#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-06-10

[00:00:04] -!- ravenlock [ravenlock!~ravenlock@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:03:22] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[00:13:48] -!- EDocToor [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:33:59] -!- CaptHindsight [CaptHindsight!~2020@unaffiliated/capthindsight] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:35:12] -!- pfred1 has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
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[00:45:14] -!- L84Supper has quit [Quit: gone (puff of smoke)]
[00:45:35] -!- CaptHindsight [CaptHindsight!~2020@unaffiliated/capthindsight] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:48:54] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[01:20:06] -!- c-bob|| has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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[01:43:38] s1dev|away is now known as s1dev
[01:53:54] -!- a1cypher [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:54:04] <a1cypher> Hey folks. Anybody alive?
[01:54:29] <jdh> no
[01:54:37] <a1cypher> close enough. ;-P
[01:55:01] <a1cypher> I just started having some problems with my mill. The z-axis seems to be missing steps, so I did a little bit of fiddling and have found that the z-axis has almost no holding torque. I can spin the motor with my hands no problem when it should be holding position.
[01:55:02] <Tom_itx> someone here with solidworks care to convert a file for me?
[01:55:14] <Tom_itx> my ver is too old for the file
[01:55:33] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:55:43] <a1cypher> If I switch the motor to a different axis, the problem follows the motor. I also checked the wiring and it seems to be good, resistance between loops seems to make sense and the motor itself does work, just missing steps and no hold torque.
[01:55:45] <a1cypher> Any ideas?
[01:56:11] <jdh> a1: might try swapping drivers with x or y and see if the problem goes with the drive. Could be bad wiring, but that's as likely to fry your drive as anything.
[01:56:28] <a1cypher> I tried switching drivers and it followed the motor.
[01:56:39] <a1cypher> wiring conductivity seems good.
[01:56:44] <a1cypher> not sure what could cause it.
[01:57:04] <a1cypher> motor sounds fine, and I cant seem to hear it missing steps, I think it may happen on reversals.
[01:58:27] <a1cypher> but the holding torque seems strange. You would think that if the motor was bad, it wouldnt work at all.
[02:00:18] <jdh> any stressed wiring? places internal strands could be broken?
[02:01:37] <a1cypher> possible. I just moved the whole machine so I could build a proper workbench for it. Then moved it back.
[02:02:21] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[02:02:33] <a1cypher> and the z-axis is the most vulnerable since the motor sticks out. Also wire could have been tugged when I was setting it back up.
[02:02:35] <a1cypher> =(
[02:02:47] <a1cypher> I wonder if I should open up the motor and take a look for any signs.
[02:03:53] <a1cypher> probably should just buy a new motor. But I was really hoping to be able to mill a circuit board.
[02:04:06] <jdh> if you open it, it will almost assuredly never be right again.
[02:04:58] -!- Newbie [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:05:13] Newbie is now known as Newbie_9873
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[02:14:53] -!- ktchk [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:15:05] <a1cypher> welp. I feel like an idiot
[02:15:21] <a1cypher> The motor was working fine, but my coupler was slipping.
[02:15:32] <jdh> that will do it.
[02:15:44] <a1cypher> so I guess on every reversal, since when I moved to linuxcnc from mach3 I guess I increased my acceleration on that axis, it started slipping
[02:16:03] <a1cypher> I wish they would hvae put a damn flat on the shaft to begin with.. nothin but trouble.
[02:16:08] <jdh> file one
[02:16:21] <a1cypher> yeah, I thought I did the first time. guess I didnt do a good enough job
[02:16:31] <jdh> next time, put the set screw *on* the flat
[02:16:43] <a1cypher> the coupler was full of metal dust and was really hard to get out.
[02:16:54] <a1cypher> and there are grooves on the shaft from the set screw
[02:16:57] <jdh> set screw chewing up the shaft
[02:17:00] <a1cypher> yup
[02:17:10] <jdh> make a bigger flat?
[02:20:16] <a1cypher> thats a plan
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[02:22:30] -!- jepler [jepler!~jepler@emc/developer/pdpc.professional.jepler] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:44:04] <a1cypher> fixed. working great again
[02:44:15] <a1cypher> now I can switch back to linuxcnc. =)
[02:47:36] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Quit: had a good time]
[03:08:03] -!- kwallace1 [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[03:19:35] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:19:46] <Xfriend> what cheap hardware work perfectly with linuxcnc ?
