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[01:40:04] <WalterN> L84Supper: of those f-theta lenses you linked, which one would be best for 810nm wavelength?
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[02:29:20] <tjtr33> pcw_home hello, what's the intended 'audience' or purpose for the cubieboard fpga shield?
[02:30:38] <pcw_home> Just a shot in the dark (but I think it would run LInuxCNC very well especially the A20)
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[02:32:36] <tjtr33> i got one for that purpose. but i see so much talk about BBB, and it isnt FPGA, and I guess that means the BBB would be slower for IO.
[02:32:44] <jef79m> hi guys, trying to find someone who can cut g10 in australia, any recommendations?
[02:32:47] <tjtr33> (no hdwr expert here )
[02:34:02] <tjtr33> garolite? dulls HS steel immediately. some sugestions in history of this ric, but i have only had bad experience with single lip HS cutters.
[02:34:11] <pcw_home> The PRU (200 Mhz 32 bit fixed point coprocessor)makes it capable of a lot of fairly fast I/O b
[02:34:18] <tjtr33> ric/irc
[02:35:05] <tjtr33> pcw_home, sounds like Forth is in the works for it then ( fast big number crunching for astronomers :)
[02:36:27] <Valen> we can do it tjtr33
[02:36:31] <pcw_home> Fourth should be a easy port (though only have I think 8K of code space)
[02:36:49] <Valen> sorry jef79m we can cut G10
[02:37:07] <jef79m> Valen: you're the guy who was recommended to me, but it seemd like you hadn't been in here for a while.
[02:37:17] <Valen> ?
[02:37:39] <tjtr33> Valen ? PRU? garolite?
[02:37:49] <tjtr33> must be 'can cut G10'
[02:37:51] <Valen> we cut PCB all the time
[02:38:16] <Valen> and assorted fiberglass products so anything in that line should be doable
[02:38:39] <Valen> diamond grinder is a good way to do it btw
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[02:39:17] <tjtr33> pcw_home, but you have to talk like yoda "lawn mow, fence paint, post fix" <<< old forth joke
[02:39:33] <jef79m> awesome, do you have an email address i could contact you at?
[02:39:53] <Valen> pm sent
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[02:44:18] <pcw_home> Actually I kind of like Forth. Years ago we used it for hardware testing
[02:45:12] <tjtr33> skunkworks, thanks for the links to the Accupin, didnt see it till i hit the archives today, had bad cnxn on the day you posted.
[02:46:27] <tjtr33> pcw_home, I got boxes of forth pcs and 'capes' . i used them for early ATC's on EDM's (pop over drop swap :)
[02:46:49] <tjtr33> pc/microcontroller
[02:47:34] <tjtr33> yeah the code read like weird poetry after you got the words down
[02:48:05] <pcw_home> Postscript is similar
[02:48:23] <L84Supper> pcw_home: did you post specs on your cubie shield?
[02:48:33] <pcw_home> Not yet
[02:49:12] <L84Supper> pcw_home: did you see the new Beaglebone?
[02:49:42] <L84Supper>
[02:50:04] <L84Supper> $45
[02:50:34] <pcw_home> Yes pretty amazing (well as long as TI subsidizes it)
[02:50:41] <L84Supper> no SATA and only 512MB
[02:51:40] <pcw_home> Yes the Cubie (especially with the A20) is more practical as a completer linux system
[02:52:45] <tjtr33> i got a 32G 10x sd for the cubie, but will look at a SATA also ( both are useful tools in any case )
[02:53:34] <pcw_home> If you want to do local compiles SATA is probably best
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[02:55:53] <L84Supper> pcw_home: which IO board has analog +-5V differential out to drive galvos? open loop
[02:57:03] <tjtr33> with no external components? ( no 0-10 converted to +/- 5 ?)
[02:57:10] <L84Supper> 7i33
[02:57:53] <pcw_home> Normally drives have differential in but the A-D is single ended
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[02:59:25] <tjtr33> hmm i just revisted a site for Encore Gardens in Taiwan, big outdoor laser show, drawn on a water screen. :( abandoned now, after the 05 earthquake )
[02:59:31] <tjtr33> galvos there
[02:59:32] <tjtr33>
[03:04:33] <L84Supper>
[03:04:48] <L84Supper> some of these have analog and digital inputs
[03:05:45] <L84Supper> XY2-100 protocol
[03:05:53] <tjtr33> medical & beauty? tatoos or freckle removers
[03:06:49] <L84Supper> yeah
[03:07:02] <L84Supper>
[03:08:32] <tjtr33> seems like a fast data stream
[03:09:42] <tjtr33> 500nS per pkt
[03:10:42] <pcw_home> Looks easy enough
[03:10:49] <L84Supper> looks like they keep the actual data quiet
[03:11:22] <tjtr33> ^^^ i must have got the math wrong :|, they say 10uS
[03:12:27] <L84Supper> uness it's just 16 bit position info, 0 is one end and 111111111111111 is the other extreme
[03:13:24] <pcw_home> Yes just 16 bit offset binary (and the three C bits whatever they are)
[03:13:32] <L84Supper>
[03:14:53] <L84Supper> 2MHz clock, synk and data, each uses rs422 voltage levels. total 20 bits are transmitted in 10usec. 3 control signals, 16 data and 1 parity
[03:15:38] <pcw_home> yeah so pretty easy (even a PIC could bit bang that)
[03:17:08] <L84Supper> anything IO -> XY2-100 protocol
[03:18:04] <pcw_home> Not much of a change from the SPI interface
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[04:06:11] <ssi> I'll have a BBB in a couple days
[04:08:55] <ssi> pcw_home: for my limits on the 7i77, should I common the limits to field power, and then each switch to an IO pin?
