#linuxcnc | Logs for 2014-09-04

[00:02:23] -!- rob_h has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[00:47:06] <ssi> https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10620725_10100470486488812_6510813634492687160_n.jpg?oh=5fc5c5f878d7fa85131a0f287e1a9e8a&oe=548209EA
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[00:47:09] <ssi> hahahaha
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[00:50:10] <CaptHindsight> ssi: need to build a longer table now?
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[01:02:51] <ssi> CaptHindsight: no that tube will fit in the table
[01:03:00] <ssi> just not between the gantry rails
[01:03:02] <ssi> it goes behind them
[01:06:42] <jdh> what are teh 'parts' on teh table?
[01:08:23] <ssi> https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/10424231_10100451411560122_8360694036607109705_n.jpg?oh=284de4cc441f91f593ad15395157be73&oe=546EB8B2&__gda__=1417677220_cf5e86aefd6eab28a2c10be30db1edf7
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[01:09:40] <jdh> heh, wood sextant?
[01:10:12] <jdh> that's pretty cool. and that was the 40w tube?
[01:10:22] <ssi> yeah
[01:10:24] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:10:38] <jdh> I need one of those.
[01:10:42] <jdh> for something I'm sure.
[01:10:47] <ssi> I ordered a power meter; I wanted to shoot the 40W laser before I swapped them
[01:10:52] <ssi> but the meter won't be here for another week and a half
[01:10:54] <ssi> so screw it
[01:11:14] <jdh> I had a cabinet with 2 or 3 power meters and tons of other stuff.
[01:11:20] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:11:23] <ssi> laser power meter?
[01:11:30] <jdh> think we just dumpstered it all.
[01:11:41] <jdh> yeah. also had 3 5kw YAGs
[01:11:56] <ssi> dumpstered that too? :(
[01:11:58] <jdh> with "i" being work.
[01:12:32] <jdh> tried to give them away for play money to other plants but nobody wanted htem. They sat in an outside storage place for a couple of years then I lost track of them.
[01:12:33] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:12:36] <jdh> they are gone though.
[01:12:43] <ssi> :(
[01:12:52] <jdh> they could do some serious water heating.
[01:13:03] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:13:13] <ssi> I could put a 5kw yag to work
[01:13:13] <ssi> heh
[01:14:04] <Jymmm> jdh: about how big were they?
[01:14:17] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:14:50] <jdh> 5 kw
[01:15:00] <Jymmm> jdh: in real estate
[01:15:20] <jdh> physically, about 8x3x4 ft
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[01:15:32] <Jymmm> *sigh*
[01:16:17] <jdh> 3phase, sucked some serious power. Crank them up, beam diverter either goes out teh fiber or into the water
[01:16:29] <jdh> so they were always firing
[01:19:03] postaL_offline is now known as postaL
[01:22:37] -!- Servos4ever [Servos4ever!~chatzilla@173-87-48-111.dr01.hnvr.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:24:38] <CaptHindsight> jdh: were they used for welding or cutting?
[01:27:43] <jdh> welding
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[01:52:39] <PetefromTn_> Well I managed to get the spindle motor bearings greased properly and installed very carefully into the Spindle motor armature and into the housing.
[01:53:22] <PetefromTn_> It is a curious design with angular contact bearings that are not preloaded really except with a wavy washer at the top. It is not even a very thick washer at all.
[01:53:24] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
[01:54:38] <PetefromTn_> I got it all buttoned up and started installing the fan motor plates and the key and pulley which attached to the bottom of the shaft with a large washer and SHCS to set the depth and then a large setscrew to hold its position and keep the key in place.
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[01:54:56] <PetefromTn_> Turning it by hand it turns very smooth and silent so I guess that is good LOL
[01:55:38] <Jymmm> What is "Schedule 40/80" ?
[01:55:54] <PetefromTn_> Unfortunately my wife had to get to bed here and we were unable to get the motor installed back in position atop the millhead. I am not sure if I can do it myself but I may try it here in a bit. I would just hate to have it fall or get dropped after all that work.
[01:57:02] <PetefromTn_> http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/pvc-cpvc-pipes-pressures-d_796.html
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[01:57:55] <zeeshan> Jymmm: its the thickness of the pipe
[01:58:00] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:58:14] <zeeshan> for stainless
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[01:58:17] <Jymmm> zeeshan: ty, as I'm looking at black pipe
[01:58:18] <zeeshan> sch10 is like .109
[01:58:23] <zeeshan> sch40 is .145
[01:58:40] <zeeshan> Jymmm: just be careful with pipe!
[01:58:47] <zeeshan> 1-1/2 p ipe for example
[01:58:47] <Jymmm> ?
[01:58:48] -!- anarchos2 [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:58:53] <zeeshan> is like 1.680OD
[01:59:06] <zeeshan> and the id depends on the schedule
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[01:59:20] <zeeshan> i build exhaust manifolds out of pipe
[01:59:39] -!- mozmck [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:59:43] <zeeshan> and then exhaust piping is made out of tubing
[01:59:45] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:00:04] <Jymmm> Yeah, it looks like I want SCH 80
[02:00:14] <zeeshan> that'll be harder to source in steel
[02:00:24] <zeeshan> for some reason a lot of blackpipe stuff you see at home depot
[02:00:30] <zeeshan> or many plumbing supplies is sch40
[02:01:25] <Jymmm> Great, HD doens't carry it
[02:04:07] <ssi> you can get schedule 80 pipe from metal supply places
[02:04:16] <zeeshan> ssi
[02:04:17] <zeeshan> where you been
[02:04:22] <ssi> I used some big sch80 pipe to make a fixture to mount rifle receivers in
[02:04:25] <ssi> zeeshan: I've been around
[02:04:32] <Jymmm> but I doubt they're going to thread it for me
[02:04:33] <zeeshan> airplane done?
[02:04:34] <zeeshan> :p
[02:04:42] <ssi> depends on your definition of done :P
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[02:04:59] <zeeshan> does it fly
[02:05:17] <Jymmm> as much as the spruc goose does
[02:05:47] <ssi> if you threw it really fast it might
[02:05:48] <ssi> :D
[02:06:00] <Jymmm> Schedule 80 steel pipe dimensions http://www.engineersedge.com/fluid_flow/steel-pipe-schedule-80.htm
[02:06:04] <ssi> I actually went down there monday and did sometihng
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[02:06:15] <ssi> didn't work on the plane, but I'm moving hangars
[02:06:22] <ssi> so I cleaned out the new hangar and moved the plane up to it
[02:06:31] <ssi> need to clean up the old shop and move tables/toolboxes/etc
[02:06:39] <ssi> and I have to get a new air compressor for the new hangar
[02:06:50] <ssi> my old hangar was adjacent to a friend's, and I was using his compressor
[02:06:52] <ssi> but he moved out
[02:07:36] <ssi> zeeshan: I got my new laser tube
[02:07:37] <ssi> zeeshan: https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10620725_10100470486488812_6510813634492687160_n.jpg?oh=5fc5c5f878d7fa85131a0f287e1a9e8a&oe=548209EA
[02:07:41] <ssi> it's a bit bigger than the old one
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[02:22:49] <zeeshan> thatsa seriouis laser
[02:22:49] <zeeshan> :D
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[02:40:00] <zeeshan> ssi how much does hangar space cost?
[02:41:51] <XXCoder> ssi: awesome!
