#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-08-09

[00:00:12] -!- Nick001-Shop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:00:17] <Valen> servos of a sane size don't turn up on ebay in australia
[00:00:24] <JT-Shop> ball screws would be much better than acme
[00:00:33] <Valen> too much work
[00:00:41] <Valen> the idea of this was to be a cheap conversion
[00:00:49] <Valen> we converted another chinese mill to CnC
[00:00:54] <JT-Shop> the linear scales are leftover f rom a DRO?
[00:01:12] <Valen> and realised we have now got a CnC chinese mill ;->
[00:01:33] <Valen> actually we got them to make a dro/CnC type thing
[00:02:36] <JT-Shop> for a lathe that size if I used steppers I would use G203v's at 80v not the 540 or 250/1 at 50v
[00:02:52] <Valen> what is the $ on a g203?
[00:02:58] <kwallace2> Acme screws are a bugger to drive. Consider how hard it is to crank a BP knee up.
[00:03:03] <JT-Shop> you have a VFD so add an encoder to it
[00:03:22] <JT-Shop> dunno what it might cost in your neck of the outback
[00:03:36] <JT-Shop> you only need 2
[00:04:01] <Valen> we were looking at making one, archivist does threading with only 64ppr on a stepper system
[00:04:27] <JT-Shop> you have a hollow spindle?
[00:04:33] <Valen> yes
[00:04:41] <kwallace2> I'd tend to go with tread mill motors and Jon's PWM amps.
[00:04:49] <JT-Shop> yea, time to make an encoder'
[00:04:59] <JT-Shop> say goodnight Gracie
[00:05:02] <Valen> kwallace2: link to pwm amps?
[00:05:09] * JT-Shop is off to the house
[00:05:14] <AR_> i just use a treadmill motor as my spindle
[00:05:32] <JT-Shop> I have one I use for a coat rack
[00:05:33] <AR_> with potentiometer control and a tachometer
[00:05:37] <AR_> lol
[00:05:38] <kwallace2> http://pico-systems.com/pwmservo.html
[00:05:40] <JT-Shop> the treadmill that is
[00:06:59] <Valen> mesa's "400w" controller is only $150 for dual channel output
[00:07:13] <tjb1> CaptHindsight: yes
[00:07:16] -!- fomox has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:09:06] <kwallace2> It has been a while since I looked at Mesa's amps but Jon's go up to 160 Volts (think speed) and 20 Amps.
[00:09:39] <Valen> they do, but thats probably more power than I need
[00:09:48] <Valen> and i don't have a psu of that much voltage on hand
[00:10:24] <jp__> my 5123 and 7i29 is looking pretty good then lol
[00:10:54] <jp__> two geeo dc motors and encoders and your set
[00:11:02] <jp__> good^
[00:12:31] -!- c-bob| has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:12:47] <jp__> if your VFD supports modbus there goes your spindle control
[00:13:57] <kwallace2> The motor supply can be unregulated, so finding a large transformer with the secondary voltage you want gets you most of the way there. Add some diodes and caps and your done. I consider 90 Volts a minimum.
[00:14:16] <Valen> I figured I needed a servo interface card ($80 or so) anyway to read the scales, so I was just going to use one of those channels to run the VFD
[00:16:50] <jp__> are the scales ttl level or 11ua or something else?
[00:16:57] <Valen> ttl
[00:17:08] <jp__> cool
[00:18:22] <jp__> how much of a hurry are you in?
[00:18:49] <Valen> becoming more urgent why?
[00:23:33] -!- asdfasd1 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[00:28:23] <Valen> got the dust extractor working http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5bwm2PpNtA
[00:28:34] -!- c-bob| [c-bob|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:29:16] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:29:44] <AR_> lol are those brooms?
[00:29:52] <Valen> one broom
[00:29:55] <Valen> cut in half ;->
[00:29:57] <Valen> works though
[00:30:14] <AR_> innovative
[00:30:24] <AR_> do you also cut metal on that?
