#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-06-03

[00:02:01] -!- a_morale has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:02:40] -!- a_morale [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:08:42] <KimK> PCW: OK, I see. Good to know, thanks.
[00:09:48] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:22:42] <MrHindsight> KimK: the E350M's also lack an LPT and PCI slot, they do have #1 PCIe slot and they suddenly are on short supply
[00:24:33] <MrHindsight> we have the E350M1 running 12.04 with 3.4.55 RTAI and hardware accel GPU with 10uS latency with EFI
[00:26:26] -!- Servos4ever has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.26/20140428215651]]
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[00:30:58] -!- sumpfralle1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:38:54] -!- FinboySlick [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:01:31] -!- NickParker [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:09:21] -!- garfong has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:10:34] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:20:53] -!- accuartisans [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:27:15] <XXCoder1> heys
[01:27:24] <XXCoder1> wonder if any of you ever converted Smithy Granite 1340 to cnc
[01:27:29] <XXCoder1> easy? hard?
[01:27:35] <XXCoder1> linuxcnc can run it?
[01:28:36] <XXCoder1> not for myself but for my uncle, he already owns one, wondering about converting
[01:29:24] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:29:58] -!- zlog [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:30:34] <Connor> XXCoder1: The Z would be kinda sucky...
[01:30:37] <Connor> quill only..
[01:30:57] <XXCoder1> yeah thats what I tought. no conversion websites anywhere
[01:31:07] <XXCoder1> and kits is overkill expensive
[01:35:59] <XXCoder1> quill only, tool that cuts? (lathe tool)
[01:48:15] <accuartisans> whois PCW
[01:48:51] <accuartisans> sorry, @PCW you around?
[01:52:35] -!- moorbo [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:53:19] -!- FinboySlick has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[01:54:11] <pcw_home> yeah
[01:55:33] <XXCoder1> hey pcw
[01:56:47] <pcw_home> Hi XXCoder1
[01:58:02] <accuartisans> hey pcw, I don't know if you remember, I got a Gigabyte board like you have and I finially got it up and running under linux kernel 3.14.4 and Xenomai 2.6.3
[01:58:55] -!- sumpfralle1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[01:59:11] <pcw_home> Thats neat, I have been pretty impressed with the J1800 (for ~10W)
[01:59:27] <accuartisans> I have really good latency results as well. Question what branch are you using to run again your mesa ethernet board?
[02:00:09] <pcw_home> ubc-7i80
[02:00:45] <accuartisans> I did not get the same results you had with rt_preemt, but now that i ahve my bios settings I think I may go back and re-try rt_preemt
[02:01:10] <accuartisans> does that branch support Xenomai?
[02:01:35] <accuartisans> Yes, I amvery impressed with this board
[02:01:35] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[02:01:52] <pcw_home> Preemt RT-latency is much worse but for hardware stepgens or servos its not terribly important
[02:02:35] <accuartisans> I have Servo Thread(1.0ms) 3630 and Base thread(25.0us) 8125
[02:02:47] <accuartisans> currently:)
[02:03:07] <accuartisans> i had an issue with SMI but that is resolved now
[02:03:29] <pcw_home> I got about 8 usec/8 usec on RTAI without any fussing
[02:03:52] <XXCoder1> damn
[02:03:56] <accuartisans> is usec smaller than ms?
[02:03:56] <XXCoder1> took me while to find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_59Kaa92iIk
[02:04:14] <pcw_home> (thats 8000,8000 ns)
[02:04:36] <accuartisans> wow!
[02:04:40] <XXCoder1> accuartisans: https://www.google.com/search?q=1+us+to+ns&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb
[02:04:56] <accuartisans> dang then I don't know what I did wrong
[02:05:53] <accuartisans> xxcoder1: thanks!
[02:05:59] <pcw_home> Thats RTAI (I think Preemt-RT was maybe 50 usec or so)
[02:06:25] <accuartisans> care to share your image and header.debs?
[02:07:09] <pcw_home> I can get them tommorow (or try to guess the IP address of the test machine...)
[02:08:09] <accuartisans> just looking at RTAI now, what kernel version did you use?
[02:08:33] <pcw_home> I just built the preemt-rt kernel from source (3.12 and 3.14)
[02:09:04] <pcw_home> The RTAI kernel on the live CD works
[02:09:26] <pcw_home> (2.6.32?)
[02:09:49] <pcw_home> No graphics accel of course
[02:10:35] <accuartisans> I think maybe I should send you my bios settings then, cause I bet I have some a miss
[02:10:44] <pcw_home> The 3.4.55 RTAI kernel bolluxes up the video
[02:11:13] <pcw_home> (hoping a 3.12 RTA kernel is not too long in coming)
[02:11:21] <pcw_home> RTAI
[02:11:36] <accuartisans> that's what I was thinking as I found that 3.14 kernel supports the video way better
[02:12:12] <XXCoder1> when will there be new linuxcnc package?
[02:12:15] <accuartisans> also recognizes the processor a little different if my memory recalls
[02:13:05] <pcw_home> Yeah NP watching FS video with linuxcnc running on Ethernet (I think 3.14.5 preemt RT)
[02:13:07] <Valen> pcw_home: any suggestions for how to take internal pcie slots to external?