[03:21:06] <skunkworks> what kind of hardware?
[03:21:13] <Xfriend> board
[03:21:48] <Xfriend> I have a tb6560 Chinese << :(
[03:21:50] <skunkworks> do you have an example?
[03:22:09] <skunkworks> so - all in one stepper/printer port interface type thing?
[03:22:52] <Xfriend> have you see a chinese board tb6560 3 axis ?
[03:23:43] <Xfriend> skunkworks, http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-CNC-TB6560-3-Axis-3-5A-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-Controller-With-Cable-/200931985414?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec87ac806
[03:25:09] -!- hashfail [hashfail!~noone@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:14:23] -!- Connor has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[09:04:04] s1dev is now known as s1dev|away
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[09:35:24] <CaptHindsight> unstable RTAI patch for 3.8 kernel posted earlier
[09:36:56] <CaptHindsight> just got a stable kernel for RT-PREEMPT and X and KDE up with all power management + ACPI off on the A10 APU
[09:37:57] <CaptHindsight> we should have some good RT-PREEMP latency numbers later today
[09:56:51] -!- DJ9DJ [DJ9DJ!~Deejay@unaffiliated/dj9dj] has joined #linuxcnc
[09:58:46] <DJ9DJ> moin
[09:59:16] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[12:00:32] -!- Thiel [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:01:10] <Thiel> hi i try to update from 2.5.2 to 2.6 master and get an error on hostmo2-firmware modebus5.lib
[12:01:50] <Thiel> do i need to activate both deb in the sources
[12:02:04] <Thiel> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/
[12:04:16] <Thiel> hostmot2-firmware but it is not installable
[12:14:53] -!- crank has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:15:10] <jthornton> are you trying to install master (there is no 2.6) from a deb?
[12:16:00] <Thiel> deb http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ lucid master-rt
[12:16:02] <Thiel> deb-src http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ lucid master-rt
[12:16:16] <Thiel> jthornton: this is what i added to the repros
[12:16:30] <Thiel> and disabled the 2.5 branche
[12:17:19] <jthornton> that looks correct
[12:17:26] <Thiel> i need the remap its only in the master in the branch i need to go over the O<xx> sub
[12:19:28] <Thiel> do i need to enable both or only one at the time
[12:19:40] <jthornton> both of what?
[12:20:41] <Thiel> there are 2 URl
[12:20:56] <Thiel> the hook on both or only on one
[12:21:05] <jthornton> yes both master-rt IIRC should be there
[12:21:37] <Thiel> still no hostmot2-firmware deb
[12:22:06] <Thiel> i there a ppa for this
[12:23:26] <jthornton> file:///home/john/emc-dev/docs/html/drivers/hostmot2.html#_installing_firmware
[12:24:51] <skunkworks> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/drivers/hostmot2.html#_installing_firmware
[12:24:54] <skunkworks> :)
[12:25:10] <Thiel> it this is on your system
[12:25:52] <Thiel> http://emergent.unpythonic.net/01272896838
[12:25:53] <jthornton> LOL, I gave a local link
[12:25:57] <Thiel> what is this for
[12:26:11] <Thiel> its on toms side
[12:26:48] <jthornton> you would have to ask jepler what that is for it is his
[12:27:32] <Thiel> there is no packet hostmot2-firmware allone
[12:28:07] <Thiel> i may need to uninstall all the 2.5. hostmot2-firmware first
[12:30:49] <Thiel> no hostmot2-firmware but it is not installable
[12:38:37] <Thiel> no hostmot2 even on the s.5.2
[12:38:54] <Thiel> so now i need to get the git working
[12:39:13] -!- Thiel has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 3.6.8/20100723084720]]
[12:40:06] <jthornton> I thought you did that via the synaptic package manager
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[14:02:35] -!- JT-Shop [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:43:19] <skunkworks> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/mach_mill/183316-can_mach3_run_true_5_axis_machine.html
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[15:35:13] Raiden is now known as Tecan
[15:35:15] <CBJamo> Hi, I'm trying to get a mesa 5i22 set up with a trio of 7i39s, and I can for the life of me figure out how to configure them in the wizard. I suspect that I'm getting the pinouts wrong.
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[15:35:45] <JT-Shop> pncconf?