[02:43:02] <ssi> zeeshan: they're ~$300/mo at the airport I'm at
[02:43:06] <ssi> it varies wildly
[02:43:07] <zeeshan> wow
[02:43:10] <zeeshan> thats not too bad
[02:43:12] <zeeshan> how much sq feet is that
[02:43:12] <ssi> no it's not bad
[02:43:17] <ssi> hard to say exactly
[02:43:29] <ssi> it's 42' across the front and 37' deep
[02:43:29] <zeeshan> cause you gotta keep your tools
[02:43:30] <zeeshan> and stuff somewhere
[02:43:31] <ssi> but it's t-shaped
[02:43:34] <zeeshan> wait
[02:43:39] <zeeshan> you have the entire thing for yourself???
[02:43:39] <zeeshan> you have the entire thing for yourself???
[02:43:45] <ssi> I have two and a half :P
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[02:43:50] <zeeshan> wow thats good
[02:43:52] <ssi> yeah
[02:43:56] <ssi> I'm trying to get into one of the big ones
[02:44:00] <ssi> the big ones are 100x80
[02:44:05] <ssi> and $1000/mo
[02:44:12] <XXCoder> wow big
[02:44:18] <zeeshan> im seriously consdiering
[02:44:21] <XXCoder> ssi is you running a business?
[02:44:22] <zeeshan> moving my sho
[02:44:22] <ssi> if I can get one, I'll move all the machines down there
[02:44:23] <zeeshan> into a real place
[02:44:28] <ssi> well don't use a hangar
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[02:44:44] <ssi> well in canada you can do whatever the hell you want
[02:44:46] <ssi> but don't do it in the US
[02:44:55] <XXCoder> why
[02:45:02] <ssi> they're trying to pass a rule to make it illegal to use hangars for things other than airplanes
[02:45:08] <ssi> because too many people use them for storage and shops
[02:45:15] <ssi> and there's multi-year waiting lists fro hangars at most airports
[02:45:17] <ssi> and the FAA is pissed
[02:45:22] <ssi> because federal money funds the airports
[02:45:29] <XXCoder> wow
[02:47:03] <zeeshan> http://www.kijiji.ca/v-other-real-estate/oshawa-durham-region/hangar-for-sale-oshawa-municipal-airport/1009525172?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
[02:47:06] <zeeshan> only 1.5 million
[02:47:30] <XXCoder> cheap!!!
[02:47:59] <XXCoder> seriously if I owned it I'd sell it right away and retire with new cnc shop.
[02:48:17] <zeeshan> http://www.brantfordairport.ca/aviation/Pages/T_Hangar_Leases.aspx
[02:48:20] <zeeshan> 500/month
[02:48:25] <zeeshan> 1,377 to 1,897 square foot units
[02:49:08] <zeeshan> i need to buy a fake plane now
[02:49:13] <zeeshan> so i can use it as an excuse
[02:49:14] <zeeshan> :D
[02:49:27] <XXCoder> or real plane with missing parts
[02:49:31] <XXCoder> call it "project"
[02:49:37] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:49:38] <XXCoder> thats why you has all that cncs and such
[02:49:39] <ssi> planes take up most of that space :)
[02:49:54] <zeeshan> i dont think i could work
[02:50:00] <zeeshan> in a non ac / heated hanger
[02:50:02] <zeeshan> hangar
[02:50:15] <XXCoder> just get crew heater lol
[02:50:22] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:50:46] <ssi> yeah the environmental stuff is an issue
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[02:51:04] <XXCoder> ust build basement into your house
[02:51:13] <XXCoder> if it already has one, make basement basement
[02:52:49] <CaptHindsight> you think that's bad you should try finding a hangar for a submarine
[02:52:51] <XXCoder> anyway I bet I wouldnt be able to find space for twice the price yours here ssi
[02:53:05] <XXCoder> for half size
[02:53:40] <XXCoder> interesting
[02:53:51] <XXCoder> http://www.cityofvancouver.us/cmo/page/hangar-rates-rentals-0
[02:54:49] <zeeshan> XXCoder: youre in vancouver?
[02:54:54] <XXCoder> used to
[02:55:45] -!- Tecan has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:56:11] <ssi> closer you get to a city, the higher the prices get for hangars
[02:59:25] <XXCoder> interesting
[02:59:29] <XXCoder> funny thing
[02:59:38] <XXCoder> I work right by airplane strip and hangers
[02:59:52] <XXCoder> I go out and sometimes see planes land or leave
[02:59:56] <XXCoder> during breaks
[03:00:17] <XXCoder> theres this I guess 1940s plane there
[03:00:25] <XXCoder> I saw it land once but it rarely flies.
[03:00:55] <XXCoder> oh look
[03:00:56] <XXCoder> http://www.westin553.net/genavFoto01/be18-36c.jpg
[03:01:12] <XXCoder> looks similiar but different colors and back fins is ribbed
[03:02:39] -!- tchaddad has quit []
[03:07:55] <ssi> that's a beech 18
[03:09:03] <XXCoder> lol ok. not very familiar with planes
[03:09:05] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:09:43] <ssi> beech 18 is one of my favorites
[03:09:51] -!- PetefromTn_andro [PetefromTn_andro!~PetefromT@66-168-88-232.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:09:57] <ssi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C46lMbaMBqM
[03:10:11] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:10:11] <PetefromTn_andro> Evening guys
[03:10:19] <XXCoder> hey
[03:10:33] <PetefromTn_andro> Well I did it LOL
[03:10:52] <XXCoder> congats, you will be happy with your kid ;)
[03:11:08] <ssi> lol
[03:11:10] <XXCoder> ssi yeah looks very similiar, if not same
[03:11:10] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:11:24] <PetefromTn_andro> I managed to get that big heavy monster of a motor back installed on the millhead
[03:11:41] <XXCoder> completely different paint scheme, its mostly just alum color with some yellow markings
[03:11:45] <XXCoder> nice
[03:12:04] <PetefromTn_andro> What a bitch that was
[03:12:11] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:12:56] <PetefromTn_andro> It's late now so I will hookup all the wires and sensors tomorrow and start running in the new bearings.
[03:12:58] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:13:32] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_andro: used an engine hoist?
[03:13:46] <PetefromTn_andro> Taking that all apart I learned a few things about how the whole spindle and power drawbar works
[03:13:54] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:14:08] <PetefromTn_andro> Naah just used a PETE hoist LOL
[03:14:12] <ssi> lol
[03:14:15] <zeeshan> haha
[03:14:20] <zeeshan> you know whats funny?|
[03:14:28] <zeeshan> i helped my buddy change his engine in his civic the other day
[03:14:32] <zeeshan> we lifted the motor together
[03:14:33] <zeeshan> rofl
[03:14:38] <zeeshan> i've never picked up such a light motor in my life before
[03:14:43] <zeeshan> it weighed only like 110lb
[03:14:47] <zeeshan> the v8 is like 400lb
[03:14:50] <PetefromTn_andro> Besides my engine crane would not work as there is nowhere to shove the stabilization legs
[03:14:52] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:15:38] <PetefromTn_andro> And the millhead has to go up pretty high too
[03:15:40] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:15:58] <zeeshan> how heavy was the spindle
[03:16:00] <zeeshan> in your estimate
[03:16:04] <XXCoder> so its the old spine crane eh
[03:16:58] <PetefromTn_andro> I dunno what it weighs but it is about all I had in me to get it up on my right shoulder and be able to climb inside the enclosure and heft it up into position
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[03:18:07] <PetefromTn_andro> For a second or two there I wondered if I made a huge mistake trying it without someone around to help me LOL
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[03:19:08] <zeeshan> haha
[03:19:11] <PetefromTn_andro> Cannot wait to hear this machine run with a nice quiet spindle at max rpm.... Gonna be a things of beauty
[03:20:15] <PetefromTn_andro> Once it is running again I am going to finally machine the same encoder mounts and get them installed
[03:20:32] <XXCoder> PetefromTn_andro: like I said, spine crane lol
[03:21:27] <PetefromTn_andro> I found that my design Will need to be on a much thicker plate due to how far the motors shaft protrudes atop the housing.
