#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-09-23

[00:00:01] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[05:59:54] <MacGalempsy> hello
[06:04:38] <MacGalempsy> anyone around ever use the bolton tools cnc?
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[06:28:32] <archivist_> never heard of it, url?
[06:35:39] <archivist_> well their ebay advert shows a few errors that implies the advert is chinglish and not from a supposed USA dealer
[06:39:23] <archivist_> there have been other users of chines sourced mill where the column squareness has not been very good
[06:41:47] <archivist_> take a traming indicator to test one before you buy at that price http://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/general/spindle-tram-indicators-197809/
[06:44:42] -!- toastydeath [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[09:24:50] <MacGalempsy> thanks for the info. a couple of forums stated good luck with their lathes
[09:25:08] -!- pingufan [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[09:36:00] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[09:44:48] <archivist_herron> all depends on the type of work too
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[10:44:38] md2 is now known as Guest87935
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[11:53:44] -!- logger[psha] [logger[psha][email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[11:53:57] <Jymmm> mrsun_: There is a DIY bellows out there
[11:54:09] <mrsun_> for 1.5 meters of ballscrew? :)
[11:54:20] <Jymmm> mrsun_: as long as you want it
[11:54:36] <mrsun_> for round stuff? :)
[11:54:50] <mrsun_> ive seen the ones for protecting ways of mills etc but
[11:54:56] <Jymmm> http://www.franksworkshop.com.au/CNC/Bellows/Bellows.htm
[11:55:15] <Jymmm> theres even a calculator
[11:55:44] <mrsun_> yes but i want round ones :P
[11:55:48] <mrsun_> thats a rectangular :P
[11:56:04] <mrsun_> i guess one could make em square also
[11:56:12] <Jymmm> mrsun_: shopvac hose, split loom tubing
[11:56:13] <mrsun_> as the shape shouldnt matter much =)
[11:56:33] <mrsun_> Jymmm, has to be compressable =)
[11:56:49] <Jymmm> mrsun_: You want cheese with that whine?
[11:56:55] <mrsun_> :P
[11:56:59] <mrsun_> yeah sure =)
[11:57:19] <Jymmm> mrsun_: fuck off and go do your own damn googling then =)
[11:57:49] <mrsun_> oh, agressive much today? :P
[11:58:20] <Jymmm> mrsun_: Hey, you said you wanted cheese, just because you dont care for the flavor doens't matter =)
[11:59:04] <Jymmm> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taQAM4i33OI
[11:59:05] <Tecan> (taQAM4i33OI) "Bellow Folding" by "jeckert12" is "Howto" - Length: 0:06:08
[12:04:05] -!- toxx has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:13:40] -!- jthornton has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[12:17:57] <Jymmm> Rather cheap PCB service $45 for 1 and $75 for 10 on a 2x4" http://www.futurlec.com/PCBService.shtml
[12:29:23] Drigo is now known as drigo
[12:31:30] -!- Guest87935 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:40:28] <jdh> last (and only) time I ordered parts from Futurlec, it took 6weeks to get them. They ship from .au or something
[12:40:32] -!- skunkworks [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:40:50] <Jymmm> ah
[12:41:00] <Jymmm> jdh: ETA?
[12:41:31] <Jymmm> They have some REALLY cheap parts that I dont mind waiting for.
[12:41:53] <jdh> yeah. I thought there were lots of cheap(er) PCB places.
[12:42:22] -!- JT-Shop-2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[12:42:38] <Jymmm> they have some oddball parts that I just can't get/find elsewhere
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[12:45:02] <Jymmm> jdh: the RJ45 as example: http://www.futurlec.com/Computer_Adapters.shtml#RJ45_ADAPTER
[12:47:52] <jdh> nice price, but not really oddball or hard to find.
[12:48:10] <Jymmm> jdh: RJ45 to screw terminals?
[12:48:20] <jdh> yeah
[12:48:28] <Jymmm> jdh: I've never seen them
[12:48:34] <jdh> mouser
[12:48:40] <Jymmm> ah
[12:49:27] <jdh> sparkfun sells breakouts for lots of things, but not pre-assembled.
