#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-05-07

[00:00:27] <andypugh> It came out nicely though....
[00:00:37] -!- syyl_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:01:46] <generic_nick|2> old bicycle tubes make great bellows for piano hinges on the front door of my mill
[00:02:03] <generic_nick|2> no more coolant leak.
[00:04:02] -!- GammaX-Shop has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[00:07:13] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[00:08:13] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:09:11] <generic_nick|2> andypugh: that sucks. ive done that before
[00:13:30] -!- adb has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:16:35] <PetefromTn> andypugh: Hey man just about how long did that part for instance take to code up and how long did the actual program run on your machine?
[00:21:15] <Valen> :-<
[00:21:47] -!- gabewillen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:28:55] <andypugh> PetefromTn: Well, the part I made today was http://imagebin.org/256731
[00:29:41] <andypugh> And it was pretty much all I got done today (bank holiday, no work) but then I wasn't full-on at it and spent a fair bit of time trying to replace the chain on my bike.
[00:30:13] <PetefromTn> braggart LOL
[00:31:01] -!- slifty has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[00:31:16] <PetefromTn> what did you use to draw that part?
[00:31:35] <andypugh> The CAD has been going on for weeks while I work out other things round it. But the actual CAM was probably a couple of hours (of which half was waiting for PyCAM to produce the toolpaths) and total machining time was 4 hours or so (you can take big cuts with the foam)
[00:31:44] <andypugh> Autodesk Inventor.
[00:32:34] <andypugh> But I get a free home license as a side-effect of my job. It's pretty expensive to buy.
[00:33:25] -!- Felix29 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:33:28] <PetefromTn> Oh so that was foam then? Got a picture of that part? How does it work in almuminum?
[00:36:28] -!- tjtr33 [tjtr33!~tjtr33@75-150-145-37-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:36:49] <andypugh> No pictures of the part, and it's getting late here, so I am rather more likely to go to bed than the garage.
[00:37:33] <andypugh> It would work perfectly well in Alumnium, if my milling machine was up to the task. It would take a whole lot longer, though.
[00:39:45] <PetefromTn> My deal is Honestly I don't do much 3d at all but I WOULD like the ability so a FREE program is highly desirable until I can ante up for something more commercial in nature.
[00:40:56] -!- cmorley1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:40:56] <tjtr33> any suggestion for a replacement? has to be dc brushed. http://imagebin.org/256734
[00:43:24] -!- cmorley has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:47:47] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:47:59] <generic_nick|2> hmm got quoted about 400 to move my mill and lathe across town.
[00:51:57] -!- ravenlock has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[00:58:23] <skunkworks> through what?
[01:04:38] -!- Connor1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:05:35] Connor1 is now known as Connor
[01:06:31] -!- kmrhb has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[01:07:01] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:11] <andypugh> PetefromTn: Yes, that is pretty much what PyCAM is doing for me. I generally use 2.5D.
[01:08:15] <Connor> What did I miss? Had a few issues with my ISP
[01:08:17] <PetefromTn> It is a shame it is limited as you say but apparently you are making 3d parts successfully so how bad could it be right...
[01:08:24] <andypugh> I am also hopeful that pyCAM can be improved. However, there are several other things out there, that are also free. I just haven't tried them yet.
[01:08:41] <PetefromTn> Oh man you really missed out on some amazing stuff sorry LOL
[01:09:08] <L84Supper> ... and thats how you turn lead into Gold
[01:09:22] <PetefromTn> yes exactly....Can't wait to try it.
[01:10:07] <PetefromTn> any of you guys using that FSwizard?
[01:10:26] <andypugh> ?
[01:10:44] <PetefromTn> or rather HSMadvisor now...
[01:10:55] <L84Supper> more people seem to be interested in adding 4-5 axis support to PyCam than any other open CAM tool
[01:12:00] <PetefromTn> you using it?
[01:12:20] <andypugh> I would have thought making it produce a toolpath in less than a day would be a better enhancement. (The push-cutter and drop-cutter grid algorithms work fine, but do spend an awful lot of time cutting air)
[01:12:47] <andypugh> The contouring algorithms ought to be better, and give a better finish, but are unusably slow.
[01:13:46] <PetefromTn> does it do waterline and linear etc 3d paths?
[01:13:48] <generic_nick|2> wow, mastercam does it in seconds
[01:14:02] <PetefromTn> how much did you pay for mastercam?
[01:14:15] <L84Supper> we figured speeding up the toolpath generation would come with refactoring PyCam
[01:14:35] <L84Supper> it just needs a makeover
[01:14:49] <andypugh> The Waterline algorithms are the slow ones. I suspect it spends too long considering the tool geometry even in cases where the tool chape is very simple.
[01:15:30] <PetefromTn> aw that sucks...
[01:16:00] <L84Supper> people have been talking about using voxels and the GPU
[01:16:00] <andypugh> L84Supper: When I learn Python, and have infinite spare time, looking at the toolpath algorithms in PyCAM is on my list...
[01:16:34] <andypugh> Yes, I did find myself thinking about voxels while watching the machine do its thing.
[01:16:44] <L84Supper> lots of talk right now and interest, maybe things will get going over the summer
[01:17:27] <L84Supper> having a couple funded devs to work on it will also help
[01:17:30] <FinboySlick> I think Minecraft is responsible for all the voxel hype ;)
[01:17:32] <andypugh> One idea that occurred to me was a simple G-code postprocessor, that scans through G-code and subtracts voxels, then trims any path that is only cutting air.
[01:17:57] <L84Supper> voxelpress is another
[01:18:38] <andypugh> I was thinking about voxels in 1998. I worked in a medical imaging research group.
[01:18:51] <L84Supper> yeah, it's not new
[01:19:22] <L84Supper> image processing and MRI
[01:19:23] <andypugh> My thinking was that building an STL of the part-machined shape was likely to be wasteful.
[01:19:57] <andypugh> Not that Voxels are even slightly efficient.
[01:20:13] <L84Supper> it would be nice to come to some consensus on the approach
[01:20:47] <L84Supper> http://voxelpress.org/rasterization_demo.html
[01:20:50] <tjtr33> reading that paper on jitter made me think, someone should invite Mssrs Proctor & Shackleford to the Witchita get-together
[01:21:29] <andypugh> I need to work out how the current algorithms work. I did have some discussion with sumpfralle on the subject.
[01:22:52] <andypugh> For a cylindrical cutter creating a waterline from STL is very fast and easy. It is when you add a tool radius that it gets hard. And if you have to worry about undercuts, then it gets harder again.
[01:23:48] <L84Supper> after looking over Slic3r, skeinforge, PyCam and Heeks there needs to be some serious effort into making useful CAM tools that aren't >$10K
[01:24:41] <L84Supper> CAM for cutting as well as additive manufacturing
[01:25:03] <andypugh> Anyway, time I was gone.
[01:25:11] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:25:17] <L84Supper> rather that CAM for cutting and another camp working on 3dp
[01:25:30] <tjtr33> L84Supper, did you see the Russian youtube toolChain tutorial on FreeCad->Heeks->Linuxcnc?
[01:25:56] <L84Supper> no, I'll have to check it out
[01:26:52] <L84Supper> the real missing piece is CAM for 3DP, even mastercam and NX CAM don't have anything for additive yet and Slic3r is a toy
[01:28:32] <L84Supper> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP9YZwHbBE4 Freecad to Heekscnc to LinuxCNC Tutorial sounds Polish
[01:28:45] <Tecan> (NP9YZwHbBE4) "Freecad to Heekscnc to LinuxCNC Tutorial" by "Gab Trzyde" is "Tech" - Length: 0:07:57
[01:28:57] <tjtr33> yes it does, dunno where i got the russian idea
[01:35:31] <tjtr33> and i didnt see why he'd deck the top with a path bounded by the shape, or how he'd hold the thing while he ran a perimeter cut
[01:35:50] <tjtr33> but its 'exemplary' i 'spose
[01:39:09] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:52:55] -!- hashfail [hashfail!~noone@64-121-232-59.c3-0.eas-ubr3.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:54:48] -!- tjtr33 [tjtr33!~tjtr33@75-150-145-37-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has parted #linuxcnc
[01:56:57] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[02:01:18] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:08:53] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:10:30] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:18:39] <ssi> hrm
[02:28:58] <eric_unterhausen> got my beaglebone black today, someone make a bob interface for me plz
[02:38:09] <ssi> aoeuaoeu
[02:38:30] <ssi> eric_unterhausen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfi0b5cUNVw
[02:38:32] <ssi> getting there :)
[02:42:57] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:45:05] <L84Supper> bob interface?
[02:48:12] <ssi> breakout board
[02:48:17] <ssi> a bbbbb if you will
[02:48:31] <ssi> first one will be pretty simple
[02:48:39] <ssi> a bare bones beaglebone black breakout board
[02:49:54] <L84Supper> most of the GPIO is shared
[02:50:17] -!- cmorley [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:50:29] <ssi> ALL of it CAN be shared
[02:50:33] <ssi> none of it has to be
[02:50:36] <L84Supper> so 0.1" header to what? screw connectors?
[02:51:02] <ssi> most folks probably will want some analog support circuitry
[02:51:14] <ssi> it's all 3v3 levels and fragile pins
[02:52:14] -!- cmorley1 has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:52:14] -!- largecheesepuff has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:53:39] <L84Supper> yikes, they put the headers on top of the board again
[02:53:51] <ssi> they did
[02:54:07] -!- largecheesepuff [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:54:20] <pcw_home> Yeah so you have to mount it upside down
[02:54:34] <ssi> wouldn't be that hard to R&R them
[02:54:37] <ssi> well
[02:54:41] <ssi> remove them and install new ones
[02:55:42] -!- capricorn_1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:55:44] <L84Supper> whats the am3358 selling for?
[02:56:14] <Tom_itx> i started one of those for the STM32F4
[02:56:21] <ssi> the number $2.50 sticks out in my mind
[02:57:12] -!- Tom_shop [Tom_shop!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:57:26] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Disconnected by services]
[02:57:31] Tom_shop is now known as Tom_itx
[02:58:03] -!- gabewillen has quit [Quit: gabewillen]
[02:58:17] <pcw_home> 1K $22.52 or so for 1Ghz
[02:58:44] <ssi> off by an order of magnitude, dang
[02:58:58] <L84Supper> ~$14 in China
[02:59:17] <ssi> L84Supper: for the ti part? or a clone
[02:59:24] <L84Supper> TI
[03:04:31] <L84Supper> http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBoneBlack#LATEST_PRODUCTION_FILES_.28A5A.29
[03:05:12] <L84Supper> it would only take a few days to fix this and bump it to 1GB DDR3
[03:05:39] <ssi> fix what?
[03:07:14] <L84Supper> better board layout and 1GB of RAM
[03:07:15] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:07:40] <ssi> do it
[03:07:55] <ssi> what would you change about the layout besides putting the headers on bottom?
[03:09:37] <L84Supper> depends on who it's for
[03:10:06] <eric_unterhausen> how does it hurt that the headers are upside-down?
[03:11:01] <L84Supper> cheapskates just want it for as low a price as possible, they don't care if it has handlebars and a saddle mounted in the center
[03:11:30] <ssi> not an invalid strategy
[03:11:57] <ssi> and suits my needs too... if you make the thing $200, there's little point in working toward replacing $200 PCs
[03:12:30] <eric_unterhausen> depends on how capable the thing ends up being
[03:12:56] <eric_unterhausen> if it works really well, it would probably be worth investing some $ in it
[03:13:17] <ssi> it already works pretty well, he's just grousing because someone else is making the cash :)
[03:14:23] <L84Supper> SODIMM connector or PC-Card type connector on one edge vs connectors everywhere
[03:14:49] <pcw_home> I doubt if anyone is making much cash on the Beaglebone (except TI getting developer mindshare for cheap)
[03:15:08] <L84Supper> it's the 512MB that gets me, for a few $$ more it could have 1GB
[03:15:08] <ssi> that'd certainly make it nicer for fitting into a system, but not great for experimenting
[03:15:36] <ssi> pcw_home: I'm sure you're right about that... especially if the soc is half the retail price
[03:15:49] <ssi> although I've also heard rumblings that TI is subsidizing some of it
[03:15:56] <ssi> exactly for the mindshare reason
[03:16:08] <L84Supper> the cpu could be $6
[03:16:13] <pcw_home> Yep cheap advertising
[03:16:26] <eric_unterhausen> funny thing is, people were whining about the price
[03:16:39] <pcw_home> Not $6 if you or I buy it
[03:16:53] <eric_unterhausen> "olimex blah blah"
[03:17:00] <ssi> eric_unterhausen: it's hard to justify spending much more than $50 on a dev board if you're harry hacker with no clue what to do with it
[03:17:11] <L84Supper> yeah, why i don't bother anymore, the RPi proved that open source doesn't really matter, just price
[03:17:37] <ssi> rpi is a joke
[03:17:59] <pcw_home> I wonder how munkie is doing with his DMA stepgen on RPI
[03:18:03] <ssi> TI is handling this much better than BCM did the rpi
[03:18:20] <eric_unterhausen> raspi is exactly the right price for people to buy it, put it on their desk and later throw it away
[03:18:32] <ssi> eric_unterhausen: heh you got that right
[03:18:47] <ssi> although it's "buy it, put it on their desk, try to find docs on how to do something with it other than write python, throw it away"
[03:18:48] <pcw_home> BCM is shitty to deal with (TI used to be the same)
[03:19:52] <ssi> I had one simple little thing I wanted to do with the rpi
[03:19:54] <ssi> I2S out to a dac
[03:20:04] <ssi> and it's not possible without airwiring to traces on the board
[03:20:08] <eric_unterhausen> BCM is targeting high-volume customers and doesn't care about the rest of us
[03:20:23] <ssi> and even then, you have to write drivers for an undocumented device
[03:20:28] <ssi> or rather, NDA documented device
[03:20:55] <ssi> eric_unterhausen: that's the typical corporate strategy, but then they have no business being involved in a hacker project like the rpi
[03:21:03] <ssi> and I guess that's not really bcm's fault, it's the rpi foundation's fault
[03:21:06] <eric_unterhausen> it's just amazing to me what is under nda nowadays
[03:21:13] <ssi> but they have these lofty academic goals about education and crap
[03:21:20] <L84Supper> the am3359 is ~$14 out the backdoor, 2x the A10
[03:21:37] <eric_unterhausen> bcm makes some neat stuff, don't understand the stupidness about nda
[03:21:41] <pcw_home> Only nifty thing about the BCM chip is the stacked RAM
[03:22:15] <L84Supper> BCM evolved out of military silicon
[03:22:26] <L84Supper> they still have that mentality
[03:22:35] <L84Supper> everything is under NDA
[03:33:10] <L84Supper> i.MX6 Solo 1GHz: ~$11 @ 10k+ i.MX6 Dual 1GHz: ~$23 @ 1k+ i.MX6 Dual lite: ~$16 @ 1k+
[03:34:27] <L84Supper> http://pastebin.ca/2375279 more i.mx6 pricing
[03:35:08] <L84Supper> the quad core sells for around the same price as the am3359
[03:35:08] -!- gabewillen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:39:18] <ssi> L84Supper: I backed the goofy mx6 + avr project on kickstarter
[03:39:41] <L84Supper> have alink?