[03:21:49] <PetefromTn_andro> Yeah man that bitch is heavy...
[03:22:11] <XXCoder> yeah and spine crane has limited number of uses. be careful man
[03:22:41] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:23:06] <PetefromTn_andro> The bearings seemed to press on nice and smooth. I swear ya gotta be really careful with those angular contact bearings that have the phenolic bearings cages
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[03:24:08] <PetefromTn_andro> You pretty well press on it from the wrong direction even a little bit and the cage snaps and ball bearings are flying everywhere
[03:24:28] <XXCoder> that sensive
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[03:24:49] <PetefromTn_andro> Thankfully it all went together pretty well I think. Proofs in the pudding tomorrow
[03:25:09] <XXCoder> yeah dont count bearings till you open package heh
[03:25:14] <zeeshan> you need a press
[03:25:15] <zeeshan> for that stuff
[03:25:25] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_andro: now you can rebuild a transmission
[03:25:31] <zeeshan> 90% of it is pressing bearings!
[03:25:31] <zeeshan> :D
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[03:26:19] <PetefromTn_andro> Yeah man it is just a thin plastic cage holding everything together. Without the cage the outer race just comes right off. Unlike regular deep groove bearings that kinda hold themselves together.
[03:26:52] <PetefromTn_andro> I have a press actually that's how I installed the new bearings
[03:28:17] <PetefromTn_andro> I really need to put some cash aside for the time when the spindle bearings need refurbished at some point hopefully in the distant future.
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[03:28:43] <PetefromTn_andro> From what I gather they are about a grand if you do it yourself.
[03:29:08] <XXCoder> I bet press is handy sometimes
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[03:29:32] <PetefromTn_andro> Hell yeah it is..
[03:29:53] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn_andro, my bud had to replace a ballscrew end bearing $1400 from the dealer
[03:30:07] <PetefromTn_andro> Makes it so much more controllable than beating on things with pipes and hammers.
[03:30:23] <Tom_itx> he did find one for half that though
[03:30:30] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:30:37] <PetefromTn_andro> That's what I am finer
[03:30:42] <PetefromTn_andro> Finding
[03:31:03] <PetefromTn_andro> If you look around you can sure get some better deals.
[03:31:22] -!- gleapsite [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:31:45] <PetefromTn_andro> The local quote for these high precision angular contact bearings I just installed was like $458.00 plus tax
[03:32:06] <PetefromTn_andro> I only paid $200.00 with free shipping.
[03:32:55] <XXCoder> nice savngs
[03:33:02] <PetefromTn_andro> My friend Joe in Pennsylvania has the same exact machine and he has a spare set of spindle bearings ready to go into the machine whenever it needs it
[03:33:47] <PetefromTn_andro> I would like to start looking for them earlier like that and have then on hand for when I finally do need them
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[03:34:05] <Tom_itx> then they'll never go out
[03:34:26] <CaptHindsight> PetefromTn_andro: were the old bearings destroyed during removal?
[03:34:26] <XXCoder> yeah
[03:34:38] <XXCoder> as soon as you have spares it'll never be needed
[03:34:46] <XXCoder> HOWEVER as soon as you lose spares...
[03:34:50] <PetefromTn_andro> Other than fragging a ballscrew or something that is one of the most expensive repairs
[03:35:49] <PetefromTn_andro> Yeah I had to cut the old bearings out because with these angular contact bearings the inside shoulder did not give anything to pull against
[03:36:47] <PetefromTn_andro> So I ground a shoulder Into the face of the inner race for my slide hammers to latch onto
[03:37:37] <PetefromTn_andro> Once I had a solid shoulder it came right off i'm sure the slight heat from the grinder probably helped a bit too
[03:38:18] <XXCoder> wonder if "welder kiss" would warm it and it come off
[03:38:19] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:38:27] <PetefromTn_andro> Then as I said I pressed it all back on in my hydraulic press
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[03:39:17] <PetefromTn_andro> Probably I have done that before on automotive bearings that were stuck with my tig torch
[03:40:14] <PetefromTn_andro> Just run a fusion bead around the middle of the inner race and it just expanding and often cracks
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[03:42:18] <PetefromTn_andro> Funny thing is there are two coolant lines coming in from behind the spindle body that are both capped off
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[03:42:52] <PetefromTn_andro> I wonder if they were supposed to be for the optional through spindle coolant
[03:43:03] <XXCoder> I wondered when I saw 8 capped holes in spidle at machine I use
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[03:43:20] <PetefromTn_andro> Sure would be nice to be able to add that feature somehow
[03:43:21] <XXCoder> other and much larger hurco vmx30 has em uncapped and spraying
[03:43:37] <XXCoder> I use small hurco vm10
[03:44:01] <PetefromTn_andro> Those are supposed to be real nice machines
[03:44:25] <XXCoder> with my experence, yep
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[03:44:37] <XXCoder> just couple annoyances
[03:44:45] <XXCoder> hurco vm10 gets itself dirty easily
[03:44:54] <PetefromTn_andro> That you don't own it LOL
[03:44:55] <XXCoder> I had to clean it pretty often
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[03:45:08] <XXCoder> I wish I own it reardless actually lol its so nice
[03:45:45] <XXCoder> other annoyance is that it loses coolant pretty fast, vm10. vm20 and larger keeps coolant pretty well
[03:45:51] <PetefromTn_andro> My machine is quite easy to clean out actually. Considering it does not have a chip auger
[03:45:52] <XXCoder> it keeps losing it via vapor
[03:46:17] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_andro:
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[03:46:20] <zeeshan> do you clean it after every job?
[03:46:45] <PetefromTn_andro> I put a five gallon bucket of water Into my machine so far every couple weeks.
[03:47:05] <PetefromTn_andro> Not really define clean it
[03:47:09] <XXCoder> lol I add around 5 to 7 gallons everyday
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[03:47:31] <XXCoder> it loses so much expecially with certain type of jobs, it burns em off fast
[03:47:51] <XXCoder> I guess I also add 1 cup of some kind of oil everyday too
[03:48:14] <XXCoder> but not water though, I use 2% coolant fluid
[03:48:18] <PetefromTn_andro> I am only doing aluminum so after each day of running it I spray off the vise table and walls inside then blow the excess coolant off the table and vise
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[03:48:53] <XXCoder> pete youre lucky you only need to clean once a day
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[03:49:00] <XXCoder> I tend to clean machine 4 to 5 times a day
[03:49:05] <PetefromTn_andro> I am using a solubile oil
[03:49:49] <PetefromTn_andro> I wish I had so many paying parts to make I had to clean it out all the time hehe
[03:50:23] <PetefromTn_andro> Right now I am just making stuff I can sell.
[03:51:25] <XXCoder> lol yeah corp is different
[03:51:32] <XXCoder> theres almost always stuff to make
[03:51:34] <PetefromTn_andro> Honestly tho the last couple weeks I had to make a bunch of parts and running them knowing I was making some good money on them felt really good. Wishing it was like that all the time
[03:52:02] <XXCoder> most common part for me is fixure. dont ask me what its for.
[03:52:14] <XXCoder> its from pretty thick L exruded alum
[03:52:26] <XXCoder> man it makes so much swarf at first step.
[03:52:39] <PetefromTn_andro> Making a fixture?
