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[05:48:30] <gvg22> ahoy. I am trying to display a tile-cache generated using ArcGIS in Leaflet. All the examples have to do with showing stuff from ArcGIS Online which is not what I'm trying to do. Does anyone know how I can display ArcGIS tilecache in Leaflet?
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[06:37:21] <prologic> Does anyone here know of a way to calculate an appropriate simplify tolerance for simplifying GeoJSOn features being given to Leaflet based on current extent and zoom?
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[09:37:03] <Komzzzpa> prologic: wait a second
[09:38:27] <Komzzzpa> prologic: - assuming your feature is in spherical mercator in db
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[10:23:07] <prologic> Komzzzpa, you have my intriged. wondering how I can borrow from your code in some sane way. Basically I have a simple python wsgi app serving up shapefiles as geojson anda a leaflet client-side map. ideally I'd like to somplify the geometries server-side and only send to leaflet geometries with as much detail as makes sense for the current zoom/extent
[10:23:12] <prologic> make sense?
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[10:26:22] <Komzzzpa> prologic: oh
[10:27:05] <Komzzzpa> prologic: have a look at
[10:27:30] <Komzzzpa> prologic: and you definitely would like to look at postgis (or, at least, Shapely)
[10:28:07] <prologic> I am in fact using shapely
[10:28:20] <prologic> I know I can use .simplify()
[10:28:29] <prologic> but how to work out a sensible tolerance
[10:30:06] <Komzzzpa> prologic: convert geometry to EPSG:3857 first, that's projection that linearly scales to leaflet pixels
[10:30:18] <Komzzzpa> prologic: and have a look at formula above
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[10:30:37] <prologic> hold on
[10:30:53] <prologic>
[10:30:58] <prologic> I've already been working on this osmewhat
[10:31:06] <prologic> but haven't quite got the simplifcation down pat yet
[10:32:12] <prologic>
[10:32:15] <prologic> better shows what I've done
[10:32:40] <Komzzzpa> well, algo is: 1) convert to EPSG:3857 2) make simplification for 0.5px with .simplify(pixel_size_at_zoom(0.5)) 3) convert to EPSG:4326 4) serialize/show
[10:34:13] <prologic> ahh ic
[10:34:19] <prologic> let me try this :)
[10:34:28] <prologic> and thank you for helping sort the middle out in my head :)
[10:35:02] <Komzzzpa> prologic: and .simplify() isn't the silver bullet, have a look at json_getter magics, maybe you'll want to incorporate som,e of them
[10:35:35] <prologic> *nods*
[10:36:06] <Komzzzpa> for polygons, buffer(10px).simplify(3px).buffer(-10px) might be a lot better
[10:36:37] <Komzzzpa> for adjacent polygons, whole other ideas are needed :3
[10:36:41] <prologic> oh? can you explain how that works?
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[10:38:02] <Komzzzpa> it makes polygon larger, removing small islands on the boundary
[10:38:21] <Komzzzpa> and then shrinks it back
[10:38:29] <prologic> ahh
[10:40:07] <prologic> hrmm
[10:40:08] <prologic>
[10:40:19] <prologic> this doesn't make the geometry significantly smaller at all
[10:40:24] <prologic> well not by much
[10:41:51] <prologic> >>> len(dumps(mapping(g2.buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10)).simplify(pixel_size_at_zoom(3)).buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(-10)))))
[10:41:51] <prologic> 22963
[10:42:00] <prologic> buffer/simplify/buffer does though
[10:42:03] <prologic> but it's really slow
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[10:57:11] <Komzzzpa> prologic: mew, function pixel_size_at_zoom accepts zoom as argument, recheck your code
[10:58:47] <Komzzzpa> prologic: it should be like len(dumps(mapping(g2.buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 10)).simplify(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 3)).buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, -10)))))
[10:59:25] <prologic> ahh
[10:59:51] <prologic> what's the 2nd parameter?
[10:59:55] <prologic> pixel tolerance?