[03:39:55] <ssi> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/435742530/udoo-android-linux-arduino-in-a-tiny-single-board
[03:40:41] <L84Supper> I saw that
[03:40:52] <ssi> was thinking it could be interesting to try writing drivers to run a RAMPS shield on it
[03:40:55] <ssi> since it's pin compatible
[03:41:37] <zultron> Hey L84Supper, I've been hacking on PyCAM, right now just to fix the broken task settings persistence.
[03:41:46] <zultron> If you start working on the TPGs, let me know.
[03:42:34] <L84Supper> zultron: people have been mostly complaining about the slow path generation
[03:42:46] <zultron> I was looking at integrating some of Anders Wallin's work, and it turns out that someone's already started doing some of that maybe; there's an opencamlib branch in SF git.
[03:42:52] <zultron> Yeah, it's very slow.
[03:43:27] <zultron> Still no TPGs for 5-axis, but I've been looking at some journal articles. Just musing for now, not sure whether that'll turn into actual effort or not.
[03:44:09] <zultron> I'd also like to integrate cut simulation; Anders has a library for that, too.
[03:45:43] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:45:50] <L84Supper> ssi: whats the link between the imx6 and the sam3?
[03:46:01] <ssi> I think it's just a uart
[03:49:02] <L84Supper> I was surprised by the popularity of the arduinos, I could never even stand the name :)
[03:49:58] <eric_unterhausen> hard to understand?
[03:50:17] <ssi> L84Supper: I used to be seriously into PIC programming, and the arduino stuff used to irk me too
[03:50:21] <ssi> but I got the fuck over it... they're convenient
[03:51:38] <L84Supper> $100 for the dual core board?
[03:51:40] <ssi> yea
[03:52:01] <L84Supper> $129 for the quad
[03:55:32] <L84Supper> SATA only on the 4-core version
[03:58:29] <ssi> oh there's sata? neat
[03:59:02] <eric_unterhausen> kickstarter has a lot of silly projects
[03:59:10] <ssi> yeah
[03:59:15] <ssi> I should know, one of them's mine :)
[03:59:26] <eric_unterhausen> amazing how much money is on there now
[03:59:39] <eric_unterhausen> I guess for the price of a raspi, you can be a backer
[04:00:04] <eric_unterhausen> with the advantage of no messy desk
[04:00:34] <ssi> the messy desk is the best part
[04:00:36] <L84Supper> heh, imx6 + RPi on the same board
[04:00:55] <L84Supper> with socket for arduino
[04:01:16] <eric_unterhausen> if socket == usb port, I'm in
[04:02:13] <L84Supper> if people would actually cooperate the SOC on SODIMM or similar with standard breakout boards
[04:03:09] <L84Supper> but OEM's don't want that
[04:03:22] <ssi> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crystalfontz/cfa-10036-open-hackable-linux-arm-embedded-gpio-mo
[04:03:25] <ssi> people don't want that
[04:03:26] <ssi> I backed that one
[04:04:04] <L84Supper> i.mx28
[04:04:21] <eric_unterhausen> i remember that
[04:04:55] <eric_unterhausen> the sodimm thing always seems to involve $$$ for some reason
[04:04:57] <L84Supper> but a a10, a31, imx6, and similar 4-8 core arm's as they evolve
[04:05:49] <L84Supper> I tried to work with the EOMA-68 stuff but the ringleader was too difficult to work with
[04:05:54] <ssi> well like I said earlier, it's just not super hackerfriendly
[04:06:17] <ssi> at least with the headers on the beagle, I can airwire to it, or build a breadboard, or whatever
[04:06:28] <ssi> sodimm requires spinning a board and sourcing connectors at the very least
[04:06:38] <L84Supper> the beaglebone could be a $30 sodimm module
[04:07:06] <ssi> L84Supper: I could see a use for having that if it's otherwise exactly compatible
[04:07:16] <ssi> then designing a nice machine control board with a sodimm connector on it
[04:07:30] <L84Supper> if the sodimm could be standardized
[04:07:59] <L84Supper> and then have several IO boards
[04:09:16] <L84Supper> laptop, tablet, kitchen sink, machine controller, etc etc
[04:09:53] <pcw_home> some I/O can be standardised betweens SOCs (USB,serial,I2C, SPI, MDIO,MMI.GMII.GPIO,GPMC etc)
[04:10:00] <L84Supper> reusing the PC-card form factor isn't a bad idea either
[04:10:53] <pcw_home> I like SODIMMs better though
[04:12:07] <ssi> yeah probably more convenient for embedded boards
[04:12:28] <L84Supper> http://rhombus-tech.net/evaluated_cpus/
[04:12:35] -!- crotchet [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:13:04] <L84Supper> it was pretty easy to standardize most of the IO
[04:14:45] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:16:07] -!- fiesh [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:16:24] <L84Supper> only a few ARM soc vendors would actually sell parts at <1M pcs
[04:16:54] <L84Supper> many of those soc's never made it past the dev board stage and into any production
[04:17:30] <L84Supper> even fewer had open Linux support, many had Linux support only under NDA
[04:19:56] <ssi> what were you evaluating them for?
[04:20:39] <L84Supper> making an open standard soc card form factor
[04:21:19] <L84Supper> making the cpu cards and also the IO boards
[04:24:51] <L84Supper> but most OEM's don't want anything swap-able or upgrade-able, it should die right after the warranty is up and be worthless after
[04:25:18] <fiesh> I'm sorry if this is not really concerning linuxcnc directly, but I figured this might be a good place to ask since people are knowledgable and open. I'm trying to predict the runtime of certain G-code on certain machins (actually controlled by a Siemens Sinumerik), but I'm not sure how this is handled: if I have say a G02 command of certain length and radius, and the speed and absolute value of the acceleration are limited on this
[04:25:24] <fiesh> "segment", plus there are limitations on the acceleration (and jerk, but that wouldn't really matter) and speed of the individual axes, what is the trajectory? Is it somehow well-defined, does it depend on the controller, or on the people who programmed it? Can I somehow predict it?
[04:26:39] <ssi> it should be able to be known by the machine controller
[04:26:57] <fiesh> (Of course this question applies to G01 command to, but I suppose it's safe to assume the optimization problem on those is actually solved correctly, since it's mathematically simple. But on non-straight curves it's different, and I don't want to solve it numerically optimal if that's not how it's done anyway)
[04:26:58] <ssi> it's specific to the acceleration and velocity limits of the machine, which are likely unknown by the programmer
[04:27:26] <fiesh> I actually do know those limits, and will leave them adjustable in my implementation anyway
[04:28:04] <ssi> if you're trying to implement that prediction yourself, and you know the accel and velocity of each segment, I don't see why you couldn't predict it
[04:28:14] <ssi> just remember to account for decel at the end of moves if it will exist
[04:28:44] <fiesh> yes, but the underlying optimization problem is not easy, in fact to solve it correctly you seem to have to take into account the whole NC-program at once
[04:28:45] <ssi> (some machines, like plasma for instance, don't decel, and round corners instead)
[04:28:56] <fiesh> so I was wondering if that's actually what the controller does, seems quite involved a solution
[04:29:23] <eric_unterhausen> not linuxcnc, which is a matter of annoying discussion
[04:29:53] <fiesh> ok, can somebody point me into how it's handled in linuxcnc?
[04:29:59] <eric_unterhausen> linuxcnc can stop at the end of every step, so lookahead is strictly limited
[04:30:13] <fiesh> "can" or "must"?
[04:30:15] <ssi> eric_unterhausen: I was afraid of that
[04:30:21] <ssi> "must be able to"
[04:30:24] <fiesh> oh
[04:30:28] <fiesh> and it always does?
[04:31:05] <eric_unterhausen> no, but it certainly affects the speed of operation
[04:31:18] <ssi> and QUALITY of operation for some applications
[04:31:29] <fiesh> is there a paper online that describes linuxcnc's behavior?
[04:31:36] <eric_unterhausen> I think if we could figure out how to change that it probably would be good
[04:31:37] <ssi> plasma cutting with lots of small segments is very much adversely affected by exact-path planning
[04:31:57] <eric_unterhausen> but it is a very complex issue
[04:32:36] <eric_unterhausen> better than a paper, there is source :)
[04:32:41] <fiesh> in general, the only solution seems to do it numerically, and yes, it can get pretty involved
[04:33:01] <fiesh> hehe, do you have a link? I'd really appreciate that
[04:33:02] <eric_unterhausen> well, people want "run from line"
[04:33:11] <fiesh> "run from line"?
[04:33:16] <ssi> I've never had good luck with run from line
[04:34:11] <eric_unterhausen> I don't know if that is the only issue, as I mentioned before, I find the path planning discussions to be annoying
[04:34:22] <ssi> haha
[04:34:32] <fiesh> oh I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a longstanding issue
[04:34:59] <eric_unterhausen> commercial controls all use some form of multi-line lookahead from what I can tell
[04:35:04] <fiesh> but I felt it fairly complex and wondered if actual controllers really solve it optimally, seems not then I suppose
[04:35:18] <eric_unterhausen> which introduces non-deterministic behavior in many cases
[04:35:26] <fiesh> it does? how so?
[04:35:53] <eric_unterhausen> if you are optimizing over multiple lines, then where are you if you stop?
[04:36:14] <fiesh> oh, well if you really want to optimize, you should consider the whole trajectory at once, of the full program
[04:36:44] <eric_unterhausen> that's not how machines are used apparently
[04:37:04] <ssi> there are historical reasons for that
[04:37:26] <ssi> machines until relatively recently couldn't even hold the full program in ram at once
[04:37:31] <fiesh> I suppose in earlier times, hardware was much too limited to even get close to solving it properly
[04:37:34] <fiesh> yes
[04:37:44] <ssi> I have a machine in the basement that ran off tape
[04:37:51] <ssi> PUNCH tape
[04:37:52] <ssi> D:
[04:37:58] <eric_unterhausen> love that punch tape
[04:38:08] <eric_unterhausen> edit with a razor blade
[04:38:33] <fiesh> heh I suppose it doesn't solve the full variatonal problem at once ;)
[04:38:34] <ssi> but even today, programs can be hundreds of thousands of lines
[04:38:43] <eric_unterhausen> linuxcnc is essentially a fancy drip feed system
[04:39:23] <fiesh> ssi: which would be a tiny problem for a modern computer
[04:40:02] -!- dhoovie [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:40:04] <fiesh> well I don't want to clog up people's backlogs with unpleasant path planning talk if it's not liked, thank you for your help ssi and eric_unterhausen!
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[04:40:41] <eric_unterhausen> you could look in the mail archives for lookahead and trajectory planning
[04:41:33] <fiesh> oh that's a good idea
[04:42:22] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:43:08] <fiesh> uhm... is there no search possibility for the mail archives?
[04:44:07] -!- Cylly [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:44:25] <fiesh> ah the forums have hits
[04:44:54] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[04:46:36] <ssi> woooo gogogogo gdb
[04:47:39] <eric_unterhausen> I would think you could search the mail archives, but I never have tried
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[04:55:28] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:56:20] <ssi> mhaberler: morn :)
[04:57:04] <mhaberler> buon giorno
[04:57:33] <mhaberler> let me know when I should start to break your driver ;)
[04:57:44] <ssi> soon, very soon
[04:57:49] <mhaberler> ah
[04:57:50] <ssi> elbows deep in gdb at the moment
[04:58:01] <ssi> in fact, let me check in what I have so you can start to criticize it :D
[04:58:08] <mhaberler> got the hang of debugging with rtapi_app?