[03:52:53] <XXCoder> easily 2 bucket per job. one bucket per step next 2 jobs then finally done
[03:53:09] <XXCoder> yeah whatever its for. its L shaped thing with offsets
[03:53:12] <XXCoder> with single hole
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[03:53:19] <PetefromTn_andro> Buckets of what chips?
[03:53:23] <XXCoder> alum
[03:53:35] <PetefromTn_andro> Aah
[03:53:55] <PetefromTn_andro> Ya know it's funny the chip trays real
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[03:54:09] <XXCoder> it is real yes ;)
[03:54:40] <PetefromTn_andro> Really never filled all the way up but when I finally emptied them I was like holy smokes that's a lot of chips
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[03:55:04] <XXCoder> I also use er that barrel thing to hold alum. if I have been doing first step jobs it would fill up in single day. thats easily 25 gallons?
[03:56:03] <PetefromTn_andro> Nice cutting aluminum is fun I think cuts like butter and you can really hog it out if you want
[03:56:16] <XXCoder> lol I guess
[03:56:29] <XXCoder> man does machine vibrate a LOT lol
[03:56:40] <PetefromTn_andro> Really?
[03:56:50] <XXCoder> I guess its really loud but its silent as usual for me
[03:57:10] <PetefromTn_andro> ?
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[03:57:19] <XXCoder> I'm deaf lol
[03:57:28] <PetefromTn_andro> Seriously
[03:58:08] <zeeshan> XXCoder: im gonna design
[03:58:13] <zeeshan> a vibration based hearing aid for you
[03:58:13] <zeeshan> :D
[03:58:18] <zeeshan> for your cnc
[03:58:22] <XXCoder> yeah seriously. deaf. lol
[03:58:26] <PetefromTn_andro> Wow man I'm sorry to hear that. Can it be fixed they have come a long way lately with ears
[03:58:28] <XXCoder> for last 38 years
[03:58:32] <XXCoder> why fix??
[03:58:49] <XXCoder> (I'm also 38 years old btw)
[03:59:15] <XXCoder> and deafness? its not most annoying problem I have
[03:59:21] <XXCoder> in fact its not even in top 10
[03:59:26] <PetefromTn_andro> How do you tell when the suit hits the fan inside the machine without being able to hear it?
[03:59:41] <XXCoder> seeing it go to shit
[03:59:42] <PetefromTn_andro> Shit
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[03:59:48] <XXCoder> had to hit e stop few times
[04:00:17] <PetefromTn_andro> What if you are not watching it when that happens
[04:00:17] <XXCoder> my worse so far is someone else changed tool setting but didnt change it back with tool
[04:00:35] <XXCoder> it drilled into tooling and make nice strip lol
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[04:00:51] <XXCoder> I NEVER not watch it on first run
[04:01:02] <XXCoder> do single step a time to confirm correct positioning
[04:01:03] <PetefromTn_andro> Hey I have done Shit like that and I can see and hear fine Lol
[04:01:28] <XXCoder> 2nd to 10th part it usually never has issues
[04:01:37] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:01:43] <PetefromTn_andro> Well I better get to sleep cya later guys
[04:01:53] <XXCoder> I just use elbow on machine when doing stuff like deburring while it runs
[04:02:05] <XXCoder> me too, gonna get clean and sleep
[04:02:14] <PetefromTn_andro> Sweet I do that too hehe
[04:02:26] <PetefromTn_andro> Gn8
[04:02:31] -!- PetefromTn_andro has quit [Quit: Bye]
[04:02:32] <XXCoder> see, deafness dont change much lol
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[04:03:06] <Jymmm> it's the dumb part we question with you XXCoder =)
[04:03:36] <XXCoder> zeeshan: plenty of vibrations from cnc already dont need more ;)
[04:03:43] <XXCoder> Jymmm: what dumb part?
[04:03:49] <Jymmm> lmao
[04:04:07] <Jymmm> XXCoder: ("deaf and dumb")
[04:04:21] <XXCoder> ah thats considered offensive btw
[04:04:44] <Jymmm> XXCoder: It was meant to be, it's YOU we're talking about here =)
[04:04:50] <XXCoder> awesome
[04:05:01] <Jymmm> XXCoder: Can you FEEL the love?
[04:05:31] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[04:06:32] <Jymmm> XXCoder: You know I'm pulling your chain =)
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[04:43:29] <zeeshan> XXCoder: lol
[04:43:43] <XXCoder> :)
[04:45:43] <zeeshan> http://i.imgur.com/xsViAS7.jpg
[04:45:46] <zeeshan> transmission almost back together
[04:46:13] <XXCoder> whats it for
[04:46:17] <XXCoder> wild guess truck?
[04:46:20] <zeeshan> no
[04:46:21] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:46:55] <zeeshan> for my rx7
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[04:47:24] <XXCoder> fancy.
[04:47:32] <XXCoder> mines nissan quest 1996 lol
[04:47:36] <XXCoder> wanna rebuild its tranny?
[04:47:53] <zeeshan> sure!
[04:47:54] <zeeshan> :D
[04:48:00] <XXCoder> lol
[04:48:26] <XXCoder> actually its pretty good. that model van has tranny thats real tough. mines been abused and 181k miles and still fine. just slightly hard shift
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[04:48:57] <zeeshan> if theyre manual
[04:48:58] <zeeshan> ican rebuild em
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[04:49:03] <zeeshan> if theyre automatic, i have no clue :)
[04:49:54] <XXCoder> its auto.
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[04:57:02] <XXCoder> one thing issue though is it smells of gas
[04:57:06] <XXCoder> expecially when warming
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[05:05:45] <XXCoder> zeeshan: apparently thats caused by dirty idle air control
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[05:06:01] <zeeshan> lots of reasons why you smell gas
[05:06:02] <XXCoder> looks simple enough to use trottle body cleaner to clean it
[05:06:05] <zeeshan> you might have a fuel leak
[05:06:22] <XXCoder> it dont smell when warmed apparently
[05:06:23] <zeeshan> your car might be running rich from a bad o2 sensor, maf sensor, idle air control
[05:06:25] <XXCoder> so thats out
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[05:06:34] <zeeshan> are you throwing a check engine light?
[05:06:46] <XXCoder> yeah cheap enough to do it. its needed because sometimes rough idle too
[05:06:53] <XXCoder> yeah egr error. fun
[05:07:02] <XXCoder> theres this hose I need to clean but I cant find it
[05:07:14] <XXCoder> small metal hose. if that dont fix I would need to replace egr itself
[05:07:32] <zeeshan> what year car
[05:07:36] <XXCoder> 1996
[05:07:39] <zeeshan> ah
[05:07:44] <zeeshan> right at the turn over for obd2
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[05:07:54] <XXCoder> got picture?
[05:07:58] <XXCoder> thats very hard to find
[05:08:06] <zeeshan> no im saying the diagnostics
[05:08:15] <zeeshan> was changed to on board diagonstics 2 (obd2)
[05:08:19] <XXCoder> oh I has odb2 module
[05:08:21] <zeeshan> so you should be getting a lot more codes
[05:08:25] <XXCoder> thats how I know
[05:08:26] <zeeshan> if other stuff was wrong
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[05:08:35] <zeeshan> i really think you either have a fuel leak
[05:08:35] <XXCoder> and nope only p0400 (egr)
[05:08:39] <zeeshan> or exhaust leak
[05:08:41] <zeeshan> to smell fuel like that
[05:08:41] <XXCoder> or p0401 forgot
[05:09:00] <XXCoder> its best $40 I ever spent
[05:09:34] <zeeshan> p0400 doesnt make your car run richer (uise more fuel)
[05:09:39] <zeeshan> its just an annoyance code
[05:09:40] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:09:42] <XXCoder> yeah
[05:09:47] <XXCoder> no other error
[05:09:49] <XXCoder> even pending
[05:09:50] <zeeshan> just means your egr isnt working and your nox will be higher
[05:09:51] <anarchos2> i bought one of those bluetooth odb2 adaptors. it's really neat.
