[00:00:18] <bpuk> higher the frequency, the harder it is to get a usable trace - but can manage with a bit of... erm... persuasion
[00:00:25] <toastydeath> HIT THE DAMN THING TWICE
[00:00:29] <toastydeath> pow
[00:00:47] <bpuk> *hides the rubber mallet*
[00:03:58] <bpuk> bah, Merry New Year from the UK for all you people behind us timezone wise thingy
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[00:05:30] <Jymmm> bpuk: Yeah, cuz only the US has TZ's =)
[00:05:48] <Jymmm> bpuk: HNY2U2
[00:06:17] <Jymmm> tjb1: WOOHOO, we have odometerage =)
[00:06:26] <tjb1> Does it start?
[00:06:32] <Jymmm> fuck no =) lol
[00:07:23] <Jymmm> tjb1: I wans't sure if it would start with the cluster removed anyway, so had to hurry up and fix that and shove it back in just in case, while I have the dash apart that is =)
[00:08:06] <Jymmm> tjb1: And it's a jigsaw puzzle getting the cluster in/out too =)
[00:08:49] <bpuk> Jymmm: Yeah, I know the rest of world has TZ's - but heck, this way I get to celebrate it at GMT+2, GMT+1 GMT-5, GMT-6, GMT-7, GMT-7 - I'll prolly be alseep by the time australia comes online though
[00:08:49] <Jymmm> tjb1: front up, tilt 30, slide, front 45, tilt 60, slide, etc
[00:09:06] <tjb1> Yeah sounds crappy
[00:09:10] <Jymmm> bpuk: ah =)
[00:09:35] <JT-Shop> nothing more exciting than bumping the foot pedal when the tig torch is in your lap...
[00:09:36] <Jymmm> tjb1: Yeah, I took step by step pics so show others
[00:10:01] <tjb1> JT-Shop: get a nice shock?
[00:10:08] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: CHESTNUTS roasting over a a tig torch....
[00:10:13] <JT-Shop> LOL
[00:10:17] <tjb1> Jymmm: Good, now make a step by step to get yours running again
[00:10:42] <JT-Shop> and a classic song to say goodnight with
[00:10:58] <Jymmm> tjb1: Step 1) Pay someone to do it?
[00:13:14] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Better goodnight song...
[00:13:46] <bpuk> Jymmm: Blocked in my country
[00:14:39] <JT-Shop> say goodnight Gracie
[00:14:45] <Jymmm> bpuk: See PM
[00:15:13] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: G'Night Groucho
[00:15:41] <bpuk> G'Night JT.
[00:16:10] <JT-Shop> goodnight guys and gals, see you next year... unless your already there
[00:16:13] <PCW> Nite all
[00:16:19] <bpuk> Jymmm: grabs the LP
[00:16:22] <bpuk> night PCW
[00:16:37] <Jymmm> bpuk: LP?!
[00:16:48] <Jymmm> bpuk: you have the LP???
[00:17:17] <Tom_itx> cheers JT-Shop
[00:17:32] <bpuk> Yeah, got into Al green a few years back (courtesy of Ally McBeal of all things) and went shopping. Good voice, better in analogue
[00:17:47] <Jymmm> bpuk: heh, cool
[00:18:11] <bpuk> 'tis the london records release - so may not be 'authentic' - but good enough for me
[00:18:17] <Jymmm> bpuk: ah
[00:19:05] <bpuk> the Hi Records and Get Back releases are a... bit rarer over here
[00:19:32] <bpuk> (and yes, my main sound system is still vinyl)
[00:22:19] <bpuk> anyway, my new years resolutions are to a) improve the resolution of my lathe from ~2um to 0.3um b) spend more time on the surface grinder c) not crash the earth into the sun
[00:22:26] <bpuk> so yeah. Should be good
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[00:55:40] <Jymmm> Ok, I have a 12V wire from the output of the contact of the relay going to a fuel kill switch and it always Y off to the PCM. But when I check at the kill switch it's only 6v. But when I disconnect everything and ohm it out, it's only 0.1 ohm. WTF?!
[00:55:54] <Jymmm> s/always/also/
[00:56:29] <Jymmm> Can a bad connection still be 0.1ohm yet drop the voltage by half?
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[01:57:20] <ReadError> anyone aware of a decent china source for generic endmills?