[12:49:45] <Jymmm> $6 to $30
[12:57:53] jthornton_ is now known as jthornton
[12:59:18] -!- pingufan has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[13:07:06] -!- tjb11 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[13:07:20] <jthornton> anyone want to test out my mill g code generator? http://www.gnipsel.com/shop/files/mill.zip
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[13:21:55] <skunkworks> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAg6w2Gmx-g
[13:21:56] <Tecan> (vAg6w2Gmx-g) "CoreXY LinuxCNC" by "Nick Drobchenko" is "Tech" - Length: 0:00:32
[13:25:31] <skunkworks> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5okhhgtIUPo
[13:25:32] <Tecan> (5okhhgtIUPo) "DIY MINI CNC Machine: Part 10 - Final Setup + EMC2 Control" by "Richard Harris" is "Tech" - Length: 0:02:29
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[13:50:14] JT-Shop-2 is now known as JT-Shop
[13:51:09] <JT-Shop> /me can't look at videos... no bandwith left
[13:51:28] <JT-Shop> skunkworks: are you using Ubuntu 10.04?
[13:51:56] <skunkworks> not at the moment.. (I don't have a machine up here with it on)
[13:52:19] <skunkworks> the K&T and a few other machines are still running 10.04 but my daily user is 12.04
[13:52:45] <JT-Shop> I wonder if my python mill g code thing runs on 12.04?
[14:00:36] -!- krusty_ar has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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[14:11:04] -!- gimps_ [gimps_!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:17:45] -!- skunkworks [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:29:43] <archivist_> grmbl didnt win 221284141570
[14:34:46] -!- JesusAlos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:37:10] <JesusAlos> hi
[14:38:00] <JesusAlos> have a problem with a machine with 7i77 card and 5i25
[14:38:56] <JesusAlos> it seems like linuxcnc don't connect with 7i77
[14:40:04] <JT-Shop> do you have field power on?
[14:42:06] <pcw_home> You should have 2 yellow LEDs on the top edge of the 7I77 illuminated
[14:42:13] <JesusAlos> yes
[14:42:18] <pcw_home> (at the minimum)
[14:42:32] <JesusAlos> I have 4 yelow led and one red
[14:42:43] <JesusAlos> I think the red must be green
[14:42:44] <JesusAlos> no?
[14:42:57] <pcw_home> OK Yes once running
[14:44:02] <JesusAlos> I don't know wy don't communicate 5i25 with 7i77
[14:44:09] <JesusAlos> can I do eny test?
[14:44:41] <pcw_home> was this a running system that just stopped?
[14:44:59] <pcw_home> or have there been any changes made recently
[14:46:03] <JesusAlos> I don't know if the user machine change enything
[14:46:06] <JesusAlos> he say not
[14:46:08] <JesusAlos> http://pastebin.com/kz4SS0ca
[14:46:34] <JesusAlos> the machine is runnink ok about 9 month
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[14:47:26] <pcw_home> what error message do you get from linuxcnc?
[14:50:10] <JesusAlos> http://imagebin.org/271706
[14:50:20] <JesusAlos> I go to see the error
[14:50:45] -!- hashfail_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:51:43] <pcw_home> Its not possible to tell much from the red LED because that may just mean linuxcnc did not start
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[14:53:59] -!- Nick001-shop [Nick001-shop!~chatzilla@clsm-74-212-59-122-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:56:18] <JesusAlos> ok
[14:56:28] <JesusAlos> this is strenge. Now run ok
[14:56:31] -!- mk0 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:56:39] <JesusAlos> I don't do nothing
[14:57:03] -!- joe9 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:57:57] <archivist_> check connectors and cables etc
[14:57:58] -!- Thetawaves_ has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[14:58:41] -!- kwallace2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:58:58] <pcw_home> its important to save the linuxcnc error because not all errors are logged in the kernal log (dmesg)
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[15:00:22] <JesusAlos> Ok. Thank
[15:00:42] <JesusAlos> The mesanet electronic is good, no?
[15:01:00] <JesusAlos> is tested and good result for long time?
[15:01:10] <JesusAlos> or is on development?