[02:13:31] <Valen> the latency over ethernet isn't an issue with that? or is that running steppers?
[02:13:50] <pcw_home> for cabled PCIE: 6I71
[02:13:54] <accuartisans> so, i'm looking at www.atai.org... RTAI 4.0 is available but not sure it supports anything latter than 3.8.13
[02:14:14] <pcw_home> NP with steppers over Ethernet
[02:14:28] <pcw_home> or servos
[02:14:36] -!- AR__ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:15:21] <pcw_home> only limitation is that theres a fair amout of latency with Preemt RT so that limus the servo thread to about 2 KHz max
[02:15:29] <pcw_home> limits
[02:16:31] <pcw_home> Under Xenomai/RT-Net I suspect 4 KHz or so is possible but you need a RT-net compatible MAC
[02:17:19] <Valen> whats the utility of doing it though?
[02:17:19] <accuartisans> i believe this board is compatible?
[02:17:35] <Valen> of using it over ethernet for RT stuff
[02:17:55] <pcw_home> For velocity mode drives (and hardware stepgens which are effectivel velocity mode drives) 1 KHz is usually fine
[02:18:01] -!- Thetawaves has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
[02:20:19] <pcw_home> Valen ?
[02:21:03] <Valen> i mean, why does one want to run RT over ethernet?
[02:21:10] <Valen> realtime stuff over ethernet
[02:21:18] <Valen> just put a computer out there ;->
[02:23:27] <pcw_home> Yeah but thats another computer (and if you have a lot of RT stuff in HAL its got to be a fast computer also)
[02:24:28] <Valen> computers are cheap ;->
[02:27:21] <pcw_home> The other reson for using Ethernet is that its nearly universal and capable of RT
[02:27:51] <pcw_home> and electrically isolated
[02:28:06] <XXCoder1> I plan to use cat5 for limit buttons too
[02:28:29] <Valen> I can see the use for running ethernet, just running realtime over it seems less usefull
[02:28:52] <Valen> i mean if you ran the firmware where your nice fpga's did all the work sure
[02:29:51] <pcw_home> Why less useful? Its a efficient RT connection to external devices
[02:30:29] <pcw_home> beats USB
[02:30:49] <pcw_home> and its almost always available
[02:33:56] <XXCoder1> pcw know anything about Smithy Granite 1340 ?
[02:34:04] <XXCoder1> my uncle has one and wonder if he could make it a cnc
[02:34:24] <pcw_home> Not much other than I have heard of them
[02:35:14] <XXCoder1> its a mill/lathe thing
[02:35:22] <XXCoder1> made me wonder if linuxcnc could do it
[02:36:15] <Valen> linuxcnc can do anything you want it to
[02:36:29] <Valen> its a question of if you can get the machine good enough to be worth it
[02:36:31] <XXCoder1> including build me a cnc so it can run on it? ;)
[02:36:54] <Valen> on a manual lathe/mill the operator can do a lot of fudging to make up for any inadquacies in the machine
[02:37:06] <Valen> when its CnC most of that goes away
[02:42:07] <Valen> so the machine needs to be as good as you can get it
[02:42:22] <XXCoder1> ok
[02:48:14] <jp_mill> XXCoder1: you might want to check out the smithy site the use LCNC for thier machines if i do remember correctly. There is even a config for them in the live CD. not sure if they cnced the granite
[02:48:31] <XXCoder1> yeah saw the kit
[02:48:35] <XXCoder1> riciously expensive
[02:51:00] -!- AR__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[02:57:39] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: newer RTAI is waiting for the scheduler to be fixed/updated
[02:58:51] <CaptHindsight> accuartisans: RTAI 4.0 is still a work in progress, not stable
[03:06:22] <accuartisans> capthindsight: newer RTAI? what kernel/patch will that be for I wonder?
[03:09:14] <CaptHindsight> accuartisans: the new development does on at the shabbyx git, then it goes to rtai.org, then that gets tested and starts back over at shabbyx
[03:12:46] <accuartisans> thanks, i was wondering why I saw no repository on rtai.org. So, do you know if a patch is being worked on for linux 3.14?
[03:13:57] <CaptHindsight> the scheduler needs to be fixed to get passed 3.4
[03:16:04] <CaptHindsight> https://github.com/ShabbyX/RTAI/tree/linuxcnc-old was the latest that works with Linuxcnc
[03:16:51] <CaptHindsight> https://www.rtai.org/userfiles/downloads/RTAI/ is the RTAI repo
[03:18:11] -!- vit-14 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:18:26] <CaptHindsight> accuartisans: once the scheduler gets fixed then 3.10 or 3.14 is possible
[03:18:37] <vit-14> hello i need to buy this sensor how is called
[03:18:52] <vit-14> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZlV4dUuvMI
[03:20:04] -!- zlog has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:20:08] -!- Tom_itx has quit []
[03:20:35] <CaptHindsight> Touch probe?
[03:20:52] <accuartisans> capthindsight: cool, thanks for the info, newbie question... It appears that RTAI uses some of the IPIPE code so what is the main difference between RTAI and Xenomai? I'm still learning
[03:22:34] <accuartisans> my guess it's a lot leaner?
[03:22:37] <vit-14> but i dont see it on ebay
[03:22:43] <CaptHindsight> RTAI is just after lowest latency, Xenomai cares about the beauty of the code, support and readability
[03:23:38] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:23:57] -!- zlog [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:24:00] <vit-14> capthindsight how is called
[03:24:09] <vit-14> dont see on ebay
[03:24:37] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: that is a touch probe with the plasma torch attached
[03:24:54] <vit-14> how i can do that
[03:25:06] -!- gazprom has quit [Write error: Broken pipe]
[03:26:38] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: this shows how a touch probe works http://fadedbits.com/2011/02/touchprobe/
[03:27:47] <CaptHindsight> http://gtocs.blogspot.com/2012/04/garys-diy-cnc-touch-probe.html
[03:28:20] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: basically they have the torch on a slide with a spring
[03:28:53] <CaptHindsight> there is a switch contact that stay open when the probe is at the bottom of its travel
[03:29:40] <CaptHindsight> when the probe (or torch) touches the surface it moves up the Z slide and closes the switch contacts
[03:30:17] -!- Tom_itx has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[03:30:17] <CaptHindsight> the machine knows when the probe is at the surface when the switch gets closed
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[03:30:58] <vit-14> then i dont need nothing?
[03:31:39] -!- zlog [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:32:06] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: I don't know what you already have to answer that
[03:32:59] <vit-14> i need a touch probe? or the machine plasma t had
[03:33:02] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: you can also do it by insulating the probe from the machine and using it as the switch
[03:33:54] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1cLGUjUu8I an example
[03:36:09] <vit-14> but with a plasma cutting how can i do im new in that
[03:38:59] <vit-14> capthindsight do you know a sswith thta i can buy on ebay?
[03:40:31] -!- gazprom [gazprom!~gazprom@gateway/tor-sasl/gazprom] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:40:44] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: most are like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Touch-probe-cmm-digitizing-renishaw-haas-fadal-cnc-mill-lathe-router-engraver-/150931049789
[03:41:11] <CaptHindsight> but that's not what you want, the one in the video looks custom made
[03:41:12] <vit-14> im confused
[03:42:02] <vit-14> because how i can have this sensor and the plasma cutting
[03:42:03] <CaptHindsight> I don't know who makes a touch probe like the one in that video
[03:42:08] <vit-14> understand me?
[03:42:22] <CaptHindsight> I'd probably make it myself
[03:42:51] <vit-14> i understand
[03:42:52] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:43:21] <CaptHindsight> http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/product_info.php?products_id=339?osCsid=9cb438690de2f645e1a951bef1ba4df8
[03:43:31] <CaptHindsight> this is closer to what you want
[03:43:37] <vit-14> when the machine going to cutt needs to use this probe?
[03:44:03] <CaptHindsight> http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/images/cap04_2%2012.jpg?osCsid=fc5d700f2d6222748bd160c5e4361f0c
[03:44:52] <CaptHindsight> you just need those rings on the probes to be far enough away from the torch tip to not be harmed
[03:45:45] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: the probe just tells you where the surface of the material is, you have to decide when you want to cut
[03:46:03] <CaptHindsight> where and when and what shape
[03:46:21] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: do you have a cnc machine with a torch on it?
[03:46:37] <zeeshan> CaptHindsight:
[03:46:39] <vit-14> im building but omg very difficult
[03:46:43] <zeeshan> can you get those digitizing probes (3d)
[03:46:44] <zeeshan> for cheap?
[03:46:52] <zeeshan> 200$ is the street price that i see ;p
[03:48:01] <Valen> digitizing probe?
[03:48:51] <mozmck> afaik the only really reliable way to sense torch height is to measure the voltage across the gap when cutting.
[03:49:00] <vit-14> no i sure how it work or calibrate the machine when going cutting
[03:49:59] <CaptHindsight> Valen: have you ever seen an stepper controller with an easy to use GUI for non-programmers? Example applications might be small lab gantries, simple pick-n-place etc
[03:50:08] <vit-14> but how in this video is automatic
[03:50:16] <vit-14> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZlV4dUuvMI
[03:50:26] <Valen> nothing springs to mind
[03:50:42] <CaptHindsight> I can't find one either
[03:51:54] <vit-14> but i need to have one? or i can cutting without him?
[03:52:12] <zeeshan> valen its a probe you can throw in a spindle
[03:52:20] <zeeshan> and use to measure coordinates for a part
[03:52:20] -!- accuartisans has quit [Quit: good nite all]
[03:52:22] <zeeshan> and reverse engineer ;p
[03:53:01] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: if your material is flat then you can just jog the Z axis torch into position and start cutting at the Z position
[03:53:42] <mozmck> vit-14: for initial height sensing you can use a floating head with a mechanical switch. This is probably the most common.
[03:53:49] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: they just wanted to automate that on their cutter
[03:54:40] <mozmck> Ohmic sensor is common and works well, I haven't used the capacitive, but that large ring could get in the way depending on what you are cutting.
[03:54:44] <CaptHindsight> they lower the Z until the switch closes then they know the height of the surface
[03:55:29] <CaptHindsight> yeah the rings aren't ideal
[03:55:44] <mozmck> yes, if you are cutting much of anything you really need the initial height sensing.
[03:55:56] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
[03:56:01] <CaptHindsight> but lower cost than a laser micrometer
[03:56:54] <mozmck> :) higher than a floating head setup though.
[03:57:32] <CaptHindsight> vit-14: is trying to buy something he can just bolt on
[03:57:32] <mozmck> You will find also that if you are cutting anything thin at all a full THC is essential.
[03:57:50] <vit-14> the material is flat
[03:58:12] <mozmck> If it is thin, it won't be flat once you have cut a little bit.
[03:58:27] <mozmck> the heat causes the metal to warp...
[03:58:35] <XXCoder1> unless vacuum held?
[03:58:53] <mozmck> heh, you can try that if you want :)
[03:58:57] <CaptHindsight> XXCoder1: welded to the table below :)
[03:59:14] <XXCoder1> make sure to bolt table to floor too :P
[03:59:48] <CaptHindsight> cast into the concrete so it doesn't move
[03:59:48] <mozmck> I've seen 1/16" plate bow up an inch or so.
[03:59:50] <vit-14> hehe well let me finish that proyect so i need help all
[04:00:55] -!- jerryitt has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[04:01:00] <CaptHindsight> http://www.razordance.co.uk/THC.htm
[04:01:10] <mozmck> http://www.candcnc.com sells electronics for plasma cutting. ***disclosure: I work for them***
[04:01:20] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/sch/sis.html?_nkw=Proffessional%20Compact%20CNC%20Plasma%20THC%20Controller%20Torch%20Height%20Control&_itemId=170940770185
[04:01:42] <vit-14> im crazy, I know nothing about computers, none of these machines and I happened to buy the engines and make one for my work, I hope everything works out.
[04:02:12] <CaptHindsight> that's how you learn
[04:03:40] <vit-14> well its late here talk soon thanks all
[04:03:54] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/THC3T-02-Plasma-Torch-Height-Controller-/251542335189
[04:04:44] <CaptHindsight> I don't see the actual probe though
[04:05:16] <CaptHindsight> this must sense the arc
[04:06:01] <CaptHindsight> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MzUzWDY0OA==/z/hXIAAMXQydtTM~MN/$_57.JPG
[04:06:20] <mozmck> It does.
[04:06:35] <vit-14> its good ?
[04:06:47] <mozmck> They copied our screen-set it looks like and changed a few things. :)
[04:07:25] <mozmck> I don't know, but getting support from Vietnam might be interesting :)
[04:08:01] -!- Aero-Tec [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:08:06] -!- moorbo has quit []
[04:08:12] <Aero-Tec> hello
[04:08:23] <Aero-Tec> I have a whack of mach Gcode
[04:08:31] <mozmck> how much is a whack?
[04:08:41] <Aero-Tec> would like to convert it to linuxcnc
[04:09:17] <Aero-Tec> is there a quick and simple program or any info on doing that?
[04:09:49] <Aero-Tec> whack for me, might not be for you guys
[04:10:17] <Valen> gcode in theory shouldn't need conversion
[04:10:18] <Valen> lol
[04:10:35] -!- vit-14 has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
[04:10:36] <Aero-Tec> some where around 50 or so programs, most hand coded
[04:10:43] <Aero-Tec> lol
[04:10:52] <Valen> what do you need to change?
[04:10:59] <Aero-Tec> true, in theory
[04:11:30] <Aero-Tec> I need to get it working on a LinuxCNC unit
[04:11:32] <CaptHindsight> it gets harder when you have 47 custom M codes
[04:11:44] <Valen> what i mean is what changes do you need to make
[04:11:48] <Aero-Tec> so every thing needed to get it running on linuxcnc
[04:12:40] <Valen> gcode isn't "mach" or "linux cnc" it really should "just work"
[04:12:47] <CaptHindsight> Aero-Tec: what happens when you load the programs into the Linuxcnc sim?
[04:13:03] <CaptHindsight> do you get errors?
[04:13:13] <Aero-Tec> it will not load, and linuxcnc has different Gcodes they use and interpret them differently
[04:13:18] <Aero-Tec> like threading
[04:13:34] <Aero-Tec> yes, lots of errors
[04:13:44] <Aero-Tec> then the code will not work right
[04:14:33] <Aero-Tec> I have gone through and fixed errors only to have it do some weird stuff
[04:15:20] <Aero-Tec> was just hoping I could use a converter program and it would work
[04:15:34] <Aero-Tec> wishful thinking
[04:16:51] <Aero-Tec> seeing as I write code and know some things about what is different I might have to write one myself
[04:17:23] <Valen> I'm presuming that sed would do pretty much everything
[04:17:24] <Aero-Tec> thing is it is all old mach code
[04:17:41] <Aero-Tec> not sure if the new version uses the same code
[04:18:23] <Aero-Tec> they are making a new mach program
[04:19:41] <Aero-Tec> I was really hoping not to have to write one, and do all the research into what is different and why
[04:21:00] <Valen> have a look at the errors, most of them are probably going to be setup
[04:21:22] <Aero-Tec> I wish
[04:21:31] <Aero-Tec> way more then that
[04:21:55] <Valen> I would guess that the ones further on follow on from the setup
[04:21:59] -!- NickParker|2 [NickParker|[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:22:31] <Aero-Tec> I have lathe code and mill code
[04:22:49] <KimK> MrHindsight: Thanks for the info. I must have a different version of E350 than the one you guys were discussing, as mine do have a parallel port, and one standard PCI port. I'm not sure if it also has a PCIe port, let me check. No, just one standard PCI: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4379#ov
[04:22:50] <Aero-Tec> threading is a whole different thing
[04:23:13] <NickParker|2> Hey everybody, I have a 2HP DC spindle, and a spindle controller that's looking less and less likely to ever work. Can anybody point me to a controller linuxcnc can control?
