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[00:03:45] <Gast324> other very basic thing emc2 can output control PWM
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[00:04:00] <Gast324> or only PFM
[00:04:05] <Gast324> ?
[00:04:43] -!- morfic- [morfic-!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:04:53] <Gast324> I mean?
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[00:11:28] <Gast324> andypugh?
[00:12:03] <Gast324> hope I'm not abusing your trust
[00:12:53] <andypugh> Sorry, was away on something else.
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[00:13:06] <andypugh> PFM?
[00:13:16] <andypugh> It can do PWM or PDM.
[00:13:32] <Gast324> both?
[00:13:46] <andypugh> (PDM is probably a better idea than PWM from the parallel port, actually)
[00:14:10] <Gast324> ok.
[00:14:30] <Gast324> i see one thing about 7i77
[00:14:46] <andypugh>
[00:15:03] <Gast324> there are six encoder inputs
[00:15:44] <andypugh> Yes?
[00:15:54] <Gast324> but finaly it goes to paralel port
[00:16:14] <Gast324> an we have the same problem
[00:16:29] <Gast324> the low speed
[00:16:48] <Gast324> low speed paralel port
[00:16:50] <andypugh> No. The 7i77 connects to a 5i25 or 6i25. They have a 25-pin D-sub connector, but are not a parallel port.
[00:17:37] <andypugh> The 5i25 plugs into a PCI slot, and the 6i25 into a PCI-e slot.
[00:17:38] <Gast324> ok. sorry
[00:18:35] <Gast324> other thing
[00:18:38] <andypugh> The 7i43 _does_ connect to a parallel port, but like the 5i25 it does all the pulse generation and counting on the card, and simply reports back numbers on the parallel port, not pulses.
[00:19:53] <andypugh> Ok, on with the other thing, I need to sleep at some point :-)
[00:20:45] <Gast324> :)
[00:20:48] <Gast324>
[00:21:08] <Gast324> i'm free lance. this is my machyne
[00:22:30] <Gast324> i'm looking for a help for programming EMC2
[00:22:47] <Gast324> doy you know some people do this?
[00:22:52] <andypugh> Have you seen ? That's another way to cut foam.
[00:22:57] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:23:17] <andypugh> Programming G-code or machine setup?
[00:24:06] <Gast324> machine setup
[00:26:33] -!- factor has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:27:38] <andypugh> Try
[email protected]
[00:27:43] <r00t4rd3d> what do you need to know?
[00:29:08] <Gast324> ok
[00:29:47] <Gast324> is German like you?
[00:30:04] <andypugh> He is the only person I know in the EU doing LinuxCNC configuration commercially (not that there may not be many more).
[00:30:30] <andypugh> I am actually in the UK. I think that the hover-tip says that you are in Spain?
[00:30:39] <andypugh> Visteurs is in Latvia.
[00:30:48] <r00t4rd3d> estonia
[00:30:58] <andypugh> This is some of his stuff:
[00:31:36] <Gast324> Yes. I'm Spanish
[00:31:54] <andypugh> r00t4rd3d: Pretty sure it's Latvia, unless they moved Riga.
[00:34:05] <andypugh> You might find someone in Espagna on the Spanish forum:
[00:34:39] <andypugh> Out of interest, where in Spain? I spend 2 weeks in Granada with work every year.
[00:37:15] -!- PCW [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:37:19] <Gast324> Where? you want to say how?
[00:37:36] <andypugh> No matter. Just curious.
[00:38:50] <Gast324> have a great time
[00:38:52] <PCW> If you want PWM out a 5I25/7I85S combination will also do (and you get buffered differential 5V PWM out and 4 encoders in TTL or differential)
[00:39:57] <Gast324> I'm in the valence. near the sea. Always Here for a good time
[00:40:05] <andypugh> Ah! PCW has arrived. I can pass the Mesa info baton on to him :-)
[00:40:27] <Gast324> But as you know. not so good time to work.
