#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-04-25

[00:06:47] <r00t4rd3d> who sells tslot hardware cheap and in quantity?
[00:07:31] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Wychodzi]
[00:09:01] <ProxDem> anybody know of a good howto/writeup on fixing an axis sag issue via trivkin/probekins
[00:11:42] -!- failsafe247 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:13:36] -!- mpictor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:14:16] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d: cncrp
[00:15:44] -!- thesisb has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[00:37:36] <GammaX> I have some greatnews and its bad at the same time!
[00:37:52] <GammaX> My anilam crusader lathemate is working!
[00:37:54] -!- student has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[00:38:02] <GammaX> bad news is I wont need to convert that for a bit...
[00:38:21] -!- largecheesepuff has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:38:38] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:39:37] roh_ is now known as roh
[00:40:06] -!- largecheesepuff [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:42:45] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:00:02] <PetefromTn> Connor: ;p
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[01:10:29] <r00t4rd3d> tjb1, i found some on ebay for cheap
[01:10:42] <tjb1> r00t4rd3d: ever see the 80/20 prices on ebay
[01:10:45] <tjb1> $1.50 per nut
[01:10:57] <GammaX> what you gettin on ebay for cheap?
[01:11:33] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[01:13:24] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/8020-T-Slot-Hardware-5-16-18-Economy-T-Nut-15-Series-3278-20pcs-N-/370665694468?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564d65a504
[01:13:34] <r00t4rd3d> 10 bucks for 20 nuts
[01:14:10] <r00t4rd3d> 25 bolts, 8 bucks
[01:14:11] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/8020-80-20-T-Slot-Hardware-5-16-18-x-1-2-BHSCS-15-Series-3104-25pcs-/251133999046?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a78c0b7c6
[01:14:15] <tjb1> 5/16 nuts
[01:14:36] <r00t4rd3d> for 5/16 bolts, thats how it works
[01:14:51] <tjb1> I got those $.20 each
[01:15:00] <r00t4rd3d> send me some
[01:15:17] <r00t4rd3d> http://i.imgur.com/hiYqcIU.jpg
[01:15:24] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:15:28] <r00t4rd3d> not using that piece of extrusion
[01:15:37] <r00t4rd3d> gonna get a 3' instead
[01:15:44] <tjb1> ask ahren like I already said
[01:16:59] <r00t4rd3d> ive ordered from him 3 times this week lol
[01:18:01] <tjb1> make it 4
[01:18:09] <r00t4rd3d> friday when i get paid
[01:21:16] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:22:11] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:28:12] <GammaX> r00t4rd3d im drawing a huge 2slot nut in cad right now
[01:28:13] -!- phantoxeD [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:35:01] <generic_nick> sweet, mill is up and running! acceleration times are soooo much better than before
[01:35:20] -!- chopper79 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:37:46] <Tom_itx> nice
[01:39:39] <generic_nick> it can actually cut my parts and hold a 45ipm feedrate around tight contours with abrupt direction changes
[01:46:34] <generic_nick> i can only get 275ipm rapids but when i get the 4th axis on there, i wont have to rapid as far with the tombstone fixture on it.
[01:52:01] -!- pjm [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:54:41] -!- thesisb has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[01:55:09] <Tom_itx> the additional weight may slow it down as well
[01:55:30] <generic_nick> it wont add much.
[01:55:57] <generic_nick> i have a large fixture plate on the mill now that probably weighs the same as the 4th axis
[01:56:04] <generic_nick> that's coming off.
[01:56:30] <generic_nick> i was able to carry the 4th axis so it's probably less than 200lbs
[01:56:47] <generic_nick> http://www.ebay.com/itm/CUSHMAN-14-INCH-CNC-4TH-AXIS-ROTARY-TABLE-DIFFERENT-SERVO-MOTORS-AVAILABLE-/360472643047
[01:57:14] <generic_nick> i got that one (nowhere near that price though)
[02:00:12] <skunkworks> generic_nick: what ended up being the problem?
[02:00:37] <generic_nick> 2 drives and 1 resolver were bad
[02:01:05] <generic_nick> so i swapped it all out for brushed dc motors and copley 215 drives
[02:01:24] <skunkworks> was it a surge?
[02:01:28] <generic_nick> no clue
[02:01:43] <generic_nick> the drives were always flakey. they were digital
[02:01:55] <skunkworks> oh - step/dir
[02:01:57] <skunkworks> ?
[02:02:00] <generic_nick> nope
[02:02:26] <generic_nick> 10v+-
[02:02:36] <skunkworks> oh - interesting.. What brand?
[02:03:00] <generic_nick> the resolvers ran to the drives and the drives sent out a quadrature signal to the 7i33
[02:03:05] <generic_nick> pac sci
[02:03:20] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:03:47] <generic_nick> i have 2 good motors and 2 good drives, ill use one set in the 4th axis i guess.
