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[00:51:19] <ebrummer> I'm using a 5i23 connected to a 7i49 on the first set of ios and a 7i42TA on the second set of ios. I'm using these files: (with the ini file pointing to the sv6_7i49.bit num_pwmgens=3 num_resolvers=3 sserial_port_0=000XXXXX)
[00:52:48] <ebrummer> i've got my x axis servo amp wired up to the the 7i49 and the resolver for it as well. Right now with a voltmeter I'm reading a 1.4v differential across x+ and x- without doing anything with linuxcnc (which moves my x axis upon enabling the drive)
[00:56:02] <ebrummer> the y axis does not have this from the 7i49
[01:04:42] <jdh> PCW often magically appears for these things. Stick around and wait.
[01:07:18] <pcw_home> if you have 1.4V on the AOUT pins and pwmgen.00.enable is false the 7I49 is faulty (or there is a connection/cable problem)
[01:08:35] <jdh> close enough to magic
[01:09:33] <ebrummer> thank you jdh and pcw_home; i think there's an error on my end before I continue harassing anyone here or suspecting board failiure
[01:11:55] <pcw_home> I would first disconnect the AOUT pins from the drive and measure channel 0 analog out (P4 pin 20)
[01:11:56] <pcw_home> when just powered up to make sure there is no board fault (also checking that 7I49 5V is OK at this point is not a bad idea)
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[01:18:56] <ebrummer> everything seems in order on the 7i49 board side
[01:20:13] <ebrummer> so I start up LinuxCNC, I disable estop. I toggle the power on the machine. To do any motion I'm required to home. If I click home x axis, I get a joint 0 following error. Any thoughts or how to test the resolver input back into LinuxCNC via the Hal oscilliscope?
[01:20:51] <jdh> you can disable the home requirement
[01:21:43] <jdh> and you don't have to home to jog
[01:22:39] <ebrummer> I get a joint 0 when jogging as well and no movement
[01:30:22] <ebrummer> so based on the wiki, my ini file isn't setup right
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[01:33:23] <jdh> could be lots of things.
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[01:34:31] <jdh> disable the drive, spin the motor and see if the resolver phases change correctly in halscope?
[01:34:54] <jdh> check polarity of the analog output to the drive? resolver polarity?
[01:38:42] <pcw_home> just 'halmeter' resolver.00.position for example
[01:45:21] <ebrummer> using halmeter and halscope Im not getting anything on resolver.00.position when turning the resolver
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[01:56:58] <pcw_home> with a DVM, can you check the ACV across the sine and cosine 7I49 input terminals as you turn the resolver?
[01:57:00] <ebrummer> pcw_home; in the documentation it says I need to specify the resolver frequency in resmod but if my understanding is correct, resmod is not used
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[01:58:49] <pcw_home> you can set the resolver frequency but the default should work (2.4 KHz, 4.8 KHz and 9.6 KHz are selectable)
[01:58:59] <pcw_home> (on a 5i23)
[01:59:31] <ebrummer> 2.5k Resolver
[01:59:56] <ebrummer> where would I specify that?
[02:00:06] <ebrummer> hardware switch or ini file or?
[02:00:22] <ebrummer> I didn't get anything on AC at the input terminals
[02:01:09] <ebrummer> checking at the resolver now
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[02:23:37] <pcw_home> best thing to do is start linuxcnc and then
[02:23:39] <pcw_home> halcmd show all > allhal.txt
[02:23:40] <pcw_home> in a terminal window so you know what hal pins/parameters are available
[02:23:42] <pcw_home> also
[02:23:43] <pcw_home> man hostmot2
[02:23:57] <XXCoder>
[02:27:33] <XXCoder> wow minor but important advance in 3d printing
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[02:58:02] <p0st4L> any pointers on measuring backlash?
