#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-01-20

[00:01:25] -!- logger[mah] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:01:31] -!- logger[mah] [logger[mah][email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:16:11] <JT-Shop> sorry no sound but it went over the moon http://gnipsel.com/tannerite/P1010049.MOV
[00:18:44] <Jymmm> gunpowder charge?
[00:18:53] <JT-Shop> tannerite
[00:19:09] <JT-Shop> if you download and watch at double you can see it come down
[00:21:30] <Jymmm> ~~~ JT-Shop Over the moon rocket video 20130119 http://v6.tinypic.com/player.swf?file=t8aon6
[00:22:09] <JT-Shop> awesome
[00:22:37] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Go get you a TinyPic account, it's free.
[00:22:48] -!- alpha1125 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:23:21] <Tom_itx> wondered what that noise was a while ago :)
[00:23:57] <JT-Shop> my wife said it shook the house and we were a 1/4 mile away
[00:25:14] <JT-Shop> 1/2 lb of tannerite per shot
[00:28:10] <JT-Shop> left a divot http://imagebin.org/243443
[00:29:21] <Tom_itx> all the neighbor kids come out to play?
[00:29:32] <JT-Shop> http://imagebin.org/243444
[00:29:53] <JT-Shop> just the 4 mousekteeres
[00:31:39] <JT-Shop> the launch vehicle does need some repairs after the last launch
[00:33:14] -!- alpha1125 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[00:39:21] -!- Gene34 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:42:59] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:43:11] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:52:49] -!- Poincare has quit [Quit: changing servers]
[00:53:05] -!- Poincare [Poincare!~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:11:47] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[01:14:57] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:15:07] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:18:38] -!- modmaker has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:26:51] <cradek> 49000 messages have gone through the emc-users list
[01:27:25] <Jymmm> ... 48999 were spam.
[01:27:57] <mhaberler> the jerk limiter doesnt work, looks like a low hanging fruit
[01:28:05] -!- dr00bie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:29:17] <cradek> snrk
[01:34:14] <pcw_home> I'll try the index thump test Monday I will have to jury-rig a limit switch
[01:35:06] -!- Keknom [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:35:26] <cradek> thanks!
[01:35:40] <cradek> remember it only thumps the first time you home
[01:35:54] <pcw_home> I also noticed D is still enabled in the dead zone i wonder if this is intentional or not
[01:36:42] <pcw_home> (not related to you patch)
[01:36:48] <pcw_home> your
[01:37:02] <cradek> I don't know
[01:37:43] <cradek> have you ever seen deadband work to make a machine settle down at stop? I've only seen it increase the amplitude of the jitter
[01:38:20] -!- elmo40 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:38:33] <pcw_home> Its really a mixed blessing (and causes weird artifacts when in motion)
[01:39:17] <cradek> in my experience (velocity mode only) it seems like only a curse
[01:39:45] <pcw_home> No use in velocity mode
[01:39:56] <cradek> deadband makes the oscillation at rest larger amplitude, offset changes its frequency
[01:40:03] <pcw_home> Yes
[01:40:08] <cradek> only with careful offset adjustment you can get it to almost stop
[01:40:32] <pcw_home> In torque mode what would be better would be a zone of lower gain
[01:40:47] <cradek> interesting idea
[01:41:28] <cradek> on the theory that somewhat less discontinuity (but still some) is a win?
[01:41:48] <pcw_home> the problem with torque mode is that with reasonable gains you get maybe 5% full torque with one encoder count
[01:42:18] <pcw_home> so that one count is quite a step
[01:42:18] <cradek> that's a lotta torque to oscillate with
[01:42:29] <pcw_home> Yeah
[01:43:27] <pcw_home> Also the ability to use slight lydifferent tuning for when ~stopped would be nice
[01:46:56] <pcw_home> well and output scale (currently there are as many ways to get the feedback direction correct as there are output devices) pid.out_scale would make this settable in one place
[01:48:10] <pcw_home> (for all devices)
[01:51:11] -!- hdokes has quit [Quit: I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!]
[01:51:47] -!- wavesounds has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:55:01] -!- tjb1 [tjb1!~tjb1@2600:1007:b025:e107:b45f:7330:87dc:cd85] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:55:06] -!- hdokes [hdokes!~IceChat77@173-165-40-177-Illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:59:37] -!- cmorley [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:02:42] -!- rlockwood [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:03:32] <rlockwood> I'm trying to add a button, or preferably add an m-code to cause the camview-emc plugin to save an image-- anyone able to point me in the correct direction?
[02:05:42] <tjb1> Tom_itx: You here?
[02:10:43] -!- servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0.11/20101206162726]]
[02:18:47] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:22:38] -!- elmo40 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:29:07] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Quit: left the building.]
[02:29:55] -!- plushy has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:30:35] -!- Sendoush_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:42:38] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[02:46:55] -!- paideia has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:48:52] -!- alpha1125 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:52:02] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:52:14] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:54:10] -!- elmo40 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:13:30] -!- rlockwood has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:13:40] -!- tandoori has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[03:16:30] -!- alpha1125 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
[03:18:26] <ReadError> http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBBSr6GCEAAOXfH.jpg:large
[03:18:32] <ReadError> latest cnc creation
[03:18:45] <tjb1> That real cf?
[03:20:20] <ReadError> yea
[03:20:38] <tjb1> You make it yourself?
[03:20:43] <ReadError> the cf?
