#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-04-06

[00:01:20] <XXCoder1> havent used since long time ago so no idea
[00:01:28] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:25:33] -!- terabyte- has quit [Quit: terabyte-]
[00:30:45] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[00:34:06] -!- skorasaurus has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[00:34:07] -!- terabyte- [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:35:13] -!- tjtr33 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:36:12] -!- tinkerer has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:36:25] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:43:21] -!- terabyte- has quit [Quit: terabyte-]
[00:46:15] -!- terabyte- [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:54:03] -!- skunkworks [skunkworks!~chatzilla@str-broadband-ccmts-ws-26.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:54:03] <Connor> Tom_itx: Was it you or JT-Shop who wrote the g-code wizard program?
[00:55:02] <zeeshan|2> didnt bob write that
[00:55:07] <zeeshan|2> bob wadfield or whatever his name is
[00:56:05] <PetefromTn_> JT was working on the G code program I think..
[00:56:18] <Tom_itx> it was jt
[00:56:32] <Connor> okay. Well.. dang.. pocket doesn't do what I need anyway..
[00:56:37] <zeeshan|2> im a funny guy
[00:56:40] <zeeshan|2> im using a machinist protactor
[00:56:46] <zeeshan|2> to put angles on my wood shelf piece
[00:56:51] <Connor> I need a .325 counter bore about .25 deep
[00:56:56] <zeeshan|2> machinist tool abuse
[00:57:01] <Connor> using .25 endmill.
[00:57:05] <Tom_itx> Connor, did you get the latest? he fixed a few things...
[00:57:12] <Connor> not yet.
[00:57:29] <zeeshan|2> connor i dont see the problem?
[00:57:50] <zeeshan|2> btw using a .25 end mill to make a .25 hole for a 1/4 socket head cap screw
[00:57:55] <Connor> zeeshan|2: I'm not opening up a CAM program to do it.
[00:58:00] <zeeshan|2> will prolly not let yuou slide the bolt in
[00:58:15] <Tom_itx> Connor, you should be able to calculate that pretty easy
[00:58:16] <zeeshan|2> cause a good .25 end mill is actually .250"
[00:58:24] <Connor> .25 DEEP counterbore.. not for a 1/4 socket head cap screw
[00:58:36] <zeeshan|2> whoops i read that wrong
[00:58:47] <Connor> .325" diameter counter bore
[00:58:51] <zeeshan|2> all you need is a g02 code for that
[00:59:02] <zeeshan|2> with cutter compensation on
[00:59:03] <Connor> Been a while since I've done straight gcode
[00:59:06] <Tom_itx> cut a .2 circle at a couple depths
[00:59:07] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:59:17] KreAture is now known as KreAture_Zzz
[01:01:43] <Tom_itx> unless you want a cleanup pass, then undercut it a bit
[01:01:49] <Connor> G02 R.2 X0 Y0 F20 ?
[01:02:04] <Tom_itx> where's your arc center?
[01:02:21] <Connor> 0,0
[01:03:05] <Connor> that's not right.. is it.
[01:04:34] <andypugh> Connor: I was going to do the orient thing, but my setup is so much unlike yours, that I stopped and decided to ask what your hardware is.
[01:05:08] <andypugh> I have a 5i23, 7i49, Resolvers and auto gear detection. I suspect that you have none of the above.
[01:05:18] <Connor> andypugh: MY hardware is SCR based speed controller with a encoder on the motor 1:1
[01:05:39] <andypugh> Analogue voltage control?
[01:05:42] <Connor> I was testing it for PetefromTn_.. Who will have a 5i25 with 7i77 and a VFD via modbox.
[01:05:43] <Connor> modbus
[01:05:44] <Connor> yes.
[01:05:51] <Connor> no, PWM to analog
[01:06:20] <andypugh> Cripes, modbus is really going to complicate matter. I will just create the signal and let you link it :-)
[01:06:45] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:06:48] <andypugh> Is it bipolar or speed-direction?
[01:07:09] <Connor> speed and dir
[01:07:23] <Connor> so, no negative speed if I understand your question
[01:07:45] <Tom_L> G02 X0.0375 Y0.0 I-0.0375 J0.0 F20
[01:07:54] <zeeshan|2> is g02 quadrant
[01:07:54] <zeeshan|2> or
[01:08:00] <zeeshan|2> what in linux
[01:09:37] <andypugh> Connor: The drawback is that i can’t test the HAL on my system.
[01:09:56] <andypugh> So this may take a few iterations
[01:10:05] <Connor> No problem.
[01:10:07] <Tom_L> Connor, that's what my cam put out
[01:10:24] <Tom_L> x0 y0 center
[01:10:30] <zeeshan|2> Tom_L: is g02 and g03 quadrant based in linuxcnc
[01:10:39] <Tom_L> i don't think so
[01:11:03] <zeeshan|2> we'll find out soon enough :P
[01:11:07] <zeeshan|2> ru nthat code connor!
[01:11:11] <zeeshan|2> and see if it goes quarter of a circle :P
[01:11:13] <Tom_L> the only one i experienced that was, was an old Boss5
[01:11:33] <zeeshan|2> ah
[01:11:48] -!- george2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:12:00] <Connor_mill> G02 X0.0375 Y0.0 I-0.0375 J0.0 F20 produces a error
[01:12:12] <Connor_mill> Radius to end of arc differs from radius to start ?
[01:12:29] <Tom_L> hang on..
[01:12:56] <Tom_L> that should work.. i'm using my linuxcnc post
[01:13:22] <Tom_L> lemme add a lead in move
[01:16:50] <PetefromTn_> Connor you need to setup a lead in and out as well as step depth for it so a simple G02 or 3 will be rough...CamBam is simple enough to set it up.
