[00:10:23] <PCW> Ha! the BISS interface runs at 100 MHz, too bad there's no similar SPI standard (data driven timing)
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[00:12:03] <asah> I want BISS
[00:12:08] <asah> on everything.
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[00:12:40] <CaptHindsight> dis biss?
[00:12:56] <PCW> yes
[00:13:06] <asah> none of this differential quadrature nonsense
[00:13:21] <asah> =)
[00:13:55] <PCW> well its still differential...
[00:14:50] <asah> =) new problems. surely… but probably less noise problems.
[00:14:58] <asah> still cant’ get the scales output properly sorted.
[00:15:21] <asah> not working on it today, but last session left me trying to figure out which were the correct differential lines.
[00:15:22] <PCW> normally differential quadrature is pretty noise immune
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[00:15:49] <asah> did you get a chance to look at that oscilliscope screenshot I sent you last week?
[00:15:50] <PCW> (same signaling as BISS)
[00:15:57] <asah> that was ttl, looked pretty noise free.
[00:16:18] <asah> but still had issues.
[00:16:36] <PCW> do you have another EXE box?
[00:16:44] <asah> no.
[00:16:49] <asah> just three channels on that one.
[00:16:59] <asah> it has successfully worked in the past.
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[00:18:44] <PCW> possibly scale issues as well (can you try a normal encoder?)
[00:19:46] <asah> sure.
[00:20:54] <PCW> It could be a bad input but normally these would show up as visibly bad data
[00:21:38] <asah> the exe board uses this driver:
[00:21:55] <asah> it breaks out all the leads from that driver chip
[00:22:19] <asah> but then only runs one side of the leads out to the original control.
[00:22:30] <asah> there is only a single A line for instance.
[00:22:47] <asah> and the other lines are not attached.
[00:22:59] <PCW> TTl signals are pretty noise sensitive
[00:23:34] <PCW> did you try lowering the encoder sample rate to increase the filtering?
[00:23:49] <asah> it appears to me that I should just be able to attache to the other side of the pin
[00:23:55] <asah> driver chip rather.
[00:24:12] <asah> and get real differential
[00:24:18] <PCW> BTW the 8I20 issue was firmware
[00:24:41] <asah> oh great.
[00:24:50] <asah> no, I haven’t tried to reduce sample rate.
[00:25:03] <asah> I ran into an issue with writing the parameter.
[00:25:17] <asah> and that would affect all encoders yes?
[00:25:19] <PCW> must have been at the transition where we make the drive capable of restarting if enable was restored
[00:26:00] <PCW> yes its global, but you can enable of disable the extra filtering on a encoder by encoder basis
[00:26:12] <PCW> enable or disable
[00:26:20] <asah> ah, ok.
[00:26:34] <asah> so that will help if I have noise issues.
[00:27:03] <asah> I didn’t see individual encoder filter enables. unless that is the filter 1, vs 0 thing
[00:27:23] <asah> what do you think about my differential theory.
[00:27:26] <asah> am I crazy?
[00:27:37] <asah> trying to get that other leg of differential going?
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[00:47:19] <PCW> The filter bit sets the encoder input filter to 3 (0) or 15 (1) clocks
[00:47:41] <PCW> I would try setting the sample rate down first
[00:51:18] <jdh> `
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[00:51:40] <asah> ok… Ill try that next time Im hacking on the scales.
[00:51:51] <asah> am currently ripping out old wiring.
[00:53:38] <PCW> dont rip out any good stuff....
[00:53:58] <asah> eh.. rip out means recycle.
[00:54:02] <asah> its all going back in...
[00:54:04] <asah> =)
[00:54:16] <asah> not cutting anything, its all terminal blocks.
[00:54:21] <asah> very neat.
[00:54:35] <asah> and I have the original schematics.
[00:54:47] <asah> a bunch of it was three phase that is not applicable anymore.
[00:54:47] <PCW> That helps
[00:55:26] <asah> replacing a bunch of the relay logic with ins and outs on the 7i70 and 7i71
[00:55:56] <asah> Ill have a bunch more tranparency as to what is tripping out, as opposed to these long interlock legs right now.
