#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-01-15

[00:02:08] -!- cwmma has quit [Quit: cwmma]
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[00:19:15] <andypugh> I have been French-polishing :-)
[00:20:09] <uw> that sounds inappropriate...
[00:22:53] * JT-Shop has been having fun painting the splitter
[00:23:07] <JT-Shop> http://gnipsel.com/images/splitter/splitter-18.jpg
[00:24:25] <andypugh> I see you still have the canonical device.
[00:25:43] <Tom_itx> andypugh you gettin anywhere with your build?
[00:25:50] <JT-Shop> ah yes
[00:27:57] <andypugh> Tom_itx: Which build?
[00:30:50] <Tom_itx> the arm kernel
[00:31:42] -!- sirdancealo2 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:31:56] <andypugh> Ah, no. I have been building cabinets and fixing LinuxCNC bugs tonight
[00:32:30] <Tom_itx> undocumented features
[00:32:33] <andypugh> The kernel build is stuck at "bufp.c:(.text.unlikely+0x209c): undefined reference to `dma_alloc_noncacheable'"
[00:33:07] <Tom_itx> ls -l should show the simlinks
[00:33:24] <Tom_itx> someone said keep doing that until you get to the end of them
[00:33:57] <andypugh> Which is especially interesting as there is no file named bufp.c. But there is a bufp.o
[00:34:54] <Tom_itx> not hiding somewhere?
[00:35:28] -!- garfong has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:41:06] <andypugh> Nowhere to hide
[00:45:42] <Tom_itx> did you try searching for a bufp with a wildcard?
[00:46:31] <andypugh> Yes, and I found a bufp folder and a bufp.o (not in the same place)
[00:46:39] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:47:04] <Tom_itx> grep the make file for the same
[00:49:13] -!- GuShh_Lap2 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[00:49:41] -!- someone972 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:50:24] <andypugh> Actually, the file _does_ exist. But Eclipse can't see it!
[00:50:45] <Tom_itx> i never had much love for eclipse
[00:51:00] <Tom_itx> i tried it once with avr and dumped it right away
[00:52:11] <jdh> it's pretty massive
[00:52:58] <Tom_itx> well i crashed it within the first 5 minutes of using it
[00:54:56] <andypugh> Tom_itx: But it beats gedit
[00:56:42] <uw> i love gedit wtf
[00:57:52] -!- GuShH_ [GuShH_!GuShH_Lap@unaffiliated/gushh] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:58:16] <uw> what is that mini trailer for?
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[01:00:28] <uw> and does that cannon work
[01:01:05] <eric_unterhausen> eclipse's workspace thing drives me nuts
[01:01:18] <jdh> the cannon is for Mach users
[01:01:32] <eric_unterhausen> I have a cannon
[01:01:36] <uw> lol
[01:01:45] <eric_unterhausen> afraid to use it though
[01:01:55] <eric_unterhausen> carbide
[01:02:41] <Tom_itx> you mean you have a bomb
[01:02:57] <uw> need vids of that cannon working
[01:03:05] <eric_unterhausen> wonder if the company that made it is still around
[01:03:16] <uw> cannon company?
[01:03:30] <uw> i think that's a different cannon
[01:05:57] <eric_unterhausen> wow, it costs $350 new
[01:06:54] <Tom_itx> back on that lut5 a bit: expression = (i2 and i1) or (not i2 and i0) would look at inputs 1 & 2 for the AND part and 2 & 0 for the NOT part?
[01:06:59] <eric_unterhausen> no, just $160
[01:07:10] <Tom_itx> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Lut5
[01:07:12] <Tom_itx> shown there
[01:07:44] <eric_unterhausen> isn't the not modifying i2?
[01:08:11] <Tom_itx> anything i say about it would be a guess
[01:08:12] <eric_unterhausen> os if i2 is zero and i0 is one, or if i2 and i1 are one
[01:08:50] -!- kiw has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:08:51] <eric_unterhausen> has to be i2=0 and i0 =1
[01:09:43] <andypugh> Tom_itx: lut5 doesn't "do" any logic at all.
[01:09:53] <andypugh> It is a look-up table.
[01:10:08] <eric_unterhausen> for logic
[01:10:16] <andypugh> You just define what output you want for every single combination of inputs.
[01:10:21] <Tom_itx> i get that but where are you looking for the output at?
[01:10:42] <Tom_itx> horizontally in the table?
[01:10:48] <andypugh> lut5.0.out?
[01:13:26] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> no that's not what i meant to say
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> i realize the result will be there
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> you add the 'weights' together for the mask for the logic you want?
