[00:01:07] <PetefromTn> Man that is excellent. You did it pretty damn quick too.. So are you using the RS232-RS485 adapter and your basic cable?
[00:02:03] <zee-Lathe>
[00:02:28] <zee-Lathe> thats the rs232 to rs485 adapter (doesnt need external power for short cable runs (20ft))
[00:02:54] <zee-Lathe>
[00:03:07] <zee-Lathe> then i wired one of those to match the pinouts coming from the vfd
[00:03:19] <zee-Lathe> its so important this step is right otherwise you'll burn your serial port/mobo
[00:03:38] <zee-Lathe> if you wanna be safe, use a rj11 cable ;p
[00:05:56] -!- AR__ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:06:01] <PetefromTn> Yeah actually my VFD uses only two inputs that are screw type because the RJ45 connection is for their proprietary external speed control board. Apparently I can just use standard shielded cables with the DB on one end and break it out on the other end.
[00:06:21] <zee-Lathe> you dont need shielded cable
[00:06:32] <zee-Lathe> guaranteed your drive uses a differential signal
[00:06:44] <zee-Lathe> do you know what that means?
[00:06:45] <zee-Lathe> cause i didnt.
[00:07:14] <zee-Lathe> i briefly touched it in my controls theory class
[00:07:24] <zee-Lathe> but never really understood it back then
[00:07:46] <zee-Lathe>
[00:07:56] <zee-Lathe> bottom signal is a differential signal
[00:08:07] <zee-Lathe> so at any given time, the waves are opposite to each other.
[00:08:39] <zee-Lathe> in theory, any noise that exists would be the same for both wires
[00:08:41] <zee-Lathe> and would cancel out
[00:09:39] <zee-Lathe> your vfd should have 3 places you can hook up stuff
[00:10:01] <zee-Lathe> one is the differential signal+, other is differential signal-, and the third is the ground
[00:14:06] <PetefromTn> yeah I know what a differential signal is my encoder is differential and it gonna require some special board to get it to work but a non-differential would probably cause issues.
[00:14:21] <zee-Lathe> yea so that means
[00:14:25] <zee-Lathe> you dont need shielding :P
[00:15:10] <zee-Lathe> what vfd do you have on your VMC>
[00:18:39] <PetefromTn> Yeah it is the Hitachi WJ200-110lf. Here is a manual page describing the Modbus setup...
[00:20:47] <zee-Lathe> one of those pins has to be ground
[00:20:58] <zee-Lathe> SP i think means S+
[00:21:03] <zee-Lathe> and SN = S-
[00:21:20] <zee-Lathe> i hate how theres 10 different terms for the same damn thing
[00:22:08] <zee-Lathe> lol whoops i didnt see the diagram on the bottom
[00:22:31] <zee-Lathe> yea so sn s-, sp s+.
[00:24:30] <PetefromTn> yup.. pretty damn simple really..
[00:24:50] <PetefromTn> It's the programming that is the hard part here LOL.
[00:25:28] <zee-Lathe> i can help you and connor if you want
[00:25:38] <zee-Lathe> we'll get her running!
[00:25:56] <zee-Lathe> you pretty much want to read data off the vfd
[00:26:02] <zee-Lathe> and display it on your linuxcnc gui panel right?
[00:26:21] <zee-Lathe> cause you have external controls to change vfd speed and stuff?
[00:26:30] -!- Connor_iPad [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:26:40] <Connor_iPad> Yo.
[00:27:18] <PetefromTn> No man I want to lose the external controls and remove the wiring to the VFD from my 7i77 and get it completely modbus controlled.
[00:27:23] <PetefromTn> Connor_iPad: YOO
[00:27:48] <PetefromTn> You YO yo..
[00:28:27] <zee-Lathe> pete that would be sweet!
[00:28:46] <zee-Lathe> i would personally get the read capability running first
[00:28:59] <zee-Lathe> that way you have minimal downtime when you're ready to remove the externl controls
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[00:40:46] <zee-Lathe> wow
[00:40:54] <zee-Lathe> pyvcp is stupid easy to use
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[01:38:53] <jubo> hi
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[01:43:40] <micges> jubo: hi
[01:43:56] <jubo> wasn't sure if many people talked in here or not really
[01:43:57] <jubo> lol
[01:44:01] <jubo> some rooms are like that
[01:45:40] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:46:09] <jubo> is this room meant to talk only about linuxcnc or also cnc routers in general?
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[01:47:13] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:48:06] <jubo> PetefromTn are you here?
[01:50:11] <micges> jubo: many of us got some kind of machines and we talk about them too
[01:50:19] <PetefromTn> jubo: Yeah man..
[01:50:31] <jubo> you're from jackson, tn?
[01:50:37] <PetefromTn> No
[01:51:08] <PetefromTn> I'm in the Knoxville area..
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[01:53:22] -!- jubo [jubo!4b86c7ee@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:53:50] <jubo> ah ok, i thought you were in jackson from your joining line. I'm in siketon, mo, kinda close to jackson
[01:54:21] <jubo> i'm just looking to get into building or buying a cnc router. Total noob/beginner, and have just been reading up on different ones on the net
[01:54:33] <jubo> then googled to see if there are any irc rooms and found this one
[01:54:59] <PetefromTn> Well you are in the right place man.. Lots of very knowledgeable people in here.
[01:56:14] <jubo> good deal, i'll pay attention to what people are saying for sure then
[01:58:12] <PetefromTn> Probably just recommend you search for CNC router and try to determine the size and build style you want and then you can come here and discuss that one.
[01:58:43] <jubo> what are a lot of people in here using?