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[03:01:28] <skunkworks_> pretty cool
[03:03:12] <pcw_home> seems... obvious
[03:04:14] <XXCoder> skunkworks_: you missed my link lol
[03:04:16] <XXCoder> but yeah
[03:04:27] <skunkworks_> sorry - been away
[03:04:30] <XXCoder> np
[03:04:40] <pcw_home> been suggested for years
[03:09:55] <XXCoder> well guess finally its being worked on
[03:10:08] <p0st4L> if i jog an axis .1
[03:10:11] <p0st4L> and it goes .096
[03:10:21] <p0st4L> what the dilly yo
[03:10:30] <Jymmm> It kinda sucks in a way when a ebay seller would rather give you a refund and not have to return what you bought instead of getting nagative feedback
[03:10:37] <skunkworks_> backlash or scaling.. (or missed steps)
[03:10:46] <p0st4L> it would be backlash
[03:10:52] <p0st4L> since the scaling is correct (12 turns per inch)
[03:11:30] <p0st4L> backlash = .004?
[03:13:29] <pcw_home> does it move the correct amount on a second move in the same direction?
[03:13:38] <p0st4L> no, same each time
[03:14:35] <p0st4L> changed backlash on that axis to .004
[03:14:43] <p0st4L> now it's .0985 for .01
[03:15:07] <p0st4L> .0975*
[03:15:07] <pcw_home> so jog .1 moves 0.096, jog .1 again in same direction and its ?
[03:16:53] <pcw_home> so if it always moved too little after repeated jogs in the same direction, thats a scale error not backlash
[03:17:10] <p0st4L> ok then ya, seems to be scaling
[03:17:13] <p0st4L> since it goes .096
[03:17:17] <p0st4L> then .094
[03:17:18] <p0st4L> etc
[03:17:21] <p0st4L> err
[03:17:23] <p0st4L> .092
[03:17:47] <pcw_home> you may have backlash also but get the approx scale right first
[03:18:08] <p0st4L> so if i go .1 in 1 direction, then back and do it again
[03:18:14] <p0st4L> it's .005 shorter
[03:18:49] <pcw_home> what are you measuring with?
[03:19:07] <p0st4L> one of those dial things
[03:19:10] <p0st4L> i forget the name
[03:19:12] <p0st4L> dial indicator
[03:19:13] <p0st4L> or whatever
[03:19:42] <skunkworks_> is it square to the axis you are measuring?
[03:20:07] <p0st4L> yes
[03:20:26] <XXCoder> dial indicators dont seem to be too expensibve
[03:20:31] <XXCoder> anything to watch out for?
[03:20:39] <skunkworks_> cheap ones? ;)
[03:20:47] <XXCoder> define cheap
[03:21:08] <p0st4L> so
[03:21:11] <p0st4L> i moved .3
[03:21:14] <p0st4L> and back
[03:21:17] <p0st4L> and it's off
[03:21:23] <p0st4L> this is gonna be fun :/
[03:21:35] <XXCoder> skunk like is it below $10 or below $500
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[03:23:52] <pcw_home> to separate backlash from scale errors you should jog twice in
[03:23:53] <pcw_home> the same direction and check the distance moved in the second jog
[03:25:12] <p0st4L> distance moved from jog1 to jog2?
[03:25:18] <p0st4L> or from 0 to jog2?
[03:25:45] <pcw_home> 1 to 2
[03:26:28] <p0st4L> for every .01 i go, it goes .0095
[03:27:01] <pcw_home> even without changing direction?
[03:27:10] <p0st4L> correct
[03:27:19] <p0st4L> so that would be scaling, right?
[03:28:05] <p0st4L> lead screw pitch is 5 turns per inch
[03:28:09] <p0st4L> and that's whats in config
[03:30:05] <pcw_home> well maybe its 5.2 TPI...
[03:30:32] <p0st4L> yeah how would the math work out on that? guess i just gotta do small incriments
[03:31:13] <pcw_home> I would move further than .1 to set scaling though (whats the range of your indicator?)
[03:31:45] <p0st4L> 1 inch max
[03:31:58] <p0st4L> could it be the steps per revolution from the stepper motors?
[03:32:05] <p0st4L> or just screw with 1 thing at a time?
[03:35:47] <pcw_home> Not sure what it is
[03:37:15] <p0st4L> it's in stepconf
[03:37:32] <p0st4L> but it's ok. ill play w/ the scaling of rev/inch and see if i cant get it to be a little closer';
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[04:13:31] <Connor> Anyone know anything about this company? Looking to get some collets.. this looks like a nice set.. cheaper than Shars... same specs...
[04:13:31] <Connor>
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[05:31:57] <humble_s1a_bass> did programm just shit the bed
[05:32:04] <humble_s1a_bass> whoops
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[05:59:12] <zmi> hi guys I have try to repair problem with driver network and video but doesnt work what can i do in linuxcnc
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[07:10:01] <MrSunshine> hmm, i wonder if there is a special wake up or keep alive signal for these hb04 pendants
[07:10:13] <MrSunshine> the ones on usb cable there should be no problem to never let to into sleep mode
[07:10:25] <MrSunshine> while the wireless i understand why you would want them to do that
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[11:00:10] <jdh> connor: just collets, no holder?
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[15:12:49] <MrHindsight> $6ea + $13ea for shipping?
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[15:13:50] <MrHindsight> anyone try these ?
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[15:25:50] <SpeedEvil> I have to admit, I'd likely be buying the latter
[15:36:52] <MrHindsight> what you can't see is the quality, do the connectors fall off after a day of use or do they crack after flexing 10x
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[15:40:49] <XXCoder>
[15:40:59] <XXCoder> only more because of shipping. opriobably china quality
[15:41:48] <XXCoder> those hoses can funnel liquids or air right>?
[15:42:10] <XXCoder> I'm thinking of evenually using couple to blow air
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[15:42:59] <Tom_itx> with compatible liquids i'd say the plastic would outlast the metal ones
[15:43:27] <XXCoder> as usual everything depends on how and what youre using it with
[15:43:32] <Tom_itx> depending on the liquid pressure they should stay put
[15:43:47] <XXCoder> tom what about air though?
[15:43:59] <Tom_itx> pressure in general
[15:44:46] <Tom_itx> if it's constant you can adjust it, if it's an occasional blast of air it may move
[15:45:13] <XXCoder> yeah I'm thinking constant. enough to blow wood bits out and towards vacuum
[15:45:14] <Tom_itx> but so could anything else
[15:45:29] <Tom_itx> so you want low pressure
[15:45:32] <XXCoder> its my long term goal so not worried really
[15:45:33] <Tom_itx> that should be fine
[15:45:45] <tjtr33> CaptHindsight, IMO lockline style are more obstinate, harder to direct to a new position. but more positions are possible.
[15:45:45] <tjtr33> the metal ones are better posn holders, but less range of freedom
[15:46:30] <tjtr33> that site is intersting, the gear change sensors and all the DIY inoculation stuff.... weird
[15:47:25] <Tom_itx> those last ones are 1/4" though
[15:48:05] <tjtr33> oh fer sure choose suitable flow ( i use em for sink edm, so lower pressure, but precise posn )
[15:48:10] <Tom_itx> which is probably fine
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[15:51:25] <Tom_itx> the metal are a fixed length too
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[16:09:01] <MrHindsight> tjtr33: DIY immunizations!
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[16:10:06] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:13:15] <MrHindsight> Shooting and Drinking!
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[16:30:38] <tjtr33> System 3R had a set of special flushing nozzles, a 'comb' and a pinpoint, solid articulated arms. cant find them in production now, but i got a set if interested
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[16:56:36] <Connor> Anyone know anything about this company? ??
[16:56:51] <Connor> looking to buy collets.. and their cheaper than shars
[16:56:59] <Connor>
[17:00:48] <IchGuckLive> good price good company
[17:01:02] <Connor> They're dang near local to me.
[17:01:08] <Connor> I have to pay sales tax.. :(
[17:01:24] <IchGuckLive> i woudt give it a ride
[17:01:35] <Connor> huh ?
[17:01:36] <IchGuckLive> maybe local you can get even better deals
[17:01:47] <Connor> Well.. 2 hrs local...
[17:01:58] <IchGuckLive> call them
[17:02:34] <Connor>
[17:02:41] <Connor> that was what I was looking at from Shars.
[17:04:12] <CaptHindsight> Shars mostly imports from China or has tools drop shipped from other importers in the Chicago area, DZ might do the same, but they don't mention the origin of the collets
[17:05:02] <Connor>
[17:05:04] <Connor>
[17:05:07] <archivist> ebay and cut out the middleman :)
[17:05:13] <CaptHindsight> most of the tools I get have been ok, once in a while I get a reject that they didn't give me a problem returning
[17:05:14] <Connor> That's how I found them.
[17:05:28] <Connor> was looking on ebay..
[17:06:13] <CaptHindsight> like Automation Technologies, let them handle the importing and warranty
[17:07:11] <CaptHindsight> the problem I find with the cheap deals is what happens when you get a bad or wrong part in the set
[17:07:53] <CaptHindsight> DZ most likely imports from China and slaps their brand name on them
[17:08:31] <CaptHindsight>
[17:09:07] <CaptHindsight> looks like they carry lots of well know name brands as well
[17:13:02] <CaptHindsight> the catalog price for a 12pc set of er-20 is $199
[17:13:33] <CaptHindsight> they list the brand name as ETM
[17:14:55] <CaptHindsight> or T&O, heh, check out the DNA collets Dead Nuts Accurate
[17:16:31] -!- moorbo has quit []
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[17:20:31] <CaptHindsight> there are those coolant hose sets
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[18:02:26] <XXCoder> gmag
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[18:05:45] <XXCoder> gmag
[18:06:02] <gmag> hey
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[18:06:18] <XXCoder> lol
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[18:07:02] <XXCoder> bit of connection issue eh
[18:07:17] <gmag> :-/ it seems so, sry about that
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[18:48:00] * SpeedEvil wonders about CNC scrollsaw.
[18:50:53] <XXCoder> anything can be cnc lol
[18:51:22] <Tom_itx> if you had a round blade the table wouldn't need to rotate
[18:53:05] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[18:55:53] <archivist> basically what a cnc water jet is
[18:58:29] -!- The_Ball [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:59:59] <cpresser> anyone in here running a CO2-Laser? If yes, did you try to use nitrogenas air assist (instead of compressed air)?
[19:00:23] -!- witnit has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:00:48] <kengu> yes and no
[19:02:01] <kengu> air is 78% nitrogen and nitrogenase is not gas at all
[19:02:27] <cpresser> there was a whitespace missing 'use nitrogen as..'
[19:03:38] <cpresser> since it would displace the oxygen i guess it would produce different results. especially when cutting wood
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[19:20:02] <zmi> hi guys, i cant connetion with internet
[19:20:25] <zmi> so i cant donwload any programs to use linuxcnc
[19:21:43] <kengu> cpresser: yes it would be better I think
[19:22:13] <kengu> zmi: uhm?
[19:22:41] <zmi> uhm? dont understand
[19:22:44] <kengu> cpresser: there was some wiki(sh) page on material+gas combinations
[19:22:56] <CaptHindsight> zmi: why can't you connect?
[19:22:58] <kengu> zmi: what is the problem then?
[19:23:24] <CaptHindsight> zmi: no network connection or are you having problems with the network settings?
[19:23:47] <zmi> from the acknowledgment no wifi networks and I can not connect by cable.
[19:23:51] <CaptHindsight> zmi had trouble installing linuxcnc
[19:24:03] <CaptHindsight> zmi: do you do have a cable?
[19:24:26] <zmi> yes but nothing
[19:24:29] <CaptHindsight> zmi: does your network have DHCP or do you need to setup a static ip address?
[19:24:34] <zmi> no wifi, no cable
[19:25:03] <CaptHindsight> so you have no cable to plug into the network controller
[19:25:06] <zmi> no, how can i do that
[19:25:21] <CaptHindsight> do you have a network?
[19:25:28] <CaptHindsight> wired network?
[19:25:54] <CaptHindsight> do you have a spare connection on a router or switch?
[19:26:07] <zmi> i have network but since ubuntu no have
[19:26:24] <zmi> at the moment i m using wifi
[19:26:35] <zmi> but with cable no work
[19:27:18] <CaptHindsight> what do you have?
[19:27:32] <zmi> at the moment im using WIFI
[19:27:57] <CaptHindsight> so what is the problem if you are already using wifi?
[19:28:13] <Einar1> But you do have a cable, and a free port on a switch to connect that cable to?
[19:28:39] <zmi> i have problem with wifi and cable, i have go to internet since ubuntu never
[19:28:43] <CaptHindsight> zmi: don't be afraid to use Google translate
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[19:29:13] <CaptHindsight>
[19:29:30] <zmi> let me use translate one meoment
[19:29:57] <CaptHindsight> any native Spanish speakers around?
[19:32:45] <zmi> after installation of ubuntu, I can not conectaarme internet, does not recognize available networks, placed the cord, or you connect to internet. I went to the terminal and do the following,
[19:32:46] <zmi> ifconfig
[19:32:46] <zmi> after that
[19:32:46] <zmi> sudo ifconfig up pan0
[19:32:46] <zmi> but did not work
[19:33:18] <CaptHindsight> ubuntu wants you to use the network manager
[19:33:23] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:33:53] <zmi> yes
[19:33:54] <CaptHindsight> I forget on 10.04 what it looks like, maybe someone here knows
[19:34:30] <zmi> but i have 12.04
[19:34:46] <CaptHindsight> ok, I minute
[19:35:18] <CaptHindsight> zmi: do you have DHCP?
[19:35:53] <zmi> sorry but whats that
[19:36:20] <zmi> tell me what i must to write on terminal
[19:36:32] <CaptHindsight> zmi: don't use the terminal
[19:37:11] <CaptHindsight> Ubuntu needs the connection manager since they changed the locations and even rewrite ifconfig just to be difficult
[19:37:45] <zmi> what can i do?
[19:38:16] -!- KimK has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:39:24] <CaptHindsight> zmi
[19:39:40] <CaptHindsight>
[19:40:53] <CaptHindsight> or use the Network Connection manager in the taskbar
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[19:42:54] <PetefromTn_> pcw_home Hey man are you around?
[19:45:37] -!- Thetawaves [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[19:46:49] <pcw_home> Yeah
[19:47:20] <zmi> caphindsight i did that before but nothing, i have seem on youtube sudo ipconfig -a
[19:47:21] <zmi> sudo ipcongif pan0 up
[19:47:21] <zmi> sudo dhclient eth0
[19:47:21] <zmi> sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
[19:47:21] <zmi> auto pan0
[19:47:21] <zmi> iface eth0 inet dhcp
[19:47:31] -!- zeeshan|2 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:47:53] <zmi> is pan0 not eth0
[19:48:19] <PetefromTn_> pcw_home PM..
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[19:54:08] <CaptHindsight> zmi: try #ubuntu
[19:54:51] <zmi> in this channel they say that linuxcnc is other ubuntu so they cant help me
[19:55:14] <cpresser> kengu: i could not find any wiki-pages with the search containing the word 'nitrogen'. do you have any more hints on where to search?
[19:55:20] <CaptHindsight> yeah they can, they just don't want to
[19:55:25] <XXCoder> zmi: just dont say linuxcnc
[19:55:37] <XXCoder> change nick and try again
[19:55:38] <CaptHindsight> just say 12.04 or precise
[19:55:47] <zmi> ok i try
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[19:57:54] <CaptHindsight> cpresser: nitrogen is inert so no combustion or oxidation
[19:58:21] <cpresser> CaptHindsight: yes, that was the basic idea. i am looking for people who already tried this
[19:58:22] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[19:58:36] <cpresser> bevore i spend money on nitrogen and equipment
[19:59:09] <CaptHindsight> yeah, we use it for welding and direct metal laser sintering
[19:59:46] <cpresser> any experience in cutting acrylic with nitrogen-assist?