[00:56:10] <PCW> Yeah replacing relay logic is a win
[00:56:49] <asah> got a lot of solid state relays for cheap on ebay.
[00:57:14] <asah> still not sure about the main power contactor for the spindle power, as that is going to be 380 still.
[00:57:19] <asah> as will the hydraulix.
[00:57:38] <asah> I will likely reuse some of the current contactors.
[00:57:49] <asah> or find some solid state ones.
[00:58:13] <asah> although I do like that “thunk”when contactors go off. you know you are powered up and should be scared. =)
[00:58:39] <PCW> Not as easy to find big SSRs for large motors
[00:58:58] <asah> I figured.
[00:59:01] <asah> prob not cheap.
[00:59:04] <asah> haven’t looked yet.
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[01:00:42] <PCW> If the contactors are OK I would just leave them (you will need SSRs to drive them)
[01:03:08] <asah> Ill certainly start there. these will be the power feeds for the vfds.
[01:03:25] <asah> one vfd each for Spindle, Hydro
[01:03:34] <asah> which need 380V 3 phase.
[01:03:54] <asah> I understand its a bad idea to switch after the VFD.
[01:04:08] <asah> so Ill not do that.
[01:06:04] <PCW> Some systems do that but they are designed for it (switching the (BLDC) motor leads between drive and braking load)
[01:06:46] <PCW> I dont think VFDs are designed for that
[01:06:58] <asah> I remember somewhere not.
[01:07:56] <asah> I wonder if in an estop situation I would trust the VFD to spin down the spindle (brake it) or I should kill contactor. anyone doing this?
[01:08:38] <PCW> I think Estop must kill the primary power
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[01:10:39] <asah> there are situations in industrial robotics where i have seen the safety system do a controlled ramp stop as being the safe way to go.
[01:10:57] <asah> but it would certainly be dependant on the system.
[01:11:22] <asah> Not sure how quickly the spindle would shut down under each circumstance.
[01:11:34] <asah> certanily more reliable to kill power.
[01:11:48] <asah> reliable is good in estop situations. =)
[01:11:49] <PCW> yeah, with BLDC its easier since you dont need power to brake
[01:12:40] <PetefromTn_> evening folks
[01:12:42] <PCW> A load on the (unpowered) DC bus side will slow everything down
[01:12:57] <CaptHindsight> I just had issues with a stepper and e-stop generating back EMF
[01:13:10] <asah> shunt resistor, and I am good not having that installed on the 8i20 ? a
[01:13:36] <asah> as long as my power supply has it (which it does) and I am not switching in between 8i20 and power supply.
[01:13:42] <asah> correct?
[01:14:02] <PCW> Yes
[01:14:48] <PCW> though a shunt resistor across the bus when DC power is off will give braking when all electronics is off
[01:16:07] <PCW> (the IGBT modules act as 3 phase rectifiers powering the DC bus even when all electronics is disabled)
[01:17:07] <PCW> CaptHindsight: may want a snubber across the power supply (or a bigger output capacitor)
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[01:34:19] <asah> PCW: will the filtering effect the quadrature rate or just the phase delay? I suppose just the phase delay (small at 8mhz) =)
[01:34:51] <asah> it caps the speed at which you can run the axis I bet.
[01:35:04] <asah> otherwise you saturate the quadrature reads.
[01:35:10] <asah> right?
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[02:06:14] <CaptHindsight> PCW: nah, instead of parking the Z before turning it off, they were hitting e-stop while under load, it was probably reaching 600rpm for the 2 seconds it dropped
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[02:08:41] <pcw_home> filtering will effect the maximum count rate so if you set the sample rate too low you will start to lose counts at high speed
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[02:23:36] <anarchos2> i just made my first chips ever :)
[02:23:48] <XXCoder> via cnc? ;)
[02:23:51] <anarchos2> wood chips, but exciting none the less
[02:23:53] <anarchos2> yea
[02:24:02] <anarchos2> my end mill set just showed up this morning
[02:24:18] <XXCoder> LOL okay. was thinking kind you eat. was joking about cnc that makes chips
[02:24:41] <anarchos2> i ran the "LinuxCNC" sample gcode with a 1/8" end mill, so it kinda looks crappy
[02:24:50] <anarchos2> but worked flawlessly on the cnc side of things
[02:24:54] <Jymmm> Mmmmm nachos
[02:25:03] <anarchos2> now i need to find a vise.