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N1 T11 M06 ( 1/4" END MILL )
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N2 G17 G00 G90 X0.0 Y0.0 S3500 M03
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N3 G43 Z0.2 H11
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N4 Z0.1
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N5 G01 Z-0.25 F2.7
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N6 X0.0375 F5.5
[01:17:21] <Tom_L> N7 G02 X0.0375 Y0.0 I-0.0375 J0.0
[01:17:22] <Tom_L> N8 G00 Z0.2
[01:17:22] <Tom_L> N9 G00 Z0.2
[01:17:23] <Tom_L> N10 M05
[01:17:23] <Tom_L> N11 G28 Z0
[01:17:24] <Tom_L> N12 G28 Y0
[01:17:24] <Tom_L> N13 M30
[01:17:33] <Tom_L> change the feed
[01:17:45] <Tom_L> and add a plunge move
[01:17:53] <Tom_L> but that's full depth
[01:18:31] <Tom_L> actually it should feed in from the center from .1
[01:18:51] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:18:55] <Tom_L> you want 2 passes?
[01:19:18] <Connor_mill> It's a counter bore... doesn't have to be perfect.
[01:19:41] <Tom_itx> well edit your tool and H and F and it should run
[01:20:12] <Tom_itx> and remove one of the N8 or N9
[01:20:14] <Connor_mill> What's the H ?
[01:20:25] <Tom_itx> for some reason my cam puts 2 of those out
[01:20:30] <Tom_itx> length offset
[01:20:42] <Tom_itx> T1 H1 etc
[01:20:54] <PetefromTn_> I just did it in CamBam and got a pastebin but it has stuff for my machine and tooling so dunno how usesful it is.
[01:20:59] <Connor_mill> Don't want any off sets right now.
[01:21:03] <PetefromTn_> H callout is tool lenth comp.
[01:21:12] <Tom_itx> it's for your tool length
[01:21:39] <Tom_L> run it in butter first
[01:22:15] -!- thomaslindstr_m has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[01:22:37] <PetefromTn_> if you setup a single tool you can just run the code but delete the tool info and the homing at the end..
[01:23:33] -!- witnit has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[01:24:59] <LeelooMinai> Does wnyone have recommendation for a cheap, but modern (in production) MB for linuxcnc (so with parallel port)?
[01:25:04] <LeelooMinai> anyone*
[01:25:50] <Tom_L> Connor, what's your tool number?
[01:25:56] <Tom_L> and feed you wanna use
[01:26:29] <Connor_mill> T1, no offsets or tool length as I'm doing manual touch off right now
[01:26:43] <Connor_mill> I dunno.. milling alumn with 2 flute HSS
[01:26:49] <Tom_L> this has lead in lead out moves in it:
[01:26:52] <Connor_mill> let me confirm the depth
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> %
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> (temp.txt)
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> N1 T1 M06 ( 1/4" END MILL )
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> N2 G17 G00 G90 X0.0 Y0.0 S3500 M03
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> N3 G43 Z0.225 H1
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> N4 G01 Z-0.125 F10
[01:26:54] <Tom_L> N5 X0.0375 F20
[01:26:55] <Tom_L> N6 G02 X0.0375 Y0.0 I-0.0375 J0.0
[01:26:55] <Tom_L> N7 G01 X0.0
[01:26:56] <Tom_L> N8 Z-0.25
[01:26:56] <Tom_L> N9 X0.0375
[01:26:57] <Tom_L> N10 G02 X0.0375 Y0.0 I-0.0375 J0.0
[01:27:16] <Tom_L> N17 M30
[01:27:16] <Tom_L> %
[01:27:18] <Tom_L> woops
[01:27:24] <Connor_mill> ?
[01:27:31] <Tom_L> remove that N1 line
[01:27:40] <Tom_L> i didn't copy it all the first time
[01:27:51] <Tom_L> F20
[01:27:55] <Tom_L> plunge feed 10
[01:28:36] <Tom_L> you may wanna edit your S too
[01:29:11] <Connor_mill> N8 line, that suppose to be safe height ?
[01:29:21] <Connor_mill> if so.. it needs to be positive...
[01:29:24] <Tom_L> N8 is depth
[01:29:41] <Tom_L> err no, that's the first cut depth at 1/8"
[01:29:46] <Tom_L> i made 2 passes
[01:29:56] <Tom_L> .125 and .250
[01:29:58] <Connor_mill> okay.. so 2 passes first at .125, 2nd at .250
[01:30:00] <Connor_mill> okay.
[01:30:02] -!- nylar [nylar!~nylar@unaffiliated/nylar] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:30:14] <Connor_mill> what m30 ?
[01:30:21] <Tom_L> same as M2
[01:30:34] <PetefromTn_> end of program
[01:31:21] <PetefromTn_> you probably don't want line n1 or n3
[01:31:52] <Tom_L> should be ok
[01:32:19] <Tom_L> just make sure T1 entry in the tool table has the H word at 0
[01:32:21] <PetefromTn_> not if he has an offset for tool 1 loaded...
[01:32:26] <Tom_L> if you're gonna touch off
[01:32:43] -!- gene_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:33:23] <PetefromTn_> yeah but since he is just gonna touch off the tool using G54 with the tool in the spindle you could run it without those lines just fine.
[01:33:50] <Tom_L> i didn't mod it, just posted with my cam
[01:34:14] <Tom_L> it's pretty clean other than N12 N13 doubling up
[01:34:17] <Connor_mill> I pulled out the g43
[01:34:32] <PetefromTn_> http://pastebin.com/mTrSMJ5V
[01:34:41] <Tom_L> the dimensions should be good to go
[01:34:51] <PetefromTn_> That is what I got but it has TlOs and other stuff he don't want..
[01:35:10] -!- cmorley [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:35:23] <Connor_mill> okay.. I have to touch off again.. brb
[01:35:34] <PetefromTn_> Connor you are using TTS tooling right?
[01:36:14] -!- dybskiy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:36:27] <Tom_L> your post must do quadrants
[01:36:33] <Tom_L> it looks odd
[01:37:03] <Tom_L> way more G2 lines than you need
[01:37:04] -!- micges-dev [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:37:13] <PetefromTn_> that is what cambam put out using a .1 DOC
[01:37:34] <Tom_L> i just split the difference from the .250 depth
[01:37:49] <Tom_L> and did 2 arcs
[01:38:18] <PetefromTn_> probably a dozen ways to machine that hole..