[03:20:44] <ReadError> nah
[03:20:50] <ReadError> i got the CF sheet from mcmaster
[03:32:43] <toastyde1th> that's some class work
[03:33:08] <toastyde1th> my old machine shop was big on aesthetic finish, most shops aren't
[03:33:15] <toastyde1th> that's classy shit right there
[03:35:01] <Jymmm> I just saw that on ebay for $3 + free shipping.
[03:35:07] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:35:19] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:36:15] <Tom_itx> original batmobile #1 just went on barret jackson for 4.2 million
[03:39:00] -!- elmo40 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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[03:43:53] -!- maximilian_h has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[03:45:55] -!- toastyde2th [toastyde2th!~toast@2601:a:2e00:aa:808:97e0:48e8:f49] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:46:21] -!- crib has quit [Read error: No route to host]
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[03:51:51] -!- elmo40 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:57:42] -!- klick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:06:51] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:08:35] -!- rlockwood has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[04:11:59] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:12:11] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:13:54] -!- maximilian_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:21:13] -!- L84Supper_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:21:30] <tjb1> I can not find an address for this card :(
[04:32:08] -!- crib has quit [Quit: quit]
[04:32:27] -!- crib [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:43:02] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:43:17] <Tecan> http://www.arctablet.com/blog/featured/ubuntu-12-10-quantal-now-runs-on-mk808-ug802-rk3066-based-mini-pcs/
[04:43:54] -!- rlockwood3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:47:10] -!- rlockwood [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:53:57] -!- skunkworks2 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:55:08] -!- L84Supper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[04:55:37] -!- rlockwood has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[05:00:15] <Tecan> would that run linux emc ok ?
[05:00:27] <Tecan> 1.6 ghz with quadcore gpu duno what
[05:01:11] <Tecan> oh right its missing a printer port
[05:01:15] <Tecan> shit
[05:01:25] -!- Cylly [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:01:46] <Tom_itx> you can use pci
[05:01:57] <Tom_itx> with a mesa card
[05:02:57] -!- hdokes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[05:03:02] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[05:06:36] <Tecan> hmmm
[05:07:25] <Tecan> would wifi be able to keep up with the speed needed to machine ?
[05:07:40] <Tecan> i mean network cable
[05:07:42] <Tom_itx> that's a silly idea
[05:07:49] <Tecan> canbus works
[05:07:59] <Tom_itx> wifi would be unreliable
[05:08:10] <Tecan> you can get those arduino boards that have a network port on them
[05:08:26] <Tom_itx> i wouldn't trust my fingers to that
[05:08:56] <Tecan> pc card <---> network card <--> driver board
[05:09:28] <Tecan> yeah sounds like alot of fuss
[05:09:47] <Tecan> i know people were looking for alternatives to usb
[05:11:29] <tjb1> Id be happy getting the address to my parport card lol
[05:12:52] -!- rlockwood2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:13:04] -!- RifRaf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:13:15] -!- RifRaf [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:14:23] -!- rlockwood has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[05:20:08] -!- Rif [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:21:37] -!- RifRaf has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[05:22:16] <Tecan> Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) is a half-duplex bi-directional interface designed to allow devices like printers, scanners, or storage devices to transmit large amounts of data while quickly being able to switch channel direction. EPP can provide up to 2 MByte/s bandwidth, approximately 15 times the speed achieved with normal parallel-port communication with far less CPU overhead.
[05:22:25] <Tecan> lol dont want that
[05:32:26] -!- JesusAlos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:35:09] -!- erictheise has quit [Quit: erictheise]
[05:36:17] -!- halo_cast [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:38:19] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[05:40:50] <JesusAlos> Hi
[05:43:22] <Tecan> Tom_itx is this what you ment ? http://pcmciatousbadapter.net/
[05:43:35] <Tecan> then a card to go into it
[05:46:14] -!- the_wench [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:49:30] <rlockwood2> http://www.mesanet.com/
[05:49:52] -!- L84Supper_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:52:04] -!- halo_cast has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[05:54:22] -!- kwallace [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[05:56:26] <Tecan> oh i see its a gcode interpreter
[06:00:14] -!- phantoneD [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:05:37] <Tecan> http://smoothieware.org/
[06:07:44] <Tecan> looks like quite a bit of delay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CYaGMgO-XQ
[06:08:20] -!- L84Supper_ has quit [Quit: Was here <puff of smoke>]
[06:12:21] -!- force [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:21:19] <tjb1> I found my parport address
[06:21:29] <tjb1> Thats the good news…bad news is my hal and ini are a mess
[06:22:23] <tjb1> More bad news, charge pump doesnt work on PCI par port but does on mobo parport
[06:22:42] -!- L84Supper_ has quit [Client Quit]
[06:23:06] <Tecan> how is it set even ?
[06:23:17] <Tecan> the charge pump that is
[06:23:28] -!- rlockwood2 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[06:23:38] <Tecan> oh i see for going longer distances ?
[06:23:45] <tjb1> No
[06:23:56] <tjb1> Its a signal from the computer that lets the driver know its responding
[06:24:19] <tjb1> Maybe not the best explanation but without charge pump signal, driver shuts off
[06:25:17] <JesusAlos> Some body know why in linuxcnc pncconf wizard don't are 5i25 card
[06:25:19] <JesusAlos> ??
[06:25:34] <JesusAlos> only 5i20
[06:25:36] <Tecan> http://i.imgur.com/fOqUUt2.jpg << funny
[06:36:27] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[06:40:52] <Tecan> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_pump this is not telling me much... is a charge pump required for PLL ?
[06:42:05] <tjb1> PLL?
