#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-07-26

[00:00:02] -!- Nick001-shop has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243]]
[00:00:18] -!- anarchos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[00:10:30] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:11:08] -!- XXCoder has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:14:24] -!- AR_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:17:44] -!- PetefromTn_ has quit [Quit: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day]
[00:25:18] -!- asdfasd1 has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[00:27:15] -!- andypugh [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:34:59] -!- XXCoder [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:37:14] -!- Roguish has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:46:58] <andypugh> I am starting to feel like I might actually run out of jobs to do on the Ner-a-Car.
[00:47:14] <andypugh> It suddenly feels rather close.
[00:47:15] <andypugh> https://picasaweb.google.com/108164504656404380542/NerACar
[00:47:29] <ssi_> haha
[00:48:03] <ssi_> looks like quite a project
[00:48:05] ssi_ is now known as ssi
[00:48:22] -!- XXCoder has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[00:48:33] <andypugh> Well, yes, it was meant to keep me enterained for years, not months :-)
[00:49:07] <ssi> :D
[00:49:16] <ssi> I wish I had that problem
[00:49:16] <ssi> heheh
[00:49:24] <ssi> "oh no I'm finishing my projects too quickly!"
[00:50:06] -!- syyl_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:51:04] <andypugh> Luckily I have plenty.
[00:56:43] -!- XXCoder [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:58:07] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: volunteer to watch some neighbors toddlers or kids, that will slow you down, have them help then you'll see negative progress :p
[00:59:52] <andypugh> Oh, yes, I know. I have two nieces and a nephew. When they are around _everything_ stops happening and everything is _about_ them. It actually bothers me. I don’t get to “see” my sisters, I get to interact with small unfinished people who are less fun than kittens.
[01:03:03] <SpeedEvil> andypugh: Does the car fly yet?
[01:03:58] <andypugh> It could, I think. I could rig up some sort of fuel tank, and there is somewhere to sit that isn’t the back wheel now.
[01:04:32] <andypugh> But there are still no brakes, so that seems unwise.
[01:04:34] <CaptHindsight> andypugh: do you have a pick of the steering? I still can't see exactly how it turns
[01:06:23] <andypugh> CaptHindsight: Does this picture (not mine) help? http://kickstart.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/neracar-3.jpg
[01:06:51] -!- benjamin23 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:07:05] -!- benjamin23 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:07:51] <CaptHindsight> heh pic stalls out half way
[01:08:57] <CaptHindsight> ok loaded
[01:09:35] -!- amiri_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:11:57] -!- amiri has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[01:12:00] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ErMBnhVUXk
[01:12:07] <ssi> "small unfinished people"
[01:12:07] <ssi> classic
[01:13:01] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: interesting
[01:13:09] <ssi> trying to make a video of the laser cutting
[01:13:11] <ssi> but my phone died :(
[01:14:54] <XXCoder> aw
[01:14:58] <XXCoder> recharge stat!!!
[01:17:01] <jdh> must be an iphone, it's after 7pm
[01:18:38] <ssi> I have everything in place except enclosure panels and exhaust
[01:18:45] <ssi> and the honeycomb bed
[01:18:50] <ssi> bed is just a piece of mdf at the moment
[01:19:03] -!- XXCoder1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:19:37] <ssi> my plan is to laser cut all the lexan panels for the enclosure :)
[01:19:42] <ssi> meta laser is meta
[01:20:04] <Valen> they do say you shouldn't laser polycarb
[01:20:11] <ssi> I haven't seen anyone say that
[01:20:51] <ssi> I've heard the fumes aren't pleasant, but I haven't heard that it's dangerous
[01:20:57] <ssi> just chlorinated plastics that are dangerous
[01:21:08] <Valen> thats the reason for it
[01:21:43] <XXCoder1> don't laser burn pvc
[01:21:49] <ssi> I'm aware
[01:21:52] <XXCoder1> unless you got big vent going to outside
[01:21:59] <XXCoder1> yeah bit kidding lol
[01:22:17] <ssi> i am intending to do exhaust of some kind
[01:22:25] <ssi> dunno if it's gonna be outside, or some kind of scrubber, or what
[01:22:30] -!- XXCoder has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[01:22:38] <XXCoder1> Well as envormentist I recommand scubber
[01:22:40] <XXCoder1> but whatever
[01:22:52] <ssi> damn envormentists
[01:23:14] <XXCoder1> so you rolling coal eh lol
[01:23:21] <ssi> well, point me at one and if it's reasonably priced I'll order it
[01:23:34] <andypugh> I am a bit scared now. I think my network might be compromised. If I google “small unfinished people” (with the quotes) I only get two hits, and both go to the same indirection page. I thought it might be some sort of malware on the Mac, but the iPhone is the same, and so is a Ubuntu VM. So, it looks like something horrible on the router or the ISP?
