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[00:54:03] <tjtr33> robotics at its best ( and maybe creepiest)
[00:54:12] <tjtr33> CaptHindsight, ^^^
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[01:00:13] <XXCoder> heh built my tablesaw stand :P
[01:00:17] <XXCoder> I progress so slowly
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[01:22:55] <humble_sea_bass> what kind of table saw are you using
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[02:16:36] <XXCoder> humble_sea_bass: hey
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[02:16:44] <XXCoder> cheapo obne from feight
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[02:20:17] <humble_sea_bass> those are pretty decent knockoffs of the dewalt ones that get used out in the field
[02:20:34] <XXCoder> yeah just would have to use it on floor for first time bahh
[02:20:52] <XXCoder> because nowhere to put it to safely cut sheet for stand
[02:21:09] <XXCoder> but only need do it once then has it on stand for that on
[02:22:11] <humble_sea_bass> that always sucks. the only time i launched a piece of lumber from a table saw was using it on the floor
[02:22:34] <XXCoder> fun
[02:22:53] <XXCoder> I plan to build jig for it too. make it easier for me to cut stuff
[02:23:20] <humble_sea_bass> table saws are all about jigs mang
[02:23:37] <XXCoder> did you see woodgears corner jig?
[02:23:41] <XXCoder> damn is it awesome
[02:24:04] <humble_sea_bass> that woodgears guy is the best
[02:24:18] <XXCoder> indeed
[02:26:44] <XXCoder> ever made anything he madE?
[02:27:48] <humble_sea_bass> i op for a more off the shelf approach
[02:30:29] <XXCoder> lol yeah the more pricy way
[02:34:37] <humble_sea_bass> when I was a woodworker I'
[02:34:47] <humble_sea_bass> d make my own jigs
[02:35:17] <humble_sea_bass> these days, I'm all about optimizing weekend fun
[02:35:36] <XXCoder> lol ok
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[03:20:14] <jymmm> I have a quality vac pump (looks like an air brush compressor), I want to use it free flow for the air assist in my laser.
[03:20:44] <jymmm> If I add a chamber, would that increase volume, flow, pressure at all by chance?
[03:21:53] <jymmm> or just smooth out the pulses?
[03:22:22] <XXCoder> how do air assist laser?
[03:22:26] <ssi> you mean like a reservoir?
[03:22:34] <jymmm> ssi: yeah
[03:22:45] <ssi> how much pressure does the pump make?
[03:22:54] <ssi> btw I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to use for air assist on mine
[03:23:11] <jymmm> It's free flowing, no gauge or valve
[03:23:28] <jymmm> let me find the specs for it
[03:23:39] <ssi> I would imagine that adding a tank would allow it to pressurize up to some point
[03:27:11] <jymmm> 15 l/min, 2.5 bar g, 100 mbar abs
[03:30:39] <XXCoder> how does air assist laser? lol
[03:30:50] <ssi> more importantly
[03:30:56] <ssi> what sort of flow and pressure do you need for the air assist?
[03:31:51] <jymmm> 2.5 bar = 36 PSI, that should be ok
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[03:37:55] <XXCoder> oh blows smoke away
[03:38:15] <os1r1s> jymmm: The cfm will likely be low
[03:39:34] <os1r1s> I use 30 psi at 4 cfm
[03:39:58] <ssi> for laser?
[03:40:02] <ssi> what's your source?
[03:40:03] <os1r1s> yes
[03:40:10] <XXCoder> superman
[03:40:16] <os1r1s> a full compressor
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[03:40:47] <os1r1s> I used to use an airbrush compressor, but they are weak at open flow
[03:41:37] <ssi> I'm concerned about my shop air being clean and dry enough
[03:42:06] <os1r1s> I use an oilless
[03:42:17] <jymmm> UN022 AVP ->>>>>>>>>
[03:43:08] <jymmm> os1r1s: model?
[03:43:33] <os1r1s> jymmm: Current or previous?
[03:43:44] <jymmm> now
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[03:44:39] <XXCoder> isnt typical compressor spit water (and sometimes rust!)
[03:44:40] <os1r1s> jymmm:
[03:44:58] <XXCoder> depends on how well maintaned compressor is, but yeah
[03:45:48] <os1r1s> I use a dryer for mine.
[03:46:31] <jymmm> fuck me thats quiet!
[03:46:44] <os1r1s> jymmm: Its really quiet
[03:46:53] <jymmm> how much?
[03:46:59] <XXCoder> ah more fancy than your typical shop compressors
[03:47:02] <os1r1s> I keep it upstairs in my workshop
[03:47:11] <os1r1s> alum tanks too
[03:47:17] <XXCoder> yeah no rust
[03:47:27] <XXCoder> still bit water but as long as keep clean shouldnt be issue
[03:47:48] <jymmm> os1r1s: how much?
[03:48:07] <os1r1s> I think 360 or so
[03:48:14] <zeeshan> ssi
[03:48:16] <zeeshan> use an air dryer
[03:48:23] <zeeshan> :p
[03:48:52] <XXCoder> oh yeah air dryer. thats still new to me
[03:48:58] <zeeshan> stop worrying when you know the solution
[03:49:12] <ssi> I don't know where you live
[03:49:16] <ssi> but air dryers don't work that well here
[03:49:21] <XXCoder> 2 of em?
[03:49:24] <XXCoder> chained?
[03:49:27] <zeeshan> ssi
[03:49:34] <zeeshan> didnt you say you were like 5 hours from me?
[03:49:38] <zeeshan> i'm in hamilton, ontario canada
[03:49:39] <zeeshan> near toronto
[03:49:45] <zeeshan> you don't need a chained dryer
[03:49:49] <zeeshan> you just need a proper one
[03:50:00] <zeeshan> meant to handle the airflow you're looking for
[03:50:21] <ssi> more like 9 hours from you
[03:50:23] <ssi> due south
[03:50:25] <os1r1s> jymmm: I use the same compressor for my small mill and lathe
[03:50:34] <ssi> where it's 150% relative humidity 345 days a year
[03:50:39] <zeeshan> thats not a big deal
[03:50:45] <XXCoder> 150% lol
[03:50:53] <jymmm> os1r1s: Nice, can you use air tools on it?
