#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-09-04

[00:02:18] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:45:52] <Jymmm> spack: what the largest youve cut with them?
[00:46:22] <spack> i'm not sure
[00:46:37] <Jymmm> spack: I *JUST* bought a pair for less then $20 out the door w/ lifetime warranty from HF
[00:46:39] <spack> crappy 1/4" chain links?
[00:47:15] <Jymmm> spack: I think almost 5/8" hasp
[00:47:34] <spack> you cut that?
[00:47:57] <Jymmm> spack: Not yet, I LITERALLY just got them 20 minutes ago.
[00:48:28] <Jymmm> spack: I'mnot syaing that I wont need a 6ft cheater pipe =)
[00:48:36] <CaptHindsight> http://imagebin.org/269800
[00:48:59] <Jymmm> lol cute
[00:49:43] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:50:42] <Jymmm> spack: I also had a 20% off coupon http://www.harborfreight.com/36-inch-bolt-cutters-41150.html
[00:51:28] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Actualy something from HF half way worth a damn AND a lifetime warranty =)
[00:51:56] <spack> yeah
[00:52:06] <spack> i tried to get a spot welder there a few weeks ago with the 20% off coupon
[00:52:17] <spack> apparently it doesn't cover welders anymore
[00:52:26] <Jymmm> spack: ah, bummer
[00:52:41] <Jymmm> HF is hit and miss on the products. Mostly miss
[00:53:09] <Jymmm> the bolt cutters actually have 5 star reviews, wow
[00:53:16] <CaptHindsight> they just had their Giant Tool Sale and I didn't even see one giant tool
[00:53:47] <Jymmm> lol
[00:54:29] <Jymmm> Damn... http://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-36-in-Bolt-Cutters-63336/100647781
[00:54:30] <spack> haha
[00:55:18] <Jymmm> I dont need them THAT bad
[00:55:36] <Jymmm> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ruMqX_cwHg
[00:55:37] <Tecan> (1ruMqX_cwHg) "Combination padlock vs. 36 inch bolt cutter" by "sezardon" is "Howto" - Length: 0:01:36
[00:56:19] <Jymmm> oh shit... HAHAHAH
[00:56:32] <Jymmm> ***SNAP***
[00:59:29] <Jymmm> 42" but still... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXQOO3RMXNM
[00:59:30] <Tecan> (TXQOO3RMXNM) "Bolt cutters vs Master Lock Shrouded Boron Alloy" by "Brute4rce" is "Education" - Length: 0:04:31
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[02:15:45] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xZOiNdkJ8SU#t=44 Trunnion Table positioning accuracy of up to +/-0.005mm +/-0.0002"
[02:15:46] <Tecan> (xZOiNdkJ8SU) "5-Axis Machining, 5-Axis Mill" by "MDAPrecision" is "Tech" - Length: 0:06:43
[02:18:08] <CaptHindsight> any idea what control that is @5:00 ?
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[03:03:42] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:08:24] <joebog> quick question guys, the stepper morors that I have at present hace a 45 volt supply to the motor board without load, how critical is this ?
[03:08:30] <joebog> can I reduce the voltage ?
[03:09:39] <joebog> wow my spelling is attrocious !!
[03:09:50] <joebog> actually its my typing :)
[03:19:20] <CaptHindsight> http://www.selene.co/Blog/2011/07/stepper-motor-voltages-explained/
[03:20:10] <joebog> thanks Capt
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[03:20:39] <CaptHindsight> whats the maximum voltage input of your stepper driver ?
[03:21:06] <joebog> 48V
[03:21:23] <CaptHindsight> 45V is higher than any of the Toshiba stepper IC's I've noticed
[03:21:42] <CaptHindsight> ah then never mind
[03:21:52] <joebog> I thought that was flying pretty close ??
[03:22:16] <joebog> its not my "normal" method, but thats what I found in the Cipher box
[03:22:46] <joebog> ans my motors DONT have makers or ratings plates !!!
[03:23:02] <joebog> removed by my greedy supplier !!! at Cipher
[03:25:24] <CaptHindsight> http://www.geckodrive.com/gecko/images/cms_files/Step%20Motor%20Basics%20Guide.pdf
[03:25:38] <CaptHindsight> ^^ covers it pretty well
[03:26:19] <joebog> still reading first link :) but Im logging them all so I can go back
[03:27:13] <joebog> so for my test bed setup it would be OK to run say 35 volts ?
[03:27:27] <CaptHindsight> yes
[03:27:39] <joebog> I know the speed will suffer, but for testing it should be OK or am I going to have problems ?
[03:27:58] <CaptHindsight> should be fine
[03:28:26] <joebog> thks
[03:29:04] <CaptHindsight> just to be safe in case they are some goofy design or spec, check the temp after a few seconds and then again after 30 sec and a few minutes
[03:29:22] <joebog> I am contemplating a MESA setup for these tests
[03:30:03] <joebog> the 5i25 and daughter card is that acceptable ?
[03:30:27] <joebog> its a kit thats available ( as you probably know)
[03:30:37] <CaptHindsight> for step generation but the driver will actually control the voltage and current to the windings
[03:30:53] <joebog> yep I understand
[03:31:20] <joebog> the Mesa kit is my idea of buffering
[03:31:47] <joebog> I have a limited budget :)
[03:32:09] <joebog> so I am trying to get the best bang for the buck so to speak
[03:32:35] <joebog> and without winding a specific unit for the tests I thought to use something I have off the shelf
[03:33:47] <joebog> I am trying not to strip the Cipher unit, The customer wants to try sell it on
[03:35:20] <CaptHindsight> snoozing time
[03:35:28] <joebog> k thanks again
[03:40:48] -!- lucashodge has quit [Quit: I am away now.]