[01:23:58] <ssi> andypugh: I only get two hits as well
[01:24:04] <ssi> I think you are the originator of that phrase, my friend
[01:24:16] <andypugh> And they go somewhere worrying?
[01:24:23] <Valen> adblock is killing the redirect off for me
[01:24:30] <ssi> yea some kind of linkbait crap
[01:25:05] <andypugh> How very strange.
[01:25:16] <XXCoder1> yeh got million results here
[01:25:32] <andypugh> XXCoder1: With the quotes?
[01:25:36] <Valen> with the quotes?
[01:25:45] <XXCoder1> nope 2
[01:25:58] <XXCoder1> lots picture results though
[01:26:46] <andypugh> Images seems to drop the quotes (it says so at the top)
[01:26:49] <ssi> andypugh: I think you're safe... the whole internet is compromised :)
[01:27:01] <XXCoder1> congats andypugh
[01:27:20] <andypugh> Oh my Ged! I need to stop using it, then what will I do?
[01:27:26] <XXCoder1> its hard to come up with 3 words that make sense that's almost "ungoogleable"
[01:27:46] <ssi> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googlewhack
[01:28:35] <andypugh> Yes, but, it seems _such_ an obvious description of children that it seems there must be something wierd going on.
[01:28:47] <ssi> obvious only to you, my friend
[01:28:52] <ssi> which is why it made me smile when you said it!
[01:32:31] <XXCoder1> theres a book titled unfinished people
[01:32:35] <XXCoder1> closest thing
[01:39:37] <Tom_itx> andypugh, have you done much with wheezy?
[01:39:51] <andypugh> Nothing at all.
[01:39:54] <Tom_itx> trying to figure out autologin
[01:46:57] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[01:49:54] -!- badon_ [badon_!~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon] has joined #linuxcnc
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[01:56:48] -!- jfigie has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[01:57:05] -!- atom1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[02:00:36] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
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[02:13:55] <ssi> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Btb4wAaIUAAWZYp.jpg:large
[02:14:08] <ssi> gantry accel shakes the machine a bit, and it's pretty visible in a tiny line
[02:14:13] <XXCoder1> nice artwork
[02:15:33] -!- FreezingCold [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:15:54] <andypugh> ssi: You need anti-jerk. We don’t have that. :-(
[02:16:03] <andypugh> You should add it :-)
[02:16:18] <XXCoder1> ssi: do gantry shake or whole thing?
[02:16:24] <XXCoder1> if whole thing maybe more mass for base
[02:16:29] <ssi> whole thing
[02:16:38] <ssi> I need to add the plywood shelf below, that'll add some damping
[02:16:42] <ssi> andypugh: how would anti-jerk work?
[02:17:01] <ssi> limit the rate of change of accel?
[02:17:06] <andypugh> You limit the third differential of position.
[02:17:12] <andypugh> Yes, exactly
[02:17:22] <XXCoder1> https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6513131008/h633DA6B1/
[02:17:33] <ssi> heh I'm game
[02:17:40] <ssi> I dunno if i have the smrts for it, but I can try! :)
[02:18:26] <andypugh> I think that it already exists in the Ariasrobot branch, and Rob Ellenberg has touched on it.