[03:51:00] <ssi> tell that to my 4' long dessicant dryer which needs to be baked every three days
[03:51:10] <jymmm> os1r1s: ratchet, impact, grinder?
[03:51:14] <zeeshan> you just need a dryer to drop the temp down to the dew point
[03:51:23] <zeeshan> dessicant dryers are bullshit
[03:51:27] <zeeshan> i'm talking about a real dryer
[03:51:32] <zeeshan> like a refigerator
[03:51:41] <os1r1s> jymmm: I could, but I don't. ratchet yeah, might be light for the impact and grinder
[03:51:42] <zeeshan>
[03:51:43] <zeeshan> those
[03:51:45] <ssi> send me onu
[03:51:46] <ssi> one
[03:51:48] <zeeshan> left one
[03:51:51] <zeeshan> buy one yourself
[03:51:52] <zeeshan> theyre cheap
[03:52:01] <zeeshan> at leas tin the used market :P
[03:52:14] <ssi> how cheap is cheap
[03:52:17] <zeeshan> you'll have so much water
[03:52:19] <zeeshan> you can drink out of it!
[03:52:20] <ssi> doesn't look cheap
[03:52:26] <zeeshan> i paid 200bux for mine used
[03:52:29] <zeeshan> theyre like 600 new
[03:52:40] <jymmm>
[03:52:43] <zeeshan> theyre cheap compared to an air compressor
[03:52:47] <zeeshan> that costs like 1000$ for 18scfm
[03:52:58] <jymmm> diy air dryer
[03:53:58] <zeeshan> my air had to be stupid clean
[03:54:07] <zeeshan> when i was trying to prep my car for paint
[03:54:13] <zeeshan> any water bubbles up in the primer
[03:54:20] <zeeshan> oil is even worse
[03:54:38] <zeeshan>
[03:54:41] <zeeshan> does that kind of non sense
[03:56:05] <zeeshan>
[03:56:07] <zeeshan> dryer on top
[03:56:33] <ssi> so where do I get one used
[03:56:41] <zeeshan> look on craigslist
[03:56:49] <CaptHindsight> or use waterborne primer and finishes :)
[03:56:57] <zeeshan> CaptHindsight: those require
[03:57:01] <zeeshan> a shit load of drying fans
[03:57:07] <zeeshan> like 5000 scfm
[03:57:27] <XXCoder> hmm
[03:57:49] <ssi>
[03:57:58] <zeeshan> i usually search for
[03:58:01] <zeeshan> 'air compressor dryer'
[03:58:06] <ssi>
[03:58:07] <zeeshan> yea thats perfect!
[03:58:58] <ssi> does it get plumbed between the pump and tank, or downstream of the tank?
[03:58:59] <zeeshan> itried to sand blast with a dessicant dryer before
[03:59:02] <zeeshan> wasn't working good
[03:59:09] <zeeshan> downstream of tank
[03:59:34] <XXCoder> fucking too many handheld films
[03:59:44] <XXCoder> those make me sick. literally
[03:59:56] <zeeshan> im sure you can find a 35scfm one for 200bux
[04:00:02] <zeeshan> i cant find the article
[04:00:21] <zeeshan> but they recommend to get at least double the scfm of your air comp
[04:00:33] <ssi> compressor is 18
[04:00:40] <XXCoder> theres air dryers that just hose though freezer
[04:00:52] <zeeshan> XXCoder: this is what this is
[04:01:01] <XXCoder> if you got working but junk freezer you got one already got ari dryer, just gonna mod
[04:01:05] <jymmm> diy air dryer
[04:01:22] <ssi> I have six windowshakers on hand
[04:01:28] <ssi> I could probably cobble sometihng together
[04:01:31] <ssi> but that sounds terrible
[04:01:38] <zeeshan> i was thinking about building it myself
[04:01:41] <zeeshan> but it was cheaper just to buy it
[04:02:11] <XXCoder>
[04:02:48] <zeeshan> i like the first comment
[04:02:48] <zeeshan> lol
[04:02:52] <zeeshan> ooks like a nice project and well thought out but did you happen to see how much the eaton air driers are. i got a 7.5hp comp with the matching air drier. i think the drier cost me $400 bucks or so.
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[04:07:12] <XXCoder> so far I see, theres 2 types
[04:07:20] <XXCoder> remove before or aftwer compressor
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[04:11:49] <CaptHindsight> where have I seen this before?
[04:12:23] <XXCoder> oh brother
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[05:19:16] <ssi>
[05:19:19] <ssi> slowly but surely
[05:20:12] <terabyte-> nicely done
[05:20:30] <ssi> thx :)
[05:20:33] <ssi> it's got a way to go
[05:20:34] <terabyte-> is that a parallel port breakout board?
[05:20:44] <ssi> no, it's a mesa daughteboard
[05:21:13] <terabyte-> ah
[05:21:14] <terabyte->
[05:21:27] <terabyte-> my baby
[05:21:41] <terabyte->
[05:21:59] <ssi> nice
[05:22:07] <ssi> is that parts?
[05:22:24] <terabyte-> yes sir
[05:22:27] <ssi> :)
[05:22:31] <terabyte-> the crp48x48
[05:22:58] <ssi> I haven't worked with any of it, but I've seen the new stuff in person and met Ahren a few times
[05:23:34] <terabyte-> Ive only talked to Cory
[05:23:41] <ssi> here, look through the last dozen pics or so here
[05:23:41] <ssi>
[05:23:47] <terabyte-> awesome guy and awesome customer service btw
[05:23:48] <ssi> I'm building a 2x4' laser cutter at the moment
[05:24:10] <terabyte-> oh very nice
[05:24:13] <terabyte-> we
[05:24:22] <terabyte-> we’re actually in the market for one of those
[05:24:30] <terabyte-> but prob just buying from china
[05:24:31] <ssi> me too haha
[05:24:34] <ssi> yeah...
[05:24:34] <terabyte-> just dont have the time to build
[05:24:42] <ssi> it's probably easier to buy
[05:24:59] <ssi> and I've already spent more on this machine than a chinese laser costs
[05:25:00] <terabyte-> since its going to be used to make money, yea
[05:25:06] <terabyte-> free time isnt free anymore
[05:25:10] <terabyte-> :(
[05:25:20] <ssi> BUT.... I think my machine has the potential to be nicer
[05:25:55] <terabyte-> oh im sure
[05:25:57] <ssi> and I'm really building this machine to build it, not so much because I need a laser cutter
[05:26:11] <terabyte-> yea a friend of mine said this
[05:26:17] <terabyte-> do you want the project or the tool?