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[01:13:26] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:13:26] <andypugh> You can if you want to do it the stupidly hard way
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> for understanding i do
[01:13:26] <Tom_itx> but not in reality
[01:13:27] <andypugh> Write out the table
[01:13:41] <andypugh> (as shown in the man page)
[01:13:46] <andypugh> Ignore the "weights"
[01:14:12] <andypugh> In the "weights" column write down a 1 or a 0 for what you want the output to be.
[01:14:27] <andypugh> then, reading up from the bottom, that binary number is your "function"
[01:14:28] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:15:16] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:15:40] <andypugh> Simple 3-input worked example
[01:15:41] <andypugh> http://www.linuxcnc.org/index.php/english/forum/10-advanced-configuration/27392-stop-coolant-during-pause#42786
[01:16:23] <andypugh> There are 10 sorts of people in the world...
[01:16:40] <uw> :|
[01:16:52] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[01:16:57] <Tom_itx> heard that one before
[01:20:00] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:20:06] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:21:17] <andypugh> So, have you written out your truth table?
[01:22:27] <Tom_itx> not yet, i'm still scratching my head over the details
[01:22:35] <Tom_itx> not the lut but the actual workings of it
[01:23:14] <andypugh> I just remembered, I made a google spreadsheet for calculating lut5: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhjJW1-T6n7CdFNhVnlhNEEwLU1lS3B5Q0FfWGtfTEE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
[01:24:10] <andypugh> Just put in the yellow column the output you want for the input combination, and read-off the function number
[01:24:20] <Tom_itx> ok
[01:24:36] <Tom_itx> i should stuff that into a spreadsheet
[01:24:40] <andypugh> In fact, if I change it, you might see it live
[01:25:28] <andypugh> Say you want a 5-input and? Then it is only the 11111 that needs to have an output of 1.
[01:25:41] <Tom_itx> yes
[01:26:05] <andypugh> But maybe all zero is good too?
[01:26:20] <Tom_itx> what do you do in the case of an OR
[01:26:24] <andypugh> In that case the "function" is 0x80000001
[01:26:28] <Tom_itx> where either one could be set?
[01:26:37] <andypugh> Any sort of or?
[01:26:50] <Tom_itx> just a 2 input or gate
[01:27:04] <Tom_itx> either one would cause it to be true
[01:27:18] <andypugh> See that?
[01:27:32] <Tom_itx> ahh ok
[01:27:40] <Tom_itx> the pc is slow
[01:27:41] <andypugh> Actually that is XOR, as the 00011 case is 0
[01:27:44] <Tom_itx> it takes a bit to refresh
[01:27:56] <andypugh> It is OR now
[01:28:07] <Tom_itx> ok
[01:28:25] <andypugh> If you wanted (0 OR 1) AND (4 AND 5) then:
[01:28:35] <Tom_itx> then if i wanted to use bits 4 & 5 for the or, i'd just move the 1's column over for each result
[01:29:01] <andypugh> 0xEE000000
[01:29:22] <andypugh> It is now showing (0 OR 1) AND (4 AND 5)
[01:30:10] <Tom_itx> i think i get it now
[01:30:23] <Tom_itx> can this be saves as a spreadsheet?
[01:30:55] <andypugh> Probably. Or you could just use the Google doc, I think it is completely public
[01:31:04] <andypugh> Can you change it?
[01:31:20] <Tom_itx> yeah
[01:31:23] <andypugh> There you go
[01:32:03] <andypugh> Do you understand what the (very simple) code in the HAL component does?
[01:32:32] <Tom_itx> you mean the inputs and outputs? yes
[01:32:46] <Tom_itx> and assigning the mask
[01:32:58] <andypugh> It takes inputs 0 to 4 as bits in a binary number (the first column of the sheet) then looks at what that numbered bit is of the 32-bit "function"
[01:34:30] <andypugh> I think it is literally out = (function & 1 << (in0 + 2* in1 + 4*in2 + 8*in3 + 16*in4) != 0)
[01:35:12] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:35:22] <Tom_itx> makes sense
[01:35:36] <andypugh> There is a File->download as menu item that lets you make a copy in Excel, if you want.
[01:36:11] <andypugh> It's an amazingly adaptable function. I don't know who thought of it, but it's great
[01:46:14] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:59:55] -!- pjm has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[02:01:22] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:22:57] <eric_unterhausen> what is that int15 call anyway?
[02:23:14] <andypugh> No idea.