[04:09:30] <ssi> It is suggested that inputs like limit switches use normally closed switches with one switch leg connected to field power and the other to the 7I77 input pin, so the normal machine state (not at limits) is to have the inputs activated. This way, a open switch wire or wire shorted to ground will cause a detectable machine fault.
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[04:09:36] <ssi> yea I guess so
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[04:49:20] <pcw_home> Yes field power --> limitswitch --> 7I77 input
[04:50:39] <pcw_home> This does mean you need to use the inverted input pins in HAL for limits
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[05:12:18] <ssi> yeah that's fine
[05:12:26] <ssi> I was more concerned about just how much current those pins will sink
[05:12:32] <ssi> but I guess they must be limited internally :)
[05:14:00] <ssi> by the way, I discovered with the help of a kind gentleman in here earlier that I can remove a 0R SMD resistor in my drive and make my /INHIBIT lines into /ENABLE
[05:14:06] <ssi> so I have much saner enable lines now :)
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[06:18:26] <ssi> I'm short a drive, but I think the wiring is complete
[06:18:48] <ssi>
[06:19:06] <ssi>
[06:20:51] <mrsun> neat =)
[06:25:28] <ssi> and now I'm going to bed
[06:25:35] <ssi> it's been entirely too long a weekend
[06:25:43] <mrsun> hope i get my toothed belts today so ic an start making parts for the holding etc of them =)
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[12:08:36] <r00t4rd3d> "Vermont Telephone Company's gigabit internet service is live, half the price of Google Fiber"
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[12:33:11] <mrsun> Z axis taking shape =)
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[12:48:44] <mazafaka> hello, can anyone advice a seller of long drills, about 150 x diameter?
[12:49:04] <mazafaka> Or are there any electrodes for EDM?
[12:50:07] <jthornton> like gun drills?
[12:51:59] <mazafaka> maybe, 14 mm 2500 mm long
[12:52:17] <mrsun> ough
[12:52:21] <mrsun> thats a long drill :P
[12:52:28] <mazafaka> yeah
[12:52:53] <mrsun> what are you doing? hollowing out people? :P
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[12:57:22] <mazafaka> mrsun: this is for new corporation, called Skynet. It's some computer or so who has evaluated the task and given out a list of necessary things to be in the stock 'for things after the dawn of people'. No one really understands what it means...
[12:58:22] <mrsun> mazafaka, ahh cool =)
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[13:01:15] <mazafaka> yeah, I even think this can bring something new to our world! ^)
[13:01:21] <mazafaka> *:)
[13:03:10] <mrsun> mmhmm =)
[13:04:01] <mrsun> hmm question is how to mount the screw for the Z axis :(
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[13:04:25] <mrsun> a rotating nut assembly would be neat but i guess it requires some more work =)
[13:06:22] <mrsun> and i dont have to buy end blocks etc if i use rotating nut :P
[13:06:33] <mrsun> but i guess it requires axial berings ...
[13:06:40] <mrsun> or whatever they are called, thrust bearings
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[13:12:09] <syyl_ws> mazafaka, 150 times dia is not uncommon
[13:12:15] <syyl_ws> but in 14mm?
[13:12:16] <syyl_ws> phu :D
[13:14:17] <syyl_ws> for edm thats also a pretty deep hole :D
[13:15:57] <syyl_ws> sounds like something to outsource ;)
[13:16:03] <syyl_ws> "someone else can do that."
[13:17:04] <archivist> gun drilling is a special operation, the machine runs with very high pressure cooling to clear the chips
[13:19:40] <syyl_ws> and the drill gets a support
[13:19:48] <syyl_ws> like a moving steady rest on a lathe
[13:21:24] <jthornton> one more post and Andy hits the 4k mark
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[13:48:44] <mazafaka> syyl_ws: says about 200:1 and 400:1
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[13:56:09] <syyl_ws> cool
[13:56:16] <syyl_ws> that outdates my knowledge :D
[13:56:30] <syyl_ws> 400:1 is crazy
[14:00:07] <Jymmm> cRaZY I tell ya... ¡¡¡ʎzɐɹɔ
[14:00:51] <PetefromTn> Those gun drills are sweet... I have also used the gurhring drills and they are amazing if you have TSC. My VMC unfortunatley does not but it was an option LOL...
