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[01:07:38] <Mr_Mayhem> Loetmichel nice work. What are the electronics for?
[01:08:58] <Mr_Mayhem> Looks like you did halftone art earlier, looking at the circles on the wasteboard. Maybe just a perf pattern.
[01:12:00] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh I see a network router of some kind.
[01:14:09] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:14:14] <Mr_Mayhem> Connects ISDN T1 to Ethernet, looking at the connections. ISDN T1 is pretty stable for videoconferencing. More so than say shared ethernet.
[01:14:42] <Mr_Mayhem> But it can be a pain to configure. Need to plan ahead.
[01:15:02] <Jymmm> Mr_Mayhem: Um, ISDN is just 2 T1 channels
[01:15:49] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, PRI, right? One going and one coming.
[01:16:04] <Mr_Mayhem> 23 channels + signalling.
[01:16:33] <Mr_Mayhem> and then the cheap BRI which is like 2 channels and 1 signalling channel if I remember right.
[01:16:53] <Jymmm> 8Kb control
[01:16:56] <Jymmm> iirc
[01:17:39] <Mr_Mayhem> Right, the last 8k channel carries the control signals.
[01:18:14] <Mr_Mayhem> Lots of flavors of control signals, for voice to data to both.
[01:19:47] <Mr_Mayhem> We often had to work with the switch tech to match settings. Often we ordered it, and it wasn't set right, so we had to go around and around to make both ends the same settings.
[01:20:26] <Mr_Mayhem> But once it was up it usually was quite solid and reliable.
[01:23:53] <Mr_Mayhem> You can get very nice compressed video across a ISDN PRI, the codec math has advanced nicely over the years. I saw $100k satellite boxes the size of college dorm refrigerators that were used back in the day to perform the same compression, and they weren't as good picture quality. And one was needed at each end.
[01:28:41] <Mr_Mayhem> Companies used them anyway because it would cut the satellite bill in half, which is very expensive per hour.
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[01:38:22] <Loetmichel> Mr_Mayhem: its a small 2*1W audio amplifier sitting in the frame of a military 24" monitor
[01:38:36] <Loetmichel> oh, sorry, wrong electronicx
[01:38:48] <Loetmichel> thiat was a military version of a ISDN router
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[01:40:12] <Loetmichel> Mr_Mayhem: and i dod no halftone art
[01:40:23] <Loetmichel> i did a case for a NAS
[01:40:37] <Loetmichel>
[01:40:45] <Loetmichel> ... needs some air in it ;-)
[01:46:15] <Mr_Mayhem> Hehe, you can do cool patterns.
[01:47:03] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:47:07] <Mr_Mayhem> Man, some nice gear there.
[01:48:21] <Mr_Mayhem> Looks like it's serious chassis design. Love that stuff.
[01:50:09] <Mr_Mayhem> Nothing like a beefy mil-spec box to put hobby goodies in. But usually too expensive.
[01:50:30] <Mr_Mayhem> Find them surplus is the way to go usually.
[01:51:09] <Mr_Mayhem> In your case you make them for the real deal, nice work.'
[01:52:32] <Mr_Mayhem> Do you fold the sheet metal yourself, or customise them?
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[01:59:01] <Mr_Mayhem> I like your cnc dust shoe for the vacuum cleaner. It is similiar to a design I am working on.
[01:59:38] <Loetmichel> i fold myself
[01:59:51] <Loetmichel> its easy if you know how ;-)
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[02:00:19] <Mr_Mayhem> Ah. Very nice.
[02:00:42] <Mr_Mayhem> Someday I will get a press.
[02:00:46] <Loetmichel>
[02:00:56] <Loetmichel>
[02:01:05] <Loetmichel> no need for a press. all done by hand
[02:01:24] <Mr_Mayhem> Ooooo.
[02:01:39] <Loetmichel>
[02:01:42] <Loetmichel> you see?
[02:01:45] <Mr_Mayhem> Very clever. Do you use any leveling sofware for z compensation.
