem is with the other Ubu box.
[00:30:08] <skunkworks__> Tom_l did you do the sudo update-grub
[00:30:10] <r00t4rd3d> Tom_L, did you update grub after editing it?
[00:30:17] <r00t4rd3d> SOB!
[00:30:19] <Tom_L> yes
[00:30:22] <Tom_L> and rebooted
[00:30:41] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: No, just wanted to ry out a jet pack =)
[00:30:41] <andypugh> Tom_L: RIP?
[00:30:47] <r00t4rd3d> who owns rtai_hal.ko ?
[00:31:03] <Tom_L> how do i tell?
[00:31:23] <andypugh> Tom_L: I think you would remember compiling it.
[00:31:36] <Tom_L> this was a live cd install
[00:31:50] <andypugh> Not that then.
[00:31:55] <Tom_L> or a dead one
[00:32:17] <Tom_L> on a via c3 eden chip
[00:32:32] <andypugh> Tom_L: uname -r ?
[00:33:04] <r00t4rd3d> it probably wont boot now
[00:33:11] <Tom_shop> 2.6.32-122-rtai
[00:33:30] <r00t4rd3d> what are you trying to do any way?
[00:33:35] Tom_shop is now known as Tom_itx
[00:33:43] <andypugh> Tom_L: halrun -U
[00:34:00] -!- i_tarzan has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[00:34:04] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:34:05] Tom_itx is now known as Guest35200
[00:34:13] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:31] <r00t4rd3d> quit screwing around
[00:34:33] Guest35200 is now known as Tom_shop
[00:34:48] <andypugh> Tom_shop: halrun -U ?
[00:35:04] <Tom_shop> RTAPI: ERROR: could not open shared memory (errno=2)
[00:35:04] <Tom_shop> ERROR: rtapi init failed
[00:35:04] <Tom_shop> HALCMD: Release Mutex failed!
[00:35:05] <Tom_shop> RTAPI: ERROR: could not open shared memory (errno=2)
[00:35:18] <andypugh> Ick!
[00:35:26] <andypugh> Try a reboot.
[00:35:29] <Tom_L> i did
[00:35:35] <Tom_L> just a sec ago
[00:36:04] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:36:05] <Tom_L> it was kindof a long shot using this board anyway
[00:36:07] <andypugh> reboot, then halrun, and if it crashes, post the dmesg on pastebin
[00:36:13] <Tom_L> ok
[00:36:19] -!- Tom_shop has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:36:23] <r00t4rd3d> my via c3 works fine
[00:36:23] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:36:38] <r00t4rd3d> i never mess with hal stuff on it though
[00:36:46] <r00t4rd3d> messed*
[00:36:50] <Tom_L> are you using 8.04?
[00:36:59] <r00t4rd3d> i was on that pile
[00:37:17] -!- i_tarzan [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:37:28] <Tom_L> i got the iso for that, i may try it next
[00:37:35] <r00t4rd3d> i would get rtapi errors with 10.04
[00:37:50] <r00t4rd3d> 8.04 just worked.
[00:38:04] <r00t4rd3d> but ive already told you this....
[00:38:05] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:38:16] <r00t4rd3d> your just being stubborn
[00:38:23] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:38:36] <Tom_L> no, i thought i had the 8.04 cd but it turned out to be 10.04
[00:38:43] <Tom_L> so i went with it to try
[00:38:50] <r00t4rd3d> oh
[00:39:09] <r00t4rd3d> once you update linuxcnc and the os, hard to tell the diff
[00:40:08] <r00t4rd3d> install the theme 10.04 uses
[00:40:08] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:41:10] <Tom_L> andypugh, http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/dmesg_list.txt
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[00:42:29] <andypugh> [ 0.000000] No local APIC present or hardware disabled
[00:42:41] <r00t4rd3d> ya thats what i got
[00:43:01] <andypugh> Is a bit of a show-stopper with 10.04 You could try poking round in the BIOS to see if you can enable LAPIC
[00:43:23] <Tom_L> i'll see if it's there
[00:43:33] <r00t4rd3d> if i did tail -f /var/log/dmesg and ran the lat test it would crash with that same error.
[00:44:01] <r00t4rd3d> i changed everything in the bios
[00:44:03] <r00t4rd3d> twice
[00:44:04] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:44:06] <andypugh> But [ 62.230735] halcmd[1348]: segfault at 8 ip 007816bc sp bff13790 error 6 in liblinuxcnchal.so.0[77c000+8000] looks unusually serious
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[00:44:58] <Tom_L> while i'm in there what parport mode do i need?
[00:45:01] <Tom_L> epp?
[00:45:11] <r00t4rd3d> doesnt matter
[00:45:26] <r00t4rd3d> should have a use both setting
[00:45:34] <r00t4rd3d> will default to what ever works
[00:46:14] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:46:42] <r00t4rd3d> i tried both, each one, when i got 8 working it was on both.
[00:46:58] <r00t4rd3d> epp+ecp or some shit
[00:47:05] <r00t4rd3d> pcp
[00:48:11] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:48:14] <Tom_L> what irq do extended irq use?
[00:48:18] <Tom_L> 15?
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[00:48:30] <r00t4rd3d> auto
[00:49:01] <r00t4rd3d> no need to mess with irq manually these days
[00:50:10] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:50:21] <r00t4rd3d> if anything try using the 8.04 kernel
[00:51:15] <r00t4rd3d> add the repos
[00:51:27] <Tom_L> yeah i'll burn a cd
[00:52:08] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:52:11] <r00t4rd3d> dont got a usb thumb drive?
[00:52:21] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:52:39] <Tom_L> yes
[00:52:46] <r00t4rd3d> use that
[00:52:47] <Tom_L> i'm not sure it will boot from that
[00:53:04] <r00t4rd3d> mines does
[00:53:13] <r00t4rd3d> lol -s
[00:53:16] <r00t4rd3d> im white
[00:53:37] <Tom_L> usb zip?
[00:53:39] <andypugh> You can use the boot-disk creator in 10,04 to make a bootable USB direct from the ISO
[00:53:51] <r00t4rd3d> unetbootin
[00:54:07] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:54:10] <andypugh> r00t4rd3d: No need, 10,04 can do it from the Admin menu
[00:54:22] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:54:23] <Tom_L> to make one for 8.04?
[00:54:29] <andypugh> Yes
[00:54:37] <Tom_L> mmm now i gotta move the image over..
[00:54:39] <andypugh> It asks for an ISO file.
[00:55:14] <r00t4rd3d> I remember a flaw with that
[00:55:18] <r00t4rd3d> slow or something
[00:55:19] <andypugh> And re-installing netatalk appears to have worked :-)
[00:55:48] <Tom_L> what boot device should i set in the bios? usb-zip?
[00:55:57] <Tom_L> fdd?
[00:56:10] <Jymmm> not fdd
[00:56:22] -!- wsjr|2 [wsjr|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:56:22] <Jymmm> Just enable usb legacy
[00:56:26] <andypugh> You might not be able to choose the USB until it is plugged in. My NCBox is like that.
[00:56:27] <r00t4rd3d> when it posts it will give a keypress to goto boot menu
[00:56:31] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:56:44] <r00t4rd3d> in that boot menu you will see what you wants
[00:56:58] <Jymmm> Tom_L: But if you have usb-zip as an option, you may not be able to.
[00:57:08] <Jymmm> Tom_L: how old is this mobo?
[00:57:11] <r00t4rd3d> F2 to enter setup, F3 for boot list, etc
[00:57:16] <r00t4rd3d> ancient
[00:57:18] <Tom_L> obsolete
[00:57:31] <andypugh> Yeah, USB-ZIP is taking me back to the 20th century
[00:57:43] <r00t4rd3d> i remember usb-zip didnt work for me i think
[00:57:46] <Jymmm> Tom_L: Try enabling ATAPI boot, worth a shot.
[00:57:48] <Tom_L> i could have a cd by now
[00:57:55] <r00t4rd3d> there was another usb option
[00:58:05] -!- wsjr|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:58:07] <r00t4rd3d> usb hard disk or something
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[00:58:28] <andypugh> Yes, USB-Zip was an alternative to parallel-port ZIP for those super-high capacity 100MB ZIP drives.
[00:58:40] <Jymmm> andypugh: lol
[00:58:52] <jdh> hey, I loved my zip.
[00:59:00] <andypugh> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iomega_ZIP
[00:59:02] <jdh> I had a p-port one in 1.3.x
[00:59:03] <Jymmm> hey, I STILL love mine
[00:59:39] <Jymmm> I just have a USB one
[00:59:46] <andypugh> I keep finding them in the skip at work (which currently contains a stack of 5 VaxStation 4000 machines all full of memory.
[01:00:03] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:00:08] <Jymmm> andypugh: what kind of ram?
[01:00:09] <jdh> I still have a VS4000/96 in production
[01:00:11] <Jymmm> type
[01:00:17] <andypugh> 8MB SIMMS I think
[01:00:24] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:00:27] <Jymmm> andypugh: 72 or 30?
[01:00:35] <andypugh> 72
[01:00:41] <Jymmm> damn
[01:00:47] * Jymmm needs 30
[01:01:00] <jdh> I have a bag of 30's somewhere
[01:01:09] <Jymmm> jdh: 8mb ?
[01:01:17] <Jymmm> 4mb
[01:01:19] <jdh> 4 afair
[01:01:29] <jdh> don't think you coudl get 8 in a 20
[01:01:31] <jdh> err.. 30
[01:01:32] <Jymmm> parity (9 chip)?
[01:01:58] <jdh> doubt it. I paid $125/each for them though via usenet.
[01:02:04] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:02:07] <Jymmm> cheap
[01:02:19] <jdh> sent some random guy a postal money order for $500 and was half sure I'd never see anything
[01:02:21] <andypugh> I would have taken them out, but they appear to be clipped in.
[01:02:24] -!- wsjr [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:02:26] <Jymmm> I SOLD 256KB for $10/ea
[01:02:37] -!- tjb1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:02:39] <jdh> the vax simms come out
[01:02:46] <jdh> I have stacks of them at work
[01:03:12] <andypugh> I am sure they do, but possibly not when you are trying to look inconspicuous in the corner of the workshop at work.
