#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-01-16

[00:00:57] <JT-Shop> well the ATC seems to be ready to work :)
[00:04:24] <ReadError> do you have one of those air spindles ?
[00:05:04] <PCW> JT-Shop: just bad SSR or more?
[00:05:05] -!- zentrification has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:05:28] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[00:05:28] -!- logger[mah] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:05:35] <JT-Shop> so far just seems to be a bad SSR but I still need to put the motor back in and give it the full test
[00:05:35] -!- logger[mah] [logger[mah][email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:05:47] <JT-Shop> everything acts right so far
[00:06:27] <ReadError> did you build the tool change yourself?
[00:06:43] <JT-Shop> no, it is a BP Discovery 308 VMC
[00:08:10] -!- ybon has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
[00:10:18] <ReadError> http://gnipsel.com/shop/unload-308/images/unload-308-09.jpg
[00:10:22] <ReadError> looks like the cab of a truck :)
[00:10:49] <JT-Shop> that be the beast
[00:11:04] <JT-Shop> that was a fun 3 day weekend
[00:11:49] <Valen> heh thats not small
[00:11:56] <Valen> did it at least have a lift point on it?
[00:12:10] <Valen> we are planning on putting a gantry crane into the shed just for stuff like that
[00:12:12] <JT-Shop> for an overhead crane yes
[00:12:28] <Valen> it makes a good argument for being able to extend the crane out the door of the shed ;->
[00:12:34] <JT-Shop> you have to take a bunch of covers off and put round stock through the base
[00:12:43] <JT-Shop> or back the trailer in
[00:12:52] -!- pjm [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:17:50] -!- tjb1 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:24:10] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Quit: left the building.]
[00:26:13] -!- zentrification has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:29:19] <Brian_> hey linux CNC
[00:29:30] <Brian_> Can you make SMD stencils with a 40W laser cutter?
[00:29:45] <Brian_> and by stencil, i mean brass ones not plastico nes
[00:35:22] <Brian_> anyone?
[00:36:27] <Tom_itx> dunno, i get plastic ones done
[00:36:33] <Tom_itx> kapton
[00:37:10] <Brian_> what's the difference between them and metal ones?
[00:38:05] <PCW> I think lifetime mainly
[00:38:32] <Brian_> i guess metal ones last more?
[00:39:06] <PCW> Yes normal stainless steel ones are good for 1000's of cards
[00:39:41] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Stencils/stencils.jpg
[00:39:49] <Tom_itx> i've had no problems with plastic
[00:39:59] <Brian_> PCW, it's because i want to buy a laser cutter for making stencils.
[00:39:59] <Tom_itx> but i don't do 'production' run quantities
[00:40:24] <Brian_> But i want to know if it's possible to cut metal with a laser, and by metal i mean brass.
[00:40:51] <Tom_itx> i'm sure you can but i don't know how many watts it requires
[00:42:54] -!- servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0.11/20101206162726]]
[00:45:40] <Tom_itx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=andQtKsk52c
[00:51:26] -!- PCW has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]]
[00:53:28] -!- adb has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:54:33] -!- ravenlock [ravenlock!~ravenlock@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:57:05] <Jymmm> Schools went into lockdown over a thermometer, a car backfiring, a bank robbery a few blocks away, a student alone in a gym, a neighbor on the street, and some vague unfounded rumors. And one high-school kid was arrested for drawing pictures of guns. Everywhere else, post-traumatic stupidity syndrome.
[00:59:05] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]]
[01:04:00] <Tom_itx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=T_PA9eUd5tA
[01:09:35] <Jymmm> what is it?
[01:09:53] <Tom_itx> a 3d laser cutter
[01:10:04] <Jymmm> The thing it's cutting
[01:10:12] -!- Sendoushi [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:10:14] <Tom_itx> sputnik
[01:10:20] <Jymmm> heh
[01:11:03] <Tom_itx> about the same size
[01:13:37] -!- ravenlock has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:18:58] -!- DearLeader [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:20:38] -!- Brian_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[01:34:51] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:51:45] <ReadError> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25091878/Photo%20Jan%2015%2C%208%2042%2037%20PM.jpg
[01:51:50] <ReadError> need to learn to polish aluminum
[01:51:58] <ReadError> i think my buffing wheel is not firm enough
[01:52:19] <Tom_itx> and the right compound
[01:52:25] <ReadError> yea
[01:52:32] <ReadError> i was justing some cheap stick from lowes
[01:52:37] <Tom_itx> i order 15" wheels from somebody back east
[01:52:37] <ReadError> it doesnt apply that well
[01:56:37] <Tom_itx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI3n4Ll6QdU
[02:00:12] <DearLeader> Tom_itx, seems that a lot of these kind of businesses are locally based.