[05:26:22] <ssi> yeah
[05:26:23] <ssi> I want the project
[05:26:32] <terabyte-> then nothing can replace DIY
[05:26:38] <terabyte-> i LOVE my CNC router
[05:26:49] <ssi> I've built like eight cnc machines at this point :P
[05:26:49] <terabyte-> but im going to love an ATC even more
[05:26:58] <terabyte-> holy cow
[05:27:03] <ssi> heheh
[05:27:09] <ssi> not all of them finished exactly :)
[05:27:20] <ssi> some scratch built, some conversions, some retrofits
[05:37:59] <terabyte-> i would love to get an old 80s Haas CNC to convert to linuxcnc
[05:38:29] <terabyte-> my machinist has one he still uses with mastercam
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[06:00:56] <toastydeath> why haas
[06:01:14] <toastydeath> if you're going to get a machine from the 80s, get a better one, they're about the same price
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[15:02:14] <ssi> superquietmonday!
[15:03:46] <archivist_herron> shhhh
[15:04:18] <ssi> D:
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[15:16:59] <CaptHindsight> how many "experts" and "years" does it take to make a metal laser sintering machine?
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[15:30:40] <ssi> doesn't seem fundamentally any harder than building a laser engraver
[15:31:24] <CaptHindsight> just add airtight chamber to fill with gas mixtures
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[15:31:36] <ssi> problem is the makertards hold SLS up as what will be "THE FUTURE" and the pinnacle of human manufacturing
[15:31:56] <ssi> they don't realize that SLS parts aren't going to be nearly strong enough to replace solid metal parts :P
[15:32:15] <ssi> but it'll be awesome for warhammer figurines or wtfever :P
[15:32:19] <CaptHindsight> so maybe 1-2 people could take 2 weeks limiting their days to 8hrs?
[15:32:50] <ssi> heh if I had a dedicated partner and a $10k budget I bet I could build one in 2-4 weeks
[15:33:11] <jdh> $10k wouldn't pay for the logo contest
[15:33:17] <CaptHindsight> heh
[15:33:19] <ssi> haha
[15:33:42] <archivist> are ther getting real fusion or just sintering
[15:33:49] <ssi> how much laser power do you need to sinter?
[15:33:51] <archivist> they
[15:34:00] <archivist> les than fusion :)
[15:34:02] <ssi> archivist: I'm pretty sure it's just sintered
[15:34:05] <ssi> melting a binder
[15:34:25] <archivist> porous as hell
[15:34:35] <ssi> yeah it doesn't make "real" parts :P
[15:34:53] <archivist> there is a video of a rocket nozzle being made
[15:34:57] <ssi> worse than metal injection molding
[15:35:04] <ssi> what I always called "marshmallow imitating metal"
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[15:37:37] <CaptHindsight>
[15:37:57] <CaptHindsight> GE uses it to make jet engine fuel nozzles
[15:40:02] <jdh> the GE additive mfg guys have been making the rounds at all the GE plants
[15:40:08] <CaptHindsight> is another, but they use E-beam
[15:40:41] <ssi> god their wiring looks like shit
[15:40:45] <ssi> the first vid
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[15:41:36] <jdh> we have a few on site but can source things from the new 'advanced mfg' plant
[15:41:38] <CaptHindsight> yeah, why I was wonder why someone who grew up in CNC shop and has hired experts make it look so armature hour
[15:41:48] <CaptHindsight> wonder/wondering
[15:42:18] <CaptHindsight> sorry my auto-spell is borked
[15:46:32] <CaptHindsight> all these projects that could just use Linuxcnc with minor mods or as-is that decide to hack out their own motion control software puzzle me
[15:50:22] <CaptHindsight> it looks like preempt_RT support is in master now along with some other new features
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[16:10:23] <ssi> I need to install a new linuxcnc machine
[16:10:29] <ssi> and I have no blank cds that I can lay hands on :(
[16:12:09] <pcw_home> rotating media? how quaint...
[16:12:26] <ssi> yeah :(
[16:12:49] <ssi> hasn't anyone put together a usb linuxcnc live image? :P
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[16:13:15] <pcw_home> for ubuntu, unetbootin works
[16:14:10] <ssi> question is, what's more work: figuring out how to get netboot to work, getting ubuntu installed, getting an RT kernel in place and whatever other prereqs I might need to install linuxcnc; or driving to the store and buying a small pack of CDs :P
[16:15:23] <Meduza> Try with the linuxcnc image and a USB key? Might work
[16:15:28] <cradek> installing from usb works perfectly fine
[16:15:52] <pcw_home> unetbootin is trivial
[16:15:54] <pcw_home> install
[16:15:55] <pcw_home> run
[16:15:57] <pcw_home> select iso
[16:15:58] <pcw_home> make use image
[16:16:09] <pcw_home> s/use/usb/
[16:16:17] <ssi> aha
[16:16:51] <pcw_home> doesnt work with wheezy (or hybrid images maybe) though
[16:17:02] <ssi> and unetbootin, unlike what Meduza linked, is written by someone who is aware of operating systems other than windows
[16:17:06] <ssi> so that's a nice bonus
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[16:18:26] <ssi> now I just have to find a usb drive :P
[16:18:53] <pcw_home> doesn't everyone have at least one one their keychain?
[16:19:36] <archivist>
[16:20:04] <ssi> heheh no
[16:20:06] <ssi> I found one tho
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[16:37:24] <K6MLE> Waiting for FedEx to bring me my 5i25 ... which will, hopefully, solve my stepping and direction issues!
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[16:40:18] <CaptHindsight> K6MLE: what were you using previously?
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[16:40:51] <K6MLE> Capt: I was using a generic 1P2S pci board ...
[16:41:09] <pcw_home> Hmm if software stepping doesn't work I'm not so sure hardware stepping will help
[16:41:10] <pcw_home> (it will improve the maximum step rate and step generation smoothness at high speeds but that's all)
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[16:41:33] <CaptHindsight> K6MLE: what problem did you have with DIRECTION?