[02:03:59] <generic_nick> should be more than enough for that i would hope
[02:09:31] <skunkworks> neat
[02:18:52] <generic_nick> i wonder if i should use my other spare servo for my toolchanger
[02:19:03] <generic_nick> to rotate the carosuel
[02:19:28] <generic_nick> right now it has a geneva(sp) drive
[02:19:33] <generic_nick> slower than balls
[02:23:14] <GammaX> ughhh
[02:23:23] <GammaX> Think I just royally screwedmy rotary encoder...
[02:23:25] <generic_nick> ?
[02:23:33] <generic_nick> how?
[02:23:41] <GammaX> anyone know how to remove super glue?
[02:23:50] <jdh> acetone
[02:24:12] <GammaX> yeah it doesnt seem to be working... :/
[02:24:14] <generic_nick> it's hard to screw up that encoder
[02:24:46] <generic_nick> on the turret?
[02:24:55] <GammaX> generic, the original glue on the inside that held a holographic thing came off and that piece needed to be reglued.
[02:24:58] <GammaX> no x
[02:25:05] <generic_nick> ah
[02:25:39] <generic_nick> nevermind then, i assume those are easy to screw up
[02:25:44] <GammaX> I think it will work for now and someone on ebay has 2 of them for 30 each polus 10 shipping... but im a jew so i realy dont wanna buy em
[02:26:05] <generic_nick> lol
[02:30:42] -!- hdokes has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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[02:57:28] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:00:38] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:03:10] -!- Rob__ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:03:18] <Rob__> hols
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[04:06:46] <Rob__> im still having issues picking a cam program...
[04:09:44] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:32:11] <tjb1> Rob__: mastercam
[04:32:48] <Rob__> tjb1, which version you using? Is there a post for crusader II?
[04:32:56] <tjb1> i use it in school
[04:33:04] <tjb1> Ive used 9 - 16
[04:33:45] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[04:34:02] <tjb1> you can edit a post to do whatever you want
[04:36:21] <Rob__> im looking for pre configured lol
[04:39:04] <tjb1> what is a crusader?
[04:39:36] <tjb1> oh likea knee mill conversion
[04:39:49] <tjb1> the generic post would probably do everything you need
[04:39:50] -!- Tom_garage [Tom_garage!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:40:46] <Rob__> tjb1, my anilam crusader II is a lathe mate with gang style tooling.
[04:41:18] <tjb1> oh, google lied to me
[04:42:25] <Rob__> they made 2 versions
[04:42:29] <Rob__> the m and the l lol
[04:44:54] -!- Xfriend [Xfriend!4b5de2e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:45:46] <Xfriend> hi...!!! I need to a tutorial how to print on pcb with linuxcnc
[04:50:25] -!- dhoovie [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:50:51] -!- chopper79 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:51:48] <Rob__> anyone use bobcad?
[04:57:34] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
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[05:01:08] -!- Loetmichel [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:01:42] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[05:02:14] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:03:17] -!- thesisb has quit [Client Quit]
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[06:44:21] <Loetmichel> hmmm... anyon here can suggest a tool to stream an usb webcam on the mill with the CNC-PC?
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[06:44:40] <Loetmichel> so i cam supervise the mill from a different place?
[06:45:01] <Loetmichel> the Desktop is there per vnc, but i am missing the actual work ;-)
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[06:45:58] <Loetmichel> and using a webcam display tool and the vnc link is a bit slow AND captures to much of the small screen
[06:47:11] <Loetmichel> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=13060 <- thats how i do it at the moment
[06:48:41] <Loetmichel> anyone?
[06:54:18] -!- Cylly [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:56:40] <Loetmichel> hmm, disconnected... did anyone had a suggestion?
[06:59:21] <archivist> no
[07:03:49] <ReadError> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25091878/Photo%20Apr%2024%2C%2011%2056%2021%20PM.jpg
[07:03:56] <ReadError> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25091878/Photo%20Apr%2024%2C%2011%2057%2051%20PM.jpg
[07:04:01] <ReadError> my latest project ;)
[07:10:57] <ProxDem> nice
[07:16:13] -!- jpk has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[07:22:02] <ReadError> still want to find a good domestic CF source
[07:22:12] <ReadError> i may try some dragonplate
[07:36:17] -!- jfrmilner has quit [Quit: bye]
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[07:40:28] <ProxDem> ReadError: must be a mess machining that
[07:41:24] <ReadError> not at all
[07:41:33] <ReadError> shopvac + dustboot + HEPA
[07:42:42] <WalterN> is there a reason why CO2 lasers are generally used for engraving?