[01:58:51] <jubo> i'm not looking for a 4 foot by 8 foot or anigything near that b
[01:58:54] <jubo> big
[01:59:08] <jubo> probably something around 12 x 12, or up to 24 x 24 or so
[02:01:01] <PetefromTn> Oh man it spans the gamut from tiny tabletop to freestanding and built from plywood to MDF to aluminum to steel....
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[02:02:40] <jubo> yeah, i saw a website solsylva with plans for wooden ones
[02:02:46] <jubo> cheaper on the price for sure
[02:02:49] <jubo> but looked interesting
[02:03:13] <jubo> i guess they aren't as accurate or finely detailed as others could be but still look decent
[02:03:18] <jubo> i'd just do it as a hobby really
[02:03:47] <zee-Lathe> pete
[02:03:52] <zee-Lathe> i got a teASER pic for you
[02:04:32] <PetefromTn> yeah the solsylva is a decent machine. Like I said decide what travels you want and what materials you want to build it from and go from there. LinuxCNC can take care of the rest..
[02:04:39] <PetefromTn> zee-Lathe: Shoot man.
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[02:08:52] <zee-Lathe>
[02:10:48] <PetefromTn> DUDE that is BEAUTIFUL!!! ME WANT..
[02:11:33] <zeeshan> im gonna load the motor with my hand
[02:11:37] <zeeshan> and see if the output torque changes ;p
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[02:15:33] <PetefromTn> Man I think we are gonna need a youtube video here LOL...
[02:16:16] <zee-Lathe> haha
[02:16:27] <zee-Lathe> you just wanna see my arm get ripped off
[02:17:03] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:17:36] <PetefromTn> No man I wanna see the spindle running and the bars moving and keep your arm....
[02:18:23] <zee-Lathe> haha
[02:20:30] <zee-Lathe> it works!
[02:20:42] <zee-Lathe> i can get it to fluctuate by .2-.3 A
[02:21:35] -!- c-bob [c-bob!~c@unaffiliated/c-bob] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:22:21] <PetefromTn> Nice...
[02:22:50] <zee-Lathe> i ran everything at full speed and e-stoped
[02:22:55] <zee-Lathe> everything stopped..
[02:23:02] <zee-Lathe> ok enough of this
[02:23:05] <zee-Lathe> i have homework to do ;
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[03:17:59] <PetefromTn> Jeez this place is deeead tonight..
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[03:38:39] <PetefromTn> Okay back on my cell with andchat....
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[03:43:45] <PetefromTn> Anybody doing anything interesting tonight with LinuxCNC? Or anything at all...
[03:44:16] <zeeshan> lol
[03:44:23] <zeeshan> you're just stuck with me
[03:44:44] <PetefromTn> Oh I thought you were studying ....
[03:44:54] <zeeshan> not studying
[03:44:58] <zeeshan> writing up a lab report
[03:46:14] <PetefromTn> Went to bed here and listening to some Rush on my studio headphones on my cell while at the same time chatting on IRC and surfing the net....Amazing the tech we have today
[03:46:30] <zeeshan> hehe
[03:48:40] -!- ries has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:49:05] <PetefromTn> Been looking at your photos of the pyvcp... does all that sub info get put thru the modbus or are they just setting in Hal or something?
[03:49:18] <zeeshan> through modbus
[03:49:35] <zeeshan> modbus->hal->pyvcp
[03:49:36] <PetefromTn> That is some sweet junior man...
[03:49:44] <PetefromTn> Juju
[03:49:48] <Tom_itx> link
[03:50:01] <zeeshan>
[03:50:01] <PetefromTn> Stupid auto complete
[03:50:55] <Tom_itx> not familiar with modbus
[03:51:04] <PetefromTn> Don't really need a couple of those tho...but nice.
[03:51:10] <zeeshan> why not!
[03:51:17] <zeeshan> every one of them tells you some good information :P
[03:51:23] <Tom_itx> i put a few up while testing
[03:51:28] <zeeshan> like if you monitor dc bus voltage
[03:51:33] <PetefromTn> Meh leave space for more useful stuff.
[03:51:34] <zeeshan> that's directly proportional to your input voltage
[03:51:44] <zeeshan> PetefromTn: i agree
[03:51:54] <zeeshan> its preliminary, i will condense it in a smaller area when i get more time
[03:52:08] <PetefromTn> Cool...
[03:52:12] <Tom_itx> might be quite useful if it goes to crap
[03:52:27] <PetefromTn> No video tho makes PetefromTn sad...
[03:52:38] -!- ries [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:52:42] <zeeshan> PetefromTn: when its in a better state to show, i will :P
[03:52:52] <Tom_itx> does torque come from the vfd?
[03:52:53] <PetefromTn> Thx.
[03:52:58] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: kind of
[03:53:15] <zeeshan> its using output frequency, output voltage, output current to calculate it
[03:53:16] <zeeshan> for now
[03:53:38] <zeeshan> i still need to read 100 more paramters
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[03:53:53] <Tom_itx> you could maximize screen space and leave most of the data
[03:54:11] <Tom_itx> OUTPUT V A side by side for example
[03:54:21] <zeeshan> so in the end ultimately, i want a "tab" that is called "Write" and you can literally change all the paramters of the vfd things like... nameplate voltage etc right from linux cnc
[03:54:26] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:54:37] <Tom_itx> Command freq actual
[03:54:38] <Tom_itx> for another
[03:55:08] -!- AR__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[03:55:49] <Tom_itx> my spedo takes alot more space than the bar
[03:56:05] <Tom_itx> if i get to need room, i'll change it
[03:56:23] <zeeshan> is that area for pyvcp fixed?