[16:42:00] <archivist> I think it was a hardware opto drive problem iirc
[16:42:25] <CaptHindsight> ah funky breakout board
[16:42:26] <K6MLE> Capt: I would get occaisional misses of the direction signal (wouldn't change DIR) ...
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[16:45:19] <zeeshan> i have a couple of .75" wide 1/2" 6061 flat bar
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[16:45:25] <zeeshan> need to make it .375 thick
[16:45:41] <zeeshan> can i just use a 3/4" end mill and plunge it .375 in one pass? :p
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[16:46:43] <archivist> if you can lube it and hold it down and dont mind the finish
[16:46:53] <zeeshan> poop finish is okay
[16:47:01] <zeeshan> im just wondering what the "right" depth of cut is for finishing
[16:47:02] <zeeshan> er
[16:47:04] <zeeshan> for roughing
[16:47:09] <zeeshan> for a particular end mill size
[16:47:16] <alexchally> hey guys! I finally got my mesa boards, so now the confusion starts and the begging for help really begins :D
[16:47:17] <zeeshan> i always heard its half the end mill diameter?
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[16:47:58] <archivist> +or minus whatever
[16:48:07] <zeeshan> what about for a 3" face mill?
[16:48:16] <zeeshan> i mean 2"
[16:48:18] <alexchally> what material, what insert geometry?
[16:48:24] <zeeshan> wnmg
[16:48:30] <archivist> phase of the moon?
[16:48:30] <zeeshan> carbide
[16:48:36] <alexchally> mmm dat trigon
[16:49:01] <ssi> I have some of those
[16:49:02] <alexchally> steel? Al? Stainless?
[16:49:08] <zeeshan> i said al!!
[16:49:08] <zeeshan> :P
[16:49:20] <ssi> before he joined the room, settle down ;)
[16:49:51] <alexchally> I finish at about .020" ~25IPM with a wiper insert like that one, with mist coolant and end up with pretty shiny surfaces
[16:49:59] <JesusAlos> yep
[16:50:02] <zeeshan> i want to rough
[16:50:18] <zeeshan> surface finish isnt critical :D
[16:50:26] <alexchally> oh, damn, depends on your rigidity mostly then
[16:50:44] <zeeshan> i just gave like 25 oif thece pieces to shave down
[16:50:45] <alexchally> .25" DOC, full width, 35-50IPM, 600 SFM
[16:50:48] <zeeshan> so i wanna quickly load em up
[16:50:55] <zeeshan> and keep the cutter in one z height
[16:51:00] <ssi> if it were me
[16:51:00] <zeeshan> and rough the material awayu
[16:51:04] <ssi> I'd go buy some 3/8" flatbar
[16:51:09] <ssi> and save the 1/2" for when you need it :P
[16:51:10] <JesusAlos> I was see a grapic touch interface in blue color
[16:51:15] <alexchally> thats what I do for this kinda work:
[16:51:19] <JesusAlos> but don't fount it now
[16:51:19] <zeeshan> ssi go buy a dryer
[16:51:25] <zeeshan> thanks!
[16:51:26] <ssi> zeeshan: find me one and I will
[16:51:28] <zeeshan> :)
[16:51:35] <JesusAlos> don't remember his name
[16:52:44] <alexchally> ok, so I have a Mesa 5i23 with 7i52s and 7i37 daughter cards. Not sure how to find the proper firmware because pncconf does not have the 7i52s by default
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[16:54:43] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[16:54:55] <JesusAlos> hi Ich
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[16:55:08] <IchGuckLive> ;-)
[16:56:45] <K6MLE> Hello Ich ...
[16:57:00] <IchGuckLive> hi did you got over dir issue
[16:57:15] <IchGuckLive> by parport pci card
[16:57:26] <K6MLE> Ich: Waiting for FedEx to bring my my new 5i25.
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[16:57:46] <IchGuckLive> oh going heavy stuff
[16:58:08] <IchGuckLive> you shoudt better replace your g540 thats your main miss
[16:58:35] <IchGuckLive> you badly require halfstepping to get your mill a needed torque
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[16:58:58] <IchGuckLive> 32000 steps per inch is bad
[16:59:00] <K6MLE> It seems that the problem is the signals coming from the computer and not being a high enough voltage for a good logic level.
[16:59:25] <IchGuckLive> that replaced by 10USD not 5i25
[16:59:37] <IchGuckLive> ok its your money
[17:00:09] <ssi> #waronquality
[17:00:16] <IchGuckLive> on that fpga you can go down to G540 near limits at 1000/1000 2500/2500
[17:00:52] <IchGuckLive> but then i guess you steppers will not pull a chees on the axis
[17:01:01] <K6MLE> I requested that the 5i25 be loaded with the appropriate firmware for the G540.
[17:01:25] <IchGuckLive> that is good
[17:01:40] <IchGuckLive> but does not solve y<our main problem
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[17:02:14] <IchGuckLive> hi badon
[17:02:19] <ssi> how in the world did you end up with 32000 steps per inch?
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[17:02:36] <pcw_home> 100K step per inch is OK with a hardware stepgen
[17:02:38] <K6MLE> If the main problem is indeed traced back to low logic levels, I expect the 5i25 to correct that.
[17:02:40] <IchGuckLive> the G540 is fixed at 1600Steps per Rev
[17:02:59] <ssi> 8tpi screws I guess then?
[17:03:02] <IchGuckLive> 20 turns per inch at 1600steps / rev
[17:03:07] <K6MLE> I think my last steps/inch was in the realm of 8000 ...
[17:03:09] <ssi> oh 20tpi
[17:03:10] <ssi> hm
[17:03:20] <K6MLE> screw is 20 tpi ...