[02:23:35] <pcw_home> software interrupt
[02:23:56] <pcw_home> not sure that even works in protected mode
[02:23:57] <eric_unterhausen> 6F08H was really the question
[02:24:05] <eric_unterhausen> should cause a page fault
[02:24:25] -!- Jeebiss [Jeebiss!~Jeebiss@2602:306:bc31:5920:f805:416:1e3:f770] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:25:28] <eric_unterhausen> those are apparently some neurons that died, cause I don't remember int15h at all
[02:26:59] <pcw_home> int15 function 0 is turn on casette motor
[02:27:55] <eric_unterhausen> ya, 6F08H wasn't an original bios function, looks like to me anyway
[02:30:08] <pcw_home> I vaguely remember int13 since our first product was a disk emulator
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[02:30:09] <pcw_home> (that intercepted int13 and added our CMOS battery backed-up RAM ) drive
[02:30:11] <pcw_home> to the drive chain
[02:30:23] <eric_unterhausen> ya int13== msdos
[02:30:41] <eric_unterhausen> it was just an int13 handler
[02:32:04] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[02:35:16] <andypugh> 6F08H is meant to set a Windbond chip (with GPIO) to input mode
[02:36:05] <eric_unterhausen> i don't quite understand using the software interrupt though
[02:43:54] <pcw_home> do they have any example code? I would just dump the int15 and talk to the hardware
[02:44:59] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:45:14] <eric_unterhausen> ha, just caught a spammer
[02:45:59] <eric_unterhausen> someone once told me that posting hidden gifs had something to do with seo, but I'm not sure
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[03:28:18] <Tom_itx> ok back to lut5 for a bit: can i use the same pin for an OR function as and AND function?
[03:28:32] <Tom_itx> as if they were tied together
[03:29:19] <Tom_itx> also can i feed the output of the AND to the OR or does that require a second lut5 element?
[03:29:34] <Tom_itx> probably requires 2 lut5 elements
[03:30:16] <pcw_home> you can do _any_ logical function that has 5 or fewer inputs and one output
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[04:13:07] <Tom_itx> pcw_home is it illegal to feed the output to one of the input pins?
[04:13:28] <Tom_itx> meh nevermind, that wouldn't work anyway
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[05:27:04] <Jentrep> hey guys :)
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[07:04:46] <anonimasu> morning.
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[07:46:50] <Deejay> moin
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[14:02:41] <Tom_itx> linuxcnc must be running smooth everywhere today
[14:08:28] <archivist> not running here... need material
[14:11:39] <archivist> but I might be able to get more systems up, just fetched a 99 pence fleabay win of 13 PCs, ex internet cafe could be all dead at that price
[14:12:21] <jdh> hopefully no shipping?
[14:12:38] <archivist> I had to fetch
[14:16:16] -!- skunkworks [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[14:26:47] <R2E4> http://irmtl.com/LinuxCNC/panel2.JPG http://irmtl.com/LinuxCNC/panel1.JPG Panel almost completed.
[14:27:22] <jthornton> wow, using a dictionary in python reduced my code from >1500 lines to < 200
[14:28:15] <R2E4> Whats left is encoders, servos and olc, waiting for 7i85 to come in.
[14:29:13] <archivist> too tidy error, will be too easy to fix :)
[14:29:24] <R2E4> jthornton: Are you BigJohnT on the forums?
[14:29:45] <archivist> no he has lost weight
[14:29:50] <R2E4> All the inputs and relays
[14:29:57] -!- Loetmichel has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
[14:30:00] <R2E4> working and tested with LinuxCNC
[14:30:13] <jthornton> aye
[14:30:25] <jthornton> I'm MediumJohnT now
[14:30:41] <R2E4> Soon to be cutting wires and interfacing.
[14:31:05] * jthornton heads for the shop to start a fire
[14:31:31] <R2E4> Your shop on wood power?
[14:31:52] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:32:48] <R2E4> I WOOD upgrade that to electrical power. Just put a huge power supply in there with a 2ohm resistor as the load......
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[14:33:39] <R2E4> archivist: Hopefully no troubleshooting required, at least for a while....
[14:33:55] <mozmck> I wood not consider that an upgrade.
[14:34:51] <archivist> jokes are a bit wooden today....groan
[14:35:18] -!- Veticus [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[14:35:20] <R2E4> yeah, very grainy...
[14:36:28] <JT-Shop> lol
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[14:40:48] <Loetmichel> *GNAH* wife-> orange juice -> extension plug strip-> rcd tripping :-(
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[14:42:15] <R2E4> net wife-out Null.0.1 <= wife-voice.in-00
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[15:06:09] <Jymmm> R2E4 Going Celibate I see.