[02:18:49] <andypugh> It basically involves writing a new motion planner, again…
[02:18:55] <ssi> that bad, huh
[02:19:10] <XXCoder1> try more mass first
[02:19:22] <XXCoder1> somehow add heavy weights to base as well as add plywood shelf
[02:19:33] <ssi> well if I add the shelf, then the coolant sump can sit on it
[02:19:36] <ssi> which is 5gal water
[02:19:37] <XXCoder1> rigid weights
[02:19:53] -!- Guest10406 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[02:19:55] <andypugh> Guy wires to the corners of the room :-)
[02:20:15] <ssi> I think crossbracing will help too
[02:20:26] <ssi> once I get the panels in place, that'll stiffen some of it up
[02:20:31] <ssi> then I can cross-brace the legs
[02:20:34] <ssi> maybe with wires infact :)
[02:20:52] <XXCoder1> yeah. you heard of those rubber balls that doesn't bounce? those rubber would be great anti-vobration too
[02:21:53] <XXCoder1> https://www.youtube.com/embed/RnXM2hGnPHM?autoplay=1&wmode=opaque
[02:27:02] <ssi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDmSQHJJFVY
[02:27:26] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:27:30] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[02:27:38] <XXCoder1> sorry too much handheld, unwatchable for me
[02:27:38] -!- Flipp [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:27:54] <ssi> I'll try to get the production crew in here next time
[02:28:20] <XXCoder1> for most people it probably would be fine
[02:28:24] <XXCoder1> not me though :(
[02:28:29] <XXCoder1> my brain sucks
[02:29:46] <Flipp> qq on solidworks: I'm designing a flat, square aluminum bracket; how do I remove "excess" material inside, leaving behind an X of support?
[02:29:57] <andypugh> That’s actually quite cool. No actual dumbing-down, just interesting materials stuff.
[02:30:22] <XXCoder1> glad you like it. autocaption was just gbberish
[02:32:06] <andypugh> Autocaption on my hobbing video on YouTube always has me saying “wrinkled popes” for (IIRC) “spindle encoder”
[02:32:43] <XXCoder1> lol is that yourn little you name ;)
[02:34:13] <andypugh> Sorry, I can read most of the words, but they make no sense.
[02:34:18] <CaptHindsight> Flipp: look for solidworks videos on CUT EXTRUDE
[02:34:19] <andypugh> It must be time for bed.
[02:34:27] <andypugh> Night all
[02:34:33] -!- andypugh has quit [Quit: andypugh]
[02:38:36] -!- atom1 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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[02:57:51] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
[03:01:47] -!- anarchos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[04:00:09] -!- DaViruz [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:04:13] -!- syyl_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:12:13] <XXCoder1> heys
[04:12:17] <XXCoder1> got a shop question
[04:13:44] <XXCoder1> I just built my drill press
[04:13:51] <XXCoder1> but chuck dont fit in :(
[04:18:52] -!- FreezingCold has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[04:27:49] <toastyde1th> don't fit in what
[04:27:54] <XXCoder1> spidle
[04:28:03] <toastyde1th> what on the ass end of the chuck
[04:28:15] <XXCoder1> tried hammering it in using rubber hammer but...
[04:29:09] <ssi> lol
[04:29:14] <toastyde1th> no i mean what's the chuck mounted to - is it a morse taper, straight taper, etc?
[04:29:33] <toastyde1th> or is it just the raw chuck
[04:29:33] <XXCoder1> hold on
[04:30:31] <XXCoder1> well the shaft has gentle slope
[04:30:41] <XXCoder1> the end that goes inside head is smallest
[04:30:51] <toastyde1th> k so it's a morse taper
[04:30:59] <XXCoder1> the other end, one that holds chuck, is bit odd shape
[04:31:15] <XXCoder1> looks like stright shaft but curves outwards?
[04:31:24] <toastyde1th> http://www.victornet.com/images/ArborDiagram.GIF
[04:31:25] <XXCoder1> or does that not matter
[04:31:28] <ssi> like it used to be a straight shaft but you whacked it with a hammer?
[04:31:31] <toastyde1th> does it look like that
[04:31:45] <XXCoder1> morse taper end yes
[04:31:54] <XXCoder1> other end nope
[04:31:56] <toastyde1th> you should take pictures instead
[04:32:01] <toastyde1th> because this is going to be a circus
[04:32:05] <ssi> :)
[04:32:08] <XXCoder1> lemme try remove chuck and take pics
[04:32:47] <ssi> I wish i had thought tobuy some 1/8" acrylic today! :(
[04:34:04] -!- stephan48 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:35:31] <toastyde1th> aw
[04:36:28] <ssi> I need to find a way to calculate feedrates for laser
[04:36:58] -!- terabyte- has quit [Quit: terabyte-]
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[04:50:57] <XXCoder1> back
[04:51:03] <XXCoder1> I couldnt remove chuck again
[04:51:11] <XXCoder1> its still not completely in too
[04:56:38] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:58:28] <tjtr33> toastyde1th, is he lookin at the exposed relief between the 2 tapers in your picture? ' <XXCoder1> looks like stright shaft but curves outwards? '
[04:58:53] <XXCoder1> theres 3 parts, the morse taper end
[04:58:55] <toastyde1th> who knows, that's why i want him to take pictures
[04:59:02] <toastyde1th> instead of playing 20 questions
[04:59:04] <XXCoder1> the small gap with smaller diameter
[04:59:16] <XXCoder1> then bit strange curve short end for chuck
[04:59:28] <XXCoder1> chuck isn't going all way to touch that small gap
[05:00:48] <XXCoder1> got pics of properly installed chuck?