[03:54:44] -!- uw [uw!~uw@unaffiliated/uw] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:54:56] <uw> anybody work with titanium?
[03:55:02] <uw> or at least know a good supplier?
[03:56:37] <Valen> titanium joe perhaps?
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[07:02:51] <DJ9DJ> moin
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[08:02:51] <uw> groin
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[14:31:56] <Aero-Tec> is there a way to get G83 working in G18 mode?
[14:33:01] <Aero-Tec> the lathe is complaining that there is no Y axis and it is needed for a G83 canned cycle, looks like all canned cycles need a Y axis
[14:33:30] <Aero-Tec> any way around this?
[14:48:17] <Aero-Tec> did some more looking on the net
[14:48:53] <Aero-Tec> looks like the work around it is to set G17, do the canned cycle and then set G18
[14:49:15] <Aero-Tec> so what is gained by using G18 at all?
[14:49:27] <Aero-Tec> why even set it
[14:57:25] <JT-Shop> http://email.villagepress.com/pub/HSM/20130904/20130904.html
[14:57:52] <JT-Shop> so G2/3 works
[15:06:51] -!- DJ9DJ [DJ9DJ!~Deejay@unaffiliated/dj9dj] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:06:55] <DJ9DJ> re
[15:07:02] <JT-Shop> er
[15:12:57] -!- cerditofaldero [cerditofaldero!~cerditofa@108.Red-79-157-71.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:13:00] <cerditofaldero> Good evening.
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[15:30:39] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:31:45] <JT-Shop> I have a MPG that when I turn it in the + direction sometimes the axis will move on increment then bounce back. What do I look for?
[15:32:06] <jdh> debounce the mpg?
[15:32:24] <Tom_itx> maybe it's in the middle of a step on your steppers
[15:32:43] <jdh> or the detent isn't well aligned with the encoder wheel?
[15:33:11] <Tom_itx> if they're wired funny, it will change on the rise of the detent not the valley
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[15:34:06] <Tom_itx> it could just be gremlins
[15:34:17] <Tom_itx> if so, don't water them
[15:34:26] <JT-Shop> lol
[15:34:51] <JT-Shop> it only does it if I turn CW slow
[15:35:20] <Tom_itx> look in halscope and see if it's reading the change
[15:35:25] <Tom_itx> on both channels
[15:35:35] <Tom_itx> 90deg out of phase
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[15:38:38] <pcw_home> What is the MPG connected to?
[15:40:04] -!- gimps_ [gimps_!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:41:08] <JT-Shop> the 7i77
[15:41:20] <pcw_home> encoder input?
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[15:44:14] <JT-Shop> yes this is the connections http://pastebin.com/u9aC6rh0
[15:45:00] <pcw_home> If you use the normal enccoder input in up/down mode it will do that
[15:45:34] <pcw_home> (because up/down mode /= 1x quadrature mode)
[15:46:13] <JT-Shop> counter-mode = up/down mode?
[15:46:21] <pcw_home> unfortunately theres no 1X mode in the hardware encoders
[15:46:31] <pcw_home> Yes up/down
[15:47:08] <pcw_home> the best solution is probably to update your 7I77 firmware and use the MPG inputs on the field I/O
[15:47:27] <pcw_home> (they default to 1x mode)
[15:47:48] -!- Simooon [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:48:05] <JT-Shop> ok
[15:48:29] -!- jasen_ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[15:49:22] <pcw_home> MPG INPUTS:
[15:49:24] <pcw_home> Software mode 3 allows using inputs 16,17,18 and 19 as MPG quadrature encoder
[15:49:25] <pcw_home> inputs. In this mode the input thresholds are automatically set to 2.5V for compatibility with
[15:49:27] <pcw_home> 5V encoder signals. Default counter mode is 1X for compatibility with standard 100 PPR
[15:49:28] <pcw_home> MPGs.
[15:52:08] -!- Laremere has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[15:52:32] <pcw_home> (MPG input is also available on 7I76s,7I73s,7I84s,7I70s,7I69s etc)
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[15:55:27] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:55:45] <JT-Shop> I remember the last step... power cycle the PC :)
[15:56:06] <Tom_L> possibly useful for this channel: http://www.electronicproducts.com/Digital_ICs/Video_Graphics_Audio/This_Smart_Vision_Sensor_Instantly_Learns_What_to_Detect.aspx
[15:56:28] -!- gimps [gimps!~noone@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:56:31] <pcw_home> for 7I77 firmware update you need to power cycle the 7I77
[15:56:40] <pcw_home> twice!
[15:56:49] <JT-Shop> ok
[15:57:00] <Jymmm> pcw_home: five times!!!
[15:57:04] <Aero-Tec> so no input for using G18 with a lathe?
[15:57:10] <Tom_itx> standing in a bucket of water
[15:57:20] <Jymmm> on one foot
[15:57:21] <JT-Shop> <JT-Shop> so G2/3 works
[15:57:22] <pcw_home> remote sserial update also requires linuxcnc master
[15:57:35] <Jymmm> brb
[15:57:38] <Aero-Tec> I know it is lathe mode, but what does it do for you other then not letting canned cycles run?