[01:03:48] <jdh> I don't think they are normal PC type simms
[01:04:07] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[01:05:06] <andypugh> We retired the last PDP-11 2 years ago, I would have been tempted to grab one of them. It jad managed something like 30 years of running dyno cell 67.
[01:05:29] <jdh> I still have two 11/73's
[01:06:10] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[01:06:22] <jdh> each hooked up to a vaxstation III :(
[01:07:17] <andypugh> Well, for real exotica, I used to have a Whitechapel Workstation until I gave it to a friend.
[01:07:32] <jdh> never heard of that one!
[01:08:23] -!- wsjr|2 [wsjr|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:08:27] -!- wsjr has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:08:59] <andypugh> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitechapel_Computer_Works
[01:09:37] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:10:05] -!- wsjr|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[01:11:08] <andypugh> And a little more: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!msg/alt.folklore.computers/JxHP2q-_tW8/4r24Q0wb-h4J
[01:11:15] <Tom_L> dammit
[01:11:19] <andypugh> Mine was the Hitec-20
[01:11:21] <Tom_L> cd boot failed
[01:11:22] <jdh> nice.
[01:11:34] <Jymmm> Tom_L: Burn at 4x speed.
[01:11:42] <Jymmm> I used to have one of these... http://oi56.tinypic.com/2nvvwqr.jpg
[01:11:56] <andypugh> I think it is safe indefinitley now, Eric won't throw it away, and it still works.
[01:11:59] <Tom_L> it asked me about format when i burned the iso
[01:12:11] <Jymmm> Kaypro luggable clone, CP/M baby!
[01:12:24] -!- wsjr|2 [wsjr|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:12:26] <Jymmm> Tom_L: ISO9660
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[01:12:47] <Jymmm> and close session and disc
[01:13:12] <Tom_L> the entered block size does not correspond to the image length. The block size may be wrong. Do you want to correct the value or ignore?
[01:13:27] <Jymmm> correct
[01:13:33] -!- _bwg_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:13:47] <Tom_L> data mode 1?
[01:14:00] <Jymmm> what are you useing to burn?
[01:14:04] <Tom_L> nero
[01:14:07] -!- wsjr|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:14:16] <Jymmm> goto express mode
[01:14:21] <Tom_L> block size 2048?
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[01:14:49] <Tom_L> this was when i went to open the iso file
[01:15:06] <andypugh> I used to use one of those when I first started at Sheffield Poly and it was all they could find. No, wait, it was something else: http://www.peekpoke.hr/files/2912/9190/5154/ibmportable.jpg I recall not being especialy impressed as it was 1988.
[01:15:43] <Jymmm> yours is an ibm though
[01:16:03] <andypugh> Yeah, I don't know if that is better or worse.
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[01:16:28] <andypugh> I had a Mac Portable for a while too, that was rather better.
[01:16:43] <Jymmm> andypugh: Well, I have IBM-DOS 2.x on 5.25" floppys as well as the VERTICAL function key overlays =)
[01:17:38] <andypugh> I have a friend with a stack of 6 Lisas on the sideboard in his front room. I think he wins.
[01:18:00] <jdh> what does he win?
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[01:18:27] <andypugh> The "how the heck did _you_ get a girlfriend" award
[01:18:30] <Jymmm> Nah, CPM beats that. and I used to have a TurboColor NeXT Station with DSP =)
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[01:20:13] <Jymmm> andypugh: http://i44.tinypic.com/161dbf4.jpg
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[01:20:52] <Jymmm> andypugh: http://i43.tinypic.com/wmnl3t.jpg
[01:21:06] <r00t4rd3d> did you take these just now?
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[01:23:09] <r00t4rd3d> Snoop Dogg changes his name to Snoop Lion.
[01:23:20] <andypugh> The first computer I ever touched: http://oldcomputers.net/zx80.html
[01:23:41] <Jymmm> white? only saw the black one
[01:23:58] <Tom_L> i'll try burning it from ubuntu
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[01:24:33] <r00t4rd3d> http://oldcomputers.net/atari-vcs.html
[01:24:38] <Jymmm> http://oldcomputers.net/ts1000.html
[01:25:26] <jdh> it's ok, you can still read about sex on the internette
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[01:26:37] <andypugh> Jymmm: ZX80 was white, ZX81 was black
[01:27:20] <Tom_L> same boot error
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[01:28:01] <r00t4rd3d> now try unetbootin
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[01:28:17] <Tom_L> isolinux: Disk error 32, AX = 4200, drive 9F
[01:28:22] <r00t4rd3d> yup
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[01:28:41] <Tom_L> i had to get the image over there first anyway
[01:28:50] <Tom_L> where do i get it?
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[01:30:20] <r00t4rd3d> ask some guy standing on the corner in a bad neighborhood
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[01:30:48] <r00t4rd3d> http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[01:31:02] <PCW> Yay got bootP working on the 7I80
[01:31:23] <r00t4rd3d> on the bottom of the app, Diskimage, choose your iso.
[01:31:45] <atom1> it's in the package manager
[01:31:51] <jdh> do you use lube when tapping cast iron?
[01:32:00] <r00t4rd3d> lol
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[01:32:20] <Tom_L> use lube when doing anything that creates friction :)
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[01:33:10] <r00t4rd3d> just use alittle spit
[01:34:17] <jdh> never had luck with oil + cast iron, it doesn't seem to wet
[01:34:21] <r00t4rd3d> will cast iron even hold threads?
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[01:34:57] <atom1> click on disk image?
[01:35:03] <atom1> i selected the iso
[01:35:12] <r00t4rd3d> yeah
[01:35:24] <atom1> type: usb drive
[01:35:29] <r00t4rd3d> yeah
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[01:35:51] <r00t4rd3d> sometimes it seems like unetbooting has stalled, it hasnt
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[01:36:30] <atom1> ok it's doing somethign
[01:36:47] <atom1> i'll check back on it tomorrow
[01:36:56] <r00t4rd3d> aww come on, do it now.
[01:37:02] <atom1> 8 of 164 files
[01:37:20] <r00t4rd3d> reddit.com
[01:37:30] <atom1> huh?
[01:37:43] <r00t4rd3d> nothing.
[01:37:52] <r00t4rd3d> a place to waste time
[01:38:08] <Tom_L> i try not to do that
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[01:38:53] <r00t4rd3d> count?
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[01:40:27] <Tom_L> done
[01:40:35] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[01:40:51] <Tom_L> error: no such partition
[01:40:53] <r00t4rd3d> watch it still crash
[01:41:26] <r00t4rd3d> hmm
[01:41:35] <r00t4rd3d> is the drive formatted?
[01:41:44] <r00t4rd3d> or atleast partitioned
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[01:42:18] <Tom_L> it's doing something
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[01:42:31] <Tom_L> auto boot in 3 sec
[01:42:39] <Tom_L> then it starts counting over
[01:42:59] <Tom_L> doesn't boot
[01:43:17] <Tom_L> but runs the unetbootin splash screen
[01:43:20] <r00t4rd3d> are you choosing to enter the boot menu when the computer starts up?
[01:43:33] <Tom_L> i think so
[01:43:44] <Tom_L> i told it to boot from usb
[01:43:57] <r00t4rd3d> you see like f2 setup . f3 for boot menu/list
[01:43:59] <jdh> connor: where did you find 1/4-28 set screws?
[01:44:12] <Tom_L> no
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[01:44:28] <Tom_L> it goes to the usb and runs unetbootin
[01:44:33] <r00t4rd3d> you see a via splash screen when your computer starts?
[01:44:43] <Tom_L> with a count down then starts the count down again
[01:44:54] <Tom_L> and says hit tab for options
[01:45:02] <r00t4rd3d> so hit tab
[01:45:06] <Tom_L> i did
[01:45:22] <r00t4rd3d> boot menu?
[01:45:35] <Tom_L> �/ubnkern initrd=/uninit
[01:45:59] <Tom_L> �/ubnkern initrd=/ubninit
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[01:46:12] <Tom_L> that's it
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[01:46:56] <r00t4rd3d> when you hit tab , what does the screen say
[01:47:00] <atom1> let's try making it again
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[01:49:06] <atom1> where's that checksum thing to test the iso?
[01:49:53] <r00t4rd3d> i see why it dont work
[01:50:08] <Jymmm> md5sum
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[01:53:51] <Tom_L> so why doesn't it work?
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[01:58:54] <atom1> the iso checksum should match what the website says right?
[01:59:25] <atom1> i did md5sum on the file and they don't match
[01:59:50] <jdh> I had a bad 10.04 download a few months ago
[01:59:51] <atom1> the only site i see to get it from is the mirror site, the main link to it is 'forbidden'
[02:00:12] <atom1> i'll try the mirror once more
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[02:14:29] <atom1> ok, good checksum this time
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[02:22:32] <jdh> wsjr: quit
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[02:24:24] * Tom_L sets mode +b *!*[email protected]
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[02:24:43] <Tom_L> simple fix
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[02:27:28] * r00t4rd3d sets mode +b *!*@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812
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[02:30:17] <Tom_L> ok the usb won
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[02:30:21] <Tom_L> t boot now
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[02:34:08] <Tom_L> ok the cd appears to be working now
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[02:55:31] <r00t4rd3d> WTF gmail......
[03:00:10] <toastydeath> ?
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[03:14:34] <r00t4rd3d> it was giving me issues
[03:17:00] <Connor> jdh I'm not even sure if I used 1/4-28 set screws.. I may have used metric ones.. I got them from HomeDepot
[03:17:40] <Tom_L> now the damn install locked up at 52% copying files
[03:18:12] <r00t4rd3d> why you trying to use that old thing anyway
[03:18:26] <Tom_L> just to see if it will
[03:18:57] <jdh> I have some 1/4-28 SHCS that work, but they aren't as pretty.
[03:19:11] <jdh> I made my blocks .5 thick also (had .5x.5 stock)
[03:20:22] <Connor> Cool.
[03:20:29] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/06R2y.jpg
[03:20:32] <r00t4rd3d> first thought?
[03:20:37] <Connor> Uggly?
[03:20:38] <Connor> :)
[03:20:41] <jdh> gay?
