[00:08:16] <pfred1> zeeshan red lead contains no lead
[00:08:25] <zeeshan> link
[00:08:31] <pfred1> it replaces what they used to use lead for
[00:09:26] <pfred1> before plastic fillers they used to paddle molten lead onto auto body panels
[00:09:43] <SpeedEvil> it has advantages over plastic body fillers
[00:09:53] <SpeedEvil> but needs lots more skill
[00:09:53] <pfred1> yeah lead doesn't shrink
[00:10:12] <pfred1> my car was leaded
[00:10:33] <pfred1> there's no seam on the front fenders
[00:10:40] <pfred1> the factory leaded them on
[00:10:57] <pfred1> its a 1966
[00:12:34] <pfred1> zeeshan so now you know why red lead is called lead it is not because it contains lead, but because it replaces lead
[00:12:41] <zeeshan> o
[00:12:42] <zeeshan> :)
[00:13:02] <pfred1> I think evne the green stuff is called red lead or glaze
[00:13:25] <pfred1> that's what i call it glazing putty
[00:15:31] <pfred1> where's the fender stop?
[00:15:38] <pfred1> that isn't my car but same model
[00:16:20] <pfred1> one time I was glad I have a set of 24SP vise grips
[00:16:40] <pfred1> I used it to tack weld the fender
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[00:36:20] <Aero-Tec> oops
[00:36:38] <Aero-Tec> how do I print to screen info?
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[00:42:31] <Aero-Tec> found it
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[00:45:29] <Jymm> woohoo found more clips =)
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[00:54:18] <Jymm> As much as I hate UPS, this is just so fucking cool...
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[01:05:56] <ssi> my new .5-1-1.5 blocks are in the oven now :D
[01:06:01] <ssi> they came out pretty good!
[01:06:13] <ssi> there's some aesthetic things that could be better, but overall I'm pleased
[01:06:23] <ssi> assuming I can nail the finish grinding, I'll have something to be proud of
[01:06:47] <jdh> plain blocks, or holes and thread?
[01:07:10] <ssi> they have 2 3/8-16 holes in them
[01:07:16] <ssi> same as typical 123 blocks
[01:07:20] <jdh> cool
[01:07:32] <jdh> as an apprentice (to yourself) aren't you supposed to make those by hand?
[01:07:41] <ssi> define by hand?
[01:07:51] <jdh> hand tools
[01:08:31] <ssi> I'm not interested in making precision tools with a hacksaw, file, and oilstone
[01:09:05] <ssi> cast iron blocks can be hand-scraped, which is something I'd be willing to try
[01:09:17] <ssi> forrest addy does a class where you do that
[01:09:33] <ssi> but these are tool steel, not cast iron
[01:12:21] -!- nofxx__ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[01:12:33] <pfred1>
[01:12:48] <pfred1> Anytime Tools 1-2-3 Blocks Matched Pair $15.95
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[01:17:47] <ssi> gosh I had no idea you could simply purchase them
[01:17:50] <ssi> what have I been doing with my life
[01:18:42] <mozmck> not building your airplane :)
[01:18:49] <ssi> yeah yeah
[01:18:59] <mozmck> how's it going anyhow?
[01:19:07] <ssi> I bought another airplane that I have to finish first :)
[01:19:15] <mozmck> haha!
[01:19:18] <mozmck> what kind?
[01:19:24] <ssi> a pitts S1-SS
[01:19:31] <mozmck> oooh!
[01:19:40] <ssi> need to build a set of wings for it
[01:19:45] <ssi> probably start on them next weekend
[01:20:09] <mozmck> metal wings I suppose?
[01:20:14] <ssi> wood and fabric
[01:20:20] <mozmck> Neat!
[01:20:22] <ssi> the fuselage is welded 4130 tube and fabric
[01:20:30] <mozmck> That's what I plan to build if I get time.
[01:20:34] <ssi> it's a complete flying airplane minus the wings
[01:20:37] <ssi> and wings'll be easy
[01:21:00] <mozmck> Yes, shouldn't be hard. Solid spars?
[01:21:14] <ssi> yeah solid spruce
[01:21:23] <ssi> they're like 3/4 x 4" spars
[01:21:33] <mozmck> I've thought of making built up or box spars.
[01:21:36] <ssi> laminated spars are super strong but it's not worth the effort
[01:21:45] <ssi> with solid spars it's a 12G airplane
[01:22:07] <mozmck> The plane I have had solid spars - something like 3/4" by 5" or so
[01:22:17] <ssi> remind me what you have?
[01:22:57] <mozmck> It was a funk
[01:23:09] <ssi> ah nice
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[01:23:23] <mozmck> I have most of the parts, but no engine.
[01:23:49] <mozmck> I'd like to use only the main frame and build a homebuilt to almost the same pattern, but it would be a homebuilt
[01:23:59] <ssi> easy enough
[01:24:12] <mozmck> I have a couple of corvair cores for a potential engine
[01:24:45] <mozmck> should be, just need time! Just had our third child, 3 under 3 right now.
