#linuxcnc | Logs for 2013-12-16

[00:00:01] <Mr_Mayhem> That's it. It did a bunch of stuff in terminal, like it ran, but the versions don't jive.
[00:00:53] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:09:09] <Mr_Mayhem> To recap in a more clear manner, I ran $ sudo dpkg -i linuxcnc-doc-en_2.5.3.78.g5901d68_all.deb on the downloaded deb file from http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/dists/lucid/v2.5_branch-rt/binary-i386/. But how do I tell if I have 2.5.3, especially since the version of Aixis is 2.5.0 still, and so is linuxcnc version within Synaptic Package Manager? The deb installer app suggests I installed the
[00:09:09] <Mr_Mayhem> deb to 2.5.3. and has a reinstall button.
[00:11:36] <Mr_Mayhem> I guess I need to run some ethernet and try it the automatic way.
[00:12:46] -!- kiw has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:14:14] -!- jeremy79 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:14:45] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, that was the doc updates, not the application. Doh.
[00:16:45] -!- tom_R2E3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:17:14] <jthornton> opps sorry
[00:17:34] <jthornton> well at least you have the latest docs now
[00:17:52] <Tom_itx> must be the night for making tutorials
[00:18:16] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe
[00:18:31] <Mr_Mayhem> I think it's right now...
[00:18:43] <jthornton> and cleaning up old tutorials
[00:19:14] <Tom_itx> who was it the other day wanting to mod a bitfile for the 5i25?
[00:19:49] <Tom_itx> i could check the logs but i'm too lazy
[00:20:16] <Mr_Mayhem> The version is now 2.5.3 everywhere. I can hear the angels singing...
[00:20:45] <jthornton> YEA!
[00:20:50] <Tom_itx> 2.6 will be here soon
[00:20:55] <Tom_itx> don't get too excited
[00:21:02] <jthornton> I smell chicken and dumplins
[00:22:53] <Mr_Mayhem> Not to make a whole other topic, but since you folks are around, does the Beagle Board Black have legs, or just a gimmick? I thought it was so cool to run the whole shebang from a device the size of a pack of cigarettes for pocket change. Do the pulsegens perform well enough on that device?
[00:23:16] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:23:26] <Tom_itx> i've seen it run lcnc on a reprap
[00:23:40] <Tom_itx> hammond mfg has made a plastic case for it
[00:23:47] <Mr_Mayhem> I'd like a PGA Mesa board "cape" for a BBB.
[00:23:57] -!- terabyte- has quit [Quit: terabyte-]
[00:24:06] <Mr_Mayhem> FPGA, not PGA, hehe.
[00:24:39] <Tom_itx> i'm not sure what interfaces the bbb has
[00:25:17] <Tom_itx> i don't and probably won't own one any time soon
[00:25:44] <Mr_Mayhem> It has a pile of in/out pins, and it has some kind of realtime clock with an api for it.
[00:25:46] <CaptHindsight> BBB has SPI that is fast enough
[00:25:53] <andypugh> Mr_Mayhem: You can buy a complete ready-to-go LinuxCNC box based around the BBB: http://webshop.juve.ro/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_4&products_id=2&zenid=TprJQSvrjfdPTUT-rAyY00
[00:26:33] <Mr_Mayhem> I plan on doing so, if only for the novelty of having such a cool little linuxcnc system.
[00:26:53] <CaptHindsight> http://webshop.juve.ro/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2&products_id=1 €22.00 for just the cape
[00:26:54] <Mr_Mayhem> I will run on Mesa, but that stunt impressed me.
[00:28:03] <andypugh> With the right code in the RTU the BBB could probably drive the 7i76 and friends.
[00:28:06] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:28:08] <CaptHindsight> Mr_Mayhem: that cape gets you a parallel port to connect to a Mesa FPGA card
[00:28:35] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, that is so cool. That would dominate.
[00:28:42] <andypugh> CaptHindsight: I am not sure the cape is an EPP parport, I think it is Parport-format GPIO.
[00:29:01] <CaptHindsight> yeah, not true EPP
[00:29:25] <andypugh> The 7i43 needs proper (byte-buffering) EPP.
[00:29:47] <CaptHindsight> I forget how slow it can go
[00:30:19] <andypugh> Anyway, sleep tim ehere.
[00:30:19] <CaptHindsight> pcw mentioned something about changing the EPP a few weeks ago
[00:30:27] <CaptHindsight> g-nite
[00:30:30] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[00:30:41] <pcw_home> It probably could do EPP though SPI is likely faster since there is buffered SPI hardware on the BBB
[00:31:49] <pcw_home> (we have a cubieboard FPGA daughtercard that uses SPI but have not played with it yet)
[00:31:57] <pcw_home> 7I91
[00:35:02] -!- jeremy79 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[00:35:04] <Mr_Mayhem> BBB with Mesa would just rock. Very cool. Have a little hdmi touch screen, yeah.
[00:35:40] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:35:44] <Tom_L> http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en?vendor=0&keywords=1593HAMBONETBU
[00:35:49] <Tom_L> not bad for 6 bucks
[00:36:15] <Mr_Mayhem> nice.
[00:36:35] -!- jeremy79 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:36:48] <pcw_home> we might consider a BBB cape but I wonder about the longevity of the BBB (and similar vendor subsidized dev cards)
[00:37:01] <CaptHindsight> http://shop.dmp.com.tw/INT/products-517 how about x86 in an arduino footprint?
[00:37:17] <Tom_itx> i think i saw that the other day
[00:37:33] <CaptHindsight> then you could use all the crappy reprap expansion boards
[00:37:56] <pcw_home> similar to the Intel Galileo
[00:38:07] <Tom_itx> err maybe it was the intel one i saw
[00:38:31] <micges> probably 7i43 could work with cape_parport for bbb
[00:38:38] <CaptHindsight> http://arduino.cc/en/ArduinoCertified/IntelGalileo
[00:38:53] <Tom_itx> http://hammondmfg.com/1593HAM.htm
[00:39:00] <Tom_itx> there's the various boards they have enclosed
[00:39:02] <Mr_Mayhem> The head cheese on the beagle website says the card is guranteed to be available for 10 years under the agreements of the project.
