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[01:20:36] <MacGalempsy> evening
[01:20:47] <WalterN> that... was strange
[01:21:59] <WalterN> so I got that 998 ROM parity error... went and cleaned off the electronics boards in the back (there were some chips and stuff on it) let it sit for a while, and tried turning it back on
[01:23:06] <WalterN> didnt seem to help, so I went and tried turning it off and on again a couple more times after poking around a little more
[01:23:48] <WalterN> after the second or third time it decided that there wasent the ROM error
[01:24:16] <WalterN> but when I went to try and run a program, the spindle would not turn on
[01:25:26] <WalterN> the spindle not turning on has happened once or twice before, I just didnt think anything of it at the time
[01:26:03] <WalterN> anyway, I power cycled it one more time, and it seemed to work
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[01:27:27] <WalterN> I'm going to go talk to a friend about it... bbl
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[03:00:19] <ChuangTzu> CaptHindsight: i checked out a tree in libertyville today
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[03:38:41] <CaptHindsight> ChuangTzu: this one?
[03:39:36] <ChuangTzu> yup
[03:40:20] <CaptHindsight> looks pretty clean in the pics
[03:41:30] <ChuangTzu> it was pretty clean in real life too
[03:41:45] <ChuangTzu> except one of the intake fans for the electronics cabinet sucks in some oil at some point
[03:42:51] <ChuangTzu> which didn't seem to affect the electronics, but did gunk up the fans
[03:42:59] <ChuangTzu> he has 2 spare fans though
[03:43:09] <ChuangTzu> the transformer is bypassed but he has an extra of those too
[03:43:51] <ChuangTzu> i can't pay $5k for it is the only thing
[03:44:07] <CaptHindsight> on the pricey side
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[04:39:51] <Jymmm> Um, Oooooooooooops
[04:42:31] <jesseg> yikes
[04:42:36] <jesseg> oops wrong channel.
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[06:17:58] <Jymmm> Talk about one hell of a scam....
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[07:50:46] <_DJ_> moin
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[14:08:07] <PetefromTn_> Good Morning to all my LinuxCNC friends..
[14:08:18] <_DJ_> good morning pete
[14:08:32] <_DJ_> (hm, it's already afternoon here ;-))
[14:08:33] <Loetmichel> good morning pete
[14:08:59] <Loetmichel> ... hmmm... pete... now i have the jingle from the webcomic in my ears again...
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[14:11:02] <PetefromTn_> Yeah I know it is not morning everywhere but it is a BEAutiful morning here in East Tennessee..
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[14:11:43] <_DJ_> lol Loetmichel
[14:12:22] <PetefromTn_> I'd watch that but I doubt I would understand any of it LOL..
[14:12:36] <Loetmichel> thats not necessary
[14:12:59] <PetefromTn_> Loetmichel: Hey man do you live anywhere near the Walther Factory?
[14:13:23] <Loetmichel> its about an alien that assists a mad scientist as a test candidate.
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[14:13:55] <Loetmichel> jingle means: "pete... take this pill and we lokk what happens"
[14:13:57] <Loetmichel> ;-)
[14:14:02] <PetefromTn_> LOL..
[14:14:51] <PetefromTn_> The Walther Airgun branch recently came out with a rifle called the LGV, it is a spring piston driven air rifle that is apparently quite nice and I am wondering if you have ever seen one?
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[14:15:44] <Loetmichel> PetefromTn: i dont know whre the company is
[14:16:15] <PetefromTn_> Apparently it is in ULM Germany..
[14:16:31] <Loetmichel> ulm... lets look...
[14:16:54] <PetefromTn_>
[14:16:55] <Tecan> (fafkz5E78QQ) "TEST: Walther LGV Competition Ultra air rifle" by "AirgunTV" is "Sports" - Length: 0:08:41
[14:16:58] <Loetmichel> 302km away
[14:17:32] <PetefromTn_> thats 185 miles not too bad really LOL
[14:18:00] <kengu> not even half the country
[14:18:30] <Loetmichel> kengu: "in the neighborhood" so to speak ;-)
[14:19:24] <PetefromTn_> yeah, why don't you head down there and have a look at one for me, better yet buy one and ship it to me here since I am such a nice fellow ROFL
[14:23:21] <PetefromTn_> Apparently the Weirauch Factory is also there in Germany, They make one of my favorite airguns the HW97. They are in a town called Zella-Mehlis.