[07:43:15] <WalterN> (for laser engraving)
[07:43:25] <WalterN> or are diode lasers just as good?
[07:50:09] -!- theorbtwo [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[07:51:12] <toastydeath> co2 emits primarly in the infrared spectrum, and the lasing cavity is easily made to handle high output
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[07:51:45] <WalterN> yeah
[07:51:58] <WalterN> CO2 is something like 1,500nm wavelength
[07:52:00] <toastydeath> it's also VERY easy to cool
[07:52:07] <WalterN> diode laser is 810nm
[07:52:12] -!- thesisb has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[07:52:14] <toastydeath> so when you have a 2kw laser, it's not going to overheat when you run it for an 8 hour shift
[07:52:55] <toastydeath> cheap, easy, and effective.
[07:52:58] <WalterN> sure, for larger power outputs, CO2 is the way to go
[07:53:32] <WalterN> for maybe 80 watts or less, diode does not seem too bad
[07:54:10] <WalterN> I'm wondering about the wavelength difference though
[07:54:42] <WalterN> 1,500nm is what most heat radiates at
[07:54:45] <WalterN> or there abouts
[07:54:52] <toastydeath> not really an issue
[07:55:04] <WalterN> 810nm is essentially red
[07:55:13] <toastydeath> absorbancy is the issue, not emission
[07:58:38] <toastydeath> and also, it mostly just affects cut speed
[07:58:58] <toastydeath> you can cut a mirror, it'll just take awhile.
[08:04:00] -!- rob_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:13:04] -!- diginet [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[08:13:48] <diginet> would it be possible to make your own linear motor for a cnc with a linear optical encoder for feedback?
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[09:43:03] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[09:44:02] <Loetmichel> soo, still has about one sec lag but works more or less... ;-) -> http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14199
[09:57:39] -!- automata [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[12:14:11] <mrsun> sometimes i wish i had a cnc lathe :P
[12:14:26] <mrsun> a job like these excentric bushings i made today would go so much faster :P
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[13:18:24] <L84Supper> pcw_home: http://beagleboard.org/Products/BeagleBone%20Black
[13:19:07] <L84Supper> now $45
[13:21:09] <FinboySlick> The two DSPs on it look like they could be great for machine control.
[13:22:17] <Tuipveus> I have atari with 56001 DSP. hahaa
[13:22:34] <Tuipveus> motorola
[13:23:39] <L84Supper> the SOC also has a Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS)
[13:24:08] <L84Supper> http://www.ti.com/product/am3359
[13:24:16] <L84Supper> Supports protocols such as EtherCAT, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™, and more
[13:24:45] <L84Supper> nice bump to 1GHz, wish they had 1 GB vs the 512MB of DDR
[13:40:42] -!- syyl [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:41:16] <mrsun> http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/397853_10151554735658648_1784989011_n.jpg mockup of my X/Z axis, anyone got any sugestion on how i should make the Z ? :)
[13:42:46] <jdh> heh, I have those same cheap clamps
[13:43:10] -!- mackerski has quit [Quit: mackerski]
[13:43:26] <mrsun> =)
[13:43:38] <frallzor> me too
[13:48:39] <L84Supper> http://www.b3innovations.com/ nozzle smozzle, everyone seem to shy away from making a decent extruder
[14:02:53] -!- will [will!45cb7dc4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:03:15] will is now known as Guest97804
[14:03:50] <Guest97804> I have a linuxcnc / hal question. Is this the appropriate place to ask?
[14:04:08] <jdh> ask, and find out!
[14:06:02] -!- holst has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:14:14] <Guest97804> does the order of the pins in a net command important ie is "net probe hm2_5i20.0.gpio.035.in => motion.probe-input" the same as "net IN11 <= hm2_5i20.0.gpio.035.in"
[14:15:12] <cradek> the order doesn't matter, but your example muddies your question and I'm not sure that's what you're asking
[14:16:31] <Guest97804> sorry is net probe hm2_5i20.0.gpio.035.in => motion.probe-input" the same as net probe motion.probe-input <= hm2_5i20.0.gpio.035.in"
[14:19:03] -!- gonzo___ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:19:46] <pcw_home> Yes as cradek says, order is unimportant (except the signal must be first)
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[14:20:21] <cradek> also be aware that the arrows are comments/documentation and have no meaning except to humans
[14:21:47] <Guest97804> great thanks. I knew the arrows were just for humans but I wasn't sure about the order.
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[14:23:57] <pcw_home> since I'm a schematic kind of guy, I think of the net command as making a named 'wire'
[14:23:59] <pcw_home> (probe in this case) followed by a list of connected nodes
[14:25:17] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:25:22] <pcw_home> so the order of nodes is not important
[14:26:12] <Guest97804> helpful analogy, thanks peter
[14:28:06] <pcw_home> Now where's the metadata so the the editor knows the types and directions of the pins/parameters so it can color code them :-)
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[15:53:54] <WalterN> L84Supper: poke
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[16:06:57] <Connor> cradek: You mean the <=, =>, and <=> doesn't do anything ?