[00:39:49] <micges> http://webshop.juve.ro/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2&products_id=1&zenid=zuKaczEd8ZFBt0zjbrtnB2
[00:40:28] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:40:39] -!- tjb1_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:41:04] <CaptHindsight> it really figures that the duinos would choose the x86 without coreboot support and crappy graphics
[00:41:58] <pcw_home> Its easy to say it will be available for any length of time with no guarantee
[00:42:14] <Mr_Mayhem> http://beagleboard.org/brief
[00:42:38] <Mr_Mayhem> down near the bottom. "A purchase link for a Beagle will always be available on BeagleBoard.org and we’ve set it up for each of the boards to be available for purchase for 10+ years. "
[00:43:00] <Mr_Mayhem> Whatever that means, yeah I understand.
[00:43:34] <pcw_home> Its very unlikely TI will even be able to make the same chips 10 years from now
[00:43:48] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[00:44:41] <Tom_itx> and if they dissappear there'll be nobody there to complain to
[00:45:48] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, I agree. But I do know these are selling pretty hot, and the BBB mops the floor with the rasperry pi, performance and features wise. It's like a pi on steroids.
[00:45:58] <CaptHindsight> why do you need 10 year availability? Usually it's for medical certification where no changes to anything is allowed
[00:46:17] <Mr_Mayhem> I think it's open sourced hardware anyway.
[00:46:31] <Mr_Mayhem> They put the gerbers up.
[00:46:49] <Mr_Mayhem> and the list of components.
[00:47:25] <pcw_home> In 10 years the RAM will likely only be available in the gray market
[00:48:24] <pcw_home> The interface/cape spec may survive except its pretty random
[00:48:54] <pcw_home> as bad as S100 stuff (pinout defined by ASIC pins)
[00:50:23] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, the pin mapping has lead to conflicts with video out in some cases. Folks have made re-routing header boards to solve it.
[00:50:33] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: did you guys warm back up yet there?
[00:50:50] <CaptHindsight> back down to 3F (-16C) here
[00:50:59] <pcw_home> Thats the basic problem with dev cards, they are not "platforms"
[00:51:25] <pcw_home> Yes its just cool (40 F)
[00:51:51] <pcw_home> maybe up to 60F daytime
[00:52:15] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:55:05] <Mr_Mayhem> I see a bunch of pci104 stuff on the Mesa website. Dumb question but is PCI 104 a platform that can run linuxcnc? I don't know where to start.
[00:56:16] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:57:19] <pcw_home> It can but CPUS are typically pretty expensive
[00:57:50] <Mr_Mayhem> More of a high-end kind of animal then?
[00:57:55] <pcw_home> probably best with mini--ITX for X86 platforms
[00:58:03] <Mr_Mayhem> I see.
[00:58:22] <pcw_home> used for industrial/avionics more
[00:58:41] <Jymmm> /msg pcw_home Question... Are you guys ever ging to come out with a FPGA card that is self-standing? (No computer needed)
[00:58:50] <jesseg> Jymmm, I think you spaced out
[00:59:01] <jesseg> :-D
[00:59:10] <pcw_home> I doubt it
[00:59:19] <Jymmm> No just just trying to not be off-topic in the channel
[00:59:34] <Jymmm> pcw_home: Ok. If you do, let me know.
[00:59:46] <pcw_home> Though we will have Zynq based FPGA cards
[00:59:59] <Jymmm> pcw_home: and that means...?
[01:00:13] <pcw_home> FPGA+ARM in one chip
[01:00:16] <jesseg> Jymmm, I was trying to make a pun. never mind :)
[01:00:19] -!- _BJFreeman [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:00:37] <Jymmm> pcw_home: So, pc needed to "load" the fpga?
[01:00:48] <Jymmm> pcw_home: "headless" ?
[01:01:12] _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
[01:01:34] <pcw_home> many of our FPGA cards lod configs from local EEPROM
[01:01:40] <pcw_home> load
[01:01:50] <pcw_home> even the 7I43 can
[01:02:06] <Jymmm> pcw_home: But can't "offload" lcnc to it
[01:02:18] <Jymmm> pcw_home: the non-gui parts
[01:02:58] <Jymmm> ?
[01:03:28] <pcw_home> no its not practical to do this only on a FPGA
[01:03:42] <Mr_Mayhem> That's sort of the value I saw in the Beagle Board Black. Cheap and tiny and runs linuxcnc, just slap on the FPGA and some signal conditioning and it's a wrap.
[01:04:03] <pcw_home> though a Zynq can do it
[01:05:08] <CaptHindsight> Mr_Mayhem: http://www.zedboard.org/ still pricey for now
[01:05:55] <pcw_home> Yes and for a large set of things you dont need the FPGA with a BBB since the PRU
[01:05:57] <pcw_home> can do high speed stepgens and even fair encoder counters
[01:05:59] <Mr_Mayhem> Does that Microzed have a realtime clock?
[01:06:44] <CaptHindsight> it has an xtal and free gates so yes and no :)
[01:07:35] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe. I know the BBB has a realtime clock and a fancy system to make proper use of it.
[01:08:19] <Mr_Mayhem> I guess we will see even more of these tiny boards in the future.
[01:09:04] <Mr_Mayhem> But the BBB is the first to really get my attention for realtime.
[01:10:14] <CaptHindsight> http://cubieboard.org/ has a GPU to support the UI, the TI does not
[01:10:15] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:10:52] <pcw_home> Yeah and its a fair bit faster than the BBB
[01:10:54] <Tom_itx> pretty sure the creators of bbb were the same ones that did the hammer etc
[01:11:33] <Tom_itx> hang out in #edev iirc
[01:12:22] <pcw_home> I do think the broadcom chip on the RasPi is clever to have the RAM on top of the CPU
[01:13:51] -!- Lekensteyn has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[01:14:34] -!- tjb1_ has quit [Quit: tjb1_]
[01:15:22] <Mr_Mayhem> Will take a look at those other boards. I wish I knew more about how to program FPGAs. I want to get a cheap dev board kit to learn the basics, but there are so many to choose from. I bumped into FPGA design when looking at Software Defined Radios.