[14:04:37] <mazafaka> Jymmm: just about 0.6''x100''
[14:05:06] <Jymmm> mazafaka: =)
[14:05:39] <mazafaka> Jymmm: =)
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[14:16:54] <PetefromTn> Boy do I ever love tig welding up tiny rust pinholes in my coolant troughs....LOL
[14:17:09] <jdh> duct tape is quicker
[14:18:25] <PetefromTn> honestly man if I thought it would work or last I would have already tried it !!
[14:20:07] <PetefromTn> This is about as much fun as smashing your thumb with a hammer...
[14:22:09] <jdh> having smashed my thumb a time or two, I think you are wrong.
[14:22:09] <syyl_ws> :D
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[14:23:39] <syyl_ws> i always try to miss my thumbs..
[14:25:49] <mazafaka>
[14:25:51] <Tecan> (3lwLYHrqPYw) "Over Powered Powerwheels Snow Jam Barbie Jeep Corvette F150 Mustang Drift Widescreen" by "MechanicalPlanet" is "Autos" - Length: 0:02:41
[14:26:00] <L84Supper> PetefromTn: did you decide on spot welding and then coating with polyester resin?
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[14:28:02] <mrsun> ffs stupid radiuses and stuff on everything :P
[14:28:25] <mrsun> i guess i can make the upper radius just filing it off as it shouldnt be as important as the lower .. hmm
[14:29:25] <PetefromTn> L84Supper: Actually I am trying to hit all the bad spots and get it sealed up via tig welding and then I bought some west system epoxy that I am gonna mix up and coat the entire bottom of the coolant trough with it to seal it up permanently. Then I am gonna paint the inside with some industrial waterproof epoxy paint rated for immersion...
[14:30:39] <jdh> Imron(tm) paint
[14:31:07] <L84Supper> imron is a polyester IIRC
[14:31:28] <L84Supper> was the rage back in the 80's
[14:31:53] <jdh> still is on boats, and AwlGrip
[14:31:58] <L84Supper> polyurethane enamel
[14:33:02] <PetefromTn> This epoxy paint is pretty expensive but it is apparently waterproof, coolantproof, resistant to several acids, and most chemicals.... Sounds like just what I need. It is also made to go over bare metal...
[14:33:32] <PetefromTn> mazafaka: What is it that they are feeding those power wheels? Sound mean...
[14:33:47] <skunkworks> PetefromTn, how is the conversion coming?
[14:35:10] <PetefromTn> skunkworks: honestly it is going okay. I still need a braking resistor for the Z axis motor driver since the head is not counterweighted and I have to build an encoder mount and some kinda circuit to allow my encoder to only show one index pulse per spindle revolution but right now the coolant trays are kicking my ass...
[14:35:31] <skunkworks> yeck
[14:37:19] <PetefromTn> yeah they are not as bad as they sounds I am just a whiner.... they are mostly full of surface rust and I am needing to wire wheel all of that off then fix the tiny pinholes in the bottom of the trays and then I can epoxy the crap out of them. Should be able to get them sealed and back inside the machine this week hopefully.
[14:38:11] <skunkworks> can't you pour the epoxy in the coolant then roll the machine down the street... ;)
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[14:41:54] <jdh> just use the coolant pump to spray the west epoxy, it will coat all the needed areas.
[14:42:10] <PetefromTn> I have thought about rolling the machine down the street LOL honestly like I said it is going quite well considering what I have invested in it so far.
[14:42:22] <PetefromTn> jdh: LOL yeah man I will get right on it...
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[14:43:06] <mazafaka> PetefromTn: music is
[14:43:07] <Tecan> (YC-BUYDW-VA) "Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout" by "Steven Edmundson" is "Music" - Length: 0:03:37
[14:43:58] <jdh> I spent the weekend in N. Florida. I think that qualifies for PsychoHillBilly
[14:48:25] <PetefromTn> mazafaka: Music...
[14:48:26] <Tecan> (5vUDmFjWgVo) "Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms Mandela Live 1988" by "Gabriele Pelosi" is "Music" - Length: 0:08:32
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[15:30:55] <mazafaka> PetefromTn: I first time listened to guitars of Led Zeppelin.
[15:31:16] <jdh> in 1970?
[15:31:38] <jdh> wonder if iron man 3 woud be good in 3d imax
[15:33:00] <mazafaka> jdh: in 1970 I myself hardly was even in plans, besides parents did not know each other
[15:35:07] -!- automata has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[15:35:45] <mazafaka> And now look whom they have grown up... Oh... A perfect mutha... matha... mazafaka :)
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[15:57:41] <ssi> weeee drawing wirebook diagrams
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[16:21:30] <L84Supper>
[16:21:38] <L84Supper>
[16:22:23] <L84Supper> just needs some buffers/level translators and some analog to run servos or steppers
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[16:26:07] <pcw_home> The Parallela is very neat
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[16:27:39] <pcw_home> Also has GigE (and 64 GFLOP parallel processor)
[16:28:42] -!- stsydow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:28:53] <L84Supper> Linuxcnc + image processing on the same board
[16:29:18] <L84Supper> but at $99 vs an x86 PC, how does it compare?
