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[00:28:10] <KimK_2> Aero-Tec: What kind of machine are you working with?
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[00:29:18] <Aero-Tec> lathe
[00:29:30] <KimK_2> Ah, OK.
[00:29:36] <Aero-Tec> just got a home system for the x axis
[00:29:56] <KimK_2> That's good
[00:29:58] <Aero-Tec> wanting to get away from doing a cut and measure
[00:30:24] <Aero-Tec> set up a dial gage to zero the x axis
[00:30:38] <Aero-Tec> but now I am lost at what to do
[00:30:56] <Aero-Tec> tool one is not zeroed to the new home
[00:30:58] <KimK_2> Stepper motors and no encoders?
[00:31:17] <Aero-Tec> servo with encoders
[00:31:30] <KimK_2> OK, good. And home switches?
[00:31:38] <Aero-Tec> just a quick zero setup
[00:31:41] <Aero-Tec> no
[00:31:45] <Aero-Tec> dial gage
[00:32:04] <Aero-Tec> it was quick and easy to do
[00:32:49] <Aero-Tec> so does the tool selected do anything when setting the tool table zero?
[00:33:35] <KimK_2> I think there's also available the "home encoders" method, where you have witness lines that are "pretty close" that you manually jog to, and then when you home, it finds the encoder index exactly.
[00:33:45] <Aero-Tec> I have been just setting work offset to tool one and setting all other tools from that
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[00:34:09] <Aero-Tec> cool
[00:34:10] <KimK_2> Your dial gage would serve nicely as a witness line on that axis, if you like.
[00:34:22] <Aero-Tec> that would work good, if I had a index
[00:34:34] <Aero-Tec> the encodes I have right now do not
[00:34:43] <KimK_2> Ah, servos and no index? OK, too bad.
[00:35:07] <KimK_2> I guess you'll be looking for a second dial indicator, then?
[00:35:24] <Aero-Tec> so how much do you know about setting home and zeroing things out?
[00:35:30] <Aero-Tec> and about offsets?
[00:35:46] <Aero-Tec> I have several
[00:36:02] <Aero-Tec> one had lost its ball end
[00:36:13] <Aero-Tec> so it worked out good for that I did
[00:36:47] <Aero-Tec> was a quick hack job but it works well
[00:37:07] <Aero-Tec> now I just have to work out offset and setting things up
[00:37:13] <Valen> jp_: you around?
[00:37:43] <KimK_2> Well, I can describe the situation on a mill, where you have more flexibility (you're not confined to being on-center, you can have seperate fixtures on the table at one time, etc.) and then you can use your imagination to transfer to a lathe.
[00:38:19] <Aero-Tec> what the zero fixture thing all about?
[00:38:34] <KimK_2> This is my preference, but there are many ways to skin the cat, others may differ. Any way that works for you is fine.
[00:38:55] <Aero-Tec> I have been using zero to work piece
[00:39:37] <Aero-Tec> I have no idea what I am doing here
[00:40:07] <KimK_2> Do you have fixed changeable tools, like a turret or a set of aloris slip-on tool post holders?
[00:40:07] <Aero-Tec> JT tut is of some help but what if the tool selected has not been zeroed
[00:40:39] <Aero-Tec> what good is selecting fixture and tool when tool is not zeroed yet?
[00:41:14] <Aero-Tec> also hw does home work into all this?
[00:41:19] <Aero-Tec> how
[00:41:22] <KimK_2> Do you have fixed changeable tools, like a turret or a set of aloris slip-on tool post holders?
[00:41:50] <KimK_2> Or is your tool different every time you change it?
[00:41:54] <Aero-Tec> set of aloris slip-on tool post holders
[00:41:58] <KimK_2> OK, great.
[00:42:02] <Aero-Tec> lots of them
[00:42:17] <Aero-Tec> all zeroed to tool one
[00:42:36] <Aero-Tec> so I zero tool one and all others are zeroed as well
[00:43:26] <KimK_2> OK, you're using the "reference tool" method? That's fine, although I prefer not to do it that way.
[00:43:36] <Aero-Tec> but I zero the work piece on offset 1
[00:43:54] <Aero-Tec> for a mill I would not use it.
[00:44:10] <Aero-Tec> but for a lathe it made sense
[00:44:31] <Aero-Tec> now I want to home and have all tools homed from that
[00:44:46] <Aero-Tec> or zeroed from that I should say
[00:46:53] <KimK_2> You can do the mill method on a lathe. On a mill, set the tool offsets relative to the table, with a fixture activated that you always leave at 0,0,0. I prefer G59.3 for this, because everybody and his dog writes something to G54. On a lathe, maybe relative to the chuck face, if you always use the same chuck for everything, maybe the spindle nose if you're swapping chucks all the time. Whatever works.
[00:48:47] <KimK_2> Then your reference is a fixed location/distance, and all your tools have an offset relative to it.
[00:49:46] <KimK_2> Then you offset for your fixture/part holder (soft jaws?) and set part zero where you want it.
[00:51:46] <KimK_2> You can have multiple fixtures on a lathe, but they'll have to all be on-center, just different Z distances. Does any of this halp?
[00:52:00] <KimK_2> Ha, s/halp/help/
[00:55:52] <KimK_2> Here's a YouTube video where the guy uses a USB microscope to set tool offsets:
[00:55:53] <z256> (zb0IQPHbU0g) "DIY Optical tool setter for a Haas lathe" by "MuellerNick" is "Tech" - Length: 0:03:45
[00:56:23] <KimK_2> Ha, thanks, z256, great minds think alike?
[00:56:59] <z256> did you have eggs and ham this morning too ?
[00:57:06] <z256> me either
[01:00:22] <KimK_2> Aero-Tec: So did any of this help?
[01:01:13] <Aero-Tec> reading it now
[01:02:13] <KimK_2> I'll check back in a bit
[01:02:32] <Aero-Tec> I would like to understand home and what that does and how other things relate to home
[01:03:57] <Aero-Tec> also what the differince from fixture zeroing and work zeroing?
[01:04:02] <Aero-Tec> oops
[01:04:06] <KimK_2> Home is the machine reference zero, G53's 0,0,0. It's a known location that the machine (hopefully) can get back to upon power up.
[01:04:12] <Aero-Tec> difference
[01:05:00] <KimK_2> I think those are basically the same thing: fixture, work holder, part holder.
[01:05:02] <Aero-Tec> ok, so how do you zero tool offset one to home?
[01:05:58] <Aero-Tec> jp said something about using fixture setting to set tool table zero
[01:06:06] <Aero-Tec> not sure how that works out
[01:06:36] <z256> whats a good onn off value for teacup heatbed ?
[01:06:42] <z256> oops
[01:07:39] <KimK_2> You have to decide on your reference location, what do you want to use to set your tools to? When you're setting your tool lengths, you want your fixture offset shut off. LinuxCNC doesn't have a good way to do that so reserve one fixture for 0,0,0.
[01:13:16] <Aero-Tec> I am using tool 1
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[01:13:54] <Aero-Tec> but would like to be able to set home and have it set zero for tool one as well
[01:14:18] <Aero-Tec> will have to look at it more
[01:15:25] <KimK_2> If you can get Z homed, your tool Z offsets will be as they were. To do the same on X, I guess you'll need another dial indicator.
[01:19:23] <KimK_2> I think there's a home method that ignores everything, "just home right here". I've never used it.