[02:02:03] <Loetmichel> no
[02:02:26] <Mr_Mayhem> Just a very flat bed, correctly leveled to the cutter?
[02:02:28] <Loetmichel> the wooden "sacrificial plate" will be faced down from time to time to be lefel enough
[02:02:39] <Loetmichel> level
[02:02:44] <Mr_Mayhem> I see. You do the pattern to level the wood.
[02:02:49] <Mr_Mayhem> First.
[02:03:33] <Loetmichel> pattern?
[02:03:34] -!- ve7it has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:03:50] <Mr_Mayhem> Then your metal folds up easy into a box. I never saw that stunt before! Very clever, no break needed.
[02:03:54] <Loetmichel> no, just a big wood cutting tool and go for it
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[02:04:32] <Loetmichel>
[02:04:44] <Mr_Mayhem> Right, I mean usually the bed level routine goes round and round as it works. I understand i think.
[02:04:57] <Loetmichel> the pattern came from this:
[02:05:22] <Mr_Mayhem> Hey, that's my machine! hehe
[02:06:15] <Loetmichel> its a cheap chinese 6040 CNC
[02:06:35] <Mr_Mayhem> I have the same one.
[02:06:36] <Loetmichel> boss didnt allowd more money
[02:08:14] <Loetmichel> before that machine i did all the prototyping on the machine i build at home:
[02:08:41] <Mr_Mayhem> I am retrofitting it to use Mesa 5i25 parallel port + Meas 7i76 for breakout. Plus swap out drives for leadshine or equal type.
[02:09:09] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, so you have your baby at home too. Nice.
[02:09:29] <Loetmichel> <- which isnt really made for that kind of work
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[02:09:49] <Mr_Mayhem> I do tons of perf drilling in loudspeaker experiments.
[02:10:01] <Loetmichel>
[02:10:49] <Loetmichel> i do most of it because a hss drill will be dull after a few hundred holes... one of the NAS doors has 920 holes... -> not a good idea
[02:11:03] <Mr_Mayhem> I wrote a script in sketchup to draw the holes in the 60 degree pattern, but it still needs some work.
[02:11:09] <Loetmichel> the TC milling bits will hold about 5 complete casings
[02:11:26] <Loetmichel> i draw nearly all of my stuff in CorelDraw 8
[02:11:50] <Loetmichel> i sould get some time to learn to use my recently purchased Turbocad, though
[02:12:02] <Mr_Mayhem> I am funny, I use sketchup and a trial copy of cambam. I like it enough to buy the full app.
[02:12:10] <Mr_Mayhem> xmas present.
[02:12:43] <Loetmichel> recently: in january iirc
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[02:12:56] <Loetmichel> :-)
[02:14:02] <Mr_Mayhem> hey is that acrylic thing a dust shoe?
[02:14:19] <Mr_Mayhem> Looks like one.
[02:14:40] <Mr_Mayhem> like for the vacuum cleaner.
[02:16:38] <Mr_Mayhem> So far, swapping my chinese yoocnc 6040 electronics for the Mesa pair has been straightfoward. Even got speed control.
[02:16:59] <Mr_Mayhem> for the spindle.
[02:20:09] <Loetmichel> it is
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[02:20:36] <Mr_Mayhem> I still need to buy replacement driver boards, that is where my machine actually failed. They use cheap toshiba chips and are made to look like leadshine boards, but are not.
[02:21:18] <Loetmichel> <- was for a mill i made for my ex-boss ;-)
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[02:21:35] <Mr_Mayhem> Well, I sure could use a dust shoe design, I am still trying to design one. Multi-layer arylic like yours, but I am wandering around.
[02:21:40] <Loetmichel> the cheap toshiba chips are ok
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[02:22:08] <Loetmichel> you just have to know that they dont like sorts OR open circuits
[02:22:23] <Loetmichel> disconnectig the motor when running is a sure death sentece
[02:22:54] <Mr_Mayhem> I had no problems, but I think what happened is, my fan was not connected properly so they fried. But only in a short time, like maybe 30 minutes of idle.