[16:07:35] <cradek> right
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[16:14:10] <cpresser> cradek: is it allowed to skip them completely
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[16:14:50] <cpresser> eg have "net netname signal_1 signal_2 signal_n"
[16:15:51] -!- theorbtwo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:18:48] <pcw_home> Yep, the <=, =>, and <=> are just for looks
[16:19:27] -!- Tugge has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[16:19:39] * cpresser would suggest to drop them in the examples.
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[16:20:06] <cpresser> those signs always confused me. until i learned it doesn matter which one you use.
[16:20:30] <ssi> I think they're useful for keeping track of what is intended to be inputs or outputs or bidirectional signals
[16:21:06] <jdh> unless you just got it wrong when you typed it.
[16:21:15] <pcw_home> wheres the color hi-lighting?
[16:21:59] <cpresser> ssi: since each net has only one input, just put in in the first place.
[16:22:12] <WalterN> L84Supper: does laser engraving care about what wavelength is used?
[16:22:14] <cpresser> also its possibel to chose signal names which reflect if a signal is input or output
[16:22:47] <pcw_home> you need a netname, not a pin as the first parameter
[16:22:59] <generic_nick|2> pcw_home: got a question for ya. i have a 7i48 on the way, and some pacific scientific digital servo drives. the servo has a resolver that goes to the servo drive and the drive converts it to a quadrature signal that in turn goes to the 7i48. will i have any issues with the 7i48 and this setup since the 7i48 will not be supplying the power for the encoder? i just dont want to fry anything again.
[16:23:00] <pcw_home> (pin or parameter)
[16:23:01] <cpresser> WalterN: yes. some materials are transparent for some wavelengths. glass for example is transparent for visible light, but not for far infrared
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[16:23:38] <cpresser> pcw_home: true. i was mor thinking of 'net <netname> <inputpin> <outpin1> <outpin2> ...'
[16:23:56] <WalterN> cpresser: how about for the context of metals?
[16:24:02] <WalterN> and plastics
[16:24:09] <generic_nick|2> pcw_home: also, is polarity for the encoder inputs important?
[16:24:24] <cpresser> WalterN: acrylic is transparent for visible, but not for IR
[16:24:32] <pcw_home> generic_nick|2: you should not have an issue but make sure the drives and PC have a common ground
[16:24:43] <cpresser> metals also have quite different properties.
[16:25:01] <cpresser> i thinkt the mirrors in my co2-laser are made of metal
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[16:25:20] <pcw_home> yes changing polarity of a +/- pair will reverse the encoder direction
[16:25:37] <generic_nick|2> right, but i meant in regards to cooking the 7i48
[16:25:38] <WalterN> cpresser: so mostly its a question to if the material is transparent to the wavelength used?
[16:26:07] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:26:12] <cpresser> WalterN: better: the inverse question: will it absorb the light.
[16:26:12] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:26:54] <cpresser> all incoming light is either: aborbed, refracted or passes the material
[16:27:00] <WalterN> cpresser: and if it does not? can I cover it with a thin layer of something that will?
[16:27:14] <cpresser> nope, then you will just cut your thin layer
[16:28:26] <IchGuckLive> pcb on laser ß
[16:28:41] <IchGuckLive> WalterN: ?
[16:28:47] <WalterN> ..?
[16:29:08] <IchGuckLive> thin layer absorb thinking of cutting pcb on laser
[16:29:50] <WalterN> well, when I got my diode laser for doing this stuff with, I didnt think about different wavelengths being able to do different things
[16:30:09] <IchGuckLive> B)
[16:30:09] <cpresser> WalterN: ist the laser visible?
[16:30:27] <WalterN> CO2 lasers are something like 1,500nm, diode laser is 810nm
[16:30:37] <generic_nick|2> pcw_home: is the /ENCA terminal generally for A+ or A-?
[16:30:51] <pcw_home> A-
[16:30:57] <ssi> / means not, so it's your low pin
[16:31:03] <cpresser> WalterN: CO2-Lasers are around 10µm.
[16:31:33] <WalterN> 1,000nm?
[16:31:37] <ssi> 10,000
[16:31:43] <WalterN> (derp)
[16:31:45] <ssi> :)
[16:31:59] <WalterN> 10,000? I thought they were a lot shorter
[16:32:07] <WalterN> mid-ranged IR
[16:32:10] * WalterN google
[16:32:15] <WalterN> *googles
[16:32:23] <ssi> wiki sez: The CO2 laser produces a beam of infrared light with the principal wavelength bands centering around 9.4 and 10.6 micrometers.