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[16:10:34] <JT-Shop> anyone know of any gotchas running a pick and place using UVW axes? The pick and place does not move when the XYZ axes are moving.
[16:10:57] <JT-Shop> so the pick and place would just run a subroutine between the machine making parts
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[16:12:18] <archivist> dont know enough methinks
[16:13:54] <JT-Shop> 5i20 7i47 7i37
[16:14:49] <archivist> but I do know enough to try something before saying it cant be done
[16:16:07] <archivist> the first PC off the pile that looked complete enough is loading 10.04 onto the hard disk :)
[16:16:32] <archivist> well worth the pound for the lot
[16:16:36] <pcw_home> xyz and rotation make sense not sure what more is needed unless you are assy-ing 3D circuits
[16:17:28] <pcw_home> (or 3D something)
[16:18:08] <archivist> are they using xyC to get the pcb in the right place then uvw for the part handling?
[16:19:59] <JT-Shop> it's a pick and place to feed a xya machine actually
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[16:31:40] <R2E4> Wheres the sim configs? Trying to find to run it on machine for testing.
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[16:36:07] <JT-Shop> CNC > LinuxCNC drill down to sim
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[16:50:57] <JT-Shop> pcw is it possible for a daughter card to a 5i20 to cause LinuxCNC to lock up?
[16:56:46] <pcw_home> Maybe if it shorts out the 5V power
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[16:58:47] <JT-Shop> ok thanks, I have a guy that says he is having a lot of problems with crashing, locking up and he has a 5i20, 7i47, 7i37
[16:59:00] <pcw_home> or you short enough FPGA outputs (wrong daughtercard /connector for config, backwards connector) so you lose 3.3V
[16:59:22] <pcw_home> but those are fairly unlikely
[17:00:43] <JT-Shop> thanks
[17:00:50] <pcw_home> Its this an otherwise working setup?
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[17:01:44] <R2E4> My GUI is locking up. I think its the driver for nvida card though.
[17:02:01] <R2E4> Nothing in the logs
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[17:14:14] <JT-Shop> pcw_home, yes
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[17:18:29] <pcw_home> JT-Shop unfortunately, Could be anything (bad memory, dirty PCI contacts, bad 5I20, bad motherboard etc)
[17:19:13] <archivist> fire the pc up with less in it
[17:20:20] <zeeshan|2> can anyone recommend a cheap touch screen :D
[17:20:35] <JT-Shop> pcw_home, thanks
[17:21:54] <R2E4> This is the cheapest I found. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8520230&CatId=1449
[17:22:21] <zeeshan|2> sweetr
[17:22:24] <zeeshan|2> thats local to me too
[17:22:33] <R2E4> You in Toronto?
[17:22:36] <zeeshan|2> hamilton
[17:22:43] <R2E4> AH! I'm in Montreal
[17:22:43] <zeeshan|2> closest tigerdirect is in burlington for me
[17:22:45] <zeeshan|2> like 20 min
[17:23:12] <zeeshan|2> btw i like your wiring job!
[17:23:14] <R2E4> Call before, cause sometimes they dont have the same stuff on the shelf that they do on the web.
[17:23:27] <zeeshan|2> looks very similar to wiring for big enclosures we did at eaton
[17:23:40] <jdh> we have some eaton stuff
[17:23:46] <R2E4> I use to frequent the on in sherwood gardins in Mississauga
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[17:23:56] <R2E4> zeeshan|2: thanks
[17:24:04] <zeeshan|2> hehe
[17:24:12] <zeeshan|2> stay in montreal, its better
[17:24:22] <zeeshan|2> i miss living in ottawa, used to go to montreal almost every other weekend
[17:24:44] <R2E4> Sales Tax is nuts here. Up to 15%
[17:24:50] <zeeshan|2> :{
[17:24:59] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan|2: what size touchscreens?
[17:25:00] <R2E4> I dont know if the usb interface will work with Linux
[17:25:13] <zeeshan|2> 15" is more than enough
[17:25:43] <CaptHindsight> you can buy 10" tablets for $100
[17:26:03] <zeeshan|2> with vga/dvi input?
[17:26:07] -!- emcPT has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[17:26:15] <CaptHindsight> have to start using them as remote displays over IP
[17:26:29] <zeeshan|2> jdg: what eaton stuff?
