#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-12-01

[00:03:19] -!- sasha| [sasha|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:06:27] -!- archivist_herron [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:10:51] <NickParker|2> andypugh: So I finally got the Xilinx sdk installed on my pc. Remind me where I find the files I need to modify?
[00:10:57] NickParker|2 is now known as NickParker
[00:11:31] <andypugh> Download the latest ZIP from Mesa, it is all in there.
[00:11:52] <NickParker> Do I not need anything special to make table mode work?
[00:12:21] -!- jonpry has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:12:35] <andypugh> I think all you need to do is allocate some more pins to your stepgens in the vhdl file
[00:12:45] -!- K0D3R has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:13:37] <andypugh> You will need to give the pins the right names, I think that all the names appear in a different file.
[00:24:22] -!- pcw_home [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:24:49] <NickParker> alright I *believe* I've changed PIN_7I76x2_34.vhd to what I want. I even grouped the pins so i don't need so many criss crossed jumpers. what do I open next to compile a bit file with these pins?
[00:26:01] <andypugh> No idea :-) I have only ever used the LinucCNC "in-house' version which has a script
[00:26:14] <Tom_itx> i should post the session pcw did with me
[00:26:22] <Tom_itx> it explains the steps
[00:26:29] <Tom_itx> i haven't cleaned it up yet though
[00:26:30] <NickParker> that would be appreciated
[00:26:39] <andypugh> I guess you edited something like a PIN_7I76......vhf file?
[00:26:40] <Tom_itx> it's just a log from here
[00:27:01] <Tom_itx> is it epp?
[00:27:04] <pcw_home> You probably _dont_ want to edit PIN_7I76x2_34.vhd but rather a copy of it
[00:27:12] <Tom_itx> mine may be different than yours
[00:27:22] <NickParker> andypugh: yes
[00:27:35] <andypugh> NickParker: Listen to pcw_home
[00:27:42] <andypugh> Ignore me
[00:28:14] <NickParker> Alright. pcw_home why should I edit a copy? This is on my PC not my main machine, and I just unpacked the mesa zip.
[00:28:41] <pcw_home> because a pin file that works can be used as a reference
[00:29:28] <NickParker> well I still have the original in the archive so no worries. Do you have any pointers on what I do next?
[00:30:27] <pcw_home> rename the new pin file to your desired name
[00:30:45] <Tom_itx> this is a log capture of the steps pcw had me take: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/cnc/configs/sherline/bitfiles/Launching_webpack.txt
[00:31:15] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:31:22] <Tom_itx> i plan to clean it up a bit but haven't had a chance
[00:32:33] <Tom_itx> you may need to open a different project file depending on what the bitfile is
[00:33:08] <pcw_home> start xilinx webpack, , select open project from the menu
[00:33:10] <pcw_home> and open fivei25.xise in the directory where you unzipped the hm2 source
[00:34:09] <pcw_home> in the bottom of the source pane you should have a library tab
[00:34:12] -!- jonpry [jonpry!~jon@2602:306:c417:8350:c533:efe5:b92a:b6b1] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:24] <NickParker> I don't have anything named webpack, will SDK or platform studio work? SDK opens .xise files at least
[00:34:44] <Tom_itx> ise is what launches it
[00:34:55] <Tom_itx> you need to set an environment var first
[00:35:11] <Tom_itx> windows or linux?
[00:35:13] <NickParker> windows
[00:35:19] <Tom_itx> nevermind then
[00:35:27] <NickParker> I've got fivei25.xise open in ISE project navigator.
[00:35:39] <NickParker> found the library tab
[00:35:51] <NickParker> i have one library called work
[00:36:00] <Tom_itx> open it
[00:36:21] <NickParker> ok, lots of files.
[00:36:41] <NickParker> adding new pin file
[00:37:06] <pcw_home> in that pane right click and select add source (and add your new pin file)
[00:37:29] <pcw_home> then go back to the design pane
[00:37:58] <NickParker> ok
[00:39:16] <pcw_home> in the design pane double click on the TopPCIHostMot2 file
[00:40:22] <NickParker> ok
[00:40:54] <NickParker> --use work.updated_pins.all?
[00:41:19] <pcw_home> Yes without the --
[00:41:48] <pcw_home> and make sure all other pin files are commented out
[00:41:55] <NickParker> yup.
[00:42:04] -!- maximilian_h has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:42:12] <pcw_home> and make sure all cards are commented out except i25x9
[00:42:40] <NickParker> so leave "use work.i25_x9card.all" uncommented?