[02:25:05] <Jymmm> Carne Asada Nachos
[02:25:08] <anarchos2> i can't decide
[02:25:44] <Jymmm> anarchos2: Random sex with strangers?
[02:25:58] <Jymmm> Binge drinking?
[02:26:01] <anarchos2> lol
[02:26:16] <anarchos2> "spending too much money on hobbies" is my real vise.
[02:26:22] <anarchos2>
[02:26:33] <anarchos2> think that would be useless for a mini mill/aluminum?
[02:26:42] <anarchos2> can't really afford a real vise at the moment
[02:27:03] <Jymmm> anarchos2: you a canuck?
[02:27:07] <anarchos2> yea
[02:27:16] <Jymmm> what about Canadian Tire?
[02:28:31] <anarchos2> i live in "the middle of nowhere" (tool availability wise), Canadian tire is 45 minute drive
[02:28:37] <anarchos2> easier to order from amazon :P
[02:28:40] <Jymmm> ah
[02:29:01] <Jymmm> It's the only canuck store I'm aware of
[02:29:09] <Jymmm> for tools
[02:29:18] <Jymmm> thought the name is misleading
[02:29:51] <anarchos2> i think at one point in time back in they day they only sold tires/auto tools :P
[02:30:12] <anarchos2> now it's like a...wal-mart but with a bigger selection of tools and tires than wal-mart :P
[02:30:22] <Jymmm> Yeah, I figured =)
[02:31:02] <anarchos2> i want one of these, but $110+$80 shipping+UPS brokerage fees+Duty+tax = ~CAD$300 probably
[02:31:15] <anarchos2>
[02:32:05] <Jymmm> $75 shiping?! they on rack???
[02:32:12] <XXCoder> kurt seems king of vise
[02:32:12] <Jymmm> Crack
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[02:32:23] <XXCoder> its HEAVY item
[02:32:28] <Jymmm> So?
[02:32:34] <anarchos2> seems about standard for something that weight to go from US->Can
[02:32:36] <XXCoder> shipping dont like heavy stuff
[02:32:39] <XXCoder> indeed
[02:32:43] <Jymmm> USPS Priority mail 75lb flat rate for $12
[02:32:46] <XXCoder> I ship to canada often
[02:32:51] <ChuangTzu_> lol
[02:32:57] <XXCoder> and man prices flies fast with weight
[02:32:59] <Jymmm> err 70 lb
[02:33:06] <ChuangTzu_> try fitting 70lbs into a flat rate box
[02:33:13] <XXCoder> dont think that fits in box...
[02:33:13] <ChuangTzu_> unless you're using gold bars
[02:33:38] <XXCoder> ChuangTzu_: or reforced lead, whatever that is. I once handled 2 SMALL priority boxes that was very close to limit.
[02:33:39] <anarchos2> I had my harbor freight mill shipped to the border in Washington state for $12. They quoted me $398 to ship to my door (the mill cost $412 after discounts!)
[02:33:47] <XXCoder> almost dropped em into my foot. would have broke it
[02:34:23] <ChuangTzu_> anarchos2: did you know someone or did you ship it general delivery?
[02:34:45] <anarchos2> ChuangTzu_, there are businesses on the border that cater to Canadians
[02:35:08] <ChuangTzu_> ah, of course there are
[02:35:10] <anarchos2> you sign up online, and they provide you with a "suite #" that you have stuff shipped to
[02:35:17] <ChuangTzu_> makes sense
[02:35:22] <anarchos2> crazy thing is, it cost me $4.
[02:35:49] <anarchos2> someone had to unload a 140lbs crate, bring it inside, they stored it for 5 days, then helped me load it into my car. for $4.