[00:30:26] -!- _BJFreeman [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:30:27] <Valen> yeah
[00:31:06] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:31:08] <AR_> seen the coolant nozzles
[00:32:28] _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
[00:34:42] -!- slimjimflim has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:35:19] <Valen> the dust extractor will make swapping between the two much easier
[00:35:29] <Valen> used to be the bed would be covered in drifts of sawdust
[00:35:46] <Valen> have to clean it perfectly before running coolant or it'll rot
[00:35:56] <Valen> now theres hardly any sawdust
[00:36:00] * Valen pokes jp__
[00:36:23] -!- Servos4ever [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:36:40] <Valen> guess there's no point asking that guy what he thinks ;-P
[00:37:00] -!- jfire has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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[00:46:42] <jp__> hey
[00:46:45] -!- 5EXAAERHA [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:50:39] -!- alex_joni [alex_joni!~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:51:39] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Quit: had a good time]
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[00:56:24] -!- Servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.19/20130628213754]]
[00:56:25] <RyanS> Is it time consuming to square up round stock on a lath or not reallye big deal?
[00:58:24] <AR_> what
[01:00:47] <theorbtwo> RyanS: lathes aren't good at making round things square, they're more for making square things round.
[01:01:47] <AR_> i mean if you put the lathe on a mill and use the lathe as a 4th axis i guess it would work
[01:02:22] <RyanS> 4jaw mount part sideways
[01:02:57] <AR_> oh you mean a little piece
[01:03:14] <RyanS> yeah
[01:03:25] <AR_> guess its possible
[01:03:41] <AR_> why dont you just get square stock?
[01:07:42] <theorbtwo> Yeah, if it's small enough, you can square it off like that.
[01:08:35] <RyanS> true but i have heaps of round on hand
[01:08:36] shocky is now known as Guest87008
[01:15:56] <RyanS> Although I am designing a hand tapping jig, with a steel column. I don't have a mill to bore a large hole in a square bar for the arm so I figured I could do it on lath as two separate parts
[01:16:53] <RyanS> Perhaps I should just use aluminium for the arm.. I can't imagi having that much force for tapping
[01:22:03] -!- c-bob|| [c-bob||[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:22:08] <RyanS> How is your CNC mil coming along valen?
[01:22:43] -!- c-bob| has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:23:26] <NickParker> how are pentium 4's for linuxcnc?
[01:23:52] <NickParker> With 1 gig of ram and a mesa 5i25 or 6i25
[01:29:51] <NickParker> nvm found the realtime performance database
[01:29:58] <NickParker> looks like i should be fine with a graphics card
[01:35:28] <Valen> NickParker: I would get one of the dual core atom boards they seem to work well
[01:36:37] <skunkworks> although pentium 4's usually do pretty well
[01:40:10] <NickParker> I can get a p4 computer all ready for a mesa board for $80 bucks
[01:41:21] -!- tjb11 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:41:37] <NickParker> so it's more "what's available around here" than what's best
[01:41:51] <NickParker> what does better performance in the database get me? higher max step rates?
[01:41:52] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:43:06] <jp__> it would be nice if there was a little more certainty on new mobo selection
[01:43:51] -!- tjb1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[01:47:21] <PCW_> There should be a lot more choice of newer motherboards when 12.04 (precise) is available
[01:47:59] <jp__> any idea when that is?
[01:49:20] <PCW_> Sebastian just got a 3.4.something kernel working before he went on vacation so it should not be too long
[01:50:29] <PCW_> I really want to try one of those Celeron 847 motherboards (which do have a problem with 10.04 I think)
[01:53:30] <jp__> yeah i was looking at mobos today for a build and just seems like a bit of pin the tail
[01:55:27] <PCW_> the E350 APU MBs seem OK
[01:55:54] <jp__> i wll take a look
[01:56:34] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:57:37] <skunkworks> NickParker: if you are running mesa boards.. You really only need a good servo period..
[01:58:10] <skunkworks> You are not looking for software step generation which might require really good latency. <20us
[01:59:10] <skunkworks> with needing only a servo thread 1-2khz - you can get by with higher latency - around 50us or maybe more.. (PCW would be an better judge..)
[01:59:39] <skunkworks> because the mesa hardware does all the heavy lifting.. (pwm gen, step gen, encoder counting and such)
[01:59:54] <PCW_> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128597 might be ok the earlier non-Win 8 one was
[01:59:57] <skunkworks> so the computer doesn't have to
[02:00:49] <NickParker> i'm using this to drive 4 phase unipolar steppers
[02:01:03] <jp__> http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157228
[02:01:04] <NickParker> but you said stepgen is done on mesa, so good i guess
[02:01:14] <jp__> waht about that one
[02:01:57] <skunkworks> NickParker: are you doing step/dir or controlling each phase?