[04:58:20] <mhaberler> actually you can trap on the thread function as well
[04:58:20] <ssi> more or less
[04:58:37] <ssi> it's blowing up in init
[04:58:41] <ssi> I have two strategies
[04:58:49] <ssi> one is let it run with no breakpoint and segfault, then backtrace
[04:59:03] <ssi> the other is to set a breakpoint on a particular line and see what everything's set to :D
[04:59:35] <mhaberler> one) is a standard QA method ;)
[05:00:29] <ssi> code's pushed, have at it
[05:00:37] <ssi> it's not as clean as I'd like
[05:01:29] -!- slifty has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[05:01:29] <mhaberler> is it built automatically or is there a make fragment somewhere?
[05:01:43] <ssi> it's in the makefile, it should build with the rest of it
[05:02:00] <mhaberler> oh, src/Makefile then I assume
[05:02:03] <ssi> yes
[05:02:13] <ssi> I added it alongside some of the beagle/rpi stuff that was already there
[05:02:17] <ssi> think the beagle stuff was commented out
[05:04:27] <mhaberler> what would more than one port number mean? I guess this is a singleton driver?
[05:05:23] <ssi> initially I was thinking that it'd have two ports
[05:05:26] <ssi> one for P8, one for P9
[05:05:35] <mhaberler> ah I see
[05:05:37] <mhaberler> ok
[05:05:37] <ssi> but I decided to scrap that and have it be single port
[05:05:46] <mhaberler> right
[05:05:51] <ssi> so you get bb_gpio.userledX
[05:05:57] <ssi> and bb_gpio.P8.in-XX
[05:05:58] <ssi> etc
[05:06:27] <ssi> you should be able to load with user_leds=0,1,2,3
[05:06:38] <mhaberler> ok, dont use perror or printf, use rtapi_print_msg()
[05:06:45] <ssi> yea
[05:06:53] <mhaberler> those are RT-safe and go the right log channels
[05:06:53] <ssi> there's an rtapi_print() in there, that's what you're seeing
[05:07:09] <ssi> because rtapi_print_msg() doesn't show up at low levels for me
[05:07:14] <ssi> wasn't sure how to set that log level
[05:07:52] <mhaberler> just saw a lone perror somewhere; I use rtapi_print_msg(level, "dsdsf %d", strerror(-erno))
[05:08:00] <mhaberler> make that %s
[05:08:13] <ssi> oh yeah there is a perror in there
[05:08:23] <ssi> holdover from my original userland test program
[05:08:36] <mhaberler> there's no guarantee a write to stdio fd's hits the logs
[05:08:43] <ssi> yea
[05:08:46] <mhaberler> anyway, minotr
[05:09:53] <ssi> fixed, will push momentarily
[05:09:59] <ssi> instrumenting the P9 mmaps
[05:10:18] <mhaberler> looks sensible
[05:10:51] <ssi> there's error handling in there to prevent silly things like trying to map ground pins or map the same pin as input and output
[05:11:08] <ssi> I added an extra field to the bb_gpio_pin structure called "claimed"
[05:11:17] <ssi> whenever something configures a pin, it marks it claimed
[05:11:28] <ssi> in the future we can maybe do that via shmem for inter-driver cooperation
[05:12:08] <mhaberler> not really needed in shmem ; I will use an external symbol
[05:12:15] <ssi> ah k
[05:12:26] <mhaberler> say gpio_bitmap and gpio_bitmap_size
[05:12:43] <mhaberler> just havent decided where to put it, probably tack onto rtapi
[05:13:33] <mhaberler> the collisions would be all within RT context which is a single address space (rtapi_app)
[05:15:41] <mhaberler> do you have a sensible map to init that with? maybe it should be a bone-fide rt module with init code & args for a certain board to set bitmap size and proper bts
[05:16:17] <ssi> take a look in beaglebone_gpio.h
[05:16:22] <mhaberler> yes, thats the way to do it, a module (no thread function; just inits and exports the sym
[05:16:24] <mhaberler> ok
[05:16:26] <ssi> that can change, but it was a convenient way to get started
[05:17:11] <ssi> the data in there is important for me to have somewhere thought... it contains the gpio port number, pin on that port, and control offset register for a given pin
[05:17:11] <mhaberler> yikes, inited data in a header ;)
[05:17:16] <ssi> yeah I know
[05:17:16] <mhaberler> ok, thats what I needed
[05:17:36] <ssi> the NULL in that structure gets pointed at a bb_gpio_port structure that gets inited in configure_gpio
[05:17:59] <ssi> you ask for a handful of pins, the first time it encounters one on gpio1, it asks for gpio1 to be configured
[05:18:03] <mhaberler> I think we'll do a gpio module which takes a board=[bbw,bbb,rpi etc] param and does the right thing
[05:18:15] <ssi> that mmaps the port space, and then it points the pin structure at the resulting gpio struct
[05:18:26] <ssi> that works
[05:18:31] <ssi> then there's symbols available to query this info
[05:18:35] <mhaberler> and that needs to be loaded before drivers reference it
[05:18:36] <mhaberler> right
[05:18:44] <ssi> also I think we're probably going to want to look at the device tree overlay for pinmuxing
[05:18:50] <ssi> that'd replace my configure_pin nonsense
[05:18:53] <mhaberler> so it cant be 'forgotten'
[05:19:10] <ssi> but I don't know yet how painful that'll be
[05:19:10] <mhaberler> once we understand it ;)
[05:19:14] <ssi> right :D
[05:19:16] <ssi> this is fine for now
[05:19:37] <ssi> overall, I'm super excited about the progress
[05:20:42] <ssi> #define GPIO1_START_ADDR 0x4804C000
[05:20:43] <ssi> #define GPIO2_START_ADDR 0x4804C000
[05:20:46] <ssi> well that certainly can't be right
[05:20:47] <ssi> hahah
[05:21:02] <mhaberler> maybe that gives a clue: http://hipstercircuits.com/enable-pwm-on-beaglebone-with-device-tree-overlays/
[05:21:27] <ssi> that's in my queue to study
[05:21:30] <mhaberler> yep, those addresses are a tad off
[05:21:33] <mhaberler> fair enough
[05:22:21] <mhaberler> ok, I'll look into this gpio_map stuff; it might be a few days because I'm in the middle of something else but definitely will do it, it already bugged me and thats a good driver
[05:22:49] <ssi> no problem
[05:23:31] <mhaberler> maybe there is a way to split this driver into a generic and a board specific part (or conditional); just to prevent copy&paste programming once the next board comes around
[05:23:57] <ssi> well with the header the way it is, it should be as simple as a different header
[05:24:05] <ssi> different register addresses
[05:24:09] <ssi> pin mappings
[05:24:53] <mhaberler> (I had looked into websockets and javascript for a json interface to HAL for web ui's, and the javascript experience is underwhelming - clearly shows the effect of crack consumption on the web 'programming community')
[05:25:30] <ssi> yeah that's not my favorite
[05:26:02] <ssi> my favorite development experience of late is Scala
[05:26:08] <ssi> it's a really interesting language
[05:26:35] <mhaberler> adding a new interpreter to linuxcnc gets 100 negative points ;)
[05:26:44] <mhaberler> actually we should dump at least one
[05:26:45] <ssi> hahah
[05:26:48] <mhaberler> (tcl)
[05:27:00] <ssi> that's ok, I can deal with python for userland stuff
[05:27:20] <mhaberler> I would like go but it's a bit early and I'd violate my own rule
[05:27:36] <ssi> which rule is that
[05:27:53] <mhaberler> read my lips: no new interpreters ;)
[05:28:10] <ssi> oh a minute ago it was just a point cost
[05:28:12] <mhaberler> looks like it's less of a dog relative to Python and more clever with threading and concurrency
[05:28:13] <ssi> now it's a mandate!
[05:28:29] <ssi> scala's not interpreted, fwiw
[05:28:34] <mhaberler> I said 'i'd like, but I wont' because of my rule..
[05:28:36] <ssi> it's compiled to bytecode; runs in jvm
[05:28:44] <mhaberler> never tried it
[05:28:55] <ssi> nearly pure-functional
[05:28:57] <mhaberler> jvm, thats 500- points
[05:29:01] <ssi> nahhh
[05:29:08] <ssi> jvm carries a lot of advantages
[05:29:12] <ssi> especially once you get past the java language
[05:29:24] <mhaberler> do you see the gun barrel over there
[05:29:58] <mhaberler> no really we need to get out deps, not add..
[05:30:10] <ssi> not interested in adding any of that to linuxcnc, I promise
[05:30:28] <ssi> just ruby :D
[05:30:37] <mhaberler> we have way too much tcl stuff in there which is essentially unmaintained, and I dont see talent or willing takers
[05:30:49] <ssi> yea no thanks
[05:30:53] <mhaberler> or butchers for that matter
[05:32:01] <mhaberler> anyway, will blinken them leds and let you know (you did bbb only I assume?)
[05:32:55] <ssi> yeah bbb only
[05:33:01] <ssi> but it shouldn't be too much effort to cross over
[05:33:06] <ssi> in fact it may work as is
[05:33:13] <ssi> I'm pretty sure the registers are the same
[05:33:18] <ssi> hey does this mean anything to you?
[05:33:18] <ssi> [28641.942474] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1018) at 0xb6c88134
[05:33:37] <ssi> that address is the OE register for gpio0
[05:33:51] <ssi> well, the address of where it's mmaped into my space anyway
[05:36:24] <ssi> I suspect thats a "hey you can't have this pin" message
[05:36:35] <ssi> but I don't see any reason why i wouldn't be able to have that pin
[05:37:29] <mhaberler> some google results on this
[05:38:12] <mhaberler> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15889483/what-do-these-kernel-panic-errors-mean
[05:38:55] <tjb1> printbl: funny seeing you here
[05:39:08] <ssi> so what's interesting is, I get the fault if I map pin 212, but not if I map 211 or 213
[05:40:03] <mhaberler> hm: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardPWM
[05:40:09] <ssi> n 212, but not if I map 211 or 213
[05:40:15] <ssi> woops
[05:41:51] <mhaberler> I found posting on eewiki helpful, Robert Nelson replies reliably
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[05:47:50] <ssi> oh I guess I gotta write the write/read funcs for input and output pins if i want them to you know, do anything
[05:48:30] <mhaberler> that'd help considerably, yes
[05:48:51] <ssi> and I also need to keep state of which pins are inputs and which are outputs
[05:49:01] <mhaberler> however, code which aint there cant fail, so from a support perspective that's helpful
[05:49:20] <ssi> :D
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[05:57:23] <mhaberler> http://xkcd.com/924/
[05:58:39] <ssi> :D
[06:01:57] <ssi> helping people on IRC feels weird
[06:02:05] <ssi> I haven't done anything but troll in a very long time :D
[06:02:46] -!- Gamma-x [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:03:47] <ssi> except for that guy ---^
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[06:11:58] <Gamma-x> lol that me ssi ?
[06:13:26] <ssi> yes
[06:14:05] <ssi> gah it's late again
[06:14:11] <ssi> this code is practically done, but untested
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[06:19:18] <ssi> and doesn't work
[06:19:19] <ssi> naturally
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[06:30:03] <Gamma-x> lol
[06:30:21] <Gamma-x> Just paid for my pneumatic closer
[06:30:40] <Gamma-x> and got a free 32 piece set of 5c collets!
[06:31:16] <Gamma-x> annnnnd Just got a galaxy s4
[06:36:36] <ssi> I AM GOOD AT THINGS
[06:36:37] <ssi> AND STUFF
[06:38:25] <ssi> maybe not
[06:38:28] <ssi> I dunno
[06:38:30] <Gamma-x> lol what
[06:38:58] <Gamma-x> hey are nyou able to feed like a 6 foot bar into the end of ur lathes pneumatic closer?
[06:39:05] <ssi> yeah but it'll whip
[06:39:30] <ssi> and the bore through the spindle is like 1.125"
[06:39:44] <ssi> JT has the big one, he's got a 16C spindle witha 1.625" bore
[06:40:40] <Gamma-x> im trying to come up with some kind of device that would stop the tail end from moving eraticly
[06:40:53] <ssi> a bearing on a stand
[06:40:57] <ssi> or a hardinge barfeeder
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[06:43:33] <Gamma-x> ssi true
[06:43:40] -!- generic_nick|2 [generic_nick|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[06:48:47] <ssi> ok outputs are working
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[06:48:55] <ssi> that's good enough, I can troubleshoot inputs tomorrow
[06:49:44] <ssi> once again, I'm up late enough that i likely will sleep through my alarms again :(
[06:49:47] <ssi> gnight
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[06:52:00] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[07:06:03] <mhaberler> cu!
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[10:39:47] <jthornton> ssi, you have mail
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[10:43:19] <carper64_lb> morning gents
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[12:30:29] <L84Supper> http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-Your-3D-Printer-As-An-Injection-Molder/#step1 is it just me or should the author be beaten for writing such a poor obfuscated article?
[12:32:32] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
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[12:36:52] <syyl> the quality of the parts is awesome ;)
[12:37:08] <syyl> like comparing a hotgluegun to a injectionmold machine
[12:37:59] <syyl> that make-revolution-3d-printer-hype-stuff-crap makes me wanna cry :D
[12:38:28] -!- toastyde2th [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:38:57] <syyl> somebody called it 3rd industrial revolution :D
[12:39:00] <Tom_itx> i haven't seen any serious parts come out of reprap yet
[12:39:13] <syyl> same here
[12:39:24] <L84Supper> reprap can't make any serious parts, it's slow and low res
[12:39:31] <Tom_itx> mostly junk and stuff to build more repraps
[12:39:36] <L84Supper> GGG is 70's tech
[12:39:36] <carper64_lb> yep or like compairing a precision ground bed to a piece of mdf
[12:40:04] * syyl heads for his shop, time to hug the lathe
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[12:42:16] <archivist> is that like a tree hugger :)
[12:42:55] <L84Supper> someone should write an article on how they milled a die and then used a hot glue gun to make 1k's of parts
[12:45:03] <TekniQue> archivist: slightly so, only more suicidal
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[12:50:46] <L84Supper> http://3dprintingindustry.com/2013/05/03/the-desktop-plastic-extrusion-system-for-everyone/ look at the quality of this fab, did they tear a section of downspout from the side of their double-wide for the hopper?
