#leaflet | Logs for 2013-07-21

[11:32:14] -!- logger[psha] [logger[psha][email protected]] has joined #leaflet
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[13:45:12] -!- Wildhoney [Wildhoney!Wildhoney@cpc8-stap12-2-0-cust657.12-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #leaflet
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[14:32:16] -!- dureiken [dureiken!5d0ae07f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #leaflet
[14:33:02] <dureiken> Hi there, can somone tell me if I can with Leaflet make a world map with a custom image file ? not gmap earth for example
[14:37:06] <skorasaurus> dureiken: well, yes, you can use different 'images' in the background.
[14:37:30] <skorasaurus> although those images are actually multiple images that are stitched together,
[14:37:37] <skorasaurus> and that is called a layer.
[14:37:41] -!- sparr [sparr!~sparr@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr] has joined #leaflet
[14:38:25] <dureiken> I just want to do a map like this one : http://dayzdb.com/map/taviana
[14:38:44] <dureiken> with my own png, and friends and I can add markers on it
[14:41:43] <dureiken> is that possible ?
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[14:45:30] <dureiken_> sorry FF crashed :(
[14:45:44] <dureiken_> didnt see your answer
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[14:57:05] <dureiken_> some here ? :)
[14:57:07] <dureiken_> someone*
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[14:58:55] <skorasaurus> dureiken_: that is already using leaflet.
[14:59:02] <skorasaurus> :)
[14:59:09] <skorasaurus> you have one png file ?
[14:59:09] <dureiken_> hum ??
[14:59:13] <dureiken_> yes
[14:59:15] <dureiken_> one big map
[14:59:24] <skorasaurus> hmm, I don't think so with leaflet.
[14:59:25] <dureiken_> I'm reading tutorial but dont understand
[14:59:39] <skorasaurus> with http://dayzdb.com/map/taviana
[14:59:47] <dureiken_> !var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); has to be add in .js file ?
[15:00:01] <skorasaurus> not necessarily.
[15:00:02] <dureiken_> I can subdivide in many png
[15:00:12] <skorasaurus> it can be within your .html file.
[15:00:32] <skorasaurus> you just have to insert it as a script.
[15:01:04] <dureiken_> hum
[15:01:24] <dureiken_> could you sent me a example ?? I really dont understant quick start guide
[15:01:39] <dureiken_> (I'm a noob in html and java but I want to discover ! )
[15:02:02] <dureiken_> I found leafleet here : http://gw2cartographers.com/
[15:02:07] <skorasaurus> java and javascript are two different languages.
[15:02:12] <dureiken_> so I supposed its possible to do what I want
[15:02:22] <skorasaurus> as an example, see: http://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start-example.html
[15:02:34] <dureiken_> yes I'm looking at it
[15:02:43] <dureiken_> but dont achieve to do quick start guid
[15:03:02] <skorasaurus> well your http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707/997/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
[15:03:14] <skorasaurus> that is not just one PNG file, but many of them.
[15:03:46] <dureiken_> and If I have only one I cant use it ?
[15:04:51] <skorasaurus> there are many images, each is loaded depending on the longitude and latitude
[15:05:14] <skorasaurus> dureiken_: I know that can be done with some libraries, I don't know for leaflet.
[15:05:25] <skorasaurus> but likely not.
[15:05:31] <dureiken_> which library you know ?
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[19:49:50] -!- hany [[email protected]] has joined #leaflet
[19:51:25] <hany> Hi. I'm getting some problems with 0.6.3 and master. Both my browser (chrome) and Mobile Device (Android 4) hangs (CPU high). I'm using L_DISABLE_3D
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[20:42:10] <hany> Hi. Finally solved freeze in 0.6.3 by recovering getMaxZoom and getMinZoom from 0.6.2
[20:44:46] <hany> still unable to solve https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/issues/1387
[20:45:41] <hany> except by disabling touchZoom
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