[00:43:16] <pcw_home> yes
[00:43:17] <pcw_home> (make sure the @CARD@ and @PIN@ entries are commented out)
[00:43:38] <NickParker> yep got them.
[00:44:09] -!- sirdancealo2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:44:47] <pcw_home> now make sure the top level file (TopPCIHostMot2) is selected
[00:44:48] <pcw_home> and in the process pane click on "generate bitfile"
[00:45:27] <pcw_home> (a submenu item of "implement design")
[00:46:39] <NickParker> under implement design i see translate, map, and place & route
[00:48:02] <pcw_home> maybe its under the next submenu (configure device) not sure
[00:49:03] -!- sirdancealo2 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:49:17] -!- NickParker|2 [NickParker|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:51:30] -!- maximilian_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:51:50] -!- NickParker has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:52:50] <Tom_itx> i also had to click on "generate programming file" in order to get a bit file
[00:53:16] <Tom_itx> from the design pane
[00:55:11] <NickParker|2> just tried that and got "Process "Synthesize -XST" failed
[00:55:16] NickParker|2 is now known as NickParker
[00:55:41] <pcw_home> So the you need to look at the first error
[00:55:46] <pcw_home> then
[00:57:13] <NickParker> Says std_logic_vector is not defined for 3 lines, but those 3 lines are in the middle of probably 15 others that use the same variable
[00:58:42] <pcw_home> that normally indicates that you are missing a pin file or card file
[01:00:52] <NickParker> i have both my updated_pins.vhd and unchanged i25_x9card.vhd in work library. should I be saying "us work.updated_pins.vhd" instead of .all?
[01:01:06] <NickParker> I went with all because it seemed like what all the others did
[01:01:53] -!- sirdancealo2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:04:04] <pcw_home> Did you change the updated_pins package name?
[01:04:26] <NickParker> nope, i'll go do that.
[01:04:30] <pcw_home> (in your new .vhd file)
[01:04:38] <pcw_home> at top and bottom
[01:04:49] <NickParker> yep i had noticed that and thought nothing of it
[01:06:10] <pcw_home> file names can be anything... only package names are important
[01:07:53] <pcw_home> well the xise (project file) remembers the file names
[01:09:12] -!- sirdancealo2 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:10:45] <NickParker> alright I can make .bit files now.
[01:11:42] <NickParker> one more question, how do I add pins for a pwmgen? Can I just find the lines used to assign pwmgen pins in another file and copy them over, or do I need to change this ModuleID stuff as well?
[01:11:44] <andypugh> Don't understimate how special that makes you.
[01:11:53] <Tom_itx> :D
[01:11:59] <Tom_itx> is it an elite group?
[01:12:11] <andypugh> Yeah, there are 5 of you
[01:12:20] <Tom_itx> that's it?
[01:12:33] <pcw_home> You need to add the PWMGen to the module ID section
[01:12:44] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:12:44] <andypugh> I think it is single figures.
[01:12:49] <Tom_itx> i'm gonna document both mine and this session and post it somewhere
[01:12:52] <pcw_home> (if theres not one there already)
[01:14:17] <NickParker> exactly that, "PWMGen"? I've got "PWMNumRegs" "PWMTag" "PWMMPBitMask" and "PWMValAddr&PadT"
[01:14:49] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, i forgot how many entries were supposed to be in the table?
[01:15:13] <Tom_itx> i kept it the same on mine but forgot how many there were
[01:15:24] <andypugh> NickParker: Look at another file that already contains pwmgens, and plagiarise.
[01:15:52] <NickParker> yep i just found one. either they're a bit rare or I was getting unlucky. will do
[01:16:31] <andypugh> I think most 5i25 configs don't use PWM, they use serial D to A, so you may need to cast the net wider to find a pwmgen example.
[01:17:11] <NickParker> You know, I should probably just use serial D to A. mesa sells them I assume?
[01:17:27] <pcw_home> tag, version, clock tag, number, base address, numregs, strides. MPBitMask
[01:17:29] <Tom_itx> my 7i43 has pwmgen
[01:17:36] <andypugh> 5i20 / 5i22 / 5i23 configs will have them at least half the time, bit rather few 5i25 ones do
[01:18:18] <pcw_home> Some do (7I78 or 7I85S PWM/DIR versions)
[01:18:52] <andypugh> NickParker: You could just buy a 7i77 :-)
[01:19:14] <Tom_itx> pcw_home, is the format of the .vhd files consistent throughout?
[01:20:07] <andypugh> Why do you need 4-pin stepgens _and_ pwm anyway? You are Mesa's most eccentric user!