[01:57:39] <ReadError> i need to get a bunch of 1/8" square endmills
[01:58:44] <ReadError> 1/8" collet too
[01:58:50] <ReadError> so should be fairly light to mail
[02:01:47] <ReadError>
[02:01:57] <ReadError> and, do those look presharpened ?
[02:02:34] <ReadError> kind of a bad pic...
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[02:13:01] <Tom_itx> inserts are ready to go
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[02:17:09] <ReadError> ahh ok cool
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[03:32:23] <Jymmm> Well, got the gf's dash lights fixed. Only took me 5 years =)
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[03:41:01] <Tom_itx> maybe you'll get lucky now
[03:44:08] <Jymmm> hopefully, I even wrote up what I did...
[03:44:49] <Jymmm> Easy fix, once you know what the problem is =)
[03:45:25] <Jymmm> YAY for the internetZ!!!
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[06:22:31] <EJTruth> Anyone running Linuxcnc on Debian? I'm thinking stable
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[06:29:16] <L33TG33KG34R> hello guys
[06:29:33] <L33TG33KG34R> I need some help with selecting electronics for my machine if its possible
[06:31:40] <tjb1> Ello.
[06:32:30] <L33TG33KG34R> So I am building a CRP 2448 with dual steppers for its x axis
[06:32:48] <tjb1> Ok
[06:32:57] <tjb1> NEMA 23s from cncrp?
[06:32:59] <L33TG33KG34R> I want to close the loop from the steppers to my PC running linuxcnc
[06:33:02] <L33TG33KG34R> no 34
[06:33:20] <tjb1> Im not the person to talk to about closed loop
[06:33:44] <L33TG33KG34R> so I want a closed loop system for both my steppers and my spindle (I haven't found my spindle yet but intent to do rigid tapping)
[06:34:00] <L33TG33KG34R> I also want to use a pendant but I am unsure of the configuration
[06:34:00] <tjb1> The steppers rarely lose steps though if you set them correctly
[06:34:32] <L33TG33KG34R> I understand that, but I want to employ the "hybrid servo" setup
[06:35:24] <tjb1> Sorry, no help from me
[06:35:34] <L33TG33KG34R> so I was thinking of the Mesa 6I25 card with the 7I85S for stepper and spindle (i will have to wire 2 stepper drivers to one port for the x axis)
[06:35:52] <tjb1> pcw_home, awake?
[06:35:56] <L33TG33KG34R> but how do I hook up a pendant? can I use a usb pendant?
[06:36:13] <tjb1> I ordered a pendant that is a usb emulator
[06:36:25] <tjb1> Otherwise you'll need to tie the inputs to what you want
[06:37:14] <L33TG33KG34R> ok, will I have enough IO on the 7I85S to wore limit switches and e-stop? or would I need another breakout board for that?
[06:40:38] <tjb1> I don't use Mesa, PCW can help with that and much of the others
[06:41:04] <tjb1> I just have a G540 and a C10 BOB
[06:41:26] <L33TG33KG34R> Also what spindle can do rigid tapping?
[06:41:43] <L33TG33KG34R> cause all the chinese spindles are waaaay too fast
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[06:42:51] <tjb1> Plasma :P
[06:47:28] <tjb1> I'm worthless, sorry :)
[06:49:08] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:49:25] <L33TG33KG34R> its alright... thanks for the help
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[08:20:29] <archivist> L33TG33KG34R, most just use an encoder on the spindle, not closed loop but the other axes are geared/follow what the spindle does
[08:26:53] <archivist> what materials are you intending to machine
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[08:30:37] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[09:59:56] <Jymmm> Note to self.... Self, jb weld shouldn't be used in the cold.
[10:14:22] <DJ9DJ> happy new year, Jymmm
[10:14:57] <Jymmm> HNY2U2
[10:15:04] <DJ9DJ> tnx :)
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[11:15:09] <Loetmichel> mornin' and a happy new year!
[11:36:20] <mrsun> thats also a way to do it :P
[11:37:28] <archivist> just supporting a long shaft?