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[02:09:00] -!- L84Supper [L84Supper!~Larch@unaffiliated/l84supper] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:09:01] -!- TheLarch [TheLarch!~Larch@unaffiliated/l84supper] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:12:11] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[02:21:59] -!- Sendoushi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[02:50:04] -!- tronwizard [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:50:05] <skunkworks> ReadError: nice!!
[02:51:19] <ReadError> ty bolting it together now
[02:51:27] <ReadError> next time ill polish them properly
[02:51:37] <Tom_itx> what are they?
[02:52:41] -!- pjm has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:52:43] <ReadError> quad rotor arms
[02:52:48] <ReadError> ill have a pic 1 sec
[02:55:00] <r00t4rd3d> tooth paste and 0000 steel wool
[02:55:38] <Valen> http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/539166_4441374309659_1255185278_n.jpg is how your sposed to look after polishing aluminium
[02:55:50] <Valen> comment from one of my friends
[02:55:55] <Valen> "I read a tutorial on it. It said in part "if it this stage you start to look like a dirty Frenchman then you are doing a good job" or something like that."
[02:56:11] -!- gambakufu has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:56:13] <ReadError> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25091878/Photo%20Jan%2015%2C%209%2054%2057%20PM.jpg
[02:56:41] <Valen> ReadError: you need to go crossways and not burn the edges
[02:57:03] <Valen> IE polish across the lines that are in it
[02:57:03] <r00t4rd3d> and upload smaller pics
[02:57:08] <Tom_itx> ahh, you're making a quad decapitator
[02:57:14] <ReadError> lol yup Tom_itx
[02:57:17] <Valen> do you have a coarse and a fine buff?
[02:57:20] <ReadError> yea Valen, im still learning this
[02:57:29] <Valen> hence me giving you tips ;->
[02:57:30] <ReadError> i only have 1 'soft' buffer pad on the grinder
[02:57:37] <Valen> that'd probably do on Al
[02:57:37] <ReadError> i need to get a yellow one
[02:57:40] <ReadError> and some polish
[02:57:46] <ReadError> im using these paper sticks
[02:57:51] <Valen> oh without any soap your not going to do anything
[02:57:56] <Valen> whats a paper stick lol?
[02:58:08] <Valen> the polishing compound is what does the work
[02:58:28] <Tom_itx> lava soap
[02:58:33] <Tom_itx> maybe
[02:58:41] <r00t4rd3d> tooth paste or baking soda and water
[02:59:09] <r00t4rd3d> will mirror finish it
[02:59:13] <Valen> just get the right stuff, costs like $50 for a pair of wheels with 2 compounds
[02:59:24] <Valen> you would do all that in about 5 -10 minutes
[02:59:36] <Valen> little bit irritating with all the bars in it
[03:01:10] -!- gambakufu [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:01:19] <ReadError> nah
[03:01:23] <ReadError> its like a wax
[03:01:26] <ReadError> with paper around it
[03:01:31] <ReadError> very hard to get on the wheel
[03:01:35] <Valen> sounds about right then
[03:01:44] <Valen> you only need to touch it on it
[03:01:49] <Valen> then buff
[03:01:51] <Valen> then touch
[03:01:53] <Valen> then buff
[03:02:06] <Valen> i go about a minute i guess between applying the soap
[03:02:16] <Valen> depending on how much i'm taking off
[03:02:25] <r00t4rd3d> what are we talking about here
[03:02:42] <r00t4rd3d> polishing your knob?