[00:41:18] <Gast324> ok
[00:41:42] <r00t4rd3d>
[00:42:20] <PCW> you can use the 5I25 by itself for PWM out/encoder in but its like a bare parallel port card 3.3V signal levels and minimal protection
[00:42:22] <PCW> the 7I85s is basically a breakout board (you can use standard parallel port breakouts as well)
[00:43:56] <andypugh> PCW: (I suspect that phrases like "breakout" may be lost in translation from english to spanish and geek to newbie)
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[00:44:23] <PCW> Yeah
[00:46:39] <andypugh> I think I see the difference between my RevB and RevD 8i20s. The RevD starts reliably every time, but has a bus undervolt problem. Looks like the RevB needs firmware.
[00:48:09] <andypugh> I am not sure what the default setting is for undervolt, my test config only manages 58.24V
[00:49:02] <PCW> Yes the latest firmware changed undervolt from a fault to a status so SSLBP will always start
[00:50:25] <andypugh> Right, so I guess I need to test on my 300V supply, then start on the firmware updater/nvsetter
[00:50:37] <PCW> That should be OK I think its nominally 45V but with hysteresis so 58V might be marginal
[00:51:02] <andypugh> (but first I need to read out the params without crashing, but that's for tomorrow)
[00:51:08] <andypugh> Night all
[00:51:15] <PCW> 'nite
[00:51:44] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[00:54:14] <Gast324> Good night
[00:54:21] <Gast324> and thank for all
[00:55:00] <Gast324> Good night PCW
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[01:03:05] <Connor> jdh: Coolant system up and running. Letting it run for a while to mix the stuff up good and make sure I don't have any leaks.. :)
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[01:19:07] <jdh> nifty. Did you make a catch tray of some sort?
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[02:26:36] <r00t4rd3d> anyone ever cut a rc plane body?
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[02:33:37] <r00t4rd3d> I cut a mini paradise box out of scrap:
[02:33:43] <r00t4rd3d>
[02:34:17] <r00t4rd3d> Thats a Japanese Maple leaf on the front.
[02:34:52] <r00t4rd3d> :D|<
[02:40:28] <jdh> maple.
[02:45:49] <r00t4rd3d> red oak and poplar actually.
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[06:43:55] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[06:46:30] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[09:55:45] <Loetmichel> *HEADACE*... thats now 45 minutes that i have taken in two Thomapyrin 500... it SHOULD be better by now... maybe i have ingested to much Aluminium dust yesterday?
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[11:28:49] <jthornton> I think I finally understand the gtk combobox
[11:33:18] <Loetmichel> sooo, 3 plates 25*450*200mm PMMA cut down into 15 pcs with the bandsaw... dust sack of the vacuum= full and workshop looks like a blizzard had run through ;-)
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[13:18:28] <Loetmichel> hmm, question to the ones with knowledge: 2,5mm drill HSS in PMMA... 25mm depth. How much rpm, how much F, how often pullout for swarf clean?
[13:22:06] <MattyMatt> all I know is, use flood coolant if you can
[13:25:11] <MattyMatt> PMMA is like delrin I think. fast feedrates so you don't linger long enough to melt
[13:27:32] <MattyMatt> I drill 2.5mm in delrin all the time, and I just go straight through 5mm with a fast dremel with no issues
[13:28:39] <MattyMatt> I'd clear swarf after 10mm I think
[13:29:41] <MattyMatt> got any spare to practice on?
[13:31:43] <MattyMatt> the only PMMA I've milled was 1mm thick, and that was pretty awful
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[13:38:59] <MattyMatt> bargain threading inserts
[13:39:26] <MattyMatt> I'd have them if I had a holder
[13:40:18] <MattyMatt> and my lathe was close to having threadcutting
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[14:08:34] <jdh>
[14:08:53] <jdh> that looks like a nifty piece of iron.
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[14:21:21] <Loetmichel> *BRRRR* what a MESS... PMMA makes for MUCH swarf... and thats only half though the first of 12 sets... ->
[14:21:36] <Loetmichel> ... jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way....
[14:21:38] <Loetmichel> ;-)
[14:23:14] <JT-Shop> jdh: nice one
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[15:17:03] <tjb1> lol someone said robots arent precise enough to put a cell phone together...
[15:19:53] <archivist> jdh they are good, cheap at that price
[15:20:22] <tjb1>
[15:20:26] <tjb1> oops...