[03:56:25] <Tom_itx>
[03:56:27] <Tom_itx> yes
[03:56:30] <zeeshan> like if i maximum linux cnc, cant i make it bigger
[03:56:36] <zeeshan> *maximize
[03:56:45] <Tom_itx> maybe i dunno
[03:57:09] <Tom_itx> but for me, i like the spedometer since i don't use pwm to control it
[03:57:26] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:57:38] <zeeshan>
[03:57:39] <zeeshan> er
[03:57:43] <zeeshan>
[03:57:47] <zeeshan> this guy has a lot of space!
[03:58:16] <Tom_itx> probably a function of how many and wide your boxes are
[03:58:40] <Tom_itx> that one is to busy imo
[03:59:01] <Tom_itx> mine is for 'at a glance' info
[03:59:37] <zeeshan> i dont know why im using pyvcp
[03:59:40] <PetefromTn> Tom I see you have zero axis there, hows that work exactly?
[03:59:42] <zeeshan> holy cow gladevcp looks way better.
[03:59:57] <Tom_itx> takes them to the work offset zero
[04:00:11] <Tom_itx> starting with Z
[04:00:23] <PetefromTn> So it moves the machine then?
[04:00:29] <Tom_itx> yes
[04:00:44] <PetefromTn> That's kinda scary...
[04:00:50] <Tom_itx> no
[04:01:35] <Tom_itx> MDI_COMMAND = O<work_zero> call
[04:01:45] <Tom_itx> a subroutine call
[04:02:13] <PetefromTn> Why would you need to do that?
[04:02:28] <zeeshan>
[04:02:30] <zeeshan> damn that looks nice
[04:02:52] <Tom_itx> o<work_zero> subG90G0 Z0G0 X0 Y0o<work_zero> endsubm2
[04:03:09] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[04:03:30] <PetefromTn> Looks like a touch screen one.
[04:05:06] <Tom_itx>
[04:05:31] <zeeshan> man
[04:05:39] <zeeshan> this gmoccapy looks so much like the siemens plm touch screen controls
[04:06:02] <Tom_itx> can also be used on normal screens with a mouse or hardware buttons and MPG wheels
[04:06:20] <Connor> gscreen looks good.
[04:06:40] <Connor>
[04:06:54] <PetefromTn> At some point I may add that IO board at the PC so I can add buttons for all sorta shtuff.
[04:07:11] <Tom_itx> pendant?
[04:07:13] <zeeshan> i dunno connor
[04:07:24] <zeeshan> that gmoccapy looks more user friendly
[04:07:31] <Connor> at the bottom..
[04:08:03] <zeeshan> thats too confusing looking
[04:08:03] <zeeshan> ;p
[04:08:10] <zeeshan> looks like mach 3
[04:08:18] <Connor> Umm.. No.
[04:08:50] <Tom_itx> says mach 3 at the top
[04:08:51] <zeeshan> looks like it! :P
[04:08:56] <PetefromTn> Mach3 is day debil....
[04:09:08] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: damn you have hawk eyes
[04:09:10] <zeeshan> howd you see that
[04:09:40] <Tom_itx> cnc controlling software
[04:09:43] <Tom_itx> is the rest
[04:09:54] <PetefromTn> Looks okay but loose da chicken....
[04:11:00] <Connor> looking for the screen shot of the industrial copy of gscreen..
[04:11:37] <PetefromTn> Show me one with toolchanger controls and such.
[04:12:05] <Connor> freaking forum needs a search
[04:14:50] <Connor>
[04:14:57] <Connor> That's the one I like
[04:15:14] <Connor> Suppose to be really good with touch screen monitor.
[04:15:38] <zeeshan> needs pictures
[04:15:38] <os1r1s> Tom_itx: Almost done with my shertaig mill :P
[04:15:50] <Tom_itx> heh
[04:16:51] <zeeshan>
[04:16:56] <zeeshan> i like control panels like this :)
[04:16:58] <Connor> I need to clean my shop up.. I can't move in it.. Too damn cramped.. I need to extend the size of it..
[04:17:50] <zeeshan> i have to say
[04:18:03] <zeeshan> after getting used to the basics in linuxcnc, its so much better than mach 3 :)
[04:18:08] <zeeshan> i'm glad i made the change
[04:18:17] <Connor> I have a industrial keyboard & touch screen I'll be using.. will combine with a hardwired MPG on it.. with a few buttons.. very minimalist.. everything else will be touch screen buttons.
[04:18:41] <Connor> I never used Mach3.. looked too busy.. and.. the idea of running a machine via windows.. ICK.
[04:19:09] <zeeshan> mach 3's interface looks like it was made by a 2 year old
[04:19:48] <Connor> I dont understand why it's so freaking popular.. vs LinuxCNC / EMC2
[04:19:56] <zeeshan> cause linuxcnc is a bitch to setup
[04:19:58] <PetefromTn> I'd also like to add some of those wizards and stuff that mine is missing.
[04:20:08] <zeeshan> mach 3 is intuitive
[04:20:20] <Connor> Not really.. I had my machine up and running with in an hour..
[04:20:26] <Connor> after installing the ISO.
[04:20:41] <zeeshan> it took me forever to get my shit running
[04:20:41] <zeeshan> :P
[04:20:50] <zeeshan> remember the e-stop circuit? :P
[04:20:59] <Connor> That wasn't linuxcnc's fault..
[04:21:00] <os1r1s> I use mach3 a bit, so I understand its popularity.
[04:21:02] <zeeshan> true :P
[04:21:06] * os1r1s ducks
[04:21:33] <Connor> PetefromTn: Your a convert.. weigh in on this...
[04:22:00] <Connor> and.. don't consider the windows vs linux vs windows aspect of it.. JUST the control software..
[04:22:16] <zeeshan> connor being a new user
[04:22:19] <PetefromTn> The only thing I miss about Mach 3 is the ability to jog while paused. Other than that LinuxCNC is better in about every way.