[01:19:43] <KimK_2> It would be in the integrator
[01:19:48] <KimK_2> Oops
[01:20:00] <KimK_2> It would be in the integrator's manual in the homing section
[01:20:25] <KimK_2> Back in a bit
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[01:41:18] <spack> KimK_2: do you have experience with bostomatics?
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[01:43:45] <KimK_2> spack: No, but went to survey one a few weeks ago. Nothing has happened with it yet though.
[01:45:19] <spack> which model?
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[01:46:50] <KimK_2> I don't recall, but it was a 5-axis.
[01:47:18] <KimK_2> XYZBC
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[01:48:03] <KimK_2> It had a small carousel too.
[01:52:02] <Aero-Tec> I zero Z to the work
[01:52:19] <Aero-Tec> x is now zeroed by dial gage
[01:52:40] <Aero-Tec> I hope to have it zeroed using a gage
[01:53:18] <KimK_2> Oh, OK, I thought you had the one dial on Z. Sorry, I was confused.
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[01:54:12] <Aero-Tec> back to hacking away at this to figure it out
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[02:06:15] <spack> KimK_2: nice
[02:06:54] <spack> main thing i'm concerned with at this point is getting what is probably a 93" tall machine through what is probably an 84" high garage door
[02:15:00] -!- jp_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:15:41] <Tom_itx> we had to remove the z servo on one once to get it inside
[02:15:56] <Tom_itx> then cut a hole in an exhisting celing for clearance
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[02:16:52] <nspiel> Hi, i am reading the linuxcnc manuals and I am having a hard time understanding what the base period is. Can anybody help clarify?
[02:17:49] <Tom_itx> nspiel, are you using mesa cards?
[02:17:58] <nspiel> yep.
[02:17:59] <Tom_itx> you don't need the base period, rather the servo period
[02:18:24] <nspiel> so the base period is for servo communication without mesa cards from the parallel port?
[02:18:59] <skunkworks> base period would be for things like software step generation - or software pwm generation (high speed stuff that your mesa card does instead)
[02:19:14] <nspiel> right, ok. That makes sense now. Thank you
[02:19:23] <Tom_itx> it's the base timing unit for all events
[02:19:26] <Tom_itx> i would say
[02:20:00] <Tom_itx> you add things to the servo thread and the base thread in the hal file
[02:20:39] <spack> Tom_itx: heh, pretty sure i at least won't have to modify the ceiling
[02:20:48] <spack> was removing/replacing the z servo pretty straightforward?
[02:21:04] <Tom_itx> yeah
[02:21:18] <Tom_itx> it was on a small fadal
[02:21:23] <spack>
[02:22:12] <skunkworks> sad day
[02:22:15] <spack> i guess there might be something unboltable in that sheet metal box on top
[02:25:54] <Tom_itx> skunkworks, can't win em all
[02:26:24] <Tom_itx> it'll take just as long with mach3
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[02:28:20] <nspiel> has anyone optimized their systems PID constants by characterizing system dynamics?
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[02:41:30] <nspiel> also, what is TWOPASS? Can anyone clarify? I'm having a hard time understanding
[02:46:29] <Tom_itx> sry, haven't heard that one yet
[02:53:26] <Tom_itx>
[02:54:01] <Tom_itx> looks like it may be a new naming convention
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[02:55:46] <Tom_itx> not sure
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[03:00:00] <nspiel> yep thats where i read it
[03:00:43] <Tom_itx> i'm pretty sure i still use an older method and am not familiar with that yet
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[03:02:28] <Tom_itx> i guess i have used it a couple times in that i have named a couple functions
[03:02:42] <Tom_itx> but didn't know it was TWOPASS :)
[03:03:30] <Aero-Tec> skunkworks, you still around?
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[03:13:02] <skunkworks> yes?
[03:13:42] <Aero-Tec> can I pick your brain for a bit?
[03:14:19] <nspiel> can anyone elaborate on what Neutral Message Language is?
[03:15:33] <t12> when machining flat parts, as a cutout, where you would normally use tabs
[03:15:34] <Aero-Tec> I would love some help with understanding offset and homing and how they all work together
[03:15:35] <skunkworks> nspiel: I think you are getting too deep...
[03:15:42] <t12> is there some way that the full machining is accomplished without tabs?
[03:15:53] <t12> like if all the surfaces the tabs would be on matter
[03:15:57] <Jymmm> Google is your friend... NML - Neutral Message Language provides a mechanism for handling multiple types of messages in the same buffer as well as simplifying the interface for encoding and decoding buffers in neutral format and the configuration mechanism.
[03:16:06] <skunkworks> Aero-Tec: what is your issue?
[03:16:13] <t12> custom jig to hold the whole mess? machine part and then screw it down?
[03:16:41] <Aero-Tec> I just set up a dial gage for the X axis of my lathe
[03:16:49] <nspiel> Skunkwork, i want to learn everything needed to code the HAL and INI files in order to get my scara working
[03:17:08] <skunkworks> you don't need to know nml then.
[03:17:14] <Jymmm> nspiel: Again, google is your friend...
[03:17:21] <Aero-Tec> up till now I would zero my tool one and every other tool would be zeroed as well
[03:18:32] <Aero-Tec> I would like to zero with dial and have that zero tool one and that would zero the rest
[03:18:58] <Aero-Tec> so what does homing really do?
[03:19:10] <Aero-Tec> I know it zeros the machine
[03:19:11] <Jymmm> Aero-Tec: try that agian with some punctuation this time.
[03:19:20] <nspiel> i meant more physically what is is
[03:19:22] <nspiel> it is
[03:19:23] <Aero-Tec> but how does that zero or effect the axis?
[03:20:25] <Jymmm> nspiel:
[03:20:52] <Jymmm> nspiel:
[03:20:55] <Aero-Tec> I set up a dial indicator at the end of the positive travel of x axis
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[03:21:36] <nspiel> thank you, jymmm that clarifies it
[03:22:25] <Aero-Tec> I would like to use that for home and to also zero the x axis, of course the zero for X can not be at the positive end of the X axis so some home I need to have some sort of offset
[03:22:35] <Aero-Tec> but how do I do that?
[03:23:28] <Aero-Tec> some how not some home
[03:24:40] <Jymmm> Aero-Tec: I think you're confusing ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE positioning.
[03:24:43] <Tom_itx> nspiel, you don't need to know _everything_ to code a hal file. i'm witness to that
[03:25:20] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: but you're a code monkey, so you dont count.
[03:25:42] <Aero-Tec> can I set tool 1 zero for work offset 1 at the same time as setting up home?
[03:26:01] <nspiel> lol code monkey
[03:26:16] <Tom_itx> i'd say we all are to a point. why would he posess a robotic arm and want to convert it if he weren't
[03:26:32] <Aero-Tec> right so home is absolute zero for machine
[03:26:45] <Tom_itx> home is machine zero
[03:26:59] <Tom_itx> from there you have G54 etc work offsets
[03:27:16] <Aero-Tec> but can one also do tool 1 offset for work offset 1 at the same time?
[03:27:19] <Tom_itx> the tool table works off home offsets
[03:27:30] <Tom_itx> i found that out the hard way
[03:27:57] <Tom_itx> at least for Z
[03:28:14] <Aero-Tec> what with fixture offset?
[03:28:30] <Aero-Tec> some how that set tooltable offset?