[15:21:00] <JT-Shop> andypugh: can you run a python gtk program on a Mac?
[15:21:41] <jdh> too bad I can't get it from here.
[15:22:52] <archivist> jdh you pay and I will cuddle it here for you :)
[15:25:13] <jdh> I'll keep that in mind.
[15:25:35] <pcw_home> That is a nice looking manual lathe
[15:25:58] <archivist> andypugh, is nearest to it though
[15:26:24] <jdh> and it's practically free.
[15:26:48] <JT-Shop> all I have to do now is pick up all the tools and the grinder project is done with all new metering valves everthing gets the proper oil now
[15:27:04] <archivist> in its day was the rolls royce of british lathes possibly
[15:27:18] <jdh> $0.18/lb
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[15:36:08] <archivist> similar quality
[15:36:52] <FinboySlick> JT-Shop: You can run a python gtk program on a mac, or windows even.
[15:37:14] <JT-Shop> I've run them on windoze before but don't have a working mac to try it with
[15:37:15] <FinboySlick> I think there's a tad of extra work.
[15:37:49] <FinboySlick> Though as far as I can tell, it's just making sure python has gtk libs installed.
[15:38:31] <jdh> sounds like a perfect opportunity to buy a mac!
[15:39:02] <JT-Shop> I just need a hard drive for the one I have and a copy of the operating system and I think I'm up and running
[15:39:14] <FinboySlick> archivist: That's not a lathe, it's an overly complicated wirebrush.
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[16:02:21] <JT-Shop> speaking of a wire brush, I need to put my chimney sweep hat on and clean the wood heater flue pipes
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[16:06:42] <jdh> can't you just hire a poor london child to do that for you?
[16:06:57] <JT-Shop> not many around this part of the woods
[16:07:10] <JT-Shop> they tend to freeze in the winter
[16:08:16] <Loetmichel> JT-Shop: i had muchs success by settin up a LARGE wood wool fire in the fireplace... flames got up 2 metres out of the chimney at rooftop
[16:08:40] <Loetmichel> and chimney was really hot over the full 3 stories...
[16:08:48] <Loetmichel> and clean as new afterwards ;-)
[16:09:21] <Loetmichel> but that is only reccomended if the chimney is made of stone, thick and no flammable materials in vincity
[16:09:24] <Loetmichel> ;-)
[16:10:00] <JT-Shop> I have a brush and it only takes a few minutes to clean...
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[16:11:30] <Loetmichel> JT-Shop: that was accidential
[16:11:53] <Loetmichel> i know noone wh intentionally sets his chimney on fire
[16:12:02] <Loetmichel> but it WAS clean afterwards
[16:12:10] <JT-Shop> never can tell around here...
[16:12:32] <Loetmichel> not one patch of carbon left inside, even the "sot" has boiled out of the stone ;-)
[16:18:24] <jdh> I've lived in my house for 16 years and have never used teh fireplace
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[16:28:23] <IchGuckLive> Hi all
[16:34:38] <IchGuckLive> pcw ?
[16:37:55] <DJ9DJ> hi live-gucker
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[16:38:16] <IchGuckLive> DJ9DJ: B9
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[16:38:36] <IchGuckLive> im always moding my AXIS GUI
[16:39:27] <IchGuckLive> TODAYS mod get a Sculp out of a Lathe Code
[16:40:19] <IchGuckLive> in the G-code only XZ coordinates in Display full servise provided
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[16:45:16] <pcw_home> IchGuckLive?