[01:27:07] <ssi> yikes
[01:27:11] <ssi> that's definitely an impediment
[01:27:21] <ssi> ok blocks are hardened
[01:27:31] <ssi> waiting for the furnace to cool then I'll try to draw them to 62HRC or so
[01:27:43] <ssi> it'll be a bit difficult cause that's like 300F and this furnace doesn't like to run that cool
[01:27:48] <ssi> might be better off in a toaster oven
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[01:48:21] <ssi>
[01:48:33] <ssi> the slots came out ugly, and a couple of the countersinks aren't centered
[01:48:51] <ssi> and my hand-cut chamfers don't look good at that level of magnificatin either :P
[01:50:44] <pfred1> countersinking is tricky on a press
[01:51:22] <pfred1> I always have to slam it to center it then cut it
[01:51:36] <pfred1> easier with a hand drill
[01:52:55] <roycroft> i have some countersinks with pilots
[01:53:02] <roycroft> for the hole sizes they fit they work really well
[01:53:27] <pfred1> I just have the cones
[01:57:08] <pfred1> shop I worked in should have had countersinks with pilots I only remember ever countersinking this one part we made there
[01:57:15] <roycroft> mine are like this:
[01:57:17] <roycroft>
[01:57:26] <roycroft> they're the best countersink tools i've ever used
[01:57:39] <roycroft> virtually chatterless
[01:58:06] <pfred1> at home now I just use a hand drill I get good countersinks doing that
[01:58:56] <roycroft> i got some aircraft countersinks off ebay a while back
[01:59:11] <roycroft> they're awesome, because they have a depth stop that can be adjusted very accurately
[01:59:42] <pfred1> I only countersink holes I'm going to tap makes the tap start easier
[01:59:50] <roycroft> they are also piloted
[02:00:11] <roycroft> i countersink almost every hole a little bit
[02:00:20] <roycroft> to debur and make sure the surface is flush
[02:00:54] <roycroft> but most holes i just touch with the countersink
[02:00:57] <pfred1> if it is just a clearance hole for a bolt I don't worry about it
[02:01:19] <roycroft> well you don't want a wire edge on it preventing you from bolting it flush
[02:01:59] <roycroft> for that kind of work i usually just use a battery drill with a countersink in it
[02:02:12] <roycroft> so i don't have to swap tooling to touch the hole with the countersink
[02:02:39] <pfred1> yeah I use a cordless
[02:03:41] -!- LatheBuilder [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:03:51] <pfred1> I finally have all of my brackets cut
[02:04:01] <pfred1> what a pain that ended up being
[02:05:20] <LatheBuilder> Hello!
[02:05:24] <pfred1> on the front of my machine because of where the bearing supports are I have to use 2 brackets a corner
[02:05:43] <pfred1> then to make matters worse those corners are not really square
[02:06:16] <pfred1> so I ended up milling each angle at a bit of an angle
[02:06:33] <pfred1> so they fit in the corners tight
[02:06:42] <LatheBuilder> my retrofit is alive and nearly tuned. I crashed pncconf changing the pulsecounts within the open loop utility.
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[02:08:22] <LatheBuilder> now the open loop drive enable does not function. anyone know how to restore it? tried upgrading to the master release, no luck.
[02:09:04] <pfred1> I use software stepping so I don't even know what you're talking about
[02:10:32] <LatheBuilder> no worries friend, thanks for the reply
[02:10:47] <LatheBuilder> what are you building?
[02:11:36] <LatheBuilder> pfred1 >> a router perhaps?
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[02:12:00] <pfred1> that's what I'm trying to make yeah
[02:12:12] <pfred1> first two tries were meh
[02:12:25] <LatheBuilder> nema 23 steppers?
[02:12:27] * pfred1 is hoping that the third time is a charm though
[02:12:31] <pfred1> yeah
[02:12:56] <pfred1> each axis is different though
[02:13:18] <pfred1> X has dual twin stacks Y is twin singles and Z is a single twin
[02:13:24] <LatheBuilder> dremel type spindle?
[02:13:32] <pfred1> a Bosch Colt
[02:14:01] <pfred1> dremels are kind of cheeze whiz
[02:14:47] <LatheBuilder> i hear you there. the Colt's nice for panelcutting. make a good high speed spindle
[02:15:06] <pfred1> I got it at a flea market for $15 so I figured what the hey
[02:15:44] <pfred1> it looks like it'll do what I'm looking to do
[02:15:50] <LatheBuilder> nice find
[02:16:15] <LatheBuilder> build coming along to your liking?
[02:16:41] <pfred1> well like i said so far I've run my machine in two different configurations and so far I've run into problems
[02:16:52] <pfred1> so each time I beef it up some more
[02:16:53] <LatheBuilder> ya?
[02:17:00] <LatheBuilder> stiffness related?
[02:17:13] <pfred1> yeah the first time I really tried to cheap out and I just ran skate bearings right on wood
[02:17:22] <pfred1> that worked pretty good in retrospect
[02:17:37] <pfred1> because the bearings would dig into the wood and sort of make grooves for themselves
[02:17:59] <pfred1> but it was sloppy and i figured I'd constantly have problems so I put steel angle where the bearings ran
[02:18:19] <pfred1> then i ran into some serious alignment issues because now the bearings were on the steel
[02:18:47] <pfred1> the whole X axis frame wasn't stiff enough so when the machine stalled the while thing bent into a diamond shape
[02:19:02] <pfred1> now I have realigned the X axis rails better and I am reinforcing the corners
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[02:20:14] <LatheBuilder> project just for fun or do you have things you need to build with it?
[02:20:22] <pfred1> yeah just for fun
[02:20:28] <pfred1> I like electronics and Linux
[02:20:41] <pfred1> all of my electronics work great
[02:20:50] <LatheBuilder> cool
[02:21:04] <pfred1> LInux works too just the frame of the machine has been a bit difficult to dial in so far
[02:21:38] <pfred1> yeah I made all of my own motor drives and my break out board too
[02:21:51] <pfred1> 5 motor drives
[02:22:04] <pfred1> 3 bipolar and 2 unipolar
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[02:23:27] <pfred1> when i saw the X axis twist like it did I thought maybe the drives work too good?