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[12:57:09] <carper64_lb> what somone needs to look into is using a hopper and pellets using a worm drive to pick up the pellets from bottom of hopper straight to printer would cut down the cost of 3d printing
[12:57:33] <Tom_itx> 2647 like it and 3328 followers
[12:57:38] <Tom_itx> blind leading blind?
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[12:59:28] <archivist> then there is all the profit from buying bulk granules and reselling in reprap sized small packs for mooore moneys
[13:01:03] <carper64_lb> well yes there is that
[13:02:03] <Tom_itx> kids will start tearing out abs pipe and grinding it up for sale now instead of copper and backflow prevention valves
[13:02:08] <L84Supper> thats one of the main problems with GGG, having to go from ~$1/lb pellets to $15/lb filament
[13:02:33] <Tom_itx> the latest trend here is stealing the brass backflow prevention valves in commercial installs
[13:02:56] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:03:11] <L84Supper> it's still AC compressors here for the copper
[13:03:36] <Tom_itx> they've gone as far as breaking into substations here
[13:03:56] <L84Supper> stealing live transformers?
[13:03:57] <archivist> you could include the granule grinder in the machine so you could just use old plastic :)
[13:04:00] <Tom_itx> yup
[13:04:09] <Tom_itx> well the interconnecting wire
[13:04:26] <carper64_lb> copper from wind turbines here oh and from mobile fone masts
[13:04:44] <archivist> seen one set of pictures of dead man up a pole on top of the transformer
[13:04:55] <Tom_itx> they've gone thru the parks stealing the lighting wire as well
[13:05:21] <L84Supper> what economic crisis?
[13:05:30] <Tom_itx> crack addicts
[13:05:33] <carper64_lb> shame hey dont go and rip the plumbing out of 10 downing street
[13:05:34] <Tom_itx> probably
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[13:08:05] <Tom_itx> pretty soon you will need a license to sell scrap
[13:08:11] <L84Supper> carper64_lb: well you can just use a micronozzle and photopolymers and print faster, higher res and with lower cost materials
[13:08:39] <archivist> Tom_itx, over here we have to show ID to take scrap in now
[13:09:54] <L84Supper> photopolymer raw materials cost is equal to PLA and ABS pellets, and only requires mixing and not extruding to a filament
[13:10:38] <L84Supper> the problem is patents, not tech hurdles
[13:11:44] <L84Supper> SLS is faster and higher res than GGG, and there is a wider range of materials as well
[13:12:22] <Tom_itx> not much different than the expendables in inkjet / laser printers
[13:17:10] <L84Supper> whats the current price of steel powder?
[13:18:19] -!- krusty_ar_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:20:56] <L84Supper> ~$2/lb, 304 stainless is ~$3
[13:23:09] <L84Supper> http://www.3ders.org/pricecompare/ ABS and PLA filament are still >$9/lb
[13:26:30] <GammaX> anyone know what a northfield air chuck is worth?
[13:26:34] <GammaX> 3 incher?
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[13:42:04] <ssi> thanks jthornton
[13:45:51] <carper64_lb> no but id like to find an 8 pos tool changer for denfors
[13:46:02] <carper64_lb> denford orac
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[13:54:30] <archivist> carper64_lb, make a gang tooling block
[13:55:07] -!- holst has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:58:11] <archivist> gang tooling looks quicker to make
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[14:20:14] <Gamma-x> archivist, thats actually going to be my first project on my mill...
[14:20:35] <Gamma-x> got my belt drive in yesterday, might make rf45 belt drive conversions and pneumatic drawbar kits...
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[14:29:31] <carper64_lb> http://www.hossmachine.info/projects_7.html
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[14:30:01] <carper64_lb> gamma-x have alook at this
[14:30:32] * archivist avoids hoss
[14:30:42] <Gamma-x> yeah
[14:30:48] <Gamma-x> that stuff is kinda ghetto
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[14:31:02] <Gamma-x> ill be using a stacked clyinder like tormach
[14:31:21] <Gamma-x> and a nice universal fit for rf 45 bolt patterns.
[14:31:27] <jdh> it's ghetto, but, reasonable for hobbyist stuff.
[14:31:34] <Gamma-x> will be MUCH cheaper
[14:31:48] <Gamma-x> jdh, ill agree... but only for hobby.
[14:32:12] <jdh> <- hobbyist
[14:32:14] <ssi> says the guy that wants to start a for-hire machine shop with an RF45 ;)
[14:33:15] <archivist> big dreams
[14:33:39] <carper64_lb> yep my denford easimill 3 is without atc
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[14:33:53] <ssi> s'ok, I had big dreams when I started this mess too
[14:34:03] <jdh> I just like things that move.
[14:34:22] <ssi> jdh: haha I think when you distill it to its essence, that's my fundamental compulsion too :D
[14:34:41] <carper64_lb> but i might add one once i get round to updating it with the mesa cards
[14:34:52] <archivist> or taking things to bits to see how they work
[14:35:46] <archivist> I was told I should never get married because the first thing I would to is take her to bits!
[14:35:55] <ssi> hahaha
[14:37:26] <ssi> why
[14:37:30] <ssi> mischan
[14:37:50] <Gigs-> hey archivist
[14:38:10] <archivist> ello Gigs- fancy seeing you in here
[14:38:17] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2c3_1367925333
[14:38:47] <Gigs-> I was in here for a few weeks a while back, mostly just forgot to rejoin, and my plans for CNC were postponed as well
[14:39:06] <Gigs-> I've gotten a lot better at manual machining though
[14:39:21] <Gigs-> probably for the best, without knowing how to do stuff manually CNC would have been harder
[14:40:04] <Gigs-> also I have a secret crush on 12L14
[14:40:11] <Gigs-> don't tell anyone
[14:40:26] <ssi> yeah that stuff rocks
[14:40:33] <archivist> knowing how to use a machine manually gives you the feel you need
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[14:42:11] <Gigs-> I've been processing gun brass as a business lately, which has given me a lot of opportunities to machine things
[14:43:06] <jdh> what's gun brass?
[14:43:14] <Gigs-> like the fired hulls
[14:43:23] <Gigs-> getting them ready to be reused
[14:43:27] <archivist> which gun brass as there is more than one with gun in its name
[14:43:32] <jdh> oh, no gun in there
[14:43:51] <Gigs-> fired cartridges archivist
[14:44:02] <archivist> that's normal brass brass that can be drawn
[14:44:07] <Gigs-> they are 70/30 I believe but I don't actually machine those
[14:44:10] <carper64_lb> this is my orac project https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6mcv3ywgf1cefrh/fnSNBgcdQH
[14:44:11] <jdh> plain old ammo brass
[14:44:56] <jdh> what do you do, deprime/tumble?
[14:44:57] <archivist> gunmetal and naval brass now they are different
[14:45:12] <carper64_lb> its almost fiiinished just software now and thats 90% sorted
[14:45:25] <Gigs-> clean, deprime, swage primer pocket, resize, trim, reprime
[14:46:12] <jdh> I load handgun rounds. never resize/trim though
[14:46:27] <Gigs-> the decapping die resizes for you jdh
[14:46:35] <jdh> oh, that resize
[14:46:38] <Gigs-> it's a lot less effort to resize pistol though
[14:47:02] <jdh> yeah, I don't use lube either
[14:47:12] <Gigs-> I found the greatest lube...royal case and die
[14:47:19] <jdh> roll on?
[14:47:21] <Gigs-> if you ever need to swage or form anything, that stuff is great
[14:47:23] <Gigs-> spray
[14:47:45] <Gigs-> http://www.midwayusa.com/product/782240/sharp-shoot-r-royal-case-sizing-lube-5-oz-aerosol
[14:47:57] <Gigs-> I even use this stuff on the sliding surfaces on my press sometimes
[14:48:14] <Gigs-> it's way slicker than normal grease, but it doesn't last quite as long as grease
[14:48:38] <Gigs-> I'm not sure what in it, but it smells like cherry coke
[14:48:46] <jdh> I should get some 223 dies, but then more powders, primers, measuring, trimming... sounds like a pain.
[14:48:57] <Gigs-> yeah just buy my preprocessed brass :P
[14:49:08] <Gigs-> processing rifle brass is a lot more work than handgun
[14:49:46] <Gigs-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtHrDrqZznw
[14:49:47] <Tecan> (YtHrDrqZznw) "Ludicrous Speed Dillon 650 PW Autodrive" by "ballistictools" is "People" - Length: 0:00:20
[14:49:47] <jdh> and no rifle ranges convenient so I just save my ammo for the impending zombie apocalypse.
[14:50:10] <ssi> Gigs-: is that yours?
[14:50:13] <Gigs-> I made the chain drive part, it's based off a ponsness warren motor drive conversion
[14:50:14] <Gigs-> yeah
[14:50:31] <ssi> I like it
[14:50:36] <ssi> got drawings you're willing to share?
[14:50:43] <ssi> I wanted to automate a 650 for a long time
[14:51:02] <jdh> that's pretty cool
[14:51:07] <Gigs-> well I didn't build it from scratch, it's based on the PW autodrive
[14:51:14] <Gigs-> but modified for the chain and sprockets
[14:51:15] -!- dway has quit [Quit: NOOOOOOooooooooo……]
[14:51:16] <ssi> oh I see
[14:51:23] <jdh> I have a friend with a 650 and 550, I trade him shark teeth for ammo
[14:51:43] <Gigs-> they use an 18mm shaft motor which is annoying
[14:51:51] <Gigs-> had to bore out the sprocket
[14:52:09] <Gigs-> surprisingly hard to find metric finish bore sprockets that have ANSI tooth spacing
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[15:06:22] <ssi> so today, I get to figure out DEVICE TREE OVERLAYS
[15:06:23] <ssi> hooray
[15:18:51] <Gamma-x> ssi, you may have doubts... It will be done lol
[15:19:05] <ssi> I'll be watching carefully :)
[15:19:21] <generic_nick|2> dont even know what that is
[15:19:27] <Gamma-x> for hire for a odds and end jobs, making parts o my own design for real money
[15:19:41] <Gamma-x> got my metal couple in yesterday along with belt drive.
[15:19:56] <Gamma-x> coupler is like 2 inches in diameter lol
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[15:21:06] <generic_nick|2> i wonder how much of my scrap mill i can get out of my garage with a cherry picker
[15:21:21] <generic_nick|2> it weighs 7000lbs complete
[15:21:32] -!- mozmck [mozmck!~moses@client-] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:21:36] <generic_nick|2> figured id take it apart piece by piece
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[15:39:36] <chopper79> Hopefully a quick question for you all. I have attached my HAL file and down in the axis2 section of the stepgen I have the errors listed and what I tried to make this one last line work. It seem that I can not find the reason why it does not work and halcmd shows the naming correct also. Any insight would be great http://pastebin.com/LJYMBpQQ
[15:41:03] <ssi> #######Error = stepgen.2.position-fb must not be named same as pin######
[15:41:04] <ssi> #net stepgen.2.position-fb axis.2.motor-pos-fb <= thcud.z-fb-out
[15:41:10] <ssi> you need a signal name before the pins
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[15:41:46] <chopper79> I tried that also but then it gives an error about can not add out as there is already an out
[15:41:48] <ssi> ####Error = testpin can not add OUT pin thcud.z-fb-out, it already has OUT pin stepgen.2.position-fb#######
[15:41:52] <chopper79> Let me try again though
[15:41:52] <ssi> ###
[15:41:55] <ssi> #net testpin stepgen.2.position-fb axis.2.motor-pos-fb <= thcud.z-fb-out
[15:41:57] <ssi> yeah
[15:41:57] <ssi> you're trying to net together two output pins and an input pin
[15:42:04] -!- Kup has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:42:24] <ssi> the stepgen has a position-fb output, and so does the thcud
[15:42:33] <ssi> you need to choose one or the other to give back to axis
[15:42:42] <ssi> probably the thcud.z-fb-out
[15:43:22] <chopper79> Yeah the thcud.z-fb-out is the one I would use, I pretty sure anyway.
[15:43:44] <ssi> so just:
[15:44:01] <ssi> net zpos-fb thcud.z-fb-out => axis.2.motor-pos-fb
[15:44:11] <ssi> in fact you have that already
[15:44:30] -!- Bojangles has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[15:46:16] <chopper79> What about stepgen.2.position-fb though as it should be needed for when the thc is not active so I can jog correct?
[15:46:54] <ssi> that I don't know about
[15:46:58] <ssi> jthornton probably would know
[15:47:09] <ssi> I did see something about setting your Z ferror very high to allow for the thc
[15:48:17] <chopper79> I did remember reading that somewhere also, but I thought it was for the THC300 config
[15:48:28] <ssi> what thc are you using?
[15:48:51] <chopper79> Im trying an THC from eagle at this moment.