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[15:58:21] <JT-Shop> I need to update master
[15:58:22] <Jymmm> I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaack (this is your only warning)
[15:58:49] <DJ9DJ> hi jymmm
[15:58:57] <Jymmm> DJ9DJ: Howdy
[15:59:01] <DJ9DJ> :)
[15:59:46] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: I got a pair of 36" bolt cutters from HF yesterday. less than $20 out the door and a lifetime warranty =)
[16:00:30] <pcw_home> http://ww.mesanet.com/software/parallel/sserial.zip
[16:00:31] <pcw_home> has the firmware and update utilities for all sserial cards
[16:00:33] <pcw_home> (except 7I64)
[16:01:04] -!- knownasilya7 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[16:01:08] <skunkworks> Aero-Tec, it isn't as much 'lathe mode' as it selects the xz plane. (so you can do arcs in them amoung other things athat I cannot think of)
[16:02:09] <Aero-Tec> ok thanks
[16:02:25] -!- knownasilya8 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[16:02:45] <Aero-Tec> so no harm in using G19 for canned cycles and then switching back to G18 mode?
[16:03:00] <skunkworks> sure
[16:03:25] <Aero-Tec> I saw someone used that to run them on a lathe but nothing as to how well it worked out
[16:03:29] <Aero-Tec> thanks
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[16:56:41] <Aero-Tec> that G19 trick did not work
[16:57:01] <Aero-Tec> it looks like it moves the X not the Z
[16:57:28] <Aero-Tec> the lathe is setup with no Y axis programed in the INI or the HAL
[16:58:01] <Aero-Tec> could there be a axis mix up when doing the G19 command?
[16:58:28] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:58:33] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:58:58] <Aero-Tec> should I add the Y axis code in the INI and HAL for my lathe?
[16:59:03] <Aero-Tec> hi
[16:59:16] <IchGuckLive> no
[16:59:22] <IchGuckLive> lathe is XZ
[16:59:32] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:59:34] <IchGuckLive> give it a geometry = XZ
[16:59:42] <IchGuckLive> and a lathe =1
[17:00:02] <Aero-Tec> so why are things all messed up when I use G19 to run can cycles?
[17:00:10] <Aero-Tec> want to run G83
[17:00:21] <Aero-Tec> but it will not do it in G18 mode
[17:00:27] <Aero-Tec> needs G19
[17:00:48] <IchGuckLive> lathe in ini shoudt set this
[17:00:53] <Aero-Tec> but when I do that Z becomes X
[17:01:30] <Aero-Tec> not sure what X becomes
[17:01:34] <IchGuckLive> Whow never had this
[17:01:56] <IchGuckLive> 2.5.2
[17:02:03] <Aero-Tec> will have to play some more to find out what exactly is happening
[17:02:06] <Aero-Tec> yes
[17:02:14] <IchGuckLive> update to 2.5.3
[17:02:15] <Aero-Tec> can check and make sure
[17:02:20] <IchGuckLive> lathe has imprived
[17:02:22] <Aero-Tec> will check
[17:03:05] <JT-Shop> Aero-Tec: if you command Z to move, it should move in any plane y ou have selected
[17:04:07] <Aero-Tec> 2.5.3
[17:04:28] <Aero-Tec> G0 Z0.5
[17:04:28] <Aero-Tec> G1
[17:04:28] <Aero-Tec> G19
[17:04:28] <Aero-Tec> G98
[17:04:28] <Aero-Tec> G83 X0 Z-0.65 R0.25 Q#<DQ>
[17:04:29] <Aero-Tec> G80
[17:04:30] <Aero-Tec> G18
[17:04:32] <Aero-Tec> G0
[17:04:34] <Aero-Tec> the code
[17:04:59] <Aero-Tec> X moves not Z
[17:05:00] <IchGuckLive> G19 may iretate the interpreter as lathe =1 sets G19.2
[17:05:35] <Aero-Tec> lathe=1 is set in the INI
[17:05:45] <Aero-Tec> G19.2?
[17:05:50] <Aero-Tec> whats that for?
[17:06:12] <IchGuckLive> internal plane
[17:06:30] <IchGuckLive> lathe g-code is nor recommendet on plane
[17:06:38] <IchGuckLive> as lathe is fixed in iso
[17:06:53] <JT-Shop> why do you set the YZ plane for peck drill?
[17:07:17] <Aero-Tec> G18 throws error
[17:07:39] <Aero-Tec> the doc do not have 19.2, they have 19.1
[17:07:48] <IchGuckLive> oh i got to go BBQ outside its 30Deg C here
[17:07:51] <JT-Shop> as it should
[17:08:00] -!- IchGuckLive has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 20.0/20130329043827]]
[17:08:04] <JT-Shop> canned cycles are for mills
[17:08:29] <Aero-Tec> so what do the lathe guys do?
[17:08:42] <JT-Shop> I do this http://pastebin.com/HRQdaHSn
[17:08:43] <Aero-Tec> I can write my own code for drilling
[17:08:57] <JT-Shop> that's my ngcgui subroutine for drilling
[17:09:13] <JT-Shop> or maybe not it want's a captcha
[17:09:28] <JT-Shop> http://pastebin.com/HRQdaHSn
[17:09:59] <JT-Shop> for one offs on a lathe I use ngcgui for 99% of my ops... saves tons of time
[17:11:51] <Aero-Tec> thanks
[17:12:35] <JT-Shop> have you seen the lathe subroutine library?
[17:16:14] <Aero-Tec> oops
[17:16:26] <Aero-Tec> was G17 not G19
[17:17:14] <Aero-Tec> where is the library of subroutines?