[01:38:33] <Tom_L> i have step drills for that
[01:38:41] <Tom_L> to do socket head cap screws
[01:38:59] <PetefromTn_> you mean counterbore bits?
[01:39:18] <Tom_L> it does the shank and head together
[01:40:16] <Tom_L> you may need to cut through on thick material but i set it for the head depth
[01:41:22] <PetefromTn_> on a simple bolt and counterbore hole I usually spot, drill then mill but it depends on the tooling I have here...
[01:41:45] <PetefromTn_> if the screw is large enough I may mill the whole thing if it is not too deep.
[01:41:57] <Tom_L> i've done that
[01:46:28] <PetefromTn_> Watching the Fifth Element.... one of my favorite guilty pleasures..LOL
[01:46:59] <Tom_L> ain't much on tonight really...
[01:47:22] <PetefromTn_> it's on Netflix..
[01:48:08] <Tom_L> i could pull that up but i'm too lazy to get outta the office chair
[01:48:27] <PetefromTn_> well then you cannot see LeeLoo...
[01:48:36] <PetefromTn_> ;)
[01:48:45] <Connor_mill> That did it.
[01:48:57] <PetefromTn_> did what?
[01:49:09] <Connor_mill> now to tap 4 x 1/4 NTP and my manifold is done.
[01:49:17] <Connor_mill> that G code Tom gave me.
[01:49:22] <PetefromTn_> cool..
[01:49:30] <PetefromTn_> you got a 1/4 inch tap?
[01:50:01] <Connor_mill> and... I do need a larger pump.. not enough power to over come the head.. I have to lower the Z till it almost touches the table before it'll start
[01:50:05] <Connor_mill> after it starts, it's good
[01:50:07] <Connor_mill> ye.
[01:50:08] <Connor_mill> yea
[01:50:24] <PetefromTn_> that is the problem I had with the first one...
[01:50:44] <Connor_mill> I need to get a squeegee to push all the coolant toward the drain.
[01:51:05] -!- terabyte- [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:51:05] <PetefromTn_> doesn't it slope down to it...
[01:51:31] <Connor_mill> on the sides.. but still stands a bit in the middle
[01:52:07] <PetefromTn_> I shimmed my old enclosure to drain in the front and then shimmed the mill to be level from there..
[01:53:58] -!- hhhh has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[01:57:27] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[01:58:08] <Connor_mill> okay, so, first time using coolant.. what's the clean up procedure for the machine ?
[01:58:54] <PetefromTn_> I usually just blow off the excess and wipe it down with a rag moist with oil or wd40 or something...
[01:59:22] -!- lyzidiamond has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:59:31] <PetefromTn_> if you are using good coolant it should not rust but getting it off keeps it from drying and leaving residue on everything.
[02:00:24] <Connor_mill> It's the stuff that Tormach sells
[02:00:29] <Connor_mill> suppose to be pretty good
[02:00:35] <andypugh> Connor: Connor_mill: I came up with this. I haven’t even tested that it loads. It’s a standalone HAL file, so you would need to lose all spindle stuffs from other HAL files.
[02:00:38] <andypugh> http://pastebin.com/ASmMGZsW
[02:01:06] <Tom_itx> i've seen some machines with a garden hose attached to the coolant pump to hose the inside down and flush all the shavings to the cleanouts
[02:01:19] <PetefromTn_> yeah mine is like that..
[02:01:27] -!- terabyte- has quit [Quit: terabyte-]
[02:01:48] <Connor_mill> andypugh: Cool. I'll check it out.. probably tomorrow
[02:01:50] <PetefromTn_> I hose the entire enclosure out when I am finished. There is a ball valve on the millhead that turns off the coolant nozzles so all the pressure goes to the hose.
[02:01:51] <andypugh> I tend to wash clamp parts under the coolant
[02:02:22] <andypugh> My current coolant doesn’t smell right though.
[02:02:52] <PetefromTn_> ew nothing worse than skunkie coolant LOL>
[02:03:00] <andypugh> It doesn’t really smell at all. I like wandering about smelling of industry :-)
[02:03:11] <Tom_itx> heh
[02:03:25] <Tom_itx> it's hard to get away from that working in a shop anyway
[02:03:33] <PetefromTn_> this Trim Sol I am using seems to be pretty damn nice so far.
[02:03:48] <Tom_itx> i don't remember what we used
[02:03:51] <PetefromTn_> yeah my wife says I always smell like metal.
[02:04:45] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: Eat more beans.
[02:04:59] <PetefromTn_> LOL NOBODY wants that..
[02:06:15] <andypugh> I used to live on Industry Street in Sheffield. (Close to Faith Street and Charity Street)
[02:07:27] <andypugh> Connor_mill: I hope it is clear what is going on in that HAL. All that is really “extra” is the mux to switch modes.
[02:07:36] <andypugh> And now, ’tis time to sleep.
[02:07:37] <PetefromTn_> FinboySlick Are you the same Finboyslick from the CNCzone.
[02:07:48] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[02:08:31] <PetefromTn_> just was looking at the info on the Fifth Element movie and there is a song called LeeLooMinai.... Someone here named LeeLooMinai pretty cool.
[02:08:51] -!- Servos4ever [Servos4ever!~chatzilla@74-47-244-111.dr01.hnvr.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:08:53] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: Um... Unlikely. I visited the site once or twice but I'm not sure if I have an account.
[02:09:18] <FinboySlick> I'm rather amazed that someone else would pick up that handle though.
[02:09:53] <PetefromTn_> Coulda swore there was someone there named that but maybe I was wrong.
[02:10:30] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: Well, as I said, I may have posted there years ago.
[02:12:54] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWZG1nhgwgg Speaking of the Isle of Man TT....
[02:17:04] <FinboySlick> And to think of the tiny area of rubber holding him onto the road during those turns.
[02:17:08] -!- nylar has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:19:16] <PetefromTn_> yeah if you ever start to THINK you are fast on a bike.....just watch that for a couple minutes. He is not HUMAN.