[02:35:59] <anarchos2> so cheap :)
[02:36:03] <XXCoder> yeah
[02:36:18] <XXCoder> land there must be so cheap for them to afford employees AND land tax
[02:36:50] <Jymmm> anarchos2:
[02:37:05] <anarchos2> yeah, it's kinda funny, on the Canadian side it's very built up, lots of really big houses that cost a fortune (as most houses do in Canada)
[02:37:25] <anarchos2> and the US side is kinda run down, there's a bunch of big box stores that cater to Canadians, and not much else :P
[02:37:42] <Jymmm> Even better
[02:38:26] <anarchos2> mould my own vise? :P
[02:38:43] <XXCoder> its cheap!
[02:38:47] <XXCoder> not as effective but...
[02:39:02] <Jymmm> anarchos2: Sorta. You drop the pellets into 180F water and you can shape/mold to your part.
[02:39:14] <Jymmm> totally reuseable too
[02:39:16] <XXCoder> I guess vices can be made
[02:39:20] <anarchos2> i think i'm gonna give the grizzly drill press vise a try
[02:39:27] <anarchos2> amazon is good at taking things back if it's horrible
[02:39:28] <XXCoder> just buy some ACME and mill quality jaws and such
[02:39:42] <Jymmm> anarchos2: They are perfect for odd shaped parts tyou need to clamp down
[02:39:50] <anarchos2> hmm
[02:39:54] <XXCoder> oh just saw TINY table saw at harbor store. lol
[02:40:02] <anarchos2> i need to clamp rectangular aluminum :P
[02:40:05] <XXCoder> its longest dimestion must be around 6 inches
[02:40:13] <Jymmm> XXCoder: ITS VICIOUS
[02:40:15] <XXCoder> blade 3 in dim maybe
[02:40:26] <anarchos2> my mill moves only 8.5x3.25" :P
[02:40:46] <XXCoder> and pesumely 0 inches z lol
[02:41:09] <anarchos2> Z is the biggest actually, maybe 10"?
[02:41:11] <Jymmm> XXCoder: This is the scary fucker
[02:41:32] <XXCoder> lol ok ana
[02:41:38] <XXCoder> jy yeah seems risky
[02:42:22] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Full sized table saw, no problem, This thing... it reminds me of chucky every time I turn it on!
[02:42:35] <XXCoder> lol
[02:43:36] <anarchos2> maybe i should do a border run....grizzly has a show room in bellingham apparently. HF+Grizzly could be some good cheap stuff
[02:44:15] <Jymmm> anarchos2: cheap in more than just price. FYI
[02:45:12] <anarchos2> oh yeah for sure
[02:45:21] <Jymmm> =)
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[02:52:11] <FinboySlick> Bleh, hate when that happens.
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[03:29:04] <PetefromTn_> jeez I am up late here LOL
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[03:48:14] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: I won't tell your mom.
[03:49:32] <XXCoder> you better nor or his italian mafia will go after you
[03:50:24] <PetefromTn_> Yeah I need my mom to keep me in check LOL
[03:50:43] <PetefromTn_> She is a formidable force of nature LOL
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[03:51:33] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: I was about to make another Big Bang Theory reference but I don't think you caught up yet ;)
[03:51:50] <PetefromTn_> hell man I am hardly awake LOL.
[03:52:13] <PetefromTn_> Sitting here on the laptop in bed working on that CAM setup for the new rail. Gonna try to make one tomorrow.
[03:52:37] <PetefromTn_> I am kinda worried about my laptop charger.
[03:52:57] <PetefromTn_> The damn thing gets pretty warm I might even say hot when it is plugged into my laptop.
[03:53:11] <PetefromTn_> Never noticed that before in any of my other computers.
[03:53:29] <XXCoder> PetefromTn_: your battery is probably going bad
[03:53:41] <PetefromTn_> why do you say that?
[03:53:47] <XXCoder> my old laptop its charge goes hot enough to cook egges when trying to charge dead battery
[03:53:59] <XXCoder> try run your laptop without battery see if it dont warm up
[03:54:12] <PetefromTn_> hmm not a bad idea...
