#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-12-12

[00:02:18] -!- jfire has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[00:09:20] <PCW> field entry?
[00:09:35] <Tom_itx> where the user can enter data
[00:09:53] <Tom_itx> ie: INPUT16 (MY MPG)
[00:10:42] <Tom_itx> i enter the wire color and the signal
[00:10:57] <Tom_itx> 1 GREEN INPUT16 (MY MPG)
[00:10:59] <Tom_itx> for example
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[00:12:26] <Tom_itx> 1 being the card pin number, INPUT16 being the IO for the pin
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[00:22:33] <PCW> maybe a separate spreadsheet would be better
[00:22:51] <Tom_itx> possibly
[00:23:32] <Tom_itx> i'm nearly done with my overlays and i can keep it in the pdf printout for easy access
[00:23:40] <PCW> or some tool that takes the output of "halcmd show pins"
[00:24:42] <PCW> I wish there was enough room in the sserial remotes ROM for metadata like pin numbers
[00:25:41] <Tom_itx> it was just a passing thought... it would be an awful lot of work on your part for the few that would take advantage of it
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[00:26:43] <PCW> its probably not too difficult to munge the show pins output into something pretty
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[00:49:56] <jthornton> Tom_itx, a small update to 1.5.6 to make tapping honor clearance z
[00:53:03] <Tom_itx> what did it do prior?
[00:53:18] <Tom_itx> break a tap?
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[00:59:49] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[06:39:05] <CaptHindsight> -20C and falling, yikes
[06:48:33] <uw> where?
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[07:41:55] <Deejay> moin
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[12:01:08] <TekniQue> Can linuxcnc run a CNC hole punch?
[12:02:04] <archivist_herron> probably been done, cannot see why not
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[12:07:56] <archivist_herron> way back in 2006 http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?EMC_Fest_2006
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[12:19:02] <Tom_itx> was that the first one?
[12:20:42] <archivist_herron> not sure we can ever know, so many dont tell or write up what they do
[12:20:57] -!- toastyde1th [toastyde1th!~toast@2601:a:2e00:1e4:16a:71d3:23b7:5846] has joined #linuxcnc
[12:24:24] <Tom_itx> Around June 2000, NIST relocated the source code to sourceforge.net under the Public Domain license in order to allow external contributors to make changes. In 2003, the community rewrote some parts of it, reorganized and simplified other parts, then gave it the new name, EMC2
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[12:40:35] <jthornton> Tom_itx, I actually used the mill G code generator last night to tap some holes
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[13:01:16] <Tom_itx> nice, did you have to tweak the code any?
[13:02:12] <jthornton> yea, it didn't use the Z clearance correctly, it used the Z rapid. So only a small tweak
[13:02:57] <jthornton> I meant Retract Z and Rapid Z
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[16:23:26] <Gigs-> Hey guys, I don't know if you all remember but I asked about a graham CVT a few weeks ago. I finally got the $100 quart of oil in.
[16:23:40] <Gigs-> good news is the motor and transmission actually does run :P
[16:24:07] <Gigs-> bad news is that it doesn't make hardly any torque at low RPMs. Don't know if that's the nature of the design or if the transmission is just shot
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[16:29:09] <kengu> umm.. ok.
[16:30:25] <Gigs-> heh just thought I would share for anyone interested
[16:30:32] <kengu> (:
[16:30:46] <CaptHindsight> http://cvt-ivt.tripod.com/id1.html one of these?
[16:30:58] <Gigs-> I've always been facinated with CVTs, I wish I had the machines to be able to build that sort of thing
[16:31:07] <Gigs-> yeah one of those
[16:31:32] <Gigs-> it operates on an expensive traction oil film principle
[16:31:47] <Gigs-> the rollers aren't actually touching
[16:32:06] <CaptHindsight> what's the max torque out of the motor driving it?
[16:32:23] <Gigs-> it's a 1/4HP electric
[16:32:29] <Gigs-> it's not stalling the electric motor
[16:32:41] -!- patricka_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:33:19] <Gigs-> as the CVT output RPM drops, I can hear the electric motor become less loaded
[16:33:40] <Gigs-> and when I stop the CVT output shaft with my hand, the transmission just whines
[16:33:52] <Gigs-> sound like when you hit the end of travel on a hydraulic pump
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[16:34:54] <Gigs-> I suspect the graham design fell out of favor in favor of the more straightforward hydraulic/hydrostatic designs since they use much cheaper oil/fluid
[16:35:22] <Gigs-> I know lawn mowers often just have 20w-30 conventional in there
[16:35:27] <Gigs-> or similar
[16:36:15] <CaptHindsight> have the MSDS for the oil?