[01:16:03] <Mr_Mayhem> Most of it was not "hello world" stuff. I would be happy to blink an led! :)
[01:16:55] <CaptHindsight> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11158 Papilio One - 500K gayes
[01:17:02] <CaptHindsight> heh gates even
[01:17:27] <Tom_itx> digilent has some
[01:17:44] <Mr_Mayhem> Very nice!
[01:18:32] <CaptHindsight> http://www.xess.com/
[01:18:42] <Tom_itx> that's been around a long time
[01:18:58] <Tom_itx> http://digilentinc.com/
[01:19:15] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:19:43] -!- mozmck has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:19:52] <Mr_Mayhem> Wow. Some great stuff, and not too expensive.
[01:20:26] <CaptHindsight> there's also an Altera board for ~$50
[01:20:58] <CaptHindsight> http://www.altera.com/b/nios-bemicro-evaluation-kit.html
[01:21:26] -!- mozmck [mozmck!~moses@client-] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:21:57] <Mr_Mayhem> It would be nice to be able to get a basic version of the dev environments like Xilinx ISE or Altera whatever.
[01:22:06] <CaptHindsight> or just use your favorite Mesa FPGA card
[01:22:26] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe.
[01:22:30] <CaptHindsight> the web versions are free to download
[01:22:36] <Mr_Mayhem> ok
[01:23:13] <Tom_itx> here's a very basic starter page: http://tutor.awce.com/pldx-1.htm
[01:25:47] <Mr_Mayhem> Thanks, I always looked at the FPGA stuff as so bad-ass, but never took the leap. I get some money this xmas, so I will dive in after my cnc driver box is up to speed.
[01:26:03] <Mr_Mayhem> I will save those links.
[01:28:29] <Mr_Mayhem> In hindsight, I wish I knew more about the Mesa FPGA cards sooner. They would have saved me headaches. You kind of have to dig a bit to realize, hey, for $210 plus shipping, I can get some really nice hardware.
[01:29:17] <Mr_Mayhem> And skip over the crappy output boards, esp the cheap chinese cards, man.
[01:32:40] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:35:06] <Mr_Mayhem> I think some of my purchase delay was caused by lack of clarity on how to make it all work. A concise blog kind of walkthrough would be nice. They are out there, but each has various missing elements, so you end up surfing all over to collect the pieces. I guess that is a natural consequence of linuxcnc being so flexible.
[01:35:32] <Mr_Mayhem> And open source in general.
[01:35:49] <Tom_itx> too many setups are different
[01:36:26] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, "so which is valid for my situation", kind of thing.
[01:37:12] <Tom_itx> the nature of opensource.. you plan to do a bit of digging
[01:37:22] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah.
[01:37:41] <Tom_itx> and may reach a point of uncharted territory
[01:38:11] <Mr_Mayhem> Like columbus, fearful of falling off the edge of the world... hehe
[01:38:25] <Mr_Mayhem> Maps.
[01:38:30] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:40:16] <Mr_Mayhem> We need maps, more maps! Hehe. Like the matrix.
[01:41:30] -!- Servos4ever [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:41:36] <Mr_Mayhem> That microzed is pretty cool. Needs a closer look.
[01:42:17] <Mr_Mayhem> http://www.zedboard.org/
[01:43:48] <Mr_Mayhem> like $200 but is all about fpga.
[01:51:16] -!- NickParker [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:52:34] <CaptHindsight> the zedboards come with a new Vivado tools with everything preconfigured for the zed
[01:54:34] <CaptHindsight> http://zedboard.org/content/vivado-20132-download-and-install
[01:55:25] <CaptHindsight> http://zedboard.org/content/creating-base-zynq-design-vivado-ipi-20132
[01:55:35] <CaptHindsight> very easy to make blinkenlights
[01:55:57] <CaptHindsight> I just wished the zedboards had more IO's
[01:59:45] <pcw_home> Yeah same issue with parallela
[01:59:58] <pcw_home> only 24 I/O on base model
[02:01:09] <CaptHindsight> how do you like them otherwise?
[02:01:22] <CaptHindsight> sold out till Jan
[02:01:40] <CaptHindsight> haven't had time to play anyway
[02:01:49] <pcw_home> They seem OK but yeah they have had production problems
[02:02:05] <CaptHindsight> qc or?
[02:02:25] <CaptHindsight> management
[02:02:34] -!- timfed has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:02:36] <pcw_home> I think part availability
[02:03:38] <pcw_home> some key part (PS related?) was dropped by the manufacturer
[02:03:49] <CaptHindsight> figures
[02:04:14] <pcw_home> its a 12 layer card so a fair pain to re-layout
[02:04:14] -!- ink has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:04:29] <pcw_home> or patch
[02:05:08] <CaptHindsight> I promised someone I'd make an open source PC racing wheel controller. Now I have to decide which hardware to use
[02:05:45] <CaptHindsight> needs a good force feedback motor
[02:05:52] <pcw_home> one of those steering wheel thingys?
[02:06:07] <CaptHindsight> yeah, but for serious gamers
[02:06:22] <CaptHindsight> pro drivers also use them
[02:07:11] <pcw_home> probably need gearing/belt as a torque motor would probably be too expensive
[02:08:12] <CaptHindsight> $200 for a motor would be fine
[02:08:32] <pcw_home> how much torque?