[17:17:22] <JT-Shop> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/lathe-subroutines-library
[17:17:23] <Aero-Tec> would love to see it
[17:19:26] <Aero-Tec> thanks
[17:20:57] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[17:25:49] <Aero-Tec> setting G17 worked great
[17:25:59] <Aero-Tec> can run G83 in G17 mode
[17:27:07] <JT-Shop> great
[17:29:52] <JT-Shop> PCW: am I correct that once I update the 7i77 I will need to run my configuration in master?
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[17:34:40] <JT-Shop> nevermind I just read down to that part
[17:37:00] <pcw_home> No, master is just needed because it has the setsserial command
[17:38:06] <JT-Shop> does update7i77 need master running?
[17:38:23] <pcw_home> yes
[17:38:24] <pcw_home> You may aslo have to upgrade th e5I25 firmware first if its sserial firmware is earlier than V35
[17:39:14] <JT-Shop> ok, let me look
[17:39:35] <pcw_home> At least I think so. Andy P would know if setsserial is in 2.5.x
[17:41:19] <JT-Shop> yea my 5i25 is v31
[17:44:56] -!- vladimirek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:46:37] <pcw_home> The ones in the mesa 5i25.zip file are v35 or later
[17:52:04] <JT-Shop> ok, use mesaflash from Linux, I don't see any jumpers to set on the 5i25 in the manual
[17:52:23] <JT-Shop> mesaflash --device 5I25 --write FPGAFILE.BIT
[17:53:37] <JT-Shop> or 7i77x2.bit
[17:53:41] <JT-Shop> I see now
[17:54:02] -!- knownasilya12 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[17:54:54] -!- andypugh [andypugh!~andy2@cpc16-basl9-2-0-cust685.20-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:55:14] <andypugh> Another eBay bargain. I got one of these for £12. http://www.kulttempel.de/elektronik-gesamt/pepperl-fuchs/pepperl-fuchs-visolux-entfernungsmessgeraet-edm-120-ssi-neu/a-4152/
[17:55:28] <andypugh> In as-new condition too.
[17:55:43] <andypugh> (I only got it for testing the SSI interface driver :-)
[17:56:32] <JT-Shop> andypugh: is setsserial in 2.5?
[17:56:57] -!- ktchk [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:58:04] <andypugh> I don't think so.
[17:58:57] <JT-Shop> so have master running when I update the 7i77?
[17:59:19] <andypugh> You don't need setsserial for that, you need mesaflash
[17:59:28] <JT-Shop> might as well flash it with 7i77_7i76.bit so the second port can drive the stepper
[17:59:33] <andypugh> Err, no, wait. I am wrong
[17:59:37] <JT-Shop> mesaflash for the 5i25
[17:59:39] <JT-Shop> right?
[17:59:48] <andypugh> Yes
[17:59:49] <JT-Shop> which I must do first
[18:00:39] <JT-Shop> I'm at that stage now. mesaflash --device 5I25 --write 7i77_7i76.bit or do I need the path to the .bit file too
[18:01:22] <andypugh> You will need the path, or run it from the same directory as the bitfile
[18:02:01] <JT-Shop> ok
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[18:05:11] <pcw_home> I _think_ most of the bugs are out of the 7I77 upgrade script
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[18:06:15] <JT-Shop> --fallback is the same bit file as write?
[18:06:52] <JT-Shop> ie. mesaflash --device 5I25 --write 7i77_7i76.bit --fallback
[18:07:47] <pcw_home> Normally you use a fallback config for fallback but any will do
[18:08:10] <JT-Shop> fallback config?
[18:08:12] <pcw_home> (well, any appropriate config)
[18:08:32] <JT-Shop> use fallback.bit?
[18:08:55] <pcw_home> the fallback config has no special I/O and blinks a red LED so you know its broken
[18:09:23] <JT-Shop> so I don't need to upgrade it?
[18:09:39] <pcw_home> the fallback config, no
[18:09:45] <JT-Shop> ok
[18:10:09] <pcw_home> also
[18:10:10] <pcw_home> sudo ./mesaflash etc etc
[18:10:58] <JT-Shop> yea figured that quick
[18:11:07] <pcw_home> unless its installed in a place your shell searches
[18:11:46] <JT-Shop> just looking for my finger adapters to move the jumpers on the 7i77
[18:11:58] <mrsun> https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1186168_10151819133648648_477354158_n.jpg my machine is starting to come together =)
[18:12:07] <mrsun> but my camera sucks :P
[18:12:08] <pcw_home> yeah they are a bit awkward
[18:14:07] <pcw_home> so flash 5I25
[18:14:08] <pcw_home> cycle computer power
[18:14:09] <pcw_home> power down 7I77 (both 1/2s) move jumpers to setup mode
[18:14:11] <pcw_home> run script
[18:14:13] <pcw_home> power down 7I77
[18:14:14] <pcw_home> move jumpers to operate mode
[18:14:16] <pcw_home> power up 7I77
[18:15:29] <JT-Shop> ok
[18:15:31] <pcw_home> nothing can go wrong, go wrong , go wrong...
[18:15:34] <JT-Shop> 5i25 done
[18:15:39] <JT-Shop> I think...
[18:18:00] -!- Nick001-shop [Nick001-shop!~chatzilla@clsm-66-33-238-197-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:19:10] <pcw_home> We will fix the need to move the setup operate jumpers on the sserial remotes for firmware
[18:19:12] <pcw_home> upgrades eventually but unfortunately that will require updating the sserial firmware the hard
[18:19:13] <pcw_home> way one last time (we are adding setup_mode and operate mode commands)
[18:20:18] <andypugh> JT-Shop: Mesaflash seems too easy doesn't it?