[02:02:15] <PCW_> dont know, a little more expensive and no PCI (PCIE instead)
[02:02:33] <NickParker> each phase
[02:03:17] <skunkworks> I don't think mesa hardware is setup to do that..
[02:03:26] <NickParker> I've got stepper drivers all wired up from the original bandit controller that are simply "Power this and this phase is on. Don't and this phase will be off"
[02:03:32] <NickParker> 4 inputs for 4 phases basically
[02:03:47] <PCW_> possibly if its just quadrature/inverted quadrature
[02:04:03] <NickParker> i was under the impression that mesa hardware was basically just a way to get more I/O on the board
[02:04:07] <NickParker> sounds like that isn't the case?
[02:04:35] <PCW_> it gives you that but much more
[02:05:49] <PCW_> PWMgens encoder counters, step generators, high speed serial interfaces, watchdog etc
[02:05:53] <NickParker> ok. and I'm not too worried, kwallace has the exact same drivers as me working with linuxcnc
[02:05:57] <PCW_> bbl
[02:08:26] -!- Guest87008 has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[02:09:55] <Valen> mesa stuff pushes all the high speed stuff into the card
[02:09:57] <Valen> tis nice
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[06:48:03] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[13:08:09] -!- alosindustrials [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:08:13] alosindustrials is now known as JesusAlos
[13:08:19] <JesusAlos> hi
[13:09:39] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:11:57] <JesusAlos> I looking for a cnc free linux-windows gcode simulator
[13:12:38] <cradek> you can run linuxcnc in sim mode on any linux system
[13:13:14] <archivist> or try http://openscam.com/
[13:15:50] knownasilya12 is now known as knownasilya
[13:20:23] -!- joe9 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:23:47] <`Nerobro> open scam?
[13:24:00] <JesusAlos> I install Openscam, but,
[13:24:08] <JesusAlos> how can run it?
[13:24:18] <JesusAlos> It not appear in program menu
[13:25:19] <archivist> we do not support it, you should know how to run a program in your os
[13:26:08] <JesusAlos> i use ubuntu 10.04
[13:27:59] <jthornton> probably need to add it to the menu then, but if your using 10.04 why bother with it?
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[13:30:27] <JesusAlos> I put in a line command openscam
[13:30:31] <JesusAlos> but not lunch
[13:32:53] <jdh> too early for lunch.
[13:33:03] <archivist> I just had lunch
[13:33:36] <Tom_itx> was it good or should i pass today?
[13:34:14] <JesusAlos> I installed openscam now
[13:34:20] <archivist> I had to sudo self to get sammich made
[13:34:46] <JesusAlos> launch
[13:34:59] <JesusAlos> sorry for my english
[13:35:19] <jdh> Jesus: find the bin, use the full path. Or add the path, or symlink it to your path
[13:36:29] <jdh> anyone have suggestions for how to align my Z ballscrew/nut on my lathe. I have no good fixed reference points.
[13:37:42] <Jymmm> jdh: have any SS rod?
[13:37:44] <archivist> dti on the saddle to the screw peaks
[13:38:01] <jdh> Jym: nothing straight.
[13:38:25] <jdh> archivist I tried that for initial testing. The screw has a slight bow though
[13:38:52] <Jymmm> jdh: chuck up a known diameter rod, and zero out Z to it
[13:39:03] <archivist> rotate the screw take the average
[13:39:18] -!- JesusAlos has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120310193829]]
[13:39:33] <jdh> average could work. Wonder how close it needs to be.
[13:40:36] <archivist> there will be an error(small) if bending in use, you can set either end probably to get pretty close
[13:41:09] <jdh> I'm not so worried about the lead error due to the bending, but I don't want to load the nut too much from it
[13:41:22] <archivist> the amount out will look much worse at the ends of the travel
[13:41:53] <jdh> there should be non-travel space at either end of the screw so that won't be too bad
[13:43:13] <jdh> I can't really make the ball nut mount until I know where the screw ends up
[13:43:55] <archivist> or make the mount to allow adjustment
[13:44:55] <jdh> I can pretty easily allow adjustment in one direction (in/out or up/down) but doing both could be difficult. Could make it sort and shim as needed.