[01:20:14] <NickParker> andypugh: You must remember I'm a poor student.
[01:20:28] <NickParker> andypugh: I have a very eccentric mill.
[01:20:46] <pcw_home> Tom_itx: the pinout files? yes
[01:21:41] <pcw_home> K wallace may be interested in the table mode stepgen, He asked about it a couple months ago
[01:22:07] <NickParker> we have identical mills, except my spindle is more eccentric
[01:22:14] <pcw_home> (the firmware has had it since day one)
[01:23:08] <andypugh> Talking mills, I spent today trying to figure out how to fit my (new, expensive, preloaded, special order) ballnut in the mill. The problem is that the catalogue drawing shows a 1" cylindrical ball nut, with a thread to screw in to the housing.
[01:24:31] <andypugh> The actual part looks exactly the same. Plus a large external ball-transfer tube which means that the nut actually can't screw in to anything.
[01:25:52] -!- sirdancealo2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:26:44] <andypugh> I ended up trying to clamp the nut inside a rather slender bit of steel: http://imagebin.org/279742
[01:27:01] <andypugh> Those screws are M4.
[01:27:40] <NickParker> That seems like it would add any backlash you had eliminated with your new nut
[01:28:14] <andypugh> It's not as stiff as I would like, certainly
[01:28:57] <andypugh> Though I don't see how it adds backlash?
[01:29:21] <andypugh> The location is still on the thread.
[01:30:10] <NickParker> I figured the clamp would probably be able to move along the axis of the screw slightly.
[01:31:43] <andypugh> The spigot on the brown part fits into the table, and is bolted up. The nut fits in the bore of the part, which is threaded to suit the nut on the far side.
[01:32:18] <andypugh> The previous part was non-preloaded M12, this is preloaded M16
[01:32:32] <NickParker> Oh I hadn't noticed the threads. Nevermind me
[01:32:47] -!- sirdancealo2 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:32:56] <andypugh> The previous part was a cylindrical nut that just screwed in and was locked by a nut.
[01:33:25] <andypugh> I didn't model the threads in the brown part.
[01:34:36] <andypugh> I would be incapable of designing that without 3D CAD, how did they do it with paper
[01:35:13] <Tom_itx> if you're not using all 3 pins of an encoder function can the remaining pins be remapped to another function or would that present an error?
[01:35:23] <Tom_itx> in the bitfile
[01:36:57] <Tom_itx> for example if i'm using an MPG on A & B, can i remap the Index channel to another function?
[01:42:56] <andypugh> Tom_itx: 7i73 features 2-pin encoders, but I am not sure that is directly comparable
[01:43:15] -!- sirdancealo2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:43:47] <Tom_itx> i just don't know if the bitfile will error if i drop the index and reuse it
[01:44:12] <Tom_itx> it would sure be handy if i could
[01:44:40] -!- pdurbin [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:48:31] -!- sirdancealo2 has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[01:51:14] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: Why couldn't you?
[01:51:40] <Tom_itx> i don't know if it would screw up the internal encoder function firmware
[02:02:33] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: would it hurt to just test it out?
[02:03:15] <Tom_itx> that's the _other_ way to find out :)
[02:03:55] <Tom_itx> probably won't tonight
[02:04:06] <Tom_itx> been updating all my pin documentation
[02:18:30] <NickParker> Why has pwmgen got a direction output?
[02:18:54] <NickParker> Or rather, can I ignore it?
[02:23:10] -!- c-bob [c-bob!~c@unaffiliated/c-bob] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:30:28] -!- PetefromTn [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:42:12] -!- NickParker|2 [NickParker|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:44:24] <pcw_home> Tom_itx: you can normally just use the the pins you need
[02:44:26] <pcw_home> (so a encoder counter with just an 'A' pin is fine for example)
[02:44:55] -!- NickParker has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[02:46:25] NickParker|2 is now known as NickParker
[02:46:44] <pcw_home> Unused module input pins are tied to logic 0
[02:46:45] <pcw_home> (like the 'B' and index pins of an encoder counter that only has a 'A' pin)
[02:53:36] <Tom_itx> pcw_home yes but can i reassign them in the bit file?