[03:03:12] <Valen> you know a knob is about the only thing i havent polished
[03:03:19] <Valen> lots of motorcycle parts though
[03:04:13] <Valen> but yeah ReadError work the center of the parts at 90 degrees to the marks your trying to get rid of
[03:04:17] <Valen> press pretty hard
[03:04:36] <Valen> the grinder should just be starting to work hard but not enough that it gets bogged down
[03:04:45] <ReadError> i think my buffing wheel is shot
[03:04:51] <Valen> and the part should get hot enough that you can't really touch it without gloves on ;->
[03:04:56] <ReadError> ill grab another bench grinder and some more wheels
[03:08:54] <Valen> ouch metal rollers seem so expensive
[03:09:12] <r00t4rd3d> just use plastic ones like the rest of the girls
[03:09:42] <Valen> me thinks r00t4rd3d needs a girlfriend
[03:10:31] <r00t4rd3d> me too but not the wife
[03:11:07] <r00t4rd3d> jk, i am not married.
[03:13:21] <Valen> I was about to say, you need a better wife, but i was going to go with "that explains a lot"
[03:13:39] -!- tandoori has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[03:15:19] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:20:51] -!- troya has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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[03:23:06] <s1dev> anyone know of a good place for worm gears?
[03:23:37] <Tom_itx> stock drive products
[03:24:22] <s1dev> thanks
[03:25:11] <Tom_itx> mcmaster may carry them
[03:26:06] <ReadError> i <3 mcmaster
[03:26:10] <ReadError> they banned me the otherday
[03:26:11] <Valen> i dont
[03:26:17] <Valen> they wont ship to australia
[03:26:18] <ReadError> had to call and have them lift my ban so i could place my order
[03:26:25] <ReadError> oh
[03:26:30] <Valen> any paticular reason for banning you?
[03:26:41] <ReadError> well certainly you all have an equivalent
[03:26:46] <Valen> nope
[03:26:54] <ReadError> "Search patterns exceed that of a normal visitor"
[03:27:00] <Valen> lol
[03:27:02] <ReadError> sorry guys, im bored at work trying to spend money
[03:27:10] <ReadError> had 20 lines on my cart so far
[03:27:19] <ReadError> 24hour ban
[03:27:26] <ReadError> called and explained to the guy on the phone
[03:27:28] <ReadError> he removed it
[03:27:33] <Tom_itx> they just don't want you to spend it too fast
[03:27:52] <ReadError> i have a wad of "free" money in my pocket now ;/
[03:27:57] <Tom_itx> likely to avoid bots
[03:27:57] <ReadError> burning too
[03:28:16] <ReadError> i worked a bunch of OT and it hit
[03:28:30] <Valen> what do you do for a crust ReadError?
[03:29:29] <jdh> when I work "overtime" all I get is work
[03:30:17] <ReadError> a crust ?
[03:30:46] <jdh> I'd guess he means " what do you do"
[03:30:54] <ReadError> oh
[03:30:58] <ReadError> linux admin work
[03:31:11] <jdh> atl?
[03:31:18] <ReadError> yea
[03:32:03] <jdh> I only admin boxes with no users... and I never upgrade them.
[03:32:37] <ReadError> i got dragged into a hellhole they call solaris today
[03:32:42] <ReadError> never want to see that again.
[03:32:48] <jdh> it's all the same.
[03:32:51] <jdh> "work"
[03:33:26] <Valen> lol sysadmin here too
[03:33:31] <Valen> got my programmer hat on today
[03:33:58] <Valen> got a disturbing number of windows machines now :-<
[03:34:20] <jdh> me too :(
[03:34:43] <Valen> solaris, close enough to really screw you over?
[03:34:52] <jdh> I'm rewriting a system now in vb.net which I surprisingly no longer despise
[03:35:03] <Valen> vb.net is pointless
[03:35:12] <Valen> it lost all the good things that were vb
[03:35:21] <Valen> vb6 was nice
[03:35:28] <jdh> I no longer really care what I use.
[03:35:39] <Valen> python and php for me
[03:36:00] <ReadError> omfg
[03:36:07] <jdh> I'm replacing a VMS box
[03:36:08] <ReadError> i was trying to use vi on the box
[03:36:14] <ReadError> i would enter insert mode
[03:36:18] <jdh> and it was real vi, not vim?
[03:36:30] <ReadError> my arrows would throw around characters when trying to move the cursor
[03:36:41] <ReadError> just ENTERING insert mode changed the last character on the line
[03:36:49] -!- joe9 has quit [Quit: leaving]
[03:36:53] <ReadError> so...
[03:36:53] <Valen> lol
[03:37:02] <Valen> nano all the way!