[15:35:53] <CBJamo> yes
[15:36:11] <jdh> there is no wizard, only yourself <insert better oz reference here>
[15:36:19] <JT-Shop> lol
[15:36:42] <CBJamo> oh, fun, can someone point me to the documentation for the config files?
[15:36:48] <JT-Shop> can you be more specific on the question?
[15:37:27] <CBJamo> Like I said, I'm pretty sure that I've got the pin configurations wrong.
[15:37:31] <JT-Shop> the Integrators manual has the configuration information as well as the hostmot2 man page
[15:37:35] -!- oterral has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:37:50] <CBJamo> Ok, I'll take a look at that
[15:37:55] <jdh> wrong pins, or wrong connectors, or what?
[15:38:41] <CBJamo> wrong pins, between the 7i39 and the 5i22. I'm fairly confident that the motor and hall sensors are hooked up right.
[15:39:11] <pcw_home> CBJamo: I almost guarantee that a 3x 7I39 configuration will require a custom bitfile
[15:39:14] <JT-Shop> what kind of card is the 7i39?
[15:39:36] <JT-Shop> YEA Peter to the rescue!
[15:39:38] <jdh> 7I39 Dual 250W 3 Phase BLDC driver
[15:39:39] <CBJamo> The 7i39 is a dual channel bldc controller.
[15:40:00] <CBJamo> pcw_home: Ok, good to know.
[15:40:02] <JT-Shop> ok, it didn't ring a bell with me
[15:42:26] <CBJamo> pcw_home: By bitfile, do you mean custom firmware on the fpga?
[15:44:05] <pcw_home> Yes
[15:45:09] <CBJamo> pcw_home: Alright, how should I set about writing one?
[15:46:02] <pcw_home> What do you want on the last connector?
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[15:46:57] <CBJamo> for now, all I have planned are endstops.
[15:48:50] <pcw_home> I can make a 3x7I39 (or 4X) config but need to know i f you have special I/O on last connector (non GPIO)
[15:49:14] <pcw_home> also whether you have a 5I22-1 or 5i22-1.5
[15:50:19] -!- Bojangles has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:50:26] <CBJamo> I have a 5i22-1, I don't expect to be using the last conector for anything but endstops, estop, possibly a keypad for jogging.
[15:51:01] <CBJamo> But not a mpg or analogue joystick.
[15:52:37] <pcw_home> OK I can make 7I39x4 config for the 5i22-1 sometime today
[15:53:19] <CBJamo> Sweet, thanks for the help.
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[15:56:27] <ssi> pcw_home: you think a single superport firmware could be fit to a s3a 200?
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[15:59:50] <ssi> I dunno if there's any fancy features in the s6 that the s3a doesn't have that might hang me up
[15:59:59] <ssi> or (more likely) if there'll be size constraints
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[16:08:35] <pcw_home> Should fit OK (not too many channels though)
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[16:10:10] <ssi> if I could make it run a 7i77 alone, I'd be happy
[16:10:16] <ssi> and I don't even need the extra sserial on the 7i77
[16:11:09] <pcw_home> Probably (7I77 just has 6 encoders and 3 sserial ports so is pretty small)
[16:11:25] <ssi> cool
[16:11:27] <ssi> I may tackle that soon
[16:11:35] <ssi> I have the s3a-200 on beaglebone working
[16:11:48] <ssi> it's got a 24 pin io expansion header on it
[16:12:00] <pcw_home> what interface to BB?
[16:12:06] <ssi> SPI or I2C easily
[16:12:17] <pcw_home> i2c is too slow
[16:12:18] <ssi> there's a GPMC port, but we haven't worked out the device tree overlay for it
[16:12:24] <ssi> I have SPI working now
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[16:15:59] <pcw_home> SPI probably needs a common protocol that gets along with most SOC SPI interfaces
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[16:16:29] <ssi> well the way I have it setup now, I'm using spidev
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[16:16:45] <ssi> there's a spidev device node, and I can write/read it as a file,
[16:16:49] <pcw_home> Probably useless
[16:16:50] <ssi> or I can do bidir transfers using ioctl
[16:17:03] <pcw_home> way way way too slow
[16:17:09] <ssi> how fast does it need to be?