[02:53:43] <Tom_itx> i wanted to map the sserial to a couple of them
[02:54:36] -!- KGB-linuxcnc has quit [Quit: KGB-linuxcnc]
[02:54:36] <Tom_itx> the MPG will not have an index channel so it could easily be used
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[02:57:45] -!- sumpfralle1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:00:37] -!- hashfail [hashfail!~noone@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
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[03:13:09] <pcw_home> Any pin can be pretty much anything
[03:14:24] <Tom_itx> i wasn't sure if it would interfere with the internal functions not having all the pins assigned to it
[03:14:51] <pcw_home> thats what I was saying, you can make a stepgen with just one pin if you like
[03:14:52] <pcw_home> (This is done on some configs like the G540 as a charge pump signal generator)
[03:15:09] <Tom_itx> ok
[03:15:29] <Tom_itx> that'll help quite a bit
[03:15:58] <Tom_itx> i may give it a try here in a bit
[03:16:00] <pcw_home> some things dont make sense of course but are still possible (a index only quadrature counter for example)
[03:16:14] <Tom_itx> well sure
[03:17:38] <Tom_itx> i'm not using B or index on the spindle and I on the MPG so there's 3 i could use
[03:18:12] <Tom_itx> i may not mess with the spindle since i could some day want index on it
[03:19:15] <pcw_home> In general most sub-setting of pins is possible
[03:20:25] <pcw_home> PWMgens normally have PWM/DIR/ENA but you can use just one pin (or maybe no pins at all) if you like
[03:20:57] <pcw_home> a no output stepgen could still be used as a timer (reading the feedback register)
[03:21:33] <andypugh> Goodnight chaps
[03:21:40] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[03:21:59] <Tom_itx> makes for well use of pins when necessary
[03:23:09] <pcw_home> yeah, you can make a configuration with just the things you need
[03:23:23] -!- somenewguy [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:39:34] -!- voxadam [voxadam!voxadam@unaffiliated/voxadam] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:42:31] -!- gimpspace [gimpspace!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:08:45] -!- kwallace1 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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[04:21:44] -!- sabotender [sabotender!~sabotende@unaffiliated/tandoori] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:21:49] <sabotender> moo
[04:22:01] -!- jef79m [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:22:07] <sabotender> so then, i have Debian installed *finally*
[04:22:33] <sabotender> what do I need to download to work with cnc crap? I want to look at the software
[04:31:12] -!- jonpry has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:33:03] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:33:54] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:35:02] <Tom_itx> best way to 'look' at the software is download the live ubuntu cd
[04:36:24] <Tom_itx> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/download
[04:38:29] <sabotender> Tom_itx: huh? debian is already set up on my computer
[04:38:49] <Tom_itx> you need RTAI
[04:39:23] <Tom_itx> i haven't built lcnc from scratch but it can be done
[04:40:23] <Tom_itx> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/
[04:40:28] <Tom_itx> may be a place to start
[04:42:00] <roycroft> linuxcnc has a lot of dependencies
[04:42:12] -!- sabotender has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:42:22] <roycroft> if you're just wanting to explore the software right now, the livecd can be put on a thumb drive and you can boot off the thumb drive and run it from there
[04:42:42] <roycroft> or you can install some virtualization software on your linux machine and run the live cd from the virtualization manager
[04:43:07] <roycroft> i would recommend either of those before trying to install it on your existing machine
[04:43:23] <roycroft> you need to test the hardware to see if it performs well enough for linuxcnc anyway
[04:43:58] <roycroft> booting off a thumb drive and running the hardware tests from there would be a good way of doing that without disturbing your existing linux installation
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[07:44:32] <_DJ_> moin
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[10:52:19] <deluemmel88> ich freue mich meine ersten gehversuche zu machen....hallo
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[11:26:16] <RyanS> http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb176/Mingzhus/drillpressjunctionbox_zps5b116975.jpg (junction box 3P, 415V, 1.5kw) do I have an easy VFD upgrade or a nuisance? There is no badge or labels on the motor which is a pain
[11:26:55] <archivist> I just get a white screen on photobucket
[11:32:55] <RyanS> Really? hmm let me see . What is going on
[11:34:12] <RyanS> http://s210.photobucket.com/user/Mingzhus/media/drillpressjunctionbox_zps5b116975.jpg.html ?
[11:51:28] <RyanS> Is that link working for you?
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[13:15:48] <archivist> i see a the page build then a full blank white screen
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[14:02:09] <PetefromTn> MMmmornin' Folks...
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[15:16:04] <JT_Shop> dang mouse quits working on this computer
[15:17:33] <Loetmichel> i have trhown one in the trahs a week ago or so
[15:17:44] <Loetmichel> ... cherry, not the cheapest kind
[15:17:55] <_DJ_> get trackball :)
[15:17:59] <Loetmichel> workst about 10 min, then nothing
[15:18:07] <_DJ_> using mine for 10 years++
[15:18:13] <Loetmichel> plugout, plugin (usb) ... working again 10 min
[15:18:15] <JT_Shop> I swapped the mouse out and it is not a mouse problem
[15:18:19] <Loetmichel> VERY annoying
[15:18:57] <Tom_itx> PS2 or USB?