[17:26:31] <zeeshan|2> jdh
[17:26:34] <CaptHindsight> wouldn't be fast enough for gaming
[17:26:39] <zeeshan|2> we were building mostly switchgear
[17:26:41] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/null_zpsde82b15a.jpg
[17:27:15] <jdh> mini stackers
[17:27:18] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:27:35] <zeeshan|2> i love how much coppy gets used
[17:27:36] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/null_zpsc0883b70.jpg
[17:28:04] <R2E4> What size is that tranny?
[17:28:31] <R2E4> 600=>220 100A something like that?
[17:28:45] <zeeshan|2> depends theres different sections
[17:28:56] <zeeshan|2> those big ass breakers are 4000A breakers
[17:29:21] <zeeshan|2> but then the smaller distribution panels are usually 600A
[17:29:22] <R2E4> that would be plenty for my shop....:-)
[17:29:45] <jdh> I'd be happy with one 60A circuit
[17:29:45] <zeeshan|2> when i was working there for co-op, i always laughed at the size of the breakers
[17:29:53] <zeeshan|2> like a 4000A breaker weighs close to 500lb
[17:29:54] <zeeshan|2> lol
[17:30:05] UI-Leader is now known as krusty_ar
[17:30:23] <R2E4> Does it use hydraulics to switch it? lol
[17:30:53] <CaptHindsight> some you have to pump up
[17:31:03] <CaptHindsight> they use pneumatics
[17:31:19] <zeeshan|2> yes pneumatics
[17:31:25] <archivist> and some serious springs
[17:31:56] <CaptHindsight> always look away when switching
[17:33:14] <R2E4> I shorted one leg 600v 3 ph entry direct to ground.... spark flame shot out ot the switch....
[17:33:21] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/23-16-9-Overlay-Touch-Screen-Convert-Any-Non-Touch-Monitor-To-Touch-Screen-/251422755397
[17:33:37] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: youre lucky it didnt blow up!
[17:33:37] <zeeshan|2> :P
[17:33:43] <zeeshan|2> means it was designed right
[17:33:48] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
[17:33:57] <zeeshan|2> like they basically reroute the plasma gas through differnt ports
[17:33:59] <zeeshan|2> to relieve pressure
[17:34:03] <R2E4> square D
[17:34:08] <CaptHindsight> that's why you always look away from the switchgear
[17:34:24] <CaptHindsight> so when boom you don't go blind
[17:34:37] <zeeshan|2> looking away isnt going to stop the rest of your body from getting burnt and impregnated with metal pieces
[17:34:37] <zeeshan|2> :P
[17:34:48] <R2E4> was only 200A with a fuse on each leg
[17:34:58] <zeeshan|2> when they were doing short circuit testing on the 4000A enclosures
[17:35:08] <zeeshan|2> the ensutre 80lb door flew off
[17:35:12] <zeeshan|2> *enclosure
[17:35:21] <CaptHindsight> just a precaution, the safest way is get someone else to pull the handle
[17:35:30] <zeeshan|2> hahaha!
[17:36:19] <zeeshan|2> i miss working at eaton!
[17:36:31] <zeeshan|2> during my co-op, my boss hooked me up with 4 free vfds
[17:36:42] <R2E4> CaptHindsight: would that work in Linux? IT says it supports windows7...
[17:36:43] <zeeshan|2> and tons of control switches
[17:37:44] <CaptHindsight> http://stores.ebay.com/DigiADS/DigiTOUCH-Overlay-Screens-/_i.html?_fsub=5741879015
[17:38:06] <CaptHindsight> R2E4: I'll check the controller, they might if they use standard HID
[17:38:26] <zeeshan|2> CaptHindsight: thats kinda expensive for an overlay
[17:39:01] <R2E4> IT says it supports Linux
[17:39:21] <zeeshan|2> ill just stick to my keyboard and mouse for now
[17:39:23] <zeeshan|2> :)
[17:39:42] <CaptHindsight> the parts out of ShenZhen are cheap
[17:39:45] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[17:40:12] <zeeshan|2> you guys order anything from automationtechnologies aka kelinginc
[17:40:17] <R2E4> a touchscreen would be nice revamping this... http://irmtl.com/LinuxCNC/VM40/IMG_0403.JPG.....
[17:40:17] <zeeshan|2> typically how long does it take
[17:40:26] <zeeshan|2> i've been waiting for 3 weeks for some steppers and drivers
[17:40:28] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan|2: yes, he is nearby me
[17:40:34] <R2E4> Kelinginc is fast.
[17:40:53] <CaptHindsight> they ship same day or I can also pickup
[17:40:58] <zeeshan|2> ah.