[03:28:38] <Tom_itx> rephrase that
[03:28:38] <Aero-Tec> so I read
[03:29:04] <Aero-Tec> I have fought with offsets as well
[03:29:22] <Aero-Tec> crash city when setting up new tooling
[03:29:52] <Tom_itx> use touch off to workpiece from the machine menu
[03:30:01] <Tom_itx> at least i do
[03:30:12] <Tom_itx> i also use work offsets all the time
[03:30:13] <Aero-Tec> it was from trying to do fixture offsets
[03:30:38] <Tom_itx> all my gcode has a G54 by default
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[03:31:02] <Aero-Tec> as soon as I stopped using fixture offsets and stuck with work offsets I was fine
[03:31:15] <Aero-Tec> mine to
[03:31:37] <Aero-Tec> no point with other offset on a lathe
[03:31:39] <pcw_home> skunkworks: I'm not convinced that that guy actually has the drives configured correctly (even a 1.5v battery would do to check)
[03:31:43] <Tom_itx> probably not
[03:31:46] <Aero-Tec> at least non I can think of
[03:32:06] <Tom_itx> if you have to change tools manually and touch off it might be different
[03:34:00] <Aero-Tec> the only way I can see to set home and zero x at the same time is to know the offset distance from zero/home for tool 1 and enter it in manually each time I set the machine up
[03:34:20] <AR_> if you arent doing production, you shouldnt be complaining about having to touch off
[03:34:25] <AR_> it's not that big of a deal lol
[03:34:30] <Tom_itx> no not really
[03:34:34] <Tom_itx> it is handy though
[03:34:41] <nspiel> is there always a base thread and a servo thread
[03:34:44] <skunkworks> pcw_home: did you talk to him?
[03:34:44] <Tom_itx> i preset alot of my tools
[03:34:57] <Aero-Tec> I am doing production
[03:35:04] <Tom_itx> nspiel, yes but mesa cards don't use the base thread
[03:35:38] <Aero-Tec> last I looked mach could not use mesa stuff
[03:36:04] <nspiel> weird. So everything is just run on the servo thread? including all the commands that need to be updated at a high rate
[03:36:42] <Aero-Tec> so any help in zeroing tool one at the same time as setting home?
[03:36:45] <Tom_itx> it handles the timing onboard
[03:36:59] <Tom_itx> pcw_home can enlighten you on that
[03:37:31] <nspiel> nice. Also are you an electrical engineer? Your CNC PSU is awesome
[03:38:05] <Tom_itx> me? no
[03:38:28] <Tom_itx> nearly all surplus stuff
[03:38:28] <Aero-Tec> am I off base with what I am trying to do?
[03:38:55] <Tom_itx> Aero-Tec have you looked at jt's page on that?
[03:38:59] <nspiel> i really want to learn how to make awesome electronic stuff
[03:39:02] <Aero-Tec> yes
[03:39:30] <Aero-Tec> but it was not so clear to me
[03:39:37] <Tom_itx> he could probably explain it better. i still get confused
[03:40:26] <nspiel> I am sort of confused on the loadusr
[03:40:41] <Aero-Tec> I will have to play with it some
[03:41:25] <pcw_home> skunkworks he was on the forum
[03:42:19] <Tom_itx> nspiel i don't understand it all either but i did get it working
[03:42:34] <Tom_itx> loadusr likely loads a function into user space
[03:43:08] <nspiel> but its for hal communication with the ui?
[03:43:19] <Tom_itx> i believe so
[03:43:24] <nspiel> oh ok cool
[03:43:42] <Tom_itx> for communication between layers at least.
[03:43:57] <Tom_itx> which layers... not sure
[03:44:52] <nspiel> how did u know how to make your psu
[03:46:12] <Tom_itx> read about what i wanted to do and what it would require
[03:46:26] <Tom_itx> and started hunting for stuff to do that with
[03:46:58] <Tom_itx> local surplus had those 3 identical transformers
[03:47:01] <Tom_itx> so i went with that
[03:47:12] <Tom_itx> was gonna get a toriod but found those first
[03:47:32] <Tom_itx> sorta wish it was a bit higher voltage but not complaining
[03:48:42] <pcw_home> add a boost xfrmr
[03:48:48] <Tom_itx> meh
[03:49:09] <Tom_itx> this was done on the cheap
[03:49:15] <Aero-Tec> BTW JT page says
[03:49:17] <Aero-Tec> X Offset
[03:49:17] <Aero-Tec> With the tool loaded you can use either the dowel method or the turn and measure method to set the X offset for the tool table. For a drill holder you can indicate the drill in the center of the spindle for X0.
[03:49:19] <Tom_itx> for that, it turned out ok
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[03:49:40] <pcw_home> If they are toroids pull a few new turns through
[03:49:52] <Aero-Tec> he still has to cut and measure for setting up the tooling
[03:49:52] <Tom_itx> mine are old transformers
[03:50:17] <nspiel> it seems like signal is kind of an ambiguous term in this documentation
[03:50:21] <Aero-Tec> I was wanting to bypass that if possible
[03:52:06] <Aero-Tec> to bad one can not run code in the tool table
[03:52:37] <Tom_itx> ?
[03:52:38] <Aero-Tec> tool 1 x offset is home - some value
[03:53:26] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:54:00] <Tom_itx> if you set all your tools to the same point they will be
[03:54:17] <Tom_itx> then set your work offset from the current tool i believe
[03:54:45] <Aero-Tec> not following
[03:55:05] <Aero-Tec> set all tools to same point?
[03:55:15] <Tom_itx> the same x z point in space
[03:55:26] <Aero-Tec> I have then all working off of tool 1
[03:55:38] <Aero-Tec> so zeroing tool one zeros them all
[03:55:47] <Tom_itx> how's that working out?
[03:55:58] <Aero-Tec> good so far
[03:56:13] <Aero-Tec> just a pain when the power goes out
[03:56:27] <Tom_itx> i haven't set up a lathe so i'm not sure but i think i'd do it the same as i did my mill
[03:56:35] <Aero-Tec> or some other crash that stops things
[03:56:39] <Tom_itx> it should save the tool table
[03:57:12] <Tom_itx> bedtime here
[03:57:49] <Aero-Tec> I have to unload stock, some times 20 feet of it and load in some scrap and set zero for tool 1
[03:58:48] <Aero-Tec> then reload stock and try to get it as close to the setting as possible and hope I can recut with out messing things up
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[04:19:18] <mrsun> hmm when drilling aluminium i have a huge problem with aluminium welding to the edge of the drillbits ... even tho i freakin flood it with oil etc .. what am i doing wrong? :)
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[04:29:12] <WalterN> go a little slower? its pretty common for it to stick to the cutting edge anyway... if it starts gluing to the flutes of the drill then its going way too fast
[04:30:18] <Aero-Tec> looks like I may have figured it out, will know when I fire things up tomorrow
[04:30:21] <Aero-Tec> night
[04:32:17] <CaptHindsight> WalterN: how are the printers coming along?
[04:33:10] <WalterN> CaptHindsight: I got distracted with a smaller project and setting up my own email server... heh
[04:34:45] <mrsun> WalterN, hmm ok =)
[04:35:59] <WalterN> mrsun: after doing aluminum stuff, often I'll take the cutting tool and smack it with a rubber hammer to knock off the aluminum that stuck to the cutting edge
[04:36:18] <mrsun> WalterN, hmm
[04:36:23] <mrsun> just lay it on a bench and go to town? :P
[04:36:53] <WalterN> heh... it shouldent need smashing...