[02:08:38] <CaptHindsight> have to check my asian sources
[02:09:53] <pcw_home> you could get enough torque with a big outrunner but it would be hard to get rid of the torque ripple
[02:10:28] <CaptHindsight> it might add to the fun
[02:10:33] -!- Servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.22.1/20131113180410]]
[02:10:37] <CaptHindsight> jerky wheel
[02:11:10] <CaptHindsight> I think the games actually add wheel jitter when you hit bumps
[02:11:18] <pcw_home> well it would be better if that was controllable (gravel etc)
[02:11:26] <CaptHindsight> yeah
[02:13:08] <CaptHindsight> Tanner Foust and other pro drivers are actually online often, race with fans, promote the games etc
[02:13:52] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[02:13:54] <pcw_home> might see how existing ones work.
[02:13:55] <pcw_home> if you want the controller to do the motor current control you need a decent CPU
[02:13:57] <pcw_home> (maybe one of those dual core ARM ones so USB is handled by the I/O proc and motor control is separate)
[02:14:15] <CaptHindsight> maybe cubie
[02:14:50] <CaptHindsight> the problem with the current wheels are the belts and underpowered/cooled motors
[02:14:54] <pcw_home> I was thinking a low end (NXP) dual
[02:15:16] <pcw_home> scooter motor?
[02:15:31] <CaptHindsight> that would do it
[02:15:58] <CaptHindsight> low cost, plenty of torque
[02:15:59] <Tom_itx> wheelchair
[02:16:44] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/360430118675?lpid=82
[02:17:18] <CaptHindsight> 500w versions for ~$60
[02:18:07] <Mr_Mayhem> Sorry to barge in, after updating linuxcnc to 2.5.3, I am still trying to get my Mesa 7i76 to vary the spindle 10v signal out. in Pncconf, what should Analog Min, Analog Max, and Analog Max Scale be set to? My vfd provides like 13v into the 7i76. I have it wired to a digital voltmeter. Do I need axis 5 pulsegen to be set to spindle, or is that unnecessary and a seperate animal?
[02:19:40] <pcw_home> analog min= 0 analog max = maxRPM analog scale = maxRPM
[02:19:50] <Mr_Mayhem> ok
[02:20:16] <CaptHindsight> 111236771562 36V 500W ebay brush controller 251389615964
[02:20:35] <pcw_home> spinena must be true to get any analog out
[02:20:36] -!- c-bob has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[02:21:39] <Mr_Mayhem> So, my max rpm is 24000 on the actual spindle. So use that for analog max and analog scale? And enable spinena. Hmmm. Is that done in the normal setup, or do I need to do something extra to enable spinena?
[02:22:06] <Mr_Mayhem> I guess click the button in axis?
[02:22:10] -!- c-bob [c-bob!~c@unaffiliated/c-bob] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:22:10] c-bob is now known as c-bob|afk
[02:22:39] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, no encoders are present, it's open loop.
[02:23:57] <pcw_home> it should be hooked up
[02:23:59] <pcw_home> If in doubt, when linuxcnc is running, type this at a terminal:
[02:24:00] <pcw_home> halcmd show pin > connections.txt
[02:24:27] <Mr_Mayhem> ok
[02:24:42] <pcw_home> connections.txt will list all the pins and how the are connected
[02:25:03] <Mr_Mayhem> I see.
[02:25:13] <pcw_home> or if you want to see everything do halcmd show all
[02:26:12] -!- BJfreeman has quit [Quit: had a good time]
[02:27:28] -!- dgarr [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[02:47:28] -!- terabyte- [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:52:46] <Tom_itx> pcw_home what are all the emptypin entries at the bottom of the .vhd files?
[02:54:01] <Tom_itx> is there a doc somewhere explaining the format?
[03:29:04] -!- dddev has quit [Client Quit]
[03:37:24] <Mr_Mayhem> Yay my spindle outputs work on my 7i76. Hmmmph. Now I have to make the VFD be set to obey the signals. I want to make modbus work too eventually just to prove it out, but I don't know if my VDF uses some wierd modbus protocol or is standard.
[03:37:49] -!- dhoovie [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:39:13] <Mr_Mayhem> VFD, rather, not VDF, whatever that is.
[03:39:24] <jdh> Variable Direction Finder.
[03:39:45] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe, that was fast too. You qualify as mission scientist.
[03:39:54] <jdh> cool
[03:40:04] <jdh> can't come up with any useful device that fits though.
[03:40:11] <Mr_Mayhem> ha
[03:40:30] <jdh> a compass in an iron mine?
[03:40:52] <Mr_Mayhem> That would take the cake for useless devices, ha
[03:45:07] <t12> CaptHindsight: http://dodeca-t.com/photos/_7093151.jpg
[03:46:32] <Mr_Mayhem> Someone in here was planning to make a pro steering wheel for racing sim, with motor to provide realistic feel and feedback.
[03:47:16] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, yeah CaptHindsight was.
[03:48:17] <Mr_Mayhem> A racing simulator on a hdtv 1080i projector is so epic. Esp if you have realistic controls.
[03:48:43] <Mr_Mayhem> And surround sound. hehe
[03:49:57] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[03:50:48] <Mr_Mayhem> I guess the road sim could have a data track to be translated into bumps on the wheel, etc, mixed with vehicle dynamics. Pretty neat.
[03:51:48] <t12> at some point its just cheaper to have the road and the car
[03:51:54] <Mr_Mayhem> Ha!
[03:52:19] <Tom_itx> or fleet the way some gamers drive
[03:53:00] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, lots of totaled vehicles, lol.
[03:53:24] <t12> i photo'd a bunch of drift events
[03:53:29] <t12> sometimes they just bring multiple copies of the card
[03:53:32] <t12> cars
[03:53:51] <Tom_itx> will the force feedback swing a board up and smack em if they hit a tree?
[03:54:06] <Mr_Mayhem> Some budget there.
[03:54:24] <Mr_Mayhem> lol. Shock and awe realism.
[03:54:41] <Mr_Mayhem> Flames too. Test the hotsuit in the sim.
[03:55:07] <Tom_itx> ok i updated the bitfile tutorial a bit if someone wants to critique it
[03:55:49] <Mr_Mayhem> I will be happy to take a look. I qualify as clueless on flashing things.