[03:37:02] <ReadError> i ended up just using sed and echo
[03:37:03] <ReadError> lol
[03:37:09] <ReadError> theres no nano, no emacs
[03:37:12] <ReadError> no pico
[03:37:15] <ReadError> no vim
[03:37:20] <jdh> there could be.
[03:37:22] <ReadError> just some crap copy of 'vi'
[03:37:24] <ReadError> also
[03:37:28] <Valen> apt-get install nano?
[03:37:29] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[03:37:30] <Valen> ;->
[03:37:32] <jdh> you can gnu it
[03:37:34] <ReadError> vi complained my resolution was too high
[03:37:48] <ReadError> jdh, i wanted to be a like hitman, in and out
[03:38:05] <ReadError> not compiling editors
[03:41:13] -!- kmiyashiro has quit [Quit: kmiyashiro]
[03:42:25] <Valen> soooo sleeeeeepy
[03:42:43] <Valen> and now its hot too
[03:51:11] -!- DeepWoods [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:54:01] <Valen> stuff it I'm not getting anything done here i'm calling lunch
[03:54:56] <jdh> I've been doing software since the late 80's. Last week or so I've been wearing headphones and listening to music. Seems to do wonders to eliminate distractions
[03:56:38] <jdh> guess I should have tried it years ago. I've always had a bad opinion of headphone-at-work-wearers though
[03:58:43] <Valen> for me to get in the zone for programming i need to have headphones and aqua
[03:58:59] <Valen> (as in barbie girl)
[03:59:12] <Valen> radio is too distracting
[03:59:25] <jdh> heh, I actually have that on my phone
[03:59:28] <ReadError> depend on your taste
[03:59:33] <ReadError> i listen to turntable.fm all day
[03:59:48] <jdh> I tend to get distracted by people walking by and asking questions
[03:59:53] <Jymmm> jdh: bad opionon, why?
[04:00:03] <Valen> the other one is i got a torrent of 300 classical music pieces that is also good
[04:00:06] <jdh> dunno, just o.
[04:00:35] <jdh> I noticed I really have no music from the last 10 or so years.
[04:00:41] <Jymmm> jdh: That doesn't make sense though
[04:00:46] <jdh> does to me.
[04:01:06] <jdh> but, I guess I'm over it now.
[04:01:09] <Jymmm> jdh: you have a negative viewpoint, but for no reason???
[04:01:35] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:01:54] <jdh> more of a can't-really-describe it reason
[04:01:59] <Valen> there are reasons you could think that
[04:02:01] <Jymmm> jdh: I'm not bagging on ya, just on this human nature kick lately
[04:02:21] <Valen> i really dislike it when my better half wears headphones because it means i cant talk to her
[04:02:30] <jdh> yeah
[04:02:32] <Jymmm> Valen: TAKE THE HINT
[04:02:52] <Valen> ;-P
[04:02:59] <Jymmm> Sometimes that is actually why they're worn.
[04:03:05] <jdh> new machine coming in first week of Feb and I still have tons of code to do so I'm willing to be the ass with the headphones
[04:03:20] <Valen> she does that for people trying to push her crap on the streets
[04:03:43] <Valen> its a good filter, if you have them on people won't interrupt you unless its actually important
[04:04:02] <Jymmm> Since my headphones let me talk on the phone, ppl at work dont know if I'm talking on the phone or listening to music, just the way I like it =)
[04:04:22] <jdh> I don't generally answer the phone :)
[04:04:27] <Jymmm> Oh, they'll interupt music, but not a phone call =)
[04:05:08] <Jymmm> They look at me, I point to the headaches that silently say "oh, ok" and walk away. I love it!
[04:05:35] <Jymmm> and 99% of the time I AM listening to music =)
[04:06:22] <Jymmm> Though I do help them when talking to vendors at the same time, so it re-enforces the whole thing =)
[04:07:23] <Jymmm> I take a 5% hit for a 95% gain.... PROFIT!!!!
[04:07:38] -!- DeepWoods has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:10:05] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:11:55] -!- abetusk [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:16:31] <Connor> jdh: What new machine ?
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[04:17:52] <jdh> Connor: it assembles fuel bundles
[04:19:50] <jdh> http://www.google.com/patents/EP0223200B1?cl=en&dq=bundle+assembly+machine&source=uds
[04:20:47] <jdh> Kind of amusing that you can find it on the web
[04:31:02] -!- emacsen has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[04:48:36] <Connor> jdh: Strange.