[06:45:32] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[06:47:19] <tjtr33> that wikipedia explanation is not the kind of charge pump used here. Here, its a 'keep-alive' signal if you dont hear the heartbeat of the chargepump, the system should stop
[06:48:20] <tjtr33> and no PLL involved
[06:50:54] <tjtr33> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?About_Charge_Pumps
[06:50:56] <tjb1> Its not required on my driver, I just like to use it
[06:53:40] <tjtr33> did you find the pport addr?
[06:56:33] <tjb1> Yes, it was 1008
[06:56:39] <tjb1> I have other problems now though
[06:56:52] <Tecan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIl45f6i1PU << bubble soccer
[06:58:09] <tjb1> I have to clean up/re-do my HAL file
[07:04:18] -!- ravenlock has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[07:06:48] -!- the_wench has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[07:08:52] -!- archivist has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[07:10:46] -!- theos has quit [Disconnected by services]
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[07:13:05] <Tecan> tjb1 i would assume that the board used to send the charge pump is capable of detecting one without special hardware too ?
[07:13:16] <Tecan> parport
[07:13:36] <tjb1> You mean the computer detecting the charge pump signal?
[07:14:02] <Tecan> no if another card sent it one
[07:14:16] <Tecan> yes
[07:15:31] <tjb1> That would just be a frequency so I don't see why not
[07:15:59] <tjb1> I believe you have to set EPP mode for the charge pump to work correctly and I cant do that with my PCI card but I can with the mobo port
[07:16:29] <Tecan> ah ic thanks for clarifying :)
[07:18:15] <tjb1> I think its a 50KHz signal
[07:18:45] <Tecan> wow
[07:19:04] <Tecan> i should make myself a oscilliscope
[07:19:43] <tjb1> Sorry its a 10kHZ
[07:19:46] <tjb1> kHz...
[07:20:04] <tjb1> Well the G540 requires 10kHz
[07:20:18] <tjb1> I got a Rigol DS1052E
[07:20:22] <tjb1> Thats hacked to the 100
[07:20:36] <tjb1> 100 MHz hack
[07:22:02] -!- archivist [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[07:24:41] -!- Gene346 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[07:31:21] -!- rob_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[07:34:35] <Tecan> http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=9490734 haha i listen to this to brush up on my russian
[07:40:52] -!- kmiyashiro has quit [Quit: kmiyashiro]
[07:44:16] <tjb1> I go play with my cnc to brush up on my french
[07:51:49] <r00t4rd3d> i go play with my cnc to fill up my pockets with money
[07:55:23] <Tecan> http://code.google.com/p/rsteppercontroller/
[07:55:41] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
[07:56:02] <Tecan> r00t4rd3d are you a pro ?
[07:56:17] <Tecan> the artist of artists or what ?
[07:56:35] -!- jthornton [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:07:47] <Tecan> 7I80DB Ethernet Anything I/O card from mesa looks good
[08:08:44] <tjb1> Goodnight everyone
[08:08:53] <tjb1> Yeah, you could call r00t4rd3d a "pro"
[08:08:54] <tjb1> ;)
[08:09:16] -!- tjb1 has quit [Quit: tjb1]
[08:15:42] -!- DJ9DJ [DJ9DJ!~Deejay@unaffiliated/dj9dj] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:16:22] <DJ9DJ> moin
[08:42:03] Rif is now known as RifRaf
[08:53:41] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[09:07:02] -!- the_wench [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[09:26:14] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[09:27:06] <IchGuckLive> hi all on a wonderfull sunday
[09:31:04] <halo_cast> hi all
[09:31:13] <IchGuckLive> B)
[09:32:09] <halo_cast> has anybody an idea where to buy a front frame for a 4x20 lcd text display?
[09:32:25] <halo_cast> I cannot find anything at ebay
[09:32:34] <Jymmm> a bezel?
[09:32:43] <Jymmm> google 'lcd bezel'
[09:32:48] <IchGuckLive> halo_cast: europ or US
[09:33:19] <halo_cast> Eu - Germany
[09:33:24] <IchGuckLive> reichelt
[09:33:32] <IchGuckLive> die haben das
[09:34:42] <IchGuckLive> lcd front9 6,5Euro
[09:35:09] <IchGuckLive> oder ganzz gross für 14euro
[09:35:26] <IchGuckLive> lcd front 17-25
[09:36:33] -!- vladimirek [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[09:36:35] <IchGuckLive> http://www.reichelt.de/index.html?ACTION=3;ARTICLE=78530;SEARCH=LCD%20FRONT%2017%26%2345%253b25
[09:37:17] <IchGuckLive> all Frames
[09:37:19] <IchGuckLive> http://www.reichelt.de/LCD-Zubehoer/2/index.html?;ACTION=2;LA=3;GROUPID=3013;SID=13UD9e2X8AAAIAAHK1GBk6e29264a851ef7c72f52cfb96b77b002
[09:37:32] <halo_cast> danke - sieht sehr gut aus
[09:37:41] <IchGuckLive> immer gerne
[09:38:17] <IchGuckLive> ok i go shuffeling the new snow
[09:38:24] <IchGuckLive> ny till later 1
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[12:04:35] <IchGuckLive> hi B)
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[12:15:58] <Jymmm> cradek: XOR http://www.robertnz.net/pdf/xor2.pdf
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[12:47:54] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[12:48:09] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[12:48:56] <ReadError> hey Loetmichel
[12:49:06] <ReadError> you seen my new quad cnc creations?
[12:49:14] <Loetmichel> no
[12:49:40] <ReadError> http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBBSr6GCEAAOXfH.jpg:large
[12:49:50] <ReadError> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25091878/Photo%20Jan%2016%2C%2011%2026%2005%20PM.jpg
[12:50:28] <Loetmichel> soo, Mill ist "snowing" again... nor i will grant myself a coffee and then i will put on something more decent than a morning gown ;-)
[12:51:21] <Loetmichel> ReadError: hmm, fat aluminium. isnt that a bit heavy?
