#leaflet | Logs for 2012-12-08

[00:00:01] -!- logger[mah] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[00:22:03] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
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[00:53:04] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[00:53:11] -!- racycle [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[00:57:17] -!- ybon has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
[01:01:16] -!- asdfasd has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:01:34] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[01:26:57] -!- zzolo [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[01:27:27] -!- gene77 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[01:36:45] -!- Brandonian [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[01:38:24] -!- micges has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:43:04] -!- Brandonian has quit [Quit: Brandonian]
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[03:26:57] -!- kmiyashiro [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[04:19:32] -!- dhoovie has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[05:56:10] zz_satyag is now known as satyag
[06:02:40] -!- Fox_Muldr has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[06:04:45] -!- Keknom has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[06:13:31] satyag is now known as zz_satyag
[06:42:13] -!- jpk [jpk!~jpk@unaffiliated/vorondil] has joined #leaflet
[07:06:13] -!- kwallace has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[09:22:43] -!- ybon [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
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[13:12:34] -!- beawesomeinstead [beawesomeinstead!uid1643@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kudzpyaawszltnzm] has joined #leaflet
[13:15:43] zz_satyag is now known as satyag
[13:40:49] -!- Simooon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[14:39:59] satyag is now known as zz_satyag
[14:53:04] -!- popeye [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[14:53:34] <popeye> Hello
[14:55:09] <popeye> Im trying to use a WMS in leaflet without success
[14:55:14] <popeye> http://inspire_tester.neogeo-online.net/?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fgeoserver.webservice-energy.org%2Fgeoserver%2Feuropa%2Fwms&use_cached_cap=1
[14:55:21] <popeye> it seems to be ok
[14:55:53] <popeye> can anyone help me troubleshout my issue ?
[14:57:16] <popeye> var insolation = L.tileLayer.wms("http://geoserver.webservice-energy.org/geoserver/europa/wms", { srs: 'EPSG:4326', layers: 'europa:hc3map_monthly_avg_dni', format: 'image/gif', transparent: true, attribution: "MINES ParisTech" });
[14:57:45] <popeye> the server say : Error occurred decoding the espg code EPSG:3857
[14:58:31] <popeye> is this the good way to ask for EPSG:4326 ?
[15:03:11] <popeye> with firebug i can see that leaflet generate request like this : http://geoserver.webservice-energy.org/geoserver/europa/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&layers=europa:hc3map_monthly_avg_dni&styles=&format=image/gif&transparent=true&height=256&width=256&srs=EPSG:3857&bbox=523440.76969688694,5953527.259075808,528332.7395071381,5958419.228886058
[15:03:43] <popeye> so it change the epsg
[15:04:14] <popeye> is that a bug ?
[15:11:58] * popeye always having problems when nobody around ^^
[15:17:30] -!- ybon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:22:42] -!- ybon [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[15:58:12] <popeye> are the layers all in epsg:4326 to achieve this ?
[16:36:30] -!- kmiyashiro [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[16:38:55] -!- skunkworks has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[16:58:42] -!- hewball has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:11:56] -!- _bwg_ [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[17:19:42] -!- yuvipanda [yuvipanda!~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has joined #leaflet
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[18:17:01] -!- IchGuckLive has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 16.0.2/20121025205401]]
[18:25:36] -!- popeye [[email protected]] has parted #leaflet
[18:26:25] -!- mhaberler has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
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[19:25:19] -!- phillipadsmith has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:35:37] -!- racycle [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[19:55:53] -!- bartek_ [bartek_!uid5271@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bvoyrhavsxxjhmqt] has joined #leaflet
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[20:01:34] -!- mattswe [mattswe!uid4809@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jfcszjstdnexcxre] has joined #leaflet
[20:02:20] -!- zzolo [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[20:03:07] -!- beawesomeinstead [beawesomeinstead!uid1643@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aynafnwsjuseuikl] has joined #leaflet
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[21:05:17] -!- zettam [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[21:05:22] <zettam> Hello channel
[21:05:31] <zettam> I have a small problem with my leaflet integration
[21:05:44] <zettam> When I zoom out and zoom in quickly, everything stays doubled for a small time
[21:15:24] -!- phillipadsmith [phillipadsmith!uid2905@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vopjykivhintxzel] has joined #leaflet
[21:18:13] -!- jpk has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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[21:43:19] -!- toastydeath has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:45:09] -!- mhaberler has quit [Quit: mhaberler]
[22:17:02] -!- DJ9DJ has quit [Quit: bye]
[22:24:31] -!- Tecan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[22:29:53] -!- schwinn434 has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
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[22:44:47] -!- motioncontrol has quit [Quit: Sto andando via]
[23:08:44] -!- p0g0 has quit [Quit: x]
[23:23:03] -!- joru [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[23:30:17] -!- racycle has quit [Quit: racycle]
[23:43:17] -!- ve7it has quit [Remote host closed the connection]