[05:09:56] <anarchos2> $12 from aliexpress, iirc
[05:10:01] <zeeshan> XXCoder: do 2 things
[05:10:04] <XXCoder> ana yeah I use touchpad with it
[05:10:06] <zeeshan> do you knwo where you fuel injectors are
[05:10:07] <XXCoder> love it
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[05:11:02] <XXCoder> not really zee
[05:11:15] <zeeshan> you need to touch around the injector orings
[05:11:19] <zeeshan> and then smell your hand
[05:11:22] <zeeshan> and see if it smells like fuel
[05:11:26] <XXCoder> I'
[05:11:30] <zeeshan> and do the same at the connections of the fuel rail
[05:11:34] <XXCoder> I'd have to get someone else
[05:11:38] <zeeshan> and look for cracks on the fuel line
[05:11:40] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:11:46] <zeeshan> small cracks on fuel like
[05:11:48] <XXCoder> lack of smell.. thats in top 3 of my annoyances
[05:11:51] <zeeshan> can give you intermittent
[05:11:54] <zeeshan> smell too
[05:12:02] <XXCoder> thanks though I'll check when can
[05:12:11] <zeeshan> also for your egr (its really not a big deal if you dont fix it)
[05:12:15] <zeeshan> but if you want to pass emissions
[05:12:17] <XXCoder> still need to clean air idle controller though its bit rough
[05:12:26] <zeeshan> i'd first start with measuring the impedance of the coils for the egr
[05:12:32] <zeeshan> and see if thats within factory spec
[05:12:34] <XXCoder> heh i cheated one time with my now broken down car ford contour 1998
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[05:12:37] <zeeshan> shoulld be like 180 ohms or so
[05:12:52] <XXCoder> just drive till warm, and reset codes right inside inspection
[05:12:53] <XXCoder> area
[05:12:54] <zeeshan> if its like 0 ohms you know you got a short
[05:12:58] <XXCoder> just hide odb2 :P
[05:13:01] <zeeshan> if its like 10,000 ohms
[05:13:13] <zeeshan> something is wrong also ;p (corrosion?)
[05:13:18] <XXCoder> lol ok
[05:13:39] <zeeshan> i made a small pulser a while back
[05:13:45] <zeeshan> to test pulse wide modulated circuits
[05:13:50] <zeeshan> and to clean out fuel injectors properly
[05:14:00] <XXCoder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmRhcVkJdeQ
[05:14:10] <zeeshan> you put the fuel injectors in an ultrasonic bath with solvent
[05:14:12] <XXCoder> autocaptions is nonsense
[05:14:13] <zeeshan> and trigger em
[05:14:33] <zeeshan> is that what your engine bay looks like?
[05:14:41] <XXCoder> nah its someone else
[05:14:49] <zeeshan> i know
[05:14:51] <zeeshan> but same engine?
[05:14:52] <XXCoder> its also 2000
[05:15:06] <XXCoder> looks similiar
[05:15:14] <zeeshan> lol
[05:15:15] <XXCoder> need look closer
[05:15:16] <zeeshan> that sucks man
[05:15:17] <zeeshan> v6
[05:15:30] <zeeshan> 3 of your spark plugs and fuel injectors
[05:15:31] <XXCoder> yeah its nice and powerful when it feels like it
[05:15:32] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:15:36] <zeeshan> are hiding under that big plenum
[05:16:01] <XXCoder> heh try mecury sable 1988
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[05:16:14] <XXCoder> its engine is so big theres inches clearance around it
[05:16:32] <XXCoder> 3.8L. 2 ton truck engine in average sedan
[05:17:32] <XXCoder> http://www.ford-taurus.org/taurusinfo/Engine/Large/90-95_Essex.jpg
[05:17:34] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[05:17:35] <anarchos2> i need to get a truck
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[05:18:18] <XXCoder> man I miss my sable :(
[05:18:33] <XXCoder> stupid fucker did 50 mph left turn into it
[05:18:46] <XXCoder> I'd have died if I didnt react and turn right
[05:19:23] <XXCoder> it turned it from fatal 45 degree impact into driver side door to t bone. latter is still very bad but all I got was sore and 9 months dizzyness
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[05:20:46] <XXCoder> anyway
[05:20:51] <XXCoder> zeeshan: thanks for tips man'
[05:20:59] <XXCoder> I'll check out when can
[05:21:12] <zeeshan> np
[05:21:22] <XXCoder> bedtime (im late to bed lol)
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[14:29:50] <_methods> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOXQo7nURs0
[14:29:55] <_methods> that's funny
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[15:04:16] <archivist> lump of cast iron suitable as a base for a machine http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Induma-Milling-Machine-/181516127938
[15:05:52] <Rab> archivist, here's another one: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/tls/4650831213.html
[15:06:37] <archivist> that costs far too much!
[15:07:33] <mozmck> yes, it should be priced somewhere around 10 cents per pound!
[15:08:10] <archivist> ten years of rust to get off it how much metal will be left
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[15:14:31] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321507497743?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT- stil has no bids
[15:14:34] <archivist> the law states that anything in the rusted state shall be prices accordingly, well my law anyway
[15:15:34] <archivist> this is still a bargain http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261581939381
[15:17:28] <SpeedEvil> Well - yes
[15:17:34] <SpeedEvil> the chuck is worth that alone
[15:23:01] <JT-Shop> after writing this G code generator years ago it might actually be useful now http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Simple_LinuxCNC_G-Code_Generators#Arc_Buddy
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[16:44:18] <chonkyfire> hi all
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[16:46:31] <chonkyfire> I would like to ask what the best daughtercard is for the 5i25 if I plan to run a g540 for a cnc plasma table. I was looking at the 7i75 but I don't see many people using it on the forums. I'll be using 2 daughtercards with the 5i25 -- one will be the THCAD 10.
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[16:47:47] <ssi> you don't need a daughtercard for the g540 itself
[16:48:33] <ssi> fwiw that's exactly how my plasma table is set up currently; one port drives the g540 directly, the other is through a 7i75, and I have a thcad for torch voltage
[16:49:36] <chonkyfire> so thcad is hooked up to 7175?
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[16:49:41] <ssi> yep
[16:49:43] <Jymmm> Which is stronger, black pipe or 304?
[16:49:50] <Jymmm> both sch 80
[16:51:02] <chonkyfire> and the 7175 is there for noise isolation or for breakout wiring purposes?
[16:51:20] <ssi> Jymmm: at what temperature?
[16:51:27] <ssi> chonkyfire: breakout and protection
[16:51:48] <chonkyfire> do you keep them in the PC case or externally?
[16:51:56] <Jymmm> ssi: Hmmmm, let's say 800F?
[16:52:01] <chonkyfire> just laying around on the floor
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[16:52:18] <ssi> chonkyfire: they're nailed to the wall :)
[16:52:21] <chonkyfire> or in waterbede
[16:52:27] <ssi> Jymmm: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/young-modulus-d_773.html
[16:52:47] <chonkyfire> haha nice
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[16:53:41] <chonkyfire> do the three play well together out of the box or is there a significant amount of ini/hal rework?
[16:54:04] <ssi> well I dunno what you mean by rework
[16:54:09] <ssi> I usually start from scratch
[16:54:17] <ssi> but it's pretty straightforward
[16:54:17] <Jymmm> ssi: Ok, they are abut the same per the graph.