[12:51:52] <ReadError> on the little one
[12:51:56] <ReadError> only 6g
[12:52:02] <ReadError> with motor mount built in
[12:56:59] <Loetmichel> nice
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[12:57:22] <Loetmichel> have you tried to use alu-dibond instead of massive aluminium sheet?
[12:57:39] <Loetmichel> should be lighter at roughly the same rigidity
[12:58:32] <IchGuckLive> ReadError: is this massive alu
[12:58:47] <ReadError> well i was thinking about using XX (G10ish material)
[12:58:59] <ReadError> density wise its about half of aluminum
[12:59:35] <IchGuckLive> just go to the next dragen store and take carbon fiver
[12:59:44] <IchGuckLive> its 2eur a pice
[13:00:20] <ReadError> 'take' ?
[13:00:44] <IchGuckLive> 8mm round carpon pipes
[13:01:01] <IchGuckLive> kite
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[13:03:47] <IchGuckLive> hi alan
[13:03:53] <Guest28963> hi
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[13:03:58] <IchGuckLive> B)
[13:05:10] <alan-1234> does anyone know how to control the width of a pyvcp spinbox element? They make my panels too wide with a big open space on one side.
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[13:06:30] <IchGuckLive> vbox
[13:07:52] <IchGuckLive> alan-1234: look at page 108 in the integreater manual
[13:10:48] <IchGuckLive> im off by til 19:00 Berlin time
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[13:22:43] <Tecan> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:25_Pin_D-sub_pinout.svg
[13:22:49] <Tecan> whats strobe ?
[13:24:52] <archivist> a signal that latches all the other signals in a set
[13:27:03] <Tecan> Wang had a surplus stock of 20,000 Amphenol 36-pin micro ribbon connectors that were originally used for one of their early calculators, which they used to create the Centronics interface on their computers.
[13:27:27] <Tecan> hehe funny history
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[14:01:45] <JesusAlos> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/39-pncconf/21670-5i25-firmware-xml-files-for-pncconf
[14:02:09] <JesusAlos> I don't know where put the file 5i25_desc.zip
[14:02:19] <JesusAlos> Moderator don't say
[14:02:34] <JesusAlos> eny body know?
[14:06:55] <r00t4rd3d> /usr/share/doc
[14:07:01] <r00t4rd3d> i would guess
[14:14:53] <JesusAlos> 're you sure?
[14:15:48] <JesusAlos> yes
[14:15:56] <JesusAlos> is the same name directory
[14:16:12] <JesusAlos> thank r00t4d3d
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[14:59:52] <r00t4rd3d> im not sure, just guessing
[14:59:58] <r00t4rd3d> cause thats where the other one goes
[15:04:38] <Tom_itx> no
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[15:05:22] <atom1> it goes in\lib\firmware\hm2\
[15:05:28] <atom1> in it's subdirectory
[15:05:42] <atom1> pretty sure
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[15:41:02] <Jymmm> andypugh: http://oldfuelinjection.com/?p=95
[15:44:14] <archivist> that is not old injection this is http://www.collection.archivist.info/archive/Lucas/PS/PB7A/ps2233.jpg
[15:44:19] <DaViruz_> that "under construction" picture sure takes you back to the 90's
[15:45:14] <Jymmm> andypugh: Specifically... "High-pressure fuel pumps are not that good at pulling fuel out of gas tanks. That�s why new vehicles sold today have fuel pumps inside the tank."
[15:45:57] <archivist> today! been going on since a long time
[15:46:21] <Jymmm> ?
[15:47:03] <archivist> Jymmm, why are you trying to teach andypugh to suck eggs, you do remember his day job?
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[16:17:36] <JesusAlos> f
[16:20:10] <Tecan> http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Altera-Cyclone-II-FPGA-EP2C5T144-Mini-Development-Learn-Core-Board-E081-/261095727391?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cca84a11f
[16:29:10] <awallin> Tecan: how does that one compare to the Spartan 3:s that are on the mesa cards?
[16:30:59] <Tecan> hmmm
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[16:32:26] <awallin> you'd have to come up with your own pc-interface and driver for the altera...
[16:32:40] <awallin> do you know how the vhdl firmware tools for altera compare to xilinx ?
[16:32:55] <Tecan> http://www.ebay.ca/itm/XC3S250E-XILINX-Spartan-3E-FPGA-Evaluation-Development-Core-Board-XCF02S-FLASH-/261136054698?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cccebf9aa
[16:33:10] <Tecan> maybe i have to buy one of these now too
[16:33:18] * Tecan feels his pockets
[16:33:27] <awallin> umm, altera or mesa?
[16:33:43] <Tecan> spartain 3 fpga evaluation board
[16:34:12] <Tecan> there arnt any prices on the mesa website which makes me leary
[16:34:23] <awallin> for linuxcnc use a mesa card with a spartan 3 is a tried and tested solution
[16:34:33] <awallin> there is a pdf with prices on the mesa website
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[16:35:00] <Tecan> whats one of those run in price ?
[16:35:31] <awallin> the 5i20 PCI card is under 200 I think
[16:35:55] <awallin> if you are in the US shipping is cheaper, elsewhere it's a bit more..
[16:36:22] <awallin> http://www.mesanet.com/prices.pdf
[16:36:56] <awallin> I'd like to develop some custom ADC and DAC cards + firmware for the mesa card, but so far I haven't had time..