[03:54:39] <PetefromTn_> I honestly don't feel any heat from the computer and I use one of those fan pads underneath it.
[03:55:14] <XXCoder> battery dont really warm up much. its charge thats overheating trying to push charge into bad cells in your laptop battery if any
[03:57:31] <PetefromTn_> I will save my shite here and shut down the computer and take out the battery. Not sure if it will run without a battery or not. I would like to be able to remove it and not use it tho even if it is bad just to keep it from dying quicker. I may need to order a new one.
[03:57:44] <PetefromTn_> Trouble is that this has been going on for some time now.
[03:57:59] <PetefromTn_> I would think if the battery was that bad it would have died awhile ago.
[03:58:18] <XXCoder> yeah hard to predict really
[03:58:39] <XXCoder> my aspire one orginial battery is still amazing while my older toshiba one died after just year and half
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[03:59:19] <PetefromTn_> I had an aspire for a long time. I loved it but then it died so I got this toshiba.
[03:59:39] <XXCoder> lol sounds like we got em in opposite order
[03:59:39] <PetefromTn_> That Aspire was the 18 inch model screen. I really like that.
[04:00:10] <XXCoder> oh mines aspire one orginial. 8 inch screen I think. come with crappy custom linux that I deleted as soon as I got it
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[04:00:26] <XXCoder> it was FIRST to come with ssd drive
[04:00:29] <XXCoder> 8 gb one lol
[04:00:36] <anarchos2> is there any way to "unhome" an axis in the axis gui?
[04:01:45] <PetefromTn_> sure go to the top and up near file
[04:02:01] <PetefromTn_> there are drop downs and one of them has unhome axis options.
[04:02:31] <PetefromTn_> cannot remember which one right offhand and I am not in front of my VMC
[04:03:44] <PetefromTn_> well better hit the sack folks Gnite.
[04:03:57] <FinboySlick> PetefromTn_: Goodnight.
[04:04:12] <PetefromTn_> ;)
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[06:21:57] <zeeshan> after 3 hours of messing around
[06:22:09] <zeeshan> i think i have this mastercam postprocessor working to output correctly for linuxcnc lathe
[06:22:22] <zeeshan> i really like the new mastercam versions
[06:22:30] <zeeshan> havent used it since mastercam 8
[06:22:45] <zeeshan> it's got a crapload of tools builtin, all sorts of inserts
[06:22:53] -!- rob_h [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[06:22:54] <zeeshan> almost all of iscar's catalog is in there!
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[06:44:00] <Deejay> moin
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[08:18:55] <Tom_itx> zeeshan they didn't used to be that way
[08:19:56] <Tom_itx> i worked out one for smartcam some time back
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[08:34:35] <SquirrelCZECH> nah
[08:34:40] <SquirrelCZECH> anybody familiar with green chinese?
[08:34:44] <SquirrelCZECH>
[08:35:02] * SquirrelCZECH can't really understand what "Decay" settings he should use
[08:35:03] <SquirrelCZECH> I mean
[08:35:17] <SquirrelCZECH> I can find some exlpanations based on "high" "low"
[08:35:23] <SquirrelCZECH> but I got percentage so I am not sure :/
[08:40:14] <archivist> look in the toshiba datasheet
[08:41:01] <archivist> probably a current reduction after a time, I try not to use that at all as the torque will also drop
[08:42:22] <archivist> it should only effect holding torque when not in motion
[08:43:17] <SquirrelCZECH> ok ok
[08:43:21] <SquirrelCZECH> so, driver is setuped :D
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[09:31:25] <chd> Hi! Anyone here using gmoccapy_plasma? I'm new to glade and the gmoccapy file structure and I want to change the axes display so that it shows only one decimal place (1/10mm) - because for plasma cutters 1/1000mm resolution is not useful. In which (xml?) file do I have to do the change?
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[10:28:29] <Lathe_newbie> hi there
[10:28:35] <Lathe_newbie> i have a little question
[10:29:19] <Loetmichel> so spit it out
[10:29:26] <Loetmichel> dont ask to ask, just ask
[10:30:30] <Lathe_newbie>
[10:30:40] <Lathe_newbie> here are the files for the linear delta kins
[10:32:31] <Lathe_newbie> but where do i have to define the points?