[16:32:24] <generic_nick|2> awesome, thanks. yea, believe it or not, i am not an electical engineer :D
[16:32:39] <ssi> ie ~10µm = 10,000nm
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[16:33:05] <IchGuckLive> generic_nick|2: only pcw is
[16:33:18] <Jymmm> and SWPadnos
[16:33:30] <generic_nick|2> ssi: power supply works great, machine is running now
[16:33:31] <WalterN> oh I guess
[16:33:32] <WalterN> lol
[16:33:54] <WalterN> anyway, when I got my diode laser, I didnt think about wavelength differences
[16:34:13] <generic_nick|2> just waiting on the 7i48 so i can swap the 7i33 out for it and work on the 4th axis
[16:34:20] <WalterN> 'focus a bunch of power on one spot and its all good'
[16:34:35] <cpresser> WalterN: basically you should be able to work with material which are not transparent for visible light
[16:35:48] <WalterN> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Commercial_laser_lines.svg
[16:36:20] <ssi> generic_nick|2: excellent :)
[16:36:50] <WalterN> interesting... its lacking diode lasers
[16:37:26] <cpresser> WalterN: i see InGaAs or GaAlAs
[16:37:28] <WalterN> or at least, the 810nm ones
[16:38:02] <cpresser> those are all semiconductor laser types
[16:38:22] <WalterN> yeah
[16:38:35] <WalterN> I dont see the 810nm one though
[16:39:33] <WalterN> oh, 810nm is barely visible too... evidently its close enough to red that I can faintly see some of the beam
[16:39:47] <cpresser> WalterN: its within the GaAlAs block?
[16:40:05] <WalterN> most charts end red at 700-750nm
[16:40:24] <WalterN> cpresser: no idea?
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[16:41:01] <cpresser> idea for what exactly?
[16:41:28] <WalterN> cpresser: all I know is that most lasers sold as 'diode lasers' operate at 808nm
[16:42:07] <WalterN> (like mine)
[16:42:09] <cpresser> WalterN: the emitters in laserpointer device are also diode lasers
[16:42:23] <cpresser> and they are visible (red & green are common)
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[16:42:54] <WalterN> but they are not sold with that advertisement?
[16:42:58] <WalterN> I donno
[16:43:05] <cpresser> 'diode' just tells the basic princible of physics
[16:43:14] <WalterN> right
[16:43:20] <cpresser> because its 'advertisement' :D
[16:43:38] <cpresser> they never tell the interesing facts, only the ones that may make it sell better
[16:44:12] <WalterN> *shrug*
[16:44:39] -!- SWPLinux [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:45:05] <WalterN> *cough* (lol)
[16:45:54] <WalterN> anyway
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[16:51:37] <WalterN> I do kinda want to know what they are made of though
[16:51:41] <WalterN> now
[16:51:50] <WalterN> hmm
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[16:53:25] <ssi> I wish I had lasers!
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[16:53:38] <jdh> then you could charge them.
[16:53:48] <ssi> IM FIRIN MAH LASER
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[16:57:54] <generic_nick|2> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_iJe436esA
[16:57:55] <Tecan> (h_iJe436esA) "Shizuoka running on emc2" by "jeepinSD" is "Comedy" - Length: 0:00:51
[16:58:53] <ssi> nick, looks great
[16:59:13] <generic_nick|2> thanks
[16:59:30] <ssi> that's a nice machine
[16:59:33] <ssi> I want to get something like that
[16:59:37] <ssi> something that is cheap cause it needs a retrofit
[16:59:41] <ssi> like my hnc was
[16:59:48] <generic_nick|2> thanks, it's a shizuoka an-s
[17:00:08] <generic_nick|2> has a ATC on it
[17:00:44] <ssi> very nice
[17:00:47] <generic_nick|2> when i got it it was running a bandit I and steppers
[17:00:56] <ssi> poor thing :D
[17:01:01] <generic_nick|2> i know...
[17:01:01] <ssi> what's the spindle on it?
[17:01:02] <ssi> CAT?
[17:01:08] <generic_nick|2> nmbt40
[17:01:19] <ssi> what type of motor?
[17:01:25] <generic_nick|2> 3hp ac
[17:01:39] <generic_nick|2> 3 phase, running on a vfd
[17:01:42] <ssi> gotcha
[17:01:47] <ssi> single gearing?
[17:02:44] <generic_nick|2> it still has low gear but i have never used it. i replaced the varidrive setup with v belts and pulleys. it's set up to run 6k rpm
[17:02:52] <ssi> gotcha
[17:02:57] <generic_nick|2> i run the motor up to 120hz
[17:03:11] <ssi> the bearings will be happy at 6k?