[02:24:09] <pfred1> they're a lot more powerful than I imagined they'd be
[02:25:43] <LatheBuilder> ya, nema 23's are surprising for their size.
[02:26:09] <pfred1> nah my X axis motors are junk they are these sur[plus things i bought on the net for like $13 a piece
[02:26:23] <pfred1> supposedly they are 200 oz/in
[02:26:40] <pfred1> they are ling something or other brand?
[02:26:50] <LatheBuilder> hard to beat for the cost within their limits
[02:27:04] <LatheBuilder> lin engineering? they make good motors
[02:27:09] <pfred1> maybe lin
[02:27:35] <pfred1> yeah I wish I'd bought more when I saw them
[02:27:43] <pfred1> because now I'm wondering if one isn't messed up
[02:27:57] <pfred1> and I'll have to repalce them both if one is I want a matched pair
[02:28:41] <LatheBuilder> drives make a big difference too. also, current limits on your power supply
[02:28:43] <pfred1> I was rolling the lead screw attached to one motor with the lead nut disengaged and there was one funny spot I felt
[02:29:04] <pfred1> but it was still hooked to the drive so something might have been going on there too I'm not sure
[02:29:24] <pfred1> not that the drive was powered or anything
[02:29:36] <LatheBuilder> only one place on the screw, or repeats every revolution of the motor?
[02:29:57] <pfred1> yeah screw was off the nut but the lead was attached to the shaft
[02:30:11] <pfred1> was one spot in the revolution
[02:30:27] <pfred1> it is the side that stalled too
[02:31:05] <pfred1> I'm not sure now but it has me a bit concerned until I check it out more
[02:32:00] <pfred1> night just be a misalignment between the motor and the lead too
[02:32:11] <pfred1> I mean I'm only using rubber hose connectors
[02:32:20] <pfred1> this is a real cheap build
[02:32:42] -!- PetefromTn_ [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:32:44] <Jymm> This is now my standing Christmas list till the day I die...
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[02:40:20] <LatheBuilder> Jymm Want one too but I think the upkeep would kill me.
[02:41:03] <Jymm> LatheBuilder: Nah, get two, use one for parts =)
[02:41:13] <LatheBuilder> pfred1 if you loosen it does it still bind
[02:41:45] <pfred1> LatheBuilder I don't know yet I have not run it since I've been working on it
[02:42:36] <LatheBuilder> Jymm >> it would be really cool to live out in the country and take off on a strip in the back yard
[02:42:50] <pfred1> lots of folks by me have air strips
[02:43:02] <pfred1> there's a whole neighborhood around an air strip by me
[02:43:10] <pfred1> people have hangers for garages
[02:43:29] <LatheBuilder> good fun.
[02:43:31] <pfred1> let me find it on google maps
[02:44:43] <LatheBuilder> pfred1 >> if you move it to the high point of binding and loosen the coupler momentarily
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[02:46:23] <LatheBuilder> if it gets better, great. if not could be bad bearings in the motor though that's rare without unusually harsh treatment like a crash big enough to bend whatever it drove last.
[02:46:56] <pfred1> LatheBuilder that is what i am worried about I might have messed it up when it stalled
[02:47:13] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc
[02:47:36] <pfred1> this might be the road where they're all mext to an air strip
[02:47:44] <pfred1> I haven't been by there in a while now
[02:48:48] <pfred1> right out the back yard then up in the air
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[02:52:09] <LatheBuilder> would be nice...
[02:52:44] -!- HACKING-FACEBOOK has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[02:52:48] <LatheBuilder> i am pretty content being unimportant enough to not need constant travel. =)
[02:53:07] <pfred1> people barn storm here
[02:53:18] <pfred1> they don't actually fly anyplace they just go up and fly around
[02:53:57] <pfred1> I've seen folks do it
[02:54:02] <pfred1> they like do circles in field
[02:55:22] <LatheBuilder> neat. there are a number of ultralight pilots near me that do the same thing
[02:55:37] <pfred1> yeah they have like acrobatic planes I guess
[02:56:00] <pfred1> i guess when you get bored windsurfing
[02:56:22] <pfred1> because lots of folks do that here too
[02:56:25] <mozmck> I still want to build an ultralight.
[02:56:39] <pfred1> there are heavier but they are small planes
[02:56:45] <roycroft> all you need to do that is a piece of paper, mozmck
[02:56:55] <roycroft> just fold it up and throw it
[02:57:11] <pfred1> seen the guy with the paper airplane gun?
[02:57:13] <mozmck> I live in the country, and neighbors all around have their own airstrips
[02:57:37] <ssi> well that *almost* worked out :D
[02:57:53] <pfred1>
[02:57:54] <LatheBuilder> pfred1 >> ya, that's some dedication to building.
[02:58:23] <pfred1> that is hilarious
[02:58:35] <mozmck> Legal Eagle is the kind of ultralight I'm interested in.