[10:32:38] <Lathe_newbie> in the header file is written
[10:32:39] <Lathe_newbie> * Towers 0, 1 and 2 are spaced at 120 degrees around the origin
[10:32:39] <Lathe_newbie> * at distance R. A rod of length L (L > R) connects each tower to the
[10:32:39] <Lathe_newbie> * platform. Tower 0 is at (0,R). (note: this is not at zero radians!)
[10:32:49] <Lathe_newbie> but there are no definitions done there?
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[10:33:10] <Lathe_newbie> Loetmichel: i dont ask to ask^^
[10:33:19] <Lathe_newbie> i know that i dont should do that
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[12:04:41] <IchGuckLive> SquirrelCZECH: ?
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[12:05:29] <IchGuckLive> has bean a bussy night here on the channel
[12:05:46] <IchGuckLive> chd: ?
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[12:07:11] <IchGuckLive> hi sylphiae
[12:07:12] <chd> yes, here ;-)
[12:07:23] <IchGuckLive> i got some plasmas in use
[12:07:28] <sylphiae> hi
[12:07:36] <IchGuckLive> where are you in the world inch or metric
[12:07:52] <sylphiae> inch
[12:07:55] <chd> Germany, so metric
[12:08:05] <IchGuckLive> chd ich sitz in kaiserslautern
[12:08:14] <chd> ah, na das trifft sich :-)
[12:08:29] <IchGuckLive> chd please hit my nick for german
[12:08:50] <IchGuckLive> sylphiae: ;-) as you know yust ask
[12:09:25] <chd> yes, just a moment, i have a call
[12:09:32] <IchGuckLive> NP
[12:09:58] <IchGuckLive> its cloudy here some drops but sun as you need !
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[16:03:50] <Jymmm> Interesting switch...
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[16:10:58] <asah> hello, have a maho schematics question. loetmichel around?
[16:11:50] <Jymmm> In regards to reed switchsl would N/O be in respect to being in contact with the magnet, or not?
[16:12:11] <asah> there is a symbol on the schematics that looks like a capacitor symbol, but can’t be. it is two solid bars next to each other. most likely a contactor or relay. labeled with code Q. any idea?
[16:12:54] <Jymmm> asah: Post it
[16:12:59] <asah> sometimes with code K. I can’t make out the difference.
[16:13:02] <archivist> a picture
[16:13:07] <asah> it looks exactly like a capacitor
[16:13:33] <asah> but perhaps closer together?
[16:13:37] <asah> ok, ok.
[16:13:39] <archivist> capacitors are unlikely to have a Q
[16:13:40] <asah> one sec
[16:13:48] <asah> it is certainly NOT a capacitor
[16:13:52] <skunkworks_> contact..
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[16:14:57] <archivist> and what is it called in the parts list if you have that too
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[16:15:22] <asah>
[16:15:25] -!- recon_lap has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[16:15:32] <asah> look at 1Q1
[16:15:43] <asah> and 7K2 and 3
[16:15:47] <asah> vs K1
[16:16:20] <Jymmm> WTH is that?! looks like shit. and wheres the rest of the schematic?
[16:16:24] <asah> I am trying to understand the logic.
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[16:16:34] <asah> thats a small screenshot of it =)
[16:16:37] <archivist> hmm revolting loss of image quality
[16:16:41] <asah> =)
[16:16:50] <asah> its a copy of a copy of a copy I am sure.
[16:17:06] <asah>
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[16:17:10] <Jymmm> asah: doens't tells us shit, you need to post more than jsutthe symbols
[16:17:21] <archivist> the reduced it to bilevel, never a good idea
[16:17:32] <asah> well, I am trying to understand the symbol, not the circuit.
[16:17:44] <Jymmm> It's probably a connector
[16:17:58] <asah> I thought there might be someone here versed in the strangeness of german maho symbology from the 80s.