[17:03:13] <generic_nick|2> it was spinning 6k in the video
[17:03:19] <generic_nick|2> probably not lol
[17:03:22] <L84Supper> the spindle was wobbling around all over :)
[17:03:22] <ssi> :D
[17:04:17] <generic_nick|2> dont care, spindle bearings are only $500, and i save way more than that by being able to cut nearly twice as fast.
[17:04:36] <ssi> well when you burn them up
[17:04:40] <ssi> put some in that'll handle it
[17:04:57] <generic_nick|2> so far they're fine, i've been running it at 6k rpm all day for 3 years now
[17:05:12] <ssi> does the headstock get warm?\
[17:05:17] <generic_nick|2> and they're the original spindle bearings from 1984 i would assume
[17:05:21] <generic_nick|2> nope
[17:05:30] <ssi> carry on then I suppose :D
[17:05:37] <generic_nick|2> lol
[17:05:41] <ssi> measured the runout?
[17:05:51] <generic_nick|2> i have a spare spindle anyways
[17:06:07] <generic_nick|2> no measurable slop in the spindle so far
[17:06:46] <ssi> what do those machines cost on the open market?
[17:07:05] <generic_nick|2> probably 1k or so
[17:07:16] <ssi> I need to find me one
[17:07:26] <ssi> I paid 1k for my HNC :D
[17:07:36] <ssi> plus $1k to fetch it
[17:07:36] <generic_nick|2> same here, it was barely used too
[17:07:39] <ssi> and $5k in tooling
[17:07:39] <ssi> hahaha
[17:07:46] <generic_nick|2> haha
[17:07:52] <ssi> maybe not quite that much
[17:08:01] <generic_nick|2> tooling always costs more than the machine when it comes to hardinge
[17:08:12] <ssi> I think all total with transport and tooling and mesa hardware my whole conversion was about $4500
[17:08:12] <generic_nick|2> mine came with the toolholders fortunately
[17:08:16] <ssi> but i've spent some on tooling since then
[17:08:21] <generic_nick|2> not bad
[17:08:29] <ssi> the guy I bought the lathe from had a ton of tooling,but he charged me for it all a la carte
[17:08:35] <generic_nick|2> i got mine 10 miles away
[17:08:40] <ssi> I got mine in connecticut :P
[17:08:44] <ssi> NOT 10 miles away
[17:08:49] <generic_nick|2> ha
[17:09:08] <ssi> I dragged a trailer from atlanta to connecticut
[17:09:13] <ssi> loaded it on the trailer in the snow with a come along
[17:09:18] <generic_nick|2> i got mine from a machinery dealer. brought it home in the back of a uhaul van and unloaded it with the lift gate lol
[17:09:24] <ssi> and when I got home
[17:09:27] <ssi> I bought a forklift to unload it
[17:09:29] -!- thesisb has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[17:09:32] <ssi> now I have a forklift :D
[17:09:35] <generic_nick|2> nice
[17:09:51] <ssi> I bought my surface grinder a couple years back, and the guy loaded it for me with a forklift
[17:09:53] <generic_nick|2> i just drug mine around by hand
[17:09:56] <ssi> when I got it home, I had no way to get it off the trailer
[17:10:00] <generic_nick|2> haha
[17:10:01] <ssi> so I ended up renting a lift
[17:10:04] <ssi> cost me almost $600
[17:10:08] <generic_nick|2> damn!
[17:10:14] <ssi> so when I got the hnc, I said screw that, and boughta $2500 truck
[17:10:28] <ssi> so naturally I need to buy more machines to justify the truck ;)
[17:10:31] <generic_nick|2> i unloaded my surface grinder with a engine hoist
[17:10:42] <ssi> I dunno where the hell I'd put a mill that size though
[17:10:48] <ssi> I need to sell my clausing 12x36
[17:10:54] <generic_nick|2> it's 7000lbs
[17:11:06] <jdh> I'll trade you my Clisby lathe for it
[17:11:39] <generic_nick|2> i need to find a new manual lathe. something with a big swing and short bed
[17:11:46] <ssi> jdh: yea? whassat?
[17:11:48] <ssi> tiny lathe?
[17:11:50] <ssi> that's what google suggests :)
[17:11:56] <jdh> yep
[17:12:27] <ssi> haha that certainly would help me free up shop space :P
[17:13:09] <ssi> my clausing is pretty worn out
[17:13:19] <ssi> it was the first machine I bought
[17:17:05] * frallzor is bored
[17:18:44] <ssi> me too
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[17:22:26] <WalterN> oh... I need to get a 3-jaw chuck for a lathe too
[17:23:00] <WalterN> the quick release D type.. or whatever its called
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[17:24:05] <WalterN> the one thats on the lathe now does not go on straight
[17:24:11] <WalterN> (manual lathe)
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[17:31:29] <syyl> camlock?