[02:23:03] <Loetmichel> (or invertign the power lines... had that lapse once... ) ->
[02:23:49] <Mr_Mayhem> Doh@
[02:24:20] <Mr_Mayhem> snap, crackle and pop came around to visit, I see.
[02:24:39] <Loetmichel> there is a bigger dust shoe i used on the ex-bosses mill:
[02:25:57] <Mr_Mayhem> I need one for the 80mm spindle. I like the magnet design of but it is too big for the yoocnc 6040. Bigger than some of the parts I cut, hehe.
[02:26:46] <Mr_Mayhem> I asked if he would design a slimmed-down version, but he is not too inclined to do that.
[02:27:30] <Mr_Mayhem> Cool time-lapse video.
[02:27:46] <Loetmichel> it was the last workday for the model company
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[02:28:11] <Loetmichel> the title says: "handover to the now company owner and his worker"
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[02:28:48] <Loetmichel> and he and his worker managed to destroy the router in less than half a year
[02:28:55] <Mr_Mayhem> Ouch.
[02:29:12] <Mr_Mayhem> What did they make? I am still playing the video.
[02:29:28] <Loetmichel> one of the HPSTEP motors failed. they decided to run it anyway, relying on the coupling timing belts on the back...
[02:30:10] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, it used two steppers, coupled together.
[02:30:12] <Loetmichel> a few days later these broke, not up to the job of providing torque all the time, being there just for synchonizing the two y steppers...
[02:30:16] <Mr_Mayhem> And one failed.
[02:30:34] <Loetmichel> right
[02:30:52] <Mr_Mayhem> What did this model company make, exactly?
[02:31:32] <Mr_Mayhem> like rc models?
[02:32:08] <Loetmichel> rc modelplanes and parts
[02:32:31] <Mr_Mayhem> I see.
[02:33:04] <Loetmichel> and lighting for planes
[02:33:20] <Loetmichel>
[02:33:23] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, ok. Hey How deep as a percentage do you cut the sheet metal to enable folding it?
[02:33:34] <Mr_Mayhem> Like half?
[02:34:01] <Mr_Mayhem> Or more like a third?
[02:34:52] <Loetmichel>
[02:35:05] <Loetmichel> half of the material thinckness
[02:35:19] <Mr_Mayhem> ok.
[02:35:24] <Mr_Mayhem> Good to know.
[02:35:25] <Loetmichel> and 2mm wide for a 1,5mm aluminium sheet
[02:35:37] <Mr_Mayhem> ok.
[02:35:58] <Loetmichel> will give you a bend where the corners of the slut sit exactly on edge after the bend
[02:37:02] <Loetmichel> ups
[02:37:08] <Loetmichel> i meant : slot
[02:37:09] <Loetmichel> ;-)
[02:37:21] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh, I see correct width of the cut, so cuts sit on edge.
[02:37:26] <Mr_Mayhem> got it.
[02:37:38] <Mr_Mayhem> be right back in a few minutes.
[02:38:28] <Loetmichel> ... and remember to add about 1,5 to 2 mm to the part to allow for bending
[02:38:52] <Loetmichel> have macde that error myself many times. so the drills in hood and base didnt fit
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[02:40:35] <Tom_itx>
[02:40:38] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:40:39] <Tom_itx> progress
[02:41:23] <Loetmichel> nice
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[02:49:27] <jdh> Mr_Mayhem: you have a 3060?
[02:49:44] <jdh> er.. 3040?
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[02:56:23] <asah> howdy.
[02:57:04] <asah> Anyone know where a default ini and hal file setup for velocity mode PID are sitting?
[02:57:36] <asah> I got my scales up, now tuning the x axis PID and the one that came out of pcconf does not have any of the PID machinery hooked up.
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[03:22:50] <Jymmm> If you shopped at a Target Stores retail location between November 27th and December 15th your debit/credit card data may have been compromised.
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[03:31:44] <skunkworks>
[03:31:48] <skunkworks> heh
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[04:00:53] <Mr_Mayhem> Lionmichel I'm back. Thanks for the sheet metal tip, that method of scoring the metal to enable bending it into chassis boxes will be very useful to me. Neat model airplane actuators too, did he make the actual actuators, or the kit to drive them?