[16:37:21] <pcw_home> That Altera chip is about the equivalent of a spatan3 XC3S200
[16:37:32] <pcw_home> spartan 3
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[16:38:56] <awallin> pcw_home: do you have any comment on the altera toolset vs. xilinx? i.e. editors/compilers/debuggers etc
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[16:40:02] <pcw_home> Not enough experience with Altera to say but I have heard that their tool chain (Quartus?) is less buggy
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[16:42:13] <pcw_home> Though the latest Xilinx webpack (14.3?) seems pretty good
[16:43:04] <awallin> I've installed that webpack both on win and linux but haven't had time to play with it..
[16:43:14] <awallin> the ubuntu install did require some tweaking..
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[16:46:14] <Tecan> git://git.linuxcnc.org/git/hostmot2-firmware.git
[16:47:07] <awallin> yeah, understanding the current firmware is probably the first step - before creating custom firmware
[16:47:30] <awallin> I'm not sure how many mesa users have compiled their own firmware with xilinx webpack - not many I guess
[16:47:48] <Tecan> hehe
[16:49:46] <Tecan> funny ive just been using my standart printer port for my machine and its awesome no jitter. probably dont need one of these cards just yet till i get into the 5 axis metal work lathe's
[16:49:48] <awallin> Tecan: if you do that, do write down some notes to help others in the wiki!
[16:49:58] <Tecan> will do
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[16:50:19] <Tecan> not sure what im doing yet, just mapping out the land
[16:50:32] <Tecan> it'll be something cool im sure when its done
[16:50:37] <Tecan> whatever that is
[16:52:12] <awallin> ok. I'd like to build a telescope-mount, and perhaps a software-defined-radio. those could be based on mesa/fpga cards ? when/if I have time..
[16:53:56] <pcw_home> There will be some porting involved to use the HostMot2 source on a Cyclone (at the minimum the clock multipliers and SRL16s would need to be re-done in Altera compatible hardware)
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[17:16:24] <Tecan> anyone here using modbus ?
[17:16:34] <JT-Shop> kinda
[17:16:50] <Tecan> for the interface controls ?
[17:17:00] <JT-Shop> for my VFD
[17:17:09] <Tecan> ah the spindle ?
[17:17:15] <JT-Shop> but it is a component so it is automagic
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[17:20:06] <IchGuckLive> Hi B) ice 4cm on the road and 1cm on all trees covered
[17:21:07] <JT-Shop> yuck I dislike ice
[17:21:10] <pcw_home> nice dry winter Sunday here, going for a little hike with dog....
[17:22:59] <JT-Shop> not bad here, I have the shop door open so Woody can wander outside and tease the dog
[17:23:21] <IchGuckLive> O.O
[17:23:43] <IchGuckLive> woody woodpecker
[17:24:22] <JT-Shop> Woodrow aka Woody the cat that used to live in the wood pile and now guards the shop and garage from vermin
[17:24:29] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-hardware/yubikey-nano/
[17:24:30] <Tecan> iirc modbus uses a networking card
[17:24:38] <r00t4rd3d> how google wants to replace using passwords
[17:24:44] <Tecan> and an adapter to db9
[17:24:59] <Tecan> or db9 to db9
[17:25:03] <pcw_home> dog knows somethings up so need to leave before he goes crazy in the house bbl
[17:26:25] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: if you are able to do a video on how to get this plug and play 5i25+7i7x in good shape on the 2.6 with pnccond it woudt help so many asking here
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[17:28:28] <Tecan> Modbus TCP/IP
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[18:02:27] <IchGuckLive> B)
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[18:38:36] <IchGuckLive> O.O
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[19:01:19] <JesusAlos> can I change the default view of linuxcnc when start
[19:01:26] <JesusAlos> it ever prespective
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[19:03:57] <Tecan> you can send Modbus/RTU encapsulated in TCP/IP or UDP/IP at 1Gbps or even 1 gazillion-billion bps.
[19:04:55] <Tecan> networking is done via card side rather than cpu right ?
[19:06:08] <archivist> cpu has to give it to the network card somehow (could be dma)
[19:06:30] <Tecan> hmmmm
[19:11:59] <archivist> and to see what the cpu cannot do while dma is occurring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_memory_access
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[19:15:58] <pcw_home> AFAIK almost all network hardware access from modern PCs is via bus mastering PCI/PCIE devices
[19:17:19] <pcw_home> the MAC usually manages ring buffers in system memory
[19:17:56] <Tecan> interesting
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[19:21:19] <archivist> all usually so fast it matters little till you see that a bus master device has stopped something else from happening and you start getting latency problems
[19:22:24] <Tecan> even at 1Gbps ?
[19:22:46] <pcw_home> Yes usually some hardware access will be blocked when the bus master has the bus
[19:23:14] <archivist> think how large a block is sent then see the real period
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[19:24:23] <pcw_home> a 1500 byte packet on one lane PCIE is 6 usec minimum and about 12 on PCI
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[19:26:06] <pcw_home> other hardware access may or may not be blocked during this time depending on specific system architechure
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[19:32:40] <pcw_home> newer PCIE systems should be better as they will have per endpoint buffering and a higher root-CPU bandwidth
[19:37:59] <Loetmichel> hmmm, btw, pcw_home: do you know of any PCIe-LPTport-cards that act like isa cards? i.e with a 0x378 adress and so on?
[19:44:27] <JesusAlos> Please. I need change the gain of jog sped bar in linuxcnc
[19:44:43] <JesusAlos> my bar go from 0% to 900%
[19:44:52] <JesusAlos> I need 0% to 100%
[19:45:25] <JesusAlos> eny track?