[04:22:25] <zeeshan> the first thing i was like "WTF is this HAL BULLSHIT"
[04:22:34] <zeeshan> "
[04:23:00] <zeeshan> if it wasn't for stepconf, i would have never had linuxcnc running right
[04:23:01] <Connor> I don't understand why we can't jog while paused...
[04:23:02] <zeeshan> as a new user..
[04:23:22] <Connor> I started out with stepconf too.. that's why it's there.. :)
[04:23:37] <zeeshan> connor did you see the screenshot i posted of the vfd communicating through modbus? :D
[04:23:43] <Connor> and thankfully, they have one for MESA now too.
[04:23:46] <zeeshan> it works it work it works
[04:23:49] <Connor> yea.. Looks good.
[04:24:06] <PetefromTn> Honestly Mach3 is a bit easier to setup because like he said everything is in the software and I don't know Linux so I was kinda screwd....
[04:24:08] <Connor> I managed to get the driver for Pete's.. but.. can't get it to compile yet..
[04:24:24] <zeeshan> make your own driver
[04:24:30] <os1r1s> As a new user I found the wizards to be great
[04:24:33] <zeeshan> unless the driver you have is plug and play
[04:24:39] <zeeshan> after it is compiled
[04:24:43] <Connor> why? one already exists.. I just not sure what I'm doing wrong on compile..
[04:24:57] <os1r1s> I don't need them now and haven't for the past 2 years. But initially they helped a lot
[04:24:59] <zeeshan> where does it fail?
[04:25:07] <zeeshan> when you type "make"?
[04:25:08] <Connor> let me fire up the Vm and see..
[04:25:46] <PetefromTn> Whazza vm ?
[04:25:57] <Connor> Virtual Machine.
[04:26:22] <Connor> Running Ubuntu 10.04 RT on my Linux 12.04 Non Real Time.. :)
[04:28:22] <Connor> first, it can't find the modbus.h file.. and I have the modbus dev installed
[04:29:15] <zeeshan> okay
[04:29:23] <zeeshan> tell me what you're typing in console first
[04:29:25] <zeeshan> make?
[04:29:35] <Connor> cradek: said something about using comp --compile
[04:29:40] <Connor> or comp --userspace --compile
[04:29:46] <Connor> I've tried both.. get errors
[04:29:48] <zeeshan> that sounds like some advanced shit
[04:29:53] <zeeshan> for me i have a simple make file
[04:30:02] <zeeshan> i have 3 files.. modbus.h modbus.c mydriver.c
[04:30:12] <zeeshan> the makefile locates the libraries and compiles it
[04:30:13] <Connor> No such luck here..
[04:30:30] <Connor> this is located in src/hal/user_comps/wj200_vfd
[04:30:56] <Connor> so, it's a userspace driver.
[04:31:11] <zeeshan> mine is a userspace driver too
[04:31:23] <zeeshan> i have to type loadusr mvx9000rtu to launch it
[04:31:33] <zeeshan> can you hook me up with the source code?
[04:31:38] * PetefromTn wondering how zeeshan's Juju would work on my vfd....
[04:32:07] <Connor>
[04:32:10] <Connor> arrr..
[04:32:13] <zeeshan> haha
[04:32:33] <Connor> git clone -b wj200_vfd
[04:33:06] <zeeshan> whats git
[04:33:16] <Connor> version control program.
[04:33:28] <zeeshan> lemme fire up the other comp
[04:33:48] <Connor> sudo apt-get install git
[04:33:55] <Connor> then, run that command..
[04:34:04] <PetefromTn> Sounds like TRON speak in here :)
[04:34:05] <Connor> then you'll get the whole source tree.
[04:34:12] <Connor> switching to ipad.
[04:35:19] -!- Connor_iPad [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:35:23] <Connor_iPad> Ok
[04:37:16] -!- zee-Lathe [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:38:24] <zeeshan> git
[04:38:29] <PetefromTn>
[04:38:57] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[04:38:59] -!- kwallace has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[04:38:59] <PetefromTn> Git it done man....LOL
[04:39:03] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn you should pay attention to the GIT speak
[04:39:32] <Tom_itx> then update your master
[04:39:39] <PetefromTn> Tom I am like a moth to the flame here man....
[04:40:04] <Tom_itx> no such thing
[04:40:21] <Connor_iPad> I'll update his master tomorrow.
[04:40:25] <Tom_itx> what ver linux you running?
[04:40:30] <PetefromTn> Is it hot in here or are my wings on fire...
[04:40:32] <Tom_itx> i want to see him learn how
[04:40:34] <zeeshan> doing that downloaded that whole folder
[04:40:35] <zeeshan> where is the source
[04:41:21] <Connor_iPad> src/hal/user_comp
[04:41:53] <Connor_iPad> Tom_itx: I'll show him how.
[04:42:20] <zeeshan> connor
[04:42:21] <zeeshan> lol
[04:42:27] <zeeshan> this looks almost like my driver
[04:42:29] <PetefromTn> Tom don't fret man I kid around but I am learning too
[04:42:39] <zeeshan> the stuff in gs2_vfd.c
[04:42:54] <zeeshan> whats the vfd you're using again PetefromTn
[04:42:57] <zeeshan> sorry i keep forgetting
[04:43:00] <Connor_iPad> wj200_vfd
[04:43:25] <PetefromTn> Hitachi WJ 200- 110 LF.
[04:44:10] <PetefromTn> Love that Ducati sport classic...