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[17:46:15] <FinboySlick> Does anyone make a relatively cheap equivalent to these: http://kerigroup.en.made-in-china.com/product/deumsznGhqVl/China-1-5KW-Water-Cooling-Spindle-Motor-and-Matching-Inverter-RKS1500-.html but with a drawbar mechanism? (I imagine it would be pretty complicated but I'm curious.)
[17:58:14] <WalterN> syyl: I guess? I dont really remember what they are called
[18:11:17] -!- DJ9DJ [DJ9DJ!~Deejay@unaffiliated/dj9dj] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:11:28] <DJ9DJ> namd
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[18:14:17] <frallzor> FinboySlick that is the cheap alternative =)
[18:14:35] <frallzor> with drawbar = $$$$$$$
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[18:15:55] <FinboySlick> frallzor: Yeah, I figured. You probably just can't do a drawbar system that'll run true at those RPM without spending a lot of time/money.
[18:16:40] <frallzor> Ive seen those that do cost alot of cash, yet not crazy much
[18:28:43] <andypugh> FinboySlick: If you keep the diameter of the moving parts small, I don't see any reason to expect it to go out of balance.
[18:29:14] <andypugh> All the moving parts of my drawbar fit down the original manual drabar hole.
[18:29:22] <FinboySlick> andypugh: Most of these spindles only expose one end of the shaft and aren't hollow though.
[18:29:42] <andypugh> That complicates things.
[18:30:06] <andypugh> Some of the Chinese spindles have a pneumatic drawbar built-in
[18:30:37] <FinboySlick> andypugh: That was sort of my original question.
[18:30:47] -!- gammax-Laptop [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:30:58] <gammax-Laptop> afternoon all
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[18:35:24] <andypugh> FinboySlick: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/24000RPM-Milling-ATC-Spindle-Motor-BT30-4-5kw/538597386.html
[18:35:43] <andypugh> (If it is BT30 it has to have a drawbar..)
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[18:36:30] <FinboySlick> andypugh: Not sure how crappy it is, bit it seems like a good price.
[18:36:48] <andypugh> There are more expensive ones, I rather chose the cheapest.
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[18:39:10] <skunkworks> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy1Mb6G_VJ0
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[18:42:52] <FinboySlick> skunkworks: That's a pretty awesome machine.
[18:43:21] <skunkworks> it isn't mine. just a random video I found
[18:43:41] <FinboySlick> Looks sort of home-built.
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[18:51:09] <L84Supper> if you guys find suppliers in the Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou area I can stop by and check them out for you
[18:51:11] -!- generic_nick|2 [generic_nick|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:51:53] <L84Supper> Henan is o the way up to Beijing
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[18:59:38] <automata> hi mharbler
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[20:18:55] <largecheesepuff> Is there a easy way to disable tool change prompt?
[20:19:37] <mrsun> stop chaning tool ? :P
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[20:31:07] <largecheesepuff> :-(
[20:31:32] <frallzor> pretty sure ive seen a way to disable it in the software
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[20:31:52] <largecheesepuff> yeah I was just looking for some info...
[20:32:09] <frallzor> or maybe in a configfile or something
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[20:33:18] <andypugh> largecheesepuff: What do you want to happen when the G-code specifies a tool change?
[20:35:29] <frallzor> nothing I´d say
[20:35:47] <frallzor> either he doesnt change tool, or he just want it to happen
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[20:47:47] <largecheesepuff> andypugh: if I issue a T3 M6 G43 it just prompt me to change to tool and just changes the offset
[20:48:00] <largecheesepuff> it's gang tooled lathe
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[20:52:47] <elmo40> is Heeks still being developed?
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[21:19:09] <chopper79> I have a random issue I keep having on my personal machine. The issue is I can run the same piece of code 4-5 times(random numbers) with no issue and then lets say on the six one the Y and Z will remian doing what they commanded to do, but the X axis will randommly just start cutting a straight line. Then I will shut LinuxCNC down and restart it and cut a coupel more sheets and then the problem comes back. This will happen no matter if I am cutting at 10
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[21:20:51] <cpresser> chopper79: you should try to debug this with halscope
[21:21:07] <cpresser> eg take a look at x-commanded-position and x-pos-feedback
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[21:26:44] <chopper79> cpresser: Ok, would I be looking for something certain or just monitoring the command and feedback?
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[21:48:58] <cpresser> chopper79: most likely they are the same (elese you would get an error). you could also monitor steh stepgens (or encoders, pid-output, ...) for that axis
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[22:26:04] <SWPLinux> Jymmm: you around?
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[22:48:31] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: yep
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[22:49:19] <SWPLinux> Jymmm: me too
[22:49:25] <SWPLinux> got dinner plans?