[03:20:44] <r00t4rd3d> ya
[03:21:45] <r00t4rd3d> The Silly Seas
[03:25:23] <r00t4rd3d> Attention all hands, I need a seaman to the poop deck.
[03:25:33] * jdh looks at r00t.
[03:26:29] <Connor> r00t4rd3d: Dude, Really?
[03:26:35] <Connor> *eye roll*
[03:27:44] <jdh> bad pic of my boat and kids from a few years ago: http://www.artichoke.org/SeaCat1.jpg
[03:29:31] <jdh> r00t: make me a logo/sign for a friend... A large, toothy great white type shark standing up in a childrens play pen.
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[03:46:34] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/M9fPH.jpg
[03:47:32] <jdh> cool! the shark needs to be sharkier
[03:48:09] <Tom_L> ok it's doing a little better with the usb boot
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[03:48:24] <Tom_L> at least it got past the 52% mark
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[03:56:49] <r00t4rd3d> are the winter special games this winter?
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[03:57:41] <r00t4rd3d> 2014, good
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[03:58:22] <Tom_L> it might actually make it this time
[03:58:31] <Tom_L> 98%
[03:58:42] <r00t4rd3d> 99%
[03:58:45] <r00t4rd3d> crash!
[03:58:49] <Tom_L> gawd that's an ugly bird
[03:58:51] <Tom_L> 100
[03:59:42] <jdh> r00t: I was looking for a straight on view of the play pen, with the shark standing in the middle, fins on either side, leaning over, vicious teeth.
[03:59:51] <jdh> but, I have zero or less artistic ability.
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[04:00:29] <jdh> (guys' boat name is 'play penn' and he does lots of shark tooth diving)
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[04:04:32] <r00t4rd3d> im not that good
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[04:07:02] <jdh> well, your pic was better than anything I could do... but I don't think I can cut that.
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[04:28:09] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/TUkxO.png
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[04:34:32] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/msXVz.jpg
[04:37:57] <r00t4rd3d> looks much better in Microcarve.
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[06:37:48] <pingufan> Good morning from Austria.
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[06:38:11] <pingufan> I have a question on AXIS 2.5.1.
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[06:39:59] <pingufan> It happened meanwhile 5 times that the GUI didn't respond to any mouse click after running a milling job. Surprisingly is: When I press Ctrl+Alt+ESC and then click the AXIS window (that would kill it in KDE), it remains on the screen and can be operated again!
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[06:40:09] <pingufan> Any idea how to fix this?
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[06:45:37] <pingufan> The other thing I noticed (and that urely can be configured) is: I installed "devilspie" and it automatically maximizes the AXIS Window on start. Works great, but then I have the lower half of it showing the program code and only the upper half shows the display. Every time I have to re-adjust the separation because I want to see only ~10 lines of code and use most of the screen for the graphical display. Can I save this setup`
[06:45:40] <pingufan> ?
[06:46:43] <pingufan> I can show screenshots of as-is and how-it-should-look for better understanding, if required.
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[06:47:26] <pingufan> But except of that, 2.5.1 is really good. :)
[06:49:34] <pingufan> Can some guru help me, please?
[06:50:08] <pingufan> (this exceeds my knowledge)
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[09:28:46] <pingufan> Can someone help me with fine-tuning the AXIS GUI? (AXIS 2.5.1)
[09:29:35] <pingufan> I have no idea where to configure that the programcode section is only 10 lines on startup.
[09:29:43] <pingufan> Is someone can help, please?
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[09:52:07] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[09:53:22] <archivist> wsjr, needs to fix his connection
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[10:15:42] <pingufan> Mornin'
[10:15:55] <pingufan> How are you?
[10:16:46] <pingufan> Can one of you, please, help me with my issues?
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[10:19:30] <pingufan> what the hell is wsjr doing with his Internet connection?
[10:20:39] <archivist> nothing probably, just a stupid broken wifi connection likely
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[10:21:05] <pingufan> He should kick out his WLAN components.
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[10:22:06] <pingufan> archivist: Is the AXIS GUI configurable? I want to limit the number of code lines to ~10 lines, everything above should be for display.
[10:22:32] <archivist> the code is open source, do as you wish
[10:22:43] <pingufan> Currently the lower half is used for code lines when I maximize the AXIS window.
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[10:23:15] <pingufan> I actually meant 1-2 lines in a config file, no re-compilation of everything
[10:23:45] <archivist> not that I know of, fix the source if you want that
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[10:29:49] <pingufan> Ok. Thank you. Do you have an idea why it happens from time to time that AXIS froze after a milling job? Ctrl+Alt+Esc and clicking then AXIS makes wit working again.
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[10:51:53] <jthornton> darn he left before I could tell him how to do it
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[11:34:21] <r00t4rd3d> what could have been
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[11:44:37] <jthornton> anyone here use Gscreen yet?
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[11:55:38] <r00t4rd3d> was that
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[12:49:42] <Tom_itx> jthornton doesn't it kinda defeat the purpose of a portable pc?
[12:49:50] <Tom_itx> back to a 'lugable'
[12:50:01] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: ?
[12:50:12] <Tom_itx> http://www.gscreenlaptop.com/
[12:50:21] <Tom_itx> that what you were referring to?
[12:50:47] <JT-Shop> no, the linuxcnc GUI done in Gtk Glade Python
[12:51:19] <Tom_itx> i guess everyone want's to capture the "G" word nowdays
[12:51:32] <JT-Shop> lol
[12:51:54] <Tom_itx> i got 8.04 installed finally but didn't test it
[12:52:02] <JT-Shop> cool
[12:52:06] <Tom_itx> from a USB boot
[12:52:14] <Tom_itx> cd kept hanging on install
[12:52:33] <Tom_itx> i'll update it to 2.5 today sometime then try it out
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[12:54:36] <Tom_itx> you're determined to get glade aren't you?
[12:54:59] <JT-Shop> I think I have the basics down now
[12:55:24] <Tom_itx> i wouldn't mind trying it if i ever catch up here
[12:55:28] <r00t4rd3d> whats the most popular gui replacement atm?
[12:55:31] <JT-Shop> ever see a lathe that used a dremel for the spindle?
[12:55:44] <Tom_itx> not sure i'd want to
[12:55:48] <Tom_itx> pretty weak
[12:56:01] <JT-Shop> come on it's fun to look http://vanda-layindustries.com/html/mill_accessories.html
[12:56:07] <archivist> I have turned in one :)
[12:56:08] <JT-Shop> get a good laugh anyway
[12:56:44] <JT-Shop> aren't the spindle bearings kinda loose on a dremel?
[12:56:54] <Tom_itx> yes
[12:56:59] <Jymmm> kinda?! HA
[12:57:13] <JT-Shop> and it goes kinda fast for turning?
[12:57:29] <Jymmm> variab;e speed
[12:57:32] <Tom_itx> a needham grinder with a flexcable would even be better
[12:58:24] <r00t4rd3d> for some stuff that would be cool
[12:58:32] <r00t4rd3d> pens, pipes, etc
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[13:00:06] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: kinda scarry being direct drive and using a dremel
[13:01:14] <jdh> that little mill is kind of cool looking. If you could get a spindle with less runout than a dremel.
[13:01:38] <r00t4rd3d> http://vanda-layindustries.com/html/hold-it_plus_jr_.html
[13:01:47] <Jymmm> I was thinking it was going to be belt driven by a dremel motor
[13:01:50] <r00t4rd3d> cheap dremel mount
[13:02:23] <r00t4rd3d> http://vanda-layindustries.com/html/the_hog_sander.html
[13:02:25] <r00t4rd3d> !!!
[13:02:35] <JT-Shop> same place as my link
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[13:08:57] <Jymmm> That's a hell of a lot of materials to be shipping to the frickin mountains. especially in the winter as that area is a ski resort.
[13:09:36] <DaViruz> vandalay industries, isn't that from seinfeld?
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[13:10:12] <Jymmm> says RUNNING SPRINGS,CALIFORNIA
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[14:17:07] <r00t4rd3d> http://imgur.com/a/X1glW
[14:17:40] <r00t4rd3d> not sure what olympic sport that is.
[14:19:51] <jdh> butt, you are signing up for it?
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[14:35:22] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=79e_1343769139
[14:35:39] <r00t4rd3d> seasoned rider
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[14:44:49] <jdh> how fast do you turn a reamer for mild steel?
[14:45:35] <cradek> slooow, 50 sfm
[14:47:08] <jdh> can you use adjustable reamers under power? Seems like they would be hard to accurately size?
[14:47:50] <cradek> I have never used the adjustable ones
[14:48:11] <cradek> the whole point is to get the right size hole, which seems hard with an adjustable one :-)
[14:49:57] <JT-Shop> jdh I run reamers 1/2 the RPM and 2x the Feed of the drill I used to predrill the hole
[14:51:01] <cradek> yes I agree, you want to feed pretty heavy, but slow speed or it bounces around in the hole
[14:51:51] <JT-Shop> yep
[14:51:52] <cradek> and make sure if you're using a drill chuck that it's a good one, and use as much stickout as possible
[14:52:06] <cradek> reamers are long for a reason
[14:55:04] <jdh> someday, perhaps, I'll find something I want to make that doesn't require buying something else first.
[14:55:23] <archivist> often long to align holes
[14:56:15] <cradek> yes but also to let it follow the hole, not the drill chuck
[14:56:21] <Jymmm> jdh: I was going to suggest a casket, but you still need to buy a holes in the ground.
[14:56:27] <Jymmm> -s
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[15:15:05] <r00t4rd3d> jdh http://i.imgur.com/NKkOj.jpg
[15:15:11] <r00t4rd3d> bored this fine morning :D
[15:18:01] <r00t4rd3d> that would be a good sticker
[15:24:13] <jdh> that is pretty cool!
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[15:41:05] <jdh> can you add another N on the end?
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[15:55:26] <Jymmm> Anyone know what burns hotter than 190 proof denatured alcohol?
[15:56:14] <jdh> magnesium
[15:58:17] <cpresser> Hydrogen
[16:00:32] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:00:33] <jdh> mapp, propane, acetylene
[16:00:40] <cradek> fred phelps's blackened heart
[16:01:11] <r00t4rd3d> a crackheads lower lip
[16:04:59] <Jymmm> jdh: any non-gas?