[04:45:05] <Tom_itx> i remember the first thing i ever did with linux. i didn't know anything about it
[04:45:12] <Tom_itx> the project was my webserver
[04:45:35] <Tom_itx> wasn't _that_ long ago either
[04:46:59] <Tom_itx> then i came to check back on an old project i was interested in quite a while back to find it had been improved to what you know as linuxcnc now
[04:47:13] <Tom_itx> so i started my sherline conversion
[04:48:06] <PetefromTn> Customer just PayPal me the money for the wheels. Might be able to order the adapter and a cable or something tomorrow...
[04:49:59] <Connor_iPad> Nice.
[04:50:32] -!- pjm has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:51:57] <Connor_iPad> zeeshan: figure out that driver yet? :)
[04:52:36] <PetefromTn> Liking this fusion android music player and my equalizer app sounds awesome...listening to the outfield right now.
[04:52:49] <zeeshan> messing with it
[04:52:52] <zeeshan> the C part makes sense
[04:53:03] <zeeshan> the random text prior to the C part makes no sense
[04:54:25] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:54:51] -!- pjm [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:56:29] <PetefromTn> kickass...
[04:59:43] <PetefromTn> How many of you guys run cutter comp on your machines seriously I am trying to get it sorted...
[05:00:10] <Tom_itx> i don't think i put it in my gcode template to turn it on
[05:00:26] <Tom_itx> i've changed the diameter in the tool table though and it affects the results
[05:00:31] <Tom_itx> so it must be working
[05:00:51] <Connor_iPad> Don't most people do that in CAM?
[05:01:05] <Tom_itx> not always
[05:01:13] <PetefromTn> Yeah that is what I figured... I am gonna need to use it and I am trying to figure out how it works in linuxcnc as well as CamBAM.
[05:01:46] <Tom_itx> run some scrap and change the diameter in your file and see what happens
[05:02:23] <Tom_itx> you _can_ run into trouble if your radius exceeds the cutter radius + cutter comp
[05:02:27] <PetefromTn> It really is important for getting consistent accurate cuts on multiple parts with cutter wear etc...
[05:02:40] <Tom_itx> with exhisting geometry for the tool path
[05:04:59] <PetefromTn> Yeah that is what I was planning got to figure out how to turn it on in CamBam too....have not messed with it too much yet..
[05:05:33] -!- jerryitt_ has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[05:06:12] <Connor_iPad> So. How does that work? You mic the cutter and redo the tool table ?
[05:06:16] <Tom_itx> G40 41 42
[05:06:33] -!- Belerafon [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:06:37] <Tom_itx> just edit the diameter
[05:07:03] <PetefromTn> Yeah basically right now my tool table widths are all zero and the can just runs its course.
[05:07:19] <Tom_itx> zero?
[05:07:27] <Tom_itx> you don't enter tool diameters?
[05:07:45] <PetefromTn> Not sure if I should add actual diameter or just input the differences. So the numbers are small.
[05:07:46] <Connor_iPad> I never have either. I put that in the CAM.
[05:08:07] <Tom_itx> i always enter the tool diameter and program the cutter
[05:08:14] <Tom_itx> cutter's edge in cam
[05:08:21] <Tom_itx> not the center
[05:08:29] <Tom_itx> you're far better off doing that
[05:08:36] <Connor_iPad> Explain ?
[05:08:52] <Tom_itx> you program the tool center when you post your cam?
[05:08:58] <Connor_iPad> CamBam asks for tool diameter.
[05:09:03] <PetefromTn> That's pretty much what can does for you anyways..
[05:09:10] <Tom_itx> then you are probably programming the edge
[05:09:24] <zeeshan> this comp fucking thing is bullshit
[05:09:25] <Tom_itx> if so you should also be entering the tool diameter in the tool table
[05:09:32] <Tom_itx> no it isn't
[05:09:36] <Tom_itx> it's a very useful tool
[05:09:43] <zeeshan> tell me why
[05:09:47] <Tom_itx> tool wear
[05:09:50] <Connor_iPad> And the tool path is always larger than the profile.
[05:09:52] <PetefromTn> Have not tried to enter a diameter in linuxcnc yet but I need to...
[05:09:54] <zeeshan> oh
[05:10:17] <Tom_itx> but like i said, i don't think i turn it on in my cam
[05:10:24] <Tom_itx> (G41)
[05:10:30] <Tom_itx> or G42
[05:10:40] <Tom_itx> depending on which side you program
[05:10:54] <Tom_itx> G40 turns it off
[05:11:14] <PetefromTn> I think it is a setting automatically setup in cam no, does your posted code have g41 etc?
[05:11:26] <Tom_itx> i'd have to look
[05:11:35] <Tom_itx> and i also don't know what the default is for lcnc
[05:12:17] <PetefromTn> So if your code is not setup for it how do you know it is working?
[05:12:51] <Tom_itx> change the diameter in the tool table
[05:12:56] <PetefromTn> Don't know how it could be without code with the comp commands...
[05:12:57] <Tom_itx> see what happens to your cut
[05:14:18] <PetefromTn> Is linuxcnc smart enough to know to run the comp on the proper side of a profile don't see how it could...
[05:14:38] <Tom_itx> with G41 G42
[05:15:02] <Tom_itx>
[05:15:09] <Tom_itx> right of path or left of path
[05:15:24] <PetefromTn> Yeah but it sounds like you are saying your code does not include those commands or something.
[05:15:41] <Tom_itx> i'd have to test it to be able to say positively
[05:15:44] <PetefromTn> I know what cutter comp is....
[05:16:01] <Tom_itx> i was running some code a while back and it seemed to be on
[05:16:08] <Tom_itx> but i don't recall setting it on
[05:16:21] <PetefromTn> Grab a posted code and see if it has the comp commands....
[05:17:42] <Tom_itx> just length offset
[05:18:01] <Belerafon> Hi. I again about kernel rebuild for CAN driver. Where can I found manual about compile lcnc kernel with real time patches? I have download vanilla 2.6.32 source, do a make oldconfig, do compile kernel and have got "arch/x86/lib/cache-smp.c:20: error: variable �op� has initializer but incomplete type".