[03:55:54] <t12> one company released a bunch of tires
[03:55:58] <t12> that burnout colored smoke
[03:56:32] <Mr_Mayhem> You can choose your tire smoke color in Grand Theft Auto 5. hehe
[03:57:12] <Mr_Mayhem> Total overkill but fun I guess.
[03:58:14] <Mr_Mayhem> Tom_itx, what is the link to the bitfile tutorial?
[03:58:40] <Mr_Mayhem> I assume it is for flashing Mesa Boards and whatnot?
[03:58:58] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/emc/xilinx/xilinx14_install_index.php
[04:00:18] <Mr_Mayhem> ok, it brings up the xylinx ise design suite. I assume the web version?
[04:01:35] <Tom_itx> i assume it is
[04:01:40] <Tom_itx> it's a 6G download
[04:02:46] <Mr_Mayhem> ok, maybe put a link to the download page on the xylinx web site, assume we are clueless to a reasonable extent. :-)
[04:03:09] <Tom_itx> if you can't get that far, you may have no business editing them
[04:03:12] <Mr_Mayhem> Here? http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/design-tools.html
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[04:03:52] <Tom_itx> i may have had a link on my previous tutorial though
[04:03:55] <Tom_itx> for 9.2
[04:04:08] <Tom_itx> i'll check it tomorrow
[04:04:23] <Mr_Mayhem> ok
[04:05:16] <Mr_Mayhem> So, the final bit file can ultimately go onto the mesa board fpga. I know, duh, but just verifying what I think I know.
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[04:07:27] <Mr_Mayhem> I'd have to have a spare board I can afford to mess up before I try flashing. Very cool you can though. Maybe someone make a Mesa board work with a beagle board black.
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[04:11:13] <tjtr33> pcw_home, re: the cubieboard fpga card , i only see a 7I80 mentioned and thats in the in the price list. any data sheets?
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[04:15:59] <Mr_Mayhem> I read they are working to make the 7I80 work with linuxcnc. Ethernet I/O. I wonder how far along that is.
[04:17:07] <tjtr33> "<pcw_home> (we have a cubieboard FPGA daughtercard that uses SPI but have not played with it yet) 7I91 "
[04:32:59] <Tom_itx> Mr_Mayhem, i've done a couple custom bit files for mine
[04:34:11] <tjtr33> Tom_itx, thx for the link to your howto, reading now
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[05:00:34] <Mr_Mayhem> Tom_itx yeah? It it pretty brickproof? As long as I knew what file to flash to get back home, maybe I would not need to worry so much.
[05:01:30] <Mr_Mayhem> I don't have a need to do any custom things yet, but knowing how interests me.
[05:04:39] <Mr_Mayhem> From my vantage point, it looks like a week of work to get familiar with the bare basics of flashing bitfiles and tweaking stuff on the fpga. It is very cool though that there is a tutorial for that now.
[05:04:59] <Mr_Mayhem> Nice work, yes.
[05:06:29] <Mr_Mayhem> I just took 3 days to get my spindle working, so tweaking an FPGA? Ha! No, but seriously I will go there eventually.
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[05:26:27] <CaptHindsight> t12: nice shot, memleak (he updated the RTAI kernel) races him online all the time, they take it nearly as seriously as the real thing
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[06:05:09] <t12> hah! small world
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[12:48:18] <FreezingCold> psha[work]: Could you please not publicly log this channel? It's technically not against the rules I believe, but it's frowned upon
[12:48:58] <archivist> FreezingCold, this channel has many public logs
[12:49:16] <FreezingCold> archivist: It's the only one that shows up on Google
[12:49:18] <FreezingCold> for me anyway
[12:49:48] <archivist> it should be mentioned in the topic
[12:50:30] <FreezingCold> archivist: is psha a dev or staffer here?
[12:50:57] <archivist> I have a public log too
[12:51:47] <FreezingCold> archivist: Really? Never come across it before
[12:52:15] <archivist> the channel has always been logged as far as I know, even from before freenode decided to change policy
[12:53:23] <archivist> I was asked to add my bot when one of the others was a bit unreliable
[12:53:27] <FreezingCold> ah well I guess we should just add it to the topic
[13:00:57] <Tom_itx> freenode suggests that you add it to the topic if you log it
[13:01:32] <skunkworks> we should add it to the topic.
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[13:09:10] <psha[work]> FreezingCold: also there is full text search on that logs
[13:09:20] <psha[work]> for nearly 10yrs of history
[13:09:25] <psha[work]> google shows only small part
[13:09:32] <psha[work]> and yes, that's not by mistake
[13:09:51] <psha[work]> logs contain lot of important information
[13:10:20] <Tom_itx> i feel if you don't want it repeated, don't say it anywhere on the interweb
[13:13:24] <Tom_itx> psha[work] where do you find that information?
[13:13:31] <Tom_itx> i've heard about it befre
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[13:14:59] <psha[work]> Tom_itx: i've patched logbot :)
[13:15:16] <psha[work]> logger[mah] is same bot but hosted on mah's server
[13:15:16] <logger[mah]> psha[work]: Log stored at http://linuxcnc.mah.priv.at/irc/%23linuxcnc/2013-12-16.html
[13:15:23] <Tom_itx> i know but somewhere talks about blocking it, i'd like to add it to mine
[13:15:32] <Tom_itx> same as mine as well
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[13:23:08] <psha[work]> Tom_itx: fixed version is living in my git at psha.org.ru
[13:23:28] <Tom_itx> i think i found it.. add metadata line to header
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[14:11:17] <heinri3> magic33de
[14:11:38] <jdh> time to change your password
[14:11:58] <Deejay> lol
[14:12:07] <heinri3> hilfe von magic33de
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[14:14:13] <jdh> or taht
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[16:22:27] <Jymmm> Circa 1985... "Several hundred engines don't warrant an investment into CAD, all that's needed is a calculator, notebook, and two centuries of engineering knowhow" Hand carved Brazilian Mahogany engine casting molds http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=HjvgmfPoJ5M#t=1672
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[17:18:06] <Mr_Mayhem> http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/13/12/16/0315250/want-a-fpga-board-for-your-raspberry-pi-or-beagle-bone Hmmmm. We were just yacking about this subject last night and lo and behold, a FPGA kickstarter project makes today's Slashdot.