[16:17:13] <ssi> I can also write a custom device driver
[16:17:19] <ssi> but that'll take some work
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[16:19:22] <ssi> the other option is to get gpmc going, and then I can do it over a 16 bit address/data muxed memory interface
[16:19:27] <ssi> but that'll take a lot more work
[16:19:39] <ssi> fortunately we're already working on it for another application
[16:19:59] <pcw_home> most SOC SPI interfaces are buffered and have common non pipelined control registers so you cannot do things like change frame sizes without significant overhead, so some kind of efficient wrapper for HostMot2 data/address needs to be devised that does not change frame sizes
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[16:22:28] <ssi> hm
[16:22:38] <ssi> nothing's ever easy is it
[16:22:40] <pcw_home> I am looking at a block transfer scheme where the first 32 bit frame contains the (16 bit) start address, read/write command, data frame count etc.
[16:22:42] <pcw_home>
[16:22:44] <pcw_home> The GPMC is nice but I worry that it will interfere with the NAND flash
[16:22:52] <ssi> the flash has to be disabled
[16:22:57] <ssi> which is fine, I don't mind running off usd
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[16:23:32] <ssi> I need to get the hm2 source checked out and actually look at it :P
[16:24:15] <pcw_home> GPMC is probably the fastest (if there are enough pins in the 24 you have available)
[16:24:48] <ssi> no the 24 pins I mentioned are separate from what's attached to BBB
[16:24:55] <ssi> those 24 pins I intended to make a superport
[16:25:11] <ssi> here's the board: http://ebrombaugh.studionebula.com/embedded/bcc/index.html
[16:26:04] <pcw_home> I think its possible to run sserial on the PRU as well (with a "little" work)
[16:27:34] <pcw_home> though I think you would have to run the remotes at 3.68 or 4 Mbaud instead of 2.5
[16:29:57] <ssi> I can't for the life of me figure out how to clone the git repository at http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=hostmot2-firmware.git;a=summary
[16:30:07] <ssi> is that even the right repo?
[16:30:09] <ssi> it's over a year old
[16:30:56] <pcw_home> so if the FPGA has GPMC connections I would use them ( you will need to make a 16 --> 32 and 32--> 16 bus shim)
[16:31:31] <pcw_home> I would just download the source from mesa
[16:31:43] <ssi> I don't have that url
[16:31:45] <ssi> was trying to find it
[16:32:17] <pcw_home> just download the support package for any FPGA card
[16:32:22] <ssi> ah ok
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[16:33:34] <Tecan> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/joes_cnc_model_2006/38220-joes_computer-numeric-control_4x4_hybrid.html
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[16:40:47] <ssi> pcw_home: the 5i25 support package looks like it only has bitfiles in it
[16:41:06] <ssi> oh I see there's a source zip
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[16:49:54] <cbjamo_> pcw_home: I just remembered that I'll need 4 step/dir sets on the 4th connector.
[16:52:26] <cbjamo_> pcw_home: They'll be driving 4 of these: http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/2133 to control the steppers for my extruders.
[16:52:30] <pcw_home> ok, can you send a email to Mesa with what you want? (to tech)
[16:52:34] <cbjamo_> pcw_home: Sure, do you need any other details, besides what we've talked about here?
[16:52:49] <pcw_home> what pins you want the stepgens on
[16:54:25] <cbjamo_> doesn't matter, the cable is going to go into a 7i42, then the stepper boards and the endstops, etc.
[16:54:52] <cbjamo_> [email protected] right?
[16:55:07] <pcw_home> yeah
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[17:00:10] <cbjamo_> Sent, and thanks again for the help.
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[17:01:26] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:03:33] <dosas> hello I'm having trouble with my parport
[17:03:46] <dosas> i'm using the test program here http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Parallel_Port_Tester
[17:04:29] <dosas> it opens up fine but when i press the buttons the led doesn't light up
[17:04:50] <dosas> i've also tried some programming in c
[17:04:56] <dosas> also doesn't work
[17:05:26] <IchGuckLive> what if you just load a standard hal
[17:05:39] <IchGuckLive> and check with halmeter
[17:05:50] <dosas> the card i use is pci to paraqllel with MCS 9865
[17:06:09] <dosas> how do i do this
[17:06:22] <IchGuckLive> lspci -v is ehat adress
[17:06:30] <IchGuckLive> What
[17:06:56] <IchGuckLive> do you got any reaction or nothing
[17:06:56] <dosas> I'm new to thsi stuff
[17:07:03] <dosas> so how do i load standard hal
[17:07:12] <IchGuckLive> dosas where are you from usa europ
[17:07:14] <dosas> do you mean the kernel module?