[04:44:14] <Valen> mrsun: some grades are prone to galling
[04:45:02] <Valen> Al wants a sharp bit, i believe you can get ones specifically for Al, ground different to steel where you need a more robust edge
[04:50:49] <WalterN> enh, I would only worry about that if you do a lot of aluminum... plastic is what wants really really sharp toolbits
[04:51:47] <WalterN> CaptHindsight: on a side note, I got my 1/2 watt 405nm laser
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[05:44:10] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[06:54:54] <kengu> what ever
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[08:47:58] <kengu> so if I get like mesa 7i43 and 7i42 I should be able to rewire the plasma cutter and then get a linuxcnc understand the hardware if I did my reading right
[08:49:01] <kengu> and still have some extra io in comparision to straight parallel where my io would have been tight fit, maybe lacking input for EStop or likes
[08:49:17] <kengu> and it is not even expensive
[08:50:59] <kengu> but now to post office to figure out what new toys or goodies there is waiting for me
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[10:28:06] <Nick001> !latest
[10:28:41] <archivist> there is no latest command
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[10:53:35] <Nick001> I know - wrong window
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[13:19:11] <CaptHindsight>
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[13:19:42] <CaptHindsight> "Machine Shop In a Box" a bit of a stretch
[13:20:07] <CaptHindsight> glue gun + router
[13:21:29] <spack> heh
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[13:21:57] <spack> i bought a rather large, old bostomatics CaptHindsight
[13:22:04] <spack> wanna help me fit it into a garage? :)
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[13:23:41] <archivist> spack rollers and levers, that's how my stuff enters the garage
[13:23:52] <jdh> ever had anything leave?
[13:24:01] <spack> yeah, it's just a matter of gaining 9+" of clearance
[13:25:51] <spack> probably a 93" tall machine and an 84" tall garage door?
[13:25:56] <Tom_itx> any good front loader worth it's weight could gain you all the clearance you need
[13:26:09] <Tom_itx> may need a few repairs afterward
[13:26:22] <archivist> take parts of----push---> put parts back on
[13:26:34] <CaptHindsight>
[13:26:49] <skunkworks> well - the brown and sharp is gone.
[13:26:55] <spack> archivist: that's where i wanted CaptHindsight's help :)
[13:27:05] <archivist> is he local?
[13:27:20] <spack> yeah, he's on the opposite side of town though
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[13:27:56] <spack> it's a stretch, but i thought he might be bored or something :)
[13:28:00] <CaptHindsight> If I had some free time I would sleep
[13:28:11] <Tom_itx> CaptHindsight, do they need a hot chick to sell it?
[13:28:17] <spack> sleep doesn't offer beer
[13:28:28] <Tom_itx> i got a roller clutch wratchet already and it doesn't work that well
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[13:28:40] <Tom_itx> friend gave it to me years ago
[13:29:18] <spack> time to hop on the bike and get to work
[13:29:19] <spack> later
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[13:35:14] <archivist> CaptHindsight, not sure if that spanner can possibly have a valid patent!
[13:37:29] <CaptHindsight> archivist: that's the nice thing about the USPTO, you are welcome to spend millions fighting over it in court
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[13:38:51] <archivist> but a one way roller clutch has been around for ever !
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[13:54:49] <archivist> CaptHindsight, prior art
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[13:55:55] <archivist> and an earlier one
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[14:02:02] <CaptHindsight> yeah, but this one is partially 3D printed :)
[14:02:43] <archivist> iirc how you make something should not be part of the patent
[14:02:54] <CaptHindsight> I wonder if adding 3D printed will make things patent-able the same way it was by adding internet
[14:03:18] <archivist> only in the broken and biased USPTO
[14:05:41] <CaptHindsight> it's the best patent system that money can buy
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[14:15:30] <FinboySlick> Patents (and copyrights) should only be about giving credit for the work/innovation. The rest actually does more harm than good.
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[14:16:53] <FinboySlick> Even pharma is at the point where they prefer releasing ineffective, harmful drugs they can patent over the ones that work.
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[14:18:30] <mozmck> FinboySlick: "Even pharma"??? I think they've been leading the pack for a while.
[14:19:11] <FinboySlick> mozmck: That was from the perspective that they tend to be the ones claiming they need patents because the development costs are so high.
[14:19:41] <cradek> securing exclusive manufacturing/sale of new drugs with patents is the only way anyone can earn back the R&D costs of making new drugs
[14:20:17] <cradek> drug patents are limited to a fairly short time, unlike other more broken types of patents
[14:20:20] <mozmck> yeah. That's because they refuse to even look at simpler more effective natural things, because they can't corner the market on those and make boatloads of money.
[14:22:04] <FinboySlick> cradek: I think the shorter time that was intended as a benefit is also becoming harmful. They're focusing on always getting new patents rather than getting effective medicine.
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[14:22:20] <cradek> plenty of other people are making their boatloads of money selling simple/natural things that aren't the same as medicine. it's a different business...
[14:23:17] <cradek> FinboySlick: also I've heard of making minor/insignificant changes to old drugs to get a second patent time span - a loophole that should be removed
[14:23:32] <jdh> claritin vs. clarinex
[14:24:04] <FinboySlick> cradek: Dichloroacetate is a good example of an effective drug that has been fought tooth and nails because it can't be patented.
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[14:25:59] <FinboySlick> I don't think we'd stop innovating for lack of patents anyway. We'd innovate because we need to, want to, or simply can.
[14:28:41] <mozmck> I think this is a pretty good article:
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[14:34:12] <Xfriend> hello
[14:34:56] <cradek> hey
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[14:35:35] <Xfriend> how is everything ??
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[15:39:33] <jdh> 20% off everything at ENCO today. No exclusions.
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[15:45:50] <CaptHindsight> I wonder how well these might play with Linuxcnc and Comedi?
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[15:52:15] <CaptHindsight> they use RT-PREEMPT on the ZYNQ
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[15:54:32] <archivist> is NI changing its spots and playing nice with open source?
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[15:54:57] <CaptHindsight>
[15:55:04] <archivist> not like them, they like to financially rape the customers :)
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[15:59:32] <CaptHindsight> yikes "Just curious about the Web-Based Configuration and Monitoring Interface in Linux RT targets. Will it be Silverlight based?" Answer: It is indeed silverlight/moonlight based.
[16:00:44] <kengu> this might be my next 3d printer, just need the extruding stuff=equipment and some control for it. i think a print volume of 20x20x50 is good enough se there will be some space around the object
[16:02:25] <CaptHindsight> glue guns are cheap
[16:03:14] <jdh> 20x20x50 inches?
[16:03:23] <kengu> cm
[16:03:24] <CaptHindsight> kengu: what used to be mounted on that stage?
[16:05:23] <archivist> usable hardware there
[16:06:26] <kengu> CaptHindsight: something like that and then previously
[16:07:40] <kengu> jdh: it is something like 100cm * 100cm * 60cm or likes
[16:08:06] <jdh> steel frame?
[16:08:32] <kengu> yes
[16:08:39] <jdh> seems like a waste for a 3d printer
[16:09:01] <jdh> is cm a common unit for metric users?