[05:01:46] -!- Fox_Muldr has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[05:02:44] -!- jerryitt has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[05:05:51] <XXCoder1> HMM http://www.alloyavenue.com/vb/showthread.php?7895-Drill-Chuck-wont-stay-put
[05:08:24] -!- fenugrec has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:09:22] <XXCoder1> from what I have read, I think I screwed up
[05:12:19] <tjtr33> pix http://goo.gl/kmL4dc vids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbI_7IHAsyw basic info 'clean it and the hole it goezinta'
[05:13:02] <XXCoder1> hmm
[05:13:14] <XXCoder1> this is basically I has http://www.victornet.com/images/ArborDiagram.GIF
[05:13:28] <XXCoder1> jacob section looks bit strange
[05:13:33] <XXCoder1> probably not milled correctly
[05:14:00] <XXCoder1> half of t is stright and tapers out pretty fast then stright
[05:14:10] <XXCoder1> then that gap then morses
[05:18:34] <XXCoder1> took a pic, sec
[05:19:30] <XXCoder1> sorry my phone camera is old and crappy
[05:22:07] <XXCoder1> tjtr33: toastyde1th https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53432577/chuck.jpg
[05:22:20] <toastyde1th> k, and what part isn't going where
[05:22:31] <XXCoder1> chuck isnt in all way
[05:22:39] <toastyde1th> so you may have the wrong jacobs taper
[05:22:53] <XXCoder1> weird because its one come with new drill press
[05:22:57] <toastyde1th> the other alternative is that it's fine
[05:23:16] <XXCoder1> it seemed to drill just fine when it refused to be removed again
[05:23:24] <toastyde1th> if there's no screw holding it in place on the front end, it's just a friction fit
[05:23:31] <toastyde1th> and doesn't have to be any particular depth
[05:23:41] <XXCoder1> HMM so it should be fine
[05:23:41] <toastyde1th> if the drill is secure, there isn't a problem
[05:23:53] <syyl_> that looks perfectly fine
[05:24:15] <XXCoder1> I gonna get some acetone or something so I can clean other end and inside so it will be properly installed
[05:24:34] <toastyde1th> wat
[05:24:41] <XXCoder1> I used flat head drill bit and drilled pretty fast it held
[05:24:45] <XXCoder1> so its fine I guess
[05:24:49] <toastyde1th> tbh i woudln't fuck with it
[05:25:01] <toastyde1th> there's no reason to think it should go any deeper
[05:25:13] <XXCoder1> rag wipe clean enough for other end? (morse taper_
[05:25:14] <syyl_> just run it trough your hand before setting it in the spindle taper
[05:25:26] <syyl_> to be sure theres no dirt
[05:25:30] <XXCoder1> no issue there then. thanks
[05:25:51] <XXCoder1> tomorrow gonna finally complete my table saw table
[05:26:04] <XXCoder1> with that I can start making some jig just to get bit skills up
[05:31:37] <XXCoder1> thanks all
[05:39:00] -!- anarchos [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[05:41:05] anarchos__ is now known as anarchos
[05:43:44] <anarchos> anyone know of a good source for shielded 20/4 wire that doesn't charge ridiculous fees to ship to Canada?
[05:44:10] <XXCoder1> make your own? ;)
[05:45:30] <anarchos> i thought for sure aliexpress would have some, but i can't find any
[05:45:40] <anarchos> i might just not be hitting the right search terms, though
[05:46:08] <XXCoder1> try search terms "I have your family, gimme 20/4 wires"
[05:46:11] <XXCoder1> jk
[05:46:31] <XXCoder1> maybe wire and look though tons listing?
[05:48:20] <XXCoder1> using negative terms to bump off results you dont want
[05:48:32] <anarchos> yeah
[05:57:00] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:57:20] <anarchos> ooh found some on ebay
[05:57:35] <anarchos> $15 for 10 meters of 20ga 4 core wire...