[17:07:19] <dosas> germany
[17:07:27] <IchGuckLive> ich sitz in kaiserslautern
[17:07:34] <dosas> schoen
[17:07:35] <IchGuckLive> so deutsch
[17:07:42] <IchGuckLive> ich querry dich
[17:07:45] <dosas> ja aber dann verstehen die anderen ddas halt nicht
[17:07:49] <dosas> kk
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[18:54:38] <skunkworks> andypugh, the only way to go :)
[18:54:38] <ssi> skunkworks: what kind of DIY is that?!
[18:54:43] <ssi> if you're not mining your own ore, you're a poseur
[18:54:43] <ssi> :P
[18:54:50] <FinboySlick> ssi: Isn't it Myfordboy who does great aluminium castings?
[18:54:53] <skunkworks> heh
[18:55:07] <ssi> betas me
[18:56:03] <FinboySlick> ssi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M95bhPrDwA0
[18:56:04] <Tecan> (M95bhPrDwA0) "Metal Casting at Home Part 10 Another Day in my Home Foundry" by "myfordboy" is "Howto" - Length: 0:09:25
[18:57:00] <ssi> neat
[18:57:14] <andypugh> And he knows how "moulding" is spelt.
[18:58:31] <jdh> superfluous letters FTW
[18:58:38] <ssi> lol
[18:58:49] <andypugh> I have done some casting, I have worked in a couple of places with their own foundries (university metallurgy departments) and it is great fun.
[18:59:03] <ssi> looks like fun
[18:59:11] <ssi> it's been on my list of things to do for awhile
[18:59:18] <FinboySlick> Watching him work, it looks almost meditative.
[18:59:24] <jdh> I've done lead casting, sort of.
[19:00:01] <ssi> I work in broad-casting
[19:00:04] <ssi> sort of the same thing, right? :(
[19:00:19] <jdh> more or less. mostly less
[19:00:22] <ssi> mostly
[19:02:56] <ssi> I think I could probably do aluminum at home without too much hell
[19:02:59] <ssi> iron would be tough
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[19:03:20] <CaptHindsight> http://www.3ders.org/articles/20130610-china-develops-worlds-largest-laser-3d-printer.html
[19:04:07] <ssi> his parts come out really nice
[19:04:23] <CaptHindsight> it's not clear from the article, but it looks like they only sinter the outline of the part, then bake the sand+resin mix to make the mold
[19:06:32] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
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[19:10:40] <FinboySlick> Hmmm, if they only sinter the outline, does it mean the part is filled with unsintered material?
[19:11:31] <Loetmichel> if tha part is soaked with a lower melting metal afterwards thats not a problem
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[19:12:18] <Loetmichel> like sintering stainless steel dust and then filling it up with molten brass
[19:12:38] <CaptHindsight> "their 3D printer only prints an outline of each layer to make the carbide of resin coated sand on the contour ineffective."
[19:13:14] <CaptHindsight> "Then they put the printed sand into a 180˚C furnace, a traditional method for curing and stripping to get a prototype or mold."
[19:13:15] <FinboySlick> I have trouble parsing that sentence ;)
[19:13:24] <CaptHindsight> yeah, me to :)
[19:13:26] <FinboySlick> Well, the previous one.
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[19:13:57] <CaptHindsight> " relying on making the outline ineffective,"
[19:14:20] <CaptHindsight> have to find a Chinese article and translate
[19:14:23] <Loetmichel> ah, i understand
[19:14:31] <CaptHindsight> sounds like a poor translation
[19:15:15] <Loetmichel> it only prints a "parting layer" in the sand, acure the whole block afterwards in an oven
[19:15:20] <Loetmichel> ingenious ;-)
[19:15:35] <CaptHindsight> if the sand is a sand + resin mix then all you need to do is sinter the outline
[19:15:36] <Loetmichel> -a+and_
[19:15:59] <CaptHindsight> then bake the sand + resin mix to harden a large volume
[19:16:04] <Loetmichel> right
[19:16:09] <Loetmichel> like i said
[19:16:10] <CaptHindsight> yeah , pretty nifty
[19:16:25] <FinboySlick> The way I understand it though, it would make part handling pre-curing quite difficult.
[19:16:34] <FinboySlick> Or do they move the entire block?