[16:05:38] <Jymmm> magnesium is a lil too hot
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[16:06:41] <jdh> bubble o2 through whatever liquid fuel you like?
[16:06:47] <JT-Shop> charcoal + sulfur + saltpeter
[16:06:54] <jdh> doubt anything burns cleaner than alcohol though
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[16:07:21] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: gun powder hhuh.
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[16:07:57] <JT-Shop> hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene + nitrous oxide
[16:08:09] <Jymmm> jdh: it doens't have to burn cleaner, just hotter. But if alcohol is basically the hottest common fuel, that' ll work. just checking is all
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[16:08:50] <skunkworks> there
[16:08:54] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: No, I dont need to be mucking with rocket fuel tyvm =)
[16:09:07] <JT-Shop> but it is safe and clean burning
[16:10:02] <Jymmm> who said anything about safe? or needing it to be clean burning?
[16:10:16] <Jymmm> I wonder if charcoal is hotter than DNA?
[16:11:32] <jdh> charcoal woudl require a more complicated transport mechanism
[16:11:49] <Jymmm> charcoal burns at up to 2700F
[16:14:30] <Jymmm> And DNA burns around 1650F
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[16:19:05] <Jymmm> Interesting diesel burns hotter
[16:19:48] <jdh> I woudl imagine you could easily get a factor of 2 in all of them based on fuel aerosolization(?) and o2 content
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[16:20:57] <Jymmm> https://gist.github.com/cad7df6bc37cfd4e8504
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[16:22:03] <Jymmm> jdh: Needs to be liquid state. This is just to do a "worse case scenario" test.
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[16:22:30] <jdh> but, the liquid doesn't burn.
[16:22:53] <Jymmm> It may not, but the fuel still needs to be.
[16:23:57] <Jymmm> I'm not sure I'm surprised that even gasoline burns hotter than DNA.
[16:24:06] <Jymmm> ^why
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[16:35:12] <L84Supper> do they still have questions like that on tests in school? Questions that you're to assume what environmental conditions they are asking them under.
[16:35:37] <jdh> if it isn't stated, it is STP/wtf
[16:40:24] <Tom_itx> http://www.publicsurplus.com/sms/auction/view?auc=757791
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[16:46:35] <L84Supper> DynaMyte 3000 ? it sounds made up
[16:47:45] <alex4nder> jdh: haha
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[17:01:40] <IchGuckLive> Hi all
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[18:17:19] <taiden> are there any quirks to resuming a toolpath after a hardware crash?
[18:17:29] <taiden> i can't seem to get this thing to line up
[18:21:10] <skunkworks> do you have home switches?
[18:21:53] <taiden> yes that isn't the problem though
[18:22:07] <taiden> when i try to resume from where i left off, right before a subroutine call
[18:22:11] <taiden> it just doesn't do anything or
[18:22:17] <taiden> cuts 2" above where it should be
[18:22:22] <taiden> even though everything is lined up
[18:22:31] <taiden> and if i try to clear g92 offsets with g92.1 in mdi
[18:22:41] <taiden> and then use the touch off tool
[18:22:44] <taiden> i get strange offsets like
[18:22:56] <taiden> if i set a location to z0.5 it reads z1.812
[18:22:59] <taiden> on DRO
[18:30:36] <taiden> when i resume
[18:30:46] <taiden> the code has a g0 z0.5
[18:30:59] <taiden> and it goes to z1.829
[18:31:01] <taiden> instead
[18:31:07] <taiden> and if i can solve why that happens
[18:31:18] <taiden> then i can resume the code without issue
[18:34:27] <cradek> check out http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/User_Concepts.html#_when_you_8217_re_lost
[18:35:39] <taiden> it seems like linuxcnc is trying to grab previous info in order to continue
[18:35:52] <taiden> i just need it to continue exactly from the line without considering anything previous
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[18:38:07] <taiden> alright this really pinkles my wrenis
[18:38:12] <taiden> it's at z0.5
[18:38:25] <taiden> code calls for g0 z0.5
[18:38:57] <taiden> it raises to z1.13
[18:39:02] <cradek> oh you've hit the nail on the head. it does re-run the program from the beginning.
[18:39:04] <taiden> and then does exactly what i need it to do
[18:39:17] <taiden> i'm grabbing the line i need and then clicking on "run from here"
[18:39:44] <cradek> yes, it starts from the beginning in that case, and starts executing when it gets to your requested spot.
[18:39:58] <cradek> you could edit your program and remove the unwanted stuff before that line.
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[18:41:46] <taiden> problem is this happens a lot
[18:41:53] <taiden> because my computer crashes all the time
[18:42:01] <cradek> yuck. you should fix that.
[18:42:11] <taiden> i dont know what to do
[18:42:15] <taiden> and i can't afford another computer right now
[18:42:18] <taiden> it just randomly shuts off
[18:42:21] <taiden> i replaced the power supply
[18:42:36] <cradek> often that's a heat problem
[18:42:42] <taiden> i cleared it all out
[18:42:46] <cradek> is your cpu fan spinning and the heat sink clean?
[18:42:49] <taiden> motherboard reports happy heat situation
[18:42:54] <taiden> 45c at load
[18:42:54] <cradek> :-(
[18:43:06] <cradek> capacitors bulging?
[18:43:12] <taiden> not sure how to check that
[18:43:16] <cradek> eyeball
[18:43:32] <taiden> if i smack the case in frustration i lose video signal
[18:43:38] <taiden> which i just discovered five minutes ago haha
[18:43:52] <cradek> domed or split tops, sometimes oozing goop
[18:44:21] <taiden> the thing is it's totally random
[18:44:32] <taiden> i started it up and ran this program for about 15 minutes and it crashed
[18:44:43] <taiden> i've spent an hour trying to get it to work again and no crash
[18:44:57] <taiden> I just want to resume it withotu having to edit my program every single time :(
[18:45:31] <cradek> sounds like if you get your offsets and tool length set how they were before, it'll be fine
[18:45:47] <taiden> i do
[18:45:54] <taiden> i get it exactly where it needs to be
[18:46:04] <taiden> clear all offsets, make sure im in the right coordinate system
[18:46:15] <taiden> set g54 Z to where it needs to be
[18:46:22] <cradek> it's hard for me to guess what is wrong if I don't know your whole workflow and how you use offsets :-/
[18:46:24] <taiden> and then it arbitrarily adds 0.62
[18:46:31] <taiden> to z
[18:46:45] <cradek> well that's not arbitrary, you just haven't figured out where it comes from yet
[18:46:52] <taiden> fair enough
[18:47:08] <taiden> it would be insane for me to show you because i have like four different subroutine files that this one fixture file pulls from
[18:47:29] <taiden> the subroutine files do not use any coordinate systems or offsets
[18:47:34] <cradek> yuck, that can make it very hard
[18:47:50] <taiden> i had to do it because otherwise it would be insane to try to make changes in the future
[18:47:55] <taiden> i dont use CAM
[18:48:10] <cradek> yeah, you pick your poison, unfortunately
[18:48:16] <taiden> yes
[18:48:29] <taiden> the toolpath works extremely well except i just can't force it to resume withotu trying to be smart about everything previous
[18:48:29] <cradek> straight-line code is easier to deal with for restarts, but hard to understand and edit
[18:49:07] <cradek> did you go through the "if you're lost" url I pasted earlier, to make sure you are thinking about each of the available offsets?
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[18:58:37] <andypugh> Which olympic athlete are you? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19050139
[18:58:53] <andypugh> I seem to be a female handball player or male wrestler. Odd.
[19:00:11] <cradek> ha, yeah like my 190lb is anything like a british water polo player's 190lb
[19:00:21] <jdh> my 190lb is
[19:00:29] <cradek> ... who's a decade younger than me
[19:00:29] <jdh> it's the other 50lb that isn'
[19:00:34] <cradek> hahaha
[19:01:11] <cradek> although, he and I have the same number of olympic medals
[19:02:04] <andypugh> It seems very likely to stay that way, unless they bring in olympic CNC.
[19:03:26] <jdh> then, they can have pairs synchronized cnc'ing
[19:04:02] <skunkworks> both of my matches are in judo....
[19:04:23] <Thetawaves> i wouldn't mind watching the olympics of CNC
[19:04:44] <Thetawaves> what machine can turn down this 5 inch titanium bar in the least amount of time!?
[19:04:54] <skunkworks> forward and reverse kins competition...
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[19:10:32] <andypugh> Well, I have seen chainsaw racing (on TV) so it might happen one day
[19:13:02] <jdh> chainsaw juggling on trampolines.
[19:13:26] <djdelorie> trampoline juggling
[19:16:18] <syyl_> hrm
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[19:16:46] <syyl_> if you find at the end of a workday a hand full of alumium chips in your pocket..
[19:16:49] <syyl_> ..it was a good day
[19:17:12] <andypugh> syyl_: Are you the chap with Deckels?
[19:17:20] <syyl_> :D
[19:17:27] <syyl_> yeah
[19:17:43] <syyl_> one at home, three at work
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[19:18:03] <andypugh> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Deckel-Alexander-Slotting-Head-/370635867470
[19:18:45] <syyl_> thats a nice piece
[19:19:17] <syyl_> makes the fp1 a even more universal machine..
[19:19:27] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game/
[19:19:42] <andypugh> I can probably find someone local to collect.
[19:20:09] <syyl_> but it doesnt fit my private deckel.. :/
[19:21:03] <andypugh> It looks like is might fit my Harrison, but would just sit there not connected to any drive mechanism :-)
[19:21:29] <syyl_> it can be modified to be driven its own motor
[19:21:42] <syyl_> but thats some work
[19:22:35] <syyl_> and i tell you
[19:22:40] <syyl_> ebay is pure evil!
[19:22:51] <syyl_> it makes you spend money for stuff you need once a year
[19:23:33] <andypugh> That often?
[19:23:39] <syyl_> ;)
[19:24:12] <syyl_> the slotting head would be such an object
[19:24:34] <syyl_> especially because i own a shaper...