[14:24:48] <Loetmichel> PetefromTn: i would... if there werent some regulations about owning air rifles above a certain energy in germany. ;=)
[14:25:33] <PetefromTn_> Yeah I heard that. It is like 7 joules or something no?
[14:25:43] <Loetmichel> IIRC: yes
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[14:27:44] <PetefromTn_> That's less than six foot pounds.. Wow thats slow.
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[14:28:23] <PetefromTn_> that would propel the average field pellet at like less than 500 Feet per second.
[14:28:36] <kengu> what ever
[14:28:47] <kengu> i am still waiting for some mesa cards to arrive
[14:28:58] <kengu> or I am not sure if they were ordered already
[14:29:05] <kengu> but still waiting (:
[14:29:10] <PetefromTn_> When did you order them?
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[14:29:46] <kengu> i just gave an order request so .. i am pretty sure that the order is not in or out yet
[14:30:20] <kengu> might need to figure out another way of getting the plasma to work when I get tired of waiting for the process
[14:31:38] <PetefromTn_> Aah you are building a plasma cutter CNC then, nice..
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[14:32:15] <kengu> PetefromTn_: i have a chinese cutter
[14:32:37] <PetefromTn_> chinese CNC or Chinese plasma machine?
[14:33:02] <kengu> chinese cnc
[14:34:34] <PetefromTn_> Whats the travels?
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[14:37:59] <kengu> some 2,5m*1,5m
[14:39:31] <PetefromTn_> Wow that looks pretty nice and has some large travels. Is it servo or stepper?
[14:39:51] <kengu> stepper
[14:40:11] <PetefromTn_> Which cards were you going to use?
[14:40:39] <kengu> Mesa 6i25 + Mesa 7i76
[14:41:33] <PetefromTn_> Nice... I used the 5i25/7i77 combo for my servo VMC, very happy so far.
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[14:45:53] <PetefromTn_> LOL still here
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[17:58:11] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[18:03:25] <_DJ_> hi IchGuckLive
[18:04:10] <IchGuckLive> hi im figting with big database to get the money to the people
[18:04:15] <IchGuckLive> OOO base 3,2
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[18:42:04] <archivist> spindle looks a little large for the mill under fleabay 321241249810
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[18:44:16] <JesusAlos> hi
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[18:48:02] <IchGuckLive> Hi how is the weather in spain here its a winter storm
[18:49:42] <JesusAlos> Today I'm going with t-shirt
[18:50:21] <JesusAlos> but begin the cold
[18:51:12] <JesusAlos> :(
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[18:51:55] <JesusAlos>
[18:51:57] <Tecan> (pMo19ivradQ) "emc2 Linuxcnc FoamCutting Modification xyuv Final" by "magic33de" is "Education" - Length: 0:02:14
[18:52:01] <JesusAlos> I want to configure the same machine
[18:53:04] <JesusAlos> but, how must I do? stepconf oly have XYZ axyx by default
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[18:58:04] <IchGuckLive> use your ind and put in the lines your own are you using mesa card for the outtput
[18:59:14] <JesusAlos> i must do manyally modifing .ini and .hal files?
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[19:01:21] <IchGuckLive> ini anda hal yes
[19:01:29] <IchGuckLive> are you using Parport
[19:04:33] <JesusAlos> yes parport
[19:04:50] <IchGuckLive> i mail you a config
[19:05:06] -!- vladimirek has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:05:44] <IchGuckLive> but there is a Foam sim mashine that holds the 4 lines you need
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[19:07:55] <JesusAlos> where is the sim?
[19:09:52] <IchGuckLive> in axis sim
[19:12:16] <IchGuckLive> mail is out
[19:12:49] <JesusAlos> thank
[19:12:54] <IchGuckLive> NP
[19:13:01] <IchGuckLive> its a XYUVB
[19:13:35] <JesusAlos> why B axys?