[16:36:36] <Gigs-> they didn't send one
[16:36:41] <Gigs-> I think the new oil is far less toxic
[16:36:42] <CaptHindsight> I'm wondering why it's ~$100/qt
[16:36:59] <Gigs-> probably just because it's special
[16:37:09] <CaptHindsight> or maybe just $100
[16:37:19] <Gigs-> most oils strive to have low traction effects
[16:37:24] <Gigs-> this has to have the opposite
[16:37:45] <CaptHindsight> auto trans fluid
[16:38:05] <Gigs-> ATF is just hydraulic fluid
[16:38:54] <CaptHindsight> what is its viscosity?
[16:38:55] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:39:45] <CaptHindsight> how does it behave? non-newtonian?
[16:39:54] <Gigs-> hmm
[16:40:04] <Gigs-> traction coefficient is the behavior under high film pressures
[16:40:53] <Gigs-> it has to do with the thixotropic properties and such
[16:41:39] <Gigs-> so yeah non-newtonian
[16:41:42] <archivist> is this just a radial roller cvt
[16:41:51] <Gigs-> kind of
[16:42:03] <Gigs-> it's the same sort of thing
[16:42:04] <archivist> he motion transmission between rollers and rotors is assisted by an adapted traction fluid, which ensures the proper friction between the surfaces and slows down wearing thereof.
[16:42:27] <archivist> seems to still be in contact
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[16:43:55] <Gigs-> I guess "contact" becomes a somewhat vague concept when you are talking about lubricant films
[16:44:18] <Gigs-> like a normal piston never "contacts" the cylinder walls if the lube is doing its job
[16:44:48] <archivist> that is sliding you are rolling
[16:44:55] <CaptHindsight> but the fluid acts more solid under pressure
[16:45:16] <Gigs-> in the roller CVT it's rolling and slipping at the same time
[16:46:01] <CaptHindsight> I wonder if they just used silica
[16:46:11] <CaptHindsight> as the additive
[16:46:24] <Gigs-> the oil is clear and iridescent green like antifreeze or grapeseed oil
[16:46:36] <Gigs-> if that helps
[16:47:03] <Gigs-> but yeah I'm sure it's 20 cents of additives
[16:47:05] <CaptHindsight> glycol + silica
[16:47:08] <Gigs-> in a synthetic oil base
[16:47:32] <CaptHindsight> they probably add a green dye
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[16:47:54] <Gigs-> the original graham gold oil was a darker gold color
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[16:48:09] <Gigs-> but everyone says that was toxic as hell
[16:48:20] <Gigs-> so who knows what kind of stuff they put in that
[16:48:34] <Gigs-> probably PCBs or something
[16:49:47] <Gigs-> it's kind of neat, this CVT design is continuously reversible
[16:49:59] <Gigs-> mine is the unidirectional so it only goes 1/100th speed in reverse
[16:50:03] <Gigs-> but they did make them symmetrical
[16:53:18] <archivist> who needs cvt when you can put an encoder on the input and servo/stepper on the output of linuxcnc :)
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[17:01:47] <CaptHindsight> just got off the phone with someone that thinks that their stepper and leadscrew setup gets them 0.125um steps :)
[17:02:10] <CaptHindsight> I didn't want to burst their bubble :)
[17:04:27] <cpresser> heat the room by 1degree and you have a 1um step for free :)
[17:05:09] <Jymmm> Except for the cost to heat
[17:07:24] <jdh> http://www.dpvrepair.com/contents/media/l_brush%20board%20assembly.jpg
[17:07:35] <CaptHindsight> well it could be provided via the hot air from the engineer making the claim
[17:07:42] <jdh> what kind of solder would you use for these brush holders ?
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[17:08:20] <Jymmm> the shiny kind?
[17:08:20] <CaptHindsight> high melting point
[17:09:17] <Jymmm> are those brass?