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[17:29:35] <Mr_Mayhem> The idea I asked yesterday was since Beagle Board Black runs linuxcnc, wouldn't it be nice to pair that with an Mesa FPGA daughter board "cape" to run the stepgens and encoder inputs. BBB handles realtime well and can do the stepgens by itself, but the FPGA could really turbo-charge it and maybe add capacity.
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[17:36:47] <archivist> if you trawl the logs far enough back, you may spot something someone said on that subject
[17:36:50] <IchGuckLive> hi all
[17:39:55] <Mr_Mayhem> mornin
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[17:48:20] <MacGalempsy> will a cold machine be more likely to have following error? It seems like I set it up, and now there is following error...
[17:48:53] <IchGuckLive> MacGalempsy: what is your following error in the ini maybe its to low
[17:49:13] <MacGalempsy> good call. let me go play with that a little
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[18:11:48] <MacGalempsy> IchGuckLive: ok. the other part was that the drive faulted, doh
[18:11:55] <MacGalempsy> so it is going now
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[18:12:29] <IchGuckLive> SMILE
[18:12:48] <MacGalempsy> thanks. it is finally warm enough to be working out in the shop
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[18:22:18] <IchGuckLive> dont break the tools stay cool
[18:23:33] <somenewguy> no it aint
[18:23:38] <somenewguy> fan't feel anything
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[18:46:02] <skunkworks_> cradek: is your fix for the accel constraint violation in master?
[18:46:07] <skunkworks_> hmm - it looks like it is..
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[19:46:14] <vikingsraven> hi, stillaving ises wes wes wes wes wes wi
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[19:47:54] <vikingsraven> hi still having issues with my y axis aand this keyboard as well
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[19:58:05] <vikingsraven> sorry about that wireless keyboard decided to freek out.
[19:59:03] <vikingsraven> trying to set up my y axis on a gravograph engraver, ive got it to home but its working upside down, tried switching the direction to reverse and still not playing ball.
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[20:04:42] <skunkworks_> stepper machine?
[20:04:52] <skunkworks_> negate the 'scale' for that axis in the ini
[20:04:54] <vikingsraven> pitch and speed seem to be ok im not having luck with the home and travel location, the bed is 350mm wide homing puts the bed towards the front of the unit and they x axis to the right.
[20:06:01] <vikingsraven> i can get it to home in the correct direction setting it to negative but if i set as follows it doesnt jog the full range, probably user error( more than probable)
[20:07:43] <vikingsraven> home location - 20, table travel 0 to -350 home switch location 0 home search -10, this will home and then move the bed 10mm forwards but if i try joggin it it only moves 20mm
[20:10:10] <archivist> -350?
[20:10:34] <vikingsraven> ive tried + 350 as well and it does the same thing
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[20:26:10] <DaViruz_> Jymmm: that F1 turbo era documentary was raally interresting, especially when they're working on the engine management
[20:27:15] <Jymmm> DaViruz_: I didn't get past when they were working on it at 4am. Found the hand carved wood molds interesting though.
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[20:27:39] <DaViruz_> indeed it was
[20:28:02] <Jymmm> And they were using machinst measuring tools too it seemed
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[20:33:57] <Jymmm> Deep Fried Bacon Cheddar Mashed Potatoes On A Stick
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[21:32:57] <Jymmm> WOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpnERlsfBFc
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[21:51:00] <uw> rhats not cnc
[21:54:10] <Loetmichel> Jymmm: there was an angry buffalo and a surprised lion ;-)
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[21:54:21] <Loetmichel> "aaaairtiiiime!"
[21:54:25] <Mr_Mayhem> that big lion got rotated about its a axis.
[21:54:46] <Jymmm> He just walks on over, gets right at the loins rear hip, and BAM!
[21:55:20] <Loetmichel> it was a juvenile lion, but yeah, not really a pleasant surprise for the lion
[21:55:52] <Loetmichel> nice neck muscles for the buffalo...
[21:56:16] <Mr_Mayhem> I wonder what motor controller the buffalo was using.
[21:56:25] <Loetmichel> lifting a 50-100kg lion 5 meters up in the air without showing any effort ;-)
[21:56:43] <Loetmichel> Mr_Mayhem: i would think: adrenaline ;-)
[21:57:05] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe, good name for a speed-up plugin. hehe
[21:57:27] <uw> yea i really dont know which i would least want to be in a room with
[21:57:32] <uw> water buffalo or lion
[21:57:38] <Loetmichel> i do
[21:57:43] <Loetmichel> the nice little cat
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[21:58:39] <Loetmichel> "mieez, mieeez, come over here... GOOODkitty!"
[21:59:03] <Mr_Mayhem> The buffalo are always painted as helpless prey, but that video sort of opens that topic up.
[21:59:40] <Loetmichel> Mr_Mayhem: i have been riding a horse with some shire in it a long time ago
[22:00:26] <Loetmichel> 750kg of horse, 180cm from hoof to shoulder... and docile as a lamb. if the animal would have known its power....
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[22:00:46] <Loetmichel> he once got startled by a misfire of a car...
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[22:02:05] <Loetmichel> ... we found the door of his box in the stable on the other side of the stable... with 2 16mm steel hinge pins sheared off and 2 hoof iron imprints in the 10cm thick oak
[22:02:30] <Loetmichel> about a cm deep!
[22:02:43] <Loetmichel> s/hoof iron/horseshoe
[22:03:00] <andypugh> Sounds like more than 1 pferstark to me.
[22:03:08] <Loetmichel> a LOT more
[22:03:09] <Mr_Mayhem> Woa. That is some serious horsepower. :p
[22:03:10] <Loetmichel> ;-)
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[22:05:22] <Loetmichel> it was about as friendly as it gets
[22:05:45] <Loetmichel> i was galloping through the woods with him once.
[22:05:57] <Loetmichel> without saddle (lucky me)...
[22:06:11] <Loetmichel> he saw a branch on a tree coming
[22:06:23] <DaViruz_> oh, so tha'ts what ps stands for
[22:06:25] <Loetmichel> ... put his head down... forgot about the rider...
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[22:06:59] <Loetmichel> <- was hanging on the branch gasping for air a splti second later.
[22:07:04] <Loetmichel> slit
[22:07:06] <Loetmichel> split
[22:07:48] <Loetmichel> ... horse digged all 4 inthe ground, stopped, came trotting back looking at the mess he startet...
[22:08:18] <Loetmichel> trotted beneath me so i could slide from the branch into the non existing saddle and carried me home... ;-)
[22:09:03] <Mr_Mayhem> That's a very cool horse. Ha, I rode a horse or two as a kid, and it seemed so fast when it ran, it felt like warp drive through the tree lined part of the trail. Lucky I didn't wack a branch.
[22:09:52] <Mr_Mayhem> Funny how smart they can be too.
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[22:11:14] <Loetmichel> let me tell you: horses are mostly dumb as fu*** ... but sometimes they get a "lit" moment... and they are REALLY reliable. one time a friend: EVER a friend.
[22:11:42] <Loetmichel> if you have a good connection to a horse it will die for you.
[22:12:00] <Loetmichel> + willingly
[22:12:14] <Mr_Mayhem> Wow. I guess it helps to have a reliable supply of sugar cubes.
[22:12:29] <Loetmichel> s/sugar cubes/carrots
[22:12:40] <Loetmichel> or apples
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[22:12:44] <Loetmichel> :-)
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[22:15:41] <Mr_Mayhem> I hear goodle bought Boston Dynamics, the folks who made the robot cow that won't tip over when you shove it. They made some other crazy robots.
[22:16:16] <Mr_Mayhem> BBL
[22:17:40] <Loetmichel> you mean "robodog"?
[22:18:11] <Loetmichel> oh, "big dog" it was
[22:19:04] <kengu> the crazy thing. yes.
[22:19:51] <tom_R2E3> hopefully google will pump money in to them and speed up the development
[22:22:15] <Loetmichel> <- waiting for battlemechs emerging ont he field ;-)
[22:22:46] <andypugh> tom_R2E3: I think they are funded by DoD. They don't need Google money.
[22:22:55] <tom_R2E3> <- counting down to skynet going live
[22:23:26] <Jymmm> tom_R2E3: you're a lil late by 30 years or so
[22:23:59] <Loetmichel> tom_R2E3: i am working in that department ;-)
[22:24:02] <tom_R2E3> yeah but this time there might actually be some T101's
[22:25:06] <Loetmichel> <. is working overtime to get 50 of these out to the customer before friday: http://www.cyrom.org/palbum/main.php?g2_itemId=14412 ;-)
[22:26:02] <tom_R2E3> what is it? just looks like a pooter
[22:26:34] <tom_R2E3> is there anyone around who uses a CNC mill on a regular basis?
[22:27:05] <Loetmichel> a thin/zero client inside a 24" monitor. Shielded against eavesdropping
[22:27:07] <Loetmichel> me
[22:27:24] <Loetmichel> if you call a chinese CNC6040 a mill ;-)
[22:28:22] <tom_R2E3> I'm starting out on a Bridgeport retrofit
[22:28:47] <tom_R2E3> what physical buttons are necessary/nice to have?
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[22:29:24] <tom_R2E3> eStop, main power on, spindle enable, coolent enable, feed override, speed override?
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[22:29:53] <Loetmichel> last two as pots, please
[22:30:08] <tom_R2E3> yeah
[22:30:21] <tom_R2E3> spindle CW/CCW
[22:30:29] <tom_R2E3> PC power on?
[22:30:48] <tom_R2E3> if I have MPG, will I really want joysticks?
[22:31:12] <Loetmichel> i would add a "spindle reverse" and a mist enable
[22:31:22] <Loetmichel> and maybe a vacuum enable
[22:31:43] <CaptHindsight> self destruct just for fun
[22:31:55] <Loetmichel> no, PC should be on a seperate circuit anyways
[22:32:06] <tom_R2E3> maybe three position switch for coolent then, although I dont have a mist pump
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[22:32:52] <tom_R2E3> I think i'll be able to destroy it without a dedicated button
[22:33:10] <andypugh> tom_R2E3: You probably want illuminated momentary switches for coolant. That way you can set up toggle behaviour such that G-code can turn it on when it is off, and the operator can toggle the state.
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[22:33:17] <Loetmichel> wife calls. have to go to bed now ;-)
[22:33:25] <Jymmm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yTrVq3J96Y
[22:33:43] <tom_R2E3> pfft, it's alright for some
[22:34:01] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[22:34:53] <tom_R2E3> hi andy
[22:35:16] <tom_R2E3> I haven't figured out what to do about relays for coolant yet
[22:35:58] <tom_R2E3> momentary switch and a relay
[22:36:13] <tom_R2E3> then some clever wiring to make the circuit latching?
[22:36:20] <tom_R2E3> or just buy latching relays?
[22:37:50] <tom_R2E3> sorry, i'm asking naive questions
[22:38:45] <andypugh> No, just do it all in HAL.
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[22:39:11] <tom_R2E3> i've bought mesa 5i25 and 7i77
[22:39:31] <tom_R2E3> but haven't wired anything up yet
[22:39:52] <tom_R2E3> so using coolent on/off as an example
[22:40:24] <tom_R2E3> I have a power circuit for the coolent pump and a 24v relay to operate it. Can the 7i77 operate this relay?
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[22:41:07] <andypugh> So you can use a 7i77 input to read the button state, and a 7i77 digital output to operate the coolant relay and light the light on the switch. Then the toggle2nist HAL component does the logic. http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/toggle2nist.9.html
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[22:41:21] <andypugh> Somehow I think that the documentation could be more clear.