[17:03:24] <pcw_home> no , G540 is 2000 steps/rev
[17:03:35] <ssi> yea pretty sure it's 10x
[17:03:37] <pcw_home> (1/10 ustep ratio)
[17:03:53] <IchGuckLive> thats even wors
[17:04:01] <ssi> should be fine
[17:04:06] <IchGuckLive> that gives you 40000
[17:04:17] <ssi> I've run plenty of 5 and 10tpi screws with 10x ustep
[17:04:22] <pcw_home> no its better (the more the better)
[17:04:59] <pcw_home> 32 would be even better (assuming a hardware stepgen)
[17:05:01] <IchGuckLive> ok im n europ so i use 100SCALE
[17:05:12] <IchGuckLive> on most of the mashines
[17:05:34] <IchGuckLive> or on plasma 10
[17:05:39] <K6MLE> I'm somewhat commited to the G540 at this point ... and it's a step up from the TB6560 and it's problems ...
[17:05:45] <IchGuckLive> so max speed at full force
[17:05:48] <pcw_home> less noise, less excitement of resonance
[17:06:17] <IchGuckLive> but also less torque
[17:06:29] <pcw_home> false
[17:06:44] <pcw_home> torque is the same
[17:07:15] <IchGuckLive> ok as you say you are the pro on microstepping never used above !/2
[17:07:53] <pcw_home> the torque per ustep is less (but thats not stall torque)
[17:08:39] <IchGuckLive> wee will se how it ends up
[17:09:07] <pcw_home> some of our OEMS are using 256 usteps
[17:09:28] <ssi> the leadshine drives I got for the laser will do absurdly high ustepping
[17:09:32] <pcw_home> so 51200 usteps/tirn
[17:09:45] <ssi> and I intend to try it, because a) hardware stepgen and b) my belt driven axes are too coarse :/
[17:09:53] <ssi> I know ustepping is no substitute but I'm gonna work with it for now
[17:10:13] <alexchally> pcw_home: maybe you can help me, I just installed a 5i23 with a 7I52S and a 7i37, but I am not exactly sure where to go from here. I know I need to load some firmware but I am not sure where to get it from, and pncconf does not seem to have options for my cards. Any doc I should read or guidance that could be provided?
[17:11:02] <IchGuckLive> alexchally: did y<ou install the linuxcnc update
[17:11:12] <pcw_home> first what do you intend to connect to the 7I52?
[17:12:01] <alexchally> the 7i52 is going to be the input to 2 HEDS 9000 encoders and an accurite glass scale, and also the differential PWM output that my servo drivers require
[17:12:38] <alexchally> the servo drivers accept a 1.6kHz square wave and use the duty cycle to determine how hard they turn, 0% =full speed CCW, 100%= full speed CW, 50%= stop
[17:13:40] <alexchally> IchGuckLive: I am running 2.5.4, just downloaded the live CD and installed late last week, but no, I Have not updated beyond that
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[17:13:56] <pcw_home> OK that will likely require custom firmware
[17:15:02] <pcw_home> (and some interesting HAL file stuff to get the offset PWM)
[17:15:23] <alexchally> k, who do I beg to help me with that :D
[17:16:13] <alexchally> and or, again, doc to look at so I can figure it out myself
[17:16:16] <archivist> can you get the servos to use a more common drive
[17:16:18] <pcw_home> actually I vaguely remember this and suggested the 3 phase PWMgen
[17:16:19] <pcw_home> (since it does offset PWM natively)
[17:16:39] <alexchally> pcw_home: yes, you did a few weeks ago!
[17:16:54] <pcw_home> (that is 0 PWM value = 50%)
[17:17:06] <alexchally> archivist: no budget for more hardware, they are fairly big drives on 90VDC 1/2HP servos
[17:17:10] <pcw_home> OK so i need to make a custom bitfile
[17:17:57] <archivist> alexchally, I was not thinking of getting hardware, just reading manuals and finding a nicer mode
[17:18:35] <alexchally> archivist: no manuals or wiring diagrams available... this is a conversion of a ProtoTrak EMX based machine, they are not friendly with reverse engineering their systems
[17:19:16] <alexchally> maybe more importantly than that, my boss wants me to maintain the old control so its just a quick cable swap from the new control to the old one, so no modification of the guts.
[17:19:17] <IchGuckLive> alexchally:
[17:19:30] <pcw_home> with offset PWM you need to make sure the drives are disabled until linuxcnc is up
[17:19:31] <pcw_home> wasn't it suggested that the drives are disabled without "1.6 KHz carrier"?
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[17:20:29] <pcw_home> so is there a drive enable input?
[17:21:08] <alexchally> as far as I know there is no drive enable input, but I have an extra relay in my control cab that I could pass the 120VAC through before it gets sent to the servo drive
[17:21:17] <pcw_home> (so the 7I52 outputs could be channels of PWM_ + ENA)
[17:21:18] <alexchally> to make my own drive enable
[17:21:22] -!- phantoxe has quit []
[17:21:27] <pcw_home> 6 channels
[17:21:29] <alexchally> brb in about 3 minutes, walking to the shop
[17:23:50] <pcw_home> I could also put stepgens on unused 7I52 outputs
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[17:27:49] <chally_> ok, back!
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[17:36:00] <chally_> pcw_home, sorry, not sure what you mean by putting the stepgens on the unused 7152s output
[17:36:26] <chally_> that is, I thought the point of that card was to output the "step" signal (although its obviously not really a step...)
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[17:38:37] <pcw_home> The 7I52S has 12 differential output pairs and you dont need that many pwmgens...
[17:38:44] <chally_> ah, yes
[17:39:14] <chally_> but I don't need any stepgens?
[17:39:34] <chally_> or at least I don't think I need them, the only ouput signal to the motor controll is that PWM signal
[17:39:54] <chally_> er, to the motor driver
[17:40:01] <pcw_home> not a bit deal I'll just put 4 x 3 phase PWM gens = 12 pins
[17:41:11] <pcw_home> so A0,B0,C0, A1,B1,C1 etc
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[17:42:52] <chally_> pcw_home, awesome
[17:43:01] -!- likevinyl has quit [Quit: likevinyl]
[17:45:02] <pcw_home> I may just use 6 channels and alternate PWM with enable (might be more generally useful)
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[17:52:19] <chally_> pcw_home, fair enough, I don't know one way or the other which might be better, but I bet you do \
[17:53:27] <JT-Shop> to cut left hand threads do I run the lathe backwards and turn the tool upside down?