[16:45:26] <IchGuckLive> Hi
[16:45:45] <IchGuckLive> is there a best parameter side for cobinations
[16:46:18] <IchGuckLive> im looking for 5i25+7i76+leadshine at 100steps per unit
[16:46:32] <IchGuckLive> 48V Driver
[16:47:08] <IchGuckLive> Timing max Acelleration max speed
[16:47:24] <IchGuckLive> maybe some users got feedback to you
[16:48:11] <IchGuckLive> Today the money of the 4new sets came back from Austria Bank failue
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[16:51:36] <pcw_home> Well acceleration and speed depend on machine and drives and motors
[16:51:38] <pcw_home> one thin to make sure is that the stepgen maxaccel parameter is about 20% more
[16:51:40] <pcw_home> than the machinces max acceleration
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[16:52:12] <pcw_home> thing machines
[16:52:57] <IchGuckLive> ok i will check at 8hr milling if i can get some good parameters back to you
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[16:54:29] <pcw_home> theres really no practical hardware limit on step rate so any uStep ratio is OK
[16:55:11] <IchGuckLive> in the example file there are some calculations
[16:56:00] <IchGuckLive> i will also pull the new git for the new PC setup so maxbe criss has made pncconf working to the 5i25+7i76 boards
[16:56:30] <pcw_home> Yes he's been adding stuff all along
[16:57:17] <pcw_home> you may have to get the 7I76x2 XML files
[16:57:34] <IchGuckLive> got it
[16:58:15] <IchGuckLive> but where to put this files the example is not clear on this
[16:58:40] <pcw_home> 7I76 can generate up to ~8 MHz step rates, this is ~10K RPM with a 256 uStep ratio
[16:59:20] <IchGuckLive> i dont think that leadshine met this steprate
[16:59:46] <pcw_home> the XML files go in the firmware directory (/lib/firmware/hm2/5i25)
[17:01:37] <pcw_home> (which needs to be created as root)
[17:02:22] <IchGuckLive> B)
[17:02:24] <pcw_home> since the distribution does not include 5i25 firmware yet
[17:02:58] <IchGuckLive> i think the new git got it
[17:03:21] <pcw_home> Ahh that would be nice
[17:03:36] <IchGuckLive> criss is working hard on this
[17:04:00] <IchGuckLive> the dot pin file goes also to this path i think
[17:05:31] <pcw_home> Yes, you can even put the bitfiles/pinfiles from in there as well should you want to change/update the 5I25 firmware (via the mesaflash utility)
[17:08:13] -!- morfic- [morfic-!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:09:31] <IchGuckLive> i stay with the provided as i a stanard milling man
[17:09:39] <IchGuckLive> O.O ,-)
[17:09:50] <IchGuckLive> XYUVB
[17:09:54] <pcw_home> :-)
[17:09:58] <r00t4rd3d>
[17:10:10] <r00t4rd3d> :D
[17:10:19] <pcw_home> There are bug fixes occasionally
[17:10:33] <IchGuckLive> i think i got this year not a strait part to mill
[17:11:13] <pcw_home> all 3d artsy stuff?
[17:11:25] <IchGuckLive> yes
[17:12:09] <pcw_home> Are you the one that does the big foam stuff?
[17:12:37] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: can i see the onboard version somewhere as i plug the 5i26
[17:12:42] <IchGuckLive> 5i25
[17:12:59] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: yes i am
[17:15:40] <pcw_home> There is a separate version for each module
[17:15:41] <pcw_home> (encoder/stepgen/watchdog etc)
[17:15:43] <pcw_home> the most dynamic and buggy ATM is SSLBP/SSerial
[17:15:44] <pcw_home> (you probably have V33 current is V35 )
[17:16:07] <IchGuckLive> ok
[17:17:10] <pcw_home> there are no LinuxCNC issues with V33 but it will not allow
[17:17:12] <pcw_home> daughtercard firmware updates. V35 does
[17:18:15] <IchGuckLive> so the 7i76 is also updatable
[17:18:25] <pcw_home> Yes
[17:19:42] <IchGuckLive> i woudt wish to live in the USA there is a mutch grater Market for this Foam sculptures
[17:20:15] <IchGuckLive> amald here is doing the stuff for the brazilian carneval
[17:20:39] <IchGuckLive> look here what they do in the USA
[17:20:51] <pcw_home> lots of concrete over foam architectural work here
[17:21:16] <IchGuckLive> also the big mashines are provided
[17:21:54] <IchGuckLive> yes thats the newest i got today a order for a 6-9meeter part
[17:22:33] <pcw_home> Wow, how big a router do you have?