[05:18:19] <PetefromTn> Okay then how could it be working?
[05:18:37] <Tom_itx> like i said, i'd have to run some test cuts to be sure
[05:18:45] -!- qingpei has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[05:18:55] <Tom_itx> i thought it was odd at the time
[05:19:10] <Tom_itx> it was accidental
[05:19:32] <Tom_itx> it was before i set all my tools standard between the cam and linuxcnc to be the same
[05:19:48] <Tom_itx> i had a tool as one thing in linuxcnc and posted it as another in cam
[05:19:49] <PetefromTn> I am thinking it is probably setup in both and you use your came to cut the edge like you said and then use cutter comp with a specific diameter and make your adjustments to the tool table..
[05:20:16] <Tom_itx> so when i changed the tool to be the right diameter, it cut as expected
[05:21:49] <PetefromTn> Yeah but you had something other than zero in there and it just account for the difference in diameter. That's not comp functional comp really except to just go with the posted code.
[05:23:22] <PetefromTn> However if that worked actually just changing the number would not offset the path probably or at least not intelligently.
[05:24:27] <PetefromTn> I dunno it is confusing which is why I have not messed with it yet....
[05:25:05] <Tom_itx> it's not confusing at all. what confused me was i was pretty sure i didn't have it on but changing the tool table affected the cutter path
[05:26:00] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[05:27:20] <PetefromTn> Well yeah it did because you had it wrong or whatever but did it account for inside and outside offsets?
[05:27:53] <Tom_itx> but if comp was off, it shouldn't matter what's in the tool diameter entry
[05:30:04] <PetefromTn> Do you have a G40 in your preamble to your post?
[05:30:21] <Tom_itx> no
[05:30:52] <Tom_itx> like i said, i don't know what lcnc's default is
[05:31:02] <Tom_itx> so that's what it would have been set to
[05:31:15] <PetefromTn> Perhaps it is automatic if there is an diameter loaded and you don't run a code to turn it off?
[05:31:18] <Tom_itx> it may have been on not knowingly
[05:31:38] <Tom_itx> at the time i was fighting other issues so i didn't give it much thought
[05:31:46] <Tom_itx> i did log it in my head though
[05:31:53] <PetefromTn> I hear ya man...
[05:32:16] <Tom_itx> it will show you the active Gcodes
[05:32:27] <Tom_itx> i didn't check
[05:33:01] <PetefromTn> I am wondering how I should set mine up I want to be able to tweak code to creep up on dimension without having to repost code all the time...
[05:33:40] -!- ries has quit [Quit: ries]
[05:33:52] <Tom_itx> program the cutter's edge, add the diameter to the tool table and make sure comp is on
[05:34:24] <Tom_itx> i personally wouldn't switch between G41 G42, rather just adjust the tool diameter
[05:34:34] <Tom_itx> with one or the other on
[05:34:40] <Tom_itx> and get used to doing it that way
[05:35:17] <PetefromTn> Well I was hoping the Can would take care of that part...
[05:35:33] <Tom_itx> i know how mine works
[05:35:39] <PetefromTn> Came..
[05:35:39] <Tom_itx> i don't know how cambam does it
[05:35:47] <PetefromTn> LOL CAM
[05:35:50] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:36:03] <Tom_itx> it gets to be a pita to repost code every time
[05:36:12] <PetefromTn> Yeah neither do I.
[05:36:15] <Tom_itx> especially if you have hand tweaked bits of it
[05:36:39] <PetefromTn> Sure does and can quickly clutter up your files
[05:38:02] <Tom_itx> G40 is on by default ( cutter comp off )
[05:38:09] <Tom_itx> i just checked
[05:38:34] <PetefromTn> In your post or in linuxcnc
[05:38:41] <Tom_itx> linuxcnc
[05:38:51] <Tom_itx> my post doesn't have any comp code
[05:38:58] <Tom_itx> except length (G43)
[05:39:13] <Tom_itx> i have posts that do
[05:39:21] <Tom_itx> but i'm not using them on this machine
[05:40:08] <PetefromTn> Well I need to play with that and see what I need to do there.
[05:40:46] <zeeshan> connor
[05:40:47] <zeeshan> you there?
[05:40:49] <PetefromTn> Getting tired gonna get some zzzz's man nice chatting with you...
[05:40:59] <Tom_itx> i think if you enter the diameter in cambam, it probably codes the tool edge on the cutter paths
[05:41:06] <Tom_itx> which is the desireable way to do it
[05:41:15] <PetefromTn> For sure...
[05:41:29] <Tom_itx> then you also want to enter the diameters in the tool table
[05:41:30] <Connor_iPad> zeeshan: Yea
[05:41:34] <PetefromTn> Zeesh, did you find anything?
[05:41:38] <zeeshan> you're not gonna like this
[05:41:42] -!- qingpei has quit [Quit: qingpei]
[05:41:49] <zeeshan> this fucking thing requires you to configure/make the entire source folder
[05:41:54] <zeeshan> to be able to compile that component
[05:42:12] -!- KimK [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[05:42:12] <Tom_itx> master?
[05:42:22] <Connor_iPad> Yea. That's not going to work. We'll need to rip it out and make it stand alone
[05:42:33] <zeeshan> absolutely retarded
[05:42:56] <PetefromTn> Who me? ;)
[05:42:57] <Connor_iPad> I think it was this guys first time making a component and was trying to get it into master.
[05:43:21] <zeeshan> i think he was trying to build a standard component that comes with linuxcnc
[05:44:02] <PetefromTn> Yeah that is exactly what he was trying to do from the postingz I read.