[17:53:44] <ssi> run the lathe forwards and rightside up
[17:53:49] <ssi> just start from the left and cut toward the right
[17:54:06] <archivist> I run the lathe forwards and cut left to right
[17:54:28] <archivist> use the entrance taper
[17:54:39] <ssi> or a runout groove at a shoulder
[17:54:50] <jdh> only communists have left hand threads.
[17:55:28] <IchGuckLive> jdh: i bet more US use then russion
[17:55:49] <archivist> I made LH worms on the starturn that way
[17:56:25] <JT-Shop> ok, so program the initial Z at say -2.0 and the final Z at 0.125
[17:57:27] <ssi> in soviet russia, thread gut you
[17:57:28] <ssi> cut
[17:57:39] <archivist> whatever numbers you need :)
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[18:01:21] <IchGuckLive> hi cgc
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[18:03:14] <ssi> so hungry
[18:04:07] <IchGuckLive> ssi: pizza is oe call away
[18:04:19] <Deejay> IchGuckLive, you frightend him ;)
[18:04:19] <IchGuckLive> one
[18:04:27] <ssi> true
[18:04:32] <ssi> one call and an hour :)
[18:04:42] <IchGuckLive> oh im a nice old grandpa
[18:05:17] <IchGuckLive> one hour make your own and sell it towards 30min range
[18:05:35] <IchGuckLive> food is always a good moneymaker
[18:05:57] <IchGuckLive> h i see you make aplasma to cut your pizzaoven first
[18:06:31] <ssi> yeah that's how it'd go
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[18:07:18] <IchGuckLive> today real nasty weather here in germany the clouds fly in from all directions
[18:07:35] <IchGuckLive> but no wildfire after the hot days
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[18:09:29] <IchGuckLive> ok im off for today bye have a nice day wherever you are on earth
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[18:20:55] <JT-Shop> I think that is the first LH thread I've cut with the CHNC and now a happy happy farmer drives back to his farm
[18:21:03] <ssi> haha
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[18:37:20] <JesusAlos> please
[18:37:36] <JesusAlos> looking for a graphic touch interface
[18:37:53] <JesusAlos> don't remember his name, but are blue
[18:37:57] <cradek> have you tried touchy?
[18:38:24] <JesusAlos> is similar but blue color
[18:38:48] <JesusAlos> Light Blue
[18:39:01] <JesusAlos> clear blue
[18:39:24] <cradek> you might be thinking of tklinuxcnc which was formerly tkemc. it is currently unmaintained and I do not recommend using it.
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[18:40:03] <cradek> it is not really for touch -- at least a keyboard is still needed to run tklinuxcnc
[18:40:14] <cradek> touchy is made for operation with only a touch screen
[18:40:44] <JesusAlos> not is thinking
[18:41:04] <JesusAlos> is lyke touchy but blue clear
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[18:46:02] <ssi>
[18:46:02] <ssi> ahahah
[18:46:18] <CaptHindsight> I need to either add the preview to Touchy or make the buttons much larger in Axis
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[18:50:28] <JesusAlos> lol
[18:50:49] <Connor> CaptHindsight: Ust gmocapy
[18:51:15] <CaptHindsight> ssi: pretty typical, what i don't like are those cheap roll up doors that don't seal around the sides or top
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[18:52:07] <CaptHindsight> Connor: yeah, just about as much work to modify that as well
[18:52:54] <JesusAlos> go dinner
[18:52:56] <JesusAlos> by
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[18:59:05] <ssi> pcw_home: 7i76 doesn't seem to have enable outs for the stepper drives the way the 7i77 does for servo drives...
[18:59:17] <ssi> my stepper drives have enable inputs; is there a preferred method for running thme?
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[19:02:15] <ssi> CaptHindsight: just got the gv6-u12e drives in the mail
[19:02:17] <ssi> they're huge :)
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[19:03:07] <CaptHindsight> ssi: heh, well compared to the tiny Leadshines
[19:03:21] <ssi> compared to similarly rated AMC brushless drives
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[19:03:34] <ssi> although I've never had one of the AMC drives that's 120/240VAC, so maybe they're similarly sized
[19:03:40] <CaptHindsight> also bigger heatsinks
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[19:04:06] <CaptHindsight> yeah power supply is also included
[19:04:10] <ssi> I need to source the wacky connectors for the feedback and IO connections on these things
[19:04:14] <ssi> I think the manual listed part numbers
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[19:04:30] <CaptHindsight> yes, digikey or Mouser sticks them
[19:04:31] <ssi> unfortunately the cables that came with the motors don't match these drives on that end
[19:05:01] <zeeshan> reporting back
[19:05:06] <zeeshan> .375" depth of cut with 3/4" end mill
[19:05:07] <zeeshan> worked.
[19:05:08] <zeeshan> :)
[19:07:11] <CaptHindsight>
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[19:10:07] <CaptHindsight> 5-axis with slow aerosol jet head ($100K for the printhead)
[19:10:52] <CaptHindsight> anyone recognize the CAM package they used?
[19:17:29] Cylly is now known as Loetmichel
[19:17:43] <jymmm> Neotech Motion 3D v3.6 64bit
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[19:18:20] <jymmm> I do like the LED Egg
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[19:44:07] <ssi> BEEEEEMZ
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[19:52:51] <ssi>
[19:54:18] <jdh> are you charging your lazerz?
[19:54:37] <ssi>
[19:54:43] <jdh> is that a levitating power strip?
[19:54:51] <ssi> yep :D
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[19:55:33] <ssi> i think that's the last component I was waiting on
[19:55:45] <ssi> I figured I'd have plenty of time to get motion going before the tube came
[19:55:47] <ssi> but I was WRONG
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[20:02:18] <Loetmichel> ssi: dot forge tot add water and a pump or the fun wiht the tube will not last long ;-)
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[20:04:51] <ssi> I have a pump
[20:04:59] <ssi> need to go to home depot and get some silicone tubing
[20:05:11] <ssi> also trying to figure out how to make the electrical connections
[20:05:19] <ssi> the tube just has these stub rods at each end
[20:05:33] <ssi> the power supply has a short length of HT cable and an even shorter length of regular wire
[20:05:38] <ssi> they both end in a stripped bit
[20:05:39] <ssi> no rubber caps
[20:05:57] <ssi> no manual for the power supply
[20:06:00] <ssi> no clue how to control it
[20:06:00] <ssi> :P
[20:06:03] <ssi> yay china
[20:08:21] <Loetmichel> *FUUUUU* do i hate the crappy router. every two days it needs a reboot because of memory leak. wifey is already complaining" cant login tho the wifi, DO SOMETHING!" *BRB, resetting router* :-(
[20:08:47] <ssi> only wireless router I've ever used that doesn't require a reboot every now and again is the apple airports
[20:09:10] -!- skunkworks has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:09:27] <jdh> I don't recall ever having to reboot my netgear
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[20:12:45] <ssi> so the terminals on this power supply...