[02:58:58] <pfred1> we started pumpkin chunkin here too
[02:59:08] <pfred1> that started like 2 fields east of me
[02:59:31] <pfred1> so about 2 miles away
[02:59:58] <pfred1> though by the time I'd moved here they'd moved it across town
[03:00:11] <pfred1> so about 20 miles away
[03:00:45] <pfred1> I think chunkin is over now though
[03:01:01] <pfred1> some redneck got the bright idea to sue the organizers
[03:01:33] <pfred1> he was one of the spotters on a quad and he flipped over
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[15:17:11] <LatheBuilder> Good morning! Machine was up and running yesterday. I crashed pncconf changing the count/unit value from within the open loop test. Now nothing is responsive. Any pointers where to start debugging?
[15:18:24] <LatheBuilder> VMC, 0-10v servo amp, mesa 5i25/7i77, vfd, all configured correctly.
[15:19:46] <archivist> "nothing is responsive" is rather vague, is it switched on
[15:21:03] <LatheBuilder> control boots, linuxcnc gui fires up, F1 no longer enables estop circuit.
[15:23:11] <LatheBuilder> I am very weak on hand editing the config files so that seems where I should start. I have been using pncconf as a learning tool as I debug the wiring. Wiring is all sorted out now and all was going well.
[15:24:54] <LatheBuilder> was using the open loop test within pncconf to move each axis a small amount and measure actual displacement using dial indicators. my leadscrews are buried, not easy to simply turn them and measure. (also there is a timing belt reduction)
[15:26:39] <LatheBuilder> used it several times as I got closer to having the correct counts/unit for the Y axis. all axis' would jog as well as the spindle vfd.
[15:26:45] <archivist> I would re run pncconf it may then write your files properly
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[15:28:11] <LatheBuilder> tried closing pncconf and restarting. shut the machine down and restarted. then tried upgrading from 2.something to master hoping that the reload of all components would fix whatever I corrupted
[15:28:52] <LatheBuilder> as separate steps of course, none successful
[15:29:24] <archivist> if pncconf is like stepconf it will read its own version of your files,
[15:30:34] <LatheBuilder> now within lcnc itself the estop enable does nothing. cannot take the machine out of estop
[15:31:12] <archivist> we in here cannot guess what is in your files now
[15:33:40] <LatheBuilder> i understand. not looking for mind reading =) I was fishing for something like "ya if you change that value within pncconf it corrupts something outside of the config files".
[15:36:39] <LatheBuilder> just a shot in the dark you see. perfectly content to now learn manual edits for the config files. I've been trying to get this machine back to life for some time. Was encouraged to be so close!
[15:37:29] <archivist> can you remember your steps, just redo whatever you did in pncconf
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[15:39:18] <LatheBuilder> i see. it was very definitely an unexpected fault of some kind. changing that particular value back to what it was when it all worked did not restore functionality.
[15:40:43] <LatheBuilder> My config is not complex yet. I built another config from scratch within pncconf to see if that particular one was bad. There are only a few settings live right now. That one does not work either, same failure mode
[15:41:09] <LatheBuilder> I'm off to do more debugging. Thanks for the thoughts
[15:41:11] <archivist> when you refer to something as "that particular value" you would be expecting us to guess
[15:41:53] <archivist> people can only help with more specific information
[15:42:05] <LatheBuilder> not at all. I say "that particular value" instead of 20000 counts per unit because the exact value doesn't matter.
[15:42:35] <archivist> it is what value you are changing
[15:43:02] <LatheBuilder> ahhh, sorry.
[15:44:08] <archivist> I would now review all values and save again
[15:44:18] <LatheBuilder> My bad. in the open loop test dialog there is a box to change encoder counts per unit. Changing that value outside of the open loop test utility worked fine
[15:44:54] <archivist> check for error messages too
[15:45:25] <LatheBuilder> changing that value a single time within the utility seemed to break something unrepairable by changing back to a known good value from a minute before.
[15:46:00] <LatheBuilder> error logs, will check - thanks
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[15:59:14] <pcw_home> At some point you _will_ need to hand edit the hal files anyway, both stepconf and pncconf are good for creating
[15:59:16] <pcw_home> boilerplate hal/ini files as a starting point. neither are great for tweaking existing files
[15:59:44] -!- pandeiro has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:00:15] <pcw_home> nothing is irreparable with an editor :-)
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[16:07:12] <Tom_itx> maybe the limits are preventing estop enable
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[16:07:31] <SpeedEvil> ESTOP HAMMATIME
[16:07:37] <SpeedEvil> (sorry)
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[16:26:20] <archivist> 8 axes they claim, chatter they keep quiet about
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[16:29:31] <CaptHindsight> 8-Direction "with 2, yes 2 directions per axis!" No more having to flip each axis around to change directions!" /writers embellishment
[16:29:33] <Rab> Ahem, that's 8 "directions".
[16:32:09] <CaptHindsight> Postage:US $119.35 (approx. £76.54) Import charges:US $384.10
[16:32:12] <pcw_home> are those plastic motor mounts?
[16:32:34] <SpeedEvil> Plastic is the new cast iron.
[16:33:30] <pcw_home> that looks about as stable as a pig on stilts
[16:33:35] <XXCoder> CaptHindsight: I'd be more impressed with 3 directions per axis
[16:34:42] <CaptHindsight> well they probably have 4 directions per axis, 2 intended
[16:35:04] <SpeedEvil> Holy shit.
[16:35:11] <SpeedEvil> Is that a real sherline product?
[16:36:17] <XXCoder> The deluxe 8-direction milling machine offers the most versatility of any Sherline mill. In addition to X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis travels, there are five additional directions that the headstock spindle can be positioned to do drilling or milling on your part from virtually any angle. The headstock can pivot up to 90� in either direction. The column bed can be rotated side-to-side up to 90� in either direction for angled drilling.