[16:31:24] <pcw_home> Power wise and card-card bandwidth wise its a big win
[16:31:33] <L84Supper> I'd like to see a universal open control platform for Linuxcnc, Comedi etc
[16:31:34] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:32:43] <pcw_home> its really optimized for desktop supercomputer applications
[16:33:02] <L84Supper> control machines of all sorts, ARM PLC for low cost
[16:33:32] <pcw_home> weak on I/O, strong on card-card comms
[16:34:02] -!- V0idExp has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:34:07] <L84Supper> i have look at the cache in the Epiphany, to see what grained apps it might be useful for
[16:34:48] <L84Supper> we went though this in the 00's with clusters
[16:35:29] <L84Supper> if you needed really fast IO between nodes how much processing was actually going on?
[16:36:32] <pcw_home> Almost all parallel processors need neighbor information (and fast)
[16:36:52] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:36:57] <L84Supper> you might be surprised
[16:37:30] <WalterN> L84Supper:
[16:37:51] <L84Supper> some of the largest clusters at LANL just used 10Mb Ethernet
[16:38:02] <pcw_home> perfectly partitionable tasks that match the processing element capabilities a rare
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[16:38:16] <WalterN> L84Supper: thats the only place I could find that had 808nm f-theta scanning lens
[16:38:17] <L84Supper> 10/100 just because it came with the motherboard
[16:38:28] <pcw_home> so its possible but wasteful unless you have good interconnects
[16:38:34] <L84Supper> WalterN: there were some on ebay
[16:38:49] <WalterN> rlly?
[16:38:51] <WalterN> hmm
[16:38:56] <pcw_home> (I had a Intel cube at one time, ex UCB)
[16:39:14] <WalterN> I guess there is
[16:39:22] <WalterN> no wait
[16:39:38] <pcw_home> coax 10 mbit Ethernet Hypercube
[16:39:47] <L84Supper> the cluster requirements were mostly lots of cores, lots of RAM, highest clocks, no HD
[16:40:29] <L84Supper> the GPU clusters were pretty much considered failures since nobody wanted to spend the time reprogramming
[16:40:55] <WalterN> I cant find 808nm f-theta lens on ebay
[16:42:02] <WalterN> why is 1064nm f-theta lenses so popular (it seems)?
[16:42:10] <L84Supper> 606nm is a oddball so you have to check the specs on the lenses, most of the ~1um lenses should work
[16:42:53] <WalterN> well
[16:43:07] <WalterN> the only place that listed how well it works was thorlabs
[16:43:24] <WalterN> and it only has 88% light transmission at 808nm
[16:44:06] <WalterN> at 1064nm it has something like 98%
[16:44:18] <L84Supper> yeah, so you'll lose 12% in the lense and 2-3% at the mirrors
[16:44:41] <L84Supper> so ~15% loss
[16:44:43] <WalterN> 2-3 watts in one lens
[16:44:57] <WalterN> plus the fiber optic cable
[16:45:03] <WalterN> meh
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[16:46:11] <WalterN> but... why 1064nm?
[16:46:38] <pcw_home> YAG
[16:47:38] <L84Supper>
[16:52:35] <WalterN> and they are more common than 808nm?
[16:54:09] <L84Supper> I'd still like to see an ARM tablet that may be used as a PLC to control machines and systems
[16:54:41] <jdh> why a tablet?
[16:55:08] <L84Supper> low cost built in display
[16:55:14] <pcw_home> Laser diodes are often used to pump YAG lasers
[16:55:26] <jdh> display dies, then it's worthless
[16:55:39] <Tom_itx> tablets don't have very good interface to the outside do they?
[16:55:40] <jdh> and awkward for IO
[16:55:48] <Tom_itx> ^^
[16:55:53] <WalterN> pcw_home: isnt there losses in such a methodology?
[16:55:53] <L84Supper> jdh: yeah, the you just replace the whole thing for $100
[16:55:55] <jdh> could do modbus/tcp or ethernet/ip
[16:56:15] <jdh> but, I'll stick with traditional PLC's and HMIs as needed
[16:56:16] <pcw_home> Yes sure but gains as well
[16:57:16] <WalterN> does more power come out than what goes in?
[16:57:26] <pcw_home> The problem with that is that the whole tablet ecosystem will change in 3 years and you have an unrepairable machine
[16:58:09] <L84Supper> linux arm will be around
[16:58:25] <pcw_home> I'd stick with Ethernet interface to a MachineKit HAL runner
[16:58:40] <pcw_home> Linux ARM will be , the hardware will have moved on
[16:58:51] <L84Supper> non-ARM?
[16:59:13] <pcw_home> I would separate the HMI from the RT
[16:59:21] <jdh> I did an alignment control system for a 2.5kw YAG. Bad things happen to the fiber if the beam points directly at the target surface.