[19:59:51] <CaptHindsight>
[20:00:21] <XXCoder> looks like someone figured how to make da vanci printer less shitty
[20:00:27] <CaptHindsight> we use nitrogen as an inert atmosphere for all types of applications where oxidation is an issue
[20:01:28] <CaptHindsight> we have machines that replace the air with nitrogen vs just a nitrogen nozzle
[20:01:38] <cpresser> the thing is: i am not sure if oxidation is an issue when cutting acrylic or wood with a co2-laser. it sounds like it could inprove the quality of the cut.
[20:01:49] <CaptHindsight> no fire
[20:02:04] <cpresser> very good point :)
[20:02:29] <cpresser> what are you using as supply? bottles or some kind of generator?
[20:03:34] <CaptHindsight>
[20:04:26] <CaptHindsight> cpresser: or the ~330 CF bottles
[20:05:18] <cpresser> liquid nitrogen could be an issue. we have some strict safety regulations in germany :/
[20:05:52] <CaptHindsight> yeah, don't know the rules there sorry
[20:06:10] <cpresser> i dont know them either, but usually those are quite strict.
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[20:06:49] <CaptHindsight> I can see acetylene, oxygen, propane but nitrogen is inert
[20:07:38] <CaptHindsight> but you can get the cylinders to explode or fly around if you try hard enough
[20:07:55] <XXCoder> pressured tank + hole = rocket
[20:08:14] <XXCoder> reardless of what material its pressure is made from
[20:08:55] <XXCoder> mythbusters managed to make hole of brick wall, AND wall behind it when they sliced pump control off pressurized oxy tank
[20:09:59] <CaptHindsight>
[20:10:59] <CaptHindsight>
[20:11:06] <DaViruz> there has been some accidents with liquid nitrogen where poorly informed janitors have sealed the bleed valves on the dewars
[20:11:16] <DaViruz> thinking they were leaking
[20:11:17] <XXCoder> lol you linked when I found it
[20:11:45] -!- Groguard has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:11:52] <cpresser> there are regulations on how to handle pressured bottles in germany^^
[20:12:24] <XXCoder> one things for sure
[20:12:42] <XXCoder> mythbusters is big nerds
[20:12:50] <XXCoder> probably why I love show o much
[20:13:18] <cpresser>
[20:13:32] <CaptHindsight>
[20:13:45] <XXCoder> cpresser: whats he say? no caption aviliable
[20:14:16] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: from what I see, if you want liquidified air, cheapest way is make your own powerful stirling motor
[20:14:17] <CaptHindsight>
[20:14:23] <cpresser> XXCoder: remember kids the difference between science and screwing around is: writing it down
[20:14:29] <XXCoder> lol thanks
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[20:15:59] <CaptHindsight>
[20:16:03] <XXCoder> one of my wild plan is to make bigger stirling motor, see if I can make referaror out of it
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[20:17:37] <CaptHindsight>|164014800|112010-VehicleTools|GMC|Adwords|pla|master_auto_tech|US|112010002-DiagnosticTools|c||0HRF|&gclid=CKCVmJfYpL4CFaY-Mgod3k8Aog
[20:18:13] <XXCoder> stirling air liquidifier
[20:18:32] <CaptHindsight> cpresser: what do the fancy cycle and motorsports shops use there for their nitrogen supply?
[20:18:40] <cpresser> that nitrogen generator is big :/
[20:19:06] <cpresser> CaptHindsight: i guess bottles of pressurized nitrogen. you can get those quite easy around here
[20:19:51] <XXCoder> wonder if theres liquidified air distaller to get of gases you dont want.
[20:20:45] <CaptHindsight> cpresser: can you seal your laser cabinet?
[20:20:48] <humble_sea_bass> getting nitrogen delivered is easy
[20:21:03] <CaptHindsight> to Germany?