[15:01:11] <jdh> mesa love you long time
[15:03:28] <JT-Shop> good yes
[15:04:33] <pcw_home> I dont think I know of any hardware problems with the 7I77
[15:04:34] <pcw_home> you may want to upgrade the 7I77s firmware
[15:05:04] <pcw_home> there are some know firmware bugs :-(
[15:05:58] -!- syyl_ws [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:06:17] <pcw_home> also if you upgrade the 5I25 to the latest firmware, the latest 5I25
[15:06:19] <pcw_home> sserial firmware is more tolerant of errors encountered during startup
[15:06:24] -!- gimps_ [gimps_!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:09:49] <JesusAlos> I don't update the firmaware
[15:10:05] <JesusAlos> bub until now the machine don't do eny problem
[15:11:05] <JesusAlos> I buy the electronica in Ganuary
[15:11:32] <JesusAlos> January
[15:11:39] <JesusAlos> this year
[15:15:55] <pcw_home> Without knowing why linuxcnc did not start its hard to tell whats going on
[15:15:58] <JesusAlos> I say it fot the firmware revision
[15:17:03] -!- Einar [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[15:17:39] <JesusAlos> the nex time I save the error
[15:25:49] -!- Simooon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[15:30:04] <mrsun_> is there any good software to "nest" gcode ? if i have some gcode and i want to cut several parts with offsets =)
[15:30:15] <mrsun_> sure i guess one could do it by calls etc in linuxcnc
[15:35:42] <ReadError> mrsun_ cambam i think lets you import gcode
[15:35:46] <ReadError> and lay it out
[15:35:58] <mrsun_> but i do not have cambam and it also costs? :)
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[15:41:19] <archivist_> that would be a sensible job for openscam
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[15:43:48] <archivist_> sure slow server there today
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[16:02:25] <JT-Shop> mrsun_: G54 etc
[16:05:50] <pcw_home> JT-Shop your thread calculator runs on Ubuntu 12.04
[16:05:51] <pcw_home> (since its all straight python it should run on anything)
[16:05:53] <pcw_home> I'm running python2.7, it might be worth trying on python3.x
[16:08:53] -!- Thetawaves_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:09:10] <JT-Shop> can you run python 3.x on 10.04?
[16:09:17] <JT-Shop> pcw_home: thanks for trying it
[16:09:51] <JT-Shop> looks like Python 2.6.5 on 10.04
[16:10:10] <jdh> I tried it on my winbox, it wasn't happy.
[16:10:32] <JT-Shop> did it complain about anything specific?
[16:10:41] <pcw_home> which python on windows?
[16:11:05] <jdh> one complained about lack of gtk, but I have gtk
[16:11:12] <jdh> the other just exited
[16:11:17] -!- Tecan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:11:23] <JesusAlos> by
[16:14:15] <JT-Shop> ok, I see I left an old program in that directory
[16:14:27] <JT-Shop> mill.py is the one I'm working on
[16:17:43] <JT-Shop> looks like the wondoze version of python don't like with open(...
[16:17:49] -!- louis___ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:19:39] <pcw_home> you can install whatever version of python you like on windows
[16:20:28] <pcw_home> python --version
[16:20:38] <pcw_home> will tell you what you have
[16:23:29] <JT-Shop> I have 2.5 on this box and it uses Idle
[16:24:11] -!- bedah [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:32:40] <jdh> I have 2.5 with idle and 2.6 with <something other than idle>
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[16:34:27] <archivist_> I am just idle
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[16:42:05] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:42:09] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:09:57] <IchGuckLive> hi ries
[17:10:19] <ries_nicked> Hey IchGuckLive
[17:10:19] <ries_nicked> How are you doing?
[17:10:34] <IchGuckLive> fine its nice weather here in germany
[17:10:34] <kengu> hellou
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[17:15:41] <ries> IchGuckLive: good good, untill it winter :D
[17:15:49] <ries> here it's always teh same...
[17:15:54] <ries> shirt on, window open :)
[17:16:39] <micges> ries: where is 'here'?
[17:17:58] <IchGuckLive> ries: no winter till ther beer flow in munich is over
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[17:20:27] <ries> micges: Ecuador
[17:20:56] <ries> IchGuckLive: :)
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[17:27:49] <micges> ries: niiiice
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[17:34:16] <jdh> http://www.pocketnc.com/
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[17:37:38] <archivist_> hmm I hope that gets bolted to something to stop the rear arm bending
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[17:39:28] <jdh> writing code for it looks painful.