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[19:25:57] <archivist> sexeh...but I only use my keyway broaches every three or four years do that would rest for a very long time here
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[19:26:27] <syyl_> i do my broaching on the shaper
[19:26:29] <syyl_> ;)
[19:27:10] <syyl_> ok, not broaching
[19:27:19] <syyl_> i do my keyways on the shaper
[19:27:59] <archivist> andypugh, I have thought of another way of adding encoding to my hobbing head that you could use too, add a helical gear to mesh with the spiral bevel at an angle with a normal encoder mounted on the cover
[19:28:38] <archivist> adds an error term but may well be averaged out
[19:28:38] <andypugh> A bit late now, it's all done.
[19:28:45] <andypugh> 84 countes per rev.
[19:30:21] <archivist> my spiral is 36 teeth and I have a little 96 slot a b z encoder I can sneak in
[19:31:45] -!- frallzor [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:31:51] <frallzor> ahoyhoy
[19:32:04] -!- taiden [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:32:12] <taiden> well that was a nightmare
[19:32:17] <taiden> looks like my computer finally kicked it
[19:32:48] <frallzor> I like summer time
[19:32:55] <frallzor> makes it possible to do this http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/7398/img4250g.jpg http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1540/img4246u.jpg
[19:33:20] <syyl_> no paintdust in the shop? ;)
[19:33:30] <frallzor> painted outside =)
[19:33:32] <frallzor> hung inside
[19:33:51] <frallzor> outside until sticky free
[19:33:55] <frallzor> then inside with em =)
[19:34:21] <taiden> is there an alternative to the D525MW
[19:34:23] <taiden> ?
[19:34:44] <jdh> doesn't seem to be anything
[19:34:54] <jdh> in the style/price range anyway
[19:35:54] <archivist> taiden, I experiment with old cast off pcs till I get one with a low enough latency
[19:36:06] <taiden> yeah
[19:36:10] <taiden> i seem to be paying for that right now
[19:36:18] <taiden> i have two socket a computers here and neither of them work
[19:36:33] <taiden> i need something reliable and replaceable and repeatable
[19:36:52] <taiden> a 30 minute job just turned into a 4 day job because of my old pc method
[19:37:09] <taiden> :P
[19:37:20] <archivist> shit happens :(
[19:37:55] <archivist> frallzor, you are not the only one painting :) http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/DJCPD/PD/2012/2012_07_25_Barber_Colman/IMG_1272.JPG
[19:38:10] <cradek> none of the consumer PC world is reliable/replaceable/repeatable
[19:39:11] <taiden> well sure but there's always bad good better best
[19:40:56] <cradek> do you have a place that has old PCs? We have a goodwill that's just electronics here. You could take a livecd and test them until you find a good one.
[19:41:33] <cradek> I think they're all $40 each there (full machine with a stupid windows license)
[19:41:34] <frallzor> archivist fancy =)
[19:41:34] <jdh> that would be cool
[19:41:37] <jdh> how much are they?
[19:42:01] <cradek> it's either $39 or $49, I don't remember for sure
[19:42:02] <taiden> not that i am familiar with
[19:42:13] <taiden> looks like the D525MW is officially backordered
[19:42:15] <taiden> at most places
[19:42:20] <cradek> most of that's probably for the windows license :-/
[19:42:34] <archivist> frallzor, restoring a hobbing machine, and very likely to make it cnc
[19:42:41] <frallzor> cool
[19:42:45] <jdh> taiden: amazon had them this morning.
[19:42:49] <frallzor> im painting my quadbuild =P
[19:43:22] <taiden> problem is i need it yesterday
[19:43:32] -!- Cylly2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:43:33] <taiden> there used to be an amazon prime vendor with them but not anymore
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[19:45:20] <jdh> I almost ordered one this morning, then decided I wanted some reamers instead, then I started looking at metal stock.
[19:54:33] <JT-Shop> http://linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/component/kunena/?func=view&catid=27&id=22656#22656
[19:58:48] <taiden> ?
[19:59:37] -!- vladimirek has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[20:00:00] -!- Keknom [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:00:56] <taiden> whats the purpose of an i/o card?
[20:02:06] <archivist> input and output
[20:04:24] -!- Diony [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:04:30] <Diony> Hi all
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[20:04:36] <taiden> archivist: well yeah :P
[20:04:45] <taiden> does it forego software stepping?
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[20:06:19] <jdh> it seems to be an RT ethernet card
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[20:12:08] <Diony> Is it possible to use parameter to define axis selection? For example I want to do something like "g0 #<axis> #<value>" where "#<axis> = Z" and "#<value>=10".
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[20:14:18] <archivist> Diony, you can choose whether a line is used or not so branch over one or the other
[20:15:59] <Diony> So I need to the test #<axis> value in conditionnal structure (if) and duplicate code?
[20:16:20] <Diony> No other ways?
[20:18:04] <archivist> other ways may be less sensible
[20:18:55] <jdh> generate the final code from a script
[20:19:00] <jdh> use m4!
[20:20:18] -!- phantoneD [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:20:51] <archivist> using a port to switch the axis connections, making a hal comp etc
[20:21:09] <Diony> The idea is writing a subroutine (o call) with parameter for probing purpose. One of this parameter is the axis onlong the probe will be done.
[20:21:18] <Diony> Ok I understand the idea
[20:21:36] <Diony> I will continue with "if" ;)
[20:21:59] <archivist> I think there is an example of a probing routine somewhere
[20:22:09] <Diony> and use copy-paste
[20:22:56] -!- phantoxeD has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[20:23:11] <Diony> It's not a big deal to write the gcode for this
[20:24:03] <Diony> I just want to know if there is a efficient way than using "if" structure.
[20:24:17] <Diony> But I get my answer
[20:24:23] <Diony> Thank you archivist
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[21:00:25] <taide1> alright so
[21:00:38] <taide1> my computer is working now
[21:00:44] <taide1> let's cross fingers that it makes it through this run haha
[21:02:57] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[21:28:07] <r00t-Shed> woot 2 down payments :D
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[21:34:08] <andypugh> Second attempt: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/wE4cF0uBYu-pY5vFeuI00tMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink and https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/xLQQyKpGjW-i3pr9W9F89NMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink and https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/zH4KytVy-QaXID3OzoUXeNMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[21:34:50] <taide1> hey guys
[21:34:58] <taide1> im getting problems with lost steps at low speeds with my gecko g540
[21:35:12] <taide1> any suggestions of where to start?
[21:35:23] <andypugh> Slipping or stalling?
[21:35:29] <taide1> stalling
[21:35:34] <andypugh> Under load or at high speed?
[21:35:40] <Jymmm> andypugh: what are you attempting to do?
[21:35:43] <taide1> only low speeds
[21:35:49] <taide1> and it seem sonly on my z axis
[21:35:49] <andypugh> Jymmm: Spindle encoder
[21:35:56] <Jymmm> andypugh: ah
[21:36:15] <andypugh> taide1: The motor/driver might just not be strong enough
[21:36:40] <taide1> hmm
[21:36:49] <taide1> i suppose that could be the case
[21:36:53] <JT-Shop> what voltage are you using?
[21:36:54] <taide1> they are 381ozin keling motors
[21:36:57] <taide1> 49v
[21:37:07] <taide1> it's very definite
[21:37:12] <JT-Shop> IIRC that is max for the 540
[21:37:12] <taide1> even no load
[21:37:16] <andypugh> Direct drive?
[21:37:25] <taide1> below 10 ipm it seems to skip all steps
[21:37:44] <taide1> it's 3/8 12 two start acme
[21:37:45] <andypugh> Ah, hmm, that's strange
[21:37:47] <taide1> delrin nuts
[21:37:57] <andypugh> So, it will move fast but not slow?
[21:38:00] <taide1> yeah
[21:38:11] <taide1> sorry the z is 1 start
[21:38:14] <taide1> will move 90 ipm no problem
[21:38:19] <taide1> 10 ipm no problem
[21:38:19] <andypugh> Congratulations. That's a new one.
[21:38:21] <taide1> 5ipm no can do
[21:38:38] <andypugh> 8-wire motor?
[21:38:41] <taide1> i can do 90 ipm runs over and over without any loss in accuracy
[21:38:42] <taide1> 4 wire
[21:39:07] <taide1> yep it's doing it right now
[21:39:09] <Jymmm> Call Mariss and ask =)
[21:39:13] <taide1> helical interpolation down
[21:39:19] <taide1> z moves on DRO
[21:39:23] <taide1> completely still in real life
[21:39:38] <andypugh> Talk to gecko, that sounds like a bust drive.
[21:39:53] <taide1> things can never go as planned can they? :P
[21:40:26] <taide1> im going to give my gecko a rest and see what happens in 10 min
[21:40:28] <andypugh> It might be that the switch from microstepping to full stepping is only working in full-step mode
[21:40:33] <r00t-Shed> i wish i could do 90ipm and not 5.
[21:40:38] <Jymmm> taide1: Mariss is a really nice guy to talk with, I'm sure he could provide some insight for you.
[21:40:50] <taide1> who is mariss?
[21:40:53] <andypugh> Yeahm 90ipm sounds like a monster axsi.
[21:41:05] <Jymmm> taide1: The head Cheese at Gecko Drive
[21:41:10] <taide1> my x and y is 180 ipm :P
[21:41:29] <taide1> hmmm head cheese
[21:42:17] <Jymmm> Hell, he mihgt be the one answering the phone if he's not too busy.
[21:42:19] <taide1> would overheating cause an issue liek this do you think?
[21:42:28] <taide1> of the g540
[21:42:33] <Jymmm> do youhave heat sinks?
[21:42:37] <taide1> none
[21:42:43] <taide1> it's in open air but it gets real dusty
[21:42:49] <Jymmm> is it hot to the touch? both sides?
[21:42:55] <taide1> it is yes but
[21:43:00] <taide1> not so i can't hold it
[21:43:14] <Jymmm> Well, heat sink it and find out
[21:43:30] <taide1> is there one that people prefer to use?
[21:43:39] <Jymmm> grab a fan as a test
[21:43:41] <taide1> i live in a place that doesn't really have computer stores where i can just go get one
[21:43:52] <taide1> so i will have to order
[21:44:06] <Jymmm> taide1: Not PC fan, $15 20' box fan
[21:44:11] <Jymmm> 20"
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[21:44:17] <Jymmm> it's just a test
[21:44:20] <taide1> id rather have the 20 footer haha
[21:44:35] <andypugh> I would say talk to Gecko, this is a _really_ unusual problem for a stepper. Either they will recognise it immediately or want to know how it is possible.