[19:46:00] <jthornton> in Axis?
[19:46:22] <JesusAlos> yes
[19:46:30] <Tom_itx> under display isn't it?
[19:47:23] <jthornton> yea http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/config/ini_config.html#_display_section_a_id_sub_display_section_a
[19:48:05] <JesusAlos> thank a lott
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[20:06:28] <pcw_home> Loetmichel: I dont think so. (PCI/PCIe below 0x1000 is not allowed AFAIK)
[20:06:30] <pcw_home> PCI/PCIE Parallel cards usually work exactly like ISA cards except the base address
[20:07:39] <pcw_home> I should say PCI/PCIE I/O addresses below 0x1000 are not allowed
[20:08:10] <Loetmichel> pcw_home: i've seen PCI cards that utilize a PCI-ISA bridge and then an isa multi IO Chip
[20:08:24] <Loetmichel> i thought maybe they are aviable for PCIe, too?
[20:08:36] <Loetmichel> for old programs with fixed adresses
[20:09:46] <pcw_home> The problem is that most motherboards/chipsets will have a bridge for the local legacy I/O that will not allow PCI access below 0x1000 or so
[20:10:00] <pcw_home> (PCIE is the same)
[20:10:25] <Loetmichel> strange
[20:11:02] <Loetmichel> but if you say so... i could have sweared i've seen mainboards with multiple PCI-> isa bridges.
[20:11:11] <pcw_home> also with PCI/PCIE the BIOS sets the I/O address not the card
[20:11:17] <Loetmichel> never used the cards in legacy mainboards though
[20:11:52] <pcw_home> Its possible but less and less likely with newer MBs
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[20:46:17] <mrsun> http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=243519 45 degree holder for a grinder =)
[20:49:51] <mrsun> not the most beautiful piece of machinery but :P
[20:49:55] <mrsun> hopefully it will do its job =)
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[22:14:53] <Tom_itx> what angle do i need to single point threads? is it 55 or 60?
[22:14:53] <Tom_itx> american fine thread
[22:15:45] <Jymmm> What does it take motor wise to make an electric car?
[22:16:09] <TekniQue> Tom_itx: afaik, american threads are 55 degrees
[22:16:20] -!- SirRobin [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:16:43] <Tom_itx> Jymmm, a lego motor would do
[22:16:45] <TekniQue> Jymmm: 100 kilowatts is a good start
[22:16:48] <Tom_itx> geared properly
[22:16:58] <Tom_itx> you may not go very fast
[22:16:59] <Jymmm> seriously
[22:17:03] <Tom_itx> dead
[22:17:04] <TekniQue> I'd want at least 400 kilowatts
[22:17:13] <TekniQue> maybe four 100 kilowatt motors
[22:17:31] <Jymmm> I'm not talking tacing ot anything, just up to maybe 75MPH ?
[22:17:38] <Jymmm> *racing
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[22:18:04] <Tom_itx> what did OCC put in their bike?
[22:18:12] <TekniQue> then you probably need about 50 kilowatts
[22:18:29] <Tom_itx> 25-50hp maybe
[22:18:42] <Jymmm> Ok, lets say 50KW, how much ?
[22:18:53] -!- SpineyNorman has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[22:19:43] <Tom_itx> http://www.diyelectriccar.com/forums/showthread.php/looking-lightweight-motor-50kw-peak-60009.html
[22:19:58] <Tom_itx> According to Wikipedia, the Tesla�s motor weights only 32kg at a power of about 200kw
[22:20:52] <Jymmm> But how much? junkyard special?
[22:21:34] <Tom_itx> rental car special.. pull it out and call and tell them it quit on you
[22:22:12] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: huh?
[22:22:22] <Jymmm> ah
[22:23:17] <TekniQue> haha
[22:24:38] <Jymmm> I'm looking at getting a beater to get arund town, but might want to convert/play around after I get my SUV fixed
[22:25:03] <Jymmm> If I get a pre-1975, then it's smog exempt.
[22:26:13] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d: Did that guy ship your obd2 out yet?
[22:26:22] <Jymmm> I'm NOT lookng to put $20K into a project, but if I can play around and get junkyard specials on parts, I'd consider it
[22:27:33] <Tom_itx> so what old equipment used big electric motors you could salvage one from?
[22:27:49] <Jymmm> nfc, that's why I'm asking.
[22:27:54] <Tom_itx> trains
[22:28:03] -!- SirRobin has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[22:28:25] * Tom_itx thinks a bit smaller...
[22:31:52] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[22:33:26] <r00t4rd3d> not yet, ordered it late friday so probably not till tomorrow
[22:34:08] <tjb1> Guy should have done some work and shipped them monday
[22:34:17] <tjb1> saturday…not monday
[22:35:11] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:39:05] <tjb1> h͒̂̃̈̉͏̹̣̫e̡̜͙͕̯͙̥͚͛̾͛ͣͫ̀ͩ͠l̟̩̹̘̰̤̘̍͋l̳̮̖͕͖̰̯ͩ̿͌̇ͩ̅ͫ̐̓̀̀ǫ̦̓̔ͬ͞
[22:39:36] <Jymmm> wth is that shit?
[22:39:55] <ve7it> cat on a hot keyboard?