[15:49:00] <ssi> gotcha
[15:49:19] <chopper79> I have another setup I really like but it needs some work to make it function with my setups.
[15:49:21] <ssi> I have a plasma table that used to run mach3 that I just tore down to convert over to linuxcnc
[15:49:27] <ssi> it has an LCTHC on it
[15:49:46] <ssi> if it gives me any trouble, I'll likely scrap it and get the mesa THCAD
[15:50:57] <chopper79> I have a mesa setup, but need to do some work to make it function with my setup. One day it will be operational as I really enjoyed messing with the mesa equipment.
[15:51:42] <ssi> yeah it's worth it
[15:51:44] <chopper79> for now though I will just use the simple up/down thc
[15:51:44] <ssi> what mesa hardware do you have
[15:51:47] <generic_nick|2> i want to build a plasma table
[15:51:54] <chopper79> 5i25 and a thcad-300
[15:52:10] <ssi> I'm redoing my table with a 5i25+G540
[15:52:11] <generic_nick|2> once i move into my new shop ill be building one
[15:52:17] <ssi> and the LCTHC
[15:52:17] <chopper79> 95% works fine, just need to work on few things
[15:52:51] <generic_nick|2> hopefully my cheap chineese plasma works for it
[15:53:12] <ssi> generic_nick|2: build the table, and then upgrade the machine if it gives you trouble
[15:53:19] <generic_nick|2> thats the plan
[15:53:28] <ssi> I went straight for the hypertherm pm45
[15:53:30] <generic_nick|2> i already have most of the mesa stuff needed
[15:53:38] <ssi> since everyone said they had good results with them
[15:53:50] <generic_nick|2> i have a Cut-50 with a thermodyne sl100 torch
[15:54:14] <generic_nick|2> it works suprisingly well for a $350 plasma
[15:54:20] <chopper79> Well I put in the net zpos-fb thcud.z-fb-out => axis.2.motor-pos-fb and the config launches and I get no following errors when I jog the z. I will have to see if this works on the machine now. I still wonder if it needs stepgen.2.position-fb somewhere in there
[15:54:33] <generic_nick|2> i built my entire jeep with it and then some
[15:54:34] <chopper79> I have a Hypertherm65 and a longevity
[15:54:43] <chopper79> i80
[15:54:44] <ssi> chopper79: do you get DRO readouts for Z in axis?
[15:54:51] <chopper79> yes
[15:54:56] <ssi> then I think you're fine
[15:54:59] <chopper79> sweet
[15:55:03] <ssi> try commenting out the net zpos-fb line and restarting
[15:55:07] <ssi> see if your DRO quits working
[15:55:13] <chopper79> ok brb
[15:55:18] <ssi> I think axis.2.motor-pos-fb drives the DRO
[15:55:20] <ssi> not sure though
[15:55:37] <generic_nick|2> do you use ball screws or lead screws?
[15:55:42] <ssi> on my plasma?
[15:55:44] <ssi> neither
[15:55:45] <generic_nick|2> yes
[15:55:47] <ssi> rack&pinion baby
[15:55:52] <generic_nick|2> oh nice
[15:55:58] <chopper79> it errors out
[15:56:11] <ssi> what's the error?
[15:56:23] <ssi> generic_nick|2: http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/945659_10100133657177452_1008517863_n.jpg
[15:56:26] <generic_nick|2> you like the rack and pinion?
[15:56:32] <ssi> yea it works fine
[15:56:50] <chopper79> following error and not movement on DRO
[15:57:00] <ssi> chopper79: oh ok that's what I expected
[15:57:01] <chopper79> so it appears that the its oke
[15:57:05] <generic_nick|2> was it cheaper than screw options?
[15:57:07] <ssi> chopper79: yea I think you're in good shape
[15:57:15] <ssi> generic_nick|2: oh yeah, much cheaper
[15:57:17] <chopper79> That what it seems
[15:57:19] <generic_nick|2> cool
[15:57:24] <ssi> generic_nick|2: I have 54" of axis
[15:57:27] <ssi> would need three screws that long
[15:57:34] <generic_nick|2> dang
[15:57:35] <ssi> plus plasma needs to run high speed
[15:57:36] <generic_nick|2> yea
[15:57:46] <ReadError> my rack and pinion works awesome
[15:57:51] <ssi> so the screws would have to be high leade and thick diameter to resist whipping
[15:57:53] <ReadError> i have no measurable backlash at all
[15:57:54] <chopper79> Thank you for the help
[15:57:54] <ssi> would be expensive
[15:58:01] <generic_nick|2> good to know
[15:58:04] <ssi> ReadError: how do you tension the pinion?
[15:58:07] <ssi> did you see my picture?
[15:58:11] <ssi> that's my ghetto system :)
[15:58:11] <ReadError> springs
[15:58:11] <generic_nick|2> yes
[15:58:15] <chopper79> Now to go hook this up the my table and see what does or does not happen
[15:58:17] <generic_nick|2> looks good
[15:58:26] <ssi> chopper79: good luck
[15:58:32] <ReadError> ssi, i have the pro kit from cncrouterparts
[15:58:33] <chopper79> gonna need it
[15:58:39] <ssi> I built homemade 3:1 belt reductions
[15:58:41] <ReadError> you can probably get the spring assembly stuff
[15:58:46] <ssi> and a 1" pinion
[15:58:49] <ssi> so I have about a 1:1 drive
[15:58:55] <ssi> 3:pi actually
[15:58:59] <ssi> works out to a 0.9579 ratio
[15:59:14] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:59:16] <ssi> 0.9579"/rev
[15:59:32] <generic_nick|2> i can get away with something sloppy, it's just for jeep parts
[15:59:56] <ssi> that's only ~0.005" resolution, but it seems to be ok for what I'm doing
[16:00:17] <generic_nick|2> i do it by hand now, with a tape measure and a straight edge lol
[16:01:05] s1dev|away is now known as s1dev
[16:01:10] <ssi> honestly the hardest part is the table construction, axis mechanicals and such
[16:01:15] <ssi> once you get past that, it's pretty simple
[16:01:41] <generic_nick|2> yea ill just weld up something simple
[16:01:49] <ssi> how big a cut area do you need
[16:02:07] <generic_nick|2> i'd probably go 2x4' or something
[16:02:22] <ssi> if I had to do it over again I'd probably do 2x4
[16:02:25] <ssi> I never use the full 4x4
[16:02:36] <generic_nick|2> yea
[16:02:42] <generic_nick|2> maybe 2x6
[16:02:55] <generic_nick|2> i can see using the 6' for axle trusses and stuff
[16:03:09] <generic_nick|2> i dunno
[16:03:59] <generic_nick|2> well im off to do work. seeya
[16:04:20] <ssi> ReadError: cncrouterparts's stuff dooesn't look too far removed from mine
[16:04:39] <ssi> although I need to redo the belt tensioning on my belt reductions
[16:05:23] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Quit: left the building.]
[16:05:35] -!- carper64_lb has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[16:05:42] <pcw_home> what the heck are they running the forum on? seems like a Z80 size slice of a VM
[16:07:00] <ssi> pcw_home: yeah it's been getting really bad
[16:07:59] <pcw_home> My last 5 posts or so got posted but took about 60 seconds before an internal server error
[16:09:12] <ReadError> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25091878/Photo%20May%2007%2C%2012%2007%2036%20PM.jpg
[16:09:15] <ReadError> thats mine ssi
[16:09:44] <ssi> very nice
[16:09:56] <ssi> the cncrouterparts rail system work ok for you?
[16:10:02] <ReadError> yea its great
[16:10:08] <ssi> I considering building something similar, but I ended up getting 35mm profile rail
[16:10:12] <ssi> and it was expensive :P
[16:10:15] <ssi> er maybe it's 25mm
[16:10:17] <ssi> it's huge at any rate
[16:10:47] <ReadError> what did you use for the gears?
[16:11:38] <ssi> rack and pinon from mcmaster
[16:11:46] <ssi> aluminum MXL pulleys in the belt reductions
[16:11:51] <ssi> also from mcmaster
[16:12:04] <ssi> I've got a half dozen machines cobbled entirely together from scratch out of mcmaster bags :)
[16:12:24] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:13:06] <ReadError> lol
[16:13:06] <PetefromTn> nice stuff, anyone make a tensioned chain drive setup?
[16:13:08] -!- Jymmm has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:13:20] <ssi> I thought about doing belt drive
[16:13:30] <PetefromTn> timing belts...
[16:17:06] <Gamma-x> ssi, I can make you one :)
[16:18:01] <ReadError> ssi, whats that little router in the background?
[16:18:18] <ssi> ReadError: http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/309920_10100133657681442_251706433_n.jpg
[16:18:25] <ssi> another little scratchbuilt machine :)
[16:18:49] <ReadError> thick aluminum!
[16:18:52] <ssi> yea
[16:18:53] <ssi> heh
[16:19:07] -!- Jymmm [Jymmm!~jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:20:58] -!- Nick001-Shop [Nick001-Shop!~chatzilla@clsm-74-212-7-188-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[16:24:00] <ReadError> the great part about ordering from mcmaster is you never need to buy ziplock bags again
[16:24:08] <ssi> hahaa very true
[16:24:15] <jdh> they don't last long... too thin
[16:26:25] <PetefromTn> I love Mcmaster ....SPEEDY DELIVERY!!
[16:26:40] <ssi> yep
[16:26:44] <PetefromTn> ssi: That's a sweet looking little router man..
[16:28:00] <PetefromTn> just picked up a little 8gb flash drive just for the VMC programs and I also picked up a perfectly sized water heater element to use as a braking resistor for my Z drive. gonna install it this afternoon. The only bummer is it is a threaded mount so I gotta make a threaded L bracket here
[16:28:14] -!- phantoxeD [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[16:28:52] <ReadError> yea anything i order that ships from atlanta i get the next day which is cool
[16:29:39] -!- JesusAlos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:29:53] <JesusAlos> hi every one of you
[16:30:39] <PetefromTn> JesusAlos: hello dah!
[16:30:47] <PetefromTn> Yup overnight or sooner LOL
[16:30:58] -!- fatpanda1 has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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[16:33:02] <ssi> ReadError: what part of the world are you in?
[16:33:34] <ReadError> GA
[16:33:36] <ReadError> north of ATL
[16:33:40] <ReadError> like way north lol
[16:33:44] <ssi> oh shit you're close to me then
[16:33:48] <jdh> Pete is way north
[16:33:57] <ssi> heh yes he is
[16:34:08] <ssi> I'm in kennesaw
[16:34:13] <ssi> which is fairly north :P
[16:34:25] <ReadError> im in ellijay
[16:34:32] <ssi> that's not too bad
[16:34:40] <ReadError> im the only person in this town with a computer
[16:34:43] <ReadError> well theres maybe 5
[16:35:25] <ssi> we need to set up n. ga lcnc meetups or something
[16:35:30] <ssi> shop crawl
[16:36:09] -!- fomox [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:38:56] <ReadError> is there anyone else here from atl?
[16:39:03] <ReadError> joe9 is
[16:39:36] <PetefromTn> woah man I am only in Maryville, Atlanta is about 2.5 hrs...
[16:43:15] <ReadError> i work in atlanta
[16:43:23] <ReadError> well if i ever actually go in to the office i do
[16:45:16] -!- slifty has quit [Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com]
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[16:51:35] <ssi> PetefromTn: close enough :)
[16:54:22] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:54:29] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:56:43] <generic_nick|2> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi5Uv7N2U-Y
[16:56:43] <Tecan> (Wi5Uv7N2U-Y) "Cushman 4th axis running on emc2" by "jeepinSD" is "Comedy" - Length: 0:00:21
[16:57:39] <ssi> comedy lul
[16:57:42] <generic_nick|2> gotta finish some parts before i can pull my old fixtues off the mill to slap that on
[16:57:53] <generic_nick|2> not sure why it defaults to comedy but whatever
[16:58:39] <archivist> makes for odd related videos!
[16:58:57] <ssi> looks good
[16:59:10] <PetefromTn> nice man...make me one LOL
[16:59:29] <generic_nick|2> thanks!
[16:59:40] <generic_nick|2> i didnt make it, i just put a motor in it lol
[17:01:30] <PetefromTn> I passed up a sweet older Cincinatti fourth axis on Ebay that Connor sent me a link to. I ASSUMED it would go real high and I didn't have that much cash at the time so I kinda ignored it. It went for like $300.00!! Man I was pissed at myself....
[17:03:35] -!- adb [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:05:38] <generic_nick|2> damn!
[17:05:52] <generic_nick|2> i got this one for 500
[17:05:56] <generic_nick|2> locally
[17:06:11] <generic_nick|2> 14" swing
[17:06:59] <generic_nick|2> http://www.ebay.com/itm/CUSHMAN-14-INCH-CNC-4TH-AXIS-ROTARY-TABLE-DIFFERENT-SERVO-MOTORS-AVAILABLE-/360472643047
[17:07:01] <PetefromTn> NICE...
[17:07:11] <generic_nick|2> that is the actual one i got
[17:07:22] <PetefromTn> is that a harmonic drive unit?
[17:07:43] <skunkworks> PetefromTn, where are those videos!
[17:07:44] <generic_nick|2> i dunno
[17:07:57] <generic_nick|2> worm screw i believe, thats all i know
[17:08:11] <PetefromTn> Yeah that is about what most of them cost. Nicest part of this retrofit to linuxCNC is that I can build my own if I want and use any drivers or motors for it.