[19:16:39] <Loetmichel> FinboySlick: i think so
[19:16:45] <CaptHindsight> if the cured layer is very fragile
[19:17:10] <Loetmichel> because all sand moulds i know are VERY fragile
[19:17:19] <CaptHindsight> they must cure a thick enough layer to make it tough enough for handling
[19:17:38] <Loetmichel> so move it as whloe to the oven, THEN vaccuum the uncured outer layer away, then cure the remaining parts
[19:18:01] <CaptHindsight> if you cure a layer 1/3 inch thick vs the whole part it still saves you time
[19:20:10] <Loetmichel> or even print a top mold, a bottom mold, a "sand part", then cure the whole block and take the molds apart
[19:20:32] <Loetmichel> thanks to the parting layer the "sand part" will just fall out
[19:23:26] * FinboySlick looks at the database cluster he's putting together, then at awesome machinery...
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[19:23:53] <FinboySlick> The choices between something you're good at and something you like doing yet are inept at ;)
[19:25:32] <Jymmm> Or, something you're damn good at but hate doing =)
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[19:28:26] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: Skill level is relative. I'm definitely the best around for my physical location, but I could never consider myself 'damn good at' my current field considering the absolutely brilliant people I get to interact with online on a daily basis.
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[19:30:11] <Jymmm> FinboySlick: There's nothing wrong with ignorance, it's just "not knowing" and you can always learn =)
[19:30:53] <Jymmm> FinboySlick: I've always hated the negative connotation of the word as some may use it.
[19:31:04] <FinboySlick> Jymmm: Heh, I have to learn to get stuff done. I learn the rest easy enough.
[19:31:36] <CaptHindsight> FinboySlick: you must not work at the DMV :)
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[19:32:04] <FinboySlick> CaptHindsight: Easy there, some people may be insulted.
[19:32:07] <FinboySlick> ;)
[19:32:31] <FinboySlick> I won't specify if it's the DMV or me ;)
[19:32:39] <ssi> casting is fascinating :P
[19:33:23] <FinboySlick> ssi: Yeah, everytime I start watching that stuff I'm lost for an hour or two.
[19:33:31] <ssi> yep
[19:33:50] <ssi> this guy is good at it too
[19:33:52] <FinboySlick> ssi: I waste quite a bit of time watching Keith Fenner work too.
[19:34:10] <FinboySlick> Despite his lack of love for cnc.
[19:37:14] <FinboySlick> CaptHindsight: Incidently, our Canadian equivalent to the DMV is actually pretty good, as much as I hate to praise government services.
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[19:38:26] <ssi> FinboySlick: yeah you've pretty much killed my productivity for the rest of the day
[19:38:29] <ssi> maybe week
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[21:18:14] <ssi> it's not entirely arbitrary ;)
[21:18:29] <CaptHindsight> fares jumped 90% since i last checked
[21:18:43] <Tom_itx> not surprising
[21:18:54] <Tom_itx> what gets me is all the bagage charges
[21:18:55] <ssi> yea they're high now
[21:19:00] <ssi> last time I looked it was $300
[21:19:03] <ssi> now it's $563 :(
[21:19:10] <Tom_itx> that's how it is
[21:19:11] <ssi> for that money I'll burn 100LL
[21:19:14] <ssi> but I can't go anyway
[21:19:17] <ssi> I have to go to florida
[21:19:53] <CaptHindsight> 1500 mi RT for me
[21:20:04] <Tom_itx> there may still be one or two that give you the first bag
[21:20:04] <ssi> where you coming from?
[21:20:08] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[21:20:15] <CaptHindsight> near Chicago
[21:20:29] <ssi> 688.2 nautical miles WNW
[21:20:31] <ssi> about the same for me
[21:20:44] <ssi> 1582 statute miles round trip
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[21:22:06] <ssi> only 509nm from ORD to ICT
[21:22:28] <Tom_itx> orlando?
[21:22:36] <Xfriend> andypugh: now I can see the machine working
[21:22:39] <ssi> chicago
[21:22:56] <CaptHindsight> google maps directions has it over 700mi
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[21:23:19] <ssi> 509 nautical miles great circle distance
[21:23:21] <andypugh> Xfriend: You should probably check the scale now. Program a 1" / 50mm move and see if it is accurate.