[16:36:28] <CaptHindsight> better pic
[16:36:43] <CaptHindsight>$_57.JPG
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[16:37:23] <SpeedEvil> I do not own a mill.
[16:37:26] <Rab> Here's an identical machine mounted in a box, seems like a pretty good price for a micro-mill:
[16:37:32] <archivist> can be relied upon to never drill in the same place twice
[16:37:44] <SpeedEvil> I would almost be happy to pay someone to take that away if it turned up on my doorstep
[16:39:08] <CaptHindsight> Light machines Corp$_57.JPG
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[16:56:34] <CaptHindsight> automatic random hole drilling machine is a better description
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[16:57:12] <XXCoder> lol
[16:57:22] <XXCoder> what tol would it match anyway?
[16:57:32] <XXCoder> .01? .1? 1'? lol
[16:57:48] <archivist> 1 mile
[16:58:00] <XXCoder> that'd be great area weapon
[16:58:16] <XXCoder> expecially if it dont have be reach mile away
[16:58:27] <archivist> not enough power to inflict injury
[16:58:40] <SpeedEvil> It could actually be handy for a project I have
[16:58:41] <XXCoder> it just keeps repeative drilling and holes just appear randomly
[16:59:00] <SpeedEvil> But that project is LASER-based and would need optical feedback anyway
[17:01:45] <Tom_itx> my sherline is similar to that
[17:01:57] <Tom_itx> i never move the head though
[17:02:47] <Tom_itx> and yes pcw_home it is kinda like a pig on stilts :)
[17:03:16] <Tom_itx> i got it way back when for the extra Y travel
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[17:07:55] <Tom_itx> the mounts are likely anodized aluminum
[17:10:32] <XXCoder> weaker I guess?
[17:12:59] <Tom_itx> i don't have those mounts
[17:13:19] <Tom_itx> it's not great by any means but i've done alot with it
[17:13:48] <Tom_itx> now mostly just play with linuxcnc on it
[17:13:49] <XXCoder> cool. I gues that is all that matters
[17:14:08] <Tom_itx> i've considered running a brace from the Z down to the back though
[17:14:29] <Tom_itx> i don't use big tools on it
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[17:16:49] <Tom_itx>
[17:16:53] <Tom_itx> the plate helps some
[17:17:06] <XXCoder> cool
[17:17:22] <Tom_itx> i've worn that one out and added a 1" plate since that
[17:17:23] <pcw_home> Yeah the z supporting the spindle looks pretty shaky
[17:17:35] <Tom_itx> i've probably had it 25yrs
[17:17:44] <XXCoder> that old dang
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[17:23:39] <Tom_itx>
[17:23:42] <Tom_itx> most recent mods
[17:23:59] <XXCoder> whats that addon for>
[17:24:09] <Tom_itx>
[17:24:15] <Tom_itx> got tired of burning up belts
[17:24:28] <Tom_itx> and changing the spindle encoder from what i previously had
[17:24:40] <XXCoder> ahh bigger belt but why is there another one on top with smaller omotor? oh encoder?
[17:25:27] <Tom_itx> yes all the top one is, is a 1:1 for the encoder
[17:25:54] <Tom_itx>
[17:25:57] <Tom_itx> that's the old encoder
[17:26:03] <Tom_itx> from a printer stepper
[17:26:14] <XXCoder> interesting
[17:26:28] <XXCoder> wanna build my router cnc? lol
[17:27:04] <Tom_itx>
[17:27:09] <Tom_itx> original encoder purpose
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[17:28:05] <XXCoder> interesting
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[17:57:59] <JT-Shop> ugh, Gene is struggling with arcs again
[17:59:28] <_methods> i wonder why........
[18:04:15] <_methods> i found a pic of gene on his bike
[18:04:20] <_methods>
[18:05:17] -!- nofxx__ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[18:05:30] <_methods> those silly arcs
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[18:32:13] <XXCoder>
[18:32:19] <XXCoder> love this video
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[18:56:31] <archivist> JT-Shop, do you see that he is trying to calc in his gcode rather than use some external thing
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[19:10:08] <roycroft> aah, clueless, bigoted old men
[19:10:11] <roycroft> sometimes they're useful
[19:10:33] <roycroft> i just stopped by a garage sale and saw a set of mint condition mitutoyo telescoping gages for $20
[19:11:04] <roycroft> i approached the guy who said "damn japs don't care about quality - they'll never make anything as good as america"
[19:11:09] <roycroft> so i offered him $10 and he took it
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[19:11:27] <roycroft> no owners marks or anything
[19:12:05] <bpuk> lsa
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[19:13:39] <roycroft> hmm
[19:13:55] <roycroft> enco sell this set for #$184.30
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[19:15:20] <roycroft> the starrett is $263.29
[19:15:29] <archivist> idiots on ebay try to get new prices or higher for secondhand mitutoyo
[19:15:50] <roycroft> if this guy hadn't been such a jerk i'd have paid his asking price and been happy
[19:15:59] <archivist> hehe
[19:16:09] <roycroft> but i figured he deserved to get beat up a bit
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[19:16:56] <roycroft> i buy a fair amount of cheap import tools, but the chinese telescoping gages always seem to be really sticky
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[19:17:10] <roycroft> i've been holding out for b&s, mitutoyo, or starrett on those
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[19:18:47] <roycroft> i should have asked him if he had any more mitutoyo crap he wanted to get rid of
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[19:20:00] <archivist> I scored a mit 2" tenths digital dti, for not a lot, seller had killed the input regulator with a wallwart
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[19:22:16] <archivist> but I just missed out on a bore gauge fleabay 390988043739
[19:22:47] <roycroft> i never got too interested in bore gages
[19:23:01] <roycroft> but i don't do inside hole measurements often
[19:23:05] <archivist> I need them for tiny bores
[19:23:09] <renesis> k trying a solidworks assembly in fusion
[19:23:20] <roycroft> i have a set of starrett hole gages
[19:23:29] <roycroft> and now the mitutoyo telescoping gages
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[19:23:48] <roycroft> a set of pin gages for tiny holes is all that i need to cover almost every hole i'll encounter
[19:24:18] <roycroft> if i were boring cylinders or similar work on a regular basis bore gages would be useful
[19:24:30] <roycroft> they would save a step on each measurement
[19:25:29] <archivist> I would like pin gauges too
[19:25:49] <roycroft> there are inexpensive import pin gage sets
[19:25:54] <roycroft> and i don't mind those
[19:26:22] <roycroft> the problem is you need several sets to cover up to 0.5"
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[19:26:33] <roycroft> and even with the cheap imports that adds up to $400 or so to get everything
[19:27:24] <roycroft> but what's really great about them is there is no measuring involved - try them until one fits and then you know the size of your hole
[19:27:46] <roycroft> i really like things that are simple and save time
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[19:28:20] <archivist> these taper pin types are fast to use
[19:29:18] <roycroft> oh, those look interesting
[19:29:37] <roycroft> you insert, push down until the body contacts the part, and read?