[17:09:01] <PetefromTn> skunkworks: Hey man I am gonna get this Z motor braking resistor installed and then I plan to make a short video showing the machine running, homing, controlling the flood coolant etc... Still long way to go before toolchange but it is getting there LOL
[17:09:40] <generic_nick|2> i gotta try and put an encoder on my spindle so i can rigid tap
[17:10:07] <generic_nick|2> and i also need to make the analog out on the 7i48 go 0-10+ even in reverse
[17:10:14] <generic_nick|2> if thats even possible
[17:10:36] <generic_nick|2> havent bothered to look yet since i havent needed reverse, ever.
[17:11:23] <PetefromTn> Me too I have been trying to get the CNC portion working so I can machine an nice adapter plate to hold my new spindle motor encoder...
[17:11:59] <generic_nick|2> mine's going to be a bit of a pain. it will need a belt drive to the encoder
[17:12:55] <generic_nick|2> i figured i'd wait till i got the mill moved into the new shop since ill need to pull the head apart anyways to get it out of my garage
[17:15:04] <PetefromTn> good plan. I considered making a belt driven spindle mounted encoder... not sure if that is the best thing or not LOL...at least for my machine.
[17:16:07] <generic_nick|2> works fine on my hardinge, thats how they do it from the factory
[17:17:26] <generic_nick|2> i just didnt feel like making brackets and whatnot lol
[17:18:02] <ssi> yeah it's fine... timing belts are synchronous :)
[17:20:37] <PetefromTn> honestly if I DID make a bracket and put timing belts to drive the encoder off my spindle directly it would save me a bunch of headaches LOL...
[17:21:06] <skunkworks> zero backlash gears! http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/zaxis/gears.JPG
[17:22:00] <ssi> skunkworks: what makes them zero backlash?
[17:22:02] <PetefromTn> just offset from each other?
[17:22:04] <ssi> are they spring-coupled?
[17:22:27] <skunkworks> On this machine - you grind a shim between the 2 small gears
[17:22:33] <ssi> aha
[17:22:49] <mozmck> neat idea!
[17:22:52] <ssi> yeah very
[17:23:24] <skunkworks> that actually takes the slack out of about 4 gear sets - including a right angle assembly
[17:24:09] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[17:25:53] <pcw_home> generic_nick: to get 0-10V you use the absolute component
[17:30:11] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
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[17:34:47] <chopper79> Have a PC question. I have been using the same ECS motherboards for a bit now and a standard 17" 4:3 monitor. I want to use a 16:9 monitor now and was wondering if any of you have a good motherboard and monitor combination that you have used. I know I should ask this on just the Ubuntu or Linux forum, but figured I would try here first to see what you all have or recommend on this first. The reason for this is my motherboard and a 16:9 monitor dont jiv
[17:36:12] <chopper79> Also I have tied 6 different monitors and no luck either
[17:42:38] <JesusAlos> I looking for a CAM software with 4 axis and plate vertical turn
[17:42:54] <JesusAlos> for hot wire foam cuting
[17:44:33] <JesusAlos> http://imagebin.org/256835
[17:44:39] <JesusAlos> like this machine
[17:44:45] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: hi deskproto got a 2 plane cam
[17:45:30] hashfail is now known as gimps
[17:46:29] <JesusAlos> but is for machining
[17:46:37] <JesusAlos> no hot wire cutting
[17:46:41] <JesusAlos> no?
[17:47:19] <IchGuckLive> im using it that way BUT as you need the perfekt fit im using ProE with EDM module
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[17:48:15] <IchGuckLive> chopper79: did the config yesterday work for thcud
[17:48:48] <chopper79> Ich- I left it on my desk at work :-(
[17:49:15] <chopper79> I had a coupe other things to work on it this morning so I will be trying it in a few hours I am sure
[17:49:42] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: what parts are you going to make only 2 planes stuff so extrudet or more 3D things
[17:50:25] <IchGuckLive> as you can do a 2 plane foam in heeks 2 or simply by python stitch togeter 2 codes
[17:50:57] <IchGuckLive> http://mechmo.de/styrocat.html
[17:51:04] <IchGuckLive> all is done by heeks
[17:51:26] <IchGuckLive> the wings are from linuxcnc simple g-code
[17:52:31] -!- Aero-Tec [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[17:52:52] <Aero-Tec> HELLO
[17:53:02] <Aero-Tec> oops
[17:53:14] <Aero-Tec> was doing Gcode
[17:53:19] <Aero-Tec> need to do some threading
[17:53:25] <Aero-Tec> also some drilling
[17:53:46] <archivist> were pressing return to often too
[17:53:55] <Aero-Tec> was wondering what was the best way to go for hand coding the Gcode
[17:53:58] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: here is my full casel wire cut as you see 4 axis one cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT_ndXDZ0DU
[17:53:59] <Tecan> (wT_ndXDZ0DU) "Styrocut_Burg_2012" by "magic33de" is "Education" - Length: 0:05:43
[17:54:45] <Aero-Tec> the spindle has one index pulse per rev
[17:54:49] <JesusAlos> yes
[17:54:54] <JesusAlos> is like this
[17:54:54] <IchGuckLive> Aero-Tec: you can code in linuxcnc sim mode and reload as you need to see what is going on
[17:55:11] <JesusAlos> but with horizontal turn option
[17:55:24] <Aero-Tec> there is a link to some subs for doing lathe work
[17:55:28] <archivist> Aero-Tec, look at the g76 example that is in your examples
[17:55:38] <Aero-Tec> anyone know what the link is?
[17:55:57] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: the 4th(5) axis is along Axis X/U or Y/V
[17:56:01] <Aero-Tec> or where to find the subs?
[17:56:03] <archivist> locate g76 on your computer
[17:56:40] <Aero-Tec> I know, return to often, sorry
[17:57:12] <Aero-Tec> what is the best way to drill a deep hole?
[17:57:27] <IchGuckLive> Aero-Tec: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/gcode/gcode.html#sec:G76-Threading-Canned
[17:57:33] -!- maximilian_h [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[17:57:40] <archivist> gun drill
[17:57:44] <Aero-Tec> I wrote a sub for drilling in mach, my own peck drilling sub
[17:58:30] <Aero-Tec> not gun barrel deep, say 2.5 inches
[17:58:49] <Aero-Tec> I need it straight as possible
[17:59:09] <Aero-Tec> using twist drills
[17:59:22] <JesusAlos> Ich- You say do you use heeks to do this task?
[17:59:32] <IchGuckLive> yes
[17:59:44] <IchGuckLive> i made a XY UV post for standard things
[18:00:02] <syyl> 2,5" can be very shallow (40mm drill) or very very deep (1mm drill)
[18:00:09] <archivist> Aero-Tec, peck drilling is in the manual too
[18:00:11] <JesusAlos> and 5 axis
[18:00:13] <JesusAlos> ?
[18:00:48] <IchGuckLive> i turn the table by handcoding into heeks
[18:01:08] <IchGuckLive> G0 B45
[18:01:34] <Aero-Tec> does peck drilling run more true then just pushing through in one stroke or would would a whack of small pecks drill more straight?
[18:01:41] <IchGuckLive> or as i do alot of stuff by hand also
[18:02:11] <archivist> Aero-Tec, peck clears the chips therefore more true
[18:02:36] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Simple_LinuxCNC_G-Code_Generators#Airfoil_G_code_Generator_3_4Axis_XY_XYUV_Foam_EDM_Style
[18:02:38] <Aero-Tec> thing is 0.25 hole running 2.5 inches need lots of clean out and can over heat real quick when it is running deep
[18:02:56] -!- jfire has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[18:03:02] <archivist> peck often then, you choose
[18:03:49] <Aero-Tec> is there a drilling sub that does larger pecks st the start and then does smaller ones as it gos deeper?
[18:04:41] <JT-Shop> I'm pretty sure you would have to hand code that...
[18:04:54] -!- fomox has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:05:47] <Aero-Tec> my sub would move in x and then out z then in again for x steps to break the chips, then do a clearing stroke to pull the chips out
[18:07:25] <Aero-Tec> mach did not have much for Gcode programming so was very limited, I wanted to add the change in pecking as it went deeper for faster drilling
[18:07:34] <JesusAlos> Ich- I must digest all the information
[18:08:37] <cradek> I've used a system that let you specify the first peck as a deeper one. in linuxcnc you'd have to do that with two lines of gcode
[18:14:47] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: let me quick upload a picture
[18:15:20] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: http://foengarage.de/xyuv_post.png
[18:15:56] <IchGuckLive> here yu can see 2 sketches one marked as UV and the output is the G-code XY UV right Down
[18:16:18] <generic_nick|2> i wonder what the odds are of my kasooga knee mill's spindle fitting in my shizuoka. both are similar japanese machines.
[18:16:47] <generic_nick|2> i just pulled the spindle out of the kasooga. the shizuoka could use a newer one.
[18:17:16] -!- toastydeath [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[18:18:19] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: as i only got straits it only works that way
[18:18:36] <IchGuckLive> so im off for today BY folks
[18:19:19] -!- IchGuckLive has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 20.0/20130329043827]]
[18:19:51] -!- jfire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:27:00] <Loetmichel> hmmm. could anyone put me in the right direction to the forum regarding: status of new live CD with an more recent OS?
[18:27:34] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:28:36] <Aero-Tec> any one have the link to the subs? there used to be some subs one could use for doing different things
[18:32:16] <jdh> subs?
[18:32:48] <ssi> ngcgui you mean?
[18:37:19] <Aero-Tec> subroutines
[18:37:19] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[18:38:22] <Aero-Tec> one can store subs in separate files and call them in your Gcode
[18:38:50] <Aero-Tec> I use subs lots
[18:38:54] <Aero-Tec> or have done
[18:44:24] <JT-Shop> which subs?
[18:45:06] <JT-Shop> useful subroutines is in your sample ngc directory hidden away so you can't find it
[18:45:08] -!- romeld has quit [Client Quit]
[18:47:37] <ssi> so what would be useful for an initial stab at a BBB machine control cape
[18:47:41] <ssi> G540 interface perhaps?
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[19:05:56] <tjb1> what is the replacement for the intel d525mw now?
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[19:11:20] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/200863536844?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
[19:11:56] <ReadError> amd
[19:11:57] <ReadError> gross
[19:12:14] <r00t4rd3d> you can still get the 525 for a decent price
[19:12:15] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/200542103383?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
[19:12:53] <ssi> sweet, input section works
[19:16:35] -!- JesusAlos has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
[19:20:00] <ssi> excellent
[19:20:11] <ssi> so I have a hal file that connects a 1hz siggen to a bb_gpio output pin
[19:20:18] <ssi> and connects a bb_gpio input pin to a bb_gpio userled
[19:20:27] <ssi> and if I connect a wire between those pins, the userled flashes 1hz
[19:21:21] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[19:23:46] <PetefromTn> picked up a perfectly sized heater element for my Z axis braking resistor today. The manual calls for no less than 23 ohms and I brought my meter with me to the hardware store and found one that is 24.5 ohms exactly so it should work real nice. Now I just gotta fab up a little L bracket to install it onto the machine. I also grabbed a brand new quality garden hose and a nice all metal black spray gun nozzle for the machine
[19:23:46] <PetefromTn> so I can wash down the enclosure when I am done machining.
[19:24:34] <ssi> wesome
[19:24:36] <ssi> awesome too
[19:24:39] -!- Fox_M|afk [Fox_M|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:24:39] Fox_M|afk is now known as Fox_Muldr
[19:24:47] <ssi> I wish could use a straight resistor on my vfd
[19:24:51] <ssi> mine requires a braking module
[19:24:54] <ssi> or external IGBT
[19:25:35] <PetefromTn> I also picked up a neat dual outlet aquarium pump that I will be using to help keep my Trim Sol E206 from getting funky. I bought a long length of surgical tubing and one way valves as well as the little aeration stones for both tanks. Just hooked it up and it seems to work real good.
[19:25:56] <PetefromTn> mine takes a braking module as well but you can still use a simple resistor.
[19:26:00] <ssi> hm
[19:26:03] <ssi> what vfd is it?
[19:26:13] <PetefromTn> Hitachi WJ200
[19:26:38] -!- syyl has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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[19:27:43] <ssi> http://www.tecowestinghouse.com/PDF/EV_Micro_Drive.pdf
[19:28:07] <ssi> I have that in 3hp 1ph input
[19:28:37] <PetefromTn> That is the exact same drive I had on my RF45 CNC mill...excellent product
[19:28:59] <ssi> I oughta just get the mechanical spindle brake fixed and reinstalled on the mill :P
[19:29:10] <ssi> er, lathe
[19:29:33] <ssi> there's a two-clutch belt reduction in the base of the cabinet, and there was a mechanical brake on the countershaft
[19:29:39] <ssi> I removed it cause it was locked up and non-operational
[19:29:56] <PetefromTn> that would be good, then you can fixture up a indexer system with live tooling LOL
[19:30:03] <ssi> then again, i have too many other things to fix on that lathe
[19:30:07] <ssi> haha yea live tooling would be awesome
[19:30:40] <PetefromTn> or you could just give up completely on it and donate to my favorite charity ;p
[19:31:11] -!- Simooon [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:31:25] <ssi> so I have 130lb of CDs showing up at my house tomorrow
[19:31:32] <ssi> that should be... interesting
[19:32:18] <PetefromTn> DROOL!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXWzYNHFrBw
[19:32:19] <Tecan> (QXWzYNHFrBw) "Custom 86 Fiero" by "Xovit" is "Autos" - Length: 0:01:10
[19:32:57] <PetefromTn> why?