[19:14:01] <IchGuckLive> i got a Rotation axis for cutting shapes
[19:15:05] <JesusAlos> mmm... good
[19:15:34] <JesusAlos> do you use Heekscam for rotation?
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[19:16:36] <CaptHindsight> IchGuckLive: what type of router design has worked out best for you with travels over 1 meter?
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[19:17:23] <IchGuckLive> i use rack and pinian to 2,5m
[19:17:36] <IchGuckLive> then i use belt to 7,5m
[19:17:45] <IchGuckLive> then all is just chain
[19:20:20] <CaptHindsight> how far a travel have you gone?
[19:21:52] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos:
[19:22:24] <IchGuckLive> This is wHy B
[19:23:20] -!- seb_kuzm1nsky [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:24:14] <JesusAlos> Very good
[19:24:18] <JesusAlos> Imagine is with milling
[19:24:26] <JesusAlos> no?
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[19:24:49] <IchGuckLive> the same but mutch faster
[19:24:56] <IchGuckLive> on the pillars
[19:25:04] <JesusAlos> oh, with accesory hot
[19:25:51] <JesusAlos> hot wire shape
[19:26:05] <IchGuckLive> is the clou
[19:26:14] -!- hm2-buildmaster has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:26:16] <IchGuckLive> that does the magic
[19:26:20] <JesusAlos> very good
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[19:32:40] <JesusAlos> ofcourse
[19:37:06] <IchGuckLive> JesusAlos: did the mai larrive on gmc
[19:37:06] <IchGuckLive> x :D
[19:39:07] <IchGuckLive> ok im off by
[19:39:11] <IchGuckLive> e
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[19:41:54] <JesusAlos> by
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[19:47:28] <Jymmm> Mmmmmmm YUMMY!!!!
[19:47:30] <Tecan> (zrv78nG9R04) "The Making Of 'Gutter Oil'" by "RFAVideo" is "News" - Length: 0:02:39
[19:49:54] <bedah> tasty
[20:02:56] <_DJ_> hrhr
[20:03:45] <CaptHindsight> they just started fracking there as well
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[20:47:48] <JesusAlos> there are any way to create spindle speed profiles
[20:48:24] <JesusAlos> example: button in axis "Speed1" "Speed2" etc
[20:54:24] <andypugh> JesusAlos: Yes
[20:55:03] <andypugh> But no built-in ways
[20:56:06] <JesusAlos> you say I must create component?
[20:56:11] <andypugh> Do the buttons need to work while a G-code program is running?
[20:56:34] <JesusAlos> yes
[20:56:34] <JesusAlos> must modificate in running
[20:58:46] <andypugh> Does the S-word in G-code also need to work?
[21:00:42] <JesusAlos> not neceseray
[21:01:02] <JesusAlos> not neccesary
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[21:05:29] <andypugh> OK, in that case just set up a set of radio buttons in PyVCP that control a MUX that directly feeds the spindle output
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[21:07:53] <JesusAlos> undestand
[21:08:18] <JesusAlos> thank
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[21:13:00] <andypugh> You might still want to link spindle-is-on to the "enable" channel of whatever drives your spindle.
[21:13:26] <kwallace> I take it that a speed profile is desired, rather than a single value?
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[21:32:09] <JesusAlos> by
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[22:02:29] <asdfasd>
[22:02:36] <Tecan> (bxbjZiKAZP4) "Riding an ABB IRB 6600 Robot 1" by "Iain Hendry" is "Tech" - Length: 0:00:45
[22:02:53] <asdfasd>
[22:02:56] <Tecan> (9PMCiMij0kQ) "6 axis robot fun" by "geniusatwork2006" is "Entertainment" - Length: 0:00:54
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[22:06:26] <asdfasd>
[22:06:30] <Tecan> (XjSN4fWemxE) "KUKA RoboCoaster prototype - On and Off ride video from IAAPA." by "CanobieFan" is "Tech" - Length: 0:04:38
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[22:27:39] <_DJ_> gn8
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[23:20:17] <andypugh> Been up since 0430, time to sleep I think. Night all.
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