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[17:41:28] <skunkworks> kins would help
[17:41:46] <archivist_> no worse than writing for mine
[17:44:29] <archivist_> I wonder if that trunnion design is belt drive from the stepper...
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[17:47:42] <IchGuckLive> belt is horror if more then 100 inch
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[17:51:46] <andypugh> Looks like they are going for TinyG, I think they missed a trick there.
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[17:52:22] <IchGuckLive> my little one is better and will stand the hard education as proved every day
[17:53:08] <pcw_home> but they can run theirs from a cell phone
[17:53:37] <IchGuckLive> oh well nice to construct and CAD/Cam on cellphone
[17:53:48] <IchGuckLive> also to control the stuff
[17:54:09] <IchGuckLive> easy to press Start RUN by whatever you will
[17:54:17] <andypugh> Yeah, because controlling a CNC machine from a cellphone is a _really_ useful feature...
[17:54:55] <IchGuckLive> i will do a Run button on a elphant Stand if it is a good trick in the X-mas show
[17:55:11] <IchGuckLive> what a crap
[17:55:45] <archivist_> the resonance of the trunnion drive belts with the cutting forces will give the designer a nasty shock I think
[17:55:57] <IchGuckLive> OH you can do me a favor as always once a year to get more international Hits !!!
[17:56:43] <IchGuckLive> please go to http://www.landauer-weihnachtscircus.de/ and DOUBLE hit the FOTO al,pst bottom right Elephant
[17:57:02] <pcw_home> IchGuckLive so your students have made all possible mistakes with your mini-mill?
[17:57:37] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: yes they are always trying to drill the X-table
[17:57:49] <IchGuckLive> in all kind of speeds
[17:58:24] <IchGuckLive> some try to get a differnet drill angel then G83 in Z
[17:58:40] <pcw_home> Reminds me of the mill vises that are about 1/2 gone
[17:58:55] <IchGuckLive> B)
[17:59:17] <IchGuckLive> as students worldwide are shinie and not as vise as they shoudt
[18:00:09] <andypugh> I wonder if you could kill the resonance by having two belts, both the same ratio, but slightly different pitch. (T5 and XL (5.08mm) for example.
[18:01:28] <IchGuckLive> T5 gives you a good ratio on the Steppers
[18:01:33] <andypugh> pcw_home: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/33bwb52jgp617ui/3UkfMs5opA#lh:null-drill15.jpg
[18:01:35] <archivist_> I am also thinking the designer may be suffering from stepper microstep delusions
[18:01:37] <IchGuckLive> Z12 Z24 Z48
[18:02:21] <andypugh> archivist_: They are only claiming half a thou.
[18:02:25] <pcw_home> a few more holes and you have a breakaway
[18:03:07] <archivist_> andypugh, yes as if half step is exactly a half step :)
[18:03:17] <andypugh> It belongs to a friend, that one. I can only assume that someone had a fundamental misunderstanding of how to use a drill press.
[18:03:29] <IchGuckLive> someone shoudt come up with a already sturtup table with a main circle
[18:04:07] <andypugh> archivist_: It's exactly one step with a 2.5mm pitch screw.
[18:06:21] <andypugh> Mad Idea: Feed ASCII art to True-Type Tracer.
[18:06:28] <IchGuckLive> T5xZ48=240mm=U=2400Step/U Microstepping at 0.1mm Plasma at 400Steps/U = 6:1 Ratio
[18:07:17] <IchGuckLive> T5xZ24 120mm U 1200Steps
[18:07:27] <IchGuckLive> Ratio 3:1 on step 400
[18:07:40] <IchGuckLive> this are very nice numbers
[18:08:14] <IchGuckLive> for Europeans of cause
[18:08:18] <IchGuckLive> O.O
[18:09:31] <IchGuckLive> pcw_home: the trick on the educations is to set software ends towards no hit at all
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[18:12:16] <IchGuckLive> welcome afiber__ fiber is hard to mill O.O
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[18:12:58] <IchGuckLive> sirdancealot: is dancing alot but not on mondays he is tirerd
[18:13:22] <IchGuckLive> as i am here 2 so good by for today
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[19:20:01] <saki`> hey all
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[19:20:38] <saki`> is there any IRC channel where people discuss CNC builds, similar to the reprap channel?
[19:21:40] <andypugh> saki`: To an extent, here.