[20:13:07] <ssi> there's the anode and cathode wires for the tube, and a big 3 pin for L/N/G mains
[20:13:17] <jymmm> Number of times I've rebooted my dlink in 5+ years.... NONE
[20:13:37] <ssi> then on the other side, a 7 pin terminal block, labeled K+ K- G IN 5V D+ D-
[20:13:47] <ssi> and then a four pin labeled 24V GND 5V L
[20:22:43] <jdh> nice.
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[20:25:01] <jdh> K seems to be laser test, D is safety interlock
[20:25:38] <jdh> 5 in 5 is power pot
[20:28:31] <ssi> thinking G IN 5V would be the three terminals of the pot
[20:29:10] <jdh> somehow I got a 5 for a g there.
[20:29:27] <jdh> looks like undocumented chinese laser power supplies are the norm.
[20:30:03] <ssi> what do you suppose that 24 / gnd / 5 / L block is for?
[20:30:15] <ssi> and if K is a differential test input, and D is a differential interlock
[20:30:20] <ssi> what's the actual fire input?
[20:30:21] <ssi> just test?
[20:30:21] <jdh> power for the board
[20:30:38] <ssi> I hope I don't have to provide it power :P
[20:30:41] <ssi> it's a freakin power supply!
[20:31:01] <jdh> power for the controller board
[20:31:05] -!- Tecan has quit [Quit: Live Long And Phosphor!]
[20:31:12] <ssi> power out you mean?
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[20:31:33] <jdh>
[20:31:40] <ssi> I'm about to try to put line voltage on it and see what those terminal meter at
[20:32:11] <ssi> aha
[20:32:14] <ssi> that's different than mine
[20:32:16] <ssi> but marked the same
[20:32:50] <ssi> I wonder if "L" is the fire signal
[20:33:01] <jdh> there are a bunch of K40 sites out there
[20:33:16] <ssi> you know
[20:33:24] <jdh> that's why I haven't bought one.
[20:33:26] <ssi> I just bought $80 worth of powersupplies to add 5V and 12V field to the machine
[20:33:38] <ssi> I wish I'd known beforehand that this thing would give me 5V and 12V
[20:33:39] <ssi> heh
[20:33:44] <jdh> 23
[20:33:45] <jdh> 24
[20:33:50] <ssi> er 24 right
[20:33:52] <ssi> that's fine
[20:33:54] <ssi> 12v field is arbitrary
[20:34:25] <ssi> I would have run 5V field except the 7i76 won't run the processor without 8+
[20:36:45] <jdh>
[20:37:33] <jdh> wrong one... I have 5/24 on my mill
[20:37:39] -!- toner has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:37:57] <jdh> it was only like $12 though. 1A on the 24.
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[20:39:08] <Deejay> gn8
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[20:56:07] <ssi> jdh: I just didn't want to wait
[20:56:15] <ssi> I got a couple adorable meanwell tiny supplies from frys
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[21:03:00] <pingufan> Hello, I am using linuxcnc 2.5.2 (because a newer version does not run on my little PC). It works perfectly with my 3-axis mill.
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[21:04:07] <pingufan> There is only one thing: Is it possible to add another file extension to it? It shows only .ngc files, but I have a g-code generator who only generates .tap files. So I always have to rename it manually.
[21:04:37] <pingufan> Would begreat, if I can configure axis to search for both, .ngc and .tap.
[21:05:16] <ssi> I have the same problem, and I've never bothered to take the time to find a solution :P
[21:05:55] <cradek> pingufan: check out the "filter" feature of AXIS
[21:06:23] <cradek> but also, there is no possible reason that 2.5.2 will run on your machine but 2.5.4 will not
[21:06:52] <ssi> yea looks like you could set up .tap as a filter, and set the program to cat
[21:08:35] <ssi> sweet, that works :D
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[21:13:29] <pingufan> cradek: It is not 2.5.2, it is this stupid UBUNTU, which makes the problems. This is a machine with VIA C7 1500 MHz CPU.
[21:14:07] <cradek> so don't change the ubuntu
[21:15:11] <pingufan> cradek, it is wonderful as it is. There must be really heavy advantages that I change my running system.
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[21:17:23] <cradek> fwiw,
[21:17:36] <cradek> here you can see the bugfixes you don't have
[21:17:38] <pingufan> where is this filter to be configured? It is at least one year ago that I fiddled in the configs.
[21:18:10] <cradek>
[21:18:18] <ssi> in your ini
[21:20:27] <pingufan> cradek, I have a ~10mm wide vertical black stripe in the AXIS window. This is a bug with the current version. everything around the black graphics window is correct, also the Ubuntu desktop is fine. Is this also fixed, do you think?
[21:21:01] <cradek> no, that's an opengl software, or hardware, problem and is unlikely to be fixed by upgrading linuxcnc
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[21:21:58] <pingufan> I was afraid that you say this. :)
[21:22:34] <cradek> I'd just try different hardware to fix that, but I have a very good junkpile
[21:23:02] <pingufan> You also had this on some hardware?
[21:23:14] <cradek> nope
[21:23:49] <pingufan> Meanwhile I learned to ignore that black stripe.
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[21:24:36] <pingufan> it is late here, I will go to eat something and then go to bed. Hope I will find the right ini tomorrow.
[21:26:03] <diizie> hello. I am building an imaging system and would like to keep the camera static and move the specimen in xyz with the stage. Do you guys know of any good hacks for that?
[21:26:33] <pingufan> cradek, I got the idea to simulate a minimalistic keyboard with a PIC microcontroller (over USB). Joystick and Emergency off. Will such stuff work?
[21:28:22] <SpeedEvil> pingufan: sure.