[21:44:56] <Jymmm> andypugh: it may not be if it's not heatsinked
[21:45:16] <Jymmm> taide1: you dont have a desk/floor fan right now as a test?
[21:45:46] <Jymmm> Raise the drives up so air can flow underneith
[21:45:48] <r00t-Shed> just blow on it
[21:46:16] <r00t-Shed> :o
[21:47:52] <JT-Shop> taide1: did you set the morphing point on each axis?
[21:48:57] <JT-Shop> andypugh: they don't switch but rather a smooth transition from 10 micro to full step
[21:49:36] <Tom_itx> i can't tell when they do or don't on mine
[21:49:39] <Tom_itx> can you hear it?
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[22:04:54] <taiden> alright well
[22:05:05] <taiden> gecko claims that the setup is software related
[22:05:12] <taiden> rather the problem is **
[22:05:50] <taiden> just got off the phone with them
[22:05:54] <taiden> a guy named marcus i believe
[22:05:57] <Jymmm> Who?
[22:06:01] <Jymmm> ah
[22:06:08] <taiden> maybe it was mariss?
[22:06:28] <Jymmm> what did he say specificlly?
[22:06:37] <taiden> i told him what was happening
[22:06:38] <taiden> and he said
[22:06:43] <andypugh> I am not sure how it can be software
[22:06:43] <taiden> that there is no way for the gecko to lose steps
[22:06:49] <taiden> that it's something before or after the gecko
[22:07:13] <taiden> he seemed to think it was something software specific
[22:07:34] <Jymmm> Well, I'd still try the fan, it's the easiest thing to test right now
[22:07:41] <taiden> I'll give that a go
[22:07:42] <andypugh> Well, Halscope might tell you if you are actually creating steps.
[22:07:43] <Jymmm> KISS
[22:08:06] <taiden> heat does make sense
[22:08:08] <taiden> because
[22:08:21] <taiden> in the morning it did that same subroutine four times without any error, and has done so many times in the past
[22:08:29] <andypugh> Hmm, I wonder if perhaps there is a Charge Pump problem, and the steps are somehow making it work?
[22:08:38] <Jymmm> taide1: Quit talking and go grab a fan!
[22:08:40] <taiden> LOL
[22:08:47] <taiden> i think the charge pump is turned off right now?
[22:08:48] <andypugh> Is this only a problem with one axis?
[22:09:09] <taiden> i'll go do a few tests right now
[22:09:10] <taiden> brb
[22:09:15] <taiden> but
[22:09:23] <Jymmm> no butts, GO!
[22:09:24] <taiden> typically it's z axis because it happens on helical interpolation
[22:09:31] <taiden> slow downward Z on a large radius
[22:09:32] -!- sendoushi [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:09:35] <taiden> IM GOING!
[22:09:40] * taiden is gone
[22:10:34] <Tom_itx> andypugh where do the wires dissappear to on your encoders?
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[22:10:59] * Jymmm sets mode: +GotFanYet taide1
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[22:11:04] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Which picture?
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[22:12:28] <Tom_itx> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/wE4cF0uBYu-pY5vFeuI00tMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[22:12:56] <andypugh> They go to the Lemo connector in the second and third pics
[22:13:41] <Tom_itx> oh i missed the 3rd one
[22:13:56] <Tom_itx> how's it work?
[22:14:07] <andypugh> Pretty well.
[22:14:21] <Tom_itx> you used the allegro sensor?
[22:14:30] <andypugh> Yes, looking at gears in the head
[22:15:00] <Tom_itx> does it drive ttl or did you need an amp for it?
[22:15:22] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:15:32] <andypugh> They go direct to pins on a Mesa card. Nothing in between at all.
[22:15:38] <Tom_itx> nice
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[22:23:02] -!- cmorley [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:23:20] <andypugh> Talking of Mesa cards, these are very convenient: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/discrete-wire-housing/6802329/ They plug discrete wires direct to headers, and you can easily move the pins around in the headers. The bundle of pink wires here https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/OT4lV-DVGZyqVXqP_pW2Q9MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink goes into to one.
[22:24:10] <Tom_itx> yeah i forgot what those were called though
[22:24:15] <Tom_itx> there's a series name for them
[22:24:33] <Tom_itx> i have the individual pins i put heatshrink over
[22:24:44] <Tom_itx> running low on housings
[22:25:16] <andypugh> You do need a teeny and unusual crimping too, though.
[22:25:32] <Tom_itx> i got a cheap one from RS
[22:25:36] <Tom_itx> works good on those
[22:25:47] <andypugh> Wel, it is entirely conventional apart from the teeniness
[22:25:51] <Tom_itx> C-grid maybe?
[22:25:53] <Tom_itx> something like that
[22:26:10] <Tom_itx> same as pc fan etc plugs
[22:26:41] <Tom_itx> yeah they're called C-Grid
[22:29:07] <Tom_itx> http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/90143-0010/WM8059-ND/760774
[22:30:13] <Tom_itx> i should get some more for my limit switches since they plug in the 2nd 7i43 header
[22:30:41] <andypugh> Anyway, my contribution to Mesa card development is on hold until I can get back into the file server.
[22:30:55] <andypugh> I got in last night by reinstalling Netatalk.
[22:30:55] <Tom_itx> did you get shut out?
[22:31:12] <andypugh> I mean the local one behind me.
[22:31:46] <andypugh> Which runs headless and keyboardless, and which I can still ssh and vnc into.
[22:31:47] <Tom_itx> i'm about to take this one down and put the other hdd in to try 8.04 on this via pc
[22:32:15] <Tom_itx> finally got it installed last night after 3 or 4 attempts
[22:32:41] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:32:43] -!- sendoushi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:33:07] <Tom_itx> yeah all my server has is an ethernet plug and power
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[22:34:47] <andypugh> This is odd: andypugh@DN2800:~$ sudo service netatalk restart
[22:34:48] <andypugh> Restarting Netatalk Daemons (this will take a while)Stopping Netatalk Daemons: afpd cnid_metad papd timelord atalkd.
[22:34:49] <andypugh> ..Starting Netatalk services (this will take a while): cnid_metad afpd.
[22:35:07] <andypugh> So, it was running more services than it was meant to?
[22:35:23] <Tom_L> no idea, i stumble along with linux
[22:36:24] <taide1> hey all
[22:36:26] <taide1> question:
[22:36:34] <andypugh> And I am in. Randomly. No idea what changed
[22:36:38] <taide1> can any of you get your drives to go less than F1 feed?
[22:36:58] <Tom_L> heh
[22:37:02] <JT-Shop> sure
[22:37:12] <Tom_L> taide1 why not?
[22:37:20] <taide1> mine works at f1
[22:37:24] <taide1> doesn't work less than f1
[22:37:30] <taide1> gecko is chilly
[22:37:35] <taide1> didn't know if it was integer only
[22:37:39] <Tom_L> i would have no reason to go less though
[22:37:55] <taide1> have you actually tried it?
[22:37:59] <Tom_L> no
[22:38:08] <taide1> give it a go if you dont mind
[22:38:13] <Tom_L> it would be like watching grass grow
[22:39:11] <JT-Shop> my plasma is humming along at F0.01 atm...
[22:39:29] <taide1> strange
[22:39:35] <Tom_itx> gimme a sec
[22:39:38] <JT-Shop> so it will take 40 hours to go 24"
[22:39:42] <taide1> haha
[22:39:48] <taide1> so what would cause my setup to not handle anything below f1?
[22:40:06] <DaViruz> wrong decimal delimiter?
[22:40:16] <taide1> .
[22:40:20] <DaViruz> that's the only thing it could be if 1 works but 0.99 doesnt
[22:40:25] <JT-Shop> anything including your machine
[22:40:27] <taide1> well DRO shows movement
[22:40:34] <taide1> stepper does zilch
[22:41:01] <DaViruz> some issue with timings then?
[22:41:15] <DaViruz> but the odds of it occuring at exactly F1 are astronomical
[22:41:17] <taide1> i just did a 2 inch movement at f1 and no missed steps
[22:41:39] <taide1> f0.999 works
[22:41:52] <taide1> f0.5 does nothing
[22:42:17] <Tom_itx> mine also works fine at F.01
[22:42:18] <andypugh> What does F0,5 do?
[22:42:50] <taide1> gives MDI error
[22:42:57] <taide1> "bad character ',' used"
[22:43:03] <JT-Shop> as expected
[22:43:05] <andypugh> That's what I expected, but it was worth testing.
[22:43:31] <Tom_itx> it's like listening to a watch ticking
[22:43:39] <JT-Shop> taide1: and this problem is only on your Z axis?
[22:43:40] <andypugh> You have a straightforward HAL, no float-to-int conversions?
[22:44:09] <DaViruz> maybe it misses steps due to microstepping being unable to overcome friction?
[22:44:27] <DaViruz> whereas the more aggressive acceleration at higher feeds are able to overcome it
[22:46:13] -!- Tom_itx has quit []
[22:46:50] <taide1> get this
[22:46:53] <JT-Shop> that doesn't sound right as 1/10 of a step should just work... unless the morphing point is not set properly and it morphs to full step at a low speed
[22:46:59] <taide1> over time
[22:47:06] <taide1> the minimum feed rate it will handle
[22:47:08] <taide1> increases
[22:47:10] <andypugh> I can see ways for it to be a bizarre motor wiring fault. I can see other ways for it to be a bizzarre signal wiring fault (at high enough frequency the steps get coupled-through capaitatively)
[22:47:11] <taide1> IE
[22:47:17] <taide1> 2 minutes ago it would do 0.77
[22:47:26] <taide1> one minute ago it would only do 0.82
[22:47:31] <taide1> and now it will only do 0.89
[22:47:38] <taide1> so
[22:47:40] <taide1> heat?
[22:48:00] <andypugh> The first test to do is to reconfigure HAL so that Z is on another driver, then swap the motor wiring so Z is on that driver, and see if the problem is still there. If it isn't then go back to Gecko.