[06:06:55] <XXCoder1> not bad I guess? 30 cent per foot rouggky
[06:06:59] <XXCoder1> roughly
[06:16:29] <anarchos> i realized it wasn't shielded, just a pvc cover :(
[06:19:29] <XXCoder1> oh drat
[06:19:29] -!- asdfasd [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[06:21:14] <XXCoder1> night
[06:23:27] <anarchos> good night
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[06:48:47] <zeeshan> anarchos
[06:48:54] <zeeshan> go to sayal electronics ?
[06:49:01] <zeeshan> theres where i got 20 gauge 4 wire, shielded
[06:49:16] <zeeshan> i remember it being fair priced
[06:53:46] -!- hm2-buildmaster has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:55:03] -!- Einar1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[07:00:09] <ssi> well that was ugly
[07:01:30] <zeeshan> ???
[07:01:49] <ssi> everything exploded in a giant cloud of smoke
[07:01:53] <ssi> must have run it too fast
[07:02:33] <zeeshan> what do u mean
[07:05:05] <ssi> you were right man
[07:05:06] <ssi> too much speed
[07:05:12] <ssi> huge explosion
[07:05:14] <ssi> cloud of smoke
[07:05:20] <zeeshan> what exploded
[07:05:25] <ssi> main power cable
[07:05:37] <zeeshan> the wire going to the power supply?
[07:05:42] <ssi> yeah
[07:05:46] <zeeshan> just replace it
[07:05:47] <zeeshan> :P
[07:05:54] <ssi> hoping it didn't take anything else out
[07:05:59] <ssi> it sounded like ww3
[07:05:59] <zeeshan> wait a sec.
[07:06:00] <ssi> haha
[07:06:06] <zeeshan> power supply specs?
[07:06:24] -!- anarchos2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[07:06:35] <ssi> it was a temporary power cable; really light gauge
[07:06:38] <zeeshan> oh
[07:06:39] <ssi> should have gotten around to replacing it sooner
[07:06:40] <zeeshan> :P
[07:06:50] <zeeshan> well im sure nothing else blew up
[07:06:54] <zeeshan> it just burned out
[07:07:00] <ssi> it melted and shorted to the frame
[07:07:05] * Jymmm takes away ssi laser tube and uses it as a baseball bat!
[07:07:18] <ssi> don't break muh toobz
[07:07:38] <zeeshan> eek
[07:07:42] <Jymmm> ssi: It's for your own good... you'll shoot your eye out kid!
[07:08:24] <ssi> nah I'd have done it by now
[07:08:57] <Jymmm> and if you keep playing with it, you'll go blind!
[07:09:42] <ssi> my intention is to put a fused IEC socket on it
[07:10:10] <ssi> but I wanted to get the laser running so it could cut its own backpanel first :P
[07:10:10] -!- Deejay [Deejay!~Deejay@unaffiliated/dj9dj] has joined #linuxcnc
[07:10:20] <ssi> lexan seems to cut like shit btw
[07:10:27] <ssi> I wish I'd gone by home depot and bought some acrylic earlier
[07:10:58] <Deejay> moin
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[07:31:46] <ssi> phew, everything's fine
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[07:38:53] <Jymmm> lick it to be sure
[07:42:42] <ssi> it tastes like burning
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[08:01:03] <Jymmm> Well, I guess that's better than it tasted like chicken *shrug*
[08:15:04] Einar1 is now known as einar_s
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[08:52:34] <Loetmichel> mornin'
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[09:03:08] <kfoltman> hi Loetmichel
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[11:43:12] <RyanS> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=859YBxgpgPw#t=467 . What is the purpose?
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[11:52:20] <Loetmichel> looking shiny
[11:55:39] <RyanS> car panel?
[11:55:54] <Loetmichel> seem so
[11:55:56] <Loetmichel> car door
[11:56:18] <Loetmichel> inner side
[11:56:23] <Loetmichel> i would suppose
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[12:23:53] * JT-Shop laughs at craigslist scammers that text you tell you to respond to their email
[12:30:09] <Loetmichel> RyanS: also it would be orders of magnitude more rigd than the sheet metal he started with
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[13:19:35] <The_Ball> 3
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[13:56:24] <JT-Shop> spammers love to fish on my ad http://semo.craigslist.org/tls/4551044642.html
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[14:18:49] <archivist> JT-Shop, very useful toy, I used a similar xy rotary on a Boley jig mill
[14:19:42] <archivist> although built in and the xy are on top
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[15:25:30] <ssi> JT-Shop: wow nice
[15:25:48] <XXCoder1> morning
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[15:45:47] <PetefromTn_> morning folks.