[17:41:06] <zeeshan|2> i'm in canada so maybe thats why
[17:41:07] <CaptHindsight> I'd call if you haven't seen the parts yet
[17:41:17] <R2E4> Probably caught at the border. I bought my steppers and PS from him. Were here in two weeks.
[17:41:27] <CaptHindsight> nope, there are boxes by the door everyday to everywhere in the world
[17:41:36] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: i ordered around dec 20
[17:41:43] <zeeshan|2> so i thjink it might have gotten owned in the backlog.
[17:41:48] <CaptHindsight> did they already ship with tracking number?
[17:41:56] <zeeshan|2> he never sent me a tracking number
[17:42:02] <CaptHindsight> I'd call
[17:42:03] <R2E4> Something wrong then cause i have quite a few orders with them and they were allways pretty fast.
[17:42:21] <CaptHindsight> his wife will probably answer the phone
[17:42:24] <zeeshan|2> cause on their website they don't have a shipping option for canada, you have to manually email and then pay a paypal invoice
[17:42:49] <CaptHindsight> I might stop by there tomorrow
[17:43:00] <zeeshan|2> you're lucky its local
[17:43:07] <zeeshan|2> you dont have to pay 128$ in shipping!
[17:44:30] <R2E4> I just bought a card from mesa, 84.00 and the shipping is 92.00
[17:44:40] <zeeshan|2> haha wtf
[17:44:43] <R2E4> Plus customs and tax
[17:44:45] <CaptHindsight> to cananda?
[17:44:49] <R2E4> yes
[17:44:53] <CaptHindsight> oh probably customs
[17:45:02] <R2E4> no, customs comes after
[17:45:09] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: you building a fancy cnc system?
[17:45:28] <R2E4> shipping was 92.00 marked right on the packing slip
[17:46:24] <CaptHindsight> Fedex Next Day Urgent?
[17:46:33] <CaptHindsight> before 7am :)
[17:46:50] <R2E4> already built this one,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FadI53SivOg and am working on retrofitting a VMC hitachi seiki.
[17:46:57] <CaptHindsight> we once had them show up before the building was open
[17:46:59] <R2E4> I selected ground
[17:47:27] <R2E4> Some reason they sent fed ex priority
[17:47:31] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: where is your quebec access
[17:47:33] <zeeshan|2> *accent
[17:47:34] <zeeshan|2> :D
[17:47:44] <CaptHindsight> R2E4: I ship from Chicago to Canada all the time. Are you in a remote area?
[17:48:16] <R2E4> esti TBK..... right there!!
[17:48:32] <zeeshan|2> no wonder you need so many i/o
[17:48:33] <R2E4> not remote at all. Montreal
[17:48:40] <zeeshan|2> i love vmc's
[17:48:56] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:48:59] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:49:03] <zeeshan|2> at another co-op job at gates canada they were using 2 vm40s
[17:49:23] <zeeshan|2> for one step of the manufacturing process of facing f150 transmission pump casings
[17:49:38] <R2E4> thats what I am retrofitting. Hitachi Seiki VM40
[17:49:55] <zeeshan|2> a machine for yourself?
[17:49:57] <zeeshan|2> or for someone else
[17:50:02] <zeeshan|2> they're expensive machines!
[17:50:02] <R2E4> yes, for me.
[17:50:25] <pcw_home> we will look into what happened with the shipping
[17:50:25] <zeeshan|2> you have 600V at your place?
[17:50:35] <IchGuckLive> hitatchi got most omron parts inside
[17:50:46] <R2E4> I got this one for 6,000.00 too much. The controller was suppose to work but when I powered up it had bad memory board.
[17:50:58] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: damn that's cheap
[17:51:04] <zeeshan|2> theyre usually around 20k last time i checked?
[17:51:13] <R2E4> Yes, thats where I shorted the switch....hehe
[17:52:20] <R2E4> Come to Montreal and you can help me convert it....:-)
[17:52:30] <zeeshan|2> :)
[17:52:51] <R2E4> Then you can use it..... free CNC time is rare......
[17:52:54] <zeeshan|2> school keeps me busy :(
[17:54:25] <R2E4> That panel you saw the wiring is what is going inthe VM40.
[17:55:02] <zeeshan|2> i forget on the vm40
[17:55:07] <zeeshan|2> the drive spindle is a servo right?
[17:55:20] <zeeshan|2> powered by a servo i mean
[17:55:25] <zeeshan|2> so you can index it
[17:55:30] <R2E4> Yeah, fanuc servo amp
[17:55:52] <R2E4> Yes
[17:56:00] <zeeshan|2> cause we had a conveyor going into the machine
[17:56:08] <zeeshan|2> and from what i remember the vm40 was picking and placing parts into jigs.
