[00:03:52] <Jymmm> Eeeeesh 6TB HDD
[00:04:03] <Jymmm> and a RED drive too =)
[00:04:41] <Jymmm> I stil have a WORKING 40MB hdd around here =)
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[00:15:35] <ssi> hrm
[00:17:38] <SpeedEvil> I have a working 1.3" 20M hdd
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[00:32:21] <Connor> pcw pcw_home: To drive relays from the SPINDLE ENA and SPINDLE DIR, how do you wire it? Simply ENA+ and DIR+ to the relay and ground the other side?
[00:33:56] <PCW> those are optocoupler transistor outputs so just floating switches
[00:34:26] <PCW> (note 50 mA max current)
[00:35:10] <Connor> 0.075Amps per relay.
[00:35:34] <PCW> so they cannot drive your relays directly
[00:36:06] <Connor> Oh Geez.
[00:36:16] <PCW> you can use a field output instead
[00:37:10] <PCW> they are really intended for things like VFDs that have low current inputs
[00:37:32] <Connor> Yea, not too useful on DC SCR based spindles..
[00:38:44] <PCW> what does your spindle controller want?
[00:38:56] <Connor> 0-10v
[00:39:05] <PCW> and...
[00:39:38] <Connor> and then it has 2 inputs.. open = break, 1 way = fwd, other input - rev
[00:39:52] <Connor> they diagram shows using switches.
[00:40:11] <Connor> I have NO idea if a opto could be used in place.
[00:40:22] <PCW> hard to tell
[00:40:39] <Connor>
[00:40:49] -!- sylphiae [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[00:40:51] <Connor> First Page has the ways of wiring up the switches.
[00:41:24] -!- jduhls has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[00:41:40] <Connor> page 24 has schmatic
[00:41:52] <Connor> for S1, S2, S3, and S4.
[00:41:58] <PCW> well smaller relays or 24V relays :-)
[00:42:18] <PCW> or field outputs
[00:42:35] <Connor> I guess I'll use field outputs.. any gotchas on that with the Hall config ?
[00:42:47] <Connor> with my 12v relays
[00:43:27] <PCW> should be easy (do you need to wait before reversing the motor?)
[00:44:02] <Connor> No..
[00:44:11] <Connor> At least I'm not at the moment..
[00:45:40] <Connor> I really wish I could just find a cheap servo amp for DC that takes +-10v and can handle 120v at 15amp continues 30amp or so peak.
[00:46:03] <Connor> Then I would just run the spindle as a servo
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[01:08:11] <jdh> that's a lotta amps for that little mill.
[01:09:42] <renesis> not quite 3hp continuous
[01:09:45] <renesis> heh
[01:10:06] <renesis> my shit is 1/4hp but its light, handles corners great
[01:10:09] <renesis> sports mill
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[01:34:50] <zeeshan|2> i must be doing something wrong
[01:34:56] <zeeshan|2> i only have a couple inputs being used
[01:35:00] <zeeshan|2> limit switches
[01:35:06] <zeeshan|2> and e-stop signal
[01:35:06] <zeeshan|2> hmm
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[01:48:25] <zeeshan|2> anyone know how much current is avaiable for each encoder interface?
[01:48:47] <zeeshan|2> on the 7i77
[01:49:29] <LeelooMinai> zeeshan|2: I would look into docs and if not there look at the actual ICs on the board and then go to their datasheets - you will find all the specs.
[01:49:41] <zeeshan|2> i didnt see it in the doc :/
[01:50:11] <LeelooMinai> I think there are no schematics or parts list for those boards though (?) I wish they were available:)
[01:50:37] <zeeshan|2> then you can steal their design!
[01:50:38] <LeelooMinai> But for 7i76 it was easy to find the datasheets for the driver ICs for example.
[01:50:40] <zeeshan|2> so prolly not hehe
[01:50:59] <LeelooMinai> zeeshan|2: You think that lack of schematic will stop some CHinese guys stealing it? :)
[01:51:06] <zeeshan|2> lol
[01:51:23] <zeeshan|2> they better not!
[01:51:23] <LeelooMinai> They can RE everything - they probably teach them RE at school:p
[01:51:25] <zeeshan|2> we need to support mesa
[01:52:11] <zeeshan|2> LeelooMinai: how do i know what chip is what
[01:52:11] <zeeshan|2> haha
[01:52:14] <zeeshan|2> im an electronics noob :{
[01:53:03] <LeelooMinai> zeeshan|2: Well, you will get the name after looking it up - it should be pretty obvious then what is it for. Also, it will be placed close to the terminals it's connected to.
[01:54:16] <LeelooMinai> On 7i76 there are two ICs that handle field IO some PIC microcontroller in the middle, etc.
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[01:55:10] <zeeshan|2> ds26ls32
[01:55:11] <zeeshan|2> :D
[01:55:28] <LeelooMinai>
[01:55:38] <ds3> ?
[01:55:50] <zeeshan|2> ds3: thats what the chip is called
[01:55:52] <zeeshan|2> :P
[01:55:54] <LeelooMinai> THis is for differential input
[01:56:02] <ds3> chip?
[01:56:12] <LeelooMinai> So RS 4xx stuff
[01:56:13] <zeeshan|2> "output sink current"
[01:56:24] <PCW> There are 1A PTCs on each connector (so if you use all 3 its ~300 Ma /encoder)
[01:56:25] <zeeshan|2> 50mA
[01:56:52] <zeeshan|2> the reason i was asking was because
[01:57:09] <zeeshan|2> i believe the interpolator is energized
[01:57:13] <zeeshan|2> using these signals..
[01:57:15] <LeelooMinai> Probably the green SMD packages I saw there
[01:58:07] <LeelooMinai> PCW: Is any of the hardware design "secret"?
[01:58:23] <PCW> If the intepolators are more than ~300 ma then you should wire 5V to them separately
[01:58:40] <zeeshan|2> it says <= 100mA
[01:58:54] <PCW> not really there's nothing actually hidden
[01:58:55] <LeelooMinai> I know the code is open and avaiable
[01:59:40] <LeelooMinai> PCW: Have you actually had anyone cloning your boards (Chinese that is:)
[01:59:52] <zeeshan|2> okay the interpolator has a 10 pin input
[01:59:55] <zeeshan|2> =D
[02:00:11] <PCW> no chinese clones I am aware of
[02:00:19] <LeelooMinai> Lucky lucky
[02:00:48] <PCW> I suspect the Lnuxcnc market is too small to be of much interest so far
[02:00:59] <renesis> 05:53:28 < LeelooMinai> They can RE everything - they probably teach them RE at school:p
[02:01:12] <PCW> this does seem to be changing...
[02:01:14] <renesis> if they dont teach that in american engineering programs im dissapointed
[02:01:16] <renesis> but not surprised
[02:01:26] <LeelooMinai> I thought the boards also work with Mach, no?
[02:01:42] <renesis> did a lot of RE on competitive products and old shit from merged companies with lost docs
[02:01:52] <PCW> they could but we have not put any effort into it
[02:02:04] <renesis> or china engineering samples because shit never matches schematics
[02:02:35] <LeelooMinai> Hmm, so outside of linuxcnc/mach there's some big world there, right? Some expensive hardware for big machines?
[02:02:48] <LeelooMinai> Propriatery mostly?
[02:03:02] <renesis> custom controllers and servo drives like big watermelons
[02:03:02] <LeelooMinai> etary*
[02:03:13] <PCW> we do a fairr amount of custom stuff
[02:03:27] <LeelooMinai> Are there any standards there?
[02:03:43] <PCW> mainly funny I/O interfaces
[02:04:13] <zeeshan|2> pcw whats the craziest machine a 7i77 is on? :D
[02:04:22] <renesis> pcw: MIDI to machine tool?
[02:05:04] <renesis> current loop and not horrendously slow it, could work
[02:05:14] <PCW> Not sure but there are some odd ones...
[02:05:34] <renesis> mostly it was a joke but i thought about it and it would work =\
[02:06:32] <PCW> afk dinner!
[02:06:41] <renesis> nom
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[02:07:03] <zeeshan|2>
[02:07:04] <zeeshan|2> page 4
[02:07:07] <zeeshan|2> this manual is retarded
[02:07:09] <zeeshan|2> or im retarded
[02:07:17] <zeeshan|2> says current consumption <100mA
[02:07:19] <renesis> heh at using MIDI controllers direct into motor drives and machine controllers
[02:07:29] <zeeshan|2> then it says <= 30m at i_encoder <= 120 mA
[02:07:30] <zeeshan|2> wut?
[02:07:31] <renesis> for what
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[02:07:47] <zeeshan|2> unless its saying the interpolator board consumes 120mA
[02:07:54] <zeeshan|2> and if i run a 30m cable to the encoder
[02:07:55] <renesis> they might be talking about idle state
[02:08:00] <zeeshan|2> it'll consume another 120m|A
[02:08:13] <renesis> or unloaded
[02:08:17] <zeeshan|2> yea it says
[02:08:28] <zeeshan|2> "without current consumption by the encoder and with output load"
[02:08:35] <zeeshan|2> okay so its 100mA + 120mA
[02:08:36] <zeeshan|2> total
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[03:00:07] <tjtr33> new to me: BBB cape from TI for experimenting with PRU
[03:00:58] <tjtr33> i think its by Jason, the TI engr who was at the Tormach Linuxcnc gettogether during the summer
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[03:06:52] <CaptHindsight> somebody linked to it this morning
[03:07:47] <CaptHindsight> not much on it but supposedly the LED's will make it easier to develop for the PRU's
[03:07:49] <tjtr33> ah, good
[03:08:33] <CaptHindsight>
[03:09:23] <CaptHindsight> $39?
[03:10:03] <tjtr33> yeah the board is bare but maybe the support libs are handy
[03:10:23] <tjtr33> "Linux EZ Software Development Kit (EZSDK) for Sitara� Processors"
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[03:13:16] <CaptHindsight> with PRU's would be great, I wonder why they didn't make one.
[03:14:39] <tjtr33> the free version of CodeComposerSTudio for it
[03:15:26] <CaptHindsight> sorry wrong link
[03:15:55] -!- `Nerobro has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:16:33] <tjtr33> oh, like great video and pru. yeah, put it on the xmas list :)
[03:16:43] <CaptHindsight> + PRU
[03:18:53] <ssi> back
[03:19:00] <zeeshan|2> ..
[03:19:01] <zeeshan|2> FU
[03:19:14] <zeeshan|2> were you watching
[03:19:14] <ssi> wat
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[03:19:18] <zeeshan|2> interstellar by any chance?
[03:19:25] <ssi> heh no
[03:19:30] <zeeshan|2> it came out today
[03:19:32] <zeeshan|2> it looks epic
[03:19:34] <ssi> yea
[03:19:39] <ssi> i was just watching netflixx
[03:19:41] <zeeshan|2> oh
[03:19:52] <ssi> snowpiercer
[03:20:04] <zeeshan|2> thats a good movie
[03:20:05] <zeeshan|2> :D
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[03:20:34] <zeeshan|2> ssi
[03:20:39] <zeeshan|2> so i found a power distribution solution..
[03:20:48] <zeeshan|2> that doesnt involve ripping the guts out of a breaker box
[03:21:04] <ssi> yea?
[03:21:15] <zeeshan|2>
[03:21:34] <zeeshan|2> you can get it in single phase too
[03:21:50] <zeeshan|2> its basically an insulated bus with lugs attachment
[03:21:52] <zeeshan|2> :D
[03:22:28] -!- Jeebiss_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[03:22:52] <ssi> oh nice
[03:24:57] <CaptHindsight> well were not going to see another TI OMAP multimedia SOC. And Allwinner, Mediatek and Rockchip won't bother putting a PRU in theirs.
[03:25:02] -!- Jeebiss_ [Jeebiss_!sid25046@gateway/web/] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:25:12] <ssi> and now to copy 50GB over the wifi... hooray
[03:29:16] <skunkworks_> and people at work wonder why we don't go wireless...
[03:29:41] <ssi> well to be fair, the machine i'm copying from is in another building which is a couple hundred feet away
[03:32:14] <zeeshan|2> cant you transfer at like 500mbps
[03:32:17] <zeeshan|2> over wifi these days
[03:32:57] <ssi> i dunno what the limits are now, but I don't think I have exactly optimal conditions here :)
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[03:34:09] <ssi> copied 1G so far, been about ten minutes
[03:34:11] <ssi> not terrible
[03:34:38] <zeeshan|2> @ work?
[03:34:44] <ssi> nah, at the airport
[03:34:57] <ssi> at the airport, we have an Airport which is named "Airport"
[03:35:03] <zeeshan|2> haha
[03:35:08] <zeeshan|2> that's gotta confuse someone :P
[03:35:19] <ssi> and in my A1 hangar, there's an Airport Express which extends Airport for a chunk of the airport
[03:35:30] <ssi> and down in C8, there's another Airport Express which extends Airport for that chunk of the airport
[03:35:34] <ssi> it's all very confusing
[03:40:55] <zeeshan|2> lol
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[03:45:54] <ssi> I built myself a table today
[03:46:51] <ssi>
[03:47:15] <XXCoder> nice!
[03:47:40] -!- `Nerobro [`[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[03:47:59] <ssi> I might put a sheet of dry erase board on top
[03:48:03] <ssi> it'll resist greasyness better
[03:48:07] <ssi> and I can write myself notes :)
[03:54:04] -!- tearms has quit [Quit: Enjoy your day ahead!]
[03:56:50] <zeeshan|2> wow
[03:56:51] <zeeshan|2> thats reall ynice
[03:57:08] <ssi> thx
[03:57:57] <XXCoder> yeah
[03:58:03] <XXCoder> wonder how strachproof those are
[03:59:44] -!- AR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:59:58] <ssi> not terribly
[04:00:04] <ssi> but it's cheap and easily replaceable
[04:00:15] -!- Fox_Muldr has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[04:00:27] <XXCoder> thats true
[04:00:37] <XXCoder> cheaper than repairing table top at any rate
[04:01:03] <PetefromTn_andro> I use MDF on all my shop tables
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[04:02:18] <PetefromTn_andro> It's smooth,cheap,takes a beating,and when it gets dirty just hit it with a dual action sander
[04:02:35] <ssi> I don't like mdf because if it gets wet it's screwed
[04:02:37] <PetefromTn_andro> And it looks good again.
[04:02:54] <PetefromTn_andro> I get it wet all the time.
[04:03:07] <ssi> I bet you do
[04:03:09] <PetefromTn_andro> Greasy wet grungy
[04:03:27] <PetefromTn_andro> Drill holes in it.
[04:03:35] <XXCoder> when it look like dirt its well seasoned
[04:03:35] <PetefromTn_andro> Tig weld on it
[04:04:18] <PetefromTn_andro> That table you worked off in my shop has had that same surface for almost six years
[04:05:06] <PetefromTn_andro> We did the same thing in the woodshops I worked in too.
[04:05:24] <ssi> my benches at home are all mdf topped
[04:05:29] <ssi> and several of them got screwed up
[04:05:34] <ssi> although I think it was battery acid that did it
[04:06:36] <PetefromTn_andro> If you manage to get it damage d just flip it over or slap another sheet on if.
[04:06:38] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[04:06:47] <PetefromTn_andro> It's so cheap
[04:07:29] <PetefromTn_andro> I have beaten the Shit out of that table in so many ways. It still looks good
[04:08:12] <PetefromTn_andro> But it's your table man put whatever you want on it.
[04:09:10] <PetefromTn_andro> I used to have a table that was mdf but I skinned it with some stainless steel sheet
[04:09:27] <XXCoder> theres couple tables like that at work
[04:09:32] <XXCoder> its been beaten the shit out of it
[04:09:39] <XXCoder> for decades
[04:09:43] <XXCoder> still working
[04:09:58] <PetefromTn_andro> It was nice but it scratched easily and it got dented and gouged from sliding heavy parts on it.
[04:10:57] <PetefromTn_andro> I got tired of catching stuff on it while sliding parts around so I just use the mdf now and occasionally sand it smooth
[04:11:07] <zeeshan|2> ssi wtf mdf
[04:11:19] <zeeshan|2> i thought we were anti mdf :/
[04:11:55] <XXCoder> right uses, zeeshan|2. right uses.
[04:12:11] <zeeshan|2> the only use for mdf is in the landfil
[04:12:12] <zeeshan|2> :-)
[04:12:15] <zeeshan|2> jk
[04:12:22] <ssi> we are anti mdf :P
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[05:22:35] <renesis> zeeshan|2: its one of the best acoustic materials available
[05:22:54] <renesis> pro speakers are plywood, studio speakers are usually MDF
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[07:47:29] <Deejay> moinsen
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[08:28:54] <Jymmm> ug
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[08:32:55] <Deejay> hi jymmm
[08:43:20] <Jymmm> Deejay You normally work on Saturdays?
[08:43:56] <Deejay> i work all the time... like slaves do ;)
[08:44:10] <Jymmm> Deejay: =)
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[10:46:24] <Jymmm> YAY for cotter pins!!!
[10:53:39] <archivist> cotter pin != split pin
[10:54:14] <archivist> real cotter
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[11:01:38] <Jymmm> I still have NFC what a Brit cotter pin is, and yes I did read the link
[11:02:02] <archivist> that link has a picture
[11:02:23] <Jymmm> Yes, I saw the pics too, still no clue
[11:02:32] <archivist> a split pin should not be called a cotter pin
[11:03:29] <Jymmm> Yes, I understand you wee doign the whole Brit thing (colour and all that), I choose to ignore that aspect, just trying to understand the object you linked to.
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[11:04:45] <archivist> it was used on bicycle cranks, is a terrible device
[11:06:11] <Jymmm> Maybe that's why I didn't understand it; the design seemed "off"
[11:06:32] <archivist> see lower on the page
[11:07:56] <Jymmm> Intended to just "tension" the two piece together to remove slop?
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[11:11:25] <archivist> the taper should be tight, but hey were often too soft so came loose
[11:12:02] <Jymmm> Funny how we've come so far even with bicycles. I heard someone comment "Why your back doesn't have brakes, that's danergous" because they didn't see HAND brakes on the bicycle =)
[11:12:20] <Jymmm> s/back/bike/
[11:12:52] <Jymmm> that someone was a 20yo btw =)
[11:14:44] <Jymmm> Another piece to add to the "Never knew it existed" pile... "Records, 8 track tapes, FDD's" and now peddle backward bicycle brakes =)
[11:16:07] <archivist> peddle backwards was always a dumb idea
[11:16:24] <archivist> some used that as a gear change mechanism
[11:16:50] <Jymmm> never knew about the gear change
[11:17:12] <TekniQue> all of my old bikes had the brakes activated that way
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[11:17:28] <TekniQue> you'd pedal backwards to engage the brake shoes
[11:17:38] <TekniQue> drum brakes of course
[11:18:37] <archivist> you cannot be peddling backwards at the time of putting feet on the floor
[11:19:07] <Jymmm> it only took one foot to engage the brake.
[11:20:04] <Jymmm> ride real fast, engage brake, do a 180 =)
[11:20:37] <TekniQue> yeah and of course only rear brakes
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[11:21:54] <TekniQue> the current generation hipsters prefer bikes with no brakes whatsoever
[11:22:04] <Jymmm> lol
[11:22:08] <TekniQue> and no freewheeling clutch either
[11:22:17] <TekniQue> "fixie bikes"
[11:22:24] <TekniQue> morons
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[11:48:46] <Loetmichel> *bah* i HATE orur router... which tends to fill its ram to the brim over time, so it needs a reset every other day.... provider-issuded Telekom Speedport W700V... if i wasnt so scrooge-y i would have bought a decent fritzbox some years ago... ;-)
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[13:51:33] <seltecc> Hi, my machine is doing a level shift....meaning after vertical move it comes down deeeper and sometimes higher...donno where to start to try fixing it....?!
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[13:58:30] <CaptHindsight> seltecc: you might try posting if it was working fine and it just started acting up or if it's always done this, what type of machine it is, the type of motors, etc etc
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[14:06:31] <seltecc> captHindsight: thanks for reply. I come back to you if its ok when I have the proper informations ...
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[14:26:32] <wtcnc> I've just downloaded binary.hybrid.iso. It's md5sum doesn't match the one given at (1d0025...), but it seems to boot fine in qemu. Is it possible that the one given at the homepage is wrong?
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[14:31:28] <archivist> you url does not match the url that the md5 refers to
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[14:40:10] <wtcnc> Well, the download page of linuxcnc says: 1. Download the ISO (points to, wehere I got it from), 2. Burn ISO, 3. Check md5sum 1d0025... I did this and they don't match. Of course, I checked the md5sum before burning. Don't know why the instructions have it the other way round.
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[14:41:41] <archivist> there are some inconsistencies with the site and languages
[14:42:53] <archivist> I did not see what you were seeing so ignore my reply, the md5 should match
[14:43:42] <archivist> I got thrown at the german page and the DVD is not there
[14:44:24] <wtcnc> Yes, the german page doesn't seem to have the newest version.
[14:48:32] <SpeedEvil> wtcnc: due to reasons, the ISO and the burned image may not be the same size
[14:48:44] <SpeedEvil> truncate the burned image to the size of the ISO, then hash
[14:51:42] <wtcnc> Well, I don't intend to burn it but rather use an USB stick.
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[15:11:01] <XXCoder> wtcnc: it takes only one bit error to get completely differemnt hash
[15:11:19] <XXCoder> that's why we invented hash for
[15:13:10] <pcw_home> I get b515c872335336ccfc96471d66b687d8 with
[15:13:12] <pcw_home> md5sum binary.hybrid.iso
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[15:31:10] <ssi> I don't know what I should try to accomplish today
[15:32:21] <Tom_itx> no laser cutting pls
[15:32:37] <ssi> boooo
[15:32:46] <Tom_itx> you know you'll never live that down
[15:32:54] <ssi> oh I'm sure
[15:33:03] <Tom_itx> hehe
[15:33:07] <ssi> you know I will have another laser? :)
[15:33:22] <Tom_itx> of course
[15:33:24] <Tom_itx> i would too
[15:34:13] <ssi> but I may do a 4x8' router first
[15:35:14] <archivist> I wont have a laser until I get some insurance
[15:35:22] <ssi> insurance is wise :)
[15:35:51] <ssi> honestly the laser isn't really that dangerous. The plywood sub-bed wasn't such a great idea, but hindsight and all
[15:35:53] <archivist> I cannot afford
[15:37:19] <ssi> I guess I may make a run to the house and try to retrieve my safe
[15:37:28] <ssi> and my trackbar, so I can start de-skidding some of these machines
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[16:41:09] <archivist> toy for retrofit
[16:50:10] <CaptHindsight> nice one
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[16:56:38] <archivist> partial kit build your own solid cnc
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[17:34:24] <marmite> hey internet i found this little thing in a junk sale
[17:34:25] <marmite>
[17:34:29] <marmite> anyone know what the hell it is :D
[17:34:40] <marmite> both pins go difrent ways
[17:34:44] <marmite> and its bassicly a counter
[17:35:35] -!- Tecan [Tecan!~fasdf@unaffiliated/unit41] has joined #linuxcnc
[17:35:40] <archivist> you have two adapters, use one at a time
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[17:37:46] <archivist> place in dimple in the end of a shaft and time for one minute
[17:38:49] <Tom_itx> i wonder if it measures thread pitch
[17:39:10] <Tom_itx> don't really know...
[17:39:13] <marmite> that could be something
[17:39:15] <marmite> gonna try it
[17:39:54] <marmite> nah dont really work
[17:40:21] <Tom_itx> not a rockwell hardness tester...
[17:40:40] <archivist> you see similar pointers/adapters with
[17:41:27] <pcw_home> manual tachometer...
[17:41:41] <archivist> they are low speed things usually, you need non contact optical for high speed
[17:42:48] <pcw_home> A number of those Leadwell mills have been retrofitted with LInuxcnc
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[17:43:37] <archivist> some of the mechanical tachometers had the timer built in (Hasler)
[17:44:24] <marmite> ohh
[17:44:28] <marmite> coul.d be
[17:44:57] <pcw_home> That Leadwell looks pretty good (not a million dings in the table)
[17:45:42] <pcw_home> not outside in the rain...
[17:45:47] <marmite> ah this is only a counter, so it dont reeset or anything
[17:46:13] <marmite> could allways do the math
[17:46:13] <archivist> the right had side does the reset
[17:46:18] <archivist> hand
[17:46:19] <marmite> x amount numbers per min
[17:46:58] <archivist> I expect the knurled knob to reset to 0
[17:46:59] <marmite> the black dial on the end rools the dials from 0000 to 1111 then 2222 and so on
[17:47:03] <marmite> nopp
[17:47:14] <marmite> both the pins rotate
[17:47:23] <archivist> 0000 then you stop!
[17:47:31] <marmite> one clockwise the other anti clockwise
[17:47:39] <archivist> use one
[17:47:57] <pcw_home> (the one that counts up)
[17:48:05] <archivist> pull off the other adapter
[17:48:23] <marmite> yes done
[17:48:57] <marmite> hmm iguess it could be that
[17:49:14] <archivist> I have an old one of
[17:49:20] <marmite> hmm wounder what the pointed one could be used for then :D'
[17:49:33] <marmite> ah fancy
[17:49:45] <archivist> that grips a centre in the end of a shaft
[17:49:56] <marmite> ahh
[17:50:23] <archivist> others have a rubber cone instead
[17:50:39] <marmite> ah i see
[17:50:51] <marmite> one cool item then :D
[17:51:56] <archivist> useful for old lathes and stationary engines
[17:52:19] <marmite> indeed
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[17:56:00] <marmite> cool item to have :D
[17:59:14] <pcw_home> hows this for embedded processing:
[17:59:16] <pcw_home>
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[18:02:22] <archivist> not sure it is believable
[18:02:41] <pcw_home> Not sure either
[18:02:48] <marmite> probebly aint
[18:02:56] <archivist> power source for that?
[18:03:09] <pcw_home> USB
[18:03:28] <zeeshan|2> someone watched too much hackers 2
[18:03:29] <zeeshan|2> :]
[18:03:35] <marmite> hack the gibson
[18:03:38] <zeeshan|2> lol
[18:03:47] <zeeshan|2> that was hackers 1
[18:03:48] <zeeshan|2> :]
[18:03:51] <marmite> i know :/
[18:04:08] <marmite> dont remeber a good quotable line from hackers 2 out of the blue
[18:04:19] <zeeshan|2> those movies shaped where i wanted to go in life
[18:04:19] <zeeshan|2> lol
[18:04:41] <pcw_home> If you look at howlermonkey it looks real
[18:04:46] <zeeshan|2> i was looking at going into micro immunology or dentist
[18:04:56] <zeeshan|2> but after those movies i knew i wanted to get my hands dirty :D
[18:05:13] <pcw_home> and no more advanced than a cell phone
[18:05:24] <marmite> :P
[18:05:42] <marmite> i ended upp with working with fiber optics insteed
[18:07:47] <marmite> one sexy machine
[18:07:56] <marmite> 4725 usd
[18:08:19] <marmite> hahahahaha its my friend that sells it :DD just noticed
[18:10:57] <sliptonic> are DEFAULT/MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY used by gmoccapy? Can't figure out how to make A axis jog faster than a crawl.
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[18:37:41] <awallin> marmite: about 500 usd/eur would be ok for that boat-anchor ;P
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[21:48:50] <Deejay> gn8
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[23:48:02] <ssi> quiet night
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[23:57:39] <jdh> its saturday!
[23:57:48] <ssi> is that supposed to be an excuse?!
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