[05:44:19] <PetefromTn> So its unusable?
[05:44:20] <zeeshan> it'll be much faster
[05:44:22] <zeeshan> just to rip his code out
[05:44:28] <zeeshan> and throw it in a standard driver the compiles..
[05:45:11] <zeeshan> for example..
[05:45:31] <zeeshan> running, direction, ready, alarm, at_speed, frequency is all he's reading from the drive
[05:45:43] <Connor_iPad> Not unusable. It has the proper registeres and stuff.
[05:46:01] <Connor_iPad> Not reading torque or amps which well want.
[05:46:21] <zeeshan> he's doing 3 write commands only
[05:46:32] <zeeshan> setfrequency, reset (if the vfd trips), and set direction
[05:46:40] <zeeshan> sorry one more, "run"
[05:46:42] <Connor_iPad> It's a very basic driver.
[05:46:53] <zeeshan> looks stupid similar to mine
[05:47:08] <zeeshan> i bet all i need is the addresses for each thing.
[05:47:09] <zeeshan> that is all
[05:47:34] <Connor_iPad> May be easier to adapt yours to it by replacing the registers.
[05:47:41] <zeeshan> yea
[05:47:47] <zeeshan> dude stuff like this irritates me
[05:48:02] <zeeshan> you have this nice code that can't compile
[05:48:03] <zeeshan> lol
[05:48:08] <PetefromTn> Yeah me too :p
[05:48:26] <Connor_iPad> Yea. Only issue is. I don't have the drive to test with. And don't want to try to code in Pete's shop.
[05:49:01] <Connor_iPad> So, will have to code it. And try it. Trial and error m
[05:49:26] <zeeshan> is there a copy of this manual online somewhere PetefromTn/connor?
[05:49:56] <Connor_iPad> Yes. PetefromTn can you tell him where the manual is. The one with Appendix B ?
[05:50:00] <PetefromTn> Yeah ill try to get it but I'm on my cell...
[05:50:19] <Connor_iPad> Where did you buy it?
[05:50:50] <zeeshan> i found the manual
[05:50:51] <zeeshan> ;D
[05:50:58] <Connor_iPad> Drive warehouse ?
[05:51:00] <zeeshan>
[05:51:01] <zeeshan> yea
[05:51:04] <zeeshan> lol google first hit
[05:52:19] <PetefromTn>
[05:52:46] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn looking over some old files we used G41 for cutter comp in the ones that used it at all
[05:53:13] <Tom_itx> same as you would use G43 with the H word
[05:53:25] <PetefromTn> Dunno how Connor searched the modbus section again tho.
[05:53:27] <Tom_itx> G41 Dxx
[05:53:56] <Tom_itx> then it reads the D word from the tool table file
[05:54:07] <Tom_itx> which you set to a nominal tool diameter
[05:54:16] <Tom_itx> or adjust it based on wear
[05:54:32] <PetefromTn> Yeah I know but gotta get CamBam to play nice with it here hopefully.
[05:54:54] <Tom_itx> just add it in where you put the H word
[05:54:58] <Connor_iPad> Ctl-f modbus
[05:55:01] <Tom_itx> if you want to use it
[05:55:36] <Connor_iPad> Page 355
[05:55:39] <PetefromTn> Tom...okay thanks will try it. Connor...I thought it was Ctrl S...damn.
[05:55:52] <Connor_iPad> F for Find
[05:56:03] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn it probably should be on a linear move line
[05:56:05] <Tom_itx> not Z
[05:56:07] <zeeshan> connor
[05:56:11] <zeeshan> go to page 353
[05:56:13] <PetefromTn> Not S for friggin' search LOL...
[05:56:30] <zeeshan> page 353 in the pdf or b-24 on the actual page numbers
[05:56:43] <Connor_iPad> Page 355 for monitor registers 353 for command registers.
[05:57:10] <zeeshan> sorry youre right
[05:57:11] <zeeshan> 355
[05:58:01] <zeeshan> looks different than how my vfd is controlled
[05:58:35] <Connor_iPad> Kinda sucks not a standard.
[05:59:41] <zee-Lathe> mine seems really simple? or i might be doing it wrong
[05:59:43] <zee-Lathe> it works..
[05:59:45] <zee-Lathe> write_data[0] = (*(haldata->rpmset)/29)*10; //frequency set, note: 1740 name plate speed / 60hz = 29rpm/hz
[05:59:56] <zee-Lathe> preset_single_register(param, slavedata->slave, 0x0705, write_data[0]);
[05:59:56] <Connor_iPad> I mean modbus is a standard protocol. But. The commands are not standard.
[06:00:11] <zee-Lathe> i execute those 2 commands to set the frequency on the drive
[06:01:40] <zee-Lathe> the way wj200m looks like is to put it in run/stop state
[06:01:51] <zee-Lathe> you gotta use the coil functions in the modbus library
[06:02:51] <zee-Lathe> the only register you write to is the frequency
[06:03:58] <Tom_itx> later guys
[06:04:01] <zee-Lathe> cya
[06:04:03] <Connor_iPad> Later tom
[06:04:14] -!- ink [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[06:04:14] <PetefromTn> Later Tom...
[06:04:21] <Connor_iPad> Well get it figured out.
[06:04:43] <zee-Lathe> omfg
[06:04:49] <zee-Lathe> the coils is even easier to work with
[06:04:55] <zee-Lathe> they're either 1 or 0.. lol
[06:05:06] <Connor_iPad> Still think the noise issue is the VFD generating emf on the cable linking the pic to the Break out board.
[06:05:06] <PetefromTn> Guys I am falling asleep here will talk more about this tomorrow if you don't mind.. sure appreciate the help....