[17:22:50] <IchGuckLive> 240" X 400" Y and 40" Z
[17:23:10] <IchGuckLive> i can go 360" in one dir
[17:23:29] <IchGuckLive> at 1mm acuracy
[17:23:58] <pcw_home> Thats pretty neat!
[17:24:08] <IchGuckLive> Hotwire
[17:24:20] <IchGuckLive> all depends on wire strangth
[17:25:52] <pcw_home> Didn't know you could get that kid of accuracy with that long a hot wire
[17:25:54] <pcw_home> (it must wander somewhat)
[17:26:49] <IchGuckLive> you can go only 2" per minute at that length
[17:27:02] <IchGuckLive> with no los
[17:27:48] <pcw_home> I guess its a lot faster for roughing out shapes than a router
[17:28:15] <IchGuckLive> it is a good money maker
[17:28:25] <IchGuckLive> foam for concreet
[17:28:40] <pcw_home> do you need fume extraction?
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[17:29:59] <IchGuckLive> image Movie
[17:30:37] <IchGuckLive> look at our 60 wire cutter Robot Wire setup
[17:31:04] <IchGuckLive> at 1:18
[17:31:10] <IchGuckLive> in the movie
[17:33:27] <IchGuckLive> B)
[17:34:43] <pcw_home> I had no idea ther were such fancy hot wire cutters
[17:35:25] <IchGuckLive> all homemade !
[17:36:40] <IchGuckLive> "Home"
[17:36:48] <IchGuckLive> ;-)
[17:39:02] <Loetmichel> *brrr* three partsets done-> machine half full of PMMA "snow"... done for now, remaining 9 sets tomorrow... :)
[17:39:27] <IchGuckLive> Poly Methyl Met acrylat THATS FUN
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[17:40:11] <Loetmichel> IchGuckLive: not so much: that was after half of the first part set:
[17:41:01] <IchGuckLive> Loetmichel: i use macrolon insted for milling Pleyiglas is to hard on breaking stuff
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[17:42:18] <Loetmichel> IchGuckLive: the pmma was in stock in the company: old front doors of Computers, never to use again.
[17:42:24] <Loetmichel> so i use it
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[17:42:51] <IchGuckLive> it is 1/3 the price of the macrolon also
[17:43:07] <IchGuckLive> so if you are good with it go for it
[17:43:26] <Loetmichel> i doubt it: thios PMMA plates were laminated from 20mm clear pmma and 5mm blue PMMA
[17:43:42] <Loetmichel> they were about 150 eur each as front doors
[17:44:09] <Loetmichel> but the computer cases to which tey belong isnt obsolete, we have new designs now
[17:44:14] <IchGuckLive> water or Ait in use
[17:44:20] <IchGuckLive> Air
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[17:47:27] <Loetmichel> <- 5cm high swarf in the machine :-(
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[17:52:18] <jthornton> tutorial 6 is up
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[18:03:46] <IchGuckLive> jthornton: what will it end up in ?
[18:07:33] <jdh> in jt-gui of course.
[18:08:03] <jdh> then he will tire of the gtk limitations and spin off jtk
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[18:11:19] <IchGuckLive> B)
[18:11:22] -!- skunkworks has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:11:42] <IchGuckLive> so im off by where ever you are in the world
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[18:13:49] <andypugh> Ah, I forgot I left this on.
[18:13:59] <andypugh> That S&B is indeed rather nice.
[18:15:03] <andypugh> In some ways too nice, it would be a shame to CNC it.
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[18:33:43] <archivist> andypugh, so nice you should have it anyway
[18:33:51] <andypugh> Tempted.
[18:33:56] <andypugh> I am watching it.
[18:34:38] <archivist> I thinking of bodging up a tool and cutter grinder
[18:38:11] <Connor> Okay, I want to make a manifold for my coolant stuff.. What is the proper tap for the 1/4NPT ?
[18:38:52] <cradek> 1/4NPT is the tap
[18:39:07] <cradek> it's a bitch of a thread to hand tap
[18:39:21] <Connor> because of the taper ?
[18:39:23] <Tom_itx> 7/16"
[18:39:24] <cradek> yeah
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[18:39:36] <cradek> make the hole oversize
[18:39:46] <andypugh> Use a tapered drill?