[17:10:18] <t12> dang
[17:10:23] <t12> going to check out the autodesk shop today
[17:10:31] <t12> seems very well equipped
[17:10:52] <jdh> they are brass
[17:11:47] <Gigs-> I would just use regular solder
[17:11:56] <Gigs-> if you are melting regular solder you are ruining the insulation on those wires anyway
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[17:12:34] <jdh> the motor can pull 16amps under load
[17:12:56] <Gigs-> if the motor is running over 200C the bearings will be dead too
[17:13:38] <Gigs-> a good lead/tin solder will provide superior resistance to cracking from thermal cycles and mechanical shock
[17:13:44] <jdh> they seem to fail when a brush sticks and increases load on the remaining ones.
[17:14:22] <CaptHindsight> what is the cause of the brushes sticking? thermal expansion?
[17:14:22] <Gigs-> why are they sticking
[17:14:35] <jdh> crud most likely
[17:14:42] <Gigs-> the brushes shouldn't be tight in the holders
[17:14:58] <jdh> the ones I have re-built slide freely.
[17:14:59] <CaptHindsight> maybe a self cleaning brush design is in order?
[17:15:32] <jdh> they often fail by being flooded with saltwater
[17:15:42] <Gigs-> heh... most things do
[17:15:51] <CaptHindsight> or a motor without brushes :)
[17:16:12] <jdh> yeah, there are some of those, but pricey and overly complex for the application
[17:16:29] <jdh> it's for an underwater scooter.
[17:16:38] <Gigs-> is the motor sealed?
[17:16:49] <jdh> these are 24vdc, 800rpm, needs lots of torque.
[17:17:13] <jdh> normally sealed
[17:17:19] <CaptHindsight> picturing a moped with paddle wheels
[17:17:24] <Gigs-> crush depth captain!
[17:17:26] <jdh> heh
[17:17:39] <jdh> 3 blade variable pitch prop and kort nozzle
[17:17:42] <Gigs-> that's a lot of brushes for a DC motor
[17:17:53] <jdh> yeah, low speed and torque
[17:18:34] <Gigs-> I guess they wanted to save weight and avoid a transmission
[17:18:34] <jdh> gear train woudl be too heavy and big
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[17:19:16] <Gigs-> anyway I'd still go with regular solder
[17:19:17] <CaptHindsight> if this is for a movie then you could use a caterpillar drive like the sub in Red October
[17:19:48] <jdh> I have been using regular silver solder on the relay boards
[17:19:59] <Gigs-> what do you mean regular silver solder
[17:20:07] <Gigs-> low silver lead/tin?
[17:20:10] <jdh> cheap 2%
[17:20:15] <jdh> yeah
[17:20:51] <Gigs-> lead free or leaded
[17:21:24] <Connor> http://imagebin.org/281897 < --- Who made the G Code Generator ?
[17:21:35] <Gigs-> anyway you don't need to use 2% lead unless you are soldering to gold plated terminals, but it shouldn't hurt
[17:21:40] <Gigs-> 2% silver I mean
[17:24:29] <archivist> Connor, JT-Shop_ is writing that
[17:24:34] <Connor> Ah.
[17:24:55] <Connor> Looking good.
[17:25:16] <jdh> leaded... I haven't had good results with lead-free. Could just be me though.
[17:25:49] <archivist> leaded for me too, it is just better TM
[17:26:17] <Jymmm> 63/37 Love
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[17:31:58] <Connor> archivist Looks like JT-Shop_ did a good job on it so far.
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[17:32:52] <Connor> He might want to put comment indicator in front of the comments so it's not a issue. but.. looks pretty neat.
[17:32:53] <jdh> Connor: made anything lately?
[17:33:31] <Connor> jdh On the CNC .. Hell no. But, I've been working on the enclosure.. I have it all done except some finial Caulking..
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[17:48:59] <CaptHindsight> 261323013175 ebay, anyone ever deal with HGR in Euclid, Ohio? Looks like they are getting rid of lots of old iron before the end of the year
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[17:50:40] <CaptHindsight> 200999517701 looks like a bargain for someone in CA Hardinge Metal lathe Model DSM 59 US $584.00
[17:51:19] <jdh> does anyone make a left handed lathe?
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[17:52:38] <Connor> Probably not.
[17:52:47] <Connor> Why would you want one ?
[17:52:56] <jdh> just curious
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[17:53:54] <Gigs-> CaptHindsight: school lathes usually have screwed ways
[17:54:13] <Gigs-> I had one that I wound up giving away because it was just too much work to fix
[17:54:33] <Gigs-> the two humps on the ways were almost flat close to the chuck
[17:54:47] <CaptHindsight> depends on the school, I've seen some that had hardly any use
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[18:00:20] <skunkworks> we got a emco lathe out of a school that still had cosmoline on it..