[15:46:01] <XXCoder1> morning
[15:46:28] <PetefromTn_> whatsgoinon?
[15:46:37] <XXCoder1> just browsing'
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[16:46:16] <CaptHindsight> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jibo-the-world-s-first-family-robot $1,175,564USD raised of $100,000 goal 21 days left
[16:49:31] <pcw_home> More importantly, how is the potato salad going?
[16:49:36] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[16:50:54] <tjtr33> i been watching the jibo. cute idea. wonder if it really blinks, really sounds that good.
[16:50:56] <tjtr33> couple it to the 'follow me' from dr. who ( a tool cart that tags along after you ) :)
[16:53:51] <tjtr33> haha from HHG2G "we're the p[lastic pals that are fun to be with'
[16:55:06] <CaptHindsight> JIBO since your smartphone wasn't intruding enough into your personal life
[16:55:53] <eeriegeek> I don't know if I could resist the urge to punt it.
[16:56:07] <CaptHindsight> what great way to get right into every day family life
[16:56:59] <tjtr33> inet swamped with teen age girl selfies but automated!
[16:57:05] <CaptHindsight> this can track you even when you're not on a phone and interact with you every lonely moment of your life
[16:57:17] <Jymmm> Impressive brick layer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB8TWMKHHMQ
[16:59:24] <tjtr33> wow! vaults by eye, no form
[17:00:12] <CaptHindsight> they probably don't let the new guys mix the mortar
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[17:02:20] -!- IchGuckLive [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:02:25] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:02:44] <kfoltman> hi IchGuckLive
[17:03:46] <CaptHindsight> JIBO will probably break the funds raised record on indiegogo
[17:07:00] <tjtr33> the same could be done with iPhone, 2axis model airplane gimbal, but wouldnt be so 'cute'
[17:07:16] <tjtr33> put a furby suit on it, then maybe
[17:08:02] <tjtr33> still watchin the vault, that guys hands must be raw
[17:10:00] <eeriegeek> It kind of looks what I imagine the offspring of EVA and Wall-E would look like.
[17:10:35] <CaptHindsight> JIBO becomes part of the family you don't even know or care that it's spying on and manipulating you
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[17:12:16] <tjtr33> the mortar mix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE0MSwqoaVU turn on captions
[17:21:22] <ReadError> ssi, you aboot?
[17:22:58] <CaptHindsight> I wonder if they could lay those bricks that in a higher humidity area
[17:23:20] <CaptHindsight> bricks like that
[17:23:58] <CaptHindsight> since they have to be dry to quickly absorb the moisture from the mortar
[17:25:54] -!- eeriegeek has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
[17:26:46] <tjtr33> other vids show wall mounted stairs done same way, no support, but hollow extruded red clay bricks
[17:26:49] <zeeshan> ssi
[17:26:53] <zeeshan> do you look like this?
[17:26:54] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/GYvItlO.jpg
[17:26:56] <zeeshan> :)
[17:27:26] <tjtr33> CaptHindsight, the real q is could a kuka 6dof do it using linuxcnc?
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[17:29:16] <tjtr33> maybe a small ggg to butter it, and the robot arm to place it
[17:32:08] <tjtr33> the brick extruder could cut to len, angle ends as needed, and serialize them for placement
[17:32:33] <CaptHindsight> tjtr33: from what the mason says it should work
[17:33:29] <CaptHindsight> the bricks rapidly draw the water out of the mortar causing the slump to change rapidly
[17:33:51] <tjtr33> yeh got that, 'suck it up' clever
[17:34:03] <tjtr33> was really soupy
[17:34:04] -!- skunkworks has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:34:44] <tjtr33> well that was fun, sanook di! back to python post for hurco!