[11:00:22] <Komzzzpa> number of pixels, not to write 5*pixel_size_at_zoom(10)
[11:00:44] <Komzzzpa> depends on your taste, defaults to 1
[11:01:04] <prologic> hmm
[11:02:36] <prologic>
[11:02:38] <prologic> like this?
[11:10:08] <Komzzzpa> prologic: yes
[11:10:28] <Komzzzpa> prologic: should result in ~13px inaccurate geometry
[11:11:14] <Komzzzpa> (~13px worst case, ~3px average)
[11:11:15] <prologic> going to try and plot these with matplotlib
[11:11:18] <prologic> see what they look like
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[11:19:27] <prologic> size(g1): 164255
[11:19:27] <prologic> size(g4): 324
[11:19:39] <prologic> your 2nd method of buffer/simplify/buffer is a) slow and b) simplifies too much
[11:20:13] <prologic> and doing .simplify(pixels_at_zoom(3, 0.)) doens't simplify it by much at all
[11:20:18] <prologic> man I have no idea :)
[11:20:34] <prologic>
[11:21:38] <Komzzzpa> prologic: method is good, play with parameters on your dataset
[11:22:10] <Komzzzpa> prologic: try for instance len(dumps(mapping(g2.buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 1)).simplify(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 0.6)).buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, -1)))))
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[11:22:30] <Komzzzpa> prologic: and yes, good generalization is always slow, unfortunately
[11:22:49] <prologic> hmm
[11:23:01] <prologic> this kind of slow would not be great for a web app though?
[11:23:57] <Komzzzpa> have you heard of caching? :)
[11:24:42] <prologic> wow
[11:24:44] <prologic> len(dumps(mapping(g2.buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 1)).simplify(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, 0.6)).buffer(pixel_size_at_zoom(10, -1)))))
[11:24:48] <prologic> makes the geometry wel weird
[11:24:56] <prologic> it almost flips it
[11:25:03] <Komzzzpa> eww.
[11:25:06] <prologic> obviously I can cache :)
[11:25:11] <prologic> but just trying to nut this out first
[11:25:28] * prologic rules uot your last suggestion
[11:25:31] <prologic> completely ruins the geometry :)
[11:25:43] <prologic> the 2nd method seems to simplify a lot
[11:25:46] <prologic> but a little too much
[11:25:49] <prologic> I'll play with the params
[11:26:14] <prologic> Q: is there any sensible way to do this based on zoom/extent on the leaflet map?
[11:26:20] <prologic> without hard coding params?
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[11:28:47] <Komzzzpa> prologic: pixel_size_at_zoom is the function that binds hardcoded distance to changeable viewer's zoom level
[11:28:59] <Komzzzpa> prologic: you need it, or its adaptation.
[11:30:18] <prologic> hmm
[11:30:21] * prologic plays some more
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[12:37:07] <prologic> hmm
[12:37:18] <prologic> I'm not having much luck here
[12:41:19] <prologic>
[12:41:19] <prologic> hmm
[12:41:22] <prologic> this isn't too bad
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[17:02:31] <tommmied> Is there a way to get the id of a marker that was clicked?
[17:08:40] <tmcw> the Leaflet id or?
[17:09:03] <tmcw> the layer clicked is in the event object when you bind to a click, and then you can just use Leaflet's id function to get it
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[17:49:55] <tommmied> tmcw: The id of the marker
[17:50:07] <tmcw> you need to be more specific
[17:50:14] <tommmied> I extended the options of the marker to include an id
[17:50:56] <tommmied> when I click on the marker I would like to extract that id from the event
[17:51:24] <tmcw>
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[17:58:54] <tommmied> hmm ok, thanks
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[18:09:20] <tommmied> tmcw: so each marker is its own layer ?
[18:09:27] <tmcw> yes
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[19:53:42] <harmonia> Hello, I'm having trouble triggering draw:deleted when I'm deleting a polyline
[19:53:51] <harmonia> anyone else experience this issue
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