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[04:54:36] <Jymmm> Not really seeing it's GE. But the ironic thing is why would you file a patent for something that you could never enforce as you would be sworn to secrecy in such a facility or face treason charges
[04:55:24] <Jymmm> and isn't 1986 cold war days?
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[05:46:04] <Valen> is it just me or have CPU's gone up in price?
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[07:21:00] <zultron> Not sure, I can't afford a CPU to make that calculation.
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[07:46:01] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[09:32:15] <mrsun> rigidity rigidity rigidity
[09:32:33] <DJ9DJ> riggly diggly!
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[10:06:28] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[12:08:48] <mrsun> hmm mill table is rocking when i switch direction also :/
[12:08:56] <mrsun> about 0.03mm at the far end of the travel
[12:09:19] <mrsun> if i turn it throws the table 0.03 in one direction
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[13:17:15] <jthornton> yuck
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[14:49:02] <mazafaka> http://mazafaka.posterous.com/thanks-to-previous-job-from-where-i-originate
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[14:51:15] <mazafaka> need to add couple of videos and go go the seminar of young specialists with that thing that thing of which I had been asking.
[14:52:06] <mazafaka> http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/temp-2013-01-16/vzrlwpEygihEodgnJdyAritqBmnEuxfGIGeofaAhyFnousmlwuAuDjgcIbos/SAM_0635.JPG.scaled1000.jpg
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[16:10:11] <mrsun> hmm when checking table on a mill, should i realy do it at the far ends of it? :P shouldnt the ends of the place where the table sits be nough ...
[16:10:18] <mrsun> i might be overdoing it like hell ? :P
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[17:42:07] <Connor> @ work/home :)
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[17:45:09] <IchGuckLive> hi holgi B)
[17:45:21] <IchGuckLive> liegt schnee
[17:45:40] <pcw_home> light snow?
[17:46:34] <IchGuckLive> its snowing here pcw_home
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[17:47:13] <pcw_home> just cold (for California bay area) here
[17:47:42] <Holgi> Ja, hier liegen 10 cm
[17:48:07] <pcw_home> been about 0C most mornings for the last week or so here
[17:55:27] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: ? are you online
[17:55:34] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: by the way
[17:55:44] <IchGuckLive> will you make a THC for the parport
[17:55:59] <IchGuckLive> so only trigger up down
[17:56:17] <IchGuckLive> easyplasma has one for 300USD
[17:56:40] <IchGuckLive> that is compared to your one nasty expensiv
[17:56:40] -!- tandoori [tandoori!~Nunya@unaffiliated/tandoori] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:57:00] <pcw_home> You can use the THCAD on a parallel port
[17:57:31] <IchGuckLive> howmany pins
[17:58:05] <pcw_home> 1
[17:58:22] <IchGuckLive> isent it a Quad signal
[17:58:34] <pcw_home> no just a rate
[17:58:40] <IchGuckLive> so PWM in
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[17:59:13] <pcw_home> Not PWM, variable frequency square wave
[17:59:31] <IchGuckLive> like in model servos
[17:59:45] <IchGuckLive> 0.5-2ms at 20ms signal wide
[18:00:11] <pcw_home> No its variable frequency (10-1 range)
[18:00:39] <IchGuckLive> did you provide a example towards hal connect
[18:01:10] <IchGuckLive> i will ask retrofit if he can supply it in Austria
[18:01:26] <pcw_home> limitation with software counting is that you need to low-pass filter the result so the control bandwidth is limited to say 50 Hz
[18:02:07] <IchGuckLive> therfor it woudt be good to get a up down signal
[18:02:55] <pcw_home> Not really I think its much nicer for LinuxCNC to read the voltage and have all the control in LinuxCNC
[18:03:17] <IchGuckLive> ok
[18:03:38] <pcw_home> theres a component for this
[18:03:47] <IchGuckLive> is in the manual a drawing for NOOBs like me to get the lowoas done
[18:04:02] <pcw_home> JTs THC comp
[18:04:10] <IchGuckLive> if seen this
[18:04:20] <pcw_home> No but lowpass is pretty simple
[18:05:27] <IchGuckLive> for people like you im a LED solderer
[18:05:43] <IchGuckLive> if it is not on turn 180deg
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[18:06:18] <pcw_home> well it only has 3 pins...