[16:59:36] <L84Supper> I'm thinking of mostly non real time applications
[16:59:57] <L84Supper> process machines
[17:00:15] <WalterN> jdh: woah... heh
[17:00:18] <pcw_home> With YAG you gain the ability to have very high power short pulses (better for marking ablating etc)
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[17:02:19] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:27:33] <L84Supper> mill with open-air belt drive
[17:27:40] <IchGuckLive> today a nice day in germany
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[17:29:10] <IchGuckLive> L84Supper: you loos money if you paint this its historic
[17:29:57] <IchGuckLive> someone may shoot you as you do cnc on it for killing historical equipment O.O
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[17:36:13] <L84Supper> heh, I'd shoot myself first :)
[17:36:47] <fragalot> L84Supper: prove it
[17:36:51] <archivist> L84Supper, what it would look like if grown up
[17:36:56] <Tom_itx> i had an old buffalo drill press that looked similar to that
[17:37:32] <archivist> other pics it is in
[17:37:48] <L84Supper> love it, just like China
[17:38:11] <archivist> that was the basement where I used to work
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[17:38:33] <L84Supper> that's the one thing that really stands out, lack of machine guards
[17:38:50] <archivist> guards get in the way
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[17:39:02] <Tom_itx> was loss of limb a higher rate then than now?
[17:39:05] <Tom_itx> i doubt it
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[17:39:48] <L84Supper> still there, I half tempted to offer $1500
[17:40:26] <Tom_itx> probably cost that much to move it
[17:41:34] <L84Supper> did they give away Shopsmiths in the 60's in boxes of cereal or something?
[17:42:00] <Tom_itx> cracker jacks prize
[17:42:38] <L84Supper> supposedly works
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[17:45:21] <L84Supper> people must be clearing out their old machines around here, there's never this much available at the same time
[17:45:44] <jdh> perhpas they are ramping up for inreased demand
[17:46:03] <IchGuckLive> pattern a sub >
[17:48:43] <IchGuckLive> L84Supper: as the outsell of the new mashines also starts
[17:58:15] <L84Supper> looks more like spring cleaning
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[17:59:41] <andypugh> I am sure that presentation can halep a lot with an eBay advert:
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[18:03:24] <L84Supper> "Needs work" an understatement
[18:03:48] <frallzor> haha =P
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[18:11:19] <asdfasd> andypugh: they mean scrap but mistakenly called it lathe...
[18:12:15] <archivist> I can see plenty of usable castings and free line shafting
[18:12:35] <andypugh> It's possibly rather a useful metal spinning lathe.
[18:13:19] <andypugh> A picture of the bed would have helped...
[18:13:19] <archivist> I agree, I can see the important bits
[18:13:22] -!- gonzo07 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:13:48] <archivist> the bed is there in front left
[18:13:57] <andypugh> It's worth £50 for the Record vice hiding underneath :-)
[18:14:23] <asdfasd> I see a lots of bits to but all of them look like collected from scrap or museum :)
[18:14:25] <archivist> legs for the bed seem to be extra!
[18:14:38] <frallzor> When bored, make a crappy video =P
[18:14:39] <Tecan> (vvBzxnOdn90) "RenderCNC_routing_720P" by "ODDNAME" is "People" - Length: 0:01:27
[18:14:42] <andypugh> archivist: Yes, I know you can see some of the bed, but why not frame the photo to show all of it?
[18:15:06] <archivist> useless photographer :)
[18:15:49] <archivist> near you, go fetch
[18:16:45] <andypugh> frallzor: Am I right in thinking that you are in Scandiwgia?
[18:17:12] <frallzor> indeed
[18:18:49] <andypugh> Did you see my message on the mailing list about a guy with some ABB robots? He doesn't seem to want to make them work, so was going to break for parts. As he seemed to be thinking 6 x €100 for the harmonic drives + motors I get the impression that that is the sort of all-in price he is thinking.
[18:18:58] <L84Supper>
[18:19:12] <L84Supper> isn't this low for a price? $5k
[18:21:08] <WalterN> not enough lasers
[18:22:07] <Tecan>
[18:24:22] <IchGuckLive> tjb1: ?
[18:24:29] <tjb1> IchGuckLive: ?
[18:24:56] <IchGuckLive> today full load on china plasma 8hr non tiome off
[18:25:06] <tjb1> nice
[18:25:16] <IchGuckLive> noozle change every 2hr at 180m of cut
[18:25:24] <IchGuckLive> worked
[18:27:06] <IchGuckLive> so no hypertherm 45 at 2400 euros its a stamos 85 at 600 euros
[18:28:21] <tjb1> you need to find better supplier
[18:28:38] <tjb1> I can get one for 1230 euros
[18:28:53] <tjb1> I have to go to graduation rehearsal, cya later
[18:28:59] <IchGuckLive> By
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[18:53:16] <frallzor> Ahh I want my ordered wood! =(
[18:53:34] <frallzor> that sounded better in my head
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[18:56:37] <DaViruz> frallzor: that's because your head is made of wood.