[22:40:44] <DaViruz_> looks like some kind of larvae
[22:43:12] <tjb1> J̣̤̲̟͇̳͈̎̃̀͛̏́̀ͣ͘ͅy̛̬̭̮̲̱͔ͩ͘m̖̬̝̙̤̄͗̿̕m̼̗̟̞̬̥̿͛͘͜m̈́͛̎͋̇̏́̚͝҉͇͓̹̰̙̜̥̘̯,̗̫̙̥͉̭̭͉̋͠ ̥͎̤̱͇̇̾ͭͤ̾ͦͯ́̀ͅi̧̭̗̬ͪͥ̌ͯ̅ͦͥš͍̖͙͊̏̕ ̱̺͈̳͙̍ͯ̏̇ͦͩ̓͡t̬̦͍̟̫̫̘͉̃͗̽͊͆̓͗ͯ͡h̸͍ͩ̇̔͞e̮̻̙̘̭ͮ̎̎ͣ̆͛̅̒̾ͅr͎ͫͭ͗̐e̖̙̟̜̭͚͇̻ͨ̐͗̐ͥ͑̾͘ ̴͔͙͖̮̟̰͍̠̒͋̊̍̚̕͡a͓͕̦̹̟̰̯̔ͧ̾̿̋ͦ
[22:43:13] <tjb1> ̶̻͇̒̀͠ͅp̫̭̞̲̒̍͐̊͊r̖̭͔̥͐ͭ̕ơ̬̠͙̟͐̿̑ͣͪͨ̐͐b͉͙̭͛ͨ̎́̇̉̀͠l̶͎̥̺͍̬̊ͧ̐͞ḛ͑̓̌̅͌̓m̫͓͇̼̮͓͉̱̈̇͢͟͡?̞͕̭̥͛̾͋̀̐̑͊ͩ
[22:44:25] <ReadError> <tjb1> J̣̤̲̟͇̳͈̎̃̀͛̏́̀ͣ͘ͅy̛̬̭̮̲̱͔ͩ͘m̖̬̝̙̤̄͗̿̕m̼̗̟̞̬̥̿͛͘͜m̈́͛̎͋̇̏́̚͝҉͇͓̹̰̙̜̥̘̯,̗̫̙̥͉̭̭͉̋͠ ̥͎̤̱͇̇̾ͭͤ̾ͦͯ́̀ͅi̧̭̗̬ͪͥ̌ͯ̅ͦͥš͍̖͙͊̏̕ ̱̺͈̳͙̍ͯ̏̇ͦͩ̓͡t̬̦͍̟̫̫̘͉̃͗̽͊͆̓͗ͯ͡h̸͍ͩ̇̔͞e̮̻̙̘̭ͮ̎̎ͣ̆͛̅̒̾ͅr͎ͫͭ͗̐e̖̙̟̜̭͚͇̻ͨ̐͗̐ͥ͑̾͘ ̴̒͋̊̍̚̕͡
[22:44:25] <ReadError> ͔͙͖̮̟̰͍̠a͓͕̦̹̟̰̯̔ͧ̾̿̋ͦ
[22:44:25] <ReadError> <tjb1> ̶̻͇̒̀͠ͅp̫̭̞̲̒̍͐̊͊r̖̭͔̥͐ͭ̕ơ̬̠͙̟͐̿̑ͣͪͨ̐͐b͉͙̭͛ͨ̎́̇̉̀͠l̶͎̥̺͍̬̊ͧ̐͞ḛ͑̓̌̅͌̓m̫͓͇̼̮͓͉̱̈̇͢͟͡?̞͕̭̥͛̾͋̀̐̑͊ͩ
[22:44:28] <ReadError> do you see that?
[22:44:36] <tjb1> see what?
[22:44:45] <ReadError> your client is all messed up
[22:45:35] -!- vladimirek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:45:40] <tjb1> You're messed up
[22:48:43] <Jymmm> A panty dropper... http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/cto/3555994902.html
[22:49:16] <tjb1> 30-40 mile range…lol
[22:49:44] <tjb1> 0-20mph in 5 seconds
[22:50:19] <Jymmm> Yeah 1mph = 5s, +5s for +1mph
[22:50:47] <Jymmm> But electric does have serious torque
[22:51:10] <Jymmm> And enough room in the back for a 20gal tank and generator =)
[22:52:27] <tjb1> Kinda defeats the purpose of electric vehicle if you are going to use gas to charge it while dirver?
[22:52:29] <tjb1> driving
[22:52:57] <Jymmm> The "purpose" is to bypass smog requirements =)
[22:53:09] <tjb1> We dont have that here :)
[22:53:35] <tjb1> As long as everything appears to be there, you are fine
[22:53:36] <Jymmm> Commifornia even has emmissions on 5gal gas cans - seriously
[22:54:46] <Jymmm> tjb1: http://www.autozone.com/autozone/accessories/5-gal-gas-can-15-x-8-3-4-x-15-in-Enviro-Flo/_/N-26cd?itemIdentifier=399888_0_0_
[22:54:55] <Jymmm> tjb1: " Meets California Air Resource Board and EPA requirements"
[22:55:17] <tjb1> You know what I hate? the spillproof crap on the cans
[22:55:26] <Jymmm> That's the emissions shit
[22:56:05] <Jymmm> tjb1: BUT... the diesel/water ones do NOT have that
[22:56:21] <tjb1> they do around here
[22:56:28] <Jymmm> diesel/water/kerosene
[22:56:33] <tjb1> I dont know about water but the diesel ones do
[22:56:47] <Jymmm> Yellow/LtBlue/DkBlue/etc
[22:57:08] <Jymmm> ah
[22:57:25] -!- SpineyNorman [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:57:29] <tjb1> Just causes more spills because you get pissed off and try to pour it without the spout
[22:57:32] <Jymmm> tjb1: Hit flea markets and yard sales
[22:58:00] <Jymmm> That's where I get/find mine whenever I can.