[02:19:40] <jdh> I averaged 12mph today.
[02:19:59] -!- c-bob [c-bob!~c@unaffiliated/c-bob] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:20:19] <FinboySlick> Much as I like the feel of sporty driving, I'm way too much of a wuss to consider anything of the sort.
[02:20:39] <jdh> oh, wrong bike :(
[02:21:39] -!- micges-dev has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:23:46] <PetefromTn_> I used to ride my sportbikes pretty fast on the track and on the streets of Norcal and once in awhile I THOUGHT I was actually fast.... then I rode with some guys who actually were and realized I was SLOW as shit. THose guys in the video would SMOKE the guys who smoked me without even trying. Everything is degrees right....
[02:25:42] -!- dybskiy has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:27:12] dybskiy_ is now known as dybskiy
[02:28:14] <PetefromTn_> I beleive that is what I would refer to as LUDICROUS speed....
[02:28:33] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk7VWcuVOf0
[02:29:56] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:31:11] -!- lyzidiamond has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:34:03] <FinboySlick> Is that circuit only for bike racing?
[02:34:54] <PetefromTn_> actually it is the country roads used by the townspeople LOL..
[02:35:13] <PetefromTn_> Dunno if they race cars there or not..
[02:36:13] -!- lyzidiamond has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[02:47:46] -!- Connor_mill [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
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[02:56:28] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Quit: A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.]
[02:56:32] <Connor> Coolant manifold DONE!
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[07:27:53] <Deejay> moin
[07:45:00] <Jymmm> You're 20 minutes early, did the sky fall or something?
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[07:45:49] <Deejay> hi Jymmm ;-)
[07:46:13] <Deejay> actually, i'm late
[07:46:23] <Jymmm> oh, oooops
[07:46:27] <Deejay> we have done a one hour time shift (summer time)
[07:46:53] <Jymmm> Gotcha
[07:47:00] <Deejay> it's already 9:46 am here
[07:47:08] <Deejay> but its ok, its sunday :)
[07:47:16] <Jymmm> heh
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[07:57:48] <Einar> Deejay: Was the time change today? It was last weekend here in Norway. I'm just getting over the "clock lag". :-)
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[08:06:22] <Deejay> Einar, no, was last weekend here
[08:06:39] <Deejay> i would think its all the same in europe
[08:07:03] <Deejay> its always on the last weekend in march
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[15:50:57] <tom_R2E3> hi all. Basic setup question: Is there anything else that affects axis calibration other than, ballscrew pitch, encoder to ballscrew gear ratio, and encoder counts per rev?
[15:51:35] <tom_R2E3> I've setup my machine and I have an error of about 2% on movement
[15:52:05] <Tom_itx> you sure on the ballscrew pitch? it's not metric is it?
[15:52:13] <Tom_itx> or vice versa
[15:53:08] <tom_R2E3> it says in my manual that its a "5-pitch (0.2"/rev)"
[15:53:24] <Tom_itx> what's the dial indicator say?
[15:55:42] <Tom_itx> motor to ballscrew ratio
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[15:58:36] <archivist> has someone converted it to metric in the past
[15:59:20] <tom_R2E3> just measuring the screw with a vernier and it doesn't look imperial to me
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[15:59:57] <tom_R2E3> it's a bridgeport, maybe they changed at some point
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[16:00:47] <Tom_itx> is it direct drive or belt/gear reduction?
[16:00:54] <Tom_itx> double check that too
[16:00:59] <Tom_itx> the ratio
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[16:04:56] <tom_R2E3> right, this ball screw is definitely metric, Bridgeport manual is leading me a stray
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[16:09:55] <tom_R2E3> thanks for your help
[16:11:18] <Tom_itx> just fix the scale factor
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[16:18:49] <tom_R2E3> yep, should be 400
[16:19:55] <tom_R2E3> sorted now, measured a parallel to check it
[16:38:24] <witnit> Im working on a software project that automatically turns pulls the pins from your hal file and builds a schematic using gschem. Everything seems to work but I have some odd syntax rather at programming, anyone using a printer port setup interested in looking at this?
[16:38:44] <witnit> -turns
[16:40:47] <witnit> if you know how to grep, awk, and sed I would like to ask you a question or two! here is the file extract and run.
[16:43:10] <witnit> the problem is it grabs all the outputs and in the right order and lays them in the schematic but then it skips a couple of the inputs and doesnt get them layed out...
[16:43:41] <witnit> I would like to do one for the mesa cards as well but I think I need to get this all correct to begin with.
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[16:56:08] <archivist> why only greping for parport
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[16:56:36] <archivist> well net as well
[16:57:59] <archivist> there have been a number of attempts to create a schematic of the hal file
[16:58:17] <witnit> yeah?
[16:58:20] <Tom_itx> somebody did one with eagle didn't they?
[16:58:24] <witnit> im realllllly new to programming
[16:58:36] <witnit> and I thought this would be a fairly easy venture hahaah
[16:58:56] <witnit> the logic is good right?
[16:59:37] <witnit> I just thought that would be the easiest way to pinout the port, start there. then work to fill in the rest once i got that far
[16:59:40] <archivist> a net may have many connections
[17:00:05] <witnit> initially I was just going to do all the ones in the list that comes with emc
[17:00:33] <witnit> but then I saw it gets rather complex, so I figured I would just do parports until I figured out what I was doing
[17:01:08] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:01:12] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:01:18] <witnit> hey
[17:01:24] <Tom_itx> not so much a beginner project i'd say
[17:01:35] <witnit> yeah but, I got pretty far in two hours
[17:01:40] <witnit> did you try it? :)
[17:01:46] <Tom_itx> no
[17:02:41] <witnit> the first time it actually output the pins directly to the schematic I got all warm and fuzzy inside, i guess when I become a seasoned programmer I will notice nothing but the bugs
[17:03:26] <archivist> you want bugs?, where is the ground connection :)
[17:03:28] <IchGuckLive> witnit: nice work
[17:03:38] <witnit> thanks guck!