[18:57:44] * frallzor loves Birch
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[19:00:24] <archivist> frallzor, bite on an apple
[19:01:09] <archivist> not mine, seller wants 50$ on the old tools mailing list
[19:01:36] <frallzor> I cant bite since I cant see that link =P
[19:01:54] <L84Supper> the Chinese viewpoint on plasma cutters and welders is: it needs to be carried on a scooter, it's going to be replaced in no more than 2 years, has to be inexpensive
[19:03:00] <WalterN> I thought that was their view on everything
[19:03:59] <frallzor> I thought it was "cheap and crappier than the thing we copied"
[19:04:01] <L84Supper> they buy the same machine tools that we do
[19:04:16] <frallzor> minimum of atleast 1 major flaw on the copies
[19:04:35] <L84Supper> nah, they usually copy the flaws as well
[19:04:53] <frallzor> and add some of their own, you know, artistic freedom
[19:04:59] <L84Supper> the changes come later when they shop for parts
[19:05:07] <frallzor> well practiced in the far east
[19:05:50] <archivist> shop for parts! they reduce the parts count by leaving out seals etc
[19:06:08] <frallzor> nah they remove useless parts
[19:06:11] <L84Supper> if it didn't leak and you didn't notice
[19:07:02] <L84Supper> yeah, that's pretty much it, like they guy that used to make TV set back in the 50's, he would snip out parts until it stopped working
[19:08:32] <WalterN> lol
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[20:03:01] <generic_nick|2> wowsers were my gibbs loose on the mill. no wonder why i was having chatter issues.
[20:03:33] <generic_nick|2> good thing every part i make uses the entire travel so it isnt worn unevenly.
[20:06:35] <mrsun> closer and closer i get =) now most grunt work is done! =) time to realy look at getting it moving =)
[20:12:09] <frallzor> boooh
[20:14:12] <mrsun> haha :P
[20:14:26] <mrsun> love you to frallzor <3
[20:15:31] <frallzor> =P
[20:16:55] -!- PCW [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:26:57] <generic_nick|2> mrsun: what is it?
[20:27:07] <mrsun> router
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[20:27:12] <mrsun> Z axis of it
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[20:30:15] <frallzor> that´s not a knife, THIS is a knife!
[20:30:24] <frallzor> I mean router =P
[20:42:39] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[22:07:07] <andypugh> Bah! I have half a dozen ER20 nuts heading my way from Hong Kong, and half a dozen ER25 collet holders waiting for them.
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[22:28:12] <Tom_itx> awesome
[22:28:46] <Tom_itx> you should buy a machine to fit them
[22:29:09] <Tom_itx> can never have too many toys
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[22:32:53] <Tecan> << Metal Gods - Jusas Preist
[22:34:54] <ssi> ok so
[22:34:56] <ssi> pid tuning
[22:34:59] <ssi> never easy :/
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[22:38:20] <ssi> my current-mode drives seem to want fairly huge values in P
[22:38:24] <PCW> Velocity mode drives are normally pretty straightforward to tune (since you are really only tuning FF1 and P)
[22:38:39] <ssi> yeah, I wish these were velocity mode!
[22:38:49] <ssi> got any hot tips for current mode tuning?
[22:38:59] <ssi> I have P at 3000 right now, and the axis is stiff
[22:39:06] <ssi> but it will oscillate a little bit
[22:39:12] <ssi> can stop it by hand
[22:39:44] -!- hdokes has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:39:49] <PCW> For torque mode drives I set the D term as large as its stable and then P as large as it stable
[22:40:21] <ssi> what should I have P at while I'm bringing D up?
[22:40:23] <ssi> 0? 1?
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[22:40:31] <ssi> or leave it at 3000 like it is nom
[22:40:38] <PCW> 1 is fine
[22:40:41] <ssi> ok
[22:41:02] <PCW> so you know where the oscillation /noise is coming from
[22:41:04] <ssi> there's NO stiffness in the drive with P = 1
[22:41:24] <PCW> also dont bother tuning bare motors
[22:42:14] <PCW> tuning will be totally different with on inertial load
[22:42:22] <ssi> it's in the machine
[22:42:24] <PCW> s/on/an/
[22:42:26] <ssi> I'm moving the table
[22:42:32] <ssi> X axis on a big 10x50 mill
[22:42:49] <ssi> so with P = 1, I'm not really sure what constitutes "stable" D
[22:43:00] <ssi> if I set D to 100, it doesn't do anything until I move the axis a bit
[22:43:09] <ssi> then it growls and starts to move one direction or another
[22:43:19] <ssi> if I set it to D = 50, it's still growly when I move it, but it will stay still if I don't touch it
[22:43:24] <ssi> is the latter "stable"?
[22:43:41] <PCW> it should act like damping (resisting the motion)
[22:43:58] -!- Simooon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:44:21] <PCW> also make sure that you are using the feedback-deriv input on the PID component
[22:44:36] -!- morfic has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[22:44:37] <ssi> ooh I'm probably not
[22:44:58] <ssi> is that the only hal change?
[22:45:15] <PCW> that will make for A crunchy D term
[22:45:50] <PCW> yes you wire encoder velocity to the pid comps feedback deriv pin
[22:46:54] <ssi> nothing wired to anymore?