[04:02:08] <Mr_Mayhem> I appreciate that, yeah, correct alignment. Oh, I see the rc plane stuff is lights.
[04:03:11] <Mr_Mayhem> So 2mm wide for a 1,5mm aluminium sheet, and and remember to add about 1,5 to 2 mm to the part to allow for bending, got it.
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[04:08:44] <Mr_Mayhem> By the way, I know sketchup has a neat folder/unfolder pattern maker for flat materials. I have not played with it yet, but looks straightfoward to use.
[04:09:09] <jdh> do you have a 3040/3020?
[04:09:41] <Mr_Mayhem> I have a YooCNC 6040 with the newer black control box/
[04:10:16] <Mr_Mayhem>
[04:12:18] <Mr_Mayhem> It was fine, but I fried 2 of the drives by running it without the cooling fan, so I upgrade the whole thing but keep the vfd. I am using Mesa 5i25 and 7i76 Plug n go kit to bring in control signals and breakout, and shopping for proper leadshine or equivalent for new drives.
[04:12:19] <jdh> probably different drivers from the 3020 & 3040?
[04:12:55] <jdh> but, no reason to think they are any better.
[04:13:02] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, but the chips are still Toshiba. Don't know the number offhand.
[04:13:28] <Mr_Mayhem> They are not as lame as the a axis driver card in my box.
[04:13:41] <jdh> is it also dead? :)
[04:13:50] <Mr_Mayhem> Which also has that rectangular Toshiba chip, but old one for sure.
[04:13:59] <Mr_Mayhem> No, that one works./
[04:15:15] <jdh> ever seen one for sale without motors/electronics?
[04:15:21] <Mr_Mayhem> I was adding limit switches, which required removing the little breakout board from the chassis to solder the wires into the holes. And I didn't put the fan connector back on correctly, so the drivers got too hot I suspect/
[04:16:01] <Mr_Mayhem> They sell the chassis only, no control box, spindle. Comes with steppers/
[04:16:18] <Mr_Mayhem>
[04:16:49] <jdh> how is accuracy?
[04:16:53] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:17:03] <jdh> assuming decent drivers, etc.
[04:17:10] <Mr_Mayhem> The trick here is, they don't sell the spindle or vfd on the web site, so they make you get the whole thing that way. Maybe if you ask them, you could, but I doubt it.
[04:17:47] <jdh> spindle is ok, I just didn't want normal cheap drivers
[04:18:44] <jdh> I was looking for a 3020 or 3040 though.
[04:18:55] <Mr_Mayhem> But you could get them elsewhere, like
[04:19:35] <Mr_Mayhem> Oh. Well, I don't see that one around in chassis only form. Hmmm.
[04:20:06] <jdh> how much space do you need for the 6040?
[04:20:42] <jdh> 3ftx2ft looks like.
[04:21:00] <Mr_Mayhem> hmmm
[04:21:03] <Mr_Mayhem>
[04:21:29] <Mr_Mayhem> This company sells solid stuff, from what I have read. No cheapie crap.
[04:21:51] <Mr_Mayhem> relative to ebay.
[04:22:55] <Mr_Mayhem> the 6040 is 580mm x 380mm
[04:23:22] <Mr_Mayhem> travel distance of the axis, that is. z is 60mm, barely.
[04:25:13] <Mr_Mayhem> I love mine. Great machine, but crap electronics. The mini vfd is good, has modbus, analog spindle speed control, spindle-at-speed signal.
[04:25:59] <jdh> do you do PC boards with it?
[04:26:17] <Mr_Mayhem> Yes
[04:28:10] <Mr_Mayhem> I use autoleveler software app to compensate for z alignment issues. It probes and then mills, using the height data gleaned during probing to compensate for z variations. Works nice.
[04:28:53] <Mr_Mayhem>
[04:30:53] <Mr_Mayhem> So first mill the mdf waste board flat, then mount the pcb. generate g code from gerber files. Autoleveler as last step, then mill.