[19:33:00] -!- bill1123 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:33:53] <JT-Shop> why do people work so hard doing things the hard or impossible way?
[19:34:01] <PetefromTn> huh?
[19:34:16] <JT-Shop> just venting
[19:34:26] <PetefromTn> oh then VENT AWAY!!
[19:34:32] <JT-Shop> pay no attention to the man behind the curtian
[19:34:51] <PetefromTn> the great and powerful JT?
[19:35:02] <ssi> JT-Shop: because they have more time than money
[19:35:05] <ssi> is the usual answer
[19:35:23] <PetefromTn> I was gonna say the opposite actually...
[19:35:47] <JT-Shop> or don't ask the basic question How do you do...?
[19:36:18] <ssi> well in a lot of cases, if you ask too simple a question, you get blown off :P
[19:37:29] <PCW> JT-Shop: the more threads thread?
[19:37:40] <JT-Shop> lol aye
[19:39:38] -!- syyl_ws_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:40:40] <jdh> JT: I wonder that every time I hear someone wanting to hook up their arduino between linuxcnc and the steppers
[19:40:56] <skunkworks> But it is usb!
[19:40:58] <PCW> should have started with: "my jogwheel loses counts, what should I do"
[19:41:29] <ssi> jdh: that's not that unreasonable a thing to think about for someone that doesn't have a clear understanding of realtime
[19:42:22] <ssi> I mean, look at it from their perspective... they have some software that streams gcode over a 115kbaud serial link via usb, and some hardware that executes that code and moves motors
[19:42:32] <ssi> that all works, so why shouldn't linuxcnc
[19:42:37] <ReadError> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25091878/Photo%20May%2007%2C%203%2040%2009%20PM.jpg
[19:42:57] <JT-Shop> and usually they know Linux and that gets them into more trouble
[19:43:00] <ssi> yep
[19:43:12] <ssi> ReadError: looks good
[19:43:46] <ssi> ReadError: I may have to get you to make me one sometime soon :)
[19:43:53] <PCW> Well actually that's a good future model for LinuxCNC (as long as the remote RT device can run all of RT)
[19:43:56] -!- Simooon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:44:10] <ssi> PCW: the bbb/pru model is an interesting step toward something like that
[19:44:12] <ReadError> ssi, 100% cf on this one
[19:44:22] <ReadError> i need to start making my own ;(
[19:44:23] <jdh> PCW: at that point, you don't need linux
[19:44:38] <ssi> ReadError: you should bring them down to tara and fly at the airport, and check out my airplane projects :)
[19:45:10] <PCW> No but you need a RT system of some kind and depending on HAL capabilities you may still want a full OS
[19:45:22] <ReadError> lol
[19:45:26] <ReadError> <--- liability
[19:45:37] <ssi> that's ok, we have plenty of space
[19:46:16] <ssi> https://maps.google.com/maps?q=4A7&hl=en&ll=33.386428,-84.332857&spn=0.016788,0.020299&sll=32.678125,-83.178297&sspn=8.659652,10.393066&t=h&hq=4A7&z=16
[19:46:30] <ssi> see the pad just southeast of rwy 6?
[19:46:38] <ssi> that pad and that big grass field are pretty much our exclusive playground
[19:47:49] <ReadError> for helicopters?
[19:47:54] <ssi> for whatever we want
[19:48:04] <ssi> but yea we used to fly the synergys there
[19:48:10] <ssi> 50class gas helis
[19:48:17] <ssi> there's more than enough room
[19:49:23] -!- krusty_ar has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:52:02] <ReadError> now that i got a big router
[19:52:02] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:52:05] <ReadError> i want to build an airplane
[19:53:01] <ssi> do it
[19:53:05] <ssi> I have plans for several
[19:53:13] <ReadError> dxf?
[19:53:17] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:53:18] <ssi> RV-7, RV-8, pitts S1C, wag-aero cub/supercub
[19:53:22] <ssi> haha no
[19:53:27] <ReadError> ;(
[19:53:27] <ssi> most of those are on paper
[19:53:36] <ssi> I have the RV drawings scanned
[19:53:42] <ssi> but those aren't really scratchbuilding plans
[19:56:43] <JT-Shop> full size?
[19:57:21] <ReadError> RV comes stamped and you rivet it together right?
[19:58:29] <ssi> JT-Shop: yea full size
[19:58:36] <ssi> ReadError: more or less, yeah
[19:58:48] <ssi> vans fabs their kits mostly on trumpf cnc punches
[19:58:53] <ssi> it's a pretty impressive operation
[19:59:26] <ssi> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qt7m4XxJwg
[19:59:28] <Tecan> (2qt7m4XxJwg) "Aero-TV: Vans Aircraft Factory - Where the RV SportPlanes Begin" by "aerotvnetwork" is "Autos" - Length: 0:09:34
[20:00:16] -!- skunkworks has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:00:26] <ssi> I want to get my hands on the original computer models they use to punch the parts
[20:00:29] <ssi> that'd be amazing
[20:00:37] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:00:42] <ssi> hey mhaberler
[20:01:22] <ReadError> i bet they dont have an IT guy and they are all on a anon ftp server
[20:01:29] <ssi> haha probably
[20:02:14] <mhaberler> hi ssi
[20:02:22] <ssi> mhaberler: driver is done! :D
[20:02:25] <JT-Shop> I had plans for the Corben Baby Ace once
[20:02:28] <ssi> well done-ish
[20:02:39] <JT-Shop> I still have the Benson Gyro plans
[20:02:47] <mhaberler> excellent progress! I might not be close to bb's until sunday but will break it therafter if I can;)
[20:02:52] <ssi> mhaberler: great :D
[20:02:57] <ssi> JT-Shop: that would be fun... I love gyros
[20:03:05] -!- gene78 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:03:05] <ssi> I want to get a set of breezy plans
[20:03:40] <gene78> Hello all;
[20:04:53] -!- a-l-e has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[20:05:42] <gene78> Code I wrote a couple years ago, and ran then, now refuses to load, error says unknown where unary could be near line 52
[20:06:47] <PetefromTn> that breezy looks like it would be indeed breezy out front LOL...
[20:06:58] <ssi> heck yeah
[20:07:00] <ssi> they're awesome
[20:07:06] <PetefromTn> ridden in one?
[20:07:14] <ssi> yep
[20:07:20] <generic_nick|2> well i got the head, table, y axis carriage, and knee off my cnc mill im scrapping.
[20:07:31] <generic_nick|2> cant believe my engine hoist has made it this far
[20:08:02] <generic_nick|2> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/8718739270_1c1c4c4610_c.jpg
[20:08:13] <PetefromTn> looks like a shit ton of tig welding LOL...
[20:08:21] <gene78> I have now converted it for all underscores in the named vars where there were dashes in the names before, and somebody removed the int function so now its fix for round down or fup for round up. That may have fixed it but its in infinite loop now loading
[20:08:34] <generic_nick|2> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7301/8718738562_51feea737b_c.jpg
[20:08:41] <ssi> PetefromTn: yea all tube/fabric airplanes are :)
[20:08:42] <gene78> So whats the break key combo for that?
[20:08:43] <ssi> it's not that bad
[20:09:01] <ReadError> scrapping it to the junk yard generic_nick|2?
[20:09:05] <PetefromTn> I got a commercial TIg here just a waiting....LOL
[20:09:12] <generic_nick|2> ReadError: yep
[20:09:20] <generic_nick|2> assuming i can get it in my van lol
[20:09:21] <ssi> PetefromTn: then you're ready to rock
[20:09:23] <ReadError> awww
[20:09:29] <ReadError> why not fix it?
[20:09:30] <ssi> PetefromTn: take a trip down here in a truck and buy a truckload of 4130 tube :)
[20:09:34] <PetefromTn> gene what the hell was it?
[20:09:44] <PetefromTn> why ya got some?
[20:09:58] <generic_nick|2> dont need it, i took all the good stuff off of it for my other mill anyways
[20:10:02] <PetefromTn> stuffs expensive...
[20:10:10] <gene78> runaway code load, what the break key combo?
[20:11:34] <ssi> I don't have much, but aircraft spruce has all you need
[20:11:37] <gene78> probably wrong sign in a while loop.
[20:11:42] <ssi> and it's not that killin' expensive :)
[20:12:40] <PetefromTn> anymore anything is killin' expensive to me...
[20:12:55] -!- bill1123 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:13:10] <PetefromTn> what rod do you use for the 4130 out of curiosity, you go stainless with the aircraft?
[20:13:11] <ssi> then experimental aviation is not the game you want to get into
[20:13:18] <ssi> 80SD2
[20:13:31] <PetefromTn> probably not for a number of reasons?
[20:14:06] <ssi> stainless works in a pinch, but 80SD2 is the ideal wire for 4130 in terms of normalization and crack-resistance
[20:14:17] <PetefromTn> wire or rod
[20:14:23] <ssi> rod
[20:14:41] <PetefromTn> no squirting aircraft frames I would hope LOL
[20:14:55] <ssi> hell no :)
[20:14:59] <ssi> oxyfuel or tig
[20:15:23] <ssi> I use 0.035" rod
[20:15:59] <PetefromTn> LOVE THA TIG!!
[20:16:06] <ssi> yeah
[20:16:09] <ssi> I have a synchrowave 200
[20:16:19] <ssi> with a water cooler
[20:16:27] <PetefromTn> I've got an L-tec commercial unit.
[20:18:57] -!- andypugh [andypugh!~andy2@cpc16-basl9-2-0-cust685.20-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:19:04] <ssi> 148 minutes to build a kernel on-bone
[20:19:40] <PetefromTn> I eat the kernels off the bone generally ;p
[20:20:02] <ssi> then you don't know what you're missing :)
[20:20:09] -!- micges [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:22:20] <Tecan> http://der-frickler.net/_media/technik/lasergravierer/laser_08.jpg what kinda linear slides are these
[20:22:23] <PetefromTn> probably, wouldn't surprise me...
[20:22:48] <ssi> Tecan: looks like cabinet drawer slides
[20:23:24] <Tecan> they dont extend passed the ends though
[20:23:32] -!- micges has quit [Client Quit]
[20:23:54] <ssi> same general idea though
[20:24:16] <ssi> ok off to battle the toyotas... back in a bit
[20:24:47] <PetefromTn> cya...
[20:25:15] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:25:39] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[20:28:10] <andypugh> Tecan: They could be car-seat runners, though they are rather the wrong colour. More likely something from a kitchen shelf or similar.
[20:28:23] -!- bill1123 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:28:30] <L84Supper> drawer slides are an inexpensive way to keep accuracy and repeatability under 0.250"
[20:38:10] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:55:52] <andypugh> I think they can do better than that, MattyMatt usd them, I think.
[20:57:54] -!- gabewillen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:05:08] <frallzor> http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8109/img4928fe.jpg I love wood =D
[21:05:37] <r00t4rd3d> i bet you do
[21:14:54] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:16:32] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[21:16:38] <JT-Shop> night
[21:17:25] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
[21:20:08] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=baf_1367944979
[21:20:34] -!- bobr426 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[21:25:01] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[21:39:22] * JT-Shop goes to take Cocoa for her evening bark about and toilette
[21:39:41] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:40:02] <ssi> back
[21:43:25] -!- Gammax-Shop [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:43:36] <PetefromTn> sup
[21:44:13] <ssi> ok lets make this plasma table work!
[21:44:17] <ssi> come on team, rah rah!
[21:45:38] -!- Gammax-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:50:13] -!- slifty has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[21:56:12] <ssi> that's not the enthusiasm I was expecting
[21:56:44] <skunkworks> yay
[21:56:48] <cradek> seemed pretty typical to me
[22:04:30] <PetefromTn> make it work make it work rah rah rah....
[22:04:41] <ssi> heheh
[22:04:48] <ssi> I'm vaporlocking a bit on configs
[22:06:13] <PetefromTn> mind lock....you need a vulcan mind meld methinks. Any vulcan's here?
[22:07:21] -!- generic_nick|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[22:08:12] <ssi> trying to figure out how the 5i25-g540 pins map to the g540's pinout
[22:09:24] <ssi> it mostly looks right
[22:09:27] <ssi> but almost not quite
[22:09:28] <ssi> haha
[22:09:50] <ssi> [164859.716245] hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 002 (P3-02): StepGen #0, pin Step (Output)
[22:09:55] <ssi> [164859.716253] hm2/hm2_5i25.0: IO Pin 004 (P3-03): StepGen #0, pin Direction (Output)
[22:10:17] <ssi> g540 pinout is pin 2 A-direction, pin 3 A-step
[22:10:56] <cradek> weird
[22:10:57] <ssi> oh wait
[22:11:07] <ssi> there's at least 4 different g540 manuals on the internet
[22:11:09] <cradek> I'd be surprised if the mesa firmware is that wrong
[22:11:09] <ssi> and they're not consistent
[22:11:12] <cradek> haha
[22:11:17] <ssi> G540 rev3 manual says 2 is step, 3 is dir
[22:11:19] <cradek> just plug it in and it'll probably work :-)
[22:11:21] <ssi> hahah
[22:11:31] <ssi> pin 16 charge pump
[22:11:34] <ssi> ok now we're getting somewhere
[22:11:51] <cradek> I think we have a working g540 sample config, don't we?
[22:12:31] <ssi> yeah, but I don't think they're 5i25-g540 samples are they?