[15:18:59] <Loetmichel> and thats not the first mouse wiht this behaviour from this batch at the company
[15:19:20] <Loetmichel> have thrown away about 10$ of the ~300 mouses weh had there over the last 3 years
[15:19:41] <Loetmichel> 10%, not 10$
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[15:23:59] <archivist> most reliable mouse I ever had was made by Mouse Systems, I actually got spares from them to keep it running (pads)
[15:27:39] <archivist> next best, Logitech
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[17:35:33] <jthornton> now I keep loosing the internet connection on that computer
[17:38:22] <Jymmm> Only ONE computer? Sounds like your router config
[17:38:39] <Jymmm> or bad nic/cable
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[17:39:53] <Jymmm> Does it only lose internet, or LAN too ?
[17:40:10] <jthornton> mostly it is the mouse that quits Jymmm
[17:40:38] <kengu> what documentations should I go reading to figure out how to get the machine to automatically home upon linuxcnc startup
[17:40:59] <Jymmm> jthornton: how old is the box?
[17:41:07] <jthornton> I don't think you can do that, you have to press estop them power then home all
[17:41:15] <jthornton> it's an older Dell
[17:41:37] <Jymmm> jthornton: How old? 5 10 20 years?
[17:42:04] <jthornton> dunno, it was a freebee
[17:42:18] <Jymmm> jthornton: Did you just get it?
[17:42:19] <jthornton> 10.04 is loaded on it
[17:42:34] <Jymmm> jthornton: Whats the SVCTAG on it?
[17:42:34] <jthornton> no, it's been in the shop for a while... may be dirty!
[17:42:48] <Jymmm> barcode sticker
[17:42:49] <jthornton> what is SVCTAG?
[17:42:57] <Jymmm> barcode sticker
[17:43:01] <jthornton> ok
[17:43:24] <Jymmm> with a 5 to 9 alphanumeric service tag number on it
[17:43:35] <Jymmm> usually on the back
[17:44:18] <kengu> jthornton: ok. that explains why there is not too much info on that. combining power on with homing routine would be too nice.
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[17:45:00] <Jymmm> kengu: That would be like a car that when you start it it is already in DRIVE
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[17:45:32] <Jymmm> jthornton: find it yet?
[17:46:27] <JT-Shop> it's a HP LOL, the mouse is a Dell
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[17:46:51] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: Use it for target practice.
[17:46:54] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:46:55] <Tom_itx> kick it
[17:47:11] <JT-Shop> the HP and the Dell?
[17:47:26] <Tom_itx> just the HP
[17:47:32] <Jymmm> JT-Shop: or boat anchor,, your choice. BOTH
[17:47:42] <JT-Shop> I need to dig up another computer
[17:47:57] <Tom_itx> ask your pup where he buried it
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[17:48:15] * JT-Shop wanders off to look for a replacement for the PoC HP
[17:48:16] <IchGuckLive> IBM in the USA what else
[17:49:22] <IchGuckLive> for mill the siemens Fujitsu P5915 is a good cheep request
[17:51:33] <IchGuckLive> oh i see this numbers arent sold to the USA
[17:51:39] <IchGuckLive> so im off on this
[17:53:41] <kengu> Jymmm: well.. to combine the power on and homing was something I was looking for.
[17:54:06] <archivist> some might regard that as dangerous
[17:55:41] <kengu> some yes. me not.
[17:56:03] <kengu> depends a lot on the machine
[17:56:42] * Tom_itx puts up a safety guard around kengu
[17:57:16] <Jymmm> Ok, video semi-cheesy, but doens't seem like a bad product... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94npWntQY2g
[17:58:07] <archivist> kengu, think about a job still bolted on the machine and the head the wrong side of the item
[17:58:53] <archivist> a condition just after an emergency stop or power failure
[17:59:39] <kengu> archivist: in this particular machine. nothing would happen as long as the laser is not firing
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[17:59:58] <kengu> i am not putting the autohome on the router or the plasma
[18:02:46] <dgarr> yes -- when i made .ui files i had found somewhere that .ui was preferred suffix name but i don't remember why
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[18:07:45] <IchGuckLive> Ui is part of Photoshop
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[19:52:07] <Jymmm> http://www.amazon.com/Power-Probe-Ultimate-Automotive-Electrical/dp/B000KPU8MK
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[19:57:45] <alex_joni> hey Jymmm
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