[21:28:33] <SpeedEvil> Though is USB actually reliable enough.
[21:28:41] <cradek> that's unlikely to be the best way to do whatever your actual goal is
[21:28:48] <SpeedEvil> Speaking personally, I want emergency off to actually hard-kill power.
[21:29:00] <cradek> yes
[21:29:15] <jymmm> shunt
[21:29:29] <jymmm> any crowbar will do
[21:30:04] <pingufan> This is a very little CNC mill. I simply want to get the huge keyboard away. It is not very comfortable if you want to position the tool and have a normal keyboard on the side.
[21:30:18] <pingufan> But thanks to confirming.
[21:30:21] <cradek> perhaps you want a jogwheel
[21:30:48] <cradek> and touchy (which would eliminate the opengl issues too)
[21:31:13] <pingufan> Nice idea.
[21:32:32] <pingufan> cradek, I peeked into the axis link you sent me. Did I mis-understand, or is this "filter" functionality for invokingexternal programs? I actually only want to see *.ngc AND *.tap files in the "open file browser".
[21:32:38] -!- mozmck has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:32:46] <jymmm> Heh...
[21:33:58] <pingufan> jymmm: This is very nice, but again so many unnecessary buttons... :D
[21:34:32] <jymmm> pingufan: Not that I would recommend wireless, but it would allow you to jog too.
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[21:35:15] <pingufan> Oh , yes. Like in my livingroom, the batteries are always empty if I want to start a movie. :)
[21:35:53] <jymmm> pingufan: Well, the one I have is usb rechargeable, but I think it's a wee bit too small for you.
[21:36:32] <pingufan> Ok, I really have to leave. Thanks for your kindly help. Cradek, are you here in ~8-9 hours?
[21:39:15] <jymmm> pingufan: LOL
[21:39:58] <jymmm> I highly recommend RF over BlueTooth versions. No drivers needed and even works in BIOS
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[21:51:18] <ssi> OH HOORAY
[21:51:20] <ssi> new sunglasses
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[22:40:34] <chally_> PCW, any word on that firmware?
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[22:41:57] <PCW> I started...
[22:41:58] <PCW> This has only PWM and encoder on 7I52
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[22:43:45] <PCW> compiling...
[22:44:13] <PCW> (late lunch now back in 20)
[22:46:08] <ssi> hm... I'm trying to drive an active low relay card with the outputs on a 7i76 and it's not working
[22:46:16] <ssi> they come up to field voltage just fine, but when turned off they seem to float
[22:46:24] <ssi> I know they're active high outs, but is it possible to make them sink?
[22:48:05] <ssi> I guess it's not, re the manual
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[22:55:41] <chally_> PCW, awesome, thanks man!
[22:55:49] <chally_> or woman, whatevs
[22:57:54] <ssi> here goes ugly hackfest
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[23:01:06] <PCW> ssi they are hard wired for sourcing drive (the can be wired for sinking but they are not on the 7I76)
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[23:01:13] <ssi> right
[23:01:20] <ssi> I'm hacking up the relay card to work as active high
[23:01:36] <ssi> it's just an opto input, but I'm gonna have to do a bunch of ugly airwiring to make it work :)
[23:02:22] <PCW> On-semi has some new push pull drivers which we may eventually use (so 3 modes source,sink,pp)
[23:02:46] <PCW> (software selectable)
[23:02:54] <ssi> that'd be handy
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[23:05:48] <PCW> chally_:
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[23:22:17] <chally_> pcw, so uh, now what do I do with this thingy :D
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[23:23:30] <PCW> First copy it to the appropriate firmware directory (needs sudo)
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[23:32:41] <ssi> hackery:
[23:32:42] <ssi>
[23:33:38] <jdh> heh
[23:33:40] <jdh> whatever works
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[23:35:02] <ssi> only thing that sucks is it crosses up my power domains in a goofy way :P
[23:35:46] <Tom_itx> you added optos?
[23:35:52] <ssi> no the optos were there already
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[23:36:02] <ssi> I just monkeyed them around so they're active high instead of active low
[23:36:07] <Tom_itx> oh
[23:36:18] <Tom_itx> you can't get them that way?
[23:36:24] <ssi> dunno
[23:36:27] <ssi> but I don't HAVE them that way
[23:36:29] <ssi> so it's irrelevant :P
[23:36:31] <Tom_itx> those are uber cheap on ebay
[23:36:38] <ssi> yes I know
[23:37:14] <Tom_itx> i _should_ get a few myself..
[23:37:52] <ssi> so this is hacky as hell..
[23:38:00] <ssi> the coils on these relays are 5v
[23:38:07] <ssi> but my field IO is 12v
[23:38:20] <ssi> so I switched out the 1k resistors for 2.2k to keep the current low in the optos and indicators
[23:38:30] <ssi> and there's a jumper so you can decouple the coil power from the input power
[23:38:37] <ssi> but the grounds are connected... I wish they weren't
[23:39:13] <ssi> so, in order to invert the logic of these things, I had to swap the pins on the optos (reversing the opto led direction), flip the indicator leds around to reverse their polarity as well, and power the ground header with +12, and the VCC header with ground
[23:39:30] <ssi> so now the ground side of the 5v coil supply is connected to +12
[23:39:54] <ssi> the good news is, it looks like the field voltage on the 7i76 is completely decoupled from the 5v logic supply
[23:40:08] <ssi> as long as I don't screw up and connect them somewhere, I should be ok :D
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[23:45:52] <ssi> actually no I can avoid that I think
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[23:46:44] <alexchally_cnc> pcw, is the correct firmware directory at /lib/firmware/hm2/5i23?
[23:46:54] <alexchally_cnc> if so then I have copied that biz to there.
[23:46:59] <PCW> yep
[23:47:20] <PCW> now you have some hal hacking to do
[23:47:28] <alexchally_cnc> \o/ k
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[23:49:52] <alexchally_cnc> PCW, lets say I wanted to start off by checking to see if my encoder input is being read, is that a reasonable place to start/
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[23:55:49] <PCW> sure
[23:57:23] <PCW> Actually the first thing is to get a workable hal file
[23:57:25] <PCW> (which probably means taking a sample one and commenting out all the references to the pwmgens)