[16:09:15] <kengu> do you have better ideas of use
[16:09:16] <jdh> everything I see is mm or m
[16:09:27] <kengu> jdh: well.. cm is just 10 mm
[16:09:37] <CaptHindsight> jdh: didn't you see the link from earlier? Machine Shop In a Box
[16:09:42] <jdh> yeah. Just looked like it woudl have been too big to be mm
[16:09:43] <kengu> as m is 100 cm and 1000mm
[16:10:26] <jdh> I'm aware of metric prefixes :) Just not no-unit-specified == cm
[16:10:51] <jdh> Capt: missed that.
[16:10:51] <CaptHindsight> glue gun + Mill + lathe + arbor press is what I'm waiting for :)
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[16:11:42] <jdh> I've never seen a printed part that was useful for anything other than "look at the cool thing I printed"
[16:11:47] <kengu> jdh: ah, umm.. it was the same line from another channel where the audience know without saying the unit
[16:12:26] <jdh> just curious.
[16:13:10] <jdh> anyone made a laser cutter/engraver frame?
[16:13:52] <kengu> nope. bought a chinese ready made (:
[16:14:05] <CaptHindsight> jdh: those parts don't get as much press
[16:15:00] <jdh> I almost bought a chinese one, but only the really sucky ones are cheap.
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[16:17:01] <kengu> jdh: this is good,
[16:17:08] <kengu> now with linuxcnc
[16:19:05] <jdh> nice. out of my price range though.
[16:20:24] <kengu> some $2000.. bargain
[16:21:38] <jmasseo> i watched someone do a sandcast from a 3d printed part.
[16:21:50] <jmasseo> might be more useful like that
[16:22:35] <jdh> yeah, that might make a useful part.
[16:24:55] <jdh> I'd like to make a ~ 30x45cm bed and 80w co2
[16:26:33] <CaptHindsight> but but aren't 3D printer supposed to be in everyone's home in 20 years?
[16:27:09] <jdh> sure. You can print your own jetpack and flying car
[16:27:54] <CaptHindsight> maybe i should invest in glue?
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[16:39:37] <kengu> 30x45 is good size.. aren't the chinese cheap on that size
[16:42:40] <jdh> no. cheap ones are 20x30 with moshi crap
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[16:43:18] <kengu> well.. moshi is easy to get away with
[16:43:34] <kengu> as in take off and replace with something else
[16:43:43] <jdh> sure, almost doubles cost though
[16:43:48] <kengu> and the something else is just a board with not much on it
[16:44:27] <kengu> as the drivers etc are not on that board so it basically just takes linuxcnc step and dir instructions from parallel port pins
[16:44:58] <kengu> at least that is what the two (the big) and then a small 20W one have
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[16:45:40] <kengu> but the 20W one we just use as a 2d printer with cups and the moshi electronis (takes hpgl from parallel port)
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[17:01:42] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:01:47] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:23:07] <IchGuckLive> yea burningman web castt is online 60.000 freaks in the dessert 1
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[17:25:03] <Loetmichel> IchGuckLive: you one of the 60k?
[17:25:19] <IchGuckLive> one up in a time B)
[17:26:01] <Loetmichel> i meant: now
[17:26:25] <Loetmichel> could have been you have decided to take some "holiday
[17:26:26] <Loetmichel> "
[17:26:33] <IchGuckLive> no in the middle of a gread dark clowd slightly soth of you
[17:26:40] <Loetmichel> ?
[17:26:51] <Loetmichel> i hmow ehre you are
[17:26:57] <Loetmichel> know
[17:27:05] -!- ve7it [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:27:06] <Loetmichel> but could have been
[17:27:14] <IchGuckLive> i got about 2k US soldiers to drill this weekend on a famous rock walk way
[17:27:17] <Loetmichel> and great dark cloud?
[17:27:20] <Loetmichel> where?
[17:27:32] <Loetmichel> over here its Sunny since noon
[17:27:42] <IchGuckLive> oh lucky you are
[17:27:48] <Loetmichel> aehm...
[17:27:54] <Loetmichel> you are not SO far away
[17:28:03] <IchGuckLive> kaiserslautern
[17:28:04] <Loetmichel> so whre did that cloud came from?
[17:28:08] <Loetmichel> i know
[17:28:11] <IchGuckLive> France
[17:28:23] <IchGuckLive> or better the Lyoner alley
[17:28:42] <Loetmichel> oh, so i better use the car tomorrow to work? is there more coming from this direction?
[17:29:05] <Loetmichel> (instad of the motorcycle)
[17:29:07] <Loetmichel> +e
[17:29:16] <IchGuckLive>
[17:29:29] <IchGuckLive> 6hr radar vorcast
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[18:04:14] <IchGuckLive> ok im off by
[18:04:18] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[18:08:26] <ReadError> off by what?
[18:09:04] <ReadError> anyone have a good method of calculating a radius ?
[18:09:17] <ReadError> I have a 'pelican' style case i want to put some panels in
[18:09:30] <ReadError> but the corners are going to be the hardest
[18:09:36] <cradek> I have no idea what you're asking
[18:10:11] <kengu> just have some known radius parts or other round parts you can fit in the case and then measure the radius of those
[18:10:12] <ReadError> i guess i could just draw a box and make a circle that intersects at with the line on each side
[18:10:32] <ReadError> since length and width are easy
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[18:13:25] <`Nerobro> there are lots of good methods of measuring radiuses.
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[18:13:32] <`Nerobro> they're in your machinist books :-)
[18:13:43] <`Nerobro> I think there's half a dozen methods in machinerys handbook
[18:13:46] <`Nerobro> but for a pellican case?
[18:14:14] <`Nerobro> I'd measure the width, height, then measure the sides to the start of the curves
[18:14:18] <archivist> or in the tool draws (radius gauges)
[18:14:19] <`Nerobro> that'll give you something close enough.
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[18:23:04] <andypugh> CAD. Measure width and height and then across the diagonals. Then draw it in a CAD package with the diagonal as a driven dimension, and tweak the radius until it works.
[18:23:56] <andypugh> (Or, alternatively, use the same measurements and some geometry)
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[18:25:00] <andypugh> Actually, measuring the gap between the radius and the inner corner of a setsquare with the internal jaws of a caliper is probably the better way.
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[18:26:10] <andypugh> (Geometry is still needed, and I am struggling to work it out in my head)
[18:33:37] <FinboySlick> ReadError: Is it a situation where you can measure the outside radius and offset by the material thickness?
[18:34:22] <ReadError> well finding the part where the line intersects the circle would be pretty hard by eye
[18:34:32] <ReadError> but i think i may have though of a way to draw it
[18:35:26] <jdh> I put a panel in a pelican box. Got a CAD drawing from their web site.
[18:35:29] <FinboySlick> ReadError: I'd do it using Andy's two suggested methods. Measure shortest distance between the inner corner of your square and the top of the radius, feed it to CAD.
[18:36:31] <ReadError> jdh, this isnt really an official pelican
[18:37:32] <jdh> this is why I need a laser cutter, so I can cut mylar/plastic/wtf templates for test fitting.
[18:37:46] <jdh> still can't talk myself in to it.
[18:38:07] -!- copec [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:39:34] <archivist> file and hacksaw :), card and scissors
[18:39:56] <copec> Total newb to even the cnc world here--I want to build a 3 axis system using a router to cut out templates and would like to use linuxcnc. What would you recommend as a stepper controller that is compatible with linuxcnc?
[18:39:56] <FinboySlick> archivist: But that's not high-tech!
[18:40:00] <archivist> or take a rubbing
[18:40:28] <copec> My knowledge base so far consists of roughly one hour of googling questions so far
[18:40:38] <archivist> or hight tech, take a picture and measure pixels in some package
[18:40:53] <FinboySlick> copec: Most 'cheapo' parallel port stuff will work if your computer can handle stepgen. Then you go up in price all the way to funky servocontrol.
[18:41:32] <Chemeleon> welcome to the rabbit hole copec :)
[18:42:04] <FinboySlick> copec: 'can handle stepgen' is not a matter of computing performance, btw. It's a bit hit-and-miss unless your hardware is already well known to work.
[18:42:28] <copec> Could you point me to some examples?
[18:42:45] <archivist> copec, stepper drivers, not controller, linuxcnc is the controller
[18:42:52] <ReadError> just get a g540
[18:42:58] <ReadError> its a solid device
[18:42:59] <ReadError> i own 2
[18:43:02] <ReadError> no issues at all
[18:43:04] <copec> archivist, thanks.
[18:43:41] <FinboySlick> ReadError: I googled g450 and went 'Wow, he has two?'
[18:43:59] <archivist> I have chinese stepper drivers and homebrew breakout
[18:44:08] <ReadError> FinboySlick, that would be nice ;)
[18:44:11] <Chemeleon> I went with one of the kits from I use mach3, not linuxcnc, but should be compatible I'd assume
[18:44:29] <jdh> he said mach3
[18:44:31] <ReadError> mach3 is a bad word.
[18:44:34] <FinboySlick> ReadError: Shame that your reality isn't as dyslexic as I am.
[18:44:38] <Chemeleon> hehe, figured there'd be a response like that ;)
[18:44:47] <jdh> let the shunning begin.
[18:44:49] <archivist> chorus of giggles
[18:44:58] <Chemeleon> I had one fluke issue with a stepper (the shaft just sheared off for no reason) but otherwise the gear from there has worked fine for me, and they replaced the bad motor
[18:45:24] <Chemeleon> possibly even worse, I'm writing my own cam software for windows :P
[18:45:41] <copec> I was trying to find a good site that gave a total overview of what people are doing now
[18:45:45] <FinboySlick> Chemeleon: But... why?
[18:45:51] <Chemeleon> considered going with linux, but I run windows for everything else, didnt want to hop OSes when moving between desktop and cnc
[18:45:53] <copec> There is just a lot of arbitrary information out there about it
[18:46:06] <ReadError> hop OS?
[18:46:10] <ReadError> i throw my stuff on dropbox
[18:46:13] <ReadError> go to basement PC
[18:46:13] <andypugh> copec: Ah, sorry, you came to the wrong place for an overview. We just do partisan and opnionated here :-)
[18:46:20] <ReadError> its there
[18:46:33] <Chemeleon> if you want information overload, chances are anything you'd want to know is buried somewhere on
[18:46:37] <jdh> ReadError: I just use samba
[18:46:37] <Chemeleon> finding it can be tricky though
[18:46:46] <ReadError> i have nfs too!
[18:46:47] <FinboySlick> Chemeleon: Write it portable then ;)
[18:46:48] <copec> well, I'm sort of an open information/free software junkie
[18:46:53] <Chemeleon> ReadError, havent yet extended my wifi to the workshop
[18:46:54] <ReadError> Samba BAD BAD BAD
[18:46:58] <copec> so I prefer that route
[18:47:02] <jdh> bad how?
[18:47:07] <Chemeleon> really should get on that one of these days, but need to put the range extender up in the attic, and its *hot* up there during the summer
[18:47:16] <FinboySlick> Samba works quite well.
[18:47:22] <ReadError> CIFS
[18:47:43] <ReadError> i just prefer nfs
[18:47:44] <FinboySlick> ReadError: Well, to share, you need samba.
[18:47:44] <ReadError> thats all
[18:47:51] <andypugh> Asn't CIFS just a rebranded Samba?
[18:47:51] <jdh> nfs on windows?
[18:48:05] <ReadError> jdh, yea, possible
[18:48:06] <FinboySlick> jdh: It exists, but I don't think you want to go there.
[18:48:09] <ReadError> but i only have 1 windows machine
[18:48:16] <jdh> I've been there, I don't lke it.
[18:48:18] <ReadError> rest are OSX or vmware
[18:48:19] <andypugh> AFP is the evil one, it leaves wierd files all over the place.
[18:48:25] <jdh> even with commercial pricey nfs for win
[18:48:30] <ReadError> OSX has native NFS support
[18:48:34] <Chemeleon> heh, the can of worms has been opened :)
[18:48:34] <copec> CIFS is the protocol--which is a replacement for SMB and quite superior
[18:48:56] <FinboySlick> Samba != SMB, for clarification.
[18:49:11] <jdh> I actually have a disk hung off my home router. I CIFS mount it on my cnc machines and also have it mapped on my winbox. Works great.
[18:49:11] <FinboySlick> It's the userspace bits.
[18:49:17] <andypugh> copec: Anyway, anything that you are likely to find, LinuxCNC can drive.
[18:49:43] <copec> It seems like the real time aspect is important for obvious reasons
[18:49:53] <copec> what about your ebay usb based stuff?
[18:50:01] <andypugh> No, not USB
[18:50:15] <andypugh> I forgot that part.
[18:50:29] <Chemeleon> nearly everyone seems to recommend sticking with parallel port from what I've seen
[18:50:42] <FinboySlick> Chemeleon: Or mesa boards.
[18:50:55] * FinboySlick still needs to install his :P
[18:51:17] <andypugh> Well, no, we tend to advocate Mesa boards, then sometimes remember to mention Pico in an attempt to appear fair-minded.
[18:51:46] <andypugh> And only suggest parport to folk who still seem to think this can be a cheap hobby :-0
[18:52:09] <archivist> as a cheapskate....!
[18:52:16] <Chemeleon> well, its not my most expensive one so far anyway :)
[18:52:38] <copec> I'm willing to pay more if It is a known relatively open solution and I'm not locked in to some vender
[18:52:40] <FinboySlick> Chemeleon: Give it time ;)
[18:52:57] <Chemeleon> FinboySlick, with any luck, it'll become a hobby that pays me instead now that I'm trying to sell software for it ;)
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[18:53:16] <andypugh> copec: I would say strt with something like this: and then by the time you have blown it up you will know what you want. :-)
[18:53:21] <ReadError> whats revolutionary about your software Chemeleon ?
[18:53:22] <ReadError> i mean
[18:53:23] <Chemeleon> I'm probably going to have to look into usb boards for my next cnc router - want to build a smallish one I can keep on my desktop for dev work
[18:53:25] <ReadError> what sets it apart
[18:53:36] <Chemeleon> ReadError, the major thing would be price I suppose
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[18:53:53] <Chemeleon> linux has a fair bit of free stuff, but on windows, its all way beyond typical diy/hobbyist budgets imo
[18:53:57] <archivist> Chemeleon, usb is a bad idea, poor latency
[18:54:17] <Chemeleon> yea, figured that'd be the issue with it
[18:54:23] <FinboySlick> archivist: He runs mach3, usb might actually help ;)
[18:54:28] <archivist> shh
[18:55:00] <copec> So do you guys just track down old pcs with parallel ports?
[18:55:08] <Chemeleon> the first program I just released, not super complex since its a heightmap carver
[18:55:18] <Chemeleon> but hoping it'll sell well enough to justify bigger things
[18:55:21] <FinboySlick> copec: That's the hit and miss bit.
[18:55:23] <archivist> copec, yes I track scrap
[18:55:38] <Chemeleon> copec, I had one in my junk room that was a few years old with parallel - doesnt take much to drive a cnc machine
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[18:55:44] <FinboySlick> copec: If you want good timing, not all motherboards/chipsets are equal.
[18:55:58] <copec> What do you recommend
[18:56:15] <FinboySlick> copec: I have a fairly nice atom board that isn't being made anymore.
[18:56:19] <andypugh> copec: No need to track them down, lots of new motherboards have them (sometimes as a header on the MB)
[18:56:36] <copec> okay
[18:56:45] <FinboySlick> copec: The key is finding a board that has good latency characteristics.
[18:56:55] <cradek> looks like that does approximately what the image2gcode bundled with linuxcnc does
[18:57:01] -!- AR_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:57:07] <Chemeleon> cradek, quite likely
[18:57:11] <FinboySlick> copec: The newer boards often have management interrupts that you can't dodge and which can screw with your timing.
[18:57:24] <Chemeleon> does that one obey bit geometry, or just follow the pixel heights?
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[18:57:32] <cradek> it obeys bit geometry
[18:57:45] <Chemeleon> its not a new concept, but on windows anyway, mine either works better, costs less, or both :)
[18:58:10] <Chemeleon> the vector program is the main one I want for myself, but thats going to be a much bigger undertaking, figured this one was a good way to warm up
[18:58:13] <cradek> heh, hard to cost less
[18:58:59] <Chemeleon> I found a few that were priced similarly but didnt work as well, and of course vectric's version costs $150
[18:59:11] <andypugh> Good report on the forum recently on the board. Has parport and various versions of PCI slot
[18:59:46] <copec> anyone use the smoothie project in here?
[19:00:36] <copec> The problem is that even though it'll probably never happen I want to set myself up to add axis's in the future
[19:00:39] <Chemeleon> I do have one feature I'm working on implementing currently that I've not seen done in any other similar apps
[19:00:47] <Chemeleon> generate a cutout path from the alpha channel of the image
[19:01:00] <Chemeleon> so you aren't limited to just rectangular carvings
[19:01:35] <archivist> copec, the add axis is a very good reason to stick with linuxcnc
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[19:02:40] <FinboySlick> copec: ... unless you plan to add more than 6 ;)
[19:02:49] <archivist> I can see me wanting more that 5 axes :)
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[19:03:11] <copec> I want to make an arm and then an iron man suit
[19:03:15] <andypugh> Worth noting that that Gigabyte MB has no CPU. The Intel Ataom boards were good that way, especially the ones with 12V power input.
[19:03:15] <copec> me end goal
[19:03:46] <copec> so they say on the linux cnc page to have dedicated graphics fairly often--with the open drivers
[19:03:55] <copec> Do you stick a video card in your atom board then?
[19:04:09] <andypugh> No, they work fine on the integrated video
[19:04:24] <copec> good to know
[19:04:35] <FinboySlick> copec: Usually better than with add-on video.
[19:05:47] <copec> I think this is the most helpful channel I have ever expirienced on freenode
[19:06:18] <FinboySlick> copec: We'll wait 'till you're all setup to be mean to you ;)
[19:06:24] <copec> s/expirienced/experienced
[19:06:58] <copec> Are there any gimble lock problems with 6 axis's that would make you need a 7th?
[19:07:02] * copec thinks about it
[19:08:23] <archivist> copec, I find things interfering is a big problem
[19:09:08] <pcw_home> andypugh: what card/daughtercard do you want SSI interface on?
[19:09:09] <archivist> rotary and headstock was about a thou apart today (it hit yesterday)
[19:09:19] <Chemeleon> dont know - I've yet to even look into moving beyond 3 axis, thats enough for me for now :)
[19:09:38] <Chemeleon> friend of mine keeps asking for a 4axis cam app so he has an excuse to extend his though, so that may happen eventually I guess
[19:10:30] <archivist> Chemeleon, inside rear of skull works well for multi axis on certain work
[19:10:46] <Chemeleon> yea, but if that software crashes, it hurts a lot more ;)
[19:12:42] <archivist> I need better gear measuring tools
[19:14:25] <FinboySlick> archivist: What are you working on lately?
[19:14:34] <archivist> FinboySlick,
[19:14:42] <archivist> bevel gears
[19:15:53] <FinboySlick> archivist: Odd angle or just the way the picture was setup?
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[19:16:18] <archivist> tooth width error I think is the main cause of that 90 degrees not being 90
[19:17:19] <FinboySlick> archivist: They'd be perfect for my Z axis ;)
[19:18:00] <archivist> but getting there....slowly
[19:18:05] <FinboySlick> I think I did find a shop that could fix it, btw.
[19:18:29] <archivist> for a price?
[19:18:42] <FinboySlick> Yeah but I don't mind so long as it's done right.
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[19:19:33] <FinboySlick> Biggest thing is actually moving the little bastard.
[19:19:50] <FinboySlick> I think I'll take it appart and only send the bare essentials for the job.
[19:19:54] <archivist> I was thinking one of myerrors today could be an axis off 90, measured, within 4 minutes ish
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[19:21:59] <archivist> was a bit naughty doing the measurement while it was cutting a bevel
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[19:39:37] <FinboySlick> Might be a good time to move the electronics from their inconvenient spot at the back.
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[20:02:37] <andypugh> pcw_home 6i25 seems sensible (as I haven't made the 7i80 work) and I don't think it matters which pins the SSI modules are on, as I don't have any SSI harware.
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[20:11:27] <gene78> lo all
[20:12:18] -!- AR_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:13:24] <gene78> I am still trying to get the machine vision to work. One of the very consistently reported errors is ** (camview:10023): WARNING **: Unable to load pixbuf
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[20:14:19] <gene78> Is there something in thyis kernel build that disables using the libpixbuf?
[20:17:07] <gene78> gtk2-engines-pixbuf 2.2--- is installed
[20:17:10] <archivist> I would have though unable to load was a fatal error not a warning, is that the real and total error text
[20:17:52] <AR_> fuck you
[20:18:07] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[20:18:12] <gene78> it isn't fatal, but seems to have the output on camview disabled because it can't use it
[20:19:50] <gene78> that seems to prevent camview from building a gui inset called emc.halio
[20:20:02] <gene78> inset/insert
[20:20:05] <archivist> seems pretty fatal to me, and what about was it the full and complete error message, any other text and numbers
[20:20:56] <gene78> gene@shop:~/linuxcnc/configs/my-mill-atom$ camview -c camviewcfg
[20:20:57] <gene78> ** (camview:10045): WARNING **: Unable to load pixbuf
[20:20:59] <gene78> parse error?