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[18:00:49] <IchGuckLive> yuuup school stuff is very old
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[18:02:07] <IchGuckLive> hi jeremy79
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[18:12:45] <Connor> skunkworks: So, Never been used?
[18:13:04] <Loetmichel> re @ home
[18:17:01] <CaptHindsight> do US schools still have shop classes? I recall having a machine shop that had just about everything except for EDM's
[18:17:32] <Gigs-> usually it's broken out into a separate vocational school around here
[18:17:49] <Connor> Some do, some don't, some have them as vocational school when the highschool will use jointly.
[18:17:50] <Gigs-> high school students will go half a day to the vocational school that is centrally located
[18:18:56] <Connor> Gigs-: Exactly. Here in my area.. on Vocational school is located 1000' yards or so away from the highschool.. another highschool busses the kids over..
[18:18:58] <jdh> did you go to farragut?
[18:19:11] <Connor> Me? no. Karns.
[18:19:17] <CaptHindsight> so ebonics and revisionist history till noon and then it's off to 3rd world factory training in the afternoon
[18:19:24] <Connor> Powell was the other school that busses the kids.
[18:19:30] <jdh> I don't remember where karns is.
[18:19:44] <Connor> Solway.
[18:20:07] <Connor> Ball Camp, Solway area.
[18:21:31] <jdh> oh yeah, I had a friend that lived out that way
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[18:37:48] <VNR> hello
[18:39:15] <VNR> i want to edit the mb2hal wiki page but cannot login with "l...cnc" password
[18:39:15] <cradek> chips
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[18:42:35] <IchGuckLive> VNR: what is wrong on the side
[18:42:58] <VNR> thanks cradek
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[18:48:04] <tjtr33> CaptHindsight, i've bought 1 Japax hopopper and 1 6dof robot from HGR. always went there to check em out 1st, and put em into my wagons.
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[18:48:33] <tjtr33> good deals ( < advertised ) and the units were good for parts, ( aka junk :)
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[18:52:21] <tjtr33> i tossed the controls on the hopop, kept a very good 1mm pitch 3 axis gantry, cast iron & stainless. on robot kept all ( puma 1meter exdtended )
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[19:04:02] <tjtr33> the deckel FP3NC looks like a good candidate for linuxcnc ( at HGR )
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[19:20:20] <IchGuckLive> tjtr33: yes the deckes is best to modifi also the 7i77 fits perfect
[19:20:33] <IchGuckLive> im off BY
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[19:24:03] <flughafen> hey archivist I was told to ask you about clocks?
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[20:20:31] <JT-Shop> Connor, which comment does not have a ; ?
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[20:41:53] * JT-Shop just figured out what .htaccess file can do
[20:42:01] <jdh> it can do miracles!
[20:42:16] <jdh> if you consider access control a miracle.
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[20:46:00] <JT-Shop> lol
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[20:49:01] <Connor> JT-Shop: I just downloaded your G Code generator.. the Drill Op comment and Tap Op doesn't have the ; in it.
[20:49:47] <JT-Shop> thanks, I'll fix that
[20:53:27] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:54:28] <Connor> JT-Shop: No problem. Looking good!
[20:54:41] <Connor> Would be nice as a drop-in to axis.
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[21:01:22] <JT-Shop> I used to do that with the simple G code generators that used tk but have not figured out how with Python Gtk
[21:03:00] <JT-Shop> this is the magic Tkinter line IN_AXIS = os.environ.has_key("AXIS_PROGRESS_BAR")
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[21:14:02] -!- g_mouer [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[21:16:50] <g_mouer> trying to upgrade from 2.5.3 to master and getting a dependency error need some help
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[21:17:26] <g_mouer> dependencies are libboost-python1.40.0 and libmodbus5
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[21:28:10] <jthornton> Connor, did you download it from http://www.gnipsel.com/files/g-code-generator/
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[21:28:57] <Connor> http://gnipsel.com/shop/files/mill.zip
[21:29:21] <jthornton> ok, that is a very old version and thanks I'll fix that link
[21:29:32] <Connor> http://gnipsel.com/shop/machine-shop.xhtml
[21:29:50] <jthornton> yes, I have that page open now editing the link
[21:29:50] <Connor> that were I found the link.