[13:45:05] <jdh> short
[13:46:03] <archivist> hmm I may go and to an experimental linuxcnc generated straight bevel gear
[13:46:19] <archivist> to/try
[13:53:30] -!- md-2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:58:55] <jdh> openscam looks kind of almost cool. It seems to run the toolpath forever in forward then reverse though.
[14:00:20] -!- JesusAlos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:00:25] <JesusAlos> openscam: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_filesystem.so.1.40.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[14:00:38] -!- AR_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:00:38] <JesusAlos> is the error when type openscam
[14:01:10] <JesusAlos> I installed the package : sudo apt-get install libboost-regex-dev
[14:01:29] <JesusAlos> but no run openscam
[14:01:39] <jdh> dunno what they are, but I'd think -regex and -filesystem are different
[14:05:02] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[14:09:48] <jdh> did you install openscam_0.0.11_i386.deb ?
[14:16:34] * JT-Shop is making a G code generator for tapped holes
[14:17:42] <jdh> do you have to finish holes by hand when rigid tapping blind holes?
[14:19:09] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:21:15] <JesusAlos> jdh: yes
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[14:28:36] <JT-Shop> jdh: finish?
[14:29:22] <JT-Shop> perhaps a blind hole that is the same depth as the tap you would want to tap the final bit by hand but otherwise no
[14:29:59] <jdh> I've only seen pics of those taps, looked like there was a substantial gap at the bottom
[14:38:47] <cradek> you can't easily/safely get threads right to the bottom of a blind hole
[14:39:08] <cradek> avoid needing it by redesigning the part if at all possible
[14:41:00] <JT-Shop> yep
[14:41:48] <JT-Shop> jdh: http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/machining/taps.html
[14:42:18] <cradek> I suppose with thread milling you can, but for normal tap-size holes that takes very special tooling and a very precise mill
[14:42:57] <JT-Shop> and is slow
[14:43:34] <JT-Shop> thanks for reminding me I need to shorten up the ramp time on the BP spindle VFD
[14:46:30] <mozmck> Hey, all you have to do it tap it by hand! Easy to get threads to the bottom :)
[14:46:56] <cradek> yes probably with three different taps
[14:47:50] <mozmck> Yeah, can't get started with a tap that will do that. I made a bottoming tap by grinding the tip off a standard taper tap.
[14:48:04] <cradek> smart - I will remember that
[14:48:41] <jdh> I made one by snapping half the tap off in a hole.
[14:48:46] <cradek> haha
[14:48:53] <cradek> less smart but just as effective
[14:49:22] <mozmck> :)
[14:49:39] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:50:47] <archivist> last time I snapped a tap off in a blind hole a quick trip to the spark eroder shop cured it
[14:52:32] -!- ctbenergy [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:58:40] <JT-Shop> I can't start a hand tap straight often
[14:58:51] -!- kwallace2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:59:18] <archivist> machine taps in a battery drill
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[15:55:17] <JesusAlos> I need help to install cambam
[15:55:37] <JesusAlos> follow the steps in the officilal website, but don't run
[15:55:40] <archivist> why are you telling us
[15:56:01] <JesusAlos> Maybe som people have experiencie
[15:56:23] <JesusAlos> don't you think it?
[15:57:34] <archivist> I think plenty do, but you did not ask a reasonable question, step one, read error messages
[15:59:10] <archivist> having spoken to the writer of cambam, he is a reasonable person to ask
[16:03:24] -!- dhrasmus has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[16:06:36] <ReadError> you cant even INSTALL it??