[22:58:08] <Jymmm> the Water lt blue doens't
[22:58:27] <tjb1> We have just been putting a screw through the can that you take out to use as a breather
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[23:13:33] <Jymmm> these are two step latches.... slide, push, then dispense.
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[23:15:00] <pcw_home> Jymmm why not a Via SUV its only ~$79,000
[23:15:55] <gene__> encoder.position = 0.0000 at power up with index pusle true, roll chuck to next index pulse, position says 1.282051 WTF????
[23:19:01] <gene__> put meter on counts, 1 turn=50, wheel supposedly hsas 39 slots
[23:20:08] -!- the_wench has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[23:20:56] <gene__> rol back to zero both track, must be time to dbl-check slot count of code that carved that wheel, or just set it for 50 in the .hal file, thats quicker
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[23:22:57] <pcw_home> someone can't counr...
[23:23:03] <pcw_home> count
[23:24:55] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Sur,e if you can find a $80K for $1000, I'll take a look
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[23:29:17] <gene__> I must have run out of toes too
[23:30:15] <gene__> if I had fresh metal in the chuck, I suspect the threads will be correct now too
[23:30:43] <gene__> But its time to go find me & Dee a nose bag, back later
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[23:35:09] <s1dev> I can do CNC router stuff with LinuxCNC right?
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[23:36:48] <L84Supper2> sldev: sure, lots of people do already
[23:37:56] <L84Supper2> s1dev: ^^
[23:39:24] <s1dev> I'm thinking about building a CNC router, any tips?
[23:40:29] <Jymmm> s1dev: Have a crap load of money
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[23:40:52] <Jymmm> s1dev: And going cheap won't always be cheap in the long run
[23:40:57] <L84Supper2> oh oh Yahoo search results for linuxcnc returns LinuxCNC - Buy Adderall Online. No Prescription Needed.'
[23:41:05] <s1dev> lol
[23:41:26] <Jymmm> s1dev: (I'm not kidding btw)
[23:41:34] <AR_> he isnt wrong
[23:41:42] <L84Supper2> did the site get attacked again?
[23:41:50] <AR_> i started out with the intent to build a cnc mill under $200
[23:41:52] <AR_> LOOOOOOOOOOOL
[23:41:53] <Jymmm> L84Supper2: probably cached
[23:42:07] <AR_> i didn't even buy the frame yet and i'm over $500
[23:42:10] <s1dev> AR_ Jymmm the lol was at the adderall advert
[23:42:17] <Jymmm> ah
[23:42:40] <AR_> i need to spend about
[23:42:51] <AR_> well, at least $200 more
[23:43:05] <Jymmm> ...this week
[23:43:08] <AR_> to get the frame together, z axis assembly, and spindle control
[23:43:22] <AR_> shit no it will be over $200
[23:43:23] <s1dev> I should be able to make the frame out of steel right?
[23:43:43] <s1dev> I might be cutting some aluminum but that's all for metal
[23:43:56] <AR_> about $60 i need in aluminum plate for the z axis assembly and a couple other spots
[23:44:15] -!- Sendoushi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:44:21] <L84Supper2> http://blog.ponoko.com/2011/07/15/pricing-guide-to-diy-cnc-mill-and-router-kits/
[23:44:23] <AR_> then the frame... if i win this ebay auction it will only cost about $100 total
[23:44:43] <L84Supper2> ^^ it's an older list but it gives you an idea
[23:44:48] <Tom_itx> how do you change the scale of an exploded view in a solidworks drawing?
[23:45:23] <AR_> yeah look at those pieces of junk that can only cut wood and plastics
[23:45:25] <mrsun> Tom_itx, http://www.goliath.com.au/tech%20thread%20forms.jpg
[23:45:28] <AR_> and they cost like $600
[23:45:37] <Jymmm> s1dev: The BEST advice you will ever get.... Plan EVERYTHING out before you spend ANY money. Draw up plans/diagrams, parts list, even down to the last washer before you buy anything. THEN, figure out what you REALLY want to do with it and if it's worth it.
[23:45:52] <s1dev> Jymmm thanks
[23:45:57] <AR_> micRo m3-kit � $999
[23:45:58] <AR_> LOL
[23:46:00] <AR_> is that a joke?
[23:46:09] <AR_> i could make that for like $200
[23:46:45] <Jymmm> s1dev: Don't underestimate the nickle-and-dime-you-to-death for even hookup wire, unless you have a 4000sf+ "junk box"
[23:47:37] <AR_> they claim some of those machines can cut 'virtually anything'
[23:47:40] <AR_> wtf
[23:47:55] <AR_> then i should be able to cut ceramic on mine right?
[23:48:06] <AR_> at like 200ipm
[23:48:36] <AR_> you guys are getting me excited
[23:48:48] <AR_> gunna go press more 'buy it now' buttons
[23:48:50] <AR_> bbl
[23:49:21] <L84Supper2> depending on the ceramic, thickness, the tool, the spindle etc etc
[23:51:13] -!- i_tarzan [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:51:53] <AR_> Debits: -$556.34
[23:51:55] <AR_> fffffffffff
[23:52:38] <AR_> that is on the page of my checking account that is pretty much ONLY things i have purchased for my mill since christmas
[23:53:01] <AR_> when i'm finished and post pics, you will have to tell me how well i've done
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[23:57:40] <AR_> http://i.imgur.com/6Saunms.jpg
[23:58:02] <toner> lol
[23:58:28] <Jymmm> AR_: You BOUGHT that ?
[23:58:48] <AR_> no rofl