[18:20:57] <pcw_home> note that the 7i77 will be incommunicado when in setup mode (except by setsserial)
[18:22:24] <pcw_home> bbl
[18:22:48] <Aero-Tec> how do I move to a absolute machine location?
[18:22:56] <JT-Shop> G53
[18:23:08] <Aero-Tec> cool thanks
[18:23:18] <JT-Shop> andypugh: yes, analoga seems to be gone
[18:23:30] <JT-Shop> ... what did peter say about mode??
[18:24:52] <JT-Shop> ah there it is mode 3
[18:26:20] <JT-Shop> andypugh: after upgrading do I need to use master or can I run with 2.5?
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[18:28:53] <JT-Shop> andypugh: from the hal prompt should I just be able to do loadrt hostmot2?
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[18:34:05] <JT-Shop> got past that
[18:35:36] <JT-Shop> hmm seems to be working, now to fix my config
[18:42:53] <JT-Shop> how do you pick mode 3 on the loadrt hm2_pci line?
[18:47:58] <JT-Shop> I don't see this pin anymore net x-axis-enable hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogena
[18:48:18] <JT-Shop> is that no longer needed?
[18:53:48] <JT-Shop> net x-axis-command pid.0.output => hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout0
[18:54:09] <JT-Shop> hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.analogout0 is not there anymore...
[18:55:18] <JT-Shop> bbl
[18:55:35] <andypugh> Sorry, I was afk
[18:55:48] <JT-Shop> afk?
[18:55:59] <andypugh> Away from keyboard
[18:56:07] <JT-Shop> ah
[18:56:29] <andypugh> Mode 3 is the loadrt modparam.
[18:56:53] <andypugh> I have forgotten what it is called.
[18:57:22] <JT-Shop> I've never seen loadrt modparam
[18:57:36] <JT-Shop> do I need to run master now?
[18:57:45] <andypugh> No modparam for the loadrt
[18:57:54] <andypugh> sserial_port_0=00000000
[18:58:02] <JT-Shop> ah yes that one
[18:58:30] <andypugh> loadrt hmt_pci config="sserial_port_0=03xxxxxx" or something like that
[18:58:32] <JT-Shop> loadrt hm2_pci config="num_encoders=6 num_stepgens=1 sserial_port_0=003xxx"
[18:58:43] <JT-Shop> was my guess
[18:58:56] <andypugh> Something like that, anyway.
[18:59:12] <JT-Shop> but I've lost all pins that are hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0...
[18:59:20] <PCW> probablysserial_port_0=300xxx"
[18:59:30] <andypugh> Because the 7i77 is still in setup mode?
[18:59:48] <JT-Shop> moved the jumpers and power cycled twice
[19:00:21] <andypugh> I don't know off-hand which sserial port the 7i77 is on
[19:00:38] <andypugh> But I would have thought 0
[19:01:15] <PCW> field I/O is 0 analog out is 1 expansion is 2
[19:01:54] <PCW> sserial_port_0=30xxxx"
[19:02:21] <JT-Shop> it didn't like sserial_port_0=300xxx
[19:02:25] <PCW> since channel 0 needs to be in mode 3
[19:02:45] <PCW> and port 2 is not used
[19:03:02] <JT-Shop> I loaded the 7i77_7i76.bit file
[19:03:14] <JT-Shop> didn't like 30xxxx
[19:03:16] <PCW> did the 7i77 update script run without errors?
[19:03:20] <JT-Shop> yes
[19:04:24] <JT-Shop> ok the pins are showing up now
[19:04:44] <JT-Shop> had to stand on one foot and hold onto the lightning rod
[19:05:53] <jdh> left foot or right foot?
[19:06:03] <JT-Shop> I used sserial_port_0=003xxx
[19:06:14] <JT-Shop> dogs foot
[19:06:43] <JT-Shop> is there any indication that I'm in Mode 3?
[19:06:56] <PCW> I guess i cant remember the channel order either
[19:07:17] <PCW> the encoder pins should be visible
[19:08:45] <PCW> and some analog inputs pins
[19:11:28] <JT-Shop> yes I see the analog pins and encoder and one stepgen
[19:11:35] <JT-Shop> and the I/O
[19:11:48] <JT-Shop> and my configuration loads now
[19:14:48] <JT-Shop> I seem to be back up and running... thanks for the hlep
[19:14:50] <JT-Shop> help
[19:16:03] <JT-Shop> gotta run now but when I get back I'll move the MPG to 16,17,18,19 and I guess it needs a software encoder?
[19:16:31] <PCW> No its a built in encoder counter
[19:17:26] <PCW> (16,17 are ENC-0 a,b, 18,19 are ENC-1 a,b)
[19:18:20] <PCW> the advantage is that it can count to 20 KHz or so just using the base thread
[19:18:43] <PCW> s/base thread/ 1 KHz servo thread/
[19:23:05] <JT-Shop> right now I have X connected to 7i77 encoder 0, Y to 1, Z to 2, spindle to 3 and MPG to 5
[19:23:36] <JT-Shop> so I need to move the axes and connect the MPG to encoder 0?
[19:27:05] <JT-Shop> the MPG is working correctly now...
[19:27:15] <PCW> no, its a differernt encoder
[19:27:24] <PCW> with 7i77 in the name
[19:29:50] <PCW> lot of steps :-(
[19:30:19] <JT-Shop> nothing showed up when I did show pin with 7i77 and encoder in the name
[19:30:22] <andypugh> There has to be a way to set sserial remote mode individually.