[04:23:40] <NickParker|2> I've only found ones with manual inputs so far (knobs and switches)
[04:23:57] <Aero-Tec> thought linuxcnc can control them all
[04:24:12] <KimK> Hi NickParker|2 , what's the voltage and current of your motor?
[04:24:21] <Aero-Tec> no remote input port?
[04:25:00] <NickParker|2> 12 A currrent, 1500W power, so we can infer ~125V
[04:25:01] <KimK> NickParker|2: I presume you mean your spindle controller is beyond repair?
[04:25:32] <Aero-Tec> they would normally have a port and a way to stop using the local pot and have a 1 to 10 volt, or 1 to 5 volt input
[04:25:38] <NickParker|2> KimK: Well we'll see. It *might* be as simple as a dead SCR. But the whole mill is turning 35 this year.
[04:26:47] <Aero-Tec> thanks for the help
[04:26:52] <Aero-Tec> going to bed
[04:27:43] <NickParker|2> http://www.coleparmer.com/Product/Basic_Variable_Speed_DC_Motor_Controller_for_1_4_to_2_hp_motors/EW-70100-10 This looks like it would work if it had remote input port
[04:28:59] <KimK> NickParker|2: If your controller only has a local pot input, look and see if the controller provides the pot a built in source of +5 or +10 or so across the pot. If so, you might be able to use one of many analog input isolators available (or make your own). Don't skip this step, as many (most) small DC controllers use a hot-chassis design, and don't take well to external 0-10V DC without isolation.
[04:29:54] <KimK> Looking now...
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[04:38:01] <KimK> OK, page 23 of the manual ( http://www.coleparmer.com/Assets/manual_pdfs/70100-10.pdf ) says that you can connect an isolated voltage source as from the Minarik PCM4 (or similar) of 0-1.4 (125V) or 0-2.8V (250V) so unusual voltages, but scalable to 0-5 or 0-10 or something.
[04:38:54] <NickParker|2> I'm already using an op amp as a low pass filter to make my 0-10, changing the gain for their voltage range is trivial.
[04:38:57] <KimK> BTW since this is a Minarik drive, you can almost certainly find a cheaper dealer than Cole-Parmer. (I'm just sayin')
[04:39:09] <NickParker|2> please, point me to a cheaper option.
[04:39:16] <NickParker|2> They were just the first google result.
[04:40:31] <KimK> Well, I haven't looked, I just know Cole-Parmer is high. Although probably very convenient one-stop shopping for those with unlimited budgets.
[04:42:17] <KimK> You might want to keep your op-amp and your 0-10, and then run through the isolator at a 0-10 scale, then come out of the isolator at 0-10, and only then scale down with resistors at the drive.
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[04:44:02] <NickParker|2> could also just pwm through an opto then do the op amp on the isolated side.
[04:44:04] <NickParker|2> no?
[04:44:25] <KimK> Your "bad" drive is likely also capable of accepting an isolator, so check into that too, maybe save yourself some money.
[04:45:25] <NickParker|2> KimK: it's not isolation we're struggling with. Restored to original LinuxCNC free condition the spindle controller doesn't respond to inputs.
[04:45:46] <NickParker|2> But I have more theories about why that is that I'll try tomorrow.
[04:48:20] <KimK> OK, I don't mean to interrupt your troubleshooting. If you can find a bad SCR or whatever, and get it going in local pot mode, great! The isolator part comes after that, where you want to control with an external (to the drive) 0-10V.
[04:54:00] <NickParker|2> Yeah thanks for all your help. Hope I get the dinosaur working tomorrow, and iff not I'lll probably buy myself a nice minarik drive.
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[05:46:02] <eren_basturk> I wonder that do you Linuxcnc for your products?
[05:47:48] <zeeshan> any suggestion s
[05:47:50] <zeeshan> on how to sand/polish
[05:47:54] <zeeshan> the groove:
[05:47:54] <zeeshan> http://ls1tech.com/forums/manual-transmission/1729425-t56-5-6-extension-countershaft-damage.html
[05:48:01] <zeeshan> in those pics
[06:09:42] <archivist> turn it to clean up maybe
[06:10:17] <zeeshan> i was thinking of a less aggressive approach
[06:10:22] <zeeshan> i wanna get a sand paper in there
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[06:10:26] <zeeshan> but not sure it will get in there :p
[06:10:59] <archivist> the base of the groove looks rough turned
[06:11:41] <zeeshan> yes
[06:12:19] <zeeshan> make a small 1 thou to 2 thou flick
[06:12:23] <zeeshan> wit ha grooving tool might fix it
[06:12:40] <archivist> even a file
[06:12:42] <zeeshan> only one way to find out
[06:12:42] <zeeshan> =D
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[06:12:52] <zeeshan> if ican fix this
[06:12:54] <zeeshan> i save 150$
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[06:13:51] <archivist> eren_basturk, do you mean what do we make, I make gear/regular shapes
[06:14:02] <zeeshan> archivist:
[06:14:03] <archivist> is it even faulty
[06:14:05] <zeeshan> i was meaningi to ask you earlier
[06:14:08] <zeeshan> do you own a hobbing machine?