[16:18:14] <asah> on the odd chance. =)
[16:18:25] <Jymmm> like where a wiring haress breaks apart. I see it a lot in automotive. the numbers 101/13 represnet connector numbers
[16:18:25] <asah> the letter codes are not consistent.
[16:19:05] <asah> ok. I could see that.
[16:19:11] <asah> some are labeled switch block.
[16:19:18] <asah> overload protection.
[16:19:33] <asah> switch.
[16:19:46] <asah> aux switch block.
[16:19:56] <Jymmm> as example
[16:19:57] <asah> that sort of thing.
[16:20:24] <Jymmm> very bottom midle...C111 C102 both ends of the cable cable/wire
[16:20:34] <Jymmm> ^same
[16:20:58] <asah> right. ok.
[16:21:32] <Tom_shop> but.. but.. they're the same wire!
[16:21:47] <Jymmm> Tom_shop: but which end?
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[16:21:57] <asah> those nums are the terminal block connection points likely.
[16:21:57] <cpresser> asah: that looks familiar. 7K2 could mean 'position 2 of clamp-block 7' (K = Klemme, German for clamp)
[16:22:27] <asah> cpresser: ah… yes, this is the sort of insight I am looking for.
[16:22:49] <asah> some kind of deeper methodology at work. =0
[16:23:56] <cpresser> usually circuit breakers (fuses) are labeld 'XFy.z' with X=Block y.z=Sub-ID. I have stickers with such a numbering-scheme on all my outlets :)
[16:25:39] <jdh> I have stickers labeled "Downstairs bathroom -maybe"
[16:25:59] <Tom_itx> sure hope the stickers don't get old and fall off
[16:26:07] <Jymmm> I just have a map
[16:26:09] <asah> stickers? nice… mostly just sharpie and masking tape over here.
[16:26:12] <archivist> I have barcode stickers :)
[16:26:49] <Jymmm> archivist: How does that work for ya when you've blown a circuit and can't see/power on your barcode reader?
[16:27:08] <archivist> who said it works!
[16:27:13] <Jymmm> lmao
[16:27:18] * Tom_itx puts up a detour for Jymmm's map
[16:27:20] <cpresser> :D
[16:27:20] <Jymmm> archivist++
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[16:27:37] <archivist> I only use them for the archive
[16:28:05] <Jymmm> Tom_itx: You'll have to do better than that =)
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[16:37:53] <JesusAlos> hi
[16:38:30] <cpresser> thats how the numbering of plugs on my workbench looks:
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[16:40:01] <LeelooMinai> Must be nice living in a country where plugs don't fall by themselves from sockets:)
[16:41:39] <JesusAlos> I still looking for a fin who indicate the speed in mm/min
[16:42:07] <JesusAlos> but only found motin.current.vel who show the speed in units machine/min
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[16:42:52] <JesusAlos> need the hal pin of speed in mm/min
[16:44:21] <archivist> you can connect it to a scale comp to do that
[16:49:44] <JesusAlos> ok, so there are no pin who show it directly
[16:52:35] <Loetmichel> asah: here. but i have no idea about maho
[16:52:43] <JesusAlos> archivist: you mean must beload hal component and multiplicate units machines
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[17:03:49] <Loetmichel> *gnah* took me about 1.5 hrs to get home for 12 km... courtesy to the american/english pilots that couldnt aim right in ww2... they found a half-ton dud bomb on my way home...
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[17:08:04] <zeeshan> is it normal to have iscar's entire tool holder and inserts catalog
[17:08:08] <zeeshan> within a cam program? :P
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[17:11:23] <archivist> zeeshan, think iscar advertising
[17:12:47] <zeeshan> nooo
[17:12:55] <zeeshan> you can click literally any insert
[17:13:00] <zeeshan> and it automatically draws it up for you
[17:13:18] <zeeshan> for example, im using tnmg332 inserts
[17:13:26] <zeeshan> for my facing tool
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[17:15:30] <archivist> and that means you will start buying iscar inserts...yes
[17:15:35] <zeeshan> no
[17:15:45] <zeeshan> cause that exact model is made by sandvik and mitsubishi
[17:16:26] <archivist> I know most are standard, but teh speshels...