[16:54:23] <ssi> Jymmm: yeah that's what it seems like to me
[16:54:26] <chonkyfire> ok sounds good thnx
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[17:23:54] <lair82> Hello Guys, After lots of trial and error, I finally narrowed it down to the motherboard being the culprit in rebooting when I was using linuxcnc. I noticed that it would reboot when I would press the machine off button on the Linuxcnc GUI. Not all the time, but at least once every 4-5 times.
[17:24:42] <lair82> I switched back to the gigabyte d525 board and at starts up and runs fine, with out rebooting.
[17:25:01] <lair82> Any thoughts on what could be wrong with the MB?
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[17:27:44] <Rab> lair82, does the problem manifest when the computer is disconnected from any CNC hardware?
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[17:28:45] <CaptHindsight> lair82: what happened when you swapped power supplies for the mainboard?
[17:29:07] <lair82> Didn't notice any problems at all, late yesterday I finally got all the problems sorted out I having upgrading this machine, and then I noticed this.
[17:29:32] <lair82> The PC was up and running since last friday, no issues
[17:30:21] <lair82> Never changed the power supply, didn't even think of that, but it is a 600w PS
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[17:31:02] <CaptHindsight> lair82: Do you only have the issue when it's hooked up to CNC hardware running motors?
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[17:31:21] <lair82> CaptHindsight , yep
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[17:32:24] <lair82> I unmounted and insulated each circuit board, one at a time, then started up and still saw the problem.
[17:33:15] <lair82> I was thinking some kind of short or power spike in the machine was killing, but when the MB was hanging in mid air by the cables, it still did it.
[17:33:15] <CaptHindsight> when the machine off is pressed does that disable the drives and turn off any external power supplies?
[17:33:52] <CaptHindsight> I'd try a different model power supply
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[17:34:14] <CaptHindsight> for the MB
[17:34:18] <lair82> No the all power supplies, are always on, as long as there is 480 coming into the machine.
[17:34:40] <PetefromTn_> what kinda machine are we talking about here?
[17:35:16] <lair82> Cincinnati Milacron 12MO turning center
[17:35:37] <PetefromTn_> OOOHhh nice... I have a Cincinatti Arrow 500 VMC running linuxCNC..
[17:35:45] <lair82> I do have a spare PS, I will go try it and see
[17:35:47] <PetefromTn_> how do you like that machine?
[17:37:30] <lair82> Very nice, we have this 12MO, an 18MO, a 15CC, a 24MR, and a 10CC, of which the 10CC, 15CC, and 12MO are all running Linuxcnc
[17:38:01] <PetefromTn_> WOW that is awesome. where are you located?
[17:38:15] <lair82> If we can get the MB issues figured out the 24MR is next on the list. Petersburg MI
[17:38:38] <PetefromTn_> what if any of those machines would you say could be a garage shop machine?
[17:39:51] <CaptHindsight> lair82: we have been using that same MB for over a month without issue. It could still be your lucky board, power supply or the way it's all wired
[17:40:08] <lair82> The 10CC, it weighs around 20,000 lbs, but is only about 15' long, 8' deep and 7' high. and it has a 10"x22" work envelope.
[17:40:27] <PetefromTn_> HOLY SMOKES 20K!!!
[17:40:33] <PetefromTn_> That is a stout little machine.
[17:40:35] <CaptHindsight> lair82: when your MB was hanging in mid air it was still connected by the wires that would conduct the noise/spike that could cause it to reset
[17:41:04] <PetefromTn_> I am looking for something akin to my Arrow 500 about the same size hopefully
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[17:41:34] <lair82> CaptHindsight , I know, this is third machine now, and they are all setup the same way, and we have seen spectacular results since you recommended this board.
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[17:41:52] <PetefromTn_> the atom board?
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[17:42:17] <PetefromTn_> D525?
[17:42:51] <CaptHindsight> asrock FM2A88M-HD+ with APU
[17:42:53] -!- gleapsite has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:42:55] <SpeedEvil> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271596200762&ssPageName=ADME:SS:SS:US:1120 - modern art
[17:43:00] <lair82> I just don't know why the gigabyte board runs fine, then the Asrock board shuts down.
[17:43:07] <CaptHindsight> A4 4000 APU
[17:43:25] <lair82> Its still connected with the 5i23 in PCI slot
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[17:44:02] <lair82> A4-4020, the same as the machine that I switched over a week ago monday.
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[17:45:00] <lair82> We bought this MB off ebay, newegg was out of stock, now they are back in stock, and I am going to order another one today.
[17:45:06] <CaptHindsight> lair82: it's frustrating, but try to see if you can isolate the problem to power supply or wiring
[17:45:23] <CaptHindsight> swap to a different model power supply
[17:45:53] <CaptHindsight> try disconnecting one of the drives at a time
[17:46:11] <lair82> The ad said new in box, which it was, but the static bag was not sealed, so could be fubar'ed
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[17:46:29] <CaptHindsight> try disabling all the drives without hitting the Machine OFF button
[17:46:36] <lair82> Heading out there now, be back shortly
[17:46:38] <CaptHindsight> ah yeah
[17:46:45] <lair82> Ok,
[17:46:47] <CaptHindsight> I hate getting pre-opened stuff
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[17:54:49] <ssi> bah I wish 3d printing wasn't so sloooooow
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[18:10:40] <CaptHindsight> SLA
[18:11:55] <ssi> don't have SLA
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[18:12:00] <ssi> and the parts I'm making are too big for most SLA printers
[18:12:07] <ssi> most cheapy diy type anyway
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[18:15:13] <CaptHindsight> you could use your 40W laser tube to build a SLS printer for plastics, if you felt so inclined
[18:15:25] <ssi> could be interesting
[18:15:37] <ssi> I have a spare motion platform too
[18:16:34] <lair82> Looks like the culprit is solenoid valve that operates a hydraulic brake on the x axis, it goes on and off at the same time as machine on/off.
[18:16:53] <ssi> is there a flyback diode across it?
[18:18:03] <lair82> not that i am aware of.
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[18:20:48] <CaptHindsight> what drives the solenoid? A mechanical relay, SS relay, unknown PLC output, or?
[18:21:12] <CaptHindsight> adding a flyback diode and a capacitor couldn't hurt
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[18:22:13] <lair82> A mechanical relay
[18:22:23] <marmite> CaptHindsight: allmost a need
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[18:24:26] <ssi> yeah I would definitely start by making sure that there's a flyback diode
[18:24:36] <pcw_home> if a relay drives an inductive load the inductive load needs a flyback diode if DC
[18:24:37] <ssi> when the solenoid opens, there needs to be somewhere for all that back-emf to go
[18:24:37] <pcw_home> or a snubber network across the relay contacts if AC
[18:25:27] <CaptHindsight> PC power supplies also vary greatly in their ability to handle noise and brownouts
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[18:25:43] <CaptHindsight> yeah, sorry I assumed DC solenoid
[18:25:51] <ssi> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwtW8w4CQAAJDh6.jpg:large
[18:25:52] <ssi> getting there
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[18:26:44] <CaptHindsight> nice size exhaust
[18:27:00] <ssi> yea it's a 6" inline duct fan
[18:27:39] <lair82> it is an AC 120vac solenoid, what would you guys recommend? each machine has probably 8-10 solenoids, no diodes or subbers
[18:28:09] <ssi> they make little snubbers that's a resistor and cap in one package
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[18:34:02] <CaptHindsight> lair82: whats the power consumption of the relay? Is it marked or is there a part number?