[19:30:05] <archivist> it was one of those I just missed, maybe should have bid a bit more
[19:30:14] <archivist> yes
[19:30:23] <roycroft> nice
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[19:31:09] <Tom_itx> works unless your hole is an egg
[19:32:22] <roycroft> well rotate and take multiple measurements
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[19:36:10] <archivist> er, like normal pin gauges they are round
[19:36:34] <roycroft> oh, then that would not matter
[19:36:39] <Tom_itx> :)
[19:36:51] -!- nofxx__ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:37:03] <archivist> if you have holes that shape you have more problems than just measuring :)
[19:37:11] <Tom_itx> we used alot of go - nogo gages in production
[19:37:20] <Tom_itx> pin, thread etc
[19:38:01] <archivist> I see lots of slotted holes in clock plates that I open out and bush to fix
[19:39:41] <renesis> prob most every hole is an egg if you look close enough
[19:40:01] <renesis> heh, egg gauges
[19:40:07] <Tom_itx> CMM will verify that
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[19:41:36] <roycroft> well i think it's time to head out to the welding shop
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[19:42:09] <roycroft> it's going to rain later on, and i have some gtaw welding to do, which requires pulling a giant extension cord to my main shop, and don't want to mess with that in the rain
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[20:43:42] <Tom_itx> what's the difference between RS-422 & RS-485?
[20:43:50] <Tom_itx> physically they're the same aren't they?
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[20:46:38] <pcw_home> RS-485 normally refers to multi-drop differential interfaces
[20:47:01] <Tom_L>
[20:47:05] <Tom_L> i was looking at that
[20:47:17] <jfigie> RS-422 is a subset of RS-485
[20:47:45] <pcw_home> Normally RS-485 drivers have a common mode range (422 driver do not)
[20:48:57] <pcw_home> because in a multi drop situation a driver that does not allow a negative common mode would compromise the signal
[20:49:54] <pcw_home> the trade off is that RS-485 compatible drivers normally have diodes in series with their outputs so they have a smaller swing
[20:50:21] <pcw_home> (so lower noise immunity)
[20:51:31] -!- `Nerobro__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:51:40] <Tom_L> just a curiosity
[20:51:53] -!- `Nerobro__ [`[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:53:55] <pcw_home> multi drop systems using async comms need rather M^2 terminations to set the line state when undriven so we avoid them
[20:54:32] <Tom_L> rather long distance comms...
[20:54:56] <pcw_home> I much prefer RS-422
[20:54:58] <Tom_L> the terminations are for ringing?
[20:55:26] -!- `Nerobro_ [`[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
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[20:55:47] <jfigie> terminations are to avoid reflections
[20:55:53] <XXCoder> yeah
[20:56:08] <XXCoder> reminds me of old 10baset network
[20:56:08] <pcw_home> Yes (100 Ohm for impedance matching) but for multi drop you have the issue of setting the line state when its not driven
[20:57:48] <pcw_home> 10base/100base and 1GE are all 100 Ohm terminated twisted pair
[20:57:49] <jfigie> the terminations only go on the ends of the line. All devices between must have short stubs and be high impedance.
[20:59:09] <XXCoder> oops
[20:59:44] -!- sumpfralle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:59:46] <XXCoder> I meant 10base2
[21:00:16] <pcw_home> same except coax and 50 Ohm
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[21:01:19] <Tom_L> did they use twisted pair?
[21:01:21] <Tom_L> like ether
[21:02:00] <Tom_L> rs422/485.. not 10base2
[21:02:01] <XXCoder> well twisted pair is still in use. its been updated often. it uses cat5 and rj45 plugs
[21:02:11] <Tom_L> i know
[21:02:15] <XXCoder> lol ok
[21:02:35] <Tom_L> just got a spool of it..