[21:29:54] <Connor> ok
[21:30:04] <Connor> I googled jt-shop g code generator
[21:30:19] <jthornton> wow that's cool
[21:30:54] <Connor> 2nd link.. the first looks to be a IRC log. stating.. 15:21, JT-Shop, I wrote a bunch of g code generators for linuxcnc on the wiki with ...
[21:33:01] <g_mouer> need help upgrading 2.5.3 to master getting 2 dependency errors
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[21:33:34] <jthornton> did you look on the wiki for upgrade instructions?
[21:33:54] <jthornton> Connor, I fixed the bogus link :)
[21:33:59] <Connor> Coll
[21:34:03] <Connor> err.. Cool
[21:34:22] <Connor> Sorry for reporting bogus bug.
[21:34:35] <g_mouer> yup there was a method for the one dependency but it didn't work, the other dependency isn't mentioned
[21:35:26] <jthornton> it was not bogus but took a second or two to realize what the bug actually was LOL
[21:35:53] <Connor> I might suggest swapping the Tabs G code and Setup
[21:36:15] <Connor> Going Left to right....
[21:37:06] <jthornton> that does make sense
[21:37:33] <Connor> and look there.. we have the ; in front of the comments now. :)
[21:38:09] <Connor> Yea.. Follows with the other tabs too if you put Setup before G Code. :)
[21:39:35] <Connor> Mill chart needs HSS endmills too. :)
[21:39:55] <Connor> I'm sure the Feed per Tooth is a little different.
[21:40:47] <jthornton> do you have a good chart for HSS endmill feed per tooth?
[21:40:59] <Connor> Umm.
[21:41:17] <jthornton> I see that some labeling needs to be done on the Mill Charts tab
[21:41:36] <Connor> http://zero-divide.net/index.php?page=fswizard&shell_id=199&load_tool_id=27011
[21:41:39] <Connor> I use that allot
[21:42:05] <jthornton> do you find it to be accurate?
[21:42:36] <Connor> Pretty Close the times I've used it.. but.. I don't have that much time machining...
[21:42:56] <Connor> Have more time machining PVC than I do metal.
[21:43:02] <g_mouer> ok, lets try this, any idea how to install libboost-python1.40.0 ?? its required for master
[21:43:03] <Connor> and that's still not that much.
[21:43:21] <Connor> Machine been under conversion more than it's been runnin.
[21:43:23] <Connor> running.
[21:43:35] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:43:46] <jthornton> too complicated LOL
[21:44:03] <Connor> Yea.. It's a bit more complicated...
[21:44:15] <Connor> One thing I like is.. I don't have to lookup the SFM either..
[21:44:50] <jdh> how fast is your spindle now?
[21:45:06] <Connor> 6800 RPM
[21:45:11] <jdh> cool
[21:45:37] <jthornton> g_mouer, apt-get install?
[21:46:53] <g_mouer> yes, john, tried that, it errors not installable but referred to by another package
[21:46:59] <g_mouer> pretty cryptic
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[21:47:59] <jthornton> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RemappingStatus
[21:48:16] <jthornton> If you are building yourself by pulling from git.linuxcnc.org, you need to 'sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev' .
[21:48:48] <jthornton> got that from that link, found the link with libboost-python site:linuxcnc.org in google
[21:48:59] <g_mouer> that exact syntax throws the error I posted
[21:49:31] <g_mouer> many of those docs are outdated I have found many times in the past
[21:50:37] <jthornton> I'm out of swags
[21:50:48] <ju-emb> g_mouer: what Linux Distro and version are you on?
[21:50:54] <g_mouer> me too, thats why I came here
[21:51:21] <g_mouer> not sure what a "distro' version is??? Lucid ??
[21:51:47] <ju-emb> something like that
[21:52:09] <ju-emb> it has a number like 10.04
[21:52:50] <g_mouer> yes its 10.04
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[21:54:43] <g_mouer> got the latest live cd, installed that, then updated with synaptic pkg mgr to 2.5.3 latest, then changed repository to buildbot master-rt it shows the latest master but faults when trying to mark it, the 2 dependencies
[21:54:54] <jthornton> g_mouer, you might start a topic on the forum and add your error you get as an attachment, some really sharp guys visit there
[21:55:35] <g_mouer> true, some really sharp guys here too !! always had better luck here in the past
[21:55:43] <ju-emb> in your /etc/apt/sources.list are the source repos activated?
[21:55:49] <cradek> what error do you get?