[04:32:00] <Mr_Mayhem> I mill out a pocket to hold the board, like half the board thickness, then use washers and bolts into countersunk threaded inserts in the mdf to hold down the pcb.
[04:32:48] <Mr_Mayhem> I grab it just on the outer 1/8" or so, so as not to intrude into the design or the probing pattern.
[04:32:58] <Mr_Mayhem> using the washers.
[04:33:10] <jdh> I was looking at a 3020 in hopes the Z would be better than my current device.
[04:33:35] <Mr_Mayhem> I don't know the z on a 3020.
[04:33:45] <Mr_Mayhem> Probably 60mm
[04:35:52] <Mr_Mayhem> has some. I know other buy from them.
[04:36:51] <jdh> same as the above
[04:37:06] <Mr_Mayhem> A lot of people buy stepper drivers from them. I think maybe same people as automation technology inc which I linked earlier for the spindles.
[04:37:17] <Mr_Mayhem> oh, ok.
[04:37:23] <Mr_Mayhem> Dual websites.
[04:39:28] <Mr_Mayhem> Well the KL4530 has 137.16mm z clearance. Much more than my 6040.
[04:39:41] <Mr_Mayhem> that's 5.4 inches.
[04:41:56] <Mr_Mayhem> I guess all the real metal workers are rolling their eyes at these, but hey, gotta start somewhere. :-)
[04:42:07] <jdh> yep
[04:50:50] <jdh> and I was thinking ebay pricing..
[04:54:49] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, that one is cute size and cheap, but the watercooled spindle is the way to go if you can upgrade. The higher rpm is useful in pcb work. Don't know what that one does. Is it brushed spindle motor or brushless? Brushes fail too soon.
[04:56:43] <Mr_Mayhem> A lot quieter on the water cooled spindle too.
[04:57:01] <Mr_Mayhem> The servos are almost louder.
[04:57:12] <jdh> only 8k
[04:58:14] <Mr_Mayhem> Mine 1500 watt, 24000 rpm max. I run it at like 20k to not max it out all the time.
[04:59:00] <jdh> that was the stock spindle?
[05:00:54] <Mr_Mayhem> yes
[05:01:30] <Mr_Mayhem> It comes with a real mini-vfd to power it.
[05:02:17] <Mr_Mayhem> Built into the control box, but removable if you wanted to upgrade electronics.
[05:02:42] <jdh> $405 shipping for the 6040
[05:02:46] <Mr_Mayhem> I am retrofitting mine, and squeezing everything into the original box.
[05:02:50] <jdh> puts it over $2k
[05:03:05] <Mr_Mayhem> Yeah, mine was like 1950 or so from YooCNC
[05:03:22] <Mr_Mayhem>
[05:04:03] <Mr_Mayhem> But look, you can go beyond the pcb and make small chassis by scoring the sheet metal, and plastics, etc.
[05:04:30] <Mr_Mayhem> I stretched for the bigger one to not be limited to pcbs.
[05:04:47] <jdh> yeah. Maybe I will just work on my current one.
[05:05:23] <Mr_Mayhem> I found out you really need a few hundred dollars of tools and accessories as well to really use it properly. Bits, touch probe, etc.
[05:05:56] <Mr_Mayhem> Vacuum cleaner, dust-cyclone, dust shoe, cad software, the list goes on and on.
[05:07:14] <Mr_Mayhem> I have like $3000 into mine so far, and I'm still working up to get new driver boards.
[05:07:46] <Mr_Mayhem> Including all the above, of course. Not bad compared to the big boys, but serious for a hobbyest.
[05:08:27] <Mr_Mayhem> It's funny how just one of their tools is as much as my whole setup, maybe more.
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[05:09:27] <Mr_Mayhem> Linuxcnc has been excellent to me. Saved me a chunk of change and works nice. Can't wait for 2.6.
[05:15:35] <Mr_Mayhem> If I were you, I would make and sell what it can cut now, then bootstrap up to a bigger better machine. Easier said than done, but doable if you are creative. Can you do pcbs now? That is a good angle I assume, if you have some electronics knowlege to start with.