[18:40:08] <Tom_itx> the chart shows a 7/16" drill for a 1/4" NPT tap
[18:40:10] <Connor> Most of the stuff I've seen aren't tapered
[18:40:21] <cradek> NPT is most definitely tapered
[18:40:37] <andypugh> NP might not be :-)
[18:40:44] <Connor> I know. But, I swear the solenoid valve I got wasn't.
[18:41:09] <andypugh> NPP?
[18:41:18] <Tom_itx> so use flared fittings if you're worried about it
[18:41:33] <andypugh> Might even be BSPP which is the metric standard. (along with BSPT)
[18:42:45] <jdh> buy a cheap manifold? Use a npt cross?
[18:43:50] <Connor> Not worried about it with the air valve.. I got that sorted out with white tape. :) I was just trying to figure out how to make one for my coolant.. I want to mount the nozzle to the head..
[18:45:08] <jdh> get a cheap brass body needle valve for the mount?
[18:46:02] <Connor>
[18:47:35] <Connor> I had looked... didn't really see anything that looked like it was going to be easy to mount..
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[18:47:46] <jdh> need a square body one
[18:49:51] <jdh>
[18:49:56] <jdh> a 130VAC stepper?
[18:51:10] <Connor> Strange.
[18:51:45] <Connor> Probably miss-labeled.
[18:52:09] <jdh> there are others. a 100vac one also
[18:53:03] <pcw_home> That is one big step motor
[18:53:28] <jdh> bigger
[18:53:32] <pcw_home> 19 mm shaft!
[18:54:26] <jdh> 28lbs
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[19:26:29] <andypugh> 28Nm (even better)
[19:33:18] -!- OWhite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:34:32] <OWhite> Folks, I'm having the same problem as described in this thread:
[19:34:57] <OWhite> which is I'm getting the error "waiting for s.axes". Does anyone know of a fix for the problem?
[19:37:01] <toudi_> OWhite: hi
[19:37:10] <OWhite> hello.
[19:37:26] <toudi_> OWhite: what hardware you're using?
[19:38:09] <OWhite> pico systems, Universal Stepper Control card, but not sure if that answers your question.
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[19:40:29] <toudi_> OWhite: what linuxcnc version?
[19:40:40] <OWhite> relevant print file:
[19:40:49] <OWhite> LINUXCNC - 2.5.0
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[19:41:50] <pcw_home> you probably need to post your dmesg to track down whats gone wrong
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[19:44:07] <toudi_> OWhite: try 2.5.1 version
[19:44:16] <tjb1> Tom_itx: You here?
[19:44:21] <OWhite> toudi_: ok.
[19:44:31] <toudi_> there was some fix in ppc driver probably related to your problem
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[19:46:59] <OWhite> toudi_: thanks. I'm looking at the docs for updating and will try it.
[19:47:37] <tjb1> Tom_itx: If you get this, do you think you can help me later tonight set up a lights/toggles in axis?
[19:47:45] <tjb1> set up a few...
[19:50:30] <OWhite> thanks people.
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[20:10:40] <Tom_itx> later on yes
[20:11:05] <Tom_itx> there are examples though
[20:12:10] <r00t4rd3d> lights?
[20:12:37] <Tom_itx>
[20:12:41] <Tom_itx> 'leds
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[20:29:10] <tjb1> Thanks Tom_itx, Ill take a look at that soon…is there also a list somewhere of commands you can use in Hal? I seen in JTs torch height HAL that he is calling like current velocity and requested velocity
[20:30:40] <tjb1> Sorry, torch height .comp file
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[20:35:27] <JT-Shop> tjb1:
[20:35:38] <JT-Shop> at the bottom
[20:36:42] <tjb1> Thanks JT-Shop
[20:36:58] <tjb1> Looks like java… -.-
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[21:03:49] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[21:05:58] <tjb1> JT-Shop: Is this the tutorial for the comp file?
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[22:18:02] <owhite> micges: toudi_ ....thanks for your help earlier. Upgrading to 2.5.1 fixed the "waiting for s.axes" error.
[22:18:37] <micges> welcome
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