[20:21:00] <gene78> Unable to instantiate [emc.halio]
[20:21:02] <gene78> ===
[20:22:08] <gene78> emc.halio seems to be a paragraph of xml like code, located in camviewcfg
[20:23:02] <gene78> <unit id="emc.halio" width="640" height="480" pixelformat="CAM_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB" format_name="640x480 RGB 24bpp">
[20:23:03] <gene78> <control id="limit">3</control>
[20:23:05] <gene78> <control id="reload">0</control>
[20:23:06] <gene78> <control id="circle"></control>
[20:23:08] <gene78> <control id="axis-pins">sum2.%d.out</control>
[20:23:09] <gene78> <control id="axis-letters">XYZABCDEFGH</control>
[20:23:11] <gene78> <control id="spacing">20</control>
[20:23:12] <gene78> <control id="color-r">0.980285</control>
[20:23:14] <gene78> <control id="color-g">0.0358434</control>
[20:23:15] <gene78> <control id="color-b">0.0358434</control>
[20:23:17] <gene78> <control id="gl-xor">0</control>
[20:23:18] <gene78> </unit>
[20:23:37] <archivist> use a pastebin for large amounts
[20:23:53] -!- psha has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[20:24:19] <gene78> I do get the crosshairs and a target circle but not the cameras output mixed in
[20:24:33] <archivist> I wonder why a certain person just escaped :)
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[20:26:13] <gene78> Humm, I wonder if I should restrict the axis-letters to whats in this machine?
[20:26:50] <gene78> like XYZA only
[20:26:50] <archivist> reolve the error message rather than mess about
[20:26:58] <archivist> resolve
[20:32:44] <gene78> humm, I thought it was installed, but is not, and is not in the repo's! wtf???
[20:36:38] <gene78> Suggestions please?
[20:37:46] <gene78> the camera itself is enabled and seems to be delivering a stream of video at about 15 fps.
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[20:39:13] <gene78> So I think pixbuf is the clue. OTOH, if i shut this down and fire up cheese, the camera also wakes up and works great
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[21:17:30] <DJ9DJ> gn8
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[21:19:58] <Aero-Tec> JT-Shop, are you around?
[21:20:23] <Aero-Tec> want to ask a quick question
[21:20:42] <JT-Shop> ok
[21:21:55] <Aero-Tec> I homed my lathes x axis with a dial gage, mounted it permanently on the lathe
[21:22:12] <Aero-Tec> I dial in zero and home x axis
[21:22:46] <Aero-Tec> will that auto zero tool 1 if I had zeroed it before using the fixture setting?
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[21:23:51] <Aero-Tec> I am trying to follow and understand your website
[21:24:36] <Aero-Tec> I have swap out tooling tool post
[21:24:52] <Aero-Tec> quick change
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[21:33:23] <andypugh> Aero-Tec: Yes, it should.
[21:33:43] <Aero-Tec> cool
[21:33:43] <andypugh> (A switch might be easier...)
[21:33:45] <Aero-Tec> thanks
[21:34:08] <andypugh> Bear in mind that the tool-post might be less repeatable than you would like.
[21:34:40] <andypugh> (Though that could just be my cheap Chinee one)
[21:35:10] <JT-Shop> yea, final X setting I use a micrometer on the part
[21:35:30] <Aero-Tec> when I update to mesa boards with more inputs and encoders with index I will get more fancy
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[21:36:41] <Aero-Tec> JT when doing the final X setting do you mean every time you start the lathe or just when setting up?
[21:37:05] <JT-Shop> just when I replace a tool on my turret
[21:37:29] <Aero-Tec> ok
[21:37:48] <andypugh> What style of toolholder do you have?
[21:37:59] <JT-Shop> do you have an AXA type of tool post?
[21:38:46] <JT-Shop>
[21:39:23] <andypugh> How do they work?
[21:40:14] <andypugh> I am familiar with the "Dickson" style:
[21:40:43] <JT-Shop> same thing kinda
[21:40:58] <andypugh> "These toolposts have been widely copied in India and China - using inferior materials and indifferent standard of fit. You might be lucky and find a perfect example but amongst other faults reported are clamping pins that snap off, bases that are not flat, V-grooves out of parallel and toolholders that fail to contact fully with the guides and wobble about."
[21:41:03] <Aero-Tec> mine is just like this one
[21:41:05] <Aero-Tec>
[21:41:39] <JT-Shop> which one?
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[21:42:20] <Aero-Tec> BXA Quick Change Tool Post Set for 10 - 15" Lathe
[21:43:29] <Aero-Tec> that dickson look nice
[21:43:36] <JT-Shop> how close is the tool tip when you remove and replace it in the holder?
[21:43:53] <JT-Shop> I have the BXA wedge type on my Samson
[21:44:38] <Aero-Tec> seeing as it is a cheap chins one surprisingly good
[21:45:08] <Aero-Tec> well with in 1/2 thou
[21:46:16] <Aero-Tec> how good is yours?
[21:47:24] <JT-Shop> the Samson is a manual lathe...
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[21:54:44] <JT-Shop> andypugh: does the screws with the cam looking thing lock the tool holder in somehow on the dickson?
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[21:59:37] <andypugh> Yes, the screw pull in the piston things and clamp the toolholder against the V. At the same time the cam thingy fits round the disc on the adjusting screw and sets the toolholder to a fixed height.
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[22:02:29] <JT-Shop> thanks, I was wondering how it worked
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[22:05:59] <Aero-Tec> andypugh, do you like it?
[22:06:09] <Aero-Tec> good looking tool post
[22:06:23] <andypugh> I like the real ones.
[22:06:41] <Aero-Tec> looks like it would be very accurate
[22:07:14] <andypugh> My Chinese copy isn't as good, it is a bit soft and the V-ways have been marked by bits of swarf caught in there.
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[22:07:53] <Aero-Tec> what does a real one cost?
[22:08:07] <andypugh> They are very accurate if the two V-ways are the same distance apart as the ones on the toolholders. This is definitlely true of the Dickson ones, less so the copies.
[22:08:09] <Aero-Tec> each holder must be a tad high as well
[22:09:39] <andypugh>
[22:12:56] <andypugh> That is an "Indexa" copy. This is a real "Dickson"
[22:13:27] <JT-Shop> yiks
[22:13:28] <andypugh> Though to be fair that is a _very_ big one for 2" tools.
[22:13:29] <JT-Shop> e
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[23:37:55] <nspiel> hello, does anyone know if the motor0dx and motor1dx need to be connected to the motor driver boards for mesa 7i43
[23:38:14] <nspiel> right now all i have hooked up is encoder power and ground and signal a and b
[23:40:26] <jdh> I have a 7i43, but no motor*dx
[23:40:42] <jdh> only using steppers/pwm/encoder though
[23:41:03] <nspiel> im using dc motor with encoder servo setup
[23:42:22] <jdh> are those index signals? do your encoders have index pulse?
[23:43:02] <nspiel> i dont think so? they are just regular quadrature encoders?
[23:43:23] <jdh> most encoders have a/b/z with z being index
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[23:45:52] <nspiel> i have a b z yeah
[23:45:54] <nspiel> just looked at my motors spec sheet
[23:46:52] <nspiel> so z is motor direction?
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[23:47:12] <jdh> no, Z is a one pulse-per rev index so it knows where it is
[23:47:20] <jdh> a/b phasing gives direction
[23:48:18] <nspiel> oh gotcha, so MOTOR 0 - P1 MOTOR 1 - P5 PIN# SIGNAL PIN# SIGNAL 1 GROUND 1 GROUND 2 MOTOR0IDX 2 MOTOR1IDX 3 MOTOR0A 3 MOTOR1A 4 +5V 4 +5V 5 MOTOR0B 5 MOTOR1B
[23:48:36] <nspiel> tthat didnt work
[23:49:02] <nspiel> oh ok got it!
[23:49:02] <nspiel> thank you!
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