[19:30:52] <andypugh> If only the driver eriter wasn't so lazy
[19:31:00] <JT-Shop> lol
[19:31:49] <andypugh> If you use the sserial_remotes_by_serial_number option, then the sserial_mode_0=xxx string makes even less sense
[19:32:38] <andypugh> I should make it a parameter, and if the penalty is having to stop the card and restart, then that's not the worst thing in the world.
[19:32:47] <JT-Shop> none of it makes any sense to me
[19:33:04] <JT-Shop> so what does the 0000xxxx string mean?
[19:37:18] <JT-Shop> The sserial_port_0=0XXX configuration string sets some options for the smart serial daughter card. These options are specific for each daughter card. See the Mesa manual for more information on the exact usuage.
[19:37:28] <JT-Shop> ops a typo
[19:37:44] * JT-Shop looks in the Mesa manua
[19:37:45] <PCW> just verified here
[19:38:07] <JT-Shop> the sserial_0=?
[19:38:10] <PCW> sserial_port_0=300xxx
[19:38:32] <JT-Shop> ok let me try that
[19:38:38] -!- zzolo has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[19:39:59] <PCW> the encoders are on the field I/O (channel 0) so sserial channel 0 (the first number in the string) must be 3 to enable the encoders
[19:41:41] <JT-Shop> the config ran, but I don't see the extra encoders... I used the 7i77_7i76.bit file could that be a problem?
[19:41:51] <andypugh> A sserial port can have up to 8 remotes. You can have up to 8 ports (I think).
[19:42:03] <PCW> the are called enc0 and enc1
[19:42:36] <andypugh> So, sserial_mode_0=12345678 sets the mode for each remote on port 0, sserial_mode_1=12345678 sets the modes for the cards on port 2, and so on.
[19:43:31] <PCW> 5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc0
[19:43:33] <PCW> 5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc1
[19:43:43] <JT-Shop> no pins like that
[19:44:01] <JT-Shop> do I need to use the 7i77x2.bit file?
[19:44:17] <PCW> wont make a difference
[19:44:42] -!- md-2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:44:54] <PCW> are you still running master?
[19:45:01] -!- `Nerobro has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[19:45:19] <andypugh> dmesg might list the modes.
[19:45:28] <JT-Shop> no, do I need to run master?
[19:45:32] <JT-Shop> let me try that
[19:45:38] <PCW> if so you should be able to see the remote 7I77 version
[19:45:47] <PCW> (its a parameter)
[19:46:29] <PCW> Im running 2.5.1 and the encoders show up
[19:46:48] <andypugh> JT-Shop: Try man sserial, I moved a lot of detail into there
[19:47:32] <PCW> If you look for them, they are at the bottom of the list of pins)
[19:48:35] <JT-Shop> just did a minimal run in master and 5i25.0.7i77.0.0.enc0 or enc1 are not there
[19:49:15] <andypugh> dmesg (in master) is meant to list all the sserial modes
[19:49:24] <andypugh> Can you pastebin it?
[19:49:35] <JT-Shop> yes
[19:50:16] <andypugh> Would you pastebin it?
[19:51:34] <JT-Shop> takes me a moment to get from there to here
[19:52:14] <JT-Shop> dmesg http://pastebin.com/65ag57Jy
[19:52:43] <JT-Shop> show pin http://pastebin.com/6G6Zjmg5
[19:53:17] -!- tmcw has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:54:27] <PCW> looks like the 7I77 firmware did not get updated
[19:54:36] <JT-Shop> the mill is a touch screen with no proper place for the keyboard or mouse so it takes a bit
[19:54:58] <jdh> ssh
[19:55:02] -!- Nick001-shop has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:55:12] <JT-Shop> I'm not making too much noise
[19:55:43] <JT-Shop> this 843.589315] Board hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1 Hardware Mode 0 = standard?
[19:55:53] <JT-Shop> no mode 3
[19:56:00] <PCW> you can verify (running master) by looking at the swrevision parameter
[19:56:02] <PCW> hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.swrevision
[19:56:22] <JT-Shop> one moment
[19:57:42] -!- skunkworks has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:57:50] <JT-Shop> show param http://pastebin.com/3F6chFh4
[19:57:55] -!- tmcw has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[19:58:05] <PCW> field I/O is 7i77.0.0 but yours only lists 0,1,2 as possibles which means your not running the latest 7I77 firmware
[19:58:11] <JT-Shop> 7 u32 RO 0x00000006 hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0.swrevision
[19:58:14] <andypugh> Thats 6 in hex, which is 6 :-)
[19:58:35] -!- tjb1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:58:42] <PCW> yeah, should be E
[19:58:46] <JT-Shop> let me try the 7i77 upgrade again
[19:58:47] <PCW> (14)
[19:59:33] <PCW> thats the one on field I/O power
[20:01:34] <JT-Shop> power down the 7i77 and move 4 and 12 to right
[20:04:59] <JT-Shop> http://pastebin.com/GtqazMgw
[20:06:59] <PCW> and thats running master?
[20:07:12] <JT-Shop> can the problem be that I don't have master "installed" but only a RIP?
[20:07:49] <JT-Shop> if I run master while I try and do that I get an error that says turn off with halrun -U
[20:08:04] <JT-Shop> hmm I have an idea
[20:08:09] <PCW> RIP should be good as long as you launched the script in the same terminal tha you set the RIP environment in
[20:08:45] <PCW> also linuxcnc should not be running
[20:10:28] <JT-Shop> http://pastebin.com/uGrdPuqi
[20:11:44] <jdh> I think he is way more about power than religion.