[22:48:26] <taide1> is there a quick way to do this?
[22:48:32] <taide1> or is this a stepconf job
[22:48:38] * JT-Shop loves it when people ignore your questions
[22:48:53] <andypugh> Well, I could do it in 2mins with Gedit and ascrewdriver.
[22:48:57] <JT-Shop> just swap the plugs
[22:49:07] <taide1> sorry jt I missed it
[22:49:10] <taide1> not an ignore
[22:51:47] <taide1> when I do x axis at 0.02 it works
[22:51:50] <taide1> but it pulses
[22:52:16] <andypugh> It probably would
[22:52:16] <taide1> D-D-D-D-D-d-D-D-D-D-D-d-D-D-D-D-D-d-
[22:52:22] <taide1> i figure that's the 10th step though
[22:52:45] <taide1> maybe it would be worth 'calibrating' them again
[22:52:58] <taide1> each axis
[22:53:24] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.woodsolutions.com/planer-sander.htm
[22:53:32] <r00t4rd3d> check out the duplicator at the bottom
[22:53:37] <DaViruz> taide1: is the Z the same in both directions?
[22:53:48] <taide1> actually no
[22:54:07] <taide1> in the + direction it will handle a lower feed
[22:54:14] <taide1> but only by about 0.01 ipm
[22:54:19] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:58:01] -!- zzolo has quit [Quit: zzolo]
[22:59:05] <DaViruz> ok. hardly a mechanical problem then
[22:59:07] -!- psha has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[23:02:33] <JT-Shop> I assume the G540 steps on the rising edge like the 203v...
[23:02:54] <r00t4rd3d> im torn on what i should cut these peoples signs in, pine, oak plywood.... thoughts?
[23:03:02] <taide1> actually
[23:03:07] <JT-Shop> cedar
[23:03:16] <taide1> the trim pot for 'calibrating' each axis
[23:03:26] <r00t4rd3d> they have that at lowes/homedepot?
[23:03:31] <taide1> only hits the 'sweet spot' at the furthest end of travel
[23:03:36] <JT-Shop> the trim pot is for setting the morphing point
[23:03:39] <taide1> not in the middle, idk if this is typical
[23:03:54] <JT-Shop> did you not set it as per the instructions?
[23:04:00] <taide1> i had done this previously but decided to try again
[23:04:01] <jdh> are you going to paint or stain, or neither.
[23:04:05] <JT-Shop> there is no typical
[23:04:13] <taide1> okay
[23:04:26] <r00t4rd3d> stain my cuts then sand the top so the lettering stands out
[23:04:46] <JT-Shop> you set it for some rpm as stated in the manual and adjust for smooth running
[23:04:55] <r00t4rd3d> then poly or shlack it
[23:05:54] <JT-Shop> 203v ADJUST: This trimpot adjusts the motor for the smoothest possible low-speed operation. Set the motor speed to about 1/2 revolution per second and then turn the trimpot until a distinct null is noted in the motor�s vibration. This will result in the most even microstep placement for a given motor and power supply voltage.
[23:06:14] <taide1> yeah
[23:06:16] <JT-Shop> check the 540 manua
[23:06:17] <r00t4rd3d> jt why you say cedar, does it cut good? clean lines..
[23:06:18] <JT-Shop> l
[23:06:27] <JT-Shop> cause Ricky likes it
[23:06:37] <JT-Shop> it's easy to work
[23:06:37] <r00t4rd3d> who the fuck is ricky
[23:06:55] <JT-Shop> now I'll tell him you said that and he won't care
[23:07:06] <taide1> now my z wont even do f1
[23:07:23] <JT-Shop> it is the founding member of the cannoneer club
[23:07:32] <r00t4rd3d> I thought ricky was a fictitious character in your brains.
[23:07:45] <JT-Shop> nope
[23:07:54] <Tom_L> no he don't eat mushrooms like some
[23:08:02] <JT-Shop> LOL
[23:08:17] <r00t4rd3d> ill take a handful
[23:08:24] <Tom_L> no doubt
[23:09:02] <JT-Shop> the plasma has moved 0.300" so far since 17:39
[23:09:13] <taide1> LOL
[23:09:22] -!- tjb1 has quit [Quit: tjb1]
[23:09:35] <taide1> faster than some machines i've seen on youtube
[23:09:35] <r00t4rd3d> what are you cutting?
[23:09:43] <JT-Shop> air
[23:10:17] <JT-Shop> I think G1 X24.000 F0.01 was a bit far for a test from X0.000
[23:10:22] <r00t4rd3d> i can only achieve 12ipm
[23:10:33] <taide1> well that's
[23:10:39] <taide1> 1200 times faster than jt's plasma
[23:10:54] <JT-Shop> the plasma will go 500IPM
[23:10:56] <jdh> cedar is pretty coarse
[23:11:07] <Tom_L> ok updating to 2.5
[23:11:07] <jdh> but, it is pretty and smells good when you cut it.
[23:11:10] <Tom_L> cross your fingers
[23:11:13] <JT-Shop> yep
[23:11:22] <taide1> i suppose i could just hook up the fourth axis
[23:11:22] <r00t4rd3d> i wanna use pine just cause its soft, cuts and stains well.
[23:11:23] <taide1> to my z
[23:11:26] <taide1> and see if that 'fixes' it
[23:11:34] <JT-Shop> jdh: the customers didn't pick the wood
[23:11:48] <JT-Shop> ?
[23:12:01] <jdh> got me
[23:12:07] <r00t4rd3d> no they didnt
[23:12:27] <r00t4rd3d> i told them i would use whats best
[23:12:30] <jdh> good plywood might make interesting effects depending on depth
[23:12:41] <andypugh> I can't make Samba or AFP work. What's the Ubuntu-native networking protocol?
[23:12:59] <r00t4rd3d> ip
[23:13:43] <jdh> you can try nfs
[23:14:00] <r00t4rd3d> does remote desktop work?
[23:14:13] <r00t4rd3d> start with that
[23:14:50] <jdh> why rdp?
[23:15:15] <andypugh> yeah, ssh and vnc are fine, but not a way to share files.
[23:15:35] <r00t4rd3d> u can with ssh
[23:15:57] <JT-Shop> isn't samba normally what you use on ubuntu?
[23:16:10] <jdh> samba does smb/cifs
[23:16:38] <andypugh> I swapped to AFP because SMB wasn't working.
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[23:16:58] <jdh> from osx or windows?
[23:17:09] <andypugh> Like, I type in the password to connect, and the dialog shakes its head
[23:17:17] <r00t4rd3d> samba samba is a problem child
[23:17:24] <r00t4rd3d> #samba
[23:17:35] <jdh> did you do a smbpasswd?
[23:17:36] <andypugh> I had AFP working really nicely, but then it stopped working
[23:17:39] <r00t4rd3d> have you asked in there
[23:17:43] -!- frallzor has quit []
[23:17:57] <r00t4rd3d> changed your passwords or anything?
[23:18:00] <andypugh> smb authentication is "user"
[23:18:14] <r00t4rd3d> should it be root?
[23:18:22] <andypugh> No, I haven't changed my passwords since 1992
[23:18:24] <Tom_L> 8.04 won't see my USB drive
[23:18:39] <Tom_L> cannot mount volume
[23:18:45] <andypugh> r00t4rd3d: Again, it was working fine until it wasn't
[23:18:45] <r00t4rd3d> there is a fix
[23:18:56] <Tom_L> invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume
[23:18:58] <Jymmm> Tom_L: you need a new cnc center to get the usb to work on that pc.
[23:19:05] <Tom_L> ahh
[23:19:19] <r00t4rd3d> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB
[23:19:31] <r00t4rd3d> try the manual mount, 1/4 way down
[23:20:50] <r00t4rd3d> those via boards do like usb things unplugged and replugged
[23:20:52] -!- GeorgeH [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:21:21] <r00t4rd3d> sometimes i had to unplug my power cord and plug it back in to get shit recognized.
[23:21:46] <taide1> so
[23:21:57] <taide1> i just moved my Z axis over to my A axis port on the gecko
[23:22:02] <taide1> and it seems to work perfectly fine
[23:22:21] <taide1> which is a little too bad
[23:22:26] <taide1> but a little okay at the same time
[23:23:02] <taide1> i just changed pins in *.hal file and it works great now
[23:23:08] -!- skunkworks__ [skunkworks__!~chatzilla@str-bb-cable-south-3-102.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:23:26] <taide1> down to f0.01 it works fine
[23:24:03] <Tom_L> r00t4rd3d do you have to do that every time?
[23:24:23] <Jymmm> taide1: Got Fan?
[23:24:50] <taide1> embarrassed to answer that
[23:24:52] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[23:25:08] * Tom_L aims a swamp cooler in Jymmm's general direction
[23:25:08] <JT-Shop> taide1: do you have the 540 mounted to a heat sink?
[23:25:16] <andypugh> taide: if the Z motor is now on the A drive, and all that has changed is the HAL and the plug, then that says the Z drve is bad.
[23:25:26] <taide1> that's what im thinking
[23:25:26] <Jymmm> taide1: KISS... Keep it simple stupid, why overthink things?
[23:25:40] <taide1> i def think heat is part of it
[23:25:47] <taide1> since the performance of the z drive decreased over time
[23:25:51] <taide1> but at the same time
[23:25:53] * Jymmm shakes his head
[23:26:01] <taide1> the performance out of the A drive is significantyl better
[23:26:03] <andypugh> </em is quite confident that Jymmm is immune from over-thinking anything>
[23:26:04] <taide1> than the Z
[23:26:20] <taide1> and on par with the x and y
[23:26:28] <Tom_L> base thread 781287 servo thread 997557
[23:26:31] <taide1> so i conclude that the z is not working correctly
[23:26:32] <JT-Shop> that is one of many reasons I prefer the G251X over the G540
[23:26:36] <Tom_L> maybe not a good candidate for linuxcnc?
[23:26:53] -!- sendoushi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:27:06] <Jymmm> andypugh: Hardly, but a simple test of just grabbing a fan just makes sense and is easy
[23:27:08] <JT-Shop> taide1: is the 540 mounted to a heat sink?