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[21:56:43] <g_mouer> ehrn trying to mark for master upgrade, 2 dependencies libboost-python1.40.0 and libmodbus5
[21:57:11] <cradek> pastbin your sources.list?
[21:57:11] <g_mouer> no luck resolving those dependencies
[21:57:13] <cradek> pastebin
[21:57:29] <g_mouer> ok give me a sec
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[22:00:22] <andypugh> apt-get install libboost-python-dev libmodbus-dev
[22:00:46] <cradek> my understanding is he's trying to install buildbot debs, not get a compile environment
[22:00:56] <cradek> so, it should be installing the dependencies for him
[22:01:06] <andypugh> Ah, OK.
[22:01:07] <cradek> if it can't, sources.list is wrong, which is why I asked to see it
[22:01:16] <g_mouer> yes, I am using the synaptic package manager for updating to master
[22:01:20] <cradek> (I might be misunderstanding the situation of course)
[22:02:05] -!- tjb1 has quit [Excess Flood]
[22:02:26] <g_mouer> http://imagebin.org/282021
[22:02:27] -!- tjb1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:02:40] <ju-emb> me too, I think some is missing in source.list
[22:03:13] <g_mouer> the source list is the default from the live cd install, other than the link for master-rt on the buildbot
[22:03:51] <cradek> I think you also need "base" from the buildbot
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[22:05:07] <cradek> er wait, what do those checkboxes mean?
[22:05:14] <g_mouer> maybe I'm blind but I don't see any reference to "base" on the buildbot page
[22:05:21] <cradek> you need base from linuxcnc.org/lucid
[22:05:27] <cradek> stupid guis
[22:05:31] <cradek> I have no idea how synaptic works
[22:05:37] <cradek> would rather see the text in the file
[22:05:51] <cradek> but pretty sure you need linuxcnc.org / lucid / base
[22:05:56] <cradek> for libmodbus
[22:06:01] <CaptHindsight> tjtr33: interesting, it almost looks like they are having a year end closeout
[22:06:15] <cradek> libboost-python might be in ubuntu / universe
[22:06:19] <ju-emb> Me too, I was expecting the result of cat /etc/apt/source.list on pastebin
[22:07:13] -!- syyl_tb [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:07:18] <g_mouer> ok, so I should add linuxcnc.org/lucid/base to the repository list for synapetic pkg manager?
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[22:07:36] <cradek> I don't know really how to use synaptic
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[22:07:50] <cradek> you already have it there, but there's no checkmark by it; what this means I have no idea
[22:08:00] <cradek> so experiment :-)
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[22:08:28] <ju-emb> g_mouer first activate some checkboxes
[22:08:56] <g_mouer> oh yea ! no checkbox means it is not used !! I will check it and retry
[22:09:32] <Gigs-> hah you won't believe this... I just found two pints of graham gold CVT oil in the basement here at work... of course after I paid the $100 to buy a quart myself
[22:09:52] <ju-emb> you need the universe as cradek say's
[22:10:05] -!- MacGalempsy [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:10:08] <Gigs-> the maintenance guy says he chucked the motors last year into the dumpster :( They were worth like $2000 each if they ran
[22:10:22] <ju-emb> and you need to check that what has src in it
[22:11:01] <g_mouer> ok, checked that, then tried marking linuxcnc for update and got the same error, dependency libboost-python1.40.0 not installable
[22:11:12] <cradek> g_mouer: read ^^
[22:11:21] <g_mouer> maybe I need to upgrade another package first?
[22:12:25] <Deejay> gn8
[22:12:40] <ju-emb> just type libboost-python without any number
[22:12:57] <ju-emb> and see what results you get
[22:13:00] -!- Deejay has quit [Quit: bye]
[22:13:02] <g_mouer> type it where?
[22:13:18] <ju-emb> in synaptic search
[22:14:13] <g_mouer> no hits on the search (tried that before also)
[22:14:57] <g_mouer> tried searching just "libboost" also, no hits
[22:15:51] <andypugh> I think is it called boost-pythin
[22:16:08] <ju-emb> open a terminal ctrl+alt+t
[22:16:13] <andypugh> python that is. I miss-type that word about 90% of the time. Which is annoying.
[22:16:58] <tjb1> andypugh: do you have a g0704 or one like it?