[18:06:40] <pcw_home> not much worse than a LED :-)
[18:06:47] <IchGuckLive> B)
[18:07:07] <IchGuckLive> i wil usk JT for a Drawing of it
[18:07:27] <IchGuckLive> no eagle needed but a shematic woudt be great
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[18:10:13] <pcw_home> how fast is your base thread normally? (that will determine what resolution you get vs sample time)
[18:10:26] <IchGuckLive> 15k
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[18:10:52] <IchGuckLive> jt requests 2pins for the thc.comp
[18:10:58] <pcw_home> 15 usec = 66 KHz?
[18:11:09] <IchGuckLive> i guess
[18:12:52] <pcw_home> so roughly 6 bits/ms resolution
[18:13:21] <pcw_home> so 10 bits will take 16 ms
[18:13:50] <IchGuckLive> good enoph
[18:14:38] <pcw_home> so ~1/3 V resolution at 16 ms update rate 1.2V at 4 ms
[18:15:23] <pcw_home> probably fast enough for z axis unless you are cutting thin corrugated stock
[18:15:39] <pcw_home> cross grain
[18:17:20] <IchGuckLive> i will see how tjb1 did it he got a new P45 plasma to work
[18:18:37] <pcw_home> He has a THCAD and using a parallel port so should be a good example of how this works out
[18:19:17] <IchGuckLive> agree i wil lget it to run overssees as well O.O
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[19:01:17] <ReadError> mmm this locline stuff is pretty nice
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[19:07:19] <IchGuckLive> ReadError: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35tHYaDUmZQ
[19:08:18] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: ?
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[19:14:33] <ReadError> thats awesome
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[19:18:29] <IchGuckLive> as big as you can go B)
[19:18:35] <IchGuckLive> ok im off By
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[19:23:25] <kwallace1> This one is still available: http://www.ebay.com/itm/320974456467
[19:23:27] -!- Holgi has quit [Quit: Bye]
[19:24:11] <cradek> Ships to: Local pick-up only
[19:24:23] <cradek> that is an understatement.
[19:25:21] <AR__> i messaged and said i only accept USPS priority shipment
[19:25:49] <AR__> if they can disassemble and ship in flat rate boxes i will purchase
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[19:27:05] <Connor> cradek: I can see why it's still available.. It's freaking huge and they're asking allot for it.
[19:27:30] <AR__> that is not a bad price
[19:27:38] <cradek> if it runs or almost runs, it's cheap
[19:27:53] <cradek> needing it, moving it, and having a place for it are the hard parts I bet. not the price.
[19:28:18] <Connor> The control system looks ancient.
[19:28:40] <cradek> sure, probably needs a linuxcnc retrofit
[19:29:10] <AR__> i ask if i can use my 160oz-in steppers
[19:29:18] <Connor> How old is that thing you think ?
[19:29:42] <cradek> 1975-1980
[19:29:52] <Connor> SN has 79 in it.. I bet that's it.
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[19:30:31] <AR__> it is not very old
[19:30:35] <AR__> i have a similar one
[19:31:02] <Connor> 34 years
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[19:31:48] <tjb1> What did IchGuckLive need?
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[19:45:54] <JT-Shop> YIPPIE! the 308 tool changer is back alive :)
[19:46:17] <JT-Shop> he wanted to know how you hooked up the THCAD card I think
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[20:28:43] <ReadError> tjb1: get the printer kit yet?
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[20:39:24] <tjb1> No
[20:40:12] <tjb1> I haven't hooked the thc a-d up yet
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[21:46:35] <Mr_Wolfsl> Hi anyone know how can I keep axis A C in the .var with the software
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[21:59:59] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[22:31:38] <tjb1> ReadError: My printer should ship tuesday they said
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[22:55:46] <JT-Shop> printer?
[22:57:33] <ReadError> 3d printer
[22:57:48] <Tom_itx> which one did you get?
[22:57:55] <ReadError> oh ive had one, prusa2
[22:58:07] <ReadError> but tjb just ordered a makergear one
[22:58:26] <Tom_itx> is that the one everyone is shunning?
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[23:01:52] <ReadError> nah its a prusa2
[23:02:01] <ReadError> makerbot is what you are thinking of
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