[06:14:25] <archivist> I do but it is in bits and tiny
[06:14:44] <zeeshan> how about a spline rolling machine?
[06:14:53] <zeeshan> i really want to be able to roll my own splines
[06:15:24] <archivist> you can hob splines
[06:15:39] <archivist> you could even cnc shape them
[06:15:41] <zeeshan> yea but theyre not as strong
[06:15:43] <archivist> http://www.collection.archivist.info/searchv13.php?searchstr=colman
[06:15:50] <zeeshan> i really want to form them
[06:16:07] <eren_basturk> no i mean do you sell a machine with linuxcnc?
[06:16:18] <zeeshan> fancy machine :D
[06:17:08] <zeeshan> i cant tell how it works :p
[06:18:52] <archivist> basically rotates the blank and cutter at the same time, but that one is an auto for up to 1 inch dia, likely to be cnceeed
[06:19:26] <zeeshan> cool
[06:20:00] <archivist> linuxcnc can handle the gearing between tool and blank
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[06:54:38] <Loetmichel> mornin'
[06:54:47] <Deejay> moin
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[14:46:58] <Jymmm> Mornin Folks!
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[14:49:13] <zeeshan> morning
[14:51:12] <archivist_herron> nearly 4 in the after noon and time to go home!
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[15:21:25] <malcom2073> So i have HAL pwmgen enabled and set to a value of 42, but a LED I have attached to that output is pulsing as if the pwm was cyling from 0 to 100%, then back to 0, and repeating. Am I misunderstanding how the pwm stuff works?
[15:25:23] <jdh> it puts out 5v always. teh PWM is how long it is on per cycle
[15:26:58] <malcom2073> Right, and a LED attached to a pwm channel will vary in brightness based on how long 5v is applied during that cycle, so a solid PWM value should mean a solid LED brightness
[15:27:14] <SpeedEvil> what is the PWM rate.
[15:27:28] <SpeedEvil> The pwm rate needs to be >>10Hz to not flicker
[15:27:47] <SpeedEvil> Ideally ~1000Hz
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[15:34:55] <skunkworks__> malcom2073: what does your hal file look like?
[15:35:23] <jdh> mine is a text file with numbers and letters.
[15:37:53] <skunkworks__> what about symbols?
[15:38:10] <jdh> you're right! those too!
[15:38:38] <zeeshan> trolls
[15:39:12] <jdh> IDTTMWYTIM
[15:40:04] <zeeshan> WYTYSIWYTYG
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[16:16:27] <malcom2073> Got it, was user error, I was doing other things with that same output, duh. Fixed now thanks
[16:16:31] <malcom2073> On to the next issue heh
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[16:57:11] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
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[17:31:24] <IchGuckLive> malcom2073: issues are to solf thats the most fun stupid milling 200pices is not as fun
[17:31:51] <IchGuckLive> seb_kuzminsky: why is there a chennel flooding masage
[17:33:47] <malcom2073> Heh
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[17:36:54] <IchGuckLive> malcom2073: i reead the loogs and you said on to the next issue ;-)
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[17:39:51] <zeeshan> first time looking at a 1/8 hss tool bit
[17:39:54] <zeeshan> cute little thing
[17:40:32] <archivist> but the cute little buggers are sharp and will bite you
[17:40:42] <zeeshan> they make a nice bit
[17:40:45] <zeeshan> for a small boring bar
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[17:42:30] <archivist> dremel and microscope and you can make your own small turning tools
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[17:56:05] <malcom2073> IchGuckLive: I have some solid state relays, I didn't read teh spec sheet, over 5amps they need heatsinking. I was running 10amps through it and it got QUITE hot :)
[17:56:56] <IchGuckLive> nice shop heater !
[17:57:12] <malcom2073> It got up over 100C (tested by dripping water on the surface)
[17:57:26] <malcom2073> So... may be ruined? I'll try it out once I get a heatsink and see haha, but I'm buying a spare
[17:58:07] <Jymmm> malcom2073: Opto22?
[17:58:17] <Jymmm> well, nm
[17:58:18] <malcom2073> Jymmm: SSR-60-DD
[17:58:40] <Jymmm> Opto has a warranty, but they are super nazi about it.