[22:47:08] <PCW> otherwise the PID comp uses DP/DT (encoder counts per sample) and you get very coarse velocity feedback)
[22:47:31] <PCW> you dont disconnect anything, just add a connection
[22:47:43] <ssi> oh wait
[22:47:44] <ssi> ok sorry
[22:48:03] <ssi> I had encoder velocity (x-vel-fb) wired to pid.command-deriv
[22:48:17] <PCW> OK thats good
[22:48:41] <ssi> sorry I accidentally changed x-pos-fb => to .feedback-deriv
[22:48:43] <ssi> but that's wrong
[22:49:11] <PCW> Yep, dont do that !
[22:50:34] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:50:54] <ssi> ok with D up pretty high, it's definitely resisting my motion,
[22:50:58] <skunkworks> interesting timing...
[22:51:09] <ssi> but then with a bit of push, it'll reverse and go off on its own in the other direction
[22:51:51] <skunkworks> makes me think even more that he used linuxcnc in his motion control product...
[22:54:22] <PCW> The small P term should slowly pull it close to 0 error
[22:54:56] <PCW> if you set P to 0 is should be pure viscous damping
[22:55:21] <ssi> what signals would be useful to watch on scope for this?
[22:55:27] <ssi> it's definitely not going to 0 error
[22:55:31] <ssi> it's running away from it very slowly
[22:55:48] <PCW> with P of 1?
[22:55:51] <ssi> yes
[22:55:56] <ssi> maybe that's too much D
[22:56:31] <PCW> No D should only add damping (resist motion)
[22:56:47] <ssi> ok I made D much much smaller
[22:56:50] <ssi> and it's more like that
[22:56:54] <ssi> although it's not very much damping force
[22:57:10] <ssi> and it seems like more damping in one direction than the other
[22:57:28] <ssi> no, that's just because I'm on one side of the setpoint I think
[22:57:42] <ssi> if I run it way past the set point to the other side, it starts getting more damping force
[22:57:57] <ssi> but I mean, I can wind the axis an inch by hand before it starts to develop any significant resistance
[22:57:58] <r00t4rd3d> do I need to tap the end of extrusion to get it to take a 5/16 bolt?
[22:58:04] <ssi> then when I let go, it winds itself bak toward setpoint
[22:58:41] <PCW> Yes you have a weak restoring force proportional to position error
[22:58:46] <ssi> ok
[22:59:08] <PCW> If D is high it will slowly creep back
[22:59:40] <PCW> so set D as high as you can without excessive bussing
[23:00:19] <ssi> seems to be around 40
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[23:00:59] <ssi> now raise P until it oscillates?
[23:02:30] <ssi> P=3000, D=40 is getting there
[23:02:54] <PCW> Yes or you can take a step and set P so you have just a little overshoot
[23:03:06] <ssi> how would I effect a step?
[23:03:22] <ssi> with a set in hal configuration dialog?
[23:03:41] <PCW> set too high accel and jog is one way
[23:04:13] <PCW> or use siggen component
[23:05:09] <PCW> in any case next steps will need HALScope
[23:05:28] -!- morfic [morfic!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:05:53] <ssi> got halscope up
[23:06:10] <ssi> watching x-pos-fb, x-pos-cmd, and pid.x.error
[23:06:24] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
[23:07:20] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:08:41] <PCW> Once you have about the maximum gain in P and D that are stable and not too buzzy you can tune FF2 (acceleration feed forward)
[23:10:23] <ssi> ok I have a not-quite-step response
[23:10:27] <ssi> but it's a big accel
[23:10:33] <ssi> I get three rings
[23:10:35] -!- Felix29 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:10:50] <ssi> and often I'll get oscillation after it stops, that I can damp with my hand
[23:10:50] <PCW> FF2 compensates for inertia by applying torque proportional to acceleration
[23:11:10] <ssi>
[23:11:53] <ssi> that move is violent too... it shakes the whole machine
[23:12:44] <ssi> doh
[23:12:50] <ssi> I lost my D term when I restarted
[23:13:07] <PCW> Oops
[23:13:32] <PCW> the calibrate routine is somewhat funny
[23:14:01] <ssi> so with the D in there, rather than an oscillation after one of these moves, I just get a little buzzing sometimes
[23:14:07] <ssi> but I still get the three rings like in that picture
[23:14:14] <ssi> should I turn down the P to get less ringing?