[16:06:46] <ReadError> windows is like open, next next next done
[16:09:48] <JT-Shop> try #cam
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[16:22:42] <JesusAlos> I install it in windows but not linux
[16:22:46] <JesusAlos> thank. I try in cam
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[17:02:42] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:02:47] <IchGuckLive> hi all
[17:03:40] <jthornton> hi
[17:04:11] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: still on dwelloc
[17:06:25] <JesusAlos> Hi
[17:06:32] <IchGuckLive> B)
[17:06:32] <JesusAlos> no
[17:06:35] <JesusAlos> :)
[17:06:39] <JesusAlos> now
[17:06:49] <JesusAlos> I will work in 3D printer
[17:07:32] <IchGuckLive> big printer O.O as you work inside
[17:09:12] <JesusAlos> I have work with this
[17:11:00] <JesusAlos> but now I finishing a new 3 axis foam milling machine
[17:11:12] <JesusAlos> and puting on work
[17:11:40] <IchGuckLive> good to go for
[17:11:44] <JesusAlos> have a problem with electrical noise (I think say in English)
[17:12:13] <IchGuckLive> on the servos
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[17:12:28] <JesusAlos> no
[17:12:34] <JesusAlos> stteper
[17:12:43] <IchGuckLive> ah you downgrades
[17:13:02] <JesusAlos> :)
[17:13:03] <IchGuckLive> so i guess the voltige is to low
[17:13:11] <JesusAlos> yes
[17:13:13] <IchGuckLive> 48V is best to go for
[17:13:13] <JesusAlos> 5V
[17:13:41] <JesusAlos> control 5V. Sttepers 60V
[17:13:44] <IchGuckLive> 5V on a 2,3V stepper is near hammering a coil
[17:14:14] <IchGuckLive> are the drivers capable of the 60
[17:14:45] <JesusAlos> http://www.rta.it/es/prodotti.php?id_prodotto=42
[17:14:50] <JesusAlos> this for the XY
[17:15:04] BJfreeman is now known as Guest81286
[17:15:04] <IchGuckLive> oh italian electronic on spain mashines !!!
[17:15:10] _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
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[17:15:22] <JesusAlos> http://www.rta.it/es/prodotti.php?id_prodotto=12
[17:15:26] <JesusAlos> and this Z
[17:15:28] <IchGuckLive> by the way we had 35 spanish people to train this week
[17:15:36] <JesusAlos> yes italian
[17:16:15] <JesusAlos> train?
[17:16:39] <IchGuckLive> trainies
[17:17:31] <IchGuckLive> this drives are not for Steppers
[17:17:37] <JesusAlos> about what?
[17:17:59] <IchGuckLive> but they work as they got a 500stepsequenz for the AC use of a stepper
[17:18:26] <IchGuckLive> so they drive your stepper as a servo motor there is your noice
[17:19:14] <JesusAlos> no
[17:19:33] <JesusAlos> about the noise, I refer a electrical perturbations
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[17:19:59] <JesusAlos> I don't know how say in english
[17:20:02] <JesusAlos> you know?
[17:20:28] <archivist> electrical noise
[17:20:53] <JesusAlos> http://mercadoelectrico.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/ruido1.jpg
[17:21:35] <JesusAlos> ok, so have problem with this. A swith go on-off
[17:21:51] <JesusAlos> in 5V paralel port interface
[17:21:58] <JesusAlos> chinesse card
[17:22:34] <JesusAlos> http://www.topelectronics.com.au/image-x/xbox_lover/Dong%20Guang%20HY/5-AXIS%20CNC_/0003.jpg
[17:22:37] <JesusAlos> is this
[17:23:45] <IchGuckLive> %V comes from USB or external
[17:23:48] <IchGuckLive> 5v
[17:24:40] <JesusAlos> USB
[17:24:49] <JesusAlos> but try with external too
[17:25:05] <JesusAlos> and noise too
[17:26:03] <JesusAlos> I used capacitors betwin signal an +
[17:26:21] <JesusAlos> and go better, but not enought
[17:26:38] <JesusAlos> signal of swith
[17:26:46] <IchGuckLive> what about a pullup
[17:26:50] <JesusAlos> not stepper signals
[17:26:54] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[17:27:25] <IchGuckLive> is there still the reay present
[17:27:40] <IchGuckLive> relay need a diode
[17:28:28] <JesusAlos> not use relay
[17:28:38] <IchGuckLive> but its there
[17:29:18] <IchGuckLive> what pinnumber is causing the noice
[17:29:57] <JesusAlos> Z
[17:30:13] <JesusAlos> is the nearest to spindle
[17:30:34] <JesusAlos> spindle run with variator speed
[17:30:51] <IchGuckLive> spindle is pin 9
[17:31:03] <JesusAlos> drive V/F
[17:31:09] <IchGuckLive> pin 8 is zDirection
[17:31:16] <JesusAlos> no use spindle with the card
[17:31:32] <JesusAlos> because my drive is 24V and the card output is 5V
[17:33:11] <JesusAlos> maybe use pull-up resistor
[17:34:43] <IchGuckLive> how long did the shipment take to spain from Australia
[17:35:55] <JesusAlos> Buy to China
[17:36:01] <JesusAlos> about 2 weeks
[17:36:22] <IchGuckLive> i got it in 52 days O.O
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[17:56:20] <IchGuckLive> im off by B)
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[17:59:13] <cradek> wow http://lincoln.craigslist.org/tls/3952484413.html
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[18:03:00] <JesusAlos> Machine for all live
[18:03:22] <JesusAlos> other CNC simulator please?