[19:21:41] <archivist_> they often get discussed in here, we may laugh if you want to control it with other than linuxcnc
[19:23:22] <saki`> well i'm just trying to figure out what to do right now
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[19:23:36] <saki`> i imagine software will come in a bit after i finish building it
[19:23:38] <saki`> :P
[19:23:40] <archivist_> I started with some scrap
[19:24:42] <saki`> i want to build one to cut cardboard with, essentially to build these: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4764
[19:26:05] <andypugh> What kind of cutter is used?
[19:26:37] <archivist_> laser?
[19:27:04] <saki`> well the same guy has an openscad script
[19:27:19] <saki`> that edits the BOM for the buildlog 2.x cnc
[19:27:32] <saki`> to be able to cut upto 12" x 24"
[19:27:48] <saki`> which is basically the size of each cardboard panel
[19:28:14] <saki`> so i need anything really that would cut 12" x 24" cardboard
[19:28:15] <jdh> what kind of cutter will you use?
[19:28:27] <saki`> don't really care if its laser or anything else
[19:28:33] <saki`> if it works then i'm okay with it
[19:30:12] <saki`> cheap and reliable is all i really need i suppose
[19:30:14] -!- tmcw_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:30:47] <andypugh> http://youtu.be/8pzcCF0DFmE
[19:30:48] <Tecan> (8pzcCF0DFmE) "Trumpf Punching Technology Video" by "MidAtlanticMachinery" is "Tech" - Length: 0:04:32
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[19:32:17] <archivist_> I wonder if there is a wire type file that could be used
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[19:33:15] <saki`> i was wondering the same actually
[19:33:25] <saki`> no idea what it would even be called
[19:33:28] <saki`> but still
[19:35:15] <archivist_> card just bends out the way for me
[19:35:48] <saki`> AH
[19:35:51] <saki`> found something
[19:36:13] <saki`> ugh
[19:36:27] <saki`> google needs to put in some sort of "copy link" thing
[19:36:49] <saki`> http://donektools.com/
[19:36:55] <saki`> donek drag knife
[19:37:23] <jdh> I think a tangential knife woudl be better for cardboard?
[19:37:29] <saki`> says here it's basically to cut anything that you would cut with a utility knife, except a cnc
[19:37:33] <saki`> via*
[19:39:16] <jdh> they claim 1/8" radius which seems unlikely given the angle of the blade.
[19:39:35] <archivist_> that double layer card may not be drag knife friendly
[19:39:45] <saki`> ah
[19:39:55] <andypugh> saki`: What can you cut the card by hand with?
[19:39:57] <saki`> fiberboard would snag, huh?
[19:40:24] <saki`> well the guy says you can use a box cutter/exacto if you had to cut it by hand
[19:40:36] <archivist_> what about those cutters that cloth gets cut up by
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[19:41:08] <andypugh> Actually that utility drag knive will probably work, I am guessing you can push pretty hard with a router.
[19:41:58] <andypugh> But I would be looking at an actively-steered blade in a purpose-built machine.
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[19:42:23] <jdh> like say... a tangential knife.
[19:42:34] <andypugh> (Thinks: I should add a direction-of-travel pin to augment the velocity pins)
[19:42:45] <saki`> woosh
[19:42:56] <saki`> <--- woosh*
[19:42:56] <andypugh> jdh: Yes, exactly, I was just trying to clarify what that means.
[19:43:22] <saki`> so a blade that you can turn while moving
[19:43:26] <saki`> is what you mean?
[19:43:36] <saki`> that travels at a tangent to the curve its cutting?
[19:43:55] <andypugh> http://youtu.be/aY3h352Lhn4
[19:43:56] <Tecan> (aY3h352Lhn4) "CNC tangential cutting Cardboard with stepper motor rotating knife" by "rockcliffcnc" is "Tech" - Length: 0:00:53
[19:44:46] <saki`> i guess i should be asking whether this is at all achievable in 500 usd or so?
[19:44:55] <saki`> given that i have access to tools and the like
[19:45:25] <jdh> certainly rules out the laser option.