[18:34:11] <lair82> 12 watts
[18:34:18] <CaptHindsight> not relay, solenoid
[18:35:33] amnesic is now known as amnesic_away
[18:35:39] <PetefromTn_> ssi Hey man that looks pretty damn spiffy my friend..
[18:35:43] <lair82> I knew what you meant.
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[18:38:14] <skunkworks> we are running a ton of hydraulic solinoids using opto22's.. I don't know if they all do but most have snubbers across them
[18:39:06] <PetefromTn_> ssi (h)
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[18:51:17] <CaptHindsight> http://tinyurl.com/lfrx47w http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/88/Q-QRL-27503.pdf what Mouser has in stock for Arc Suppressor/Snubber Networks
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[18:52:47] <CaptHindsight> http://www.digikey.com/product-highlights/us/en/cornell-dubilier-quencharc-caps/744
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[19:00:48] <CaptHindsight> lair82: you'll have to decide id you want to try adding snubbers or changing to relays (SSR) with snubbers
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[19:04:26] <CaptHindsight> http://www.alliedelec.com/search/productdetail.aspx?SKU=70030263
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[19:04:34] <pcw_home> SSRs typically dont need snubbers since they turn off at near 0 current so theres little stored energy
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[19:05:08] <CaptHindsight> suppression by design
[19:05:09] <pcw_home> (normal SCR based SSRs I mean)
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[19:09:07] <lair82> http://www.automationdirect.com/adc/Shopping/Catalog/Relays_-z-_Timers/Electro-Mechanical_Relays/Slim_-z-_Card_Relays,_5A_(RS_Series)/RS4N-DE
[19:09:19] <lair82> Those are what I am using for relays
[19:10:40] <pcw_home> is the solenoid AC or DC?
[19:10:49] <lair82> AC
[19:11:24] <pcw_home> ok so it need a arc suppressor across the relay contacts
[19:11:44] <pcw_home> (good for the relay as well as reducing EMI)
[19:12:46] <lair82> So I need to put these across the contacts?
[19:13:01] <pcw_home> 120VAC?
[19:13:09] <lair82> In parallel with the contact?
[19:13:15] <lair82> Yes
[19:14:49] <pcw_home> yes
[19:15:59] <skunkworks> yes
[19:16:07] * skunkworks was feeling left out
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[19:16:26] <CaptHindsight> the motion is carried
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[19:17:30] <lair82> I take the help from everyone,
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[19:20:57] <lair82> So I take it that one of these http://www.galco.com/buy/RK-Electronics/RCS2A-18 would do the same thing?
[19:22:02] <lair82> I have a whole box of used ones I took off of another machine
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[19:22:13] <CaptHindsight> try them
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[19:22:56] <CaptHindsight> http://www.galco.com/techdoc/rkel/rcs2a-18_dat.pdf data sheet
[19:23:37] <ssi> PetefromTn_: :)
[19:24:35] <ssi> the new laser is gonna be a fair bit more HV safe than the old
[19:24:59] <PetefromTn_> HV?
[19:25:01] <ssi> high voltage
[19:25:04] <PetefromTn_> aah
[19:25:28] <PetefromTn_> looks like a frankenstein science experiment with all the tubes and helixes LOL
[19:25:34] <ssi> heheh
[19:25:39] <PetefromTn_> Gonna burn baby BURN!!
[19:25:48] <ssi> well the old tube has a tungsten electrode pinched through the glass
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[19:25:56] <jdh> Pete: got spindle?
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[19:26:04] <PetefromTn_> I have absolutely ZERO ideas about how they work.
[19:26:17] <PetefromTn_> not yet working on it. Got it almost wired back up and ready to test now...
[19:26:19] <ssi> and so the HV connection was done by wrapping a wire around it and soldering the wire (won't stick to the tungsten), and then wrapping that in teflon tape, slipping a piece of tubing over it and filling that with silicone
[19:26:23] <ssi> heh
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[19:26:30] <PetefromTn_> Took a break to pickup my daughter at school.
[19:26:38] <ssi> the new tube has metal reflector housings, and there's screws for ring terminals
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[19:26:48] <ssi> and the anode has a lucite cap to cover the HV terminal
[19:26:59] <ssi> and there's a proper HV disconnect in the anode line
[19:27:13] <PetefromTn_> you run this on 110 or 220v
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[19:27:21] <ssi> everything's 110
[19:27:36] <PetefromTn_> neato spedito
[19:27:48] <ssi> but the anode on this laser is 35kV start, 30kV run
[19:27:58] <ssi> which gives me the willies :)
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[19:28:22] <jdh> chinese 35kv PSU
[19:28:23] <PetefromTn_> would probably scare the crap out of me LOL
[19:28:26] <jdh> what could go wrong.
[19:28:28] <rythmnbls> is this a CO2 laser ?
[19:28:37] <ssi> jdh: this one's at least a nice expensive one :)
[19:28:38] <ssi> rythmnbls: yea
[19:28:55] <PetefromTn_> what will this laser do that the other one would not?
[19:29:06] <ssi> 3x the power :P
[19:29:08] <jdh> ssi: did they spell "CE" and "UL" right on the stickers?
[19:29:22] <ssi> yeah it says "There is no Dana, there is only CEUL"
[19:29:41] <PetefromTn_> There is no DANA only ZUL
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[19:29:52] <PetefromTn_> hahaha
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[19:30:40] <ssi> PetefromTn_: I'm hoping it'll do 3/4" hardwood plywood easily
[19:30:51] <ssi> and crossing my fingers that maybe I can do thin steel
[19:30:54] <PetefromTn_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjLFKmRk16E
[19:30:57] <ssi> which the numbers say it should, but I'm skeptical
[19:31:10] <jdh> 100 chinese watts cutting steel?
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[19:31:41] <ssi> reci tubes are chinese, but they're not "chinese"
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[19:31:46] <jdh> cool
[19:31:56] <ssi> it's a nominal 100W tube, 120W peak
[19:32:00] <ssi> the "chinese" 100W tubes are 100W peak
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[19:32:26] <ssi> so as I understand it, if you can get a spot above 10kw/mm^2, you can cut steel
[19:32:29] <ssi> limited by your DOF
[19:32:43] <ssi> with my 2" lens, I'll have a 15kw/mm^2 spot with a 1.6mm DOF
[19:32:50] <ssi> which should allow me to cut thin steel, in theory
[19:33:21] <ssi> but I'm reserving judgement until I try it
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[19:37:24] <jdh> I wrote some code to find a seam line and position the laser for welding.
[19:37:48] <jdh> turns out if you don't have enough offset, you reflect and melt the fiber.
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[19:39:49] <ssi> ha
[19:39:59] <lair82> Looks like that worked, I manually switched the valve on and off probably 50 times, no issues. Looks like I have some work to do getting those on the rest of my solenoids.
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[19:40:26] <ssi> I don't have a good feel for how reflective different metals are to co2
[19:40:33] <lair82> Thanks Again Guys, :)
[19:40:47] <ssi> lair82: nice :)
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[19:46:37] <MC500> I am wanting to use the Ziegler method of tuning my A/C servo motors, is there a way to select or sort of determan what oscilation perid to start out with based on the hardware I have?
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[19:59:39] <ssi> getting close to first firing
[20:07:02] <JT-Shop> MC500, I use this http://www.gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/tuning/index.html
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[20:21:36] * JT-Shop sets up the last part to drill the holes out and the 6-way controls are done!
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[20:32:25] <PetefromTn_> Well the spindle motor is installed and working performing the run in procedure for the bearings right now!
[20:36:08] <SpeedEvil> :)
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[20:38:10] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn_, Sweet!