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[17:18:11] <IchGuckLive> hi all B)
[17:19:10] <zeeshan>
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[17:19:29] <zeeshan> its so tripping looking at mcam in solidworks
[17:19:32] <zeeshan> *trippy
[17:19:53] <zeeshan> archivist: is your lathe setup so +X is towards you
[17:20:00] <IchGuckLive> solid works best with mastercam
[17:20:13] <zeeshan> IchGuckLive: i havent used mastercam since version 9
[17:20:14] <zeeshan> lol
[17:20:18] <zeeshan> so this is a big difference!
[17:20:33] <zeeshan> i change my diameter in the part and the program updates
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[17:37:03] <JesusAlos> by
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[20:10:22] <dr0w> Do I need a key slot on my encoder disc for the spindle?
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[20:23:53] <zeeshan> dr0w: for index pulse?
[20:25:25] <zeeshan>
[20:25:27] <zeeshan> lathe test
[20:25:27] <zeeshan> :D
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[20:28:40] <CaptHindsight> zeeshan: how about their radii? :p
[20:28:51] <zeeshan> thjeres a radius in one of the steps
[20:29:01] <zeeshan> seems like the 1/16 rad gauge fits in it
[20:29:06] <zeeshan> i shoulda made it bigger, cause i cant tell :P
[20:29:21] <zeeshan> the steps are 0.95" 0.85 .75 .5
[20:29:32] <zeeshan> and when i measure em with the micrometer, it seems to be within 2 thou
[20:29:40] <zeeshan> i want to make it more accurate :/
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[20:30:03] <zeeshan> im gonna try later tomorrow with a new insert that doesnt have a chipped edge and see what happens
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[20:31:58] <CaptHindsight> the similar lathe I put back together here has too much flex, I'd have to use a live center to get close to that on your same part in steel
[20:32:38] <zeeshan> but the thing is
[20:32:41] <CaptHindsight> your version must be more rigid
[20:32:50] <zeeshan> if the part is flexing, then i'd notice the parts being oversized right?
[20:33:00] <zeeshan> some of the steps are undersized
[20:33:04] <zeeshan> some are nominal
[20:34:00] <zeeshan> like the .95" measures 0.9493", .85" measures .8490", .75 measures .7501", .5" measures 0.4980"
[20:34:17] <zeeshan> so its kinda all over the place?
[20:34:37] <CaptHindsight> what is the step size?
[20:34:39] <zeeshan> thats why i feel like it has to be something like "built up edge" on the tool
[20:34:45] <zeeshan> finishing pass is 10 thou
[20:34:56] <zeeshan> rough is 30 thou
[20:35:05] <zeeshan> (depth of cut)
[20:37:45] <zeeshan> actually
[20:37:49] <zeeshan> i realized something through the program..
[20:38:10] <zeeshan> i'm in CSS mode.. what i notice is, even though the diameter is the same, the spindle is speeding up
[20:38:27] <zeeshan> because it needs some time to get to speed, yet the finishing already had started
[20:38:42] <zeeshan> so during the same diameter cut, it is seeing different SFM
[20:38:54] <zeeshan> i wonder if there is a way to wait till the spindle gets to speed before cutting
[20:41:00] <zeeshan> ah, it looks like i havent configured the "spindle at speed" thing
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[20:54:36] <JT-Shop> sketching in 3D is interesting in SW
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[20:59:18] <zeeshan> JT-Shop: its awesome for making roll cages
[20:59:32] <zeeshan> cause you can draw 3d lines and then just select em with the approrpiate kind of weldment
[21:01:12] <JT-Shop> yea, I just did an exhaust pipe
[21:01:18] <JT-Shop> came out pretty cool
[21:01:43] <Deejay> gn8
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[21:06:20] <dr0w> zeeshan: yeah
[21:06:34] <zeeshan> yea to what
[21:06:35] <zeeshan> :P
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[21:11:19] <dr0w>
[21:12:15] <dr0w> This guy has another photosensor for a key slot.. I'm working on making a disc, currently no key slot.
[21:14:03] <dr0w> I drew up something similar to this one:
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