[23:15:16] <PCW> can you show the PID output? (it may be saturated)
[23:16:32] -!- morfic has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[23:16:50] <ssi> it's not saturating
[23:17:04] <ssi> I'm plotting it now, and also watching the saturated pin on the component
[23:17:36] <PCW> you could try more D
[23:18:12] <PCW> though it may get too buzzy
[23:18:58] <ssi> how's this look:
[23:18:58] <ssi>
[23:19:56] <PCW> Its a start, try with sane acceleration
[23:20:42] <ssi> it looks pretty good with low accel
[23:20:56] <ssi> but it does buzz a little bit unless I touch the handwheel gently
[23:22:20] <ssi> also I'm concerned because I can move the axis enough with the handwheel with light pressure that would fault the axis if I had sane ferrors
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[23:23:30] <PCW> what is your encoder resolution (counst/inch)
[23:23:38] <ssi> 40,000
[23:24:24] <PCW> so you may be able to have high D and P gains and get rid of some buzzing with a small deadzone
[23:24:54] <PCW> s/high/higher/
[23:25:41] <PCW> what happens if you double D and P (in that order so it does not go unstable))
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[23:26:41] <ssi> I was at D 40, P 1000
[23:26:48] <ssi> doubling D makes it oscillate about 0.010"
[23:26:51] -!- asdfasd [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:27:03] <ssi> k doubled both
[23:27:09] <ssi> it's oscillating slightly
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[23:27:42] <PCW> Buzzing a few encoder counts or oscillating?
[23:27:52] <ssi> oscillating
[23:28:20] <PCW> what processor are you running this on?
[23:28:53] <ssi> pc? it's a dell 755 core2
[23:29:08] <ssi>
[23:29:12] <ssi> here's it oscillating
[23:29:39] -!- morfic [morfic!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:30:03] <PCW> You might try setting the servo thread up to 4KHz or so if you have the HP
[23:30:13] <ssi> it's already at 4khz actually
[23:30:32] <ssi> I dropped it from 1000000 to 250000
[23:31:45] <andypugh> PID output looks wierdly correlated to error
[23:32:34] <ssi> andypugh: it's a current mode drive, if that explains the weirdness
[23:32:57] <andypugh> No, pid error and pid output should have a simple mathematical relationship.
[23:33:08] <PCW> Can you watch the PID output when you push the handwheel to get an idea of how much torque you have?
[23:33:14] -!- jfire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:33:19] <ssi> sure
[23:33:25] <ssi> I started with the current limit on the drive relatively low
[23:33:31] <ssi> but I've bumped it up quite a bit
[23:34:27] <ssi> not really sure what I'm looking at, but I can saturate the pid by hand
[23:34:43] <PCW> You will have bizarre behavior if you ever get the drive into current limit
[23:35:19] -!- shdhdfghd [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:35:30] <ssi> bizarre how?
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[23:36:04] <PCW> If you can saturate it by hand either your current limit is too low, you dont have enough gearing, or a big enough motor/drive
[23:36:32] <ssi> I would believe insufficient current limit above anything else
[23:36:42] <ssi> because the motors and gearing were all in place before I started
[23:37:09] <PCW> Yes it will then have non-linear behaviour
[23:37:49] <ssi> ok drive current limit is now at max
[23:37:50] <PCW> Are these the original motor drives (and do you have the motor specs?)
[23:38:07] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[23:38:13] <PCW> be careful...
[23:38:14] shdhdfghd is now known as asdfasd
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[23:38:53] <ssi> I can still overcome it by hand, but it takes most of my strength
[23:39:02] <ssi> I'm still running with D and P doubled, which is oscillating
[23:39:27] micges1 is now known as micges
[23:39:34] <ssi> these are 15A drives, fwiw, and my servos are 3.4A continuous stall, 18A max
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[23:40:14] <PCW> OK so pretty close
[23:41:00] -!- morfic has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[23:41:18] <PCW> OK so lower P and D so it stops oscillationg
[23:42:31] <ssi> have it at 2000, 50 right now
[23:42:31] -!- morfic- [morfic-!~morfic@unaffiliated/morfic] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:42:35] <ssi> and it's ok, but it's buzzy
[23:43:25] <PCW> a little buzzy might be cured with small deadzoe
[23:43:44] <PCW> (assuming its encoder dithering)
[23:44:05] <ssi> I dunno
[23:44:13] <ssi> the DRO is jumping close to 0.001"
[23:44:28] <ssi> the tenths digit jumps a lot, the hundredths digit flips occasionally
[23:44:40] <ssi> also if i set a ferror of 0.005", it faults all the time
[23:44:50] <PCW> so its still oscillating
[23:45:10] <PCW> lower both gains till it stops
[23:46:14] <andypugh> Here's a strange thing. I just checked my PID terms on my mill.
[23:47:09] <andypugh> On the Y axis the D term is negative. On the Z axis it is positive. Assuming that the Y had to be wrong, I made it positive, and the machine went into oscillation.
[23:47:57] <PCW> That sounds bizarre
[23:48:15] <andypugh> Yes.
[23:48:29] <andypugh> It's very small, too. -0.08 for a P of 50.
[23:49:05] <PCW> I would look at the position and velocity from the resolver and see if they make sense
[23:49:30] <andypugh> Maybe it is damping response to step-inputs rather than damping the motion?
[23:49:42] -!- gabewillen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:50:12] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:50:35] <PCW> it should just cause a PID output that opposes motion, nothing more
[23:51:49] <PCW> And it should be possible to trace how its gotten backwards
[23:52:46] <ssi> I think I'm pretty close to something workable
[23:52:53] <ssi> I am at P=2000, D=30
[23:53:19] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:59:43] <PCW> Next step is FF2 (you adjust this to minimize error during acceleration)