[06:05:33] <Connor_iPad> Okay PetefromTn
[06:05:35] <zee-Lathe> so all you gotta do is "force_single_coil(parameters (like 8n2), slaveaddress, coil address, 1 or 2)
[06:05:38] <zee-Lathe> nice and simple!
[06:05:43] <zee-Lathe> cya pete!
[06:06:12] <PetefromTn> Yeah man I REALLY want to get this going but I am czonked..
[06:06:39] <PetefromTn> I love to hear simple
[06:07:09] <PetefromTn> Connor see ya tomorrow morning man....have a good night.
[06:07:18] <Connor_iPad> Okay PetefromTn
[06:07:33] -!- PetefromTn has quit [Quit: Bye]
[06:07:37] <zee-Lathe> Connor_iPad, do you see anything about output current
[06:07:40] <zee-Lathe> in the registers?
[06:07:46] <Connor_iPad> One sec.
[06:08:08] <zee-Lathe> nm
[06:08:14] <zee-Lathe> they are listed at page 359
[06:08:28] <zee-Lathe> wow this drive has a watt-hour monitor lol
[06:08:36] <Connor_iPad> Page 359
[06:08:54] <zee-Lathe> okay, so the only major difference is the writing of the direction and run state
[06:09:03] <zee-Lathe> other than that, its all the same as my drive with different addresses.
[06:09:10] <Connor_iPad> Cool
[06:09:31] <zee-Lathe> this is a way better drive than my vfd.
[06:09:39] <zee-Lathe> its got so much extra monitoring parameters.
[06:09:51] <zee-Lathe> 1010h builtin torque monitor
[06:10:19] -!- GJdan has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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[06:11:19] <zeeshan> :D
[06:11:50] <Connor_iPad> Yea. It's nice
[06:12:49] <zeeshan> watt hour meters are in energy meters, not vfds!
[06:13:22] <Connor_iPad> Vids?
[06:13:32] <zeeshan> of
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[06:25:50] <Connor_iPad> Logging off myself.
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[10:13:49] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[13:43:54] <PetefromTn> Mornin' fellow CNC junkies..
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[13:48:24] <Loetmichel> g'day PetefromTn
[13:48:41] <PetefromTn> G'day mate LOL.. I thought you were German??
[13:56:13] <Loetmichel> i am
[13:56:45] <Loetmichel> so what? its 15:56 over here ;-)
[13:56:54] <Loetmichel> that fits for "g'day"
[13:57:05] <Loetmichel> 14:56
[13:57:51] <PetefromTn> Just sounded rather auzzie is all man hehe
[13:59:33] <Loetmichel> <- nearly as typing lazy as any aussie ;-)
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[14:04:19] <PetefromTn> Got my pal Connor coming over today possibly. We are gonna have a mini LinuxCNC meeting in the shop here today. Got lots of cool stuff to do and gonna make some parts too..
[14:04:46] <Tom_itx> gonna get a tool changer workin?
[14:05:21] <PetefromTn> Damn man I wish LOL..
[14:05:32] <Tom_itx> what you waitin for?
[14:05:41] <Tom_itx> it ain't gonna do itself
[14:06:00] <PetefromTn> I'd just be happy with an update to linuxCNC and some mods to the control setup and a start on the modbus stuff...
[14:06:18] <PetefromTn> No it ain't gonna do itself you are totally right there.
[14:06:37] <Tom_itx> so what you gonna do _after_ breakfast then?
[14:07:13] <PetefromTn> My wife is tearing up my kitchen right now painting and we found a hole in the wall behind the stove that needs patched so we are gonna of course tear out a huge panel of sheetrock instead of just a small patch...
[14:07:36] <Tom_itx> probably quicker in the end
[14:08:00] <PetefromTn> Tom_itx: Well it is my Oldest Daughter's birthday she is coming over today for a little while so we are gonna head out and get a cake and some kinda present after Breakfast..
[14:09:15] <PetefromTn> I get what your are shovelin' here tho man I NEED to get moving on this toolchanger hehe...
[14:09:53] <PetefromTn> Honestly if I could get my VFD working with Modbus like our pal Zeeshan has with all that feedback we would be a step closer that is for sure..
[14:10:07] <Tom_itx> getting GIT installed and able to keep master updates would be a help though
[14:11:13] <PetefromTn> yeah that is the plan today I suppose. Got that long cable ready so we can install stuff quickly but I need to remove that big ass panel behind the pendant to do it because I have not gotten that RJ45 connector plug plate installed yet.
[14:11:44] <PetefromTn> Hoping an update will fix some of the niggly annoyances like the tool table editor problem.
[14:11:46] <Tom_itx> so mount that today too
[14:11:59] <PetefromTn> I would but I don't have it yet..
[14:12:26] <PetefromTn> Been working on getting these sidewheels programs done and making parts all week. Also working on some lathe parts for customer.
[14:13:08] <Tom_itx> so the proverbial ball is starting to roll downhill a bit ehh?
[14:14:18] <PetefromTn> huh?
[14:14:24] <PetefromTn> You mean work coming in?
[14:14:27] <Tom_itx> yeah
[14:15:07] * Tom_itx goes to walk the dogs
[14:15:42] <PetefromTn> Honestly this work is coming from my own products which is nice but I am hoping for some projects from customers on a consistent basis..
[14:16:51] <PetefromTn> Or rather products that they want made on a consistent basis so it is not so sporadic here..
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[19:52:58] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop, no i haven't downloaded one in a while
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[19:53:53] <Tom_itx> what's new with it?
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[19:59:41] <pcw_home> JT-Shop: we have silver laced Wyandottes and a few kind of feral chickens that adopted us
[19:59:43] <pcw_home> (the coyotes can catch the Wyandottes but not the feral chickens, too fast and good flyers)
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