[17:04:02] <witnit> its on its way, one step at a time or, wave, if your a servo guy
[17:04:07] <IchGuckLive> but you can get it ready made for less then 10 USD
[17:05:01] <witnit> I think 5 of you smart guys could have this things fully functional in 48 hours
[17:05:48] <witnit> encoders, pendants, kral, the works
[17:06:39] <IchGuckLive> did you see my vid on youtube on how to
[17:06:45] <witnit> noooo
[17:06:48] <witnit> I want
[17:06:52] <IchGuckLive> http://www.youtube.com/user/magic33de/videos
[17:07:01] <IchGuckLive> 50 vids on linuxcnc
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[17:09:35] <witnit> bookmarked
[17:09:53] <witnit> videos are great, I just turn them on and soak up the knowledge
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[17:12:19] <Einar> I noticed yesterday that the tool does not show in Axis (lathe). It seems just to affect tool 1. What could be the cause?
[17:14:27] <IchGuckLive> Einar tool one is on autogenerate in axis glcanon so it is not always redrawn
[17:15:08] <Einar> Autogenerate? glcanon?
[17:15:25] <IchGuckLive> the screen generator of axis interpreter
[17:15:40] <IchGuckLive> i had that problem also on my wirercut
[17:16:24] <Einar> So there is nothing I can do to get it back? It was OK before and I don't know what I did to make it invisible.
[17:17:44] <Einar> I'm a bit nervous to G0<anything> in MDI when the tool seems to be off screen.
[17:18:22] <witnit> this was my first build
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[17:18:31] <witnit> http://www.youtube.com/user/HuntingtonScrew
[17:20:53] <Einar> Witnit: What kind of lathe is that? Is it driven by a steam engine? :-)
[17:20:57] <archivist> update your description :)
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[17:21:04] <witnit> haah
[17:21:17] <witnit> its an index b-60
[17:22:10] <IchGuckLive> index G200 is far the whorst to programm on
[17:22:58] <IchGuckLive> witnit: where are you in the world im in germany
[17:24:13] <IchGuckLive> Einar i woudt make a sidebarthat showes all needed infos on the laded tool
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[17:25:34] <witnit> indiana usa
[17:25:35] <witnit> :P
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[17:25:40] <IchGuckLive> Einar and dont forget that in mdi not all infos are modal
[17:25:55] <witnit> I picked these machines up on a trade for about 3000 parts
[17:25:57] <IchGuckLive> so many infos needs to be loaded in the eight order and right place
[17:26:05] <witnit> you ever seen a davenport?
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[17:26:46] <IchGuckLive> http://www.davenportmachine.com/
[17:26:52] <witnit> yeah those :)
[17:27:27] <witnit> My brother and I extended one and can run over 8 inch parts on it :)
[17:27:29] <IchGuckLive> cheep and seams only to be build for one serios
[17:28:16] <witnit> that part he index machine was running im running in five seconds flat on the davenport and its 6" long!
[17:28:31] <witnit> you have to load the machine every few minutes, it wears you out
[17:29:58] <Tom_itx> i think i have a davenport manual here somewhere
[17:30:27] <Tom_itx> old bar machine though
[17:30:29] <IchGuckLive> witnit: how is the temperature up zjere in the USA
[17:30:34] <IchGuckLive> still cold
[17:31:00] <Tom_itx> worked in a shop full of gridley, davenport & Brown & Sharps
[17:31:05] <Tom_itx> probably 20-30 ea
[17:31:24] <witnit> about 50f
[17:31:34] <witnit> yeah, how is your hearing?
[17:31:53] <Tom_itx> i ran the gridleys
[17:31:56] <witnit> did you guys run hex/square brass on the davenports?
[17:32:00] <Tom_itx> not quite as bad
[17:32:18] <Tom_itx> all
[17:32:23] <witnit> yeah I have two 1 1/4's and 4 davenports
[17:32:23] <Tom_itx> hex round square etc
[17:32:31] <Tom_itx> up to 1.5"
[17:32:34] <witnit> that stuff is terrible
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[17:32:46] <Tom_itx> beat the crap outta the feed tubes
[17:32:48] <witnit> brass banging aroung at 2000 rpm :P
[17:32:53] <Tom_itx> i ran 6 & 8 spindle gridleys
[17:32:58] <witnit> x5
[17:33:16] <witnit> well get me a deal on a couple 8 spindle machines
[17:33:29] <witnit> I need a 1 5/8 real bad
[17:33:41] <Tom_itx> not too many around anymore
[17:33:42] <witnit> 2" would work as well
[17:33:57] <Tom_itx> alot of these were WWII era
[17:33:57] <witnit> I like them, they are easy and consistant
[17:34:07] <witnit> mine are too
[17:34:50] <Tom_itx> 60, 61, 51, 52 and the 8 spindle
[17:35:18] <Tom_itx> the 50, 51 & 8 spindle were newer with enclosed feed tubes
[17:35:46] <witnit> yeah, mine a bit newer, but im looking at a couple that are old and one that has the slants in it
[17:35:55] <witnit> not sure when those came out
[17:36:06] <Tom_itx> slants?
[17:36:13] <witnit> rebuilt in 73 I think
[17:36:15] <witnit> slant beds
[17:36:25] <witnit> like the cross slide
[17:36:28] <Tom_itx> yeah
[17:37:04] <Tom_itx> i ran like 6 or so at a time
[17:37:30] <Tom_itx> several dumpsters of shavings a shift
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[17:40:37] <Tom_itx> davenports are for smaller stock aren't they?