[17:58:50] <malcom2073> Jymmm: http://www.amazon.com/Single-Phase-Solid-3-32VDC-5-110VDC/dp/B009AQN9CQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1401818321&sr=1-1&keywords=SSR+60
[17:59:00] <malcom2073> For that price, not really worth shipping back :P
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[17:59:24] <Jymmm> malcom2073: http://www.amazon.com/Aluminum-Solid-State-Relay-Dissipation/dp/B005D6145G/ref=pd_bxgy_hi_text_y
[17:59:39] <malcom2073> Jymmm: Yep, have a few of that type on order
[17:59:44] <Jymmm> lol
[17:59:56] <malcom2073> I put a CPU heatsink on my second one, kept it quite cool to the touch
[18:01:46] <pcw_home> Probably done with a OPTO/Darlington so high voltage drop (1.5 or 2V), hence the need for a heatsink
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[18:03:55] <malcom2073> pcw_home: from what I've read (no datasheet available on the $10 unit), most of these have a 1-1.5v drop, so anything over 5amps needs heatisnking
[18:05:04] <malcom2073> So it'll get me up and running, but tbh losing that much power may make me consider getting a higher efficiency solution, that's a lot of heat
[18:06:31] <pcw_home> Dont know if there are better MOSFET based modules available
[18:06:52] <skunkworks__> wow - dell server seems to have eaten 4 memory sticks
[18:07:36] <pcw_home> Thats an expensive habit
[18:08:14] <skunkworks__> assuming that it is the memory and not some odd memory control/motherboard issue.. I have none to swap out.
[18:08:43] <skunkworks__> yes - 4gb sticks of ecc pc3
[18:08:52] <pcw_home> Yow
[18:09:07] <CaptHindsight> "Dude, you got a Dell"
[18:09:09] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Can you test individually, or does it need pairs?
[18:09:28] <pcw_home> Probably need another rsystem to verify that the memory is truly dead
[18:09:33] -!- ravenlock [ravenlock!~ravenlock@enlightenment/developer/ravenlock] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:10:07] <Jymmm> Could run MEMTEST too
[18:10:24] <CaptHindsight> over voltage? overheated? self destruct circuit?
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[18:10:31] <skunkworks__> It will boot with just one.. out of the 6 sticks - only 2 work
[18:11:02] <skunkworks__> it disables the lanes at bootup (bad sticks)
[18:11:03] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Try swapping to other slots, could be a bad socket too, I've seen that before.
[18:11:11] <pcw_home> just suddenly happened on a working system?
[18:11:15] <skunkworks__> yes
[18:11:23] <skunkworks__> we did have some lighting this last weekend...
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[18:12:02] <IchGuckLive> skunkworks_ lightning did cost about 1Mio here in the last 2 days
[18:12:48] <skunkworks__> I think in the dells - you need to start with slot 1a,1b and so on..
[18:13:00] <IchGuckLive> USAFB took 2 full hits and the biofuel reserva has been als hit Metan about 14 m³ did go up to the vent
[18:13:18] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Right, but it depends on the mobo, some do, some don't care.
[18:13:41] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: easy enough to test
[18:14:15] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Then you can isolate sticks vs slots
[18:14:44] <IchGuckLive> all american newsrooms are here in town today i saw a Cnn truck at Burgerking ans NBC at Mc
[18:15:09] <Jymmm> Intel VP died yesterday
[18:15:26] <IchGuckLive> the afgan soldier is last POW is eating german meals ;-)
[18:15:39] <Jymmm> ah
[18:15:46] <IchGuckLive> im off BY have a nice milling day where ever you are in the world
[18:16:18] <IchGuckLive> E
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[18:16:22] <skunkworks__> Jymmm: if I put the 'bad' memory in any other slot - it disables it.
[18:16:48] <skunkworks__> and also scolds me that it isn't 'optimum' memory setup :)
[18:17:03] <skunkworks__> *disables it as bad
[18:17:08] <CaptHindsight> skunkworks_: any BIOS options to config the DRAM?
[18:17:18] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: But does the 'good' memory work in all slots (one stick at a time) ?
[18:17:24] <CaptHindsight> manual config?
[18:18:00] <skunkworks__> CaptHindsight: went as far as updating the bios and firmware.. no change
[18:18:33] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Dumb question but did you clear the CMOS after BIOS update?
[18:18:45] <CaptHindsight> BIOS exercises them to determine layout and size
[18:19:10] <skunkworks__> Jymmm: yes
[18:19:17] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: K, just checking =)
[18:19:24] <skunkworks__> they call it the nvram
[18:19:38] <CaptHindsight> reading SPD isn't accurate, I wonder what your BIOS does?
[18:20:04] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Does your ram have a lifetime waranty? Many do
[18:20:15] <skunkworks__> Jymmm: the 'good' memory boots in other slots.. (where the bad memory doesn't)
[18:20:24] <skunkworks__> Jymmm: have to check
[18:20:40] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Cool, at least you know it's not the mobo that's fubar'ed
[18:20:50] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: what BRAND ram is it?
[18:21:03] <skunkworks__> hynix
[18:21:28] <skunkworks__> it has been running for probably 2 months or more..
[18:22:28] <CaptHindsight> I'd try running them all the lowest speed and slowest timings if BIOS lets you config them manually
[18:22:49] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Where did you get the ram from?
[18:23:34] <CaptHindsight> after all the usual board flexing pin straightening checking etc etc
[18:24:03] <skunkworks__> it came with the server - it was refurbished from a company that I have had good luck with...