[21:23:42] <ssi> as the gps-equipped crow flies
[21:26:34] <CaptHindsight> Amtrak takes forever, it's about the same distance from Beijing to Nanjing and that train only takes 4 hours and costs $75
[21:27:13] <Tom_itx> they're talking about putting in a high speed train here
[21:27:44] <Tom_itx> the train station isn't in wichita anymore, about 25mi N in Newton
[21:28:45] <CaptHindsight> 11:45hrs by Amtrak
[21:29:11] <CaptHindsight> same as driving
[21:29:46] <ssi> I could do wichita in my cherokee in about 6 and ahalf hours one way
[21:30:03] <Tom_itx> an oddity i experienced yesterday, my pendant quit moving the axis for a bit but when i moved the axis using axis the pendant would start working again
[21:30:07] <Tom_itx> any thoughts?
[21:30:10] <ssi> but it'd cost me $800 or more
[21:30:11] <ssi> round trip
[21:30:15] <ssi> just in fuel :?
[21:30:39] <CaptHindsight> need some higher gears
[21:30:41] <Tom_itx> 7i43 7i47 for boards
[21:30:52] <ssi> no gears
[21:30:57] <ssi> that's part of the problem... it's a one speed
[21:31:00] <ssi> :)
[21:31:26] <CaptHindsight> 4k rpm at 55mph?
[21:31:33] <ssi> 2700rpm at 140mph
[21:33:23] <ssi> there's also the problem that I have to finish some work on it before I can take it anywhere
[21:33:27] <CaptHindsight> never used a pendant with those
[21:33:30] <ssi> and I'll be in florida next weekend
[21:33:40] <ssi> sucks cause I really wanted to go to wichita
[21:33:43] <ssi> but family comes first :/
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[21:37:24] <JT-Shop> I'm going to be gone most of this week to the smokey mtns
[21:37:41] <Tom_itx> didn't get enough the first time?
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[21:38:29] <JT-Shop> didn't get much the first time on I40
[21:39:00] <JT-Shop> I did see the exit sign to Maggie Valley
[21:39:02] <Tom_itx> it's usually the wee hrs of the morning by the time i hit there
[21:39:27] <Tom_itx> too busy lookin for truckers n deer to see much else
[21:40:37] <JT-Shop> yea, don't know which is more dangerous
[21:41:02] <Tom_itx> foggy slick roads
[21:41:07] <Tom_itx> at night
[21:41:11] <Tom_itx> i don't care for it much
[21:42:06] <Tom_itx> i should go try this cube code out
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[21:44:27] <CaptHindsight> LIGHT JET, seats 5-7, hourly rate $2,100 - $2,800
[21:45:15] <CaptHindsight> turbo-prop is $1,500 - $1,900 /hr
[21:45:44] <CaptHindsight> whats the range on a jetpack?
[21:46:07] <Tom_itx> depends what mountain you jump from
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[21:49:10] <ssi> only $1500/hr for a turboprop?
[21:49:17] <ssi> what is it, a pilatus PC12?
[21:50:52] <CaptHindsight> http://www.onesky.com/flightplanner/acclass.cfm
[21:51:11] <CaptHindsight> Beechcraft BE-200
[21:53:59] <ssi> $1500 for a kingair 200?
[21:54:01] <ssi> seems cheap
[21:55:09] <CaptHindsight> pretty sure it's free if it doesn't make it
[21:58:12] <ssi> probably not
[21:58:16] <ssi> I'm sure they get a cc impression up front :)
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[23:10:13] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: how many 6i65's can you use with the 6i68 + 3x20? 6?
[23:10:47] <ssi> looks like it does
[23:10:47] <CaptHindsight> sorry 7i65's with the 6i68 + 3x20
[23:12:42] <Xfriend> CNC 3040T <<< who have one of this ?
[23:12:57] <Tom_itx> is peck drill and deep hole cycle the same in linuxcnc?
[23:13:14] <Tom_itx> one retracts a given distance, the other retracts clear out of the hole
[23:15:49] <Tom_itx> i think i see the issue, i had to change my post for the original sherline to G73 for peck instead of G83
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[23:20:00] <Tom_itx> is Q the peck increment?
[23:20:06] <Tom_itx> and R the retract distance?
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[23:32:35] <CaptHindsight> anyone ever battle with these and their development environment? http://netduino.com/netduinoplus2/specs.htm STM32 cortex-m4
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[23:49:49] <JT-Shop> Tom_itx: yes
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