[22:17:20] <g_mouer> no hits on either "boost" or "boost-python"
[22:17:23] <ju-emb> and cat /etc/apt/source.list to pastebin
[22:17:47] <cradek> Filename: pool/main/b/boost1.40/libboost-python1.40.0_1.40.0-4ubuntu4_i386.deb
[22:17:54] <cradek> Package: libboost-python1.40.0
[22:17:56] <cradek> it's in main
[22:18:00] <cradek> I have no idea why you can't install it
[22:18:19] <ju-emb> ubuntu say's the name is libboost-python-dev
[22:18:48] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[22:19:33] <ju-emb> g_mouser: give us a cat of your source.list file to pastebin
[22:19:47] <cradek> and the actual error message for pete sake
[22:19:52] <cradek> or pete's
[22:22:28] <ju-emb> g_mouser: what is if you open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and just type
[22:22:30] <ju-emb> sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev
[22:23:18] -!- jeremy79 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[22:25:00] <g_mouer> ju-emb that threw a error msg screenshot coming up
[22:25:24] <flughafen> archivist: you there?
[22:27:24] -!- gambakufu has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[22:28:01] <g_mouer> error msg http://imagebin.org/282026
[22:28:41] -!- chillly has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:29:10] <ju-emb> cat /etc/apt/source.list
[22:29:35] -!- grummund has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[22:29:38] <JT-Shop> g_mouer, I just followed these steps to install master on 10.04 http://www.pastebin.ca/2497178
[22:31:06] <JT-Shop> g_mouer, http://imagebin.org/282027
[22:31:50] <g_mouer> ju-emb no such file or directory
[22:32:02] <JT-Shop> g_mouer, http://imagebin.org/282028
[22:32:28] <g_mouer> John, I had not tried that method to install, only the package manager, which isn't working out
[22:32:47] <JT-Shop> that is using the package manager...
[22:33:00] <JT-Shop> you didn't read the first line???
[22:33:30] <g_mouer> sorry John, trying to keep up with 3 peoples suggestions at the same time LOL
[22:33:38] <JT-Shop> I understand
[22:34:16] <JT-Shop> I use the package manager that's why I just did the steps and wrote them down for you
[22:34:22] <g_mouer> John, wonder if you have that libboost file on your machine? thats what is holding me up, master requires it
[22:34:56] <JT-Shop> this is a fresh install from the LiveCD a day ago
[22:35:06] <g_mouer> funny thing is I have upgraded to master on a couple machines in the past year this way, this is a new problem
[22:35:23] <g_mouer> ahhh gonna have to try your way John
[22:35:53] <ju-emb> the JT-Shop method worked for me too on 10.04, but you should deinstall emc first
[22:35:54] <g_mouer> mine is a fresh install from the live cd just today
[22:36:34] <g_mouer> ok, I am going to give that a try, it will take me a while
[22:36:56] <g_mouer> ju-emb, did you deinstall all linuxcnc files?
[22:37:35] <JT-Shop> I didn't uninstall anything
[22:38:08] <ju-emb> JT-Shop: but did you have the complete live-cd install
[22:38:28] <JT-Shop> oh my I see I need to update the headers in the manuals before 2.6 comes out
[22:38:58] <g_mouer> not sure what you mean by the "complete" live cd install??
[22:39:13] <ju-emb> that was for JT-Shop
[22:39:28] <g_mouer> ok LOL
[22:40:02] <JT-Shop> I don't understand what you mean by complete install?
[22:40:19] <ju-emb> if you have a fresh 10.04 native ubuntu install you can go the way Jhon did
[22:40:40] <ju-emb> if you have an install from EMC live CD
[22:40:47] <JT-Shop> mine was from the LinuxCNC LiveCD not the plain ubuntu live cd
[22:41:25] <ju-emb> so now question to g_mouser: EMC or LinuxCNC live-cd
[22:43:31] <ju-emb> or ubuntu live-cd
[22:50:33] -!- jeremy79 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:51:09] <JT-Shop> I guess I'm going to have to try a different motherboard, I can't get the correct screen resolution on this one
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[22:59:37] <JT-Shop> I think I'm going to try this Asus P5N motherboard... be back later maybe
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[23:08:04] <g_mouer> john, your instructions didn't work, threw same dependency error screenshot of terminal window coming up
[23:08:42] <g_mouer> only this time it was libmodbus5 dependency error
[23:10:21] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:12:17] <g_mouer> here is the error message in the terminal window http://imagebin.org/282032
[23:12:56] <g_mouer> and the repositories http://imagebin.org/282033
[23:14:11] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:14:20] <ju-emb> g_mouer: apt-cache search libmodbus
[23:15:00] <g_mouer> ok
[23:16:15] <g_mouer> ju-enb search returned a blank line in terminal
[23:17:54] <RyanS> I see a lot of these charts that list aluminium as 200-300 FPM, that seems a rather drastic variation
[23:18:21] <ju-emb> g_mouser : sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"
[23:18:36] <ju-emb> all in one line
[23:18:58] -!- sirdancealo2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:18:58] <ju-emb> without "g_mouser : " ;-)
[23:21:12] -!- gonzo___ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[23:21:51] <g_mouer> without the quotes , right?