[11:38:01] <archivist> he is 20 miles from me
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[11:41:35] <mrsun> nah driving the little lathe with the big lathe :P
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[14:05:39] <r00t4rd3d> i liked the old year better
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[16:40:31] * JT-Shop needs to cobble up a back gauge for the H-Frame press brake
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[17:14:19] <tjb1> Everyone is still plastered aye
[17:15:06] <archivist> I wish
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[17:28:19] <JT-Shop> not me, I don't like to cross the edge
[17:29:16] <tjb1> I haven't found a beer that doesn't taste like camels dung yet
[17:29:49] <JT-Shop> I can't say that I've made that comparision yet
[17:32:35] <tjb1> Its accurate
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[17:40:20] <archivist> my knowledge of camels dates back to early 1960's and I was not allowed beer then
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[18:12:27] <IchGuckLive> hi all in 2013
[18:12:38] <L33TG33KG34R> archivist: sorry... I am intending on working on aluminum. I am building a CRP 2448
[18:14:17] <IchGuckLive> L33TG33KG34R: nice mashine layout
[18:14:21] <awallin> L33TG33KG34R: are you "big ape" on cnczone?
[18:14:28] <L33TG33KG34R> no
[18:14:29] <IchGuckLive> L33TG33KG34R: can you reduce your nichk ?
[18:14:49] <IchGuckLive> l33 where are you from
[18:14:59] <IchGuckLive> Europ
[18:14:59] <L33TG33KG34R> this is the build thread
[18:15:03] <L33TG33KG34R> Canada
[18:15:06] <IchGuckLive> ok
[18:15:11] <ReadError> hey guys
[18:15:19] <ReadError> i had an idea and was wondering if its bad
[18:15:28] <ReadError> is there a stone you can chuck in a lathe
[18:15:31] <IchGuckLive> cnczone is blocked in europ true to mailbot service
[18:15:36] <ReadError> and actually use the lathe to sharpen bits?
[18:15:59] <archivist> ReadError, naughty, dont
[18:16:12] <awallin> IchGuckLive: I can get to cnczone, but both firefox and google give a warning that must be bypassed
[18:16:18] <ReadError> ah archivist
[18:16:23] <ReadError> thought it might work well ;(
[18:16:26] <L33TG33KG34R> yeah, same here
[18:16:33] <archivist> L33TG33KG34R, is that rigid enough for aluminium
[18:16:34] <IchGuckLive> awallin: i can not bypase
[18:16:40] <L33TG33KG34R> yes, very
[18:16:55] <awallin> IchGuckLive: maybe your ISP is blocking the site?
[18:16:55] <L33TG33KG34R> it may not look like it but its quite heavy
[18:17:18] <awallin> IchGuckLive: try something like ?
[18:17:20] <IchGuckLive> L33TG33KG34R: i woudt wonder if that layout can handle real alu
[18:17:22] <archivist> weight does not equal rigid design :(
[18:17:22] <ReadError> i wouldnt go there
[18:17:33] <ReadError> it has a shitload of trojans
[18:17:50] <L33TG33KG34R> I know but it can work with aluminum quite easily
[18:18:06] <IchGuckLive> l33 up to you
[18:18:13] <awallin> ReadError: any of those trojans work on linux?
[18:18:22] <L33TG33KG34R> lol
[18:18:24] <IchGuckLive> l33 what size you gone build
[18:18:39] <ReadError> awallin: im sure there are some out there
[18:18:41] <L33TG33KG34R> 24" x 48" working area
[18:18:50] <L33TG33KG34R> thus CRP2448
[18:18:51] <ReadError> archivist: why is that sharpening method bad?
[18:18:54] <archivist> L33TG33KG34R, rack drive has backlash unless well controlled
[18:19:17] <archivist> ReadError, angle and grinding dust on the lathe
[18:19:20] <ReadError>
[18:19:23] <ReadError> that looks nice L33TG33KG34R
[18:19:27] <IchGuckLive> l33 ithink it will kill you O.O
[18:19:55] <L33TG33KG34R> you should see it working with aluminum...