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[05:27:13] <Mr_Mayhem> I figured out kicad and had my first boards cut in a few days. My schematic was very simple, but I had to learn the application and the different steps, of which there are many. Let's see, schematic, schematic components to part modules list, netlist, parts layout on the board, routing the copper pattern, export to gerber, Coppercam to produce machine g-code, gcode file to autoleveler to do
[05:27:13] <Mr_Mayhem> z probing for height variation compensation, gcode with autoleveler probe routine to linuxcnc, and finally the pcb is milled, extra copper hatched away, and finally drilled. Don't forget you need also to make a mdf jig to hold the pcb down. HooRah!
[05:29:21] -!- JT-Shop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[05:30:02] <Mr_Mayhem> When I was done my head was spinning, but made my very own pcbs. So cool.
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[05:31:39] <Tom_itx> i just use eagle and ship the gerbers off to a chinaman
[05:32:10] <Mr_Mayhem> hehe
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[05:35:49] <Mr_Mayhem> It gets more routine with practice. It was more of a self-challenge to see if I could actually make a decent board than anything else. Nice to be able to prototype something in house too.
[05:36:57] <Mr_Mayhem> No crazy multi-layering skill here yet. I just maybe could do a board flip over manuver, that's about it. Haven't tried 2 sided yet.
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[07:51:26] <Deejay> moin
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[10:06:37] <RyanS> achivist do you know of any good reference material for indexed lathe tool nomenclature? Most introductory books ive read cover HSS geometry with a brief coverage of indexed as though they are unusual
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[10:15:51] <archivist> RyanS, perhaps the Sandvik/Coromant catalogues
[10:18:21] <archivist> also they do a book called Modern metal cutting, all downloadable ad pdfs
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[10:21:49] <RyanS> ah, yeah I have access to a university library , and they have machineries Handbook, but it's all imperial if I remember correctly
[10:23:54] <archivist> the sandvick Modern metal cutting has cutting data too but note they expect a modern solid machine with some power behind it not the normal amateur power levels
[10:24:43] <RyanS> The side and end cutting angles appear obvious in ISO tools (the position inserts are attached ) but it's the rake and relief that I find difficult to recognise
[10:26:24] <archivist> that depends on material you are cutting, the data is in the catalogue for the inserts
[10:29:02] <RyanS> yeah , it seems like they are designed for mass production where they are getting into only seconds of difference in cutting time which is quite irrelevant for amateurs
[10:30:36] <archivist> I just looked for some insert holders on ebay and get inserts to suit
[10:31:49] <archivist> for parting I use a cut down sandvik holder that a company provides for the amateur market
[10:32:14] <archivist> as it happens it is also nice for turning
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[10:32:32] <RyanS> It is possible to find inserts that work with both stainless, as well as nonferrous or they tend to be specific in comparison to hand ground tools?
[10:32:54] <RyanS> I found HSS seems to work fine with stainless
[10:34:36] <archivist>
[10:35:07] <archivist> hss is good enough for a lot of work
[10:37:16] <RyanS> That's a coincidence I was trying to find greenwood about an hour ago when searching for a metric 0.1mm rise drills set to avoid insane Australian prices
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[10:40:29] <RyanS> hmmph dormer is pricey everywhere
[10:41:44] <RyanS> the yanks have awesome prices on cutting tools, but it's all imperial
[10:43:23] <RyanS> No wonder, those are TiN bits
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[10:44:34] <archivist> sandvik own dormer I believe
[10:46:21] <RyanS> yeah , conglomeration is the order of today
[10:47:35] <RyanS> Autodesk is one company that beats the competition by purchasing them
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[11:00:59] <RyanS> they certainly are pricey at greenwood :)
[11:02:22] <archivist> I dont get inserts from him :)
[11:04:13] <archivist> one goes to and sees the real part number
[11:05:03] <RyanS> ..... And gets it somewhere else :)
[11:05:55] <archivist> you just need the size, there are other material types too
[11:07:10] <archivist> read the sanvik catalogue N151.2-250 is the basic info for an insert to fit the tool
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[11:11:56] <RyanS> hmm see what confuses me is SCLCR/L & SCRCR using exactly the same insert so why not just use SCLCR/L, rotate and tool post 20� to the right to get the 75� of the other tool?