[23:22:19] <ju-emb> and the same for the sources:
[23:22:21] <ju-emb> sudo add-apt-repository "deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"
[23:22:43] <CaptHindsight> http://www.3ders.org/articles/20131212-emerging-objects-3d-printed-a-pavilion-entirely-out-of-salt.html
[23:23:18] -!- gonzo_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:24:22] <g_mouer> error terminal says "error need a repository as argument"
[23:24:39] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2013/12/13/low-cost-titanium-powder-first-kind/ from the University of Sheffield’s Mercury Centre
[23:24:45] <g_mouer> did I need the quote marks?
[23:25:31] <andypugh> I used to work there. (Not that actual department)
[23:25:36] -!- lyzidiamond has quit [Quit: lyzidiamond]
[23:25:39] <CaptHindsight> http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/3d-printing-titanium-1.332731 3D print automotive parts
[23:25:50] <CaptHindsight> had a feeling
[23:27:53] -!- sumpfralle [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:28:00] <ju-emb> g_mouer: yes you need the double quotes
[23:28:29] <g_mouer> ok, did those 2 lines with quotes, no errors
[23:28:49] <g_mouer> whats next?
[23:28:55] <ju-emb> you need to put it in one line
[23:29:18] <g_mouer> both sudo add lines?
[23:29:51] <ju-emb> no each sudo in one line
[23:29:52] -!- terabyte- [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[23:30:05] <g_mouer> did that, no errors, just returned cursor
[23:30:25] <g_mouer> now what?
[23:30:42] <ju-emb> now try apt-cache search libmodbus
[23:30:51] <ju-emb> sorry
[23:30:58] <ju-emb> apt-get update first
[23:32:22] <g_mouer> got a few failures to load, want a screenshot?
[23:32:39] <ju-emb> yes pls.
[23:34:19] <g_mouer> http://imagebin.org/282042
[23:35:07] <g_mouer> love that one error "something wicked happened" LOL that about sums it up
[23:36:11] <ju-emb> ok, let's cleanup your source.list file
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[23:36:18] -!- gimpswork [gimpswork!~gimps@unaffiliated/gimps] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:36:52] <ju-emb> give me a
[23:36:54] <ju-emb> cat /etc/apt/sources.list
[23:37:22] gimpswork is now known as gimpspace
[23:40:02] <g_mouer> http://imagebin.org/282043
[23:40:39] <g_mouer> takes a min, running off different computer for irc, shuttling with thumb drive sorry
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[23:45:13] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:45:36] <ju-emb> there are some errors in
[23:45:38] <ju-emb> make the last lines look like
[23:46:30] <ju-emb> http://pastebin.com/Y0HzYfgp
[23:46:50] <g_mouer> think I got it !!! gimme a sec
[23:46:51] <ju-emb> what editor do you have on your box?
[23:47:27] <g_mouer> gedit,
[23:47:34] <g_mouer> It updated to master !!
[23:48:18] <g_mouer> in pkg manager, I unchecked the master repository and checked all the others, updated, then checked master and updated again
[23:48:31] <g_mouer> threw a error but updated, now shows as master
[23:48:39] <g_mouer> going to launch linuxcnc and see
[23:48:42] <ju-emb> ok in a terminal type:
[23:48:44] <ju-emb> gedit /etc/apt/source.list
[23:49:15] <g_mouer> ok will do
[23:49:39] <g_mouer> linuxccnc is at pre2.6 4954 so it did update
[23:49:43] <ju-emb> in the last lines of your source.list delete the last lines that doesn't point to rigtht URL's
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[23:56:58] <g_mouer> http://imagebin.org/282045 what lines should I delete?
[23:58:06] <g_mouer> think I see it, is it because the // is missing on the last 2 lines?
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[23:59:51] <ju-emb> exactly