[19:46:05] <saki`> yeah that was coming out to 600 usd
[19:46:05] <archivist_> this is a laser option http://www.goldenlaser.cc/Product/Printingpackaging_673_239.html
[19:46:49] <andypugh> This is where we will say "maybe not" and the Mach3 guys will say "of course, and you should be done in a week". But they would be wrong. (I have seen too many folk diving in to a bigger project than they expected after glib statements on CNC zone etc)
[19:46:51] <saki`> there are cheaper laser cutters out there, the problem is the work area, 12" by 24" is slightly above what most people offer
[19:47:12] <jdh> the cheaper ones are more like 8x10
[19:47:52] <archivist_> cloth cutter http://pimg.esuppliersindia.com/00256503/b/0/Talking-Cloth-Cutting-Machines.jpg on a router ?
[19:48:54] <archivist_> could one home brew that cheaply
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[19:53:55] <saki`> hmmm
[19:54:08] <saki`> http://donektools.com/creasing-attachment/
[19:54:18] <andypugh> I think that relies on fabric being happy to move out of the way after the cut.
[19:54:45] <saki`> maybe i could use the cnc to crease it accurately then cut it by hand
[19:55:09] <archivist_> that same reason makes me think a drag knife will be a fight too
[19:55:10] <jdh> how about a hot wire cutter and use foam
[19:55:40] <archivist_> even more sensible
[19:55:41] <saki`> foam's expensive in the density/beadsize you'd have to use.
[19:56:10] <saki`> and i can't source large enough blocks locally
[19:56:18] <saki`> making it even more expensive
[19:56:22] <andypugh> archivist_: That youtube video seemed to show that a knife would work, but the fabric cutters also have the support bar to fit through.
[19:56:26] <saki`> though that would be ideal
[19:56:56] <andypugh> Waterjet is out, anyway.
[19:57:03] <jdh> heh
[19:57:17] <archivist_> sandblast jet :)
[19:57:32] <saki`> lol would stitching a metal wire and then pulling it work? :D :P
[19:57:52] <jdh> cnc sewing machine, just perf the cardboard
[19:58:04] <saki`> ...
[19:58:05] <andypugh> Did you see the Trumpf punch?
[19:58:12] <saki`> yeah i did man
[19:58:15] <andypugh> I was entirely joking.
[19:58:21] <saki`> oh okay
[19:58:22] <saki`> cool
[19:58:27] <andypugh> (sorry, wasn't entirely joking)
[19:58:35] <saki`> so confused
[19:58:48] <saki`> but the cnc sewing thing doesn't sound like a bad idea
[19:59:05] <andypugh> With a punch running up and down pretty fast and a fixed die under the table you could probably do what you want.
[19:59:09] <jdh> I assume your product will be something other than surfboards?
[19:59:23] <saki`> if i can perforate it, even if the edges are slightly ragged i can shave it down
[19:59:30] <saki`> no
[19:59:33] <saki`> it's surfboards
[19:59:41] <saki`> well eventually waveskies
[19:59:45] <saki`> skis*
[19:59:51] <jdh> never heard of those.
[19:59:58] <saki`> which are sort of in between surfboards and kayaks
[20:00:32] <archivist_> erm...cardboard and water...I though that was a bad idea :)
[20:00:48] <saki`> https://www.google.com.pk/search?q=waveski&safe=off&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zZ1AUpTOM-eU4ATPhoHADw&ved=0CEIQsAQ&biw=1680&bih=959&dpr=1
[20:00:55] <saki`> well the inside is cardboard
[20:01:10] <saki`> followed by layers of fiberglass and epoxy
[20:01:21] <jdh> everyone here seems to use foam.
[20:01:33] <saki`> yeah that's pretty standard
[20:01:40] <saki`> it's just i can't source it here
[20:01:59] <saki`> and i need to knock the price down by a large chunk
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[20:03:50] <saki`> so people here can afford it
[20:04:03] <archivist_> but as the cost includes part of your machine... a wire cutter is pretty cheap to make
[20:04:04] <jdh> where is here?
[20:04:09] <saki`> pakistan
[20:04:26] <saki`> hella cheap
[20:04:28] <jdh> board shapers here do it all by hand
[20:04:47] <saki`> but again, i've looked up and down the country, i can't find blocks in large enough sizes to shape
[20:05:08] <saki`> not in the beadsize that you need anyway
[20:05:21] <archivist_> sheet ?