[22:41:57] <tom_R2E3> excellent, ok thanks
[22:42:43] <andypugh> The 7I76 field outputs are high side or sourcing type MOSFET drivers, that is they source positive voltage to a ground referred load. For example with a standard 24V field power, +24V connects to the 7I76s field power input (on TB1) and the outputs on TB5 and TB6 now source +24V power to loads. All 7I76 loads will have one side returned to ground or the negative lead of the 24V supply. The 7I76s outputs can drive loads of
[22:42:44] <andypugh> to 350 mA.
[22:43:12] <andypugh> Assuming that the 7i77 has the same output drivers as the 7i76, and the relay takes less than 350mA, then you should be fine.
[22:43:56] <andypugh> (There are flyback diodes included too, so relay switching is fine)
[22:44:58] <tom_R2E3> that's great
[22:45:05] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:45:26] <andypugh> What is the coil resistance of your relay?
[22:45:54] <tom_R2E3> so the 76 is the stepper version of 77
[22:46:00] <andypugh> Aye.
[22:46:14] <andypugh> I just happened to have that manual open, and not the 7i77 one.
[22:46:48] <tom_R2E3> I haven't bought the relays yet. I just know that currently they are on one of the BOSS cards which I plan to remove
[22:47:02] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[22:47:09] <tom_R2E3> was just going to buy some DIN rail relays from RS
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[22:50:33] <JT-Shop> same but different http://linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/47-hal-examples/9518-pauseresume-button-using-one-input
[22:51:17] <JT-Shop> or http://linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/47-hal-examples/10494-toggle-flood-with-one-button
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[22:53:13] <tjb1> hello JT-Shop and all
[22:53:19] <tom_R2E3> thanks JT, that's good info
[22:53:21] <JT-Shop> hi
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[22:54:12] <Deejay_> gn8
[22:55:40] <tom_R2E3> andy - just having a quick look on RS, they're anywhere from 100 to 1000ohms
[22:55:45] <uw> bye Deejay_
[22:55:53] <Deejay_> bye uw :)
[22:55:59] -!- Deejay_ has quit [Quit: bye]
[22:56:25] <andypugh> 100 ohms is 240mA, so even that is OK.
[22:56:52] <andypugh> But little ones like http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/non-latching-relays/5330902/ are 8mA
[22:57:56] <andypugh> For coolant, this sort of thing is probably fine: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/relay-sockets/3416874/
[22:58:00] <tom_R2E3> is 3A ok for coolant circuit? yeah must be
[22:58:15] <andypugh> You have a 1hp coolant pump?
[22:58:25] <andypugh> Is it 3-phase?
[22:59:07] <andypugh> There was a banner ad for these super-slim relays: http://uk.rs-online.com/web/c/?searchTerm=g2rv-relays_uk&searchType=Offers
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[23:01:24] <tom_R2E3> the pump is single phase
[23:01:40] <andypugh> It's almost too easy then.
[23:01:53] <tom_R2E3> having said that, I need a new one. So yeah i'd buy a sinble phase one
[23:02:50] <andypugh> Mine is 3 phase, but that meant I had to add a capacitor to the switch panel to make it run.
[23:03:33] <andypugh> Not worth running a VFD for the coolant pump :-)
[23:04:14] <tom_R2E3> the relays in that last link have high coil resistance though 1.8k ohm
[23:04:30] <tom_R2E3> what machine have you got?
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[23:05:13] <tom_R2E3> the pump on my machine draws from a tray which sits under the coolant catch tray thing
[23:05:23] <andypugh> I have an old Harrison milling machine converted to CNC.
[23:05:50] <tom_R2E3> so if you pull the tray out, it smashed the bottom off the bump..
[23:06:00] <tom_R2E3> pump*
[23:06:19] <tom_R2E3> smashes*
[23:06:32] <andypugh> This is mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0celdfZmkA
[23:09:19] <tom_R2E3> that's a handy looking machine
[23:09:54] <tom_R2E3> loads of travel
[23:10:25] <uw> looks good andypugh how much was that
[23:10:37] <andypugh> I have a mini-mill too, but that just served to teachme that there is no point trying to convert a cheap machine on the cheap :-)
[23:11:09] <uw> word i went the same route. I'm making parts on the mini to convert my larger one
[23:11:20] <uw> "bootstrap mill"
[23:11:27] <andypugh> uw: I paid £700 for the base machine, and I haven't been keeping tabs on how much on the conversion. Probably about anouther £1500 in it.
[23:12:06] <uw> not a bad price really...for the size of the machine
[23:12:12] * JT-Shop respects people who can make a deb cause I've failed in 10 attempts
[23:12:31] <uw> did you have to scrape the dovetails or anything?
[23:12:42] <uw> or was it mechanically sound when you got it
[23:12:59] <andypugh> It seems to have had a fairly easy life.
[23:13:06] <andypugh> Probably came out of a school.
[23:13:47] <andypugh> It does other tricks too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFTHY5U8v-U
[23:19:04] <uw> oh that is cool
[23:19:12] <uw> how much is that bit though D:
[23:21:32] <andypugh> The hob was £25 I think, from eBay. It looked smaller on the photos :-)
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[23:30:44] <tom_R2E3> that is cool
[23:31:21] <tom_R2E3> did you put that motor on the dividing head?
[23:33:31] <tom_R2E3> one last question before bed:
[23:34:04] <tom_R2E3> Besides from eStop, and a main switch, can I wire everything to the 7i77?
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[23:34:18] <tom_R2E3> (and PC on)
[23:36:26] <tom_R2E3> all my physical buttons I mean
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[23:41:07] <Jymmm> tom_R2E3: Maybe you can wire PC ON to it too, (5V keep alive =)
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[23:45:11] <tom_R2E3> that's messing with my head Jym
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[23:45:56] <Tom_itx> the green wire
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[23:50:54] <tom_R2E3> right, bed time. Thanks for your help
[23:51:03] <tom_R2E3> nighty noo noos
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