[22:13:06] <ssi> I'm having to combine a bunch of different goofy elements in this build
[22:13:11] <ssi> 5i25-G540, gantrykins, THC
[22:13:20] <ssi> and I only sorta know what I'm doing :P
[22:13:22] <cradek> ah
[22:13:47] <PCW> gantrykins is the way of much pain
[22:13:49] <ssi> http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/33143446.jpg
[22:13:58] <ssi> PCW: is there a better way to go?
[22:14:12] <cradek> not using gantrykins is the better way
[22:14:23] <ssi> well I just need to slave two motors to Y
[22:14:29] <ssi> if it's doable without gantrykins, I'm all the happier
[22:14:31] <cradek> how do you need to home?
[22:14:45] <ssi> I sorta never got around to putting home/limits on Y
[22:14:48] <ssi> so that's up in the air :)
[22:14:49] <cradek> wiring two motors together is easy - homing is the issue
[22:14:55] <PCW> I think JA3 is better (if you need homing)
[22:14:58] <cradek> then wire them together and blissfully move on
[22:15:00] <JT-Shop> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxzg_iM-T4E
[22:15:02] <Tecan> (Oxzg_iM-T4E) "Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron" by "tomtokenator" is "Music" - Length: 0:02:39
[22:15:06] <ssi> JA3?
[22:15:30] <ssi> cradek: you mean wire them together in hal?
[22:15:41] <ssi> ie have one axis, but the stepgen inputs wired to both?
[22:15:42] <cradek> I mean wire one step and dir output to both amps
[22:16:02] <PCW> not easy with a G540
[22:16:04] -!- kmrhb has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[22:16:04] <cradek> you can't really do that with hardware stepgen, except in firmware or hardware
[22:16:04] <ssi> physically doing that wiring would be more painful than I'd like
[22:16:21] <cradek> yet it's probably the least painful way :-)
[22:16:43] <ssi> if that's the case it'd be easier to give up either the mesa card or the g540
[22:16:45] <PCW> send the position command to both stepgens
[22:16:52] <ssi> PCW: ok yea that's what I was thinking
[22:16:53] <cradek> radio shack used to have these awesome arbitrary-db25-wirer-box things
[22:17:55] <cradek> if you had a time machine you could buy one
[22:18:37] <cradek> but yeah PCW's advice is better because it doesn't require you have a time machine
[22:18:53] <ssi> so how bad is it going to be if i want proper homing?
[22:19:11] <cradek> define proper
[22:19:33] <ssi> well in a reasonable universe, the two Y motors would be able to home to their own switches independently to self-square the gantry
[22:20:25] <PCW> Probably want JA3 for that (or better still motion patched so it knows how to home locked axis)
[22:20:26] <cradek> some people gate the step pulses with the switches - it's pretty horrible
[22:20:38] <ssi> PCW: so JA3 would allow me to define 3 axes with 4 joints? or what exactly
[22:21:15] <cradek> I/we/someone might work on slave-joint at fest in june
[22:21:17] <ssi> cradek: that'd be difficult with hardware stepping
[22:21:31] -!- ravenlock has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:21:32] <PCW> Yes but micges is the expert on JA3
[22:21:35] -!- gabewillen has quit [Quit: gabewillen]
[22:21:55] <cradek> ssi: yeah unfortunately it's quite a bit harder
[22:22:29] <ssi> super
[22:22:30] <PCW> Its possible with some horrible offset insertion in the commanded positions
[22:22:31] <cradek> for completeness this is the thing I was talking about: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251226001568
[22:22:34] <ssi> hurdle count is rising on this machine :(
[22:22:56] <ssi> cradek: fancy
[22:23:12] <ssi> so what's the problem with gantrykins?
[22:24:05] <cradek> world mode handling in everything but ja3 branch is flaky in various ways
[22:24:43] <ssi> I don't know what that means
[22:24:49] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:25:28] <cradek> you could search the archives for the tales of suffering, or just trust us
[22:25:34] -!- Tecan has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[22:25:58] <ssi> fair enough
[22:26:22] <PCW> Or just ignore de-skew homing for the time being
[22:26:23] <cradek> sorry if that sounds like a blowoff
[22:26:33] <ssi> I guess I'll start with trivkins and link the two stepgens to one axis
[22:26:38] <ssi> and then eventually move toward JA3
[22:26:42] <cradek> yes if you can ignore it and move on, definitely do that
[22:26:46] <ssi> it's fine
[22:26:51] <ssi> I ran it under mach with no limits at all
[22:27:00] <cradek> by the time you need homing, if you ever do, there might be a better answer like slaved joints
[22:27:07] <ssi> I just forced it square occasionally
[22:27:19] <ssi> nice thing about plasma is it runs in carpenter precision
[22:27:29] <cradek> yep for plasma that sounds absolutely adequate
[22:27:41] <ssi> I think that machine runs 0.005"/step right now
[22:27:51] <cradek> wow those are big steps
[22:28:11] <ssi> yea
[22:28:18] <PCW> At that resolution you dont need a 5I25...
[22:28:22] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:28:26] <ssi> the steppers have 3:1 reductions, but they run a 1" pinion
[22:28:29] <cradek> yeah, send it to me
[22:28:31] <ssi> so it's 3:pi
[22:28:37] <ssi> PCW: need to run 600ipm tho
[22:28:45] <ssi> and g540 is 10x microstepping
[22:28:50] <ssi> so it's still 2k ppi
[22:29:07] <ssi> makes for a pretty fast pulserate
[22:29:24] <PCW> 20 KHz
[22:29:41] -!- skunkworks has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:30:03] <cradek> a pulse every 50us
[22:30:14] <ssi> yea I guess a decent latency machine could do it
[22:30:15] <cradek> you could do it with software stepgen, but without a whole lot of headroom
[22:30:20] <PCW> less lumpy with a 5I25
[22:30:21] <ssi> this machine won't tho
[22:30:32] <ssi> I need to screw with the SMI
[22:30:45] <ssi> I'm not as happy with this one as I was with the last off-lease dell I got
[22:30:54] <ssi> the last one was a c2d, this one's a p4 (or pD maybe?)
[22:31:49] <PCW> I though P4s were OK (the C2Ds I have work quite well)
[22:31:54] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:32:03] <ssi> yea I expected this one to run ok
[22:32:05] <cradek> I've had good luck with P3/P4s
[22:32:13] <ssi> and it does... 8us latency... with the occasional 215us spike
[22:32:24] <cradek> ouch
[22:32:27] <ssi> right
[22:32:27] <PCW> not so good
[22:32:36] <cradek> that's not going to work out very well
[22:32:37] <ssi> so I may look into the SMI fixes I've heard people chatter about
[22:32:50] <ssi> if I can't tame it, I'll replace it with another optiplex 755
[22:32:51] <cradek> yeah. is it every 64 seconds by chance?
[22:32:56] <ssi> hm not sure
[22:33:05] <cradek> that's the smoking gun
[22:33:23] <cradek> yeah otherwise spend another $10 on craigslist and try again :-)
[22:33:32] <ssi> if only :P
[22:33:36] <ssi> full boat retail
[22:33:41] <ssi> $129 hard earned dollars
[22:35:39] <ssi> it doesn't do it unless I run stuff on the machine
[22:35:48] <ssi> and then it's not on a schedule, it just coincides with running whatever
[22:35:52] <ssi> firefox for instance
[22:39:04] -!- adb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[22:42:50] <Aero-Tec> is there a good started code eg for lathe?
[22:44:50] <Aero-Tec> want to build a blank Gcode starter for the lathe
[22:45:15] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.woodworkingtalk.com/
[22:50:24] <andypugh> Aero-Tec: www.bogesoc.org/lathe/
[22:50:30] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:51:11] <Aero-Tec> server not found
[22:51:11] <andypugh> Ah, let me try again. http://www.bodgesoc.org/lathe/lathe.html
[22:51:17] <Aero-Tec> thanks for the link
[22:51:31] <Aero-Tec> does it work for anyone else?
[22:51:52] <ssi> works fine for me
[22:52:08] <Aero-Tec> that one worked
[22:52:18] -!- krusty_ar has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:52:30] <andypugh> ngcgui is probably better.
[22:55:01] <ssi> PCW: I guess I can only hook one stepgen's pos-fb back to axis
[22:56:24] -!- r00t4rd3d_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[22:57:59] <andypugh> ssi: You can do something clever like calculating the error on the slave, taking the abs of both errors, addin the biggest, then feeding it back. Or something.
[22:57:59] <ssi> so this is what I have so far
[22:58:01] <ssi> https://gist.github.com/ianmcmahon/5536871
[22:58:14] <ssi> andypugh: does it even matter with stepgens?
[22:58:26] <andypugh> Not enough to make it workwhile
[22:58:34] <ssi> do stepgens even get out of position?
[22:59:57] <andypugh> Yes, if the stepgen can't make the pulses fast enough.
[23:00:03] <ssi> ah
[23:00:05] <JT-Shop> Aero-Tec: http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/g-code/index.html might be of some interest
[23:00:07] <ssi> well I figure if one does, they both will
[23:00:10] <andypugh> Unlikely with a Mesa
[23:01:12] -!- stsydow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:01:59] <ssi> ok now I gotta figure out how to run the charge pump
[23:02:04] <ssi> it's a stepgen...
[23:02:40] <JT-Shop> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIkuFNIuO1w
[23:02:40] <Tecan> (xIkuFNIuO1w) "Arlo Guthrie - I'm Changing My Name to Chrysler (Live at Farm Aid 2008)" by "farmaid" is "Music" - Length: 0:04:16
[23:03:37] <ssi> aha, found a pcw example on the forum
[23:09:28] -!- i_tarzan_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[23:09:56] <ssi> I may be about ready to carry the computer down to the machine and try to move it
[23:10:01] -!- i_tarzan [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:11:43] <Aero-Tec> good links, thanks
[23:11:47] <r00t4rd3d> you dont have a separate computer to use?
[23:12:43] <ssi> it is a separate computer
[23:12:55] <ssi> I'm just setting it up up here in the nice dry warm office with chairs and internet
[23:13:21] <r00t4rd3d> no wifi router?
[23:13:36] <ssi> no wifi in linux on the linuxcnc computer
[23:13:48] <r00t4rd3d> why not?
[23:13:48] <ssi> and I need to run a 50' cable to get network to the plasma cutter
[23:14:00] <r00t4rd3d> use a usb wifi adapter
[23:14:07] <ssi> send me one
[23:14:14] <ssi> why so contrarian?
[23:14:23] <r00t4rd3d> you can get them for 10 bucks off ebay
[23:14:49] <ssi> why are we having this conversation exactly?
[23:15:06] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rosewill-RNX-N150UBE-USB-2-0-Wireless-Adapter-/290905653946?pt=US_USB_Wi_Fi_Adapters_Dongles&hash=item43bb5402ba
[23:15:17] <r00t4rd3d> they work really good
[23:15:36] <ssi> PCW: I found an example on the forum you posted with some chargepump details, and it sets a control_type parameter on the #4 stepgen to put it in velocity mode
[23:15:45] <ssi> PCW: my stepgens don't have a control_type parameter!
[23:16:07] <r00t4rd3d> i just think it would be easier to set the machine up if you were right there doing it
[23:16:31] <ssi> not all of it
[23:16:46] <ssi> having a chair and a reasonable keyboard is much easier for installing and configuring
[23:16:53] <ssi> especially since I had to handwrite the configs for this machine
[23:20:13] <ssi> oh weird
[23:20:15] <ssi> it's control-type
[23:20:24] <ssi> and it doesn't show up in halrun show
[23:20:26] <ssi> but it accepts it
[23:22:16] <generic_nick|2> ha, just delivered my scrap metal from the mill to the recycler. 2200lbs of iron.
[23:22:27] <ssi> nice
[23:22:36] <generic_nick|2> that was only the empty head, knee, and table
[23:22:36] <ssi> what's the rate?
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[23:22:57] <generic_nick|2> i got 180 for it
[23:23:08] <ssi> daw
[23:23:44] <generic_nick|2> i fit it all in my van lol
[23:24:02] <r00t4rd3d> down by the river?
[23:24:02] <generic_nick|2> gave the cherry picker a workout.
[23:24:20] <generic_nick|2> it's the rape-team van
[23:25:05] <generic_nick|2> it's mid conversion to be an a-team van replica but it's still white and windowless
[23:25:18] <generic_nick|2> so i figured that name suited it
[23:25:39] -!- Keknom [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:26:01] <generic_nick|2> does a mean burnout
[23:26:10] <r00t4rd3d> http://www.amazon.com/Pedo-Bumper-Sticker-Peeking-Decal/dp/B008O0MTUC
[23:26:22] <generic_nick|2> already have it
[23:26:24] <r00t4rd3d> lol
[23:26:29] <generic_nick|2> seriously
[23:26:35] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[23:28:49] <generic_nick|2> r00t4rd3d: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7379/8719232390_b01f5e0373_c.jpg
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[23:29:14] <generic_nick|2> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7422/8718114399_b3988b60f0_c.jpg
[23:29:26] <r00t4rd3d> nice
[23:29:42] <generic_nick|2> i have the full body kit for it to make it an a-team replica. just waiting till i have time to paint it
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[23:38:03] <generic_nick|2> cant wait to get the rest of the mill out of there. not sure if that will be very easy though.
[23:38:24] <generic_nick|2> the heaviest part is left
[23:39:02] <generic_nick|2> it certainly isnt fitting in the van
[23:40:03] <generic_nick|2> i think i need to rent a trailer
[23:45:47] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[23:48:32] <JT-Shop> you can borrow one of mine
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