[17:40:42] <IchGuckLive> ok im off BYE
[17:40:45] <Tom_itx> at least the ones i saw were
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[17:41:03] <Tom_itx> the B&S were midrange size material
[17:41:06] <witnit> ayeah
[17:41:21] <witnit> they are 9/16 with overside spindles
[17:41:27] <Tom_itx> yep
[17:41:37] <witnit> oversize*
[17:41:37] <Tom_itx> they ran alot of 'wire' size stuff thru them
[17:41:41] <witnit> https://s3.amazonaws.com/machinetools_production/uploads/1448697/DSC01379.JPG
[17:41:45] <witnit> theres one of the slants
[17:41:59] <witnit> I think they were just the bigger machines that had those not sure though
[17:42:02] <witnit> like maybe 2" and up
[17:42:22] <Tom_itx> looks more like a gridley
[17:42:33] <witnit> yeah it is
[17:42:46] <witnit> mine are 1 1/4
[17:42:53] <witnit> that one is something bigger
[17:44:33] <witnit> ive been considering and fully independant cnc rig for a davenport
[17:44:48] <witnit> each back spindle and crosslide has its own axis
[17:45:18] <witnit> and I want to turn two of back spindles into servo profiling heads
[17:47:57] <Tom_itx> what's setup time on one of those?
[17:48:07] <witnit> depends alot on the job
[17:48:12] <witnit> I mean ALOT
[17:48:19] <Tom_itx> it took most of a shift to change feedtubes collets & do a setup on the gridleys
[17:48:33] <witnit> but, on a job you have already got done, and just have to slap on, is about 2 hours
[17:48:52] <witnit> thats pushers, collets, toolings, gearchange, ect
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[17:49:19] <witnit> new job anywhere from 5-15 hours especially if you make your own tooling
[17:49:23] <witnit> which I do
[17:49:25] <witnit> ahahha
[17:49:32] <witnit> takes sooo long
[17:50:10] <Tom_itx> the tooling for these was probably 4-5" long profiles that got ground down as they wore out
[17:50:23] <witnit> form tools
[17:50:26] <Tom_itx> with dovetail mounts
[17:50:26] <Tom_itx> yes
[17:50:38] <witnit> davenports use circular forms too
[17:50:46] <witnit> but i dont like them most of the time
[17:50:49] <Tom_itx> ahh yes, i remember seeing those
[17:50:58] <witnit> have you ever set box tools?
[17:51:04] <witnit> or shaves?
[17:51:06] <Tom_itx> no, i never ran them
[17:51:25] <witnit> if you ever do production turning, you should buy a box tool and learn how it works
[17:51:52] <Tom_itx> i ran an okuma for a while
[17:52:01] <witnit> which model?
[17:52:05] <Tom_itx> kadet
[17:52:09] <witnit> no sub spindle?
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[17:52:13] <Tom_itx> no
[17:52:20] <witnit> no live tooling?
[17:52:29] <Tom_itx> no
[17:52:45] <Tom_itx> that was mostly a mill shop
[17:52:47] <witnit> I never ran any cnc other than the one I built
[17:53:04] <Tom_itx> couple manual lathes and the kadet
[17:53:09] <witnit> well I ran one in highschool
[17:53:12] <witnit> some basic mill
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[18:44:09] <pcw_home> Lovely: the guy who repaired our rototiller didn't fix the original compliant (fuel pump doesnt work still doesnt)
[18:44:10] <pcw_home> and changed the belt to the wrong sizes so now I have forward,forward, and stall instead of forward, neutral, and reverse
[18:44:12] <pcw_home> It _Does_ have a nice paint job though
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[19:02:57] <XXCoder1> jeez
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[19:42:23] <pcw_home> new belt ordered, fuel pump spring adjusted , sigh
[19:43:39] <skunkworks> yeck..
[19:44:13] <skunkworks> and a reason why we try to do everything ourselves..
[19:44:45] <pcw_home> got lazy
[19:45:59] <pcw_home> just about to buy a new one until I looked at the new ones with tinny blades
[19:48:00] <witnit> http
[19:48:47] <witnit>
[19:51:05] <witnit> finally got it finished, this should give a schematic of with all stepconf created hal files (single LPT in normal mode). if anyone wants it. I may make one for detecting in/out or x port pinouts.
[19:53:52] <Jymmm> put it on the wiki
[19:55:27] <witnit> I need to revise it and add some more options for double netted hooks, you are welcome to put it up or a variant you modify of it
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[20:02:04] <tjtr33> witnit, i tired your script, got only a parport ( none of my nets) . i commented out the rm,s to look at intermediate files. should the sed script be null file?
[20:02:44] <tjtr33> also gschem says "(gschem:2595): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: construct property "type" for object `Log' can't be set after construction"
[20:02:55] <tjtr33> tried your script
[20:03:41] <tjtr33> clever idea tho!
[20:07:08] <tjtr33> http://pastebin.com/YXyqFRR5 <== src hal file used
[20:07:47] <witnit> did it work with the default hal I had placed i there?
[20:09:59] <tjtr33> http://imagebin.org/304137
[20:10:08] <tjtr33> will try your hal
[20:10:57] <tjtr33> wait, shouldnt hte script be run _without_ your hal? the filename is replaceMeWithYourHal.hal
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[20:10:58] <witnit> your file worked fine for me
[20:11:21] <witnit> you have your schematic software installed?
[20:11:30] <witnit> gschem?
[20:11:37] <witnit> is what I used to view the schem
[20:11:38] <tjtr33> what files should be left in the folder with your script and my hal and the parport sch?
[20:11:44] <tjtr33> yes, see the screenshot
[20:11:50] <witnit> just put your hal file in there
[20:11:54] <witnit> and remove mine
[20:11:58] <witnit> should work
[20:13:49] <witnit> http://oi57.tinypic.com/2vrssoz.jpg
[20:14:00] <witnit> that was ththat was the schematic I got from your halfile
[20:15:05] <tjtr33> looks good, not what i get tho.
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[20:16:54] <tjtr33> my directory has just 3 files in it before I run your script: jj1.hal db25.sch stepconfpinout.sh right?
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[20:20:13] <witnit> oh sorry guys I wrapped up the wrong folder
[20:20:20] <witnit> Ill reupload in 30seconds :P
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[20:21:13] <tjtr33> np
[20:21:26] <witnit> ok
[20:24:44] -!- psha has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[20:24:56] <witnit> just replace hal file and execute the setconfpinout.sh and the schematic should output as "final.sch" and look like the link above when you open it
[20:25:39] <tjtr33> works great now, cool
[20:25:44] <witnit> woo!