[20:06:23] <DaViruz> anyone have experience with the ebay $600 40W cnc laser cutters?
[20:07:01] <jdh> DaViruz: there is a web site that discusses them, and several threads that cover them exhaustively on cnczone and others.
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[20:07:33] <DaViruz> i tried to find something on cnczone but wasn't having much luck, but i'll keep trying then
[20:07:40] <archivist_> seen a user in ##electronics too
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[20:08:01] <jdh> they have no z and they only work with the included crappy software.
[20:08:30] <DaViruz> don't mind missing z, but i do mind crappy software..
[20:08:41] <jdh> need another $500ish in hardware for a dsp board and controllers to work with normal software
[20:09:16] <DaViruz> just noticed that shipping was $500 also
[20:09:23] <DaViruz> still pretty damn cheap though
[20:09:42] <jdh> you can get a 40w in the US for like $650 + $120 shipping
[20:10:01] <DaViruz> i'm in sweden though
[20:10:01] <saki`> large sheets would still cost more than cardboard really.
[20:10:27] <jdh> that might make shipping more :)
[20:11:05] <jdh> a us$1800 40w laser seems to be actually useful
[20:11:11] <jdh> same tube/ps
[20:11:30] <DaViruz> closing threads seem to be the new fad och cnczone
[20:11:50] <DaViruz> i guess i don't care but it's hard to see the topics due to clutter..
[20:12:02] <saki`> i can't imagine any binder would play well with a hot wire cutter
[20:12:31] <saki`> can't take a planer to it like you usually would because it'd chip where the sheets meet
[20:13:18] <saki`> i could try and sand it by hand all the way down
[20:13:22] <saki`> but that's a lot of work
[20:13:31] <saki`> and time more importantly
[20:13:50] <jdh> that's half the point of board shaping
[20:14:05] <jdh> smoke weed, shape boards...
[20:14:15] <jdh> could just be a local thing.
[20:14:40] <saki`> sanding still a part of it, but the planer gets you through the drudge work
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[20:15:33] <saki`> other alternative which i'm testing right now is making the entire thing out of mycelium blocks
[20:15:51] <saki`> which seems like it might actually work
[20:16:06] <saki`> doing it on a very small scale right now though
[20:16:33] <saki`> and i'm not very confident that i can scale it up to the size i need
[20:17:05] <saki`> anyway, sorry to crowd the channel for so long
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[20:21:29] <jdh> DaViruz: http://tinyurl.com/q96mefs
[20:21:59] <Jymmm> I need to cut grooves (threads?) on 3/4" to 4" PVC Pipe and I don't have access to a lathe, any thoughts?
[20:22:40] <Loetmichel> make a thread cutter out of some steel on your CNC mill?
[20:23:02] <Jymmm> Loetmichel: no mill.
[20:23:33] <jdh> needle file
[20:23:33] <Loetmichel> angle grinder with a fine blade and some steel?
[20:23:49] <DaViruz> jdh: thanks a bunch
[20:24:03] <DaViruz> though it means i will be up all night (again)
[20:24:16] <Jymmm> It's PVC, not that hard to cut, it's the consistant threads I'm looking for
[20:24:27] <Loetmichel> get a fitting screw, halve it and glue it an an appropiate corner inside a steel ring that fits the pipe OD
[20:24:49] <jdh> DaViruz: I had extra cash and was ready to order one before reading that.
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[20:24:53] <Loetmichel> a screw dath will have a thread taht matches your desired thread i meant
[20:25:07] <DaViruz> jdh: oh, i guess that about sums it up
[20:26:47] -!- saki` [saki`!~saki@unaffiliated/saki/x-0453584] has parted #linuxcnc
[20:29:08] <Jymmm> Loetmichel: I was thinking something ghetto using cordless drill and allthread
[20:31:17] <Jymmm> I could use PVC endcaps with a bolt thru them as the mounting point
[20:32:11] <Jymmm> Just not sure how to get consistant threads or to vary them
[20:33:03] <CaptHindsight> the resin to make boards like that can be low cost enough ~$4/Kg
[20:33:25] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: who you talking to?
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[20:47:41] <JesusAlos> hi
[20:47:43] <JesusAlos> all
[20:48:26] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Quit: Elvis has left the building.]