[20:21:15] <XXCoder> I also wonder if its cheaper to liquidify air in living room and let it warm up (you'd have to somehow pumpo heat outside) so net result is awesome air cooler
[20:21:51] <XXCoder> one awesome thing is no freon
[20:22:40] <CaptHindsight> even a not completely sealed cabinet would be ok as long as you can keep some positive pressure inside
[20:22:55] <CaptHindsight> small leaks will be ok
[20:23:13] <cpresser> CaptHindsight: i dont want to seal it. i need ventilation
[20:23:16] <cpresser> to get the fumes out
[20:23:42] <XXCoder> use them blue tubes to constantly blow nigrogen to site where laser hits?
[20:25:00] <cpresser>
[20:25:20] <cpresser> thats the nozzle. the orange tube is for the air-assist
[20:25:39] <humble_sea_bass> cant you just use welding gas blown locally
[20:26:10] <cpresser> welding-gas? as in argon? thats way more expensive then nitrogen
[20:26:24] <humble_sea_bass> seems nutty to try and do positive pressurization on the chamber while exhausting, you'll use up your gas super fast
[20:26:37] <SpeedEvil> Welding gas can be anything from nitrogen, argon, CO2, or even carbon monoxide
[20:26:59] <cpresser> co2 is a bad choice. because it will absorb to much of the laser
[20:27:11] <SpeedEvil> Probably
[20:27:21] <SpeedEvil> I'm not sure though - it's only a centimeter
[20:28:38] <humble_sea_bass> argon is heavier than air so it washes over the weld/laser site
[20:28:53] <cpresser> i guess ill have to try it and compare results.
[20:29:40] <XXCoder> cool
[20:29:44] <XXCoder> literally
[20:30:16] <XXCoder> unfortunately it dont state price. it means I cant afford it
[20:30:59] <CaptHindsight> XXCoder: right wing conspiracy by the energy co's to keep them from being sold :)
[20:31:03] <XXCoder> lol
[20:31:20] <SpeedEvil> Oddly - my chest freezer will hit -50C if Ihit the 'boost' button, and leave it for a couple ofdays
[20:31:39] <XXCoder> good insulation
[20:31:52] <SpeedEvil>
[20:31:53] <SpeedEvil> indeed
[20:35:21] <XXCoder> nice
[20:36:39] <XXCoder> finally. plans for cnc made stirling motor
[20:39:31] <SpeedEvil> yeah - well...
[20:39:44] <SpeedEvil> making 'a' stirling engine is damn easy
[20:40:03] <SpeedEvil> making one with decent efficiency and power density is an engineering challenge.
[20:40:09] <XXCoder> always
[20:42:57] <XXCoder>
[20:43:02] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[20:44:14] <tjtr33> SpeedEvil, Japax used to make diamond coated wire saw for graphite electrodes. cant find one, but this showed up
[20:44:35] <XXCoder>
[20:44:55] -!- anth0ny has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:45:33] <SpeedEvil> I found a paper on using 'used' diamond wire saw material that's used for slicing silicon for wood - withsurprisingly good results
[20:46:41] <SpeedEvil> Alas - that's another search that doesn't pop up onebay
[20:47:51] <tjtr33>
[20:48:18] <tjtr33> and IchGuch's foam saw should eb a good cfg
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[21:07:37] <tjtr33> used 2 coping saw like diamond wire blades, and Toko cnc chipset
[21:11:28] <Deejay> gn8
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[21:35:06] <XXCoder>
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[21:41:53] <SpeedEvil> tjtr33: no - I mean the wire used
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[21:47:04] <kengu> i think I need one more laser, something like this:
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[22:14:10] <SpeedEvil> I want this laser
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[22:15:08] <SpeedEvil> - rather - the handheld one
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[23:59:42] <s1dev> I'm planning on making a micrometer carriage stop, where can I find a cheap micrometer head ($25-40) for one? I was thinking that I could take the head out of a cheap micrometer from harbor freight, but I'm not 100% that it will work, thoughts?
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