[20:26:22] <witnit> awesome, so it should change if you make a new hal and layout accordingly, now I just need to build one to match up with axis buttons as well as doing some for the mesa cards =D
[20:28:03] <witnit> and modifications you guys can do to it be awesome, since im terrible and completely new to programming
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[20:28:22] <tjtr33> lemme check this circuit. some cross connections and floating ends seen, and whats the symbol repeated 10 times right of the parport?
[20:29:25] <tjtr33> what your trying to do is admirable and wanted, but tricky. i wrote a lot of ways to visulaize hal files, and was not satified with any of my attempts. your work looks good!
[20:31:38] <tjtr33> pin 15 & 16 connected? then pin 15 cant change if 16 is gnd.
[20:31:58] <tjtr33> same seen on you posted pic.
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[20:35:17] <tjtr33> oh, a split-2.sym is just to show fanout is possible
[20:36:41] <witnit> yeah I just started this thing like 4 hours ago :P on a whim
[20:37:46] <witnit> the core structure is there, but the code needs cleaned badly and small details will need lined up as well as a standard format for symbolism
[20:38:04] <witnit> I just grabbed the simplest things that were similarly sized and numbered
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[20:39:15] <tjtr33> np looks good, check to see if you think the pins ar eall off by 1 ( pin11 is drawn on 12 etc)
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[20:39:58] <tjtr33> i wrote a library of hal components for geda,i'll see if i can find them
[20:40:09] <witnit> that would be great
[20:40:38] <tjtr33> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HalSchematicsUsingGschem
[20:40:42] <witnit> I didnt even look it over hahah its probably off in many more places that that
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[20:41:03] <tjtr33> the last pin (gnfd) is floating in space
[20:41:06] <tjtr33> gnd
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[20:42:16] <tjtr33> what i learned was: a hal file can be too big to layout on a computer screen, so try breaking hal files into bits, like schematics with many pages
[20:43:04] <tjtr33> also naming signals is just like net names in hal
[20:43:06] <witnit> wow
[20:43:13] <witnit> this is intense gagaga
[20:43:18] <witnit> soooo much work done here
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[20:43:50] <tjtr33> look at the work doen in eagle, very similar, and well doen, again your script is a good idea
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[20:43:53] <witnit> if I could only use your structure and automate the process of filling it out this whole emc thing would be tooo easy
[20:44:23] <tjtr33> oh and rockhopper too, newer & very impressive
[20:45:07] <tjtr33> dont run off till you look a bit. hooking up threads and user comps are a lot of work
[20:45:46] <witnit> this should be on a sql db or something
[20:45:50] <tjtr33> in general i'd suggest lower your expectations ( SNL tm) and visualize parts to help explain ideas. documenting a whole system is daunting
[20:46:20] <tjtr33> and remember this is from a guy who failed to do it :)
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[20:47:28] <witnit> my key interest is making the halfile more understandable without having to map it yourself. so I figure so long as its general enough and I start with just the physical IO side of things the majority of the community could use it
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[20:48:40] <witnit> I dont irc much why did that just happen?
[20:48:46] <witnit> ^
[20:48:49] <XXCoder1> one server split off
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[20:48:55] <XXCoder1> taking users thats on it with it
[20:48:57] <tjtr33> yes, great idea, visualization of hal. plz look at node.js & raphael ( that ^^^ is a netsplit )
[20:49:09] <Deejay> gn8
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[20:50:08] <XXCoder1> witnit: generally because rest of freenode irc servers cant communcate with that node server
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[20:50:33] <witnit> ahhh
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[20:50:58] <witnit> tjtr33: thats some pretty nodes you got there
[20:51:13] <witnit> all this is beyond me hahahaha
[20:53:40] <tjtr33> no, its in your mind, so its not beyond you. few people can work visually, you can
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[20:54:38] <witnit> there is just soo much stuff i can barely make it through what I kind of understand let alone begin to integrate so much more
[20:54:56] <witnit> my best bet would be to rewrite this as an addon to rockhopper
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[20:56:04] <witnit> that rockhopper is some nasty business :P my next goal is to integrate zoneminder into a parts checker via camera and motion detection/comparison
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[20:57:02] <witnit> also I have another idea for using piezoelectric pickups on my slides so I can get waveform of my cutting cycle and vibrations in the machine
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[20:57:42] <witnit> that way it compares the vibrations to when the tooling was sharp and will tell me ahead of time if there is any major click thumbs or changes in the machine dye to tooling wear
[20:57:59] <witnit> thumps*
[20:58:12] <witnit> due to tooling wear* jeesh my typos :P
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[21:02:41] <pcw_home> total spindle work over job might be good
[21:02:54] <pcw_home> (integrate spindle load)
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[21:04:24] <witnit> they do make these "donuts" you can place behind your tool holders and such to check for such things as well but they are way too expensive
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[21:04:45] <witnit> I think if I just compare the vibrations waveforms with cheap sensors I could make it affordable
[21:05:24] <humble_sea_bass> is the donut full of pressure transducers?
[21:05:29] <witnit> yes
[21:05:44] <pcw_home> if you have a modbus connected spindle or analog load out, spindle load is probably available already
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[21:06:39] <witnit> yeah but load will not pick up things like chipped tooling if they still cut with eas
[21:07:55] <pcw_home> no but they will detect dull tooling that might be hard to detect with waveform
[21:08:05] <witnit> true
[21:08:16] <witnit> which is my usual problem anyhow
[21:08:24] <witnit> i do production runs
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[21:09:17] <humble_sea_bass> so build an empirical database of how a tools behave, or calibrate each new tol
[21:09:23] <pcw_home> I just suggest it since it may be doable with 0 hardware
[21:09:56] <humble_sea_bass> a dull tool will increase loading on one side I suppose
[21:09:56] <witnit> you pcw, archivist, cradek, skunk, you guys have been holding down linuxcnc chat for as long as I can recall
[21:09:57] <witnit> hahaha
[21:10:09] <pcw_home> (just the integ HALcomp and a modbus spindle)
[21:10:21] <witnit> well amps require to push that tool can be monitored at a servo as well
[21:10:37] <humble_sea_bass> that oo
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[21:11:32] <humble_sea_bass> it would be fun to just run a project with a hud showing all these time outputs
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[21:12:47] <pcw_home> yes either using torque mode servo drives or digital drives that can echo torque to linuxcnc,
[21:12:48] <pcw_home> you could also integrate the total servo axis work per part
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[21:16:09] <Einar> I think you should interface Siri to the machine so we can just tell it what to do. ;-)
[21:16:11] <witnit> I think you could probably pull that information from your required v+ commanded position required in order to stay at a constant rate, as that number would increase
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[21:17:19] <witnit> I made M101 program that counts/add 1 to a numberer in a file eveytime it is ran, I use it in my o103repeat[XX] area so I can tell how many parts I have made. anyone want it?