[18:24:39] <skunkworks__> I will get with them.. pretty sure it is all still under warrantee...
[18:24:54] <Jymmm> skunkworks__: Ah, ok. http://www.skhynix.com/products/support/rma.jsp
[18:25:02] -!- mhaberler [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[18:25:17] <Jymmm> Cosair, Kingstone have lifetime warranties for most products
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[18:27:16] <JesusAlos> hi
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[18:36:10] <zeeshan> 1337 SW Sultan Dr. Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953
[18:36:18] <zeeshan> thats cnc4pc's house
[18:36:27] <zeeshan> address i mean. and it's a house.
[18:36:28] <zeeshan> interesting
[18:36:56] <CaptHindsight> what no phone number? :)
[18:37:10] -!- witnit has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:37:21] <zeeshan> has a number
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[18:43:49] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[18:46:25] <jdh> that's a pretty l33t address
[18:49:26] <jdh> cheap too.
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[19:08:05] <Jymmm> cheep?
[19:08:09] <Jymmm> cheap?
[19:08:21] <Jymmm> zeeshan: whats so interesting abut it?
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[19:11:01] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=801ZII2e3CM#t=34 anyone ever use this brand of Z positioner?
[19:11:30] -!- witnit has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:12:41] <CaptHindsight> http://www.pacospiralift.com/index.html
[19:12:47] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: That's interesting... wind-a-column if you will
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[19:15:11] <Jymmm> CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7b1b2R_Kg
[19:19:30] <Jymmm> I like how he steps on it, and knocks it over =)
[19:20:58] <CaptHindsight> http://www.skf.com/group/products/actuation-systems/index.html I'm looking for lower profile versions
[19:23:20] <CaptHindsight> for my application an upside down power antenna might be good enough
[19:23:43] <Jymmm> car antenna?
[19:24:10] <CaptHindsight> yeah, If I can find a very rugged one
[19:24:18] -!- likevinyl [likevinyl!~likevinyl@unaffiliated/likevinyl] has parted #linuxcnc
[19:24:41] <Jymmm> electric car antennas are expensive, most have a nylon coil to raise/lower the antenna, not rugged in the least
[19:25:00] <CaptHindsight> like what would have been on a 1962 Mercedes :)
[19:25:20] <CaptHindsight> only ~2lb load
[19:25:39] <Jymmm> Nylon came out in 1945 =)
[19:27:33] <CaptHindsight> http://ergo-help.net/telescoping-air-cylinders.html
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[19:44:58] <JesusAlos> gn8
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[19:54:34] <jdh> http://wilmington.craigslist.org/tls/4500874254.html
[19:55:02] <jdh> opinions?
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[19:57:09] <jdh> too big for my space I guess.
[19:57:42] <Jymmm> jdh: It fit where are you gas tanks are =)
[19:57:57] <Jymmm> jdh: It fit where all your gas tanks are =)
[20:01:06] <jdh> nah, they don't take up that much space.
[20:01:40] <Jymmm> ah
[20:01:54] <zeeshan> monarch
[20:01:56] <zeeshan> FTW
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[20:06:57] <CaptHindsight> http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bfs/4502403907.html "If you buy the machine, you must pick it up"
[20:07:14] <CaptHindsight> I hate those customers that buy it and just leave it here
[20:08:02] <CaptHindsight> http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/tld/4492813217.html another Monarch
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[20:16:42] <CaptHindsight> http://chicago.craigslist.org/sox/tls/4501782128.html a bunch of those mini re-branded Sherline machines for $500ea
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[20:29:48] <SpeedEvil> CaptHindsight: I've sometimes done that. 'actually, I don't want it, it's a gift'.
[20:30:05] <SpeedEvil> Probably means 'I won't move it'
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[22:06:07] <zeeshan> hooray
[22:06:21] <zeeshan> cnc4pc said it wil be sending out my new toroid supply tommo
[22:06:28] <zeeshan> in exchange for the blown smps and working smps
[22:06:57] <Loetmichel> yeah, tioroid can cope with peaks MUCH better
[22:07:36] <zeeshan> well main reason i bought it
[22:07:41] <zeeshan> is if it ever blew up, i could fix it at home
[22:07:45] <Loetmichel> but be careful: a 1200W toroid that is burning because of overheat simply cant be extinguished.
[22:07:45] <zeeshan> cause its a simple circuit
[22:07:59] <Loetmichel> water on it: flames out. water evaporates: flames back on
[22:08:23] -!- patrickarlt has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:08:24] <Loetmichel> its unbeliveable how much energy the iron can store ;-)
[22:08:27] <zeeshan> =D
[22:08:57] <zeeshan> this one is 1300W
[22:09:05] <zeeshan> im just gonna fuse it right
[22:09:07] <zeeshan> so it never overheats
[22:09:35] <Loetmichel> it took about 10 minutes in the shower to get it cooled down enough that it only smoked, not reignited ;-)
[22:09:46] <zeeshan> whyd yours go on fire
[22:10:13] <Loetmichel> welding with a 80V servo supply isnt the best idea ;-)
[22:10:32] <zeeshan> lol
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[22:15:40] <MrHindsight> http://www.tenryu.com/pra.html cutting through aluminum extrusions like butter, if any is looking for good blades
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