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[11:26:35] <jthornton> I'm suprised to see this on with all the rain
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[14:01:18] <JT-Shop> dang it rained so much my levees got breached in 3 places
[14:04:33] <Tom_itx> we're supposed to get some but in the frozen form
[14:06:02] <archivist> and rain = rust, just been discovering water and rust in the garage here
[14:08:30] <pcw_home> send some this way. were basically headed for a drought this year
[14:08:31] <pcw_home> (only a couple inches all year and this would normally be our rainy season)
[14:09:34] <Tom_itx> we had drought last year
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[14:15:54] <jthornton> according to the Poplar Bluff rain gauge we got 1.6" in the last 12 hours
[14:16:10] <jthornton> sure is deeper than that in my yard
[14:17:00] <archivist> capture area v yard area
[14:17:09] * jthornton goes to shut down the shop... see you guys Sunday evening
[14:17:12] <Tom_itx> jt, you haven't had the artic blast hit yet then?
[14:17:24] <jthornton> it just melted
[14:17:32] <jthornton> next one due tomorrow
[14:17:36] <Tom_itx> just starting here
[14:17:48] <Tom_itx> was 60F one day and 16 the next
[14:18:41] <Tom_itx> after all it is.... swampeast Mo
[14:21:14] <JT-Shop> lol
[14:21:32] * JT-Shop shutting down, meet you at Joe's Crab Shack at 6pm
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[14:34:39] <eric_unterhausen> it's warm here today, not sure when the heat death of the universe is supposed to strike, maybe tomorrow
[14:35:55] <eric_unterhausen> no, still warmer tomorrow, hdou starts on Monday
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[14:38:35] <eric_unterhausen> I wonder what stupid thing I did to disappear sources.list
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[16:38:05] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:39:13] <IchGuckLive> today on Blomberg Europ there has been a 3Dprinter projekt THE Makers about 1000people of CNC are searched across the US to get the stuff contracts working
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[16:39:42] <IchGuckLive> Techshop makerbot shopbot are the searching manufactures
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[17:27:26] <Spida> anybody here in/near germany with a mill/plasma/waterjet that is able to cut 3mm sheet steel?
[17:27:45] <Spida> I need two steel stripes in the general area of 40 by 500 mm, with 4 holes and two bends
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[17:31:25] <IchGuckLive> Spida: ich sitz in kaiserslautern
[17:31:40] <IchGuckLive> ich hab 6 plasmas und ca 150 fräsen
[17:32:29] <jdh> or "selling your life away"
[17:32:32] <jdh> <urk>
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[17:44:53] <IchGuckLive> Spida: ?
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[17:50:40] <IchGuckLive> servus flughaven
[17:51:37] <flughafen> servus
[17:53:41] <flughafen> abendessenzeit
[18:00:14] <Deejay> gut stopf
[18:00:38] <Jymmm> WOOHOO, got a 65W charge controller for xmas =)
[18:02:23] <IchGuckLive> i got a blinnking xmas tree setup
[18:02:39] <Jymmm> Is it suppose to be blinking?
[18:02:59] <IchGuckLive> its fun it got 7 different blinking progs
[18:03:11] <Jymmm> Ah, one of those... cool =)
[18:05:00] <Tom_itx> you can't open it til christmas
[18:05:54] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: It *IS* Christmas (today, for me), as I'll be traveling for a 2nd xmas on the 24/25th
[18:06:35] <Spida> IchGuckLive: klingt interessant
[18:06:43] <Spida> IchGuckLive: ich brauch aber nur zwei stueck davon
[18:06:47] <crib> 150 fräsen?
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[18:13:43] <eric_unterhausen> what is the actual name of pncconf?