[17:56:37] <zeeshan|2> that's awesome.
[17:56:47] <R2E4> IT has a chip conveyor......, but their are options for pallet changer that does that.
[17:57:49] <zeeshan|2> you will have one hell of a beast when it's all running
[17:58:52] <R2E4> Yeah, I did a Bridgeport CNC also...... That is working with all original controller/drives..... from 1985... Works fantastic, drip feeding and the whole deal.
[18:00:02] <zeeshan|2> im working on converting my lathe first
[18:00:06] <zeeshan|2> and then the bridgeport clone
[18:00:46] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/null_zps1f93328f.jpg
[18:00:50] <zeeshan|2> that thing
[18:01:06] <zeeshan|2> and im definitely moving that vfd enclosure somewhere else when it's converted :P
[18:01:24] <R2E4> Cool, J-head
[18:01:31] <zeeshan|2> yea no need for a gear head
[18:01:41] <zeeshan|2> VFD power!
[18:01:48] <R2E4> That looks like it has a cancer growing on the side of the head...
[18:01:57] <zeeshan|2> a big tumor.
[18:02:26] <zeeshan|2> i was so sick of lifting that 70lb motor up and down
[18:02:32] <R2E4> Here's my shop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ciw-_gXZPXw
[18:02:35] <zeeshan|2> i got lazy when mounting the box
[18:03:05] <zeeshan|2> very nice!
[18:03:07] <R2E4> ITs a hobby right now. I have a day job working at Ingersoll Rand
[18:03:16] <zeeshan|2> are you renting a place?
[18:03:26] <zeeshan|2> to house all your hobby toys
[18:03:32] <R2E4> Yeah, that garage is 900.00
[18:03:37] <zeeshan|2> not bad.
[18:03:56] <zeeshan|2> my shop is in my house 20x20 garage
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[18:04:22] <zeeshan|2> i'm doing my masters so this stuff gets me money on the side :)
[18:04:24] <archivist> in the house :)
[18:04:28] <R2E4> I am doing wood projects to pay the rent
[18:04:35] <zeeshan|2> those signs look fancy.
[18:05:16] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/B8AC3471-FC10-4F27-8F5A-BC4946A299CB-3548-00000355621CF915_zpsd2470da0.jpg
[18:05:24] <R2E4> I'm building urns now, have a contract for 300.
[18:05:31] <zeeshan|2> i do lots of stainless/aluminum piping work for cars
[18:06:00] <zeeshan|2> that's cool!
[18:06:06] <R2E4> wow..... thats nice. i am building a lotus7 and need your hands....hehe
[18:06:22] <R2E4> to weld my chassis
[18:06:29] <zeeshan|2> dom steel or chromoly?
[18:06:37] <R2E4> steel
[18:06:39] <zeeshan|2> good!
[18:06:43] <R2E4> 1" tubing
[18:06:43] <zeeshan|2> that's so much easier to weld
[18:07:56] <zeeshan|2> R2E4: i don't know if you've notched tubing before
[18:08:18] <zeeshan|2> but check this out
[18:08:20] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/1BAFCAC1-EE1B-4C6D-B9A5-D9ACDA2A9611-28590-000021479F2D0E8B_zps6a58d5c2.jpg
[18:08:23] <zeeshan|2> i either do that
[18:08:37] <Loetmichel> hmm
[18:08:41] <zeeshan|2> or my more favourite but time consuming way
[18:08:57] <Loetmichel> is there a soft that can cope with a 6 axis robot arm and 3dprint?
[18:09:01] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/y_zpsf45ed218.png
[18:09:08] <zeeshan|2> http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p252/turbozee84/sheetmetal_zps667cac4d.png
[18:09:14] <zeeshan|2> draw it in cad, flatten to sheet
[18:09:23] <zeeshan|2> print it out on a paper 1:1 scale
[18:09:31] <zeeshan|2> lay and mark the tube, and cut away :P
[18:09:44] <Loetmichel> i wanted to build a littel stepper driven six axis arm since i was a little child ;-)
[18:09:54] <Loetmichel> ... and now i have the tools to do so
[18:09:59] <Loetmichel> bit not the software
[18:10:08] <R2E4> wow, thats cool.
[18:10:21] <zeeshan|2> i had no idea how else to do that cut
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[18:26:41] <skunkworks> got a breakout board to play with - came with no directions.. Devined out pretty much everything but the charge pump. Was sending it a 1-10khz signal and it would not turn on. Finally looked up what mach uses for a chargepump frequency - 12.5khz - bam - activated.