[21:17:40] <witnit> Where also can I find everyone else custom mcodes, I didnt see very many out there
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[21:29:47] <tjtr33> witnit, also archivist had done some sql graphing ( i think it was he )
[21:30:00] <witnit> oooh
[21:30:11] <witnit> well sql would be perfect anyhow
[21:30:26] <witnit> easy to organize and change out variables
[21:30:31] <tjtr33> and custom mcodes are not often published as they are peculiar to a given setup
[21:30:50] <tjtr33> my on & off time oscillator for sink edm for instane
[21:31:12] <witnit> not to mention a perfect way to make eveyones work modular
[21:31:19] <witnit> can I have them?
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[21:31:42] <tjtr33> tjtr33 goes bak to radiator painting & scraping
[21:32:20] <tjtr33> ok, will pastebin them, you got an oscillator to be driven? ( thus the usefull/less ness of mcodes )
[21:32:33] <witnit> i have voids in my brain which need filled
[21:33:10] <witnit> did you know you can modify an mcode driven bash script while the program is running and it will change on the fly on the next cycle?
[21:33:17] <witnit> that blew my mind,
[21:34:31] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[21:36:35] <witnit> like for example do a m101 [g4p500] and then another m101 but change the m101 while the 500 seconds are happening and the mcode will do something entirely different without ever stopping the machine, which means I could inject at any line at anytime a new stream if program without ever ending the program. and reloading it for example
[21:36:38] <witnit> im such a nub
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[21:39:43] <tjtr33> you sure the interpreter respects the chage to the delay, plz test, yes you can chg the file during the delay, i dunno if you can chg the delay once it has begun
[21:40:11] <witnit> to the delay*?
[21:40:29] <tjtr33> tjtr33, now spraying bbl
[21:41:08] -!- amnesic has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:41:28] <witnit> that not exactly what I mean I will pastebin you and example ngc with commenting on the m101 to explain its functions
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[21:52:13] <witnit> tjtr33: http://pastebin.com/kJAbQqHn
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[21:57:02] <Bushman> ave
[21:58:40] <tjtr33> ok, i see you change the m101 file, it does no delay. possible. what is the use? to change a status picture maybe. look into SMS msgs based on pin status :) i think andypugh was looking into that.
[21:58:57] <witnit> exactly my first use for it
[21:58:58] <witnit> :)
[21:59:14] <witnit> I was doing it to display where in my magazine my part was stuck :)
[22:00:10] <tjtr33> hmm, send pan & tilt info to a webcam when part_is_stuck == 1
[22:00:32] <witnit> not too hard to do
[22:00:50] <tjtr33> linuxcnc, the do_anything control system
[22:00:56] <witnit> shhh
[22:00:59] <witnit> :)
[22:01:05] <witnit> its scary
[22:01:11] <witnit> how awesome it is
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[22:05:44] <tjtr33> andypugh, thanks for the expansion of the table drive mode. for me, i had to use the existing hdwr driver for AGie 8 phase,( its a sequenced 16 byte rom! of phase patterns driven by up/down counter).
[22:06:35] <andypugh> tjtr33: Be aware that I am about to add an extra hoop that you will need to jump through to make it work
[22:06:57] <tjtr33> looking fwd to all your stuffe ;)
[22:07:26] <andypugh> It transpires that enabling table mode disabled mah’s limit switches. Which is quite bad.
[22:10:06] <tjtr33> we used an undocumented step/dir mode ( AGie feeds the rom an address, this feature was on print but unused ).
[22:10:07] <tjtr33> but, this method looses 1st step of each move in step dir mode ( tests ok with normal step motor & stepgen :(
[22:10:29] <tjtr33> so i will go with normal steppers rather than the weirdo 9 phase
[22:10:34] <tjtr33> 8
[22:11:39] <tjtr33> ugh paint spray headaches bbl
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[22:16:10] <andypugh> tjtr33: So, why won’t table mode work for you?
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[22:17:53] <tjtr33> it was just a decision made by the guy who owned the machine ('use the thing we got ' )
[22:19:13] <tjtr33> else we need an 8 phase stepper driver, or hack a unit that he can sell whole
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[22:28:16] <tjtr33> btw the rom had 16 entires, every other entry was really a half step made of more than normal phases on at once. so use every other address for full step, or every step for half ( clever for 1980 )
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[22:31:45] <pcw_home> the table mode stepgen output also makes a fair encoder counter tester
[22:31:46] <pcw_home> (0,25%,50%,75%, 100 % phase error quadrature at ~any frequency)
[22:35:02] <tjtr33> i imagine ... table mode -> binary2hex_comp -> AGie8phaseAddressinput would work ( some start up clunk tho unless i know the last pattern)
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[22:39:42] <tjtr33> doh! just write a table with the addresses as output and feed that to the AGie
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[22:40:48] <andypugh> Ah, yes. You can make a stepgen binary counter. What a strange idea :-)
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[22:41:34] <tjtr33> its a strange amp
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[23:06:50] <XXCoder1> this is awesome http://io9.com/watch-this-aluminum-slug-melt-and-levitate-at-the-same-1559152748
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[23:10:55] <XXCoder1> lol end ia funny
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[23:51:43] <R2E4> evenin!!
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[23:55:21] <XXCoder1> yo
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