[17:34:46] <CaptHindsight> a machine could hold several bricks in place while pumping mortar into the gaps
[17:35:15] <CaptHindsight> heh, yeah sheet metal here needs bending
[17:35:28] <tjtr33> hmm, yeah could go too fast, the rhythymn (??) is correct now
[17:35:35] <tjtr33> bbl
[17:35:37] -!- tjtr33 [[email protected]] has parted #linuxcnc
[17:35:55] <CaptHindsight> by hand he leaves enough time between bricks for them to set
[17:37:10] -!- Einar1 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:39:47] <zeeshan> can you still make a right handed threead
[17:39:51] <zeeshan> with a left handed threading insert?
[17:39:53] <zeeshan> ;p
[17:40:02] <zeeshan> just drive the insert from left to right?
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[18:03:40] <archivist> lean it to the correct helix angle
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[18:13:28] <IchGuckLive> BYE out for BBQ
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[18:18:41] <XXCoder1> heys
[18:20:54] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: how often are the encoder counter registers read when using the 7i77 and 6i25?
[18:22:24] <Jymmm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPz61MWn8xw
[18:22:37] <pcw_home> at the servo thread rate
[18:23:34] <XXCoder1> interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKTjqeQMEhU
[18:27:46] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: I'd like to get 16bit data from an ADC into the 6i25 at at least 1KHz and possibly up to 10KHz, I was looking at the easiest way to hack something for now
[18:29:54] <pcw_home> I would use the SPI interface
[18:31:01] <pcw_home> (or the DAQ interface which has a FIFO)
[18:33:41] <XXCoder1> Jymmm: earth home. nice
[18:33:50] <XXCoder1> damn good insulation and lasts qyite a while
[18:35:11] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: the FIFO won't be good since the data is distance info from a laser used to offset the servo position on Z
[18:35:42] <CaptHindsight> so it's like the THC setup but much faster
[18:36:36] <XXCoder1> Jymmm: check out "earthship" homes
[18:36:48] <CaptHindsight> whats the fastest a servo thread can run?
[18:36:53] <XXCoder1> http://earthship.com/
[18:37:06] <pcw_home> maybe 5-8 KHz on good MB
[18:38:39] <CaptHindsight> pcw_home: how much jitter can it tolerate at a 200us servo thread?
[18:38:55] <pcw_home> can what tolerate
[18:39:05] <XXCoder1> question - is rubber locking wheels secure enough for tablesaw table?
[18:40:25] <CaptHindsight> nevermind
[18:42:19] <CaptHindsight> it only matters if I also want to log the amount of offset correction of Z
[18:43:27] <CaptHindsight> to move faster the laser position info would be part of the servo loop and not get passed back to linuxcnc
[18:57:42] -!- eFuchs_firefly has quit [Quit: ping timeout]
[19:03:45] <Jymmm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKTjqeQMEhU bamboo concerete fencing
[19:03:50] <CaptHindsight> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfJ3E6eoZGw I'd call it the pendulum printer
[19:06:04] <mozmck> Interesting on the bamboo. I have enough here I've thought of building a fence using bamboo for uprights and some wire to hold them together.
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[19:25:31] <os1r1s> Any Sherline lathe users around?
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[21:52:04] <ssi> even'
[21:52:27] <Tom_itx> odd'
[21:53:26] <Tom_itx> burn any more fingers?
[21:53:37] <ssi> nah
[21:53:40] <ssi> burned some wood and lexan
[21:53:43] <ssi> about to try some acrylic
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[21:54:14] <ssi> I need to tweak the gantry a bit to try to get it more square to the bed
[21:54:20] <ssi> and I'll have to realign the beam afterward
[21:54:51] <ssi> and I still haven't properly calibrated the axis scales
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[22:21:45] <os1r1s> Any Sherline lathe users around?
[22:24:11] <Tom_itx> just mill
[22:24:46] <os1r1s> Tom_itx: Trying to figure out the best way to put endstops on a sherline cnc lathe
[22:25:03] <os1r1s> Was looking for suggestions in case someone has
[22:26:14] <Tom_itx> i know someone with a sherline lathe but i dunno if he's cnc'd it
[22:27:56] <os1r1s> There are a few printable pieces on tverse, but that only works for the bed and not the cross slide.
[22:28:46] <os1r1s> It would be easy to put an endstop for the cross slide that was fixed, but a bit more difficult to have one that moved with the slide.
[22:31:00] <Tom_itx> maybe use soft stops?
[22:32:03] <os1r1s> Tom_itx: I should say I'm putting on homing switches, not end stops
[22:32:07] <os1r1s> wrong term
[22:38:55] <Tom_itx> ok
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[23:58:11] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc