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[00:03:20] <unfy> and the students, too... but in general i have zero respect for college folks
[00:04:06] <unfy> a NOT "higher education degree" trade school thing might be of use, i dunno.
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[00:08:14] <bobo_> i have some understanding of what you are seeing , but have been away from working so have not current feel you now have
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[00:21:18] <unfy> well, if you're a grey beard - things have changed much too heh
[00:23:06] <unfy> ie: my boss discusses that when he graduated highschool, kids actually had possibly learned a bit of a trade or other useful stuff. (think, say, shop classes). these days - you graduate highschool knowing... what ?
[00:33:19] <renesis> hopefully math and science
[00:33:39] <renesis> but prob just standardized test taking
[00:34:02] <renesis> anyway, there are hella good public trade schools in the US
[00:34:37] <renesis> i got a couple of tech AS degrees, made decent money, doubled my income in 5 years
[00:34:49] <renesis> and theyre practically free in california
[00:35:34] <renesis> so yeah, just because society looks down on trade education, or did at least, its not like it was never an option
[00:42:00] <unfy> well, my issue would be not necessarily if the trade school was any good, but if the classes taught you anything.
[00:42:19] <unfy> i've met too many cs/ce grads that were so completely useless >.<
[00:42:41] <unfy> thus, i'm uneasy about the thought of a trade school
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[00:47:59] <_methods> school, much like many things in life, will only give you what you put into it
[00:48:42] <zeeshan> ^ well said
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[00:49:09] <_methods> thx
[00:49:35] <Tom_itx> no freebies?
[00:49:35] <jp_> anyone using linear delta kins?
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[01:08:59] <unfy> jp: they do exist, but not me (there are yt videos of folks doing it)
[01:21:59] <jp_> Yeah just playing around with the BBB and machinekit just wondering why jogging is done by joint vs cartesian
[01:26:34] <unfy> would assume because typical interface is each 'jog' is attached to a particular spindle rather than abstract concept such as physical location
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[01:26:57] <zeeshan> converting between joint space and cartesian space is pretty easy too :P
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[01:33:23] <jp_> You mean jog is tied to the axis or joint rather than a TCP
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[02:34:37] <zeeshan> bobo_: still there?
[02:35:02] <bobo_> yes i think so
[02:35:14] <zeeshan> so you have a maho 600?
[02:35:48] <bobo_> mh600e & e2
[02:36:02] <zeeshan> are you converting them?
[02:36:07] <zeeshan> or trying to use the old controls
[02:37:42] <bobo_> future plan is to -- after you and conner and pete are done
[02:37:48] <zeeshan> haha
[02:38:10] <PetefromTn_> who me? heh
[02:38:30] <zeeshan> wanna send me one of your tool holders
[02:38:33] <zeeshan> to try on my machine :-)
[02:38:43] <bobo_> yes and your buddy conner
[02:38:51] <zeeshan> bobo is a stalker
[02:38:55] <zeeshan> he's been stalking us through the logs
[02:39:31] <bobo_> just trying to gather info
[02:39:40] <PetefromTn_> ya know I used to know a joke that ended with "Death by BOBO"
[02:39:54] <PetefromTn_> LOL
[02:40:36] <zeeshan> bobo.. do you have manuals for your machine?
[02:40:46] <bobo_> well i have been told i am a joke
[02:41:05] <zeeshan>
[02:41:12] <zeeshan> asa hammond shared that with me a while ago
[02:41:16] <zeeshan> maho 400e manuals
[02:41:19] <zeeshan> it helped me quite a bit
[02:41:26] <bobo_> some manuals yes
[02:41:47] <PetefromTn_> what machine?
[02:42:57] <bobo_> MAHO MH600e and MH600e2
[02:43:21] <zeeshan> i was so closed to buy the mh600e
[02:43:31] <zeeshan> guy responded back 2 weeks after i already purchased the mikron
[02:43:31] <bobo_> the e2 has tool changer
[02:44:37] <bobo_> the mikron has better trans shifter
[02:44:48] <zeeshan> too bad i blew the circuit board for it
[02:44:49] <zeeshan> :/
[02:45:19] <zeeshan> ill remake it using hall switches
[02:45:43] <zeeshan> i dont think its really needed with a vfd
[02:45:50] <zeeshan> you only really need two settings
[02:45:54] <zeeshan> back gear and a medium range gear
[02:47:02] <zeeshan> bob if you could take a pic of the retention knob
[02:47:06] <zeeshan> whenever you get a chance
[02:47:09] <zeeshan> i'd really appreciate it :-)
[02:47:13] <zeeshan> for your E. not e2
[02:47:36] <PetefromTn_> jeez that is a complex toolchanger LOL
[02:47:37] <bobo_> zeeshan : have you looked at you tube "wez50"
[02:47:46] <zeeshan> no
[02:48:25] <zeeshan> holy..
[02:48:28] <zeeshan> that fp4a is huge
[02:48:44] <bobo_> why not look at his deckel refit
[02:50:16] <bobo_> also look at --Wessley'sproject
[02:50:38] <zeeshan> pretty sure the deckels use a different standard
[02:50:42] <zeeshan> din 68something something something
[02:50:44] <zeeshan> no din2080
[02:50:46] <zeeshan> *not
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[02:53:14] <zeeshan>
[02:53:15] <bobo_> for the pull stud ,why not use a wax rod to get the shape ? your mom's best candles
[02:53:17] <zeeshan> i think this might be it
[02:53:30] <zeeshan> hmm..
[02:53:32] <zeeshan> thats not a bad idea!
[02:53:33] <XXCoder> PetefromTn_: yeah
[02:53:37] <zeeshan> thats an excellent idea.
[02:53:39] <XXCoder> its easier to do it muyself
[02:53:42] <zeeshan> stick rod in
[02:53:43] <zeeshan> and clamp
[02:53:46] <XXCoder> er I mean faster not easier
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[02:59:45] <bobo_> zeeshan : on wessley's you tube stuff he shows the new electrical cabinet -and the servo drives he and a friend made -also the spindle vfd and it's seprate DC pwr supply
[03:01:53] <bobo_> on Prat Machinist Martin P talks about his FP4 change
[03:02:16] <PetefromTn_> does your machines table tilt and pan like that?
[03:02:59] <bobo_> all have fixed table
[03:03:21] <PetefromTn_> damn that looks like a very cool option
[03:03:37] <PetefromTn_> would be really amazing if you could automate it LOL
[03:04:05] <bobo_> but those tables can be un bolted
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[03:05:41] <bobo_> Deckel - Maho - hermle all are very similar
[03:07:59] <bobo_> Hermle UWF 851h looks like they all were thinking along the same line of design
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[03:15:12] <bobo_> do have the manual tilt an nod + rotate table whitch uses Hyd. brake for rotate death grip hold
[03:15:45] <PetefromTn_> I need to make some heavy standoffs so I can mount a spoilboard ABOVE my vise so I can leave it located
[03:16:01] <PetefromTn_> its not a big deal to remove the vise and retram but it gets old
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[03:18:25] <Connor> PetefromTn_: Yea.. I hate having to remove the vise.. it's a PITA
[03:19:12] <PetefromTn_> I actually had some aluminum rounds I used for this before but I wound up making them into something else hehehe
[03:19:12] <bobo_> even with spoil Bd. you might wish you had checked the vise location
[03:19:25] <PetefromTn_> huh?
[03:21:51] <bobo_> if you remount the vise , do you really wish to hope it is back to a exact past location ?
[03:22:18] <PetefromTn_> the point was so I don't have to remove the vise in the first place.
[03:22:35] <bobo_> o
[03:31:10] <bobo_> reread the spoilboard statement and now think i understand . you are saying above the vise --not under the vise
[03:31:44] <PetefromTn_> yeah something to lift the whole plate above the vise for quick plate work.
[03:32:48] <bobo_> vers just clamp plate in vise?
[03:33:06] <PetefromTn_> well actually I have done that before
[03:33:12] <PetefromTn_> I have the Kurt D688
[03:33:28] <PetefromTn_> and I have reversed the jaws and hammered down larger plate before
[03:33:41] <PetefromTn_> this part I am making now is like 10x12 or so
[03:34:39] <zeeshan> you whiners
[03:34:44] <zeeshan> tramming the vise takes 2 min
[03:34:46] <zeeshan> :-)
[03:34:48] <PetefromTn_> and the fixture will need to be a lot larger than that so I can clamp it down
[03:34:59] <ssi> zeeshan
[03:35:05] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: how do you hold the 10x12 part?
[03:35:08] <zeeshan> youre using the vise?
[03:35:10] <ssi> what do you know about dimensional change from heat treating
[03:35:10] <zeeshan> hi ssi
[03:35:18] <zeeshan> ssi it sux
[03:35:29] <zeeshan> they all change dimensions
[03:35:38] <zeeshan> the one that changes the least is a2 tool steel
[03:35:40] <ssi> well sure
[03:35:47] <ssi> I want to look up how much to expect
[03:35:51] <ssi> so I know how much to oversize my part
[03:35:54] <zeeshan> if youre using a2
[03:35:57] <XXCoder> ssithere should be tables
[03:35:58] <PetefromTn_> this part will just be held down with carpet tape belive it or not
[03:36:01] <zeeshan> and you do it right
[03:36:07] <zeeshan> they say 5 thou-12 thou is achieveable
[03:36:11] <ssi> I'm using O1
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[03:36:15] <bobo_> was thinking big plate with legs but clamp in vise thus having vise reference point
[03:36:24] <ssi> I have machinerys handbook, just need to figure out what exactly to look up
[03:36:43] <XXCoder> zeeshan: wouldnt crapload of coolant keep it same temp (therefore no change size)
[03:37:05] <zeeshan> XXCoder: no
[03:37:09] <zeeshan> youre changing the grain structure
[03:37:24] <zeeshan> so the grains physically take more space
[03:37:32] <zeeshan> and theres warp
[03:37:45] <PetefromTn_> yeah that is basically it
[03:37:46] <ssi> I'm starting by making 1/2-1-2 blocks
[03:37:50] <roycroft> not to mention that you can't heat something by using a lot of coolant :P
[03:37:51] <PetefromTn_> big plate on top of standoffs
[03:38:19] <ssi> I figure that's a good way to experiment with heat treating and the dimensional stability and get some experience with precise grinding
[03:38:26] <ssi> then I want to make a 3" sine bar
[03:38:57] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: wow. that carpet tape works good eh
[03:39:20] <PetefromTn_> yeah actually it does
[03:39:25] <zeeshan> what brand do you use?
[03:39:39] <PetefromTn_> I only use it on wide plate tho and only for engraving and very light milling
[03:39:46] <PetefromTn_> I cannot remember offhand
[03:39:58] <PetefromTn_> its the thin stuff they sell at home depot
[03:40:07] <zeeshan>
[03:40:09] <zeeshan> did you see that?
[03:40:12] <zeeshan> i was doing that at school
[03:40:17] <zeeshan> it worked ok
[03:40:24] <zeeshan> till my 3rd batch
[03:40:27] <zeeshan> i was taking 30 thou passes
[03:40:32] <zeeshan> and they all flew out :)
[03:40:49] <PetefromTn_> jeez anyone get hurt?
[03:40:50] <zeeshan> i fixed the wobbling in the back support
[03:40:53] <zeeshan> no
[03:40:59] <zeeshan> its actually not that dramatic
[03:41:04] <zeeshan> they loose energy really fast
[03:41:11] <zeeshan> they only made it like 8" away from where they were clamped
[03:41:16] <zeeshan> and fell
[03:41:36] <zeeshan> i shoulda used carpet tape there
[03:41:45] <PetefromTn_> I dunno about that
[03:42:18] <PetefromTn_> clamping it between parts would probably make a slidy kind of setup even tho it is really sticky,
[03:42:35] <PetefromTn_> The part is just that acrylic plate
[03:42:58] <PetefromTn_> and I intend to hold it down and do some light engraving in it and then cut it out from the perimeter
[03:43:06] <zeeshan> oh
[03:43:55] <ssi> well my first block is .525 x 1.020 x 2.005... I'm debating if I should flycut it down to .510 or 515 or just leave it be and grind later
[03:45:24] <ssi> the 2.005 dimension may be too close but I was just short on the bandsaw and didn't have much of a choice
[03:45:29] <ssi> but it's just an experiment, so whatev :)
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[03:55:27] <XXCoder> ssi: yeah bet its fun
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[03:59:36] <bobo_> ssi :how or what will be the quench media
[04:00:12] <PetefromTn_> he has a heat treat oven and he may be air hardening
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[04:00:29] <SpeedEvil> ssi: just crank it down in the vice to stretch it to 2.01
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[04:03:57] <bobo_> and after the first time and first part try a cool down to slightly below tempering temp. with holding at tempering temp
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[05:21:54] <zeeshan> hmm
[05:22:06] <zeeshan> looks like tormach is using linuxcnc on their lathe interface?
[05:22:44] <zeeshan> but ported over to windows.
[05:22:45] <zeeshan> weird
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[05:28:47] <bobo_> zeeshan Thank You for the drop box link . Pull Stud the one i am looking at has "Command" on one side "RC4E-0002"on other side . Martin P. thru a Pract Mach E-Mail could get you the real answer, mayby
[05:29:09] <zeeshan> np
[05:31:34] <zeeshan> hm
[05:31:39] <zeeshan> that tool comes up as "cat40"
[05:32:05] <zeeshan> im looking at the knob
[05:32:13] <zeeshan> hmmm
[05:32:29] <zeeshan> that might be it
[05:33:50] <bobo_> does your mill y- axis (the ram ) scale use a mechanical temp adjest mounting ?
[05:35:01] <zeeshan> what do you mean
[05:35:51] <zeeshan> must sleep :P
[05:36:17] <bobo_> have been told the pull stud is same a fadal stud
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[05:49:18] <Tecan>
[05:53:19] <XXCoder> interesting
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[06:16:51] <Valen> anybody know where I could get fineish module helical cut gears?
[06:17:00] <Valen> like module .8 or something, with about a 40mm OD
[06:17:02] <Valen> metric
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[07:12:54] <archivist> Valen,
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[07:15:16] <Valen> archivist I've never heard of parallel and crossed gears?
[07:16:20] <Valen> also that is exactly what I was looking for
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[07:20:17] <archivist> crossed make a right hand 90 deg drive
[07:20:48] <archivist> parallel are parallel axes of the two gears
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[07:24:15] <Valen> ahh
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[07:47:56] <ssi>
[07:48:04] <ssi> they're ready to harden
[07:48:10] <ssi> I don't think this is gonna be my final set though
[07:48:17] <Connor> ssi what is that for ?
[07:48:21] <ssi> I dorked one of the dimensions; it's right at 1" if not a little under already
[07:48:27] <ssi> Connor: they're 1/2-1-2 blocks
[07:48:39] <ssi> it's just a heat-treat / precision grinding project
[07:48:45] <ssi> for a learning experience
[07:48:49] <Connor> ah. okay
[07:49:38] <ssi> 123 blocks are too big, the metal costs too much :)
[07:49:42] <ssi> plus I have a couple sets
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[07:51:38] <archivist> do the right treatment and they grow
[07:52:03] <ssi> oh yeah? I thought they shrunk
[07:52:08] <ssi> I haven't found and solid data on this yet
[07:52:20] <ssi> so a large part of this first project is recording the dimensions and seeing how they change after treatment
[07:52:36] <archivist> iirc nitriding grows
[07:53:19] <archivist> ok that is a process for cast cranks but they may be other methods
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[07:55:32] <Deejay> moin
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[08:14:01] <renesis> guys remember when i said fusion360 wont let me select segments?
[08:14:05] <renesis> i think im wrong, testing
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[08:21:49] <renesis> oh jezus fuck
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[08:22:54] <renesis> you left click on the countour and it pops up open and close contour selection, along with accept delete cancel buttons
[08:23:10] <renesis> does not happen when you right click
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[11:07:01] * Loetmichel was just called "antje" by a co-worker (german TV walruss , american expression would be calling me jamie hyneman) ... it seems i should cut my beard a bit ;-)
[11:16:10] <archivist_herron> I see no reason to cut beards :)
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[13:11:18] <seltecc> Hi, yesterday I´ve tried to get 5v out of my relay output from 5axis breakout board. That was a wrong approach so I rewired my external relay to a external powersupply and want to use the onboard relay to open and close the circuit of the external relay. When I invert the pin 9 thenthe external relay switches on indicating that is the right pin etc.
[13:13:57] <seltecc> I can not get the onboard relay to open and close automatically ...The halmeter is indicating spindle-cw -False ?!
[13:18:52] <seltecc> I´ve tried cw,ccw,spindel-on,pwm,dout 00 to 03 non of them works...
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[13:20:23] <Tom_itx> if the relay has a diode across it (which it should) maybe you wired it backwards
[13:21:18] <seltecc> inverting pin 9 closes the external circuit....
[13:21:18] <jdh> wiring problem, or hal-wiring problem?
[13:22:02] <seltecc> yes hal problem maybe.....
[13:23:02] <seltecc> aha ok got an idea....
[13:28:09] <seltecc> wow at least the external circuit goes on automatic .....
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[13:34:00] <_methods> damn stuck valves
[13:34:08] <_methods> launch that rocket!
[13:35:41] <seltecc> can I tweak the time of the spindel -on ?
[13:39:11] <seltecc> so the external signal switches on with the cw signal on pin 9 and leaves on till the job is finished. is there a chance of switching off when ever z axis moves?
[13:41:33] <seltecc> I want to run a laser...
[13:45:51] <Tecan> just remember to cover your last good eye
[13:46:15] <_methods> hehe
[13:46:19] <Loetmichel> archivist: maybe it would work better to find my mouth with the soppn then?
[13:46:25] <Loetmichel> spoon
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[13:47:50] <Loetmichel> <- it has grown a bit since then ;-9
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[14:14:31] <seltecc> can I relate the spindle-cw to the z axis movement ?
[14:15:23] <archivist> that does not seem sensible to me
[14:16:01] <archivist> you can see what other people have done with their laser systems
[14:16:13] <archivist> have a look at the wiki
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[14:21:12] <seltecc> ok
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[14:31:44] <seltecc> do you have a link?
[14:32:48] <seltecc> i found this:
[14:34:45] <JT-Shop> also look on the forum with google site search
[14:36:27] <seltecc> thx
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[15:34:58] <skunkworks> JT-Shop, do you have a writup on setting up lathe tooling?
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[15:44:14] <ssi> skunkworks: what are you wanting to know?
[15:44:31] <archivist> buy enough tool holders so you can avoid messing with the tool table all the time
[15:44:37] <ssi> agreed
[15:44:52] <ssi> what I like to do is pick one tool as a datum tool
[15:44:58] <ssi> and its cutting nose is 0,0 in the tool table
[15:45:07] <ssi> everything else is referenced to that point in space
[15:45:29] <archivist> that is what I do but using hss and sharpening it screws that up
[15:45:38] <skunkworks> wthat is kind of what I am wondering.. I will probably have to play with it...
[15:45:39] <ssi> yeah I use all indexables
[15:46:01] <ssi> that's how I did it on my grizzly which has a qctp
[15:46:04] <ssi> on the hardinge I do it differently
[15:46:34] <archivist> they dont make cheap indexables to suit my work
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[15:56:30] <ssi> I may try to harden those blocks today
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[16:04:05] <ssi> holy crap
[16:04:06] <ssi>
[16:04:16] <ssi> if that was an order of magnitude cheaper, that'd be awesome to own
[16:05:10] <archivist> waaay over priced
[16:05:30] <ssi> well yeah
[16:05:40] <ssi> but I've never seen a 12-24 set for sale before
[16:05:41] <ssi> pretty cool
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[16:07:53] <seltecc> pin9 TRUE if Zaxis moves down and FALSE when going up.... how to implement in HAL ?
[16:08:58] <ssi> use an abs component
[16:09:03] <ssi> hook in to the z velocity pin
[16:09:13] <ssi> use the sign output of the abs component as your output
[16:09:35] <seltecc> in HAL-File?
[16:09:41] <ssi> yeah
[16:10:10] <seltecc> I don´t have the commands for doing this...
[16:10:18] <cradek> what should the output be when there is no motion?
[16:10:31] <seltecc> false
[16:11:27] <ssi> abs will give you false at 0 vel, false when moving positive (which is usually up), and true when moving negative
[16:11:28] <cradek> I think that might be what ssi's solution gives you
[16:11:51] <archivist> I think it is wrong to use a motion as an on off, there are better ways, think of z hitting a limit
[16:11:51] <cradek> yeah
[16:12:35] <cradek> I don't know if this is a good solution to a problem, but I think ssi's answer will give you what you asked for
[16:12:37] <seltecc> right now pin9 is true when the job begins and false when job is finished...
[16:13:20] <seltecc> I want to run a ext. relay with a laser attached to it...
[16:13:25] <archivist> look how others enable their laser
[16:14:23] <ssi> I need to start changing out all my chinese drill chucks for albrechts
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[16:15:46] <seltecc> it is done with 2 or 3 lines in the hal... and I have a configuration that is differen from others who use the zdir pin from the parallel port... so no use of looking what others do...
[16:16:29] <cradek> I wouldn't want to depend on what a stepgen does with the dir bit while not moving
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[16:18:34] <seltecc> I can program the safty hight to almost nothing of the zaxis.... so it is the easyiest way for me to run the damn LASER
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[16:20:06] <seltecc> HAL programming is not an issue here....?
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[16:24:26] <ssi> I'd love to have one or two of these but damn the money :(
[16:24:26] <ssi>
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[16:29:28] <skunkworks> we have a few of those - nice chucsk
[16:29:33] <skunkworks> chucks
[16:29:40] <skunkworks> (older versions)
[16:29:41] <ssi> yeah they're great
[16:29:50] <ssi> having a couple cat40 integrated ones for the vmc would be awesome
[16:29:56] <ssi> but I'm not in a position to drop a grand on drill chucks :P
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[16:35:05] <seltecc> Pin7 = Zstep, Pin8 =Zdir pin9 = destination.... is it better to use step or dir signal for abs component and how would the exact command look like....
[16:36:09] <cradek> I'm not sure anyone wants to write exact commands for you. have you read the hal tutorial and tried the exercises? It will pay off well to understand hal syntax well enough to be able to experiment with different solutions to your problems.
[16:36:34] <ssi> you don't want to use the step or dir signals, you want to use the axis velocity pin
[16:36:48] <ssi> or motion perhaps
[16:36:58] <archivist> these are motion
[16:37:06] <cradek> the hal syntax is very very simple. there are about 5 commands and you should understand them
[16:37:15] <archivist> hal signals not parport pins
[16:37:21] <ssi> yeah you definitely need to understand hal to do this sort of hackery
[16:38:16] <ssi> archivist: I want to make some tight tolerance tapered bushings, and I'm not sure if it's feasible with the tools I have
[16:38:41] <ssi> I basically need to make bushings which are reamed to .375" id, and then turned to like .705 nominal with maybe a .002" per inch taper
[16:38:49] <ssi> and the whole thing only needs to be .750" long
[16:38:53] <archivist> ssi what!, you have teh southbend :)
[16:38:55] <ssi> then I want to harden them
[16:39:02] <seltecc> where do I find the velocity pin is the board I´m using......:
[16:39:16] <ssi> I think I can figure out how to set it up to OD grind the taper on my surface grinder
[16:39:23] <ssi> but I'm not sure how to finish ID grind the .375 bore
[16:39:26] <ssi> or if it'll even be necessary
[16:39:43] <ssi> but it needs to fit a 3/8" thompson shaft extremely precisely
[16:39:43] <archivist> seltecc, these are hal signals not what is on that board
[16:41:15] <seltecc> sure but redirection of signals can be done in the hal with if true statements etc. ...
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[16:42:11] <archivist> seltecc, velocity is an analogue value not a digital signal on a port
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[16:43:58] <archivist> ssi I would turn it at one setting to make sure it was concentric
[16:44:32] <ssi> yeah I got the machining part under control; I'm concerned about what happens after heat treatment
[16:44:58] <ssi> I made some of these in aluminum yesterday and just with a reamer, that ID is a hydraulic fit on the shaft
[16:45:04] <ssi> it pushes oil ahead of it, which is perfect
[16:45:07] <archivist> does it need heat treatment it just tightened
[16:45:24] <archivist> ah
[16:45:37] <ssi> these are for an indicator set for precision alignment of rifle actions in a lathe
[16:45:51] <ssi> I've just made them out of aluminum in the past, but a nice precise hardened tool steel set would last me a lifetime
[16:46:00] <ssi> just trying to figure out how to do it :)
[16:46:37] <archivist> harden then finish grind inner and outer in one setup
[16:47:11] <archivist> holding being the hard part then :)
[16:50:35] <ssi> yeah I'm just not sure how to go about ID grind them
[16:50:49] <jdh_>
[16:50:56] <ssi> I guess I'd need to make a toolpost grinder for that
[16:51:25] <archivist> dremel does not make a good toolpost grinder
[16:51:47] <ssi> dremel doesn't make a good much of anything :P
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[16:52:27] <roycroft> dermel make good money
[16:52:31] <roycroft> dremel, rather
[16:52:35] <jdh_> I like the little flapper sandpaper wheels in dremels
[16:52:37] <archivist> it does a few jobs well
[16:52:44] <seltecc> I am going back to dremel...
[16:52:45] <ssi> I wonder if one of those proxxon spindles would work well as a toolpost grinder
[16:52:58] <roycroft> i use a foredom flexshaft tool for things that i used to use dremels for
[16:53:44] <ssi> probably a decent air pencil grinder would work well
[16:54:29] <ssi> archivist: I could cut the thing and leave it unparted, maybe just v-notched but still attached to the shaft
[16:54:53] <ssi> then heat treat it, then chuck it back up by its shaft and dial it in, ID and OD grind in one setup, then cut it off with an abrasive disk and clean up the cut end
[16:55:20] <archivist> I was going to say leave a holding extension on the parts for rework later
[16:55:52] <ssi> I could do all that work in a collet, and that'll be plenty accurate enough because the final collet setup will be the finish ID/OD grind
[16:56:06] <archivist> a lot of my stuff is made with a chucking stub
[16:56:28] <ssi> ugh I have to build tools so that I can build tools so that I can build stuff
[16:56:38] <seltecc> with my spindle the dust is spread all over the place since I don´t have a dust shoe or any other solution ...
[16:56:54] <archivist> to understand recursion you need to understand recursion
[16:56:57] <ssi> :)
[16:57:41] <ssi> ok so now I need to use my fancy southbend lathe to make a nice little cartridge spindle
[17:01:07] <archivist> but then you need to grind the collets for the new spindle /me ducks
[17:02:13] <ssi> :)
[17:03:01] <archivist> or cheat
[17:03:59] <ssi> yea I thought about starting with an ER straight shank
[17:04:03] <ssi> I built a spindle out of one like that before
[17:04:10] <ssi> unfortunately I lost that spindle in the fire :(
[17:04:28] <ssi> only thing about that is I'd prefer to have threads on the back end so I can preload the bearings
[17:04:39] <ssi> otherwise I'd have to preload using a stop collar or something, not ideal
[17:04:44] <archivist> I use one for my homebrew cutter grinder
[17:04:47] <ssi> or maybe a spacer and screw a bolt in the end
[17:04:50] <ssi> if it's threaded in the end
[17:05:18] <ssi> projects spawn projects in the most horrible way!
[17:06:28] <archivist> yup I had to make the cutter grinder in a rush to make a bevel gear
[17:07:05] <pcw_home> At some point you hope for convergence...
[17:07:26] <ssi> I don't think it's ever going to happen :)
[17:07:42] <ssi> this whole machine shop nonsense started because I didn't want to pay someone $50 to waterject the instrument panel for my airplane
[17:09:35] <fenugrec> I hear the only way out is to take up knitting or something
[17:11:27] <ssi> golf
[17:11:28] <ssi> :P
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[17:17:19] <Nick_name_> is it a good idea, use a usb hid device as cnc pendant with linuxcnc?
[17:24:47] <archivist> some do that happily I believe
[17:25:42] <archivist> I think there is some info on the wiki
[17:29:52] <jdh_> I have a ShuttleExpress(tm)
[17:30:08] <jdh_> awkward to use, but no issues.
[17:30:26] <jdh_> might be less awkward if I used it more, or labeled the axes
[17:35:55] <ssi> archivist: thought:
[17:35:57] <ssi>
[17:36:01] <ssi> I can get one of those locally for $65
[17:36:11] <ssi> looks like it might be a reasonably decent quality tool
[17:36:21] <ssi> might be worth starting there for a toolpost grinder, as it'd be quick to set up
[17:37:04] <archivist> nice and fast
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[17:37:42] <ssi> I may grab one today and make a toolholder for it
[17:39:15] <archivist> I held a spindle of similar max rpm at a show, had to touch the collet to feel the rpm
[17:40:40] <seltecc> Yes I did it !!! This simple line brings my desired function : net zdir =>
[17:40:58] <cradek> well done
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[17:42:55] <seltecc> Thx
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[17:44:42] <seltecc> now to the next point .... when the Laser is on and I push the F2 key the Laser should go off too, but is still on.....How to fix this?
[17:45:27] <ssi> tie machine enable to a laser enable
[17:45:28] <cradek> the "machine on" state is available on the axis.0.amp-enable-out pin
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[17:54:18] <seltecc> I love it. ready to test out my LASER..!!!
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[17:55:15] <seltecc> Klick, Klack etc. on and off , beautiful
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[18:00:23] <PetefromTn_> Afternoon folks
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[18:04:21] <seltecc> bye everyone and thanks
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[18:05:11] <jdh_> seltecc: got insurance?
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[18:52:25] <skunkworks> so if you guys are touching off z how do you touch off tools that are right facing (like tool 1,4?)
[18:53:18] <PetefromTn_> I can
[18:53:29] <PetefromTn_> can't wait to play with CNC lathe stuff LOL
[18:53:48] <skunkworks> ' is too close to Enter...
[18:55:14] <_abc_> Hi guys. the Debian based live iso, does it have a hdd install option please?
[18:55:33] <skunkworks> _abc_, yes - it is at the boot menu stage
[18:55:41] <_abc_> hm?
[18:55:53] <_abc_> Oh it asks whether to install at boot time? Nice.
[18:55:59] <_abc_> That is a live iso, right
[18:56:00] <skunkworks> yes
[18:56:04] <_abc_> Thanks
[18:56:14] <_methods> skunkworks: you can put a straight edge across the face after you face it then touch off to that
[18:56:18] <_methods> not the most accurate way
[18:56:23] <PetefromTn_> I would think that you might be able to face off a point and then using a straight edge touch off the right facing tool with it.
[18:56:28] <PetefromTn_> LOL
[18:56:36] <skunkworks> heh - great minds??
[18:56:48] <_methods> heheh
[18:56:54] <PetefromTn_> ;)
[18:57:05] <_abc_> I am not following this exactly. You need to touch off on X or Y after planing the top?
[18:57:16] <PetefromTn_> this is on a CNC lathe
[18:57:26] <PetefromTn_> he is I believe asking about a righ facing turning tool
[18:57:32] <PetefromTn_> right
[18:57:39] <_abc_> Hmm.
[18:58:08] <_abc_> Well what do you touch it off "on"? If the previous tool was left cutting.
[18:58:30] <PetefromTn_> Well I got another job opportunity from the large local company I did some work for a little bit ago. Bidding it right now. Glad to see they thought enough of my previous work to consider giving me more!
[18:58:42] <_abc_> Personally I optimize my designs for one tool cutting even if I have to make a special tool for it.
[18:59:30] <PetefromTn_> as we suggested you can face off the end of a piece of stock and use the flat face to locate the opposite facing tool using a straight edge not the best way perhaps but it would work
[19:00:09] <PetefromTn_> _abc_ Do you have a CNC lathe?
[19:00:30] <_abc_> I use a 3d cnc mill and I usually mill very small things or engrave smd prototype boards.
[19:00:41] <PetefromTn_> ok
[19:01:03] <_abc_> Let me put it this way: the largest cnc mill I used on that mill, ever, was 6mm shaft and point tip vee cutter.
[19:02:09] <PetefromTn_> nice so you must be well versed in 3d milling then.
[19:02:34] <_abc_> Well I'm more of an electronics and embedded guy. So I wrote some cnc optimizers for what my tools output ;)
[19:02:52] <_abc_> But usually it's prototypes and special jobs and very small series.
[19:04:25] <PetefromTn_> interesting
[19:04:34] <_abc_> I heard grinding Tungsten Carbide bits a lot causes people to have fascinating lung x-rays for a while after it. W-C is high contrast stuff for xtay.
[19:04:37] <_abc_> *ray
[19:05:06] <_abc_> Will be interesting when I get to it. My diamond wheel universal grinder is right next to the mill. I make my own mills, as I said.
[19:05:14] <PetefromTn_> I grind my own tungsten for the Tig welder and I buy the non- radioactive stuff as much as possible heh
[19:05:50] <_abc_> It's not radioactive but it is a heavy metal and it will show up in high contrast on any chest xray. Your doc will probably ask if you smoke or what. I don't...
[19:07:11] <PetefromTn_>
[19:07:23] <PetefromTn_> actually they are slightly radioactive
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[19:07:41] <PetefromTn_> they contain thorium
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[19:10:07] <_methods> hehe i haven't ground an end mill since school
[19:10:20] <_methods> we just send them out for regrind
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[19:11:28] <PetefromTn_> The only grinding I ever do on an endmill is to cut relief for the flutes on the shank so it does not rub at depths beyond the flute length.
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[20:46:00] <jdh> and your teeth, at night.
[20:47:32] <PetefromTn_> what do you think I am a Ferengi? hehe
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[22:11:47] <unfy> erf. look up a largish nema34. do the math on a cheap lead screw that has a 1/2" diameter and when you couple the MA of the lead screw with the force of the motor you discover the motor could snap the lead screw O_o
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[22:23:45] <MarkusBec> did anyone noticed the mesa 7i92?
[22:23:59] <MarkusBec> is it a new mesa card?
[22:24:21] <MarkusBec> I cant find andy documentation
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[23:58:28] <Tom_itx> MarkusBec,
[23:58:43] <Tom_itx> Ethernet Anything I/I card
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