[20:11:47] <jdh> <urk>
[20:12:05] <JT-Shop> and dmesg http://pastebin.com/Y0RAeGyF
[20:12:19] <JT-Shop> 4446.161200] hostmot2: Unknown parameter `sserial_baudrate'
[20:13:37] <JT-Shop> this line does not wait cycle 7I77 field power and 5V power and hit return
[20:14:02] <PCW> looks like you are not running master
[20:14:39] <JT-Shop> I'm in the RIP environment
[20:14:42] <PCW> or running the script in the RIP environment
[20:14:56] <JT-Shop> john@BpMill:~/emc2-dev$ . ./scripts/rip-environment
[20:16:47] <JT-Shop> http://pastebin.com/qshjHM5d
[20:17:06] <JT-Shop> I typed in linuxcnc and got 2.6.0~pre
[20:17:17] <JT-Shop> then sudo .update7i77
[20:17:40] <PCW> well maybe too old
[20:18:07] <JT-Shop> master? I just pulled and make clean and make before I started
[20:18:30] <JT-Shop> I did get an error with make about some modbus thing
[20:21:38] <JT-Shop> the libmodbus error http://pastebin.com/pKNqkXxW
[20:22:41] <JT-Shop> what is this? checking libgl1-mesa-dri workaround... required - need to preload /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
[20:23:39] <PCW> Hmm looks like its gotten broken in master (the baudrate thing)
[20:24:26] <JT-Shop> this? hostmot2: Unknown parameter `sserial_baudrate'
[20:28:59] <PCW> Yep
[20:32:16] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:32:40] <andypugh> That's a strangeness
[20:33:33] <andypugh> Oh, and if you already have LinuxCNC (or similar) live, halcmd -kf lets you add a persistent command line interface
[20:34:38] -!- tjb11 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:37:54] <PCW> Yeah that used to work as of a couple months ago...
[20:37:55] <andypugh> JT-Shop: "sserial_baudrate" is a parameter to loadrt hostmot2, not loadrt hm2_pci
[20:38:28] <JT-Shop> and?
[20:39:41] <JT-Shop> I assume the error is from insmod: error inserting '/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/linuxcnc/hostmot2.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
[20:39:48] <JT-Shop> while trying to update the 7i77
[20:40:14] <PCW> here's the script (well 1/2 of)
[20:40:15] <JT-Shop> this is from dmesg after a failed update attempt hostmot2: Unknown parameter `sserial_baudrate'
[20:40:16] <PCW> loadrt hostmot2 sserial_baudrate=115200
[20:40:17] <PCW> loadrt hm2_pci
[20:40:19] <PCW> loadrt setsserial cmd="flash hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.0 hm2/sserial/7I77DR14.BIN"
[20:40:20] <PCW> exit
[20:40:22] <PCW>
[20:40:56] <JT-Shop> from hostmot2.c hm2->sserial.baudrate = sserial_baudrate;
[20:41:25] <JT-Shop> added on Sat, 26 Jan 2013
[20:41:33] <JT-Shop> just fishing
[20:41:34] <mhaberler> it's the module parameter, not the symbol - have a link to the source?
[20:42:11] <JT-Shop> http://git.linuxcnc.org/gitweb?p=linuxcnc.git;a=commit;h=5f6cd02aeb0337f93a77a41b56c111d5bc694a17
[20:48:52] <mhaberler> try 'modinfo <path to .ko>', it should list params and types near the end
[20:49:17] <JT-Shop> me?
[20:50:19] <mhaberler> well it should give a clue what the right params for a module are, didnt you have the issue?
[20:50:27] <JT-Shop> yes
[20:50:31] <JT-Shop> let me try
[20:51:05] <mhaberler> near the end of the output are lines tagged with 'parm:'
[20:51:21] <mhaberler> those describe name, comment, type of legit params for that .ko
[20:52:49] <mhaberler> should be hostmot2.ko
[20:55:01] <JT-Shop> it shows parm: sserial_baudrate
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[20:57:18] <mhaberler> is that all which is on that line?
[20:57:34] <mhaberler> here's an example from some driver:
[20:57:52] <JT-Shop> it gives a description and (int)
[20:57:58] <mhaberler> (parport_pc.ko):
[20:57:59] <mhaberler> parm: io:Base I/O address (SPP regs) (array of int)
[20:58:00] <mhaberler> parm: io_hi:Base I/O address (ECR) (array of int)
[20:58:00] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[20:58:01] <mhaberler> parm: irq:IRQ line (array of charp)
[20:59:09] <mhaberler> bizarre, and if you insmod /usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/linuxcnc/hostmot2.ko sserial_baudrate=115200
[20:59:19] <mhaberler> that fails too with same error?
[21:00:16] <JT-Shop> the error from trying to update the 7i77 is insmod: error inserting '/usr/realtime-2.6.32-122-rtai/modules/linuxcnc/hostmot2.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
[21:01:09] <mhaberler> that's something different though, an unresolved symbol - that should be in dmesg too hinting which symbol
[21:01:42] <JT-Shop> the terminal session http://pastebin.com/uGrdPuqi
[21:01:52] <JT-Shop> dmesg http://pastebin.com/Y0RAeGyF
[21:03:49] <mhaberler> hm, insmod reports a bad param as 'Unknown symbol' . still the same though
[21:04:31] <mhaberler> could it be some depmod step is missing so the wrong hostmot2.ko file is picked up?