[21:02:57] <Tom_L> cat6 is just twisted tighter i think
[21:03:04] <XXCoder> and sheilded
[21:03:17] <XXCoder> it has metal jacket at plugs that is wired to sheild
[21:03:43] <XXCoder> pracally saying, cat5e and cat6 seems to only small amount of differences
[21:04:02] <XXCoder> could be wrong though
[21:04:17] <XXCoder> you ever used 10base2 though? heh
[21:04:27] <XXCoder> been very long time ago for me
[21:04:44] <Tom_L> well it would have been a very long time for any of us now ehh?
[21:04:51] <XXCoder> indeed
[21:04:58] <Tom_L> i think i have
[21:04:59] <XXCoder> wonder if its in use anywhere now
[21:05:38] <XXCoder> heh if you never had to find where terminator fell off you haven't had full experence ;)
[21:07:12] <bpuk> yup, still in use - fitted some a couple of weeks back (only 2 nodes)
[21:07:32] <bpuk> on a dyno of all things - theres probably a lot of older machinery out there that still uses it
[21:08:09] <Tom_L> it helped get us here
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[21:29:35] <jfigie> I would like to edit the wiki page with the latency test results for Asus M5A78-MLX MB. How can I find the password for administrator?
[21:30:44] <Tom_itx> i think JT-Shop can do that
[21:30:58] <Tom_itx> other than that i'm not sure who... maybe cradek
[21:33:00] <pcw_home> Anyone can edit the wiki
[21:33:35] <ReadError> How can I find the password for administrator?
[21:33:36] <ReadError> eeekkk
[21:33:37] <pcw_home> you need to know linuxcnc mascots name
[21:33:58] <Tom_itx> somebody gave it to me once but i forgot
[21:34:11] <Tom_itx> was gonna move the bit file stuff there...
[21:40:05] <renesis> i set 3d adaptive to .04 max stepdown, it dont like that
[21:40:28] <renesis> heh, generating toolpath slooooooow...
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[21:42:24] <Tom_itx> big file too
[21:42:41] <pcw_home> Tom_Itx: what do you get when you machine things?
[21:43:35] <Tom_itx> ? is that a trick question?
[21:43:36] -!- nickoe_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[21:43:43] <Tom_itx> lots of chips for one
[21:44:01] <pcw_home> bingo
[21:44:22] <Tom_itx> and an occasional good part
[21:44:59] <pcw_home> (in reference to wiki)
[21:45:03] <Tom_itx> i figured
[21:45:29] <Tom_itx> does the wiki support asciidoc?
[21:45:30] <Tom_itx> format..
[21:47:11] <jfigie> Thanks that was a bit cryptic but I got it
[21:47:39] <renesis> stuck at 99%
[21:47:49] <renesis> omg done!
[21:48:09] <Tom_itx> i bet that's a good file for the new TP to test
[21:48:33] <renesis> says 1:00:46 machine time
[21:48:37] <renesis> not so bad
[21:48:48] <renesis> wait i didnt slow the feedrate down
[21:48:53] <Tom_itx> small surface?
[21:49:10] <bpuk> speaking of the new TP - my router is still on JA5 - I saw JA6 is the current branch. Has a lot changed between them?
[21:49:50] <renesis> its like 2x2x1" part in acrylic, im eating up 80% of it
[21:49:59] <renesis> i doubt it ends well
[21:52:28] <SpeedEvil>
[21:52:38] <SpeedEvil> Ball race
[21:53:26] <Deejay> gn8
[21:54:30] -!- Deejay has quit [Quit: bye]
[21:55:52] <renesis> i need to upgrade the taig soon, deserves it
[21:56:39] <renesis> shit is old, shit is same machine as new after adjusting gibs and brass clamping backlash nuts
[21:57:36] <renesis> and the xylotex board prob going to catch fire one day
[21:57:39] <renesis> gut feeling
[22:04:37] <jdh> I have a xylo
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[22:06:21] <pcw_home> I am paranoid about SMPS wall adapters after one blew up in my hand
[22:06:22] <pcw_home> I fully expect them to catch fire at some point
[22:07:11] -!- Camaban has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:10:08] <anonimasu> pcw_home: I have a question for you :)
[22:11:15] <anonimasu> I cant get the 8i20 to start up
[22:11:31] <anonimasu> i have connection and all but im a bit stumped at what I need to do I have the halcmd show saved
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[22:14:29] <pcw_home> is the 7I44 on the correct connector (verify with mesaflash or dmesg)
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[22:17:49] <pcw_home> also check that the 8I20s have high side power (Red fault LED on in isolated section for example)
[22:17:50] <pcw_home> make sure 8I20 is not in setup mode
[22:17:52] <pcw_home> older 8I20s wont start without adequate VBUS (>45V)
[22:18:35] -!- ejb has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz…]
[22:18:46] <anonimasu> one moment
[22:18:59] <anonimasu> it's not in fault mode
[22:19:19] -!- BitEvil_ [BitEvil_!~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil] has joined #linuxcnc
[22:19:24] <anonimasu> all the leds are lit status blinking and fault is off
[22:19:40] <pcw_home> OK so you are running
[22:19:50] <anonimasu> just a seoncd
[22:22:00] <anonimasu> I cant quite understand why it does not work(bus voltage perhaps=
[22:23:35] <anonimasu> trying to upload the logs
[22:23:36] <pcw_home> The 8I20 disables the outputs if the BUSV is < 45V or so (and if the enable in is not driven)
[22:24:22] <anonimasu>
[22:24:26] <anonimasu> they both are
[22:24:49] <anonimasu>
[22:26:00] <pcw_home> those dont show any problems
[22:26:02] <pcw_home> looks like the 8I20 is working normally
[22:26:33] <anonimasu> but the motor dosent move(the homing cycle dosent show)
[22:27:17] <pcw_home> I would not expect it to move without a lot of fussing with your hal file :-)
[22:27:22] <anonimasu> (I ran the servogreen before with the motors) but on low voltage
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[22:27:59] <anonimasu> yeah but the homing? before when I did it was _kicking_ it noticably
[22:28:39] <renesis> rab: go to close fusion, its like YOU HAS 1 DATA THING UPLOADING< QUIT ANYWAY? i had been using everything i uploaded, so yeah wtf
[22:28:43] -!- BitEvil_ has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
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[22:30:41] <anonimasu> like this it seems that it does not output anything to the motor(ie, no current going there)
[22:31:01] <pcw_home> almost guaranteed to he hal file related
[22:31:50] <anonimasu> mhm, and where do i start? I remember running this way back on bench, but I have no clue what to start with
[22:32:21] <anonimasu> 7 float OUT 0.03805 axis.0.motor-pos-cmd ==> emcmot.00.pos-cmd
[22:32:22] <anonimasu> 7 float IN -0.00535 axis.0.motor-pos-fb <== motor.00.pos-fb
[22:32:27] <anonimasu> (too low gain?)