[22:49:44] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: Just with you baby!
[22:50:01] <SWPLinux> I don't have a baby
[22:50:10] <SWPLinux> but my wife is here too, so maybe she qualifies :)
[22:50:26] <Jymmm> Ah, cool. Same place?
[22:50:28] <SWPLinux> is there a back seat in your truck?
[22:50:39] <Jymmm> Yep
[22:50:39] <SWPLinux> Palace BBQ, Oh yeah
[22:50:54] <SWPLinux> cool. I'll scrunch in there so she doesn't complain
[22:51:19] <Jymmm> scrunch? IT's a full aized SUV, not a tuna can
[22:51:21] <SWPLinux> I was bummed - the Moroccan place I went to the last couple of years has closed.
[22:51:26] <SWPLinux> even better
[22:51:28] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: seats 5 comfortably
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[22:51:50] <SWPLinux> how smoky is it these days? (I know you were trying to quit, congrats)
[22:52:04] <SWPLinux> (Sharon is pretty sensitive to smoke, that's why I ask)
[22:52:47] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: Not that much
[22:53:23] <Jymmm> I can toss a trash can back there =)
[22:53:25] <SWPLinux> cool. I think we'll want to eat early-ish, how about you?
[22:53:27] <SWPLinux> heh
[22:53:40] <Jymmm> is 4 now, when?
[22:54:38] <SWPLinux> Probably no later than 5:30 or so, or at least leave by then
[22:55:01] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: Ok, I need to get gas.
[22:55:10] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: When did you get into town?
[22:55:18] <SWPLinux> wouldn't the Korean food give you gas?
[22:55:53] <SWPLinux> I got in late Sunday night. I've just been really busy into the evenings, when I get tired due to the time change
[22:56:02] <Jymmm> ah
[22:56:15] <Jymmm> you leave tomorrow?
[22:56:21] <SWPLinux> nope, wer
[22:56:24] <SWPLinux> ugh
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[22:56:38] <SWPLinux> we're staying an extra day, leaving (from SFO) on Saturday
[22:56:47] <Jymmm> Ah, ok
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[22:57:01] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: Do I know where you are?
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[22:57:53] <SWPLinux> yes, you do. Same hotel, different room (Hilton, 300 Almaden)
[22:57:55] <Jymmm> =)
[22:58:28] <Jymmm> SWPLinux: room?
[22:59:05] <SWPLinux> 826
[23:00:05] <Jymmm> Okey, let me get moving or I'll never get there =)
[23:00:27] <SWPLinux> I need to see where Sharon is - I think she went to an art museum nearby
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[23:41:33] <SWPLinux> Jymmm: How about now? Sharon just got back, and she'll probably be hungry by the time we get to the restaurant
[23:42:09] <Tom_itx> sounds good. we'll all meet you there
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[23:53:32] <andypugh> largecheesepuff: For gang tooling, you could just skip M6 and just use the G43.
[23:54:26] <GammaX> hello hellooo
[23:54:37] <Tom_itx> does lcnc have a tool prefetch M or G code?
[23:55:03] <andypugh> But if you have a safe-retract position programmed (and M6 is programmed to go there) then I think you can just net tool-change-request to tool-changed in HAL with no toolchange logic involved and it should be fine. (ie, just take out everything related to hal_manualtoolchange)
[23:55:16] <GammaX> andypugh you mentioned gang tooling... Do you know anything about the anilam lathemate?
[23:55:19] <andypugh> Tom_itx: T can do that.
[23:55:43] <andypugh> GammaX: Not a thing :-)
[23:55:48] <GammaX> damn,
[23:56:22] <Tom_itx> ahh i see... M6 actually initiates the change
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[23:56:32] <GammaX> Gotta find someone with that dang machine...
[23:56:47] <andypugh> Tom_itx: ie, if you TN M6 on one line, then TN on the next line, the Hal pins wiggle in such a way as to allow the changer to locate the next tool, then change to it on the _next_ M6.
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[23:57:12] <Tom_itx> in some cases it may be quite a few lines before
[23:57:19] <Tom_itx> ie large belt driven changers
[23:57:56] <andypugh> GammaX: After googling, I have seen them before. Like a clamp-on set of CNC slides for a conventional lathe?
[23:58:23] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Yes, you can have the _next_ T after each M6.
[23:58:25] <GammaX> in a tbar for a mill or gang tool setup... how much of a difference should there be between the inner diameter of the post and the hole... that make sense?
[23:58:38] <GammaX> andypugh yes!
[23:59:04] <andypugh> Always seemed quite a neat idea.
[23:59:42] <andypugh> There was a tiny second-op Hardinge with a very similar device on it on eBay the other day.
[23:59:58] <GammaX> andypugh have alink? :D