[21:05:48] <JT-Shop> I got an error about libmodbus when running make http://pastebin.com/pKNqkXxW
[21:06:04] <JT-Shop> so I did configure --without-libmodbus
[21:06:25] <PCW> I looks like there some magic that not done to load the RIP kernel modules
[21:06:32] <JT-Shop> because sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev failed
[21:06:43] <mhaberler> you could apt-get install libmodbus3 and that should resolve the issue
[21:06:55] <JT-Shop> ok
[21:06:58] <mhaberler> but I dont think that has an impact, modbus is userland
[21:07:37] <PCW> So whats the magic about the RIP environment and has it changed?
[21:07:46] <JT-Shop> I get the same error Segmentation faulty tree
[21:07:54] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[21:07:57] <andypugh> I don't think Master has changed yet
[21:08:35] <PCW> it looks like old hostmot2.ko is used
[21:08:50] <mhaberler> yes, I think the wrong .ko is inserted
[21:08:53] <JT-Shop> in master
[21:09:05] <DJ9DJ> gn8
[21:09:36] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
[21:11:13] <andypugh> There is only one way to be sure, nuke the site from orbit. Or configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
[21:11:27] <mhaberler> right
[21:11:28] <PCW> Im pretty sure Ive never installed master just used it RIP
[21:11:41] -!- odogono has quit [Quit: odogono]
[21:11:52] -!- tjb1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:11:54] <andypugh> Indeed, and all the setsserial testing was done with a RIP
[21:12:01] <PCW> and this used to work
[21:13:27] <PCW> must be something in the linuxcnc startup script that makes it work
[21:13:53] <mhaberler> jt; what's a segmentation faulty tree?
[21:14:13] <JT-Shop> john@BpMill:~/emc2-dev/src$ sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev
[21:14:14] <JT-Shop> Reading package lists... Done
[21:14:14] <JT-Shop> Segmentation faulty tree... 56%
[21:14:33] <JT-Shop> also for apt-get install libmodbus3
[21:15:06] -!- tjb11 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[21:15:28] <mhaberler> apt-get segfaults? even after a reboot?
[21:16:37] <JT-Shop> I just tested sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev on another PC and it worked
[21:16:44] -!- chillly has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:16:45] <JT-Shop> let me boot it
[21:17:20] <mhaberler> sounds like something wedged basic shared libraries; or a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* entry pointing to a directory with unsuitable libraries (wild guess)
[21:18:22] <andypugh> A segfaulting apt-get does sound spectacularly borked
[21:19:38] <mhaberler> urban dictionary example: Admin: I totally borked my machine installing Win XP SP2. Yes, that sounds about right.
[21:21:22] <JT-Shop> do an apt-get update?
[21:21:26] <mhaberler> sure
[21:22:41] <mhaberler> somehow this sounds like a mixup of a package install and a RIP install
[21:23:49] <JT-Shop> that worked
[21:24:09] <mhaberler> might have just been a wedged kernel
[21:25:03] <mhaberler> well, as Andy said - either install to user, or get rid of the packages and just do a RIP build - to make sure the right thing gets loaded
[21:26:33] <PCW> linuxcnc script loads the right things, halrun script does not
[21:26:58] <andypugh> Now that sounds interesting.
[21:27:08] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:27:16] <mhaberler> well, I'm off - good luck!
[21:27:25] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[21:27:44] <andypugh> Oh! Is that the time?
[21:27:49] <andypugh> :-)
[21:28:30] <PCW> yeah linuxcnc loads and runs master fine but halrun loads the old .ko's
[21:28:56] <JT-Shop> even when you do . ./scripts/rip-environment
[21:28:57] <JT-Shop> ?
[21:29:04] <PCW> yes
[21:29:09] <JT-Shop> hmmm
[21:30:09] <PCW> you can tell from the update7i77 error message (look at the .ko path)
[21:30:44] <JT-Shop> oh I see it now
[21:32:45] -!- malcom2073 [malcom2073!~quassel@unaffiliated/malcom2073] has joined #linuxcnc
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[21:36:47] <PCW> I wonder if there some some magic i need to do in the the update scripts
[21:36:49] <PCW> (that I didn't do before)
[21:40:48] <PCW> JT-Shop: its script related so its probably my fault, so
[21:40:50] <PCW> halrun update7i77d.hal does work
[21:41:11] <PCW> Still dont know what changed
[21:42:28] <PCW> halrun update7i77a.hal for the other 1/2
[21:49:13] <JT-Shop> when I do sudo halrun I get the installed version, when I just do halrun I get the RIP but without permission
[21:50:42] <PCW> ahh its my stupid mistake
[21:51:16] <PCW> its ./update7i77, not sudo ./update7i77
[21:54:56] -!- syyl has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:55:19] <JT-Shop> http://pastebin.com/ykYAHVWW
[21:55:29] <JT-Shop> I get Operation not permitted
[21:55:53] <andypugh> sudo make setuid?
[21:56:02] <JT-Shop> yes
[21:56:12] <andypugh> As you were then
[21:57:28] <JT-Shop> thanks, I have to leave now
[22:04:51] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
[22:07:09] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:07:51] <Tom_itx> all for an encoder click.
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[22:31:31] <andypugh> I never thought of that "Carbon migrates into the steel from the wood. Gumming prevents case hardening and fatigue cracking of the saw band gullets." (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawfiler )
[22:34:29] -!- afiber__ has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[22:36:09] <Jymmm> hmmmm
[22:41:44] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[22:49:55] <andypugh> Goodnight chaps
[22:50:05] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
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