[22:32:38] <renesis> jdh: one of my chans blew, im using my unused A channels as Y
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[22:33:40] <anonimasu> the pos(diff) is when i moved the axis by hand
[22:34:25] <pcw_home> you can always unlink and setp the current by hand
[22:34:52] <anonimasu> (how high does it go?)
[22:35:31] -!- f1oat has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[22:35:49] <pcw_home> I forget whether 1 is full scale or 1A
[22:36:19] <anonimasu> because then this would be 7A to the motor
[22:36:21] -!- ejb has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz…]
[22:39:31] <anonimasu> aha..
[22:39:42] <anonimasu> one of the drives are atelast not turning on due to the brakeon/off being weong
[22:39:49] <anonimasu> wrong
[22:40:51] <anonimasu> 11 u32 RO 0x000002EE hm2_5i23.0.8i20.0.0.nvmaxcurrent <- 750 (is that correct?)
[22:42:17] <pcw_home> Yes thats the default EEPROM setting (7.5A full scale)
[22:42:47] <pcw_home> I'll bet you ran this with 2.5 earlier
[22:43:01] <pcw_home> 2.6 has some changes in the 8I20 stuff
[22:43:52] <Tom_itx> how do you link a page to the wiki menu?
[22:44:13] <pcw_home> notably these params:
[22:44:13] <Tom_itx> not quite ready to do that but close...
[22:44:15] <pcw_home> hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-maxlim
[22:44:16] <pcw_home> hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-minlim
[22:44:18] <pcw_home> hm2_5i25.0.8i20.0.1.current-scalemax
[22:45:20] * anonimasu nods
[22:45:37] <anonimasu> they are set to 7.5, -7.5 and 7.5
[22:45:56] <anonimasu> that would mean that the value 1 means full current
[22:48:16] <anonimasu> I wonder where to start looking now :S
[22:49:01] <pcw_home> Nope that would mean full current would be 7.5
[22:50:36] -!- ejb has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz…]
[22:50:53] <anonimasu> previously was 1 full out?
[22:51:07] <pcw_home> yep
[22:51:14] <anonimasu> then there we have it :D
[22:51:54] <anonimasu> I guess because before(2.5 they jogged fine)
[22:51:57] <anonimasu> (Q pcw_home
[22:52:00] <pcw_home> so now if you set the EEPROM FS current to 30 A the default scalemax will be set for 30A
[22:53:01] <anonimasu> another question before bedtime can i somehow reset/update the 8i20's so I get the default everything
[22:53:31] <pcw_home> I think we have a script for that
[22:54:03] <pcw_home> maybe it can be modified to work with setserial on linux
[22:54:21] <pcw_home> setsserial I mean
[22:54:51] <anonimasu> (I can run it on windows) not a problem either)
[22:55:50] <pcw_home> i can probably port it to setsserial
[22:56:04] <pcw_home> (well just move the constants)
[22:56:22] <anonimasu> that would be perfeft(or I can simply copy them from the other drtive)
[22:57:16] <anonimasu> bedtime for now, i'll see tomorrow how this works.
[22:57:20] <anonimasu> thanks for the help!
[22:57:40] <pcw_home> 'nite
[22:59:29] -!- Valen [[email protected]] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:03:36] -!- BitEvil_ has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[23:03:48] <kengu> this type of machine appeared at workshop,
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[23:34:31] <renesis> heh fuck
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[23:34:49] <jfigie> away
[23:34:56] <renesis> ikind of faked the stock dims and now it is easting into one of the two SHCS im using to hold the acrylic
[23:34:56] -!- SpeedEvil [SpeedEvil!~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil] has joined #linuxcnc
[23:35:05] <renesis> *eating
[23:35:12] <renesis> wonder how this will end
[23:35:52] <renesis> heh i had to pause and feed override to keep it from rapid plunging like half an inch
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[23:39:11] <renesis> neat its just the edge of the screw head
[23:41:16] -!- jfigie has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
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[23:42:25] <renesis> 1/4" to go!
[23:43:21] <Tom_itx> jthornton you around?
[23:46:51] <Tom_itx> jepler?
[23:47:36] -!- atom1 [atom1!~tom@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #linuxcnc