[20:49:14] <JesusAlos> I thinking about if development team planing publish 12.04 ubuntu version
[20:53:19] <CaptHindsight> it's possible now that RTAI , RT-PREEMPT and Xenomai are working with newer kernels
[20:56:48] <JesusAlos> Seems not easy this job...
[20:58:42] <andypugh> JesusAlos: There are plans for a 2.6 release on a variety of 12.04 kernels. It could all go wrong, but that is the plan.
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[21:00:01] <CaptHindsight> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/117421627/the-peachy-printer-the-first-100-3d-printer-and-sc
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[21:01:48] <CaptHindsight> all the problems of monomers with the resolution of GGG
[21:03:36] <CaptHindsight> I'll have to go back and try my Archimedes Z-axis :)
[21:05:49] <andypugh> It's not brilliant, but I think I still want one :-)
[21:06:50] <CaptHindsight> I didn't think that they could actually move the progress of 3D printers backwards
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[21:07:31] <skunkworks> logger[mah]:
[21:07:31] <logger[mah]> skunkworks: Log stored at http://linuxcnc.mah.priv.at/irc/%23linuxcnc/2013-09-23.html
[21:08:57] <CaptHindsight> flashlight, resin vat + shadow puppets next
[21:09:11] <DaViruz> i don't get the useless 3d printer craze
[21:10:05] <DaViruz> but i'm almost inclined to say the peachyprinter seems nicer then the cnc controlled hot melt glue guns
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[21:10:34] <CaptHindsight> it's like the RPi, low cost and trendy
[21:11:37] <CaptHindsight> their delivery date is next April to Aug, expect some Chinese suppliers to ship first just like the Doodler
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[21:15:47] <CaptHindsight> http://3dprintinginsider.com/chinese-3dyaya-doodler-starts-shipping_b8333
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[21:21:16] <DaViruz> that looks like a non-cnc hot melt glue gun?
[21:22:15] <CaptHindsight> sort of like a non-cnc mill
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[21:26:14] <Jymmm> heh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4FBpN_vjoM
[21:26:15] <Tecan> (-4FBpN_vjoM) "3D Printed Knife - Will It Cut Paper?" by "ArtisanTony" is "Howto" - Length: 0:06:30
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[22:12:44] <JesusAlos> good night
[22:13:10] <JesusAlos> go bed
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[23:42:28] <andypugh> _ink and oner? Should we be looking out for Phazer wax blocks too?
[23:43:08] <AR_> why do you want wax blocks
[23:43:54] <andypugh> I was looking at the names of folk joining and leaving. (there was an _ink and a toner)
[23:44:19] <andypugh> It would have made more sense if I had hit the "t" key harder.
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[23:45:23] <andypugh> But I always liked the idea of the Tektronix Phaser printers that used coloured wax blocks as pigment, and the blocks were specially shaped to only fit in the right slot.
[23:47:02] <andypugh> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_ink
[23:50:37] <AR_> lol
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[23:51:05] <andypugh> Hmm, and I can buy one from eBay for less than one of the 4 colour cartridges in my laser printer.
[23:52:02] <andypugh> (My current printer was an eBay accident, it looked smaller in the photo. My first inkling of a problem was when the courier rang to say that they couldn't get the pallet up my garden path..../
[23:52:23] <JT-Shop> yikes that is big
[23:53:44] <andypugh> The vendor had failed to mention the 2500 sheet magazine.... https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/MgB989_mA9lWpQyLHLqPodMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink
[23:55:19] <andypugh> I managed to find a place to put it (almost entirely due to being single) but when it runs out of toner (at £175 per colour) it's out of here.
[23:55:39] <JT-Shop> to the scrappers?
[23:55:47] <andypugh> Yeah, I reckno so.
[23:56:00] <andypugh> I might look inside for motors and lasers :-)
[23:56:22] <JT-Shop> ah yea call the guys from secret life of machines to help you take it apart
[23:57:23] tjb11 is now known as tjb1
[23:57:45] * JT-Shop puts on the chef hat and starts dinner
[23:57:49] <andypugh> If you are interested it is a max-spec Tektronix Phaser 7300
[23:57:51] <JT-Shop> goodnight
[23:58:32] <JT-Shop> I'm out of bandwith so I can't click on photos or videos for the rest of the month