[18:03:43] <JesusAlos> like cute view, but for windows and linux
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[18:10:51] <ReadError> if i wanted a cute view not sure i would watch a CNC simulator
[18:10:53] <ReadError> just sayin...
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[18:37:50] <JesusAlos> see you people
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[19:43:58] <gambakufu> what voltage should I use to signal input pins?
[19:44:37] <PCW_> billions and billions
[19:44:46] <cradek> how long is a stick?
[19:45:43] <gambakufu> I'm guessing my question is vague? :)
[19:45:44] <cradek> gambakufu: what we're trying to say is: you'll have to ask a more detailed question to get a good answer.
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[19:48:01] <gambakufu> I'm not sure if this makes sense - I want to hookup an external device to some of my unused pins in the parallel port. as I understand it I can program linuxcnc to perform certain actions when certain pins get a high/low singal. considering that, I want to know what voltage would constitute a high signal.
[19:48:31] <cradek> aha
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[19:50:10] <cradek> a 1994 ibm faq says +2.4 to +5 is "high"
[19:50:25] <cradek> I'd rather have between 3.3 and 5
[19:50:53] <gambakufu> ok... I think I'll do more digging before frying my computer and controller :)
[19:51:17] <archivist> a pullup resistor to 5 v is usual
[19:52:27] <cradek> yes pullup and a switch to ground is a good setup
[19:54:10] <JT-Shop> hmm a M0 followed by a M5 stops program execution
[20:02:44] <cradek> huh?
[20:11:08] <JT-Shop> yea, if I put something else after M0 the program will continue as expeced
[20:14:49] <JT-Shop> hmm, won't do it in axis sim
[20:14:57] <JT-Shop> I was running Touchy
[20:15:11] <JT-Shop> and using the start button to resume from M0
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[20:21:57] <JT-Shop> now I can't reproduce it :(
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[20:25:45] <cradek> argh
[20:25:56] <cradek> I saw a terrible bug in ja3 the other day and also couldn't reproduce it
[20:26:00] <cradek> it's maddening
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[21:08:06] <PCW_> JT-Shop are you running master? brave enough to try a 7I77 firmware upgrade?
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[21:14:51] <JT-Shop> PCW_: I have master on the BP but I'm running a patched version of 2.5 at the moment. What does the firmware do?
[21:18:28] * JT-Shop is heading to the weekly FES meeting I'll read back
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[21:23:12] <PCW_> It has fewer bugs mainly but it also adds the 1x mpg input capability to 4 field I/O inputs
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[21:28:05] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[22:42:57] <nwmcsween> hi
[22:43:48] <nwmcsween> is there an definitive resource for plans for say a plasma table, etc?
[22:45:23] <nwmcsween> and why does linuxcnc require RTAI or RTLinux isn't current 3.10+ realtime work work (>60ns) good enough?
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[23:07:54] <PCW_> Real time requirements depend on what you are doing (generating step signals in software is the most demanding)
[23:09:53] <nwmcsween> what about plans for creating cnc equipment?
[23:10:12] <PCW_> 60 usec would be pretty slow for software step generation (especially if higher ustep ratios than 1/4 stepping are used)
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[23:16:03] <kwallace2> PCW_ , My mill uses type 9 software stepping my unipolar driver. Page 66 here: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/2.2/EMC2_Integrator_Manual.pdf . Are there any options for doing the same with a 5i25?
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[23:40:28] <PCW_> No, (the hardware is there but the driver does no support it)
[23:40:29] <PCW_> that is there's a 16 deep by 6 wide lookup pattern table and
[23:40:31] <PCW_> a pattern length register (its always been there) but no driver support
[23:41:27] <PCW_> You actually could poke at the registers with the raw-write mode and get it to work
[23:42:22] <PCW_> probaby no more than a 30 line setup component
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