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[20:45:56] <ssi> laser fires
[20:46:02] <ssi> there's some wonkiness with current control
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[20:49:39] <PetefromTn_> thanks man it sure is quieter now LOL
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[21:02:32] <ssi> so I need to add a scale component for the current signal
[21:02:49] <ssi> 61% gives me 30mA, which is the max for this tube
[21:02:53] <ssi> the psu will do 40mA
[21:03:02] <ssi> and 25% is the low end of what will start the tube, and produces about 8mA
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[21:03:32] <Deejay> gn8
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[21:12:58] <MC500> I cant find on any of the tuning sites what to set max velocity at... it seems to make a big differance... what is a good starting point?
[21:15:44] <JT-Shop> depends on your drives
[21:15:55] <JT-Shop> gear ratios etc.
[21:16:12] <JT-Shop> what is the max rpm of your servos?
[21:17:33] <MC500> 4000 RPM for the motor... let me calc the ratio
[21:18:37] <MC500> I have to count... brb
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[21:19:35] <MC500> its a rotary axis, so would the ratio be turns per degree or per 360 degrees of the axis?
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[21:21:04] <JT-Shop> I would guess degree, but you could look that up in the Integrators Manual
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[21:22:38] <MC500> its 1.43 degrees per revolution (thats based on marking it with a pen and turning it once... would have to takeit apart to count teeth)
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[21:24:30] <MC500> so with that info how would I calculate a resonable velocity
[21:24:55] <cradek> the scale for a rotary is counts per degree
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[21:30:42] <MC500> well I just gave that info to somone who dosent suck at math and they came up with 100... im going to go with that unless anyone has gooder math...
[21:31:18] <cradek> if you spin it 36000 degrees you'll certainly know if the scale is right
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[21:34:56] <MC500> well now I am starting to try and tune PID, I am setting P to 2.5 and in one direction it ocilates and in the other it zings and errors out, how would I go about getting the same behavior in both directions?
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[21:35:47] <MC500> this is just trying to manually jog 1.00
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[21:51:36] <MC500> I guess another question would be if the max velocity is 100 (motor at 4000rpm) I wouldnt ever want it that fast so would a resonalbe fraction be like 50 or even 100?
[21:51:47] <MC500> er I mean 10
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[22:16:43] <JT-Shop> set to the speed you want...
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[23:04:16] <PetefromTn_> WooHoo!!
[23:04:46] <PetefromTn_> I just ran my spindle up thru the break in procedure of the new angular contact bearings.
[23:05:15] <PetefromTn_> The machine ran at 6k quietly ( or as quietly as 6k can possibly sound on a VMC ) for about ten minutes.
[23:05:25] <PetefromTn_> which is the max RPM of this machine.
[23:05:48] <PetefromTn_> Before this I have never run the machine at much above about 3500RPM for all the parts I have been making.
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[23:06:08] <PetefromTn_> Now I can probably safely run it at 5500 easily all day long it sounds wonderful at that speed for some reason.
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[23:06:48] <Flipp-_> anyone know a place to source for worm gears?
[23:07:01] <Flipp-_> *source worm gears?
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[23:07:46] <CaptHindsight> Flipp-: what size?
[23:07:49] <JT-Shop> wait till you see the finish on ally at 6k
[23:08:24] <PetefromTn_> Oh I know man I have run many machines at 6k or more even my RF45 had 8k spindle speed so yeah it kicks ass LOL
[23:08:29] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn_, do you use those dead sharp inserts for ally?
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[23:08:43] <JT-Shop> I love the finish they leave
[23:08:49] <Flipp-_> CaptHindsight: not sure quite what I'm looking for yet, but the worm gear would be ~2cm and the gear might have 25 or so teeth
[23:09:07] <PetefromTn_> I am optimistic that my parts finish will improve simply due to the lack of vibration and noise from the spindle motor thru the belts let alone the higher speeds.
[23:09:15] <Flipp-_> something that could definitely fit into a 40x40mm box
[23:09:17] <CaptHindsight> Flipp-: https://sdp-si.com/eStore/Catalog/Group/175
[23:09:22] <PetefromTn_> what inserts? I just use quality carbide endmills...
[23:09:56] <PetefromTn_> You have seen some of the pictures and finish I have been able to get on the machine here recently no?
[23:10:32] <Flipp-_> CaptHindsight: thanks :)
[23:11:04] <JT-Shop> for <3/4" end mills I use Lakeshore Carbide variable flute end mills for aluminum
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[23:11:22] <JT-Shop> 3/4 > I use inserts for aluminum
[23:11:29] <PetefromTn_> I am going to have to modify the ramp up speed of the motor in the VFD because it does not seem to like the rapid curve I have it set to now. When it gets up around the 6k mark it kinda slows accell a tad.
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[23:11:55] <PetefromTn_> yeah I use Maritool aluminum specific carbides they have been very good to me.
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[23:13:14] <PetefromTn_> They are reasonably priced and cut beautiful. What sort of insert cutters are you using and with what inserts?
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[23:15:57] <JT-Shop> on my 3/4" end mill I use Mitsubishi APGT1135PDFR-G2 HTi10 inserts
[23:17:10] <JT-Shop> on my 1" end mill I use Kyocera APET1604PDFR
[23:17:13] <PetefromTn_> who makes the endmill?
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[23:18:46] <Tom_itx> i bet Sandvik makes em
[23:19:00] <Tom_itx> maybe not that particular one...
[23:19:17] <Tom_itx> Iscar
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[23:24:57] <Tom_itx> http://www.iscar.com/eCatalog/Products.aspx?mapp=ML&app=59
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[23:34:58] <CaptHindsight> http://www.shars.com/product_categories/view/2100602/HSS_2_Flute_Tin_Coated these not good enough for yah hmmm?
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[23:36:34] <Tom_itx> yeah generally for 1" or less a regular EM would suffice
[23:40:52] <JT-Shop> PetefromTn_, it's a Kyocera EM-1000-AL I got it from MSC #06023436
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[23:42:02] <JT-Shop> https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/06023436?rItem=06023436
[23:43:22] <JT-Shop> it was the only one I could find at the time with a 3/4" shank
[23:44:12] <JT-Shop> CaptHindsight, I use only carbide end mills they last longer
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[23:45:26] <zeeshan|2> JT-Shop: i has some mitsu ones
[23:45:33] <zeeshan|2> ive seen someone destroy indexable end mills before
[23:45:36] <zeeshan|2> by not changing inserts
[23:45:41] <zeeshan|2> so it owns the tool holder!
[23:46:51] <CaptHindsight> I tend to find them used in miscellaneous sets of various sizes and makers
[23:47:36] <CaptHindsight> if I do buy new imports I drive over to Shars to make sure I get a good one
[23:50:05] <JT-Shop> they sure have a cheap price...
[23:50:09] <zeeshan|2> CaptHindsight: will you ship me stuff from shjars? :
[23:50:11] <zeeshan|2> ;)
[23:51:00] <zeeshan|2> is drill rod
[23:51:01] <zeeshan|2> already hardened?
[23:51:32] <CaptHindsight> every now and then I get one that's a reject with the wrong taper or off center etc
[23:51:45] <rythmnbls> zeeshan|2, not usually
[23:51:51] <zeeshan|2> okay it looks like
[23:51:57] <zeeshan|2> it comes in different grades like regular tool steel
[23:52:00] <zeeshan|2> i think i want water quench
[23:52:05] <zeeshan|2> so w1
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[23:57:42] <PetefromTn_> Sorry JT I got a phone call from a fellow machinist locally I had to take. thanks for the information on the insert cutters.
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[23:59:20] <Tom_itx> JT-Shop do you have a place around there that sharpens cutters?