[18:14:01] <eric_unterhausen> nvr mind, finally tried no caps
[18:14:45] <IchGuckLive> to start it on standalone
[18:15:12] <IchGuckLive> get the last buildbot and start from menue
[18:15:42] <eric_unterhausen> does the hm2 firmware always have to be d/l seperately?
[18:15:56] <eric_unterhausen> it wasn't installed
[18:16:24] <IchGuckLive> you need to update for mst of the FPGA
[18:16:28] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[18:16:30] <IchGuckLive> 5i25 !
[18:16:33] <eric_unterhausen> or do I have to have the hardware installed to get pncconf to work?
[18:16:52] <IchGuckLive> no
[18:17:02] <IchGuckLive> it takes 30sec to load
[18:17:36] <eric_unterhausen> maybe I just misunderstood the error
[18:18:21] <eric_unterhausen> You are have no hostmot2 firmware downloaded in folder:
[18:18:22] <eric_unterhausen> /lib/firmware/hm2/
[18:19:20] <IchGuckLive> i got this in 5i25 7i76x2.xml 7i77x2.xml prob_rfx2.xml
[18:20:15] <IchGuckLive> eric_unterhausen: got this by
[18:20:33] <eric_unterhausen> I see, is there a 5i20?
[18:21:32] <IchGuckLive> im not o nthe cnc i only got a sim mashine here so it may be in the repro
[18:21:41] <eric_unterhausen> I assume it works better with the hardware installed
[18:22:03] <IchGuckLive> /lib/firmware/hm2/5i20
[18:22:17] <IchGuckLive>
[18:23:53] <_methods> you using 5i25 and 7i74?
[18:24:08] <IchGuckLive> no 5i25 7i76
[18:24:14] <_methods> ahh
[18:24:46] <_methods> i think that's what i'm going with for my next build
[18:25:00] <IchGuckLive> great combination
[18:25:04] <_methods> yeah
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[18:25:25] <IchGuckLive> all waiting for 7i76E
[18:26:01] <IchGuckLive> lots of spray within 9feet cable length
[18:26:45] <_methods> yeah i was just looking at that
[18:26:49] <_methods> its not out yet?
[18:26:57] <eric_unterhausen> well, that's nice, I don't even remember if I ever signed up for the forum
[18:27:11] <IchGuckLive> ;-)
[18:29:56] <eric_unterhausen> crap, now it's in Russian
[18:30:05] <_methods> haha
[18:30:18] <_methods> watch your credit card
[18:30:45] <eric_unterhausen> don't the Russian speakers get tired of the fact that the forum is broken in Russian?
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[18:40:08] <eric_unterhausen> where does emc2-firmware put the firmware if not in lib/firmware/hm2?
[18:41:11] <eric_unterhausen> finally remembered my forum username
[18:41:18] <eric_unterhausen> suspiciously like my actual name
[18:41:27] <eric_unterhausen> who would have thought?
[18:41:57] <Jymmm> eric_unterhausen: Funky-Mancho-Man-With-Much-Chamiso ???
[18:42:03] -!- wboykinm has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:42:12] <eric_unterhausen> something like that
[18:42:19] <Jymmm> =)
[18:42:21] <IchGuckLive> oh i got town fire alarm i need tro leeeve BYE
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[18:44:14] <eric_unterhausen> Jymmm: u are trying to confuse me
[18:44:30] <Jymmm> eric_unterhausen: Not hard to do =)
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[18:44:53] <eric_unterhausen> if it was tattooed on my forehead, I might remember
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[18:45:07] <Jymmm> That can be arranged
[18:46:13] <Jymmm> I have an old bone I can turn into a needle and some indelible ink
[18:46:20] <Jymmm> oh, and a hammer too.
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[18:52:07] <eric_unterhausen> how do you tell what a package did?
[18:52:15] <eric_unterhausen> deb package
[18:54:23] <eric_unterhausen> well mesa board not going to install itself
[18:54:34] <eric_unterhausen> sudo halt
[18:55:21] <eric_unterhausen> someone is suppose to type [sudo] password for eric_unterhausen
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