[18:19:57] <ReadError> archivist: i got a blank, i need to try and grind it
[18:20:21] <archivist> ReadError, get a cheap bench grinder
[18:20:25] <ReadError> im pretty sure ill manage to make it less sharp than it was when i started ;/
[18:20:40] <ReadError> i have a bench grinder
[18:20:54] <IchGuckLive> ok i see
[18:21:05] <ReadError> im just not confident in my ability to actually do it
[18:24:47] <ReadError> (atleast not without burning myself)
[18:24:47] <archivist> light touches to the grinding wheel
[18:24:47] <ReadError> sliptonic gave me a good link
[18:24:47] <ReadError>
[18:24:47] <IchGuckLive> someone has sean sliptonic today
[18:24:51] -!- vladimirek [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:24:51] <archivist> that is not the real late tubalcain
[18:25:30] <archivist> ReadError, the real one wrote in model engineer magazine
[18:27:03] <archivist> ReadError, the real one was
[18:46:13] <sliptonic> archivist: I think even the "real" one borrowed the name:
[18:46:49] <sliptonic> I've really liked the videos from the current Tubal Cain though. I've learned much from the guy.
[18:48:01] <archivist> yes but I think the current is hanging on the british ones coat tails :)
[18:49:54] <sliptonic> I think in one of the videos he mentions Walshaw and gives him props.
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[19:00:01] <ReadError> still
[19:00:05] <ReadError> good videos none the less
[19:00:24] <ReadError> been watching them, have to sit at computer for work, but theres no work to do :(
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[19:41:56] <L84Supper> has anyone heard any news on HeeksCAD?
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[21:31:16] <orr_> is export CC=gcc-4.6 right for ubuntu?
[21:31:51] <orr_> after this gcc -v says 4.7 still
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[23:04:16] <ReadError> so
[23:04:25] <ReadError> turns out ive been using the wrong direction tool
[23:04:40] <Tom_itx> woops
[23:04:41] <ReadError> i thought the shorter side of the bit was to go in the direction of the cut
[23:04:43] <ReadError> yea ;/
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[23:05:08] <Tom_itx> cut better now?
[23:05:24] <ReadError> ill test here in a few, just got a print going
[23:07:03] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!~tjb1@2600:1007:b000:6e27:915e:f553:175e:31a2] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:07:34] <ReadError> im still not sure about my depth of cut per pass
[23:07:50] <Tom_itx> depends on several things
[23:07:52] <Tom_itx> HP for one
[23:08:00] <ReadError> yea not much HP here
[23:08:06] <ReadError> tiny lathe..
[23:08:16] <Tom_itx> how big is the head?
[23:08:25] <Tom_itx> chuck..
[23:10:50] <ReadError> 4" i think
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[23:12:04] <ReadError> oops, 3.25"
[23:12:53] <ReadError> lol
[23:13:15] <ReadError> i dont think mrpete like china that much
[23:14:06] <Tom_itx> how much were you taking per pass?
[23:14:16] <ReadError> oh not much at all
[23:14:21] <ReadError> ill try and go a little deeper
[23:14:26] <Tom_itx> .020-.050" shouldn't be out of the question
[23:14:32] <ReadError> would too shallow of a pass cause more chatter?
[23:14:38] <Tom_itx> mine will do more
[23:14:46] <Tom_itx> i doubt it
[23:14:53] <Tom_itx> too much will
[23:15:16] <Tom_itx> there are lots of things that contribute to chatter
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[23:24:02] <tjb1>
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[23:26:57] <ReadError> wish my highschool had a metal shop class
[23:27:01] <ReadError> i took auto and wood
[23:28:12] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:28:35] <Tom_itx> i helped set up a metal lathe in my HS shop class
[23:28:46] <Tom_itx> large surplus lathe probably 15' long
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[23:29:54] <tjb1> I went to Votech but it nearly screwed me with Math in College
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[23:54:55] <Jymmm> Ezes ars kollage edjoomakated
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[23:56:34] <Jymmm> tjb1: Is that a new nerd kink thing? "Oh yeah ... sqrt me up the dark matter baby!"
[23:56:50] <tjb1> Hmm?
[23:57:04] <Jymmm> tjb1: --> tjb1: I went to Votech but it nearly screwed me with Math in College
[23:57:17] <tjb1> Yeah I didn't get enough math
[23:57:26] <Jymmm> ALG1 ?
[23:57:36] <Jymmm> Pre Alg?
[23:57:43] <Jymmm> Fractions?
[23:57:58] <Jymmm> d) None of the above.
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[23:59:05] <tjb1> I took those in like 9th grade but didnt get any calculus
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[23:59:22] <tjb1> or advanced alg
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