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[18:27:36] <IchGuckLive> O.O ;-)
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[18:32:19] <jdh> does it also have sucky optos?
[18:36:25] <R2E4> build this robot then. http://mashable.com/2014/01/14/baby-prank/
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[18:49:53] <CaptHindsight> I like the guy that looks like he;s on a cleaning crew that doesn't even get phased by it. He's probably a parent
[18:50:38] <CaptHindsight> @ 1:00
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[18:59:26] <IchGuckLive> im off BYE
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[19:05:03] <PCW> R2E4: we duplicated your order and get $23.83 shipping for FedeX Ground (Fedex International economy is $92)
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[19:07:29] <PCW> No idea why they call it "economy"
[19:09:31] <jdh> fedex ground is a different company, sort of.
[19:10:14] <archivist> international shipping is a bit of a lottery, I sent something to poland, UPS wanted a large amount, some other site wanted a lot less, booked them....and the UPS man came and got it
[19:12:27] <archivist> way back in 2008 the other courier was http://www.interparcel.com
[19:13:18] <jdh> UPS sucks for .us-.ca shipping
[19:13:52] <archivist> see that interpacel though, they will charge less for ups's service :)
[19:14:16] <archivist> or whoever they use on the day
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[19:17:19] <CaptHindsight> we have bad luck with Fedex for everything in and out of Chicago
[19:17:23] <R2E4> UPS is the worst.... PCW: no problem.
[19:17:47] <CaptHindsight> UPS seems better east and midwest
[19:17:59] <R2E4> I wasnt complainging actually....hehe
[19:18:06] <CaptHindsight> everyone in CA complains about UPS there
[19:18:27] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:18:59] <CaptHindsight> USPS or EMS for flat rate international to Canada has been working pretty well
[19:19:34] <R2E4> I bought 2 420 OZ/IN steppers for 50.00 each, and ended up paying 85.00 shipping and customs then taxes.
[19:19:43] <CaptHindsight> DHL was great until about 3-4 years ago
[19:19:53] <R2E4> USPS works best, but takes longer.
[19:21:09] <CaptHindsight> I sent a few pallets to Dubai vis Fedex Air. I was treated like a child at the airport counter. Had to walk through metal detectors in and out
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[19:21:57] <CaptHindsight> while I was in the terminal my sons walks up to me through the side door to hand me my keys
[19:22:06] <CaptHindsight> nothing like top notch security
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[19:24:54] <CaptHindsight> Germany and France have the toughest customs requirements so far
[19:25:40] <CaptHindsight> almost everything requires extra sets of docs that were attached to the outsides of the shipments including MSDS docs
[19:26:35] <CaptHindsight> and Royal Mail loses everything for 1-2 weeks before it turns up again
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[19:34:35] <jdh> someone shipped me a package via royal mail yesterday. He said it should be here in a week?
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[19:42:28] <skunkworks> jdh, no clue.. good enough for the speeds I need though..
[19:43:09] <skunkworks> (opto-isololators
[19:43:22] <skunkworks> heh
[19:43:27] <skunkworks> isolators
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[19:46:13] <Tom_itx> everyone must have slept in but i see they're awake now !
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[19:57:35] <skunkworks> Dhl is great - I am always getting shipping notifacations...
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[20:22:16] <ReadError> skunkworks, anything is better than UPS My Choice
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[20:25:59] <skunkworks> (was making a joke about all the fake dhl delivery emails/viruses
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[20:40:03] <Tom_itx> Fedex & UPS are merging to form a new company called FedUP
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[20:48:55] <Deejay> lol
[20:50:28] <skunkworks> the frequency to voltage converter seems decent.. at exactly half the frequency - it is half the voltage
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[21:01:11] <jdh> probably the same on the other side also (with a typical DVM)
[21:03:18] <jdh> the YooCNC people finally replied... no custom orders discussed until after Feb 6.
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[21:18:37] <heathmanc_> You around PCW?
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[21:21:35] <heathmanc> There was no bitfile attached on the last email for the 4i69-25
[21:22:10] <heathmanc> I know it probably looked odd in the email I sent you with the error. I used the original bitfile that you sent me, just renamed the file to match what I already had in a config
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[22:14:52] <Deejay> gn8
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[23:02:06] <PCW> heathmanc: I just re-sent the bitfile but the driver has a typo so I dont think you will get any further
[23:02:07] <PCW> without getting the linuxcnc source and patching the typo
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