[23:27:15] <taide1> nope, just in free air
[23:27:16] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: no
[23:27:23] <JT-Shop> bad news for you then
[23:27:38] <taide1> ?
[23:27:44] <Tom_L> it should be on a heatsink
[23:28:02] <andypugh> I still think that this screams "bad drive"
[23:28:02] <JT-Shop> didn't read the manual carefully I'd bet
[23:28:08] <Tom_L> at all?
[23:28:18] <JT-Shop> after you melted it yea it is bad now
[23:28:23] <taide1> iirc the manual states that a heatsink isn't necessary
[23:28:45] <taide1> unless it is above 180f surface temp which it's not
[23:28:49] <taide1> i'd have to check again though
[23:28:59] * Tom_L gives taide1 a hunk of heatsink http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/psu/heatsink_bulk.jpg
[23:29:44] <JT-Shop> yea the case must be somewhat a heat sink
[23:30:01] <JT-Shop> ADJUST: This trimpot adjusts the motor for the smoothest possible low-speed operation. Set the motor speed to about 1/2 revolution per second and then turn the trimpot until a distinct null is noted in the motor�s vibration. This will result in the most even microstep placement for a given motor and power supply voltage.
[23:30:02] <andypugh> Jymmm: Depends, If I wanted to "grab a fan" I would need to sober up, take the motorbike to work, borrow a test car, find a 24 hour fan shop, take it home, return the car, take the bike home.
[23:30:08] <JT-Shop> While operating at its maximums the G540 can get up to 70C (158F) comfortably; heatsinking is mandatory if the temperature gets above that range.
[23:30:16] <JT-Shop> c&p didn't work
[23:30:24] <Jymmm> taide1: Any control box containing a G540 must have an adequate input and exhaust fan or an exhaust fan and an internal fan to circulate the air. The red graph shows if the G540 is left in still air or in a sealed environment under full load it will overheat, which may result in damage to the G540
[23:30:43] <Jymmm> http://www.geckodrive.com/g540-heatsinking
[23:30:47] <taide1> lol
[23:30:55] <JT-Shop> another reason I like the G251X
[23:30:56] <taide1> so that info is in a document separate from the user manual
[23:31:12] <JT-Shop> I quoted from the user manual
[23:31:19] <taide1> i plead documentation oversight
[23:31:20] <taide1> yes you did
[23:31:25] <taide1> im reading it now
[23:31:29] <JT-Shop> On the Geckodrive website is a document titled �G540 Heatsink Experiment� that discusses issues of overheating.
[23:32:04] <Tom_L> does it include mention of blue smoke?
[23:32:10] <JT-Shop> andypugh: take the near a car to work
[23:32:22] <Tom_L> base thread 781287 servo thread 997557
[23:32:27] <Tom_L> maybe not a good candidate for linuxcnc?
[23:32:31] <JT-Shop> YIKES!
[23:32:41] <andypugh> Tom_L: I can beat that, but only with the VM
[23:32:43] <Jymmm> taide1: From the manual...
[23:32:49] <Jymmm> The G540, being a stepper drive, is meant to get warm. While operating at its maximums the G540 can get
[23:32:50] <Jymmm> up to 70C (158F) comfortably; heatsinking is mandatory if the temperature gets above that range. On the Geckodrive website is
[23:32:50] <Jymmm> a document titled “G540 Heatsink Experiment” that discusses issues of overheating. If the G540 is in a control cabinet or an
[23:32:50] <Jymmm> area with limited airflow it is required to put an intake and exhaust fan in the enclosure. Please read the cited document if you
[23:32:51] <Jymmm> have further questions.
[23:32:54] <andypugh> Tom_L: Intel chopset?
[23:32:54] <Tom_L> it's the old via c3 eden board
[23:32:59] <JT-Shop> :) http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f163/johnplctech/Plasma%20Cutter/?action=view&current=Plasma005.jpg
[23:32:59] <Tom_L> 512m ram
[23:33:08] <taide1> I'm unable to find the heatsink document on geckodrive.com
[23:33:09] <andypugh> RAM shouldn't matter
[23:33:22] <taide1> were you able to find it on there jymmm?
[23:33:22] <Tom_L> it's higher than that now
[23:33:27] <Jymmm> taide1: I JUT LINKED YOU TO IT
[23:33:43] <Tom_L> andypugh do you think it would work parport to the mesa cards?
[23:33:46] <JT-Shop> crap you just made me spill my cabnet savion http://www.geckodrive.com/g540-heatsinking
[23:34:02] <andypugh> Tom_L: Not even that
[23:34:06] <Tom_L> ok
[23:34:10] <Jymmm> taide1: Your problem is your not reading, tsk tsk tsk
[23:34:18] <andypugh> Try the SMI fix?
[23:34:24] <Tom_L> i guess it'll just sit on irc where it's been the last few years
[23:34:40] <Tom_L> works good for that
[23:34:45] <taide1> haha
[23:34:54] <taide1> i go to do something and come back and we're 3 pages down
[23:35:01] <taide1> thanks for the link again
[23:35:14] <Jymmm> taide1: GO GET A DAMN FAN ALREADY and just try it
[23:35:32] <JT-Shop> too late Jymmm hes fried that drive
[23:35:57] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: probably, bt someone else on here had the same issue and a fan resolved it
[23:36:02] <JT-Shop> andypugh: have you tries Martell VS?
[23:36:04] <Tom_L> now servo thread: 997556 base thread: 1014105
[23:36:10] <andypugh> I think so
[23:37:04] <JT-Shop> I just finished a bottle and real close to Remy Martin
[23:37:35] <taide1> well I feel like an ass now
[23:37:43] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: by bottle, you mean handy cardboard frig box with wine bag inside?
[23:37:51] <taide1> I rtfm a half dozen times before powering up a few months ago
[23:38:00] <JT-Shop> no, Jymmm a real bottle with a cork
[23:38:03] <taide1> i wish this heatsink article was in the g540 manual
[23:38:08] <taide1> would have probably saved me an axis
[23:38:10] <Jymmm> taide1: IT IS
[23:38:15] <taide1> no, it's not
[23:38:18] <JT-Shop> taide1: you just got some experiance that's all
[23:38:21] <Jymmm> Yes, it is.
[23:38:28] <andypugh> taide1: Do you need the A?
[23:38:36] <taide1> this article is not in the manual, it's referenced briefly
[23:38:46] <taide1> it basically says "you dont need a heatsink but if you do read this"
[23:38:57] <Jymmm> taide1: Page 6 of 10 of the manual
[23:39:05] <JT-Shop> yea that grabbed my attention for sure
[23:39:25] <taide1> 6/10 is a wiring diagram
[23:39:29] <taide1> live and learn i guess
[23:39:33] <JT-Shop> taide1: your running max volts and the Z is the biggest load usually...
[23:39:54] <Jymmm> taide1: in the pdf manual search for "PROBLEM: G540 GETS HOT " pdf dated March 5, 2012
[23:40:08] <JT-Shop> I like to say if you don't get what you expect you just got some experiance
[23:40:24] <JT-Shop> so learn from the experiance
[23:40:40] <taide1> luckily i dont need a fourth axis
[23:40:57] <taide1> but i was hoping to use it eventually
[23:41:07] <andypugh> That's a solution, then. Or you might be able to wangle or pay for a repair.
[23:41:11] <Jymmm> taide1: http://i45.tinypic.com/so1wuv.jpg
[23:41:25] <JT-Shop> or just get a G251X when the time comes
[23:41:38] <andypugh> I don't think a well-designed drive should kill itself, and yours seems to have died in a very odd way.
[23:41:45] <Jymmm> taide1: Now, did you try a fan yet?
[23:42:17] <taide1> i just found a junk cpu heatsink in the corner of my basement? awkward
[23:42:27] <Jymmm> taide1: not PC fan, a room fan
[23:42:45] <andypugh> That link says "return it for an evaluation" I think I would. Your symptoms sound unusual for a borked drive
[23:42:46] <taide1> yeah i got you but i can also just attach this heatsink too for giggles
[23:42:49] <Jymmm> 6 to 20"
[23:43:17] <Jymmm> fuck!
[23:43:21] <taide1> because i dont have a giant box fan
[23:43:22] <JT-Shop> relax Jymmm
[23:43:25] <taide1> i live in maine
[23:43:28] <taide1> it's basically canada haha
[23:43:45] <JT-Shop> or I'll smack you with a frozen mackerl
[23:43:46] -!- Jymmm [Jymmm!~jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm] has parted #linuxcnc
[23:43:46] * Tom_L aims a swamp cooler in Jymmm's general direction
[23:43:49] <taide1> i'm trying to diagnose with what i have
[23:43:59] <JT-Shop> ok send me some maine lobster
[23:44:00] <taide1> well that was interesting
[23:44:08] <taide1> sorry for being such a borkjob
[23:44:09] <JT-Shop> LOL
[23:44:22] <taide1> you paypal me i'd be glad to send you lobster
[23:44:27] <taide1> it's like $4 a pound right now
[23:44:33] <Tom_L> ok 8.04 just froze up
[23:44:34] <JT-Shop> is that good?
[23:44:45] <taide1> yes
[23:45:03] <taide1> surf and turf outside of the state with a 1.25 lb maine lobster is generally$30-40
[23:45:23] <taide1> lobster is cheaper than mcdonalds here
[23:45:27] <JT-Shop> we had a couple from Maine here a couple of years ago and sent for some lobster to have a lobster boil that was fun
[23:45:41] <andypugh> Never eaten Lobster, happy to keep it that way.
[23:45:52] <JT-Shop> shit I need to run up there and get a sack full
[23:46:23] <andypugh> Arthropods have too many legs
[23:46:35] <JT-Shop> just sea roaches really
[23:47:38] <JT-Shop> x axis has moved 0.685" so far at 0.01 ipm
[23:48:56] <Tom_L> don't try homing it at that feedrate
[23:49:04] <JT-Shop> LOL
[23:49:21] <JT-Shop> I just aborted it... it made me sleepy watching it
[23:49:35] -!- atom1 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[23:51:22] <Tom_L> i should mess with the lathe package some more and get a full set of tooling in the tool list set up
[23:51:49] <Tom_L> i wish i could find